Adjika in the house conditions for the winter. Spicy adjika from tomato

As is known, real adjika came to us originally from Georgia itself, representing a thick and rather sharp mass. It is prepared from vegetables such as: Bell pepper and chili, with the addition of certain spices. But cooked in Russia, it bears little resemblance to the traditional one, because in its composition, the main ingredient is tomatoes.

Of course, everyone cooks it in their own way, including onions, carrots, walnuts, green apple, horseradish and so on. Personally, I love to cook this workpiece according to my grandmother's recipe, as well as because she is my favorite. Be sure to include fresh meaty tomatoes and sweet peppers, due to which raw adjika comes out very fragrant and tasty. Store it in the refrigerator in small jars. Of course, boiled adjika is also common with us, which, unlike raw, needs to be rolled into jars.

So, in today's article, we will consider recipes for homemade adjika, which turns out to be really very tasty and fragrant. Just take it, cook it and try it yourself! Well, if the topic of canning has already come up, then you will definitely like it!

Adjika, cooked without cooking, turns out to be quite hot and similar to pasta. This is a red-orange seasoning with salt, various herbs and garlic. In principle, it is not difficult to cook it, despite this, it can easily complement many dishes.


  • Tomatoes - 2 kg
  • Bulgarian pepper - 0.5 kg
  • chili pepper - 3 pcs
  • garlic - 5 heads
  • sugar - 1.5 cups
  • suneli hops - 1 tsp
  • vinegar 9% - 1/2 cup
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

First of all, wash all the vegetables in water. We remove the stalk from the bell pepper and chili, and leave the seeds, cut them into medium pieces together with the tomatoes. We also clean the garlic and grind all the chopped vegetables using a blender or meat grinder.

Now we shift the finished adjika into clean jars, close the lids and put it away to be stored in the refrigerator. This is a very easy way to cook adjika, without cooking.

How to cook adjika with horseradish at home

Properly prepared spicy appetizer, goes well with many side dishes. It is prepared from ingredients such as: tomatoes, horseradish and garlic. Its very easy to prepare.


  • Tomatoes - 2.5 kg
  • sweet pepper - 1 kg
  • chili pepper - 3 pcs
  • horseradish root - 4 pcs
  • garlic - 3 heads
  • vinegar - 1.5 tbsp. l
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

Wash all vegetables in running water. We remove the stalk from sweet pepper and chili, leave the seeds, they do not need to be removed. We twist in a meat grinder: tomatoes, sweet and chili peppers, peeled garlic and horseradish.

Then add vinegar, vegetable oil, sugar, salt to taste to the twisted mass and mix everything well. Pour the resulting mass into sterilized jars, close the lids and store in the refrigerator.

Cook and eat healthy!

How to cook adjika with apples

On the table, this preparation with the addition of apples is best served chilled. It is perfect for both first and second courses, and even simple sandwiches.


  • Tomatoes - 1 kg
  • onion - 200 gr
  • apples - 200 gr
  • Bulgarian pepper - 400 gr
  • garlic - 100 gr
  • sunflower oil - 150 ml
  • hot pepper - 2 pcs
  • vinegar 9% - 2 tbsp. l
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

We wash all vegetables except garlic, peel and cut into fairly large pieces.

After the contents of the pan boil, reduce the fire to a slow one and cook for one hour. After this time, add the garlic passed through the press, salt, sugar, vinegar and continue to boil for another 1 hour.

Now we shift hot adjika into sterilized jars, twist, scalded with boiling water, and leave to cool completely.

From these ingredients, I got, like this, three jars of 480 ml each.

Homemade adjika with tomatoes and garlic, without bell pepper

If you suddenly decided to make adjika, but for some reason you did not find bell pepper, do not be discouraged. After all, this preparation can be prepared without it. Of course, the taste will be slightly different, but the cooking process will be easier.


  • Tomatoes - 1.5 kg
  • hot red pepper - 400 gr
  • garlic - 300 gr
  • vinegar - 2 tablespoons
  • hops-suneli - 1 tbsp. l
  • coriander - 1 tbsp. l
  • dill - 1 tbsp. l
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

Wash the tomatoes in water and cut into medium pieces. Then we twist them together with peeled garlic and hot pepper along with seeds in a meat grinder. Then we transfer the entire mass to large saucepan, pour all the necessary spices into it, pour in the vinegar and add salt to taste.

We bet on slow fire, stirring, bring to a boil and lay out in sterilized jars, wrap with lids, and leave to cool completely.

After the adjika in the jars has completely cooled down, we remove them for storage in the refrigerator.

A simple recipe for homemade adjika without preservation (video)

Bon appetit!!!

Step by step recipes spicy adjika for the winter with garlic, apples, different peppers, tomatoes

2018-07-15 Marina Vykhodtseva





In 100 grams ready meal

1 gr.

4 gr.


8 gr.

70 kcal.

Option 1: Classic spicy adjika for the winter with tomatoes and peppers

For classic adjika according to this recipe, tomatoes, sweet peppers, and spicy pods are needed. The recipe with cooking, so the workpiece is perfectly stored in a cool place, not only until the new harvest, but also for several years. In addition to the main ingredients, you need garlic. You can reduce the amount in this recipe if you like.


  • 2 kg of tomatoes;
  • 1.5 kg of pepper (sweet);
  • 200 g hot pepper;
  • 170 g of garlic;
  • 0.15 l of oil;
  • 60 g of salt;
  • 120 g sugar.

How to cook classic spicy adjika

Rinse both peppers and tomatoes. Peel the garlic. Cut tomatoes and peppers large pieces. Be sure to remove seeds from bell peppers.

We twist the tomatoes first. We put it in a saucepan on the stove, boil for about seven minutes, removing the foam. Next, add hot and sweet pepper, also twisted through a meat grinder. We give adjika another fifteen minutes to boil.

Add salt, sugar, pour oil and add garlic. Now we boil adjika for literally three minutes. By this time, we should already have sterile jars ready. Their size is not important. Screw caps also need to be rinsed in boiling water.

We lay out the hot adjika, immediately twist it. Banks with sharp workpiece turn over, leave for a day. It is not necessary to cover, let the adjika cool down naturally.

Sometimes garlic is laid and twisted together with tomatoes, but not everyone likes its boiled aroma and taste. You can also pour it into the finished adjika at the very end, after which turn off the stove. In this embodiment, it is important to rinse the cloves well, otherwise the workpiece will quickly turn sour.

Option 2: A quick recipe for homemade adjika for the winter (spicy)

Here the recipe is not just spicy, but vigorous adjika in Georgian. The sauce mainly consists of hot peppers and garlic. To smooth the taste, vegetable oil is added to it. An obligatory ingredient is hops-suneli seasoning. Usually it is sold in the spice department, packaged in a jar or bag.


  • 10 pods of pepper;
  • 65 g of garlic;
  • 1.5 tsp dry seasoning hops-suneli;
  • 20 g fresh cilantro leaves;
  • a couple of tablespoons of salt;
  • 5 tablespoons rast. oils.

How to quickly make spicy adjika

Pepper cut into several pieces each pod. We cut off the green tail, and leave everything inside. We just peel the garlic. Finely chop the cilantro.

Grinding hot peppers with garlic. We add salt, suneli hops, sometimes a spoonful of sugar is added for depth of taste. Thoroughly grind it all.

It remains only to fill the adjika with natural vegetable oil and put it in a jar. Screw on the lid and put it in the fridge. It is not necessary to roll up adjika, it is perfectly stored all winter without it.

For viscosity and moisture, you can add a couple of ground bell peppers to adjika or twist one tomato. Often, on the contrary, it is dried and poured into jars, it is convenient to use such a seasoning for making stews, kharcho, but in this case we exclude oil.

Option 3: Adjika spicy for the winter (vegetable)

In adjika, not only tomatoes and peppers can be present, but also various other vegetables. Here is the recipe with onions and carrots. You will definitely need vegetable little, some of the vegetables will be stewed in it, this will significantly improve the taste of adjika. This recipe does not contain garlic.


  • 0.8 kg of carrots;
  • 0.8 kg of onion;
  • 3 kg of tomatoes;
  • 400 g hot pepper;
  • 1.5 kg of sweet pepper;
  • 300 ml of oil;
  • 80 g of salt;
  • 90 g sugar.

Step by step recipe

clear all onion and twist through a meat grinder. It is advisable to insert a grate with large holes into the device. Pour vegetable oil into the pan, send the onion, cook over a silt fire for about five minutes.

We clean or simply wash the carrots well, also cut into pieces, twist. Pour over to the onion. We cook vegetables for ten minutes.

Cut the bell pepper and sharp chunks, send to a meat grinder, pour over onions with carrots. Grind tomatoes, pour next. Boil spicy adjika for 45 minutes.

We fill the workpiece with salt, add sugar, it is advisable to try adjika after that. Pour into jars while the sauce is still hot. Roll up and turn upside down.

If there are not enough carrots, then you can take more onions or vice versa, but in general it is recommended to stick to the indicated amount so that you do not have to recalculate the amount of spices.

Option 4: Adjika spicy for the winter with horseradish

Another recipe for mixed adjika with tomatoes and peppers, but with the addition of horseradish. This blank does not need to be cooked, so it also applies to quick options. We choose vegetables that are fresh, ripe, but not overripe, wash them thoroughly, be sure to dry or wipe them.


  • 3 kg of tomatoes;
  • 1.5 kg of pepper;
  • 230 g of garlic;
  • 20 ml essence;
  • 150 g horseradish;
  • 5-7 chili;
  • 120 g of salt;
  • 150 g sugar.

Step by step recipe

To grind vegetables for such adjika, it is best to use a meat grinder. Only she gives small pieces, combine is not suitable. We cut the washed vegetables into pieces that will easily pass into the hole, drive them away.

We clean all the garlic and also send it next, you can twist the splice into a total mass. We take a pan or basin, a bucket in which all the ingredients will fit.

The hardest part of this recipe is the twisting of the horseradish. We take only fresh roots, it is difficult to work with dry ones. We clean and cut with a knife. Since the root is hard, you need to crumble it into small pieces. We twist them last. It is advisable to do this in a ventilated area so that it does not irritate the eyes too much.

Combine the horseradish with the rest of the ingredients. Add salt and sugar, mix well. At the very end, for reliability, add a little vinegar. Without it, you can also cook if you do not plan to store the workpiece for more than three months. If the tomatoes are fleshy and sweet, then sugar can not be added to them, we make adjika without it.

It remains only to pour spicy adjika into jars. It is already ready to use, but it will also stand wonderfully until spring. We take a tight lid, it can be screwed, air should not pass.

This adjika is very convenient to keep in plastic bottles, they easily fit in the door shelf of the refrigerator. Just wash and dry the container first.

Option 5: Adjika spicy for the winter with apples

Very tasty and fragrant sauce, which can be cooked with any apples, but it is better to choose sweet and sour varieties. In addition to fruits, pods of fresh or dried hot peppers are a must. Recipe based on tomatoes and bell pepper. For this adjika, you need a saucepan, since the preparation requires cooking on the stove.


  • 2.2 kg of ripe tomatoes;
  • 1.4 kg of pepper;
  • 80 g of garlic;
  • 0.15 l of oil;
  • kilogram of apples;
  • 1 tsp coriander;
  • 90 g of sugar;
  • 55 g salt;
  • 0.2 st. vinegar 3%;
  • 7 chili pods.

How to cook

Rinse tomatoes, peppers and apples. Tomatoes and pepper pulp are twisted through a meat grinder. We put them on the stove, start cooking, while you can do other ingredients.

While we are peeling the apples, cut them into pieces that are convenient for scrolling, and simply cut the hot pepper into several pieces. We drive all this through a meat grinder, after which we send it to a pan with a boiled base. We cook adjika for exactly an hour on a small fire.

There is time to prepare sugar with salt, as well as peel the garlic. It can also be twisted or simply rubbed, driven through the press.

Ten minutes before the end of cooking, we pour garlic with sugar and salt, pour oil. For preparations use unrefined products. Mix, boil together.

Pour the bite, after which we take a dry and clean ladle, stir and immediately collect spicy adjika, put it in jars, put a seaming lid on each. We cork with a special key (machines). The jar must be turned over immediately. Set aside until completely cool.

Boiling tomatoes usually form a foam, which is desirable to remove. Also, the tomato mass often rises, so we take a large pan with a margin of free space.

Acute homemade adjika No wonder it is considered the best seasoning for meat. You can cook this appetizer different ways and with different ingredients on which will depend on its taste. For example, fresh and spicy adjika obtained without cooking. Tomatoes are often used for its preparation, bell pepper, apples. With nuts, you can cook classic adjika with a pleasant aroma. But with cooking, each housewife will be able to easily prepare an appetizer that will be stored for as long as possible. Such a delicious adjika for the winter can be prepared according to one of the recipes below. Simple instructions with photos and videos will allow you to easily prepare for the winter and treat your family and friends with the original adjika.

Spicy adjika for the winter - the best recipes with photo and video instructions

The combination of hot peppers with tomatoes and other ingredients allows you to create an unusual adjika, which can be either slightly sour or have a slight sweetness. cook original adjika with any taste, the best recipes below will help. Simple instructions with photos and videos will be useful for preparing delicious snacks for the winter.

Ingredients for cooking spicy adjika for winter

  • tomatoes, bell pepper - 2 kg;
  • garlic - 5 heads;
  • apples - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • hot pepper - 5 pcs.;
  • salt -100 g;
  • oil, vinegar - 150 ml;
  • hops-suneli - 2 tablespoons;
  • cilantro - a bunch.

Photo-recipe for harvesting adjika with spices for the winter

  • Wash vegetables thoroughly and cut into small pieces. Chop hot peppers with seeds.
  • Wash the apples and remove the seeds from them, cut into slices. Peel the garlic. Grind vegetables and apples, garlic with a meat grinder. Transfer the mixture to a saucepan and put on fire, simmer for about 20 minutes.
  • Arrange the finished adjika in jars, sterilize them for 15 minutes, and then roll them up. For the first day, hold it upside down under the covers, then put it in a cool place.
  • The best video instruction for winter harvesting adjika with spices

    Using the following recipe, you can cook no less original and spicy adjika with spices. An interesting instruction is suitable for hostesses who want to try new ones every year. vegetable preparations with different ingredients and spices. For example, in this recipe you can learn how easy it is to cook adjika with horseradish.

    How to prepare adjika from tomatoes and garlic, nuts for the winter without cooking - a step by step photo recipe

    In the classic Georgian adjika recipe, adding nuts is a must. It is they who make the workpiece unusual and give it a breathtaking taste. And if you cook a similar preparation from tomatoes and garlic, fragrant herbs, spices, then the resulting snack will certainly become a "hit". The following recipe describes step by step how homemade adjika is prepared with the addition of a variety of unusual ingredients and spices.

    List of ingredients for cooking adjika with tomatoes, nuts and garlic for the winter without cooking

    • hot pepper - 1 kg;
    • tomatoes - 1 pc.;
    • garlic - 400 g;
    • fresh and dry coriander - 100 g;
    • walnuts - 300 g;
    • savory - 40 g;
    • oil - 50 ml;
    • vinegar- 150 ml;
    • salt 2 tbsp

    Photo-recipe for adjika without cooking for the winter from tomato, garlic and nuts

  • Remove seeds from hot peppers. Pour boiling water over the tomatoes and remove the peel from them.
  • Peel the garlic.
  • Grind hot peppers and tomatoes with a meat grinder.
  • Twist the garlic cloves with a meat grinder.
  • Grind nuts in a meat grinder.
  • Add ground green coriander to the mixture of ingredients.
  • Pour spices, salt into the workpiece.
  • Thoroughly mix the ingredients, after putting on rubber seals.
  • Add wine vinegar to the workpiece and mix the ingredients again.
  • Transfer the prepared adjika to a jar, close with a nylon lid and store in the refrigerator.
  • Delicious tomato and garlic adjika for the winter with cooking - a recipe with photo instructions

    To extend the shelf life of adjika, it is recommended to add vinegar and oil to it. True, such components of the recipe usually change the taste somewhat. finished product. But even without vinegar and oil, you can easily store the workpiece until spring. For example, you can freeze adjika or just put it in the refrigerator. The following recipe describes step by step how to cook delicious adjika from tomato puree, pepper and garlic without vinegar, and how to properly store such a workpiece in the refrigerator and freezer.

    Ingredients for the recipe for delicious tomato adjika with garlic for winter with cooking

    • bell pepper - 1 kg;
    • hot pepper - 0.5 kg;
    • garlic - 3 heads;
    • tomato puree - 300 g;
    • salt - 4 tablespoons;
    • sugar - 0.5 tbsp.;
    • hops-suneli - 2 tbsp.

    Photo-instruction for the recipe for cooking adjika from tomatoes for the winter with the addition of garlic

  • Wash bell pepper, remove seeds.
  • Peel the garlic, cut each clove into halves and grind well in a mortar.
  • Prepare your own tomato puree from sweetish tomatoes or take a ready-made store for work. Remove seeds from hot peppers.
  • Grind Bulgarian and hot peppers, garlic with a meat grinder.
  • Transfer the tomato puree, ground vegetables to the pan.
  • Bring the mixture to a boil, then simmer over low heat for 20-30 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  • Add sugar and salt to the preparation.
  • Put seasonings in the preparation and simmer for another 5 minutes.
  • Cool the finished adjika completely, and then transfer it to sterilized jars and cover nylon lids. Store the workpiece in the refrigerator. To store adjika in the freezer, it is recommended to decompose it into plastic containers.
  • How to cook adjika with sweet apples and tomatoes for the winter - a step by step video recipe

    Adding apples to adjika allows you to slightly change its taste and further emphasize its spiciness. At work, you can use different varieties apples, but it is better to add fruits with little sweetness and high density. Then the finished adjika will be more tender and fresh.

    Recipe with a step-by-step video of cooking adjika from apples and tomatoes for the winter cold

    You can cook homemade adjika from tomatoes with apples using the video recipe below. It similarly describes the steps for preparing a snack and the rules for its seaming. Simple instruction will help you to do it without problems. original blank, which will be to the taste of all "tasters".

    Spicy adjika from tomato and garlic for the winter - a simple recipe with step by step photos

    Raw spicy adjika attracts not only with its fresh taste, but also with the simplicity of its preparation. Even when using a large number of ingredients, you do not need to spend a lot of time preparing it. The following recipe details how to make a simple and very spicy adjika from tomatoes and garlic. At will, seasonings and their quantity can be changed to your own taste.

    Ingredients for cooking spicy tomato adjika with garlic for the winter

    • tomatoes - 3 kg;
    • bell pepper - 1.5 kg;
    • hot pepper - 0.5 kg;
    • salt - 2 tablespoons;
    • dried coriander - 2 tablespoons;
    • garlic - 200 g.

    Recipe with step by step photos of winter harvesting adjika with tomatoes and garlic

  • Remove seeds and stems from bell peppers.
  • Extract seeds from hot peppers. Pour boiling water over the tomatoes and peel or carefully cut it with a knife. Peel the garlic.
  • Grind garlic, hot and Bulgarian pepper with tomatoes through a meat grinder. Add salt and spices to the vegetable mixture.
  • Arrange the prepared mixture in jars, cork with nylon lids and refrigerate.
  • Original adjika from green hot pepper for the winter - recipes with photo and video instructions

    Usually adjika has a pleasant red or orange color. But when using hot green pepper and a lot of greens in the work, the finished snack will get a completely unusual look. Such adjika will be able to win the hearts of even the most demanding gourmets: green color seasonings will definitely appeal to all lovers of original and tasty preparations.

    The list of ingredients for the recipe for the winter preparation of green adjika with hot pepper

    • spicy Green pepper- 1 kg;
    • garlic - 250 g;
    • wine vinegar - 100 ml;
    • fresh parsley - 70 g;
    • fresh coriander - 100 g;
    • celery leaves - 40 g;
    • dried coriander - 2 tablespoons;
    • dried blue fenugreek - 2 tablespoons;
    • dried dill - 1 tsp;
    • salt - 1 tsp

    Recipe with a photo of a preparation for the winter of spicy green adjika with pepper

  • Prepare ingredients for cooking.
  • Remove seeds from hot peppers, peel garlic.
  • Grind green hot peppers using a meat grinder.
  • Grind garlic cloves in a meat grinder.
  • Grind prepared greens with a meat grinder.
  • Stir the ground ingredients (put on gloves beforehand!).
  • Add dried spices and salt to the mixture.
  • Mix all the ingredients until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  • Arrange the finished adjika in sterilized dry jars, close with nylon lids on top and put in the refrigerator.
  • Video instruction on the recipe for harvesting hot green pepper adjika for the winter cold

    There are many other recipes that will help you prepare the original spicy green pepper adjika. With their help, it will not be difficult to make unusual snack which is perfect for any second course. All the necessary instructions for cooking such adjika can be obtained in the following video:

    Abkhaz classic adjika - recipe with step by step video instructions

    Many housewives would like to learn how to cook "real" Abkhaz adjika, which has a perfect taste. Such an appetizer will go well with any dishes, it can be added as a seasoning to soups and cereals. In addition, the original homemade adjika according to the classic recipe will add spice even to everyday lunch or dinner. spicy snack will become the best addition to familiar dishes and festive dishes.

    Video recipe for cooking classic Abkhaz adjika

    In the following video recipe you can find out useful advice and cooking tips for classic Abkhaz adjika. By strictly following the instructions homemade sure to be tasty, spicy and appetizing.

    How to prepare adjika with your own hands, which does not need to be cooked - a step by step photo recipe

    When choosing suitable recipes for cooking adjika, many hostesses are looking for instructions in which the workpiece would not need to be cooked. The following recipe is perfect for fast food spicy raw adjika for the winter. Subject to the indicated proportions, the finished snack will retain its taste and freshness for a long time.

    List of ingredients according to the recipe for adjika, prepared by one's own hands, without cooking

    • bell pepper - 0.5 kg;
    • hot pepper - 0.5 kg;
    • fresh parsley - 200 g;
    • celery leaves - 150 g;
    • basil - 150 g;
    • garlic - 400 g;
    • dried blue fenugreek and coriander - 3 tsp;
    • curry - 3 tablespoons;
    • dried dill - 2 tablespoons;
    • salt - 2 tablespoons;
    • wine vinegar - 50 ml.

    A step-by-step recipe with a photo of cooking adjika without cooking with your own hands

  • Prepare ingredients for cooking adjika.
  • Remove seeds and stems from peppers, peel garlic. Grind all the ingredients in a meat grinder in turn.
  • Add spices and salt to the mixture for cooking adjika.
  • put on latex gloves and thoroughly mix all the ingredients until smooth.
  • Transfer the finished adjika to sterilized glass jars and then close with nylon caps. After put in the refrigerator.
  • Homemade adjika from fresh tomatoes and peppers, garlic - a simple recipe with a photo

    Beautiful and tasty adjika from tomatoes, if properly harvested, can be stored in the basement or pantry for years. But for this, it is necessary to add both vinegar and oil to it. Then the workpiece will not deteriorate, and will retain its freshness for a long time. In the following recipe, you can learn more about the rules for rolling adjika for the winter from peppers, tomatoes and garlic. The instructions are easy to follow and do not require much time to prepare a snack.

    Ingredients for homemade tomato adjika recipe with pepper and garlic

    • tomatoes - 2 kg;
    • bell pepper - 1.5 kg;
    • hot pepper - 300 g;
    • chili pepper - 2 pcs.;
    • garlic - 100 g;
    • salt -3 tbsp;
    • sugar - 5 tablespoons;
    • black ground pepper- taste;
    • vinegar - 2 tablespoons;
    • oil - 9 tablespoons;
    • horseradish root - 50 g.

    Recipe for cooking adjika at home with tomatoes, peppers, garlic

  • Sterilize cans for seaming.
  • Wash tomatoes and cut into halves.
  • Peel the garlic, remove the tails and seeds from the bell and hot peppers.
  • Grind prepared vegetables, add the rest of the ingredients and put the mixture on fire. After boiling, reduce the heat and simmer the workpiece for 10-15 minutes, stirring occasionally. Then put into jars and roll up. Hold upside down for 8-10 hours.
  • The most delicious homemade adjika you will lick your fingers - a recipe with step by step photos

    You can cook delicious adjika with different vegetables, and without adding tomato or bell pepper. Using only hot peppers, nuts and garlic, you can cook a finger-licking appetizer quickly and easily. Such a preparation will have maximum sharpness and is ideal for serving with meat dishes.

    The list of ingredients for cooking the most delicious adjika You will lick your fingers

    • hot pepper - 1 kg;
    • walnuts - 250 g;
    • garlic - 5 heads;
    • coriander seeds - 5 tablespoons;
    • hops-suneli - 2 tablespoons;
    • cilantro - 250 g;
    • salt - 4 tablespoons;
    • fresh dill, basil - 20 g.

    Step-by-step photo recipe for harvesting delicious adjika you will lick your fingers

  • Prepare the ingredients for work.
  • Put on rubber gloves and remove the tails from the hot peppers.
  • Peel the garlic and lightly toast the walnuts in a dry frying pan. Grind all the ingredients in a meat grinder, add spices, salt and mix everything thoroughly. Then put into jars and close with nylon lids. Remove the finished adjika in the refrigerator.
  • With the above recipes, any Georgian adjika preparing for the winter is both quick and easy. It can be done with or without cooking ingredients. Raw snack must be stored in the refrigerator, but boiled adjika can be stored in the winter both in the basement and in the pantry, on the balcony. Workpiece features different types spicy seasoning also differ significantly. For example, it can be made from tomatoes and bell peppers, garlic, or exclusively from hot peppers with nuts. Homemade apples are also delicious. Among the proposed instructions with photos and videos, you can choose the most convenient recipes for making adjika, which will help you make the most appetizing and original snack.

    Post Views: 26

    Adjika prepared according to these recipes can be stored in the cellar, not only in refrigerators. If you are making it for storage in the cellar, you can add more horseradish (it is a strong antiseptic). Carrots can be added to adjika. And vinegar (which is in some recipes) can be omitted, instead, increase the amount of pepper (hot, if you like it spicier, and paprika, if softer).

    If you want ready-made seasonings,. There are also oils and vinegars.

    Adjika classic

    Real adjika is only pepper, without tomatoes. To prepare it, you need rubber gloves - the mixture burns your hands. Not everyone can eat it. However, this is a classic recipe, so we start with it. To prepare a real male adjika, you will need:

    1 kg red hot pepper (chili)
    0.5 kg garlic
    3/4 cup salt, grind #0
    0.5 cup mixture: coriander, suneli hops, dill seeds
    latex gloves

    Let's make small adjustments to the recipe, which will make adjika less pungent and usable. Namely, we will replace most of the hot peppers with sweet ones - paprika. Let's say 800 g of paprika and 200 g of hot pepper.

    We cut off the stalks of the pods, shake out the seeds - and grind in a blender (if you use a meat grinder, skip three times). We also act with garlic, coriander and dill seeds are also desirable to chop - and mix everything thoroughly. At the end, add salt - ideally, we should get a homogeneous pasty mass. You can add chopped fresh herbs - cilantro and dill, but in this case the color of adjika will not be so bright and attractive.

    Adjika with tomatoes

    A variety of options are possible here.

    Recipe number 1 - cold

    3 kg tomatoes
    1 kg sweet pepper
    0.5 kg garlic
    150 g hot pepper
    0.5 cup salt
    3 art. l. Sahara

    Grind all components in a meat grinder, mix, add salt, sugar, leave overnight. In the morning, drain the excess liquid and place the adjika in jars, store in the refrigerator.

    Recipe number 2 - hot

    3 kg tomatoes
    2 kg sweet pepper
    300 g garlic
    150 g hot pepper
    0.5 cup sugar
    0.5 cup 9% vinegar
    1 cup sunflower oil
    0.5 cups of salt (in this case it will turn out VERY salty snack, which is eaten a little, for more habitual options salt will be needed many times less, just a couple of tablespoons - try to taste)
    400 g fresh herbs - cilantro, dill, celery
    to taste - coriander, suneli hops, walnut

    Skip tomatoes and peppers through a meat grinder. Stir, add oil and cook over low heat for an hour with constant stirring. Cool, add vinegar, sugar, salt, crushed garlic. Grind greens in a blender. Mix everything thoroughly, let it brew - adjika is ready.

    Shades of taste of such adjika are achieved by different dosages of additives - spices and seasonings. It is also possible to vary the proportions of the main components. The last recipe often uses apples, carrots, horseradish, eggplant.

    Recipe number 3:

    2.5 kg tomato, 500 grams of carrots, 500 grams sour apples, crank 500 grams of bell pepper in a meat grinder, add 250 grams vegetable oil. Boil the resulting mass

    on low heat for 2 hours. Add 100 grams of minced garlic, 1-2 pods (depending on the size and your taste) of hot pepper without grains, 250 grams of 9% vinegar, 2 tablespoons of salt, 100 grams of sugar. Mix everything thoroughly, bring

    to a boil and hot put into jars. Roll up.

    Recipe number 4:

    2 kg of tomato, 0.5 kg of carrots, 7 pieces of bell pepper, 2 small bitter peppers without seeds, 3 pieces of Antonovka.

    Turn everything through a meat grinder, add 100 grams of vegetable oil, 100 grams of granulated sugar, cook for 1 hour. 20 minutes before the end of cooking, add 3 heads of peeled garlic, 3 tablespoons of topless salt, 100 grams of 9% vinegar. Hot close in jars.

    Recipe number 5:

    paprika - 1 kg.
    tomatoes - 2.5 kg,
    garlic - 250 gr.,
    hot pepper - 250 gr.,
    horseradish - 250 gr.,
    salt - 0.5 cups,
    sugar - 1 glass,
    vinegar - 1 glass.

    Scroll everything through a meat grinder (do in a large bowl), add salt, sugar, vinegar and stir. Watch out for sharpness! Who loves. The output of the finished product is about three liter jars, excess liquid can be drained.

    Recipe number 6:

    Ingredients for 2.5 liters of finished adjika:

    1. Ripe red tomatoes 2.5 kg.
    2. Sweet and sour apples 500 gr.
    3. Sweet bell pepper 500 gr.
    4. Carrot 500 gr.
    5. Dill greens 50 gr. (optional)
    6. Parsley greens 50 gr. (optional)
    7. Garlic peeled 120 gr.
    8. Red hot pepper 75 gr.
    9. Vegetable oil 250 gr.
    10. Vinegar 9% 2 tbsp
    11. Black pepper

    Cooking process:

    1. Peel apples, peppers, cut into slices.
    2. Cut the tomatoes into 6 pieces.
    3. Peel the carrots and cut into small pieces so that they are placed in a meat grinder.
    4. Pass all components except parsley and dill) through a meat grinder.
    5. Add vegetable oil to the vegetable mass, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vinegar, black pepper, salt to taste.
    6. Pour the resulting mass into an enamel saucepan and cook for 2 hours over low heat, stirring occasionally.
    7. At the end of cooking, add finely chopped greens.
    8. Pour Adjika into sterilized jars.
    9. Sterilize jars with adjika for 20 minutes.
    10. Close the jars with lids (roll up).

    Recipe number 7 (pepper adjika, without tomatoes):


    1. Sweet bell pepper 2 kg.
    2. Garlic 200 gr.
    3. Red hot pepper 150 gr.
    4. Salt 2 tbsp
    5. Sugar 8 tbsp
    6. Vinegar 6% 300 ml.


    1. Peel all vegetables, twist through a meat grinder.
    2. Add salt, sugar, vinegar to the resulting vegetable mass, arrange in jars and roll up.

    Recipe number 8:

    2.5 kg tomato
    2 kg pepper
    1 kg carrots
    1 kg apples of the "Antonovka" variety or others with sour taste
    1 tbsp sugar
    1 tbsp vegetable oil
    1 tbsp peeled garlic cloves
    1 tbsp salt
    50 gr. vinegar
    1-2 hot peppers

    Peel and twist all vegetables and fruits in a meat grinder. Mix everything in a large saucepan, simmer for 1 hour, stirring occasionally. Squeeze the garlic through a press, or grate it on a fine grater. Then add garlic, oil, sugar, salt, simmer for another 5 minutes, then add vinegar and turn off. Arrange hot adjika in sterilized jars, roll up and put, turning over, under a blanket until cool.

    Recipe number 9:

    5 kg. tomatoes, 1 kg. carrots, 1 kg. sweet pepper, 1 kg. apples, 7 pods of hot red pepper, 250 g of garlic, 0.5 l. sunflower oil, salt.

    Pass tomatoes, carrots, apples, sweet and hot peppers through a meat grinder, mix and cook for about 2.5 hours. Then add finely chopped garlic, sunflower oil, salt to taste and cook for another 10 minutes. Transfer the finished adjika to prepared jars and roll up.

    Books cooking in the Labyrinth- a large section, there are pastries, and books on spices, sauces, seasonings ... See the sections: Dishes from vegetables, fruits and mushrooms, and Spices and sauces. A lot of books are out of stock, you can check the box to display only those books that are in stock.

    Inexpensive and very useful book in Ozone: Couscous, curry, adjika and other dishes with spices.
    See also the books in the section Sauces and spices in Ozone. There are some amazing books here!

    Adjika in Kiev

    5 kg of ripe tomatoes, 1 kg of bell pepper, 1 kg of apples (the more sour, the better), 1 kg of carrots, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of salt, 200 g of sugar, 400 g of vegetable oil, 2 tbsp. spoons of red hot pepper (you can put 1 tablespoon of black plus 1 tablespoon of red).

    Pass all vegetables through a meat grinder (it is better to pre-peel tomatoes or pass through a juicer). So that the tomatoes are easily peeled, they need to be poured with boiling water for 3-5 minutes. Season with oil, sugar, salt, spices. Then boil for 2-3 hours until the desired consistency. Pour hot adjika into sterilized jars. Roll up jars and seal them. Ready!

    Georgian adjika

    ADJIKA RED GEORGIAN, recipe number 1

    1 kg of dry hot red pepper, 50-70 g of coriander seeds, 100 g of hops, a little cinnamon (ground), 200 g walnuts, 300-400 g of steep salt (coarse), about 300 g of garlic.

    Soak hot red pepper for 1 hour. Add coriander, suneli hops, cinnamon, nuts, garlic and salt.

    Skip 3-4 times through a meat grinder with a fine grate. Store anywhere, at any temperature, but preferably in a sealed container, otherwise it dries out. Adjika mixed with salt is good for coating chicken or meat before frying in the oven.

    ADJIKA GEORGIAN, recipe No. 2

    2 parts suneli hops, 2 parts red pepper, 1 part garlic, 1 part coriander (ground cilantro seeds), 1 part dill.

    Pass pepper and garlic through a meat grinder. Add spices to them. You can also add finely crushed nuts. Sprinkle the mixture with coarse salt and pour in wine vinegar with a strength of 3-4% to make it wet thick paste well suited for long-term storage in a tightly sealed glass or ceramic container.

    Slightly boiled chicken is coated inside and out with this adjika and put in the oven until cooked.

    ADJIKA GEORGIAN, recipe No. 3

    Pass red pepper (it should be more than half of the whole mixture) through a meat grinder. Add dry cilantro, suneli hops, you can also Imeretian saffron. For better taste Finely-finely ground walnuts are suitable, but not very much. Salt to taste. The exact proportions are not very important here. Be sure to cook adjika with rubber gloves.

    adjika armenian

    5 kg of whole tomatoes, 1 kg of garlic, 500 g of hot capsicum, salt to taste.

    Pass everything through a meat grinder. Salt. Leave in enamelware for 10-15 days, so that adjika ferments, not forgetting to mix it daily. You need to salt tomato juice before adding garlic and pepper, otherwise the taste of salt will not be felt later.

    Homemade ketchup, tomato paste - recipes

    1 kg tomato

    300 gr onions

    1 teaspoon ground pepper

    5 carnations

    3 teaspoons salt

    half a glass of sugar

    Cook until the onions are ready - you will get an excellent homemade ketchup!

    Tomato paste for the winter

    We take out the core with seeds from sweet pepper, preferably red, but you can also green or yellow. Next, cut off the tips from the tomato "ass". Can be with bones and skin, can be peeled. We pass everything through a meat grinder. For 1 serving of pepper puree, preferably 2 servings of tomato puree - it turns out tastier.

    Now pour everything into a pan with a wide bottom and cook from the moment of boiling for 20 minutes with almost constant stirring - the pieces of vegetables are heavy, they always strive to sink to the bottom of the pan and burn.

    Pour the boiling dressing into sterile 0.5-liter jars, cork, turn upside down so that the lids are drawn in, and wrap it in a blanket until it cools completely.

    Based on this dressing in winter, you can cook any tomato sauce, rubbing it through a sieve and seasoning, for example, with garlic and grated horseradish, or spices for ketchup. Do not compare with any, even the highest quality, tomato paste!

    Salsa - Mexican condiment

    Salsa is a Mexican condiment similar to adjika.

    450 g peeled and seeded tomatoes, 1 onion, 3 chopped garlic cloves, 1 chopped bunch of cilantro, 2 hot peppers, 1 green sweet pepper, 2 tbsp. tablespoons (30 ml) lemon juice, 1/2 teaspoon salt.

    Chop the tomatoes. Chop the onion. Put tomatoes, onions in a separate bowl along with garlic and cilantro. Finely chop hot pepper. Mix it with tomatoes. Remove seeds and veins from green peppers, finely chop and mix with tomatoes along with lemon juice and salt.

    Before serving, you need to cool the prepared seasoning for 30 minutes.

    Adjika - Abkhazian and Megrelian spicy and fragrant pasty mass of red pepper, garlic, herbs(dried and green) walnut and salt. Initially, there are no tomatoes at all!
    Salt makes animals thirsty and they begin to consume a large number of water and food, which contributes to rapid weight gain. Salt was expensive product so that the shepherds did not steal it, pepper was added to it. But the shepherds perfectly used this mixture as a seasoning and sometimes added the most fragrant spices, such as cilantro, suneli hops, and garlic.

    Option classic recipe adjika without tomatoes:
    40 red hot peppers
    40 large garlic cloves
    1 glass of salt
    1 cup dry cilantro

    Pour boiling water over the pepper overnight so that the water just covers it from above, then peel it from the seeds (with gloves!). Pass pepper and garlic through a meat grinder, add salt and cilantro, also ground, dilute with water left over from pepper. This is a recipe for red classic VERY spicy adjika.

    You can add green cilantro and celery - then you get green adjika.

    This can be added to borscht and other dishes - good workpiece for the winter.

    You can add thyme and basil in addition to cilantro. The amount of salt also varies according to taste.
    For the preparation of adjika, a different combination of fresh and dry herbs was previously used, so adjika could be not only red, but there could be family or regional recipes - as one likes, or as one usually does.

    Among variety of options twists from vegetables for the future adjika without cooking deserves close attention. This spicy salad widespread in Georgian cuisine. However, this homemade seasoning has been made by hostesses from other countries for a long time. It turns out to be very tasty raw, perfectly combined with various side dishes: potatoes, stews, pasta, buckwheat, rice and other cereals, as well as legumes. Below are the best adjika recipes for the winter without cooking, and you can choose among them exactly the one that perfectly meets all your needs.

    Adjika with horseradish

    It turns out very spicy spicy adjika, which is prepared with horseradish. Such a homemade preparation, even the most simple meals will give a special "light".

    Cooking time - 40 minutes.

    The number of servings is 1.


    To prepare such a salad, we will need the following ingredients:

    • tomatoes - 1 kg;
    • garlic - 1 head;
    • salt - 3 tsp;
    • horseradish - 150 g;
    • granulated sugar - 1 tbsp. l.;
    • ground black pepper - ¼ tsp.

    Cooking method

    This spicy adjika, which is not boiled, is done very simply. But its rich taste will certainly appeal to all lovers of spicy.

    1. Rinse tomatoes thoroughly in running water. Cut out the stalks and all questionable places. Grate tomatoes on coarse grater. Pour in granulated sugar so that it does not sour.

    1. Peel the garlic. Grate each clove on a fine grater and send to the tomato mixture. Grind horseradish in the same way. Pour into other products. Send salt and ground pepper there. Mix everything thoroughly.

    It remains only to send the snack to the refrigerator. You can eat it within 40 minutes after preparation.

    Raw adjika that can be stored all winter

    The recipe for raw adjika deserves close attention of the hostesses, the shelf life of which in the refrigerator without spinning reaches several months. Lettuce can be stored all winter.

    Cooking time - 45 minutes.

    The number of servings is 1.


    We will need the following components:

    • garlic - 300 g;
    • granulated sugar - ½ tbsp.;
    • tomatoes - 2.5 kg;
    • horseradish root - 150 g;
    • red bell pepper - ½ kg;
    • vinegar 9% - ½ tbsp.;
    • hot chilli pepper - 150 g;
    • salt - 4 tbsp. l.

    On a note! From the indicated amount of products, 3 liters of finished tomato seasoning will come out.

    Cooking method

    cook very delicious adjika from fresh vegetables it will be easy for you if you use step by step recipe with photo. By following it, you will be able to appetizing snack for the winter, with which all the usual dishes will sparkle with new colors.

    1. First of all, prepare all the vegetables. Peel the garlic. Rinse the tomatoes, remove the stalks and "crumpled" places. Cut the vegetables into small pieces that are easy to scroll through. Bulgarian and Bell pepper Rinse. Cut off the stem. Clean out the seeds and partitions. Horseradish clean.

    1. Scroll all prepared vegetables through a meat grinder.

    1. Pour in the salt. Add granulated sugar. Pour half a glass of 9% vinegar. Thoroughly mix the vegetable preparation and let it stand at room temperature half an hour.

    All! It remains only to unpack raw adjika by banks. Close the lids and store in the refrigerator. Bon appetit!

    Adjika from pepper

    No less interesting is raw adjika, which is prepared only from pepper. It turns out it is quite sharp and sharp. Pairs well with meat dishes.

    Cooking time - 15 minutes.

    The number of servings is 1.


    To prepare this version of adjika without cooking, we need following products:

    • bitter red pepper - 1 pod;
    • garlic - 40 g;
    • red bell pepper - 400 g;
    • lemon juice- 1 tsp;
    • fresh dill - 20 g;
    • salt - 1 tsp;
    • fresh parsley - 10 g;
    • granulated sugar - ½ tsp.

    Cooking method

    You can prepare such a seasoning without much fuss - quickly and simply for “one-two-three”! Let's get down to business without further delay.

    1. First of all, prepare all the products: rinse the dill and parsley in running water and dry it so that no moisture remains on the greens. Peel the garlic. Rinse both types of peppers in tap water. Cut off the stems. Remove seeds and membranes. Cut vegetables into pieces of any size.

    1. Place all vegetables and greens in a blender bowl. Pour in the lemon juice. Pour in sugar and salt.

    1. How to kill vegetables with dill and parsley into a homogeneous gruel.

    This appetizer can be served immediately and eaten. If some of the seasoning remains, you can pour it into a jar, cork with a nylon lid and send it to the refrigerator. But keep in mind that such a “live” adjika is not stored for a long time.

    Classic adjika without cooking

    It should also be noted classic version cooking raw adjika, which does not require cooking.

    Cooking time - 1 hour.

    The number of servings is 1.


    What products are proposed to be used for the preparation of classic adjika, which does not imply heat treatment? To create seasoning without cooking, we need the following products from the list:

    • medium-sized tomatoes - 3 pcs.;
    • garlic - 5 cloves;
    • large green apple - ½ pc.;
    • vegetable oil - 50 ml;
    • hot red pepper - 1 pc.;
    • salt - 1 tsp

    Cooking method

    You do not have to spend a lot of time and effort to prepare such a spicy salad. So this recipe is definitely worth keeping an eye on.

    1. First, prepare all the ingredients that we need in the work.

    1. Wash the tomatoes thoroughly. Cut out the attachment points for branches. Cut into random pieces.

    1. Rinse the apple properly. It is not necessary to cut the skin. To cut in half. Cut out the core. Cut into small pieces.

    1. Peel the garlic.

    1. Rinse peppers in running water. Cut off the stem. Open the fruit and remove all the seeds from the inside. Cut out partitions. Cut the vegetable into small pieces.

    On a note! In the process of preparing adjika in the Caucasus, the seeds are not removed. It is believed that with them the seasoning is even sharper and more aromatic. You can do whatever is more convenient for you.

    1. Send all vegetable preparations to the blender bowl. Pour in the salt. Pour in vegetable oil.

    1. Smash the vegetables into a homogeneous mass.

    Pour ready-made raw adjika, which does not need cooking, into sterilized jars. Close lids tightly. This preparation can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 6 months.

    The simplest adjika without cooking

    Below is the simplest adjika recipe. Even a schoolboy can cope with the preparation of such a blank.

    Cooking time - 30 minutes.

    The number of servings is 1.


    What are we going to use? The list is surprisingly simple:

    • tomatoes - 2 kg;
    • sweet bell pepper - 1 kg;
    • horseradish root - 150 g;
    • garlic - 200 g;
    • sugar - 200 g
    • vinegar 9% - 150 ml
    • salt - 4 tbsp. l.

    Note! The number of products is indicated in purified form.

    Cooking method

    With the preparation of adjika according to this recipe, you definitely should not have problems.

    1. First, wash and cut the tomatoes. Peel the horseradish root and cut into small pieces.

    1. Remove skin from garlic.

    1. Rinse sweet bell pepper in running water. Remove stems, seeds and membranes. Cut into pieces of medium size.

    1. Skip all vegetables through a meat grinder. Pour salt with sugar. Dilute the mass with vinegar. Mix thoroughly and you're done!

    Can eat vegetable mix immediately or pour it into pre-sterilized jars. Close them carefully with nylon lids and store in the refrigerator.

    Video recipes

    Below are a few video recipes that allow you to cook delicious adjika without much hassle and fuss, which does not require cooking: