Tincture for alcohol from cherries. Cherry tincture on vodka is the best addition to your holiday table

Cherry tincture - delicious and healthy drink which is not hard to do on your own. But for starters, it would be interesting to know how cherry and its leaves are useful, what substances that a person needs, they contain.

The chemical composition of cherries

Cherry berries contain anthocyanins, sugar, proteins, pectins, colorants, carbohydrates, vitamins A, C, E, P, PP, H, B vitamins.

Macroelements - potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sulfur, chlorine, sodium.

Trace elements - iron, zinc, copper, chromium, iodine, manganese, fluorine, molybdenum, boron, vanadium, cobalt, nickel, rubidium.

Organic acids - citric, malic, quinic, shikimic, acetic, formic, aconitic, lactic, succinic, chlorogenic, isochlorogenic, neochlorogenic.

The bones contain the glycoside amygdalin, fatty oil, essential oil. The glycoside amygdalin is able to produce hydrocyanic acid in the stomach, which is very poisonous, so it is better to remove the seeds from the berries. Hydrocyanic acid begins to form in the bones canned berries cherries for the second year of storage - do not forget about it.

Cherry leaves contain the same vitamins, micro- and macroelements as in fruits, only in smaller quantities. Most useful substances are in young cherry leaves, so it is better to harvest them for the winter in May or June.

Cherry tincture recipes

Now that it has become clear to us what useful substances cherry tincture will have, you can start making it. We offer you recipes that will help you in this matter.

Recipe 1.

Cherry tincture from fresh berries. Actually, the berries can be taken and dried, and frozen and slightly dried. Dried and dried cherries are better to insist on vodka, fresh - on alcohol. The fact is that there is a lot of juice and moisture in fresh berries, which will affect the strength of the tincture, how the drink will turn out - depends on the feedstock.

So, to make homemade tincture, take 1.5 kg of cherries, 0.7 liters of vodka or alcohol, 0.5 kg of sugar. Mix all the ingredients in a large glass jar, close with a tight lid, infuse in a dark place with room temperature 30 days. Shake the contents of the jar every 2-3 days.

In a month, the cherry tincture on vodka will be ready, it will need to be filtered, bottled, used as a dessert alcohol or medicinal preparation.

Recipe 2.

Pitted cherry tincture. To prepare it, you will need 1 kg of cherry berries, 3 kg of sugar, 1 liter of vodka.

Rinse the berries, remove the seeds from them, pour them into a large glass jar, pour sugar, mix, leave for 3-4 hours so that the cherry starts to juice. Then add vodka or alcohol, tightly close the lid and put the jar in a warm, dark place for 2-3 weeks.

Then strain through cheesecloth several times so that the cherry tincture becomes transparent, and pour into bottles. The shelf life of cherry tincture is 3 years.

Recipe 3.

Cherry tincture on vodka with cherry leaves. To make this tincture you will need:

  • 50 pieces of berries;
  • 200 pieces of leaves;
  • 1.5 kg of sugar;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 1 liter of vodka;
  • 1.5 tsp citric acid.

Rinse the leaves and berries, it is not necessary to remove the seeds. Then fill the leaves and berries with water and boil for 15 minutes, strain. From the resulting broth, sugar and citric acid, make a syrup and boil it for 10 minutes.

When the syrup has cooled, mix it with vodka and pour into bottles or decanters. Cherry tincture will become more fragrant if you put a few fresh leaves in it.

Recipe 4.

Alcoholic tincture of cherry pits with the taste of Amaretto liqueur. Bones removed from cherries intended for jam do not need to be thrown away; tincture can also be made from them. fill three liter jar bones by a third, pour in 2 liters of vodka. Close the jar with a tight lid and store in a dark place for 2 months.

When the tincture is ready, boil the syrup from sugar and water. Strain the tincture and mix with syrup. homemade liqueur Amaretto is ready!

Recipe 5.

A decoction of cherry sprigs against breast cancer. 10 small fresh cherry branches that appeared on the tree this year need to be poured with two liters goat milk and simmer it on low heat for 6 hours. Then strain and take 100 ml three times a day between meals. You need to drink a decoction for 70 days without a break.

Recipe 6.

Cherry branch tea. Put 4-5 young cherry branches in a teapot and pour boiling water over it. Let it brew for 30 minutes, use it to treat and prevent colds, as a diuretic and antipyretic.

Recipe 7.

Alcoholic tincture of cherry branches. To make this drink, put a bunch of cherry sprigs in a liter jar, and fill with vodka or alcohol to the brim. Keep the jar in a warm place for 1 month, then strain and pour into another bowl. Cherry sprig tincture can be taken in winter as an anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, 20-30 drops three times a day before meals.

Recipe 8.

Cherry berry filling. To prepare it, you will need sugar, vodka, cherries. There should be enough berries to fill a liter jar almost completely, not reaching the edge of 5-6 cm.

The berries need to be washed, pierced with a pin, put in a jar in layers, sprinkling them with sugar. A liter jar will need only 5-6 tablespoons of sugar. Thanks to sugar, the liqueur will turn out sweet.

Then the jar is filled to the brim quality vodka or alcohol 50%. The jar must be closed tightly with a lid, and put in a dark place, from time to time the container must be shaken so that the sugar dissolves.

After a month, the liqueur should be separated from the berries, strained and consumed as directed.

Recipe 9.

Cherry liqueur without vodka and pitted. To prepare the liqueur, take 2 kg of cherries, 800 grams of sugar, 250 ml of water.

Remove pits from cherries. At the bottom of a three-liter jar, pour 200 grams of sugar and pitted berries in layers, sprinkling them with sugar. Pour the berries and sugar with water so that 5-6 cm are left to the brim - this space is necessary for gas and foam that will be released during the fermentation process.

Close the neck of the jar with a medical rubber glove by making a hole in one of the fingers. Tie the glove with a strong thread.

Place the container with the liqueur in a warm, sunny place. When the glove rises, separate the berries from the liqueur, strain and pour into another bowl. The liqueur will turn out even tastier if you do not drink it immediately, but let it stand in the refrigerator for 1 month.

Recipe 10.

Cherry tincture on vodka with spices. Take 2 kg of well-ripe cherries, 1 liter of vodka, 300 grams of sugar, 2 cinnamon sticks, 8 cloves, 0.5 tsp. ground nutmeg, 0.5 tsp coriander.

Berries need to be pierced with a pin and put into a large glass jar, sprinkled with sugar and spices, pour vodka. If you close the jar with a tight lid, the tincture of cherries on vodka will turn out strong, if you tie it with gauze, the strength will be less.

Place the container with tincture on the windowsill for 2 months. Shake the jar every 3-4 days. When the drink is ready - strain it and pour into tightly closed bottles, store in the refrigerator.

Recipe 11.

Cherry and currant tincture. Take 1 glass of cherries and currants, 200 grams of sugar, 1 liter of alcohol. Mix the berries with sugar in a glass jar and fill with alcohol. Place the container in a warm place for 1.5 months, shaking its contents from time to time. When the cherry and currant tincture is ready, strain it and store in a cool place.

Useful properties and contraindications of tincture

Cherry tincture with alcohol is a unique drink, it increases hemoglobin, improves blood formula, strengthens nervous system, is a prophylactic against many blood diseases.

Cherry low-calorie product, besides, it burns fats, therefore, tincture of cherries on alcohol helps in the fight against excess weight.

Cherry tincture from vodka has bactericidal properties, reduces fever and arterial pressure, has an expectorant effect, normalizes metabolic processes.

Alcohol tincture with cherries gives good results for internal use in arthritis, gout, rheumatism.

Cherry tincture removes excess fluid from the body, relieves swelling associated with heart and kidney diseases.

However, cherry tincture also has contraindications. It is not advisable to use it for gastritis with hyperacidity and stomach ulcers, cherry juice adversely affects tooth enamel. Cherry alcohol tinctures, as well as other preparations containing alcohol, should not be used by pregnant and lactating women, children under 16 years of age.

The windows of modern stores are full of a wide range of alcohol, but factory production can never be compared with a product prepared at home. After all, many manufacturers instead of expensive natural raw materials use cheap chemical substitutes: flavors, dyes, flavor enhancers, low-quality alcohol. And a piece of soul is added to the hand-made cherry.

Cherry tincture or liqueur is different pleasant taste, beautiful saturated color, strength, which can be adjusted at will. Even using the same recipe, alcohol of different quality is obtained, the taste characteristics of which depend on many factors:

Weather conditions in a particular year, affecting the water content and sugar content of fruits;

A cherry variety that gives the drink its color, aroma, sweetness or acidity inherent in berries;

The use of organic or chemical fertilizers during the ripening of the crop;

The quality of drinking water used in the preparation of alcohol.

Cherry is divided into several types according to the method of preparation:

Traditional cherry tincture, which is made by infusing fruits with alcohol, moonshine, vodka, cognac and other strong alcoholic liquids;

Cherry low-alcohol liqueur is made under the conditions of natural fermentation of berries with the addition of sugar;

Kirschwasser - an old alcoholic drink made from a certain variety of sweet cherry or cherry;

Cherry vodka is a distilled product from mash.

Tincture of ripe cherries has medicinal qualities:

Strengthens the immune system, saturating the human body with a complex of vitamins contained in berries;

Improves metabolism, contributing to better absorption of food;

Increases appetite, affecting the quality of gastric juice;

Normalizes the level of hemoglobin.

The principle of making alcohol from cherry raw materials

The technology for making cherry tincture on vodka at home is quite simple:

Fruits with or without stones are poured with raw materials containing alcohol. The composition is placed in a cool place for maturation;

A varied taste of cherry tincture on vodka is given by a different ratio of the amount of berries, sugar, alcohol;

To improve the taste characteristics, you can add additional ingredients: vanillin, clove buds, cinnamon, other products;

Also, the quality of the cherry tincture with vodka is affected by the duration of the preparation of the drink;

A peculiar aftertaste appears when using various alcoholic liquids: moonshine, cognac, rum.

Folk recipes for tinctures can compete with grape and other fruits - berry drinks. The amazing taste of cherry alcohol attracts more and more connoisseurs every year.

Making alcohol from cherries

Cherry vodka is prepared at home according to the following recipe:

1. Whole berries with seeds need to be dried for fresh air, placing them with the holes from the cuttings up, until they wrinkle.

2. Fill the container with fruits by three quarters, adding alcohol-containing raw materials to the neck.

3. Cherries in vodka must be kept in cool conditions for a month, shaking the contents regularly.

4. Then drain the liquid and refill with the next portion of alcohol.

5. After 2 months, both alcohol infusions without berries should be combined.

6. Cherry tincture is considered ready when it has been stored for 6 months in a cool place.

If homemade cherries of a lower strength are required, then it is recommended to dilute the alcohol base with water, and not the resulting drink, in order to preserve the original taste and aroma. finished products. It is recommended to use spring water or specially purified water.

Cherry classic

Somebody think cherry pits poisonous due to hydrocyanic acid in the nucleoli. But with whole berries, cherry acquires a specific almond flavor, the aroma and flavor of which makes alcohol more attractive. Moreover, the bones are removed after a short infusion.

The classic recipe for making tincture with cherries on vodka:

For 1 three-liter jar you will need 1 kg of ripe fruits with seeds, 400 g of granulated sugar, alcoholic liquid sufficient to fill the container up to the shoulders;

The jar should be stored in the cellar or basement for 2 weeks;

When the time expires, the berries should be separated from the liquid, filling them with sugar in the amount of 300-400 grams;

After 2 weeks, drain the contents of the jar through a fine sieve or linen cloth, crushing the berries;

Cherry tincture acquires its original taste after 3-4 months of storage in a cool place.

Not only fresh berries can be used as raw materials. Dried or frozen products are successfully used to prepare delicious alcoholic preparations. dried berries it is recommended to fill with clean water for swelling. In this case, do not use tap or boiled water. The best option- spring, thawed.

The frozen product should be thawed at room temperature, washed, dried and used for its intended purpose.

Whole cherries can be used to decorate cakes, cocktails, the alcohol flavor of which will add originality and charm to the dessert.

An easy recipe for making vodka cherries:

Pour a liter jar of berries, and the same amount of granulated sugar, without stirring, into a 3-liter jar;

Pour good alcohol on the shoulders;

Cork hermetically with an iron lid;

Cherry tincture is ready in 3-4 months.

The natural aroma and taste of ripe cherries is the main advantage alcoholic drink, the strength of which is 30–35°. If a milder flavor is desired, a lower strength base is recommended.

Methods for preparing a drink with spices

A spicy recipe for how to make a quality cherry drink on vodka:

Fill a 3-liter container with layers of berries with sugar - a little more than half of the container, using no more than 400 grams of sugar;

Leave the mixture to ferment in a warm place;

A week later, when clear signs of rapid fermentation appear, cherry fruits should be poured with good alcohol, without adding a little to the neck of the container;

Add spices to the cherry on vodka - 4-10 buds of a whole clove, half a cinnamon stick. You can make a wormwood color at the tip of a knife;

Pour the tincture of cherries and vodka into glass bottles, place them in the cellar for 3-4 months.

By changing the amount of spices, adding or reducing their amount, fundamentally new recipes are made. useful tinctures which can be used in medicinal purposes, taking 20 ml three times a day.

Cherry tincture using the original set of spices is made strong or

weaker alcohol content:

It is necessary to prepare 2 kg of ripe berries, wash them thoroughly and dry them. Prick each cherry with a toothpick or a pointed match so that the juice drains better;

Pour the fruits into a container with a wide mouth, sprinkling layers of berries with sugar and spices: half a teaspoon ground cinnamon, coriander, star anise, nutmeg; a full teaspoon of chopped cloves;

Sugar should be taken 300 grams, preferably yellow;

Add 1 liter of alcohol;

When using a capron lid, the tincture of cherries and vodka will turn out to be quite strong. If the neck is simply covered with gauze, then it will delicious option low-alcohol "ladies" liquor.

The amount and content of spices can be varied, each time getting perfectly new recipe delicious infusion.

You can improve any liqueur recipe by adding young cherry leaves to the contents. The aroma will become more intense, reminiscent of summer.

Traditional cherry tincture is served on chilled vodka.

Kirschwasser preparation technology

Extremely popular recipe cherries in vodka, which is made in Western European countries - Germany, Switzerland, France, Austria - is called kirschwasser. The old way The preparation of this delicious liqueur has been passed down from generation to generation. Secret original taste is to use cherry berries or sweet cherries of a certain taste and color: for the preparation of the drink, sweet fruits of a very dark color with a small stone are selected.

Kirschwasser is made from carefully selected ripe ingredients, which are ground into a homogeneous mixture, leaving the bones intact. Distributed by wooden barrels from wood that does not give a specific aroma, foreign taste, the mixture ferments for 3-4 weeks. The barrels are regularly opened to mix the raw materials thoroughly. When the wort is ready, it is distilled like ordinary moonshine at home. If you are not satisfied with the smell or taste, you can overtake the product a second time. In this case, you should not take the first and last portion of moonshine in order to get rid of the presence of fusel oils.

Strained kirschwasser is poured into glass or earthenware containers for further infusion, which lasts from several months to a year. Not all producers of cherries in vodka try to withstand high strength. Some appreciate Kirschwasser for its unique taste, pleasant aroma. The drink often serves as the basis for various cocktails.

Taking advantage folk recipes, many of which have been tested for centuries, you can turn the production of alcohol into a real art, and please your friends and loved ones for more than one year amazing taste home tincture. Through experiments, using personal imagination, new original recipes are created.

Cherry fragrant liqueur on alcohol - this is perhaps one of the most beloved and ancient recipes, it used to be called old Russian.

The rich cherry taste of the tincture, pleasant aroma, bright color - all this made this drink simply indispensable for the holidays and on weekdays. It is not surprising that even today it has not lost its relevance. If you have a successful harvest, try to prepare such a drink with us. You will find several liqueur recipes for every taste.

The popularity of this recipe lies in the fact that the result is a very fragrant tasty liqueur that will brighten up cold winter evenings and also help to remember the warm summer. So, to prepare this tincture, we need:

  • about 1 kilogram of berries;
  • sugar - 300 grams;
  • one and a half liters of alcohol.

Of course, if you do not need such a large volume of drink, you can take less cherries and, accordingly, alcohol, while maintaining the proportion.

Be prepared, tincture of ripe cherries for alcohol according to this recipe takes quite a long time. This liqueur recipe takes three steps and takes 6 weeks to prepare. Let's get started!

First stage

We have collected cherries, now we need:

  • rinse it thoroughly;
  • free from the stalks and sort out so that the spoiled berry does not get into the future liquor;
  • we leave the bones, respectively, they will give an additional pleasant aroma;
  • we pour our berries into a three-liter jar, it should take up to about half the volume;
  • then fill it with alcohol, not reaching the neck;
  • close the lid and put for two weeks in a cool dark place;

During this time, the mixture can be stirred periodically. After two weeks, we move on to the second stage.

Second phase

  • now we pour all our resulting liquid into another jar;
  • We cover the cherries themselves with sugar and close the lid again.
  • if you like sweeter drinks, you can take a little more sugar;
  • we remove the jars in a cool place for another two weeks;
  • in the same way, at this time, we periodically shake the contents in the vessels.

Now it's time for the third stage of preparing the liqueur according to our recipe.

Third stage

Of course, the liqueur turned out to be very strong, so we need to fix it with water. For this:

  • pour clean prepared water into a jar with, as far as its volume allows;
  • close and leave for another two weeks;
  • after 2 weeks, pour this water into a jar of liqueur.

Voila - the cherry is ready. But remember that the most delicious liqueur is the one that has stood. Time for drinks is only good.

Recipe 2

This recipe is prepared with both vodka and diluted alcohol. Pure alcohol is not recommended to be added, since the drink is not filtered and it turns out to be very strong. As in the first recipe, the preparation of the liqueur should begin with the selection of berries.

  • cherries must be thoroughly washed;
  • sort and chop into small halves of toothpicks;
  • you need to fill the berries in a bottle or a bottle with a wide neck, so that later it would be convenient to get the cherry;
  • sprinkle the contents with sugar in layers;
  • take about 4-5 tablespoons of sugar per liter, it turns out a moderately sweet liqueur, but also a little sour;
  • after that, fill the contents of the jar with diluted alcohol and put in a cool place for two weeks;
  • since sugar is poorly soluble, the mixture can be shaken periodically;
  • during this time, the berries will already give up their color and taste, and the tincture will get a bright red tint.

After two months, the berries must be removed from the container (using toothpicks, this is easy to do) so that the acid from the seeds does not interrupt the sweet aroma of the liquor. Now we close everything tightly again and remove the tincture until we need it. The taste is very pleasant, delicate and festive. Before serving, be sure to chill the cherry.

Recipe 3

This is the easiest recipe for making a potion from this berry. Cherry tincture is prepared with alcohol without added sugar. This recipe has only two ingredients: berries and alcohol, but the result is a fragrant cherry liqueur. A lot of skill is not needed here, it is only important to choose the right proportion and wait.

So for this:

  • we take 2 kilograms of ripe and juicy berries;
  • my, sort out;
  • we fall asleep in a three-liter jar to the very top and fill it with good ethyl alcohol(this volume will take about a liter);
  • close the lid, do not add anything else;
  • after 40 days you can try the liquor.

As you can see, the recipe is extremely simple. The tincture, in which the cherry is infused with alcohol without sugar and water, is quite strong. The fortress of such a cherry liqueur is approximately 32 degrees. Before use, of course, the berries must be pulled out. But do not throw it away, firstly, you can add it to the pie " drunken cherry”, and, secondly, re-fill with clean water and get another portion of a light refreshing drink.

Video "Recipe for alcoholic cherries"

In the video you will get acquainted with the recipe for making cherries, which are used in confectionery.

For the recipe for cherry tincture for alcohol, you can take not only fresh, but also frozen berries. This will not affect the taste and aroma of the finished drink.

Before cooking alcohol tincture on a cherry, the collected cherries should be sorted out, leaves and steps removed, rinsed well and poured into a convenient large glass jar.

Do not take out the bones. According to this recipe, cherry tincture for alcohol turns out to be very fragrant and has a rich taste of fresh berries, precisely due to the subtle smell of seeds.

Pour berries on top food alcohol- about to the shoulders of the can.

close tightly nylon cover and put in a cool place.

Cherry tincture for alcohol will be ready in 6 weeks. The whole process of its preparation can be divided into three main phases: infusion, adding sugar, ripening. Each lasts approximately 13-14 days.

When the berry infusion acquires a pleasant cherry color, it will need to be carefully poured into another jar.

Strain the drink through a strainer or several layers of gauze.

Leave the cherries in the same jar where the first infusion was prepared, cover them with sugar and put in a cool place to get the syrup.

Close the drained liquid with a lid and refrigerate. When the sugar dissolves well, add some water to this jar. After two weeks, strain the liquid and mix with the first alcohol infusion. Leave the drink to mature in a cool place, well protected from sunlight, otherwise the tincture will lose its bright unique color.

Pour the finished tincture into convenient jars or bottles, let it rest for a day and you can try. If the drink turned out to be very strong, it can be diluted with clean filtered water. After dilution, let the tincture stand for several days so that the liquid absorbs all the berry flavor.

Alcohol tincture on cherries can be prepared on vodka, and even on homemade moonshine. However, in this case, it will be necessary to take the alcohol base only good quality. If you use moonshine, then before preparing the tincture, the moonshine will need to be distilled twice and cleaned well. If you use vodka, then it should be purchased only in a specialized store, in the same place as food alcohol.

A simple recipe for tincture of cherries in alcohol can also be used to prepare a richer and sweeter drink - liquor. To do this, simply increase the amount of sugar and exposure time. Optimal time for infusion of liquor - 2-3 months.

Cherry tincture for alcohol can be drunk not only in pure form, but also use it for making desserts and various alcoholic cocktails.

Homemade tinctures are prepared exclusively from natural ingredients, therefore, in taste and quality, they are far ahead of similar store-bought drinks. Cherry tincture (or liqueur) has a pleasant aroma, rich color, and health benefits. The strength of homemade drinks can be adjusted at will.

The benefits of cherry tincture

Cherry contains a large number of vitamins, minerals, organic acids, fructose, coumarins (substances that reduce blood clotting), pectin. This berry is called a natural antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, expectorant medicine. All properties of the cherry are preserved in the tincture.

To cure or prevent many health problems, it is enough to drink 50 ml of cherry tincture on vodka daily on an empty stomach. This drink is recommended for:

  • fortifications immune system during colds;
  • improve metabolism;
  • increased appetite, increased production of gastric juice;
  • increase in hemoglobin;
  • elimination of long-term constipation;
  • strengthening the cardiovascular system;
  • thrombosis prevention.

The following tips will help you easily prepare a delicious and healthy cherry tincture at home.

  1. It is better to take fresh cherries for a drink. It should be ripe, juicy, sweet. If you need to make a tincture in winter time year or fresh berries not available, frozen will do. First, they must be thawed and allowed to drain the liquid.
  2. Cherry pits contain hydrocyanic acid, a poison for human body. However, for the preparation of liquor, you can use berries with seeds without fear: the possibility of poisoning is excluded. During the infusion of the drink, toxic substances do not have time to stand out in the liquid. In addition, it is thanks to the stone that the tincture acquires a noble, incomparable taste.
  3. Vodka, on the basis of which the tincture is prepared, must be of high quality. The taste and duration of storage of the finished drink will depend on the composition of alcohol. Burnt or low-quality vodka can nullify all the work.
  4. The drink must be prepared from spring or filtered water. You can use non-carbonated mineral.
  5. The taste of the tincture can be changed by varying the ratio of sugar, alcohol and berries. If you need a cherry liqueur of a lower strength, for example, for a woman, it is not the ready-made drink that should be diluted, but the alcohol base at the beginning of preparation. In this case, the rich aroma and taste of the product will be preserved.
  6. Most recipes for making cherry tincture use sugar, but you can make a drink without adding sugar. In this case, you need a cherry of the sweetest variety. The taste of such a liqueur will be more pronounced.
  7. If the jar of tincture is closed with a nylon lid, the drink will turn out to be stronger. To prepare a low-alcohol liqueur, which is more suitable for women, the neck should be tied with several layers of gauze or loose fabric.
  8. Home-made berry liqueur, such as cherry, plum, can be used not only as a drink, but also for baking and other desserts.


The traditional recipe for cherry liqueur on vodka requires a lot of time and several stages of preparation. Those who, for these reasons, do not dare to make such a drink on their own, will like simpler recipes.

Classic liqueur


  • 1.5 kg of cherries;
  • 700 ml of vodka;
  • 500 g sugar.

Cooking steps.

  1. The berries are dried in the sun for 2-4 days. To do this, they are laid out in a thin layer on a baking sheet, with the hole from the handle up. If the weather does not allow, you can use the oven. Cherries are kept in it for 5 hours at a temperature of 70 degrees. This stage allows you to remove excess moisture from the berries, so that the tincture will become stronger and richer.
  2. In a 3-liter jar, vodka, sugar and dried berries are combined.
  3. The jar is well closed with a lid and left in a dark place at normal temperature for a month. Shake the container thoroughly every 2 days.
  4. After 30 days, the tincture is filtered through a cotton-gauze filter, bottled, which are tightly corked.
  5. The tincture made in this way at home is stored in a cold room. Shelf life - 3 years.

Seedless tincture


  • 1 kg of cherries;
  • 1 liter of vodka;
  • 2.8 kg of sugar.

Cooking steps.

  1. The berries are washed, the bones are removed from them.
  2. The pulp of the cherry is placed in a jar, covered with sugar and left for 3 hours. During this time, juice comes out of the berries.
  3. Vodka is poured into the jar, closed with a lid, shaken thoroughly and cleaned in a warm place for 2 weeks.
  4. The finished tincture is filtered through gauze and cotton wool. To achieve perfect transparency of the drink, several filtrations can be carried out.
  5. Cherry drink is bottled and sealed. Store in the cold for no more than 3 years.

Cherry liqueur with spices


  • 2 kg cherries;
  • 1 liter of vodka;
  • 300 g of granulated sugar;
  • 3 g cinnamon powder;
  • 3 g coriander;
  • 3 g star anise;
  • 2 g of nutmeg;
  • 5 g ground cloves.

Cooking steps.

  1. The berries are washed and dried in the sun or near heating appliances for 2 days. Pierce each cherry with a toothpick so that the juice drains faster.
  2. Berries, sugar and spices are poured into a jar in layers. Add vodka. The contents of the container are well mixed by shaking thoroughly.
  3. The liqueur is infused in a warm place for 2 months.
  4. The resulting vodka drink on cherries are stored in a cold place for 3 years.

Easy tincture recipe


  • 400 g cherries;
  • 500 ml of vodka;
  • 100 g sugar.

Cooking steps.

  1. The berries are washed. The pits are taken out of 10 cherries, placed in a bag and crushed with a hammer or other heavy object.
  2. Vodka is poured into a liter jar, cherries and crushed bones are added there. It is the bones that will give the drink a tart original flavor.
  3. The jar is very well closed and placed in a darkened room for 3 months.
  4. After the specified period, the drink is poured into another container (jar or bottles) and sugar is added to it.
  5. The finished liqueur is stored in a tightly sealed container in a cold place for up to 3 years.

Pouring on berries and cherry leaves


  • 300 g cherries;
  • 150 g cherry tree leaves;
  • 1 liter of vodka;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 1.4 kg of sugar;
  • 8 g of citric acid.

Cooking steps.

  1. Berries and leaves are thoroughly washed, poured with water and boiled for 15 minutes. The resulting broth is filtered.
  2. Add to pure broth citric acid and sugar, cook over low heat for 10 minutes.
  3. 3-4 cherry leaves are placed in cool syrup for flavor, then combined with vodka. The drink is bottled and hermetically sealed.
  4. The liqueur is kept at home for 3 weeks. Ready drink filter through a cotton-gauze filter and store in the refrigerator. The shelf life of such a liqueur is no more than 2 years.

Cherry tincture or "cherry" is highly valued among homemade drinks that can be made with vodka. The berry smooths out the sharp vodka taste, making the liqueur tasty, fragrant and easy to drink. Due to the fact that the strength of the drink can be changed by selecting a certain amount of ingredients, it will be possible to prepare a drink for both men and women.