How to make adjika from a tomato. Spicy adjika for the winter - the best recipes with photo and video instructions

As is known, real adjika came to us originally from Georgia itself, representing a thick and rather sharp mass. It is prepared from vegetables such as: Bell pepper and chili, with the addition of certain spices. But cooked in Russia, it bears little resemblance to the traditional one, because in its composition, the main ingredient is tomatoes.

Of course, everyone cooks it in their own way, including onions, carrots, walnuts, green apple, horseradish and so on. Personally, I love to cook this workpiece according to my grandmother's recipe, as well as because she is my favorite. Be sure to include fresh meaty tomatoes and sweet peppers, due to which raw adjika comes out very fragrant and tasty. Store it in the refrigerator in small jars. Of course, it is common with us and boiled adjika, which, unlike raw, needs to be rolled into jars.

So, in today's article, consider the recipes homemade adjika, which turns out to be really very tasty and fragrant. Just take it, cook it and try it yourself! Well, if the topic of canning has already come up, then you will definitely like it!

Adjika, cooked without cooking, turns out to be quite hot and similar to pasta. It is a red-orange seasoning with salt, various herbs and garlic. In principle, it is not difficult to cook it, despite this, it can easily complement many dishes.


  • Tomatoes - 2 kg
  • Bulgarian pepper - 0.5 kg
  • chili pepper - 3 pcs
  • garlic - 5 heads
  • sugar - 1.5 cups
  • suneli hops - 1 tsp
  • vinegar 9% - 1/2 cup
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

First of all, wash all the vegetables in water. At bell pepper and chili, remove the stalk, and leave the seeds, cut together with tomatoes into medium pieces. We also clean the garlic and grind all the chopped vegetables using a blender or meat grinder.

Now we shift the finished adjika into clean jars, close the lids and put it away to be stored in the refrigerator. This is a very easy way to cook adjika, without cooking.

How to cook adjika with horseradish at home

Properly prepared spicy appetizer, goes well with many side dishes. It is prepared from ingredients such as: tomatoes, horseradish and garlic. Its very easy to prepare.


  • Tomatoes - 2.5 kg
  • sweet pepper - 1 kg
  • chili pepper - 3 pcs
  • horseradish root - 4 pcs
  • garlic - 3 heads
  • vinegar - 1.5 tbsp. l
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

Wash all vegetables in running water. We remove the stalk from sweet pepper and chili, leave the seeds, they do not need to be removed. We twist in a meat grinder: tomatoes, sweet and chili peppers, peeled garlic and horseradish.

Then add vinegar to the twisted mass, vegetable oil, sugar, salt to taste and mix everything well. Pour the resulting mass into sterilized jars, close the lids and store in the refrigerator.

Cook and eat healthy!

How to cook adjika with apples

On the table, this preparation with the addition of apples is best served chilled. It is perfect for both first and second courses, and even simple sandwiches.


  • Tomatoes - 1 kg
  • onion - 200 gr
  • apples - 200 gr
  • Bulgarian pepper - 400 gr
  • garlic - 100 gr
  • sunflower oil - 150 ml
  • hot pepper - 2 pcs
  • vinegar 9% - 2 tbsp. l
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

We wash all vegetables except garlic, peel and cut into fairly large pieces.

After the contents of the pan boil, reduce the fire to a slow one and cook for one hour. After this time, add the garlic passed through the press, salt, sugar, vinegar and continue to boil for another 1 hour.

Now we shift hot adjika into sterilized jars, twist, scalded with boiling water, and leave to cool completely.

From these ingredients, I got, like this, three jars of 480 ml each.

Homemade adjika with tomatoes and garlic, without bell pepper

If you suddenly decided to make adjika, but for some reason you did not find bell pepper, do not be discouraged. After all, this preparation can be prepared without it. Of course, the taste will be slightly different, but the cooking process will be easier.


  • Tomatoes - 1.5 kg
  • hot red pepper - 400 gr
  • garlic - 300 gr
  • vinegar - 2 tablespoons
  • hops-suneli - 1 tbsp. l
  • coriander - 1 tbsp. l
  • dill - 1 tbsp. l
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

Wash the tomatoes in water and cut into medium pieces. Then we twist them together with peeled garlic and hot pepper along with seeds in a meat grinder. Then we transfer the entire mass to large saucepan, pour all the necessary spices into it, pour in the vinegar and add salt to taste.

We bet on slow fire, stirring, bring to a boil and lay out in sterilized jars, wrap with lids, and leave to cool completely.

After the adjika in the jars has completely cooled down, we remove them for storage in the refrigerator.

A simple recipe for homemade adjika without preservation (video)

Enjoy your meal!!!

A long time ago, high in the mountains of Abkhazia, numerous flocks of shepherds grazed. And every spring, before a long campaign, the owners of the sheep gave them salt. Animals consumed it, increasing appetite and thirst. And they grew faster and faster per kilogram kilogram. The owners were happy, but they feared that the shepherds would steal salt. But it's not that cheap! Wealthy owners of the flock decided to add hot pepper to the crystals so that it would be discourteous. But cunning shepherds began to add various aromatic herbs and spices there, and then they used the mixture with pleasure, as delicious seasoning to different dishes.


Such is the legend about adjika. Whether this was true or not, no one knows for sure. But at least some experts claim that it was thanks to the shepherds that adjika from tomato and garlic appeared on our table, the recipe of which we will tell you below. How to cook it today does not know, probably only very far from culinary arts human. Every housewife has at least one simple one of tomato and garlic in her notebook. I would like to note that pepper plays the main role in adjika, although in translation from the Abkhaz the word means “salt”, and in Turkish it means “hot, spicy”.

Delicious adjika without tomato

Traditional adjika says no to tomatoes, carrots, apples. And if you have not tried a real hot mixture, which is enough to add just a crumb on the tip of a knife, then take a chance using the following recipe. Take 5 kilograms of leguminous, spread in a dark place on a towel and hold it for 3 days. During this time, the fruits will dry out a little. Coriander should be ground, resulting in a glass of powder. Before you start mixing the ingredients, it is recommended to wipe your hands with vegetable oil and put on strong rubber gloves.

Peppers must be cut, cleaned of the insides and washed. Prepare the garlic, 500 grams is enough for the indicated proportions. The main components are ready for further procedure. Pass the peppers through a meat grinder along with garlic, then mix with coriander and scroll twice more. The resulting mass is thoroughly mixed with salt and put in prepared jars.

You should pay tribute to the "newly made" sauce. There are many worthy options for every taste, sweet, spicy, with horseradish or apples. Some prefer to add ginger and celery. They say that this composition contributes to the process of losing excess weight.


Granulated sugar - one tablespoon;

Coarse salt - three tablespoons;

Vinegar 9 percent - five tablespoons.

Adjika from tomato and garlic: recipe

Wash and remove excess from vegetables. It can be black dots, ponytails, seeds (in pepper). Quarter the fruits of tomatoes and place in a deep bowl. Wait an hour for excess liquid to drain. The next step is to pass the components through a meat grinder or grater. Scroll further spicy fruit and vegetables should be together. Finally leaving only hot peppers. For them, there should be a separate container so that you can add to the mass to taste. Mix everything with a non-metallic spatula, adding sugar, vinegar and salt. Ready adjika is packed in sterilized dishes, sealed with lids and stored in the refrigerator.

Let's look at a few more secrets. It becomes sharp and sour when adding grated horseradish root, while acid can be omitted. Besides, given ingredient has antiseptic properties.

A simple adjika recipe for the winter

Tomatoes, garlic - these are the two main ingredients of the snack. But in order to make large stocks of sauce for a long time, you will need more vegetables, which, by the way, are best cooked.

How is adjika prepared from tomatoes, carrots and garlic? Its recipe is quite simple. Apples are also added to this dish. As a result, adjika becomes more like vegetable caviar, but also very tasty and popular with gourmets. Buy a kilogram of sweet peppers and carrots, a tomato will need 2.5 kg, and 6-7 medium fruits are enough for hot peppers. Do not forget apples, they are one kilogram. Scroll these fruits, along with the rest of the vegetables, and cook the resulting mass over medium heat for about an hour. Allow to cool slightly and only then add crushed garlic (200 g), a glass of sunflower oil, vinegar, sugar and salt. Then the mass must be thoroughly mixed with a spoon, preferably a wooden one, and decomposed into a processed container.

On top of the mass in a jar for better preservation of the product, you can add a little vegetable oil. And if there is no hot pepper in pods in your household, replace it with ground pepper in the following proportions: 1 pod - 1 teaspoon.

What is adjika suitable for?

Homemade sauce will be an excellent addition to many dishes: aspic, jelly, any meat, including traditional barbecue from chicken, pork or lamb. It is especially pleasant to open a jar with a fragrant mass in winter. The smell will excite memories of the sunny season.

With horseradish

Let's look at the recipe for adjika from tomato, horseradish and garlic. It excites appetite well and such a blank is stored for a long time. From the consumption of a kilogram of tomato, you will need 200 grams of peeled root, a couple of sweet peppers, and hot 1-3 pods. Garlic will be enough 250 grams.

Cooking process

To begin with, the tomatoes must be treated with boiling water, divided into several fairly large parts. Then you need to clean the rest of the components. Chop the horseradish root into rings, and cut the cloves into slices, half a clove. Sweet pepper must also be scalded, freed from the top film and seeds inside, cut into small pieces. Pass the vegetables mixed together through a meat grinder at least twice, then mix with spices: in equal proportions, a tablespoon of salt, be sure to sugar, you can add the same amount of curry or suneli hops from the market, then pour in vegetable oil and vinegar.

When the tomato and garlic adjika is ready, the recipe of which we told you, you need to move on to the spin. Two versions of it are now known. First - water bath, which should be subjected to the resulting mass and then immediately rolled up. The second is to decompose vegetable mix in jars with loose lids, keep in the refrigerator for two days to let out excess air. After that, you can tightly pack for long-term storage.

Adjika with zucchini for those who love original dishes

Fans of experiments feel free to use other vegetables in the preparation of hot sauce. For example, zucchini.

For cooking you will need:

  • half a kilogram of pepper and the same amount of carrots;
  • three kilograms of zucchini;
  • one and a half kilograms of tomatoes;
  • ten cloves of garlic;
  • two tablespoons of pepper (red);
  • salt (two tablespoons);
  • vegetable oil (200 ml);
  • 100 grams of sugar.

Cooking delicious adjika from tomato, garlic and zucchini

  1. First, prepare all the vegetables: wash and dry.
  2. You can grind vegetables in a meat grinder. Start with a tomato, twist them well.
  3. Peel the zucchini and pass through a meat grinder. Do the same with sweet peppers and carrots. At the end, squeeze the garlic into the resulting mass. Then combine all the ingredients in one container, add sugar.
  4. Then add salt and oil. Put the dish to cook on low heat. This process will take approximately forty minutes. All this time, stir the adjika from zucchini so that it does not burn. It is better to use a heavy-bottomed pot for cooking. At the end of cooking, add red pepper and simmer the dish for another ten minutes.
  5. Now transfer adjika to prepared jars and roll up. Shelf life in a cool place is long. By the way, you can try the fresh mass. We wish you bon appetit!

A small conclusion

Now you know how to prepare adjika with garlic, tomatoes, we have provided you with a recipe without cooking. We also looked at a few more good ways cooking. I would like to note that adjika from tomato and garlic, the recipe of which we told you, is good for the body. Sharpness gives an increase in energy, invigorates and renews strength. Vitamin composition helps in strengthening the immune system. But you should pay attention to contraindications. Do not get carried away with the sauce if you have been diagnosed with peptic ulcers or gastritis, so as not to harm your body.

Tomato adjika recipes - not to mention adjika without them - are several hundred, if not thousands. Among them there are recipes that involve boiling, there are also those that are prepared from raw foods.

The finished taste of the sauce depends on the quality of raw products. Therefore, when preparing adjika, you need to rely not only on the amount of ingredients indicated in the recipe, but also on the sharpness and richness of the taste of these very products.

simple recipe

Simple adjika options are not as spicy as the "real" ones. However, it is an excellent sauce for many dishes. The recipe described below is very simple but tasty, not very spicy, but also has a rich taste.

How to cook:

  1. Tomatoes prepare, grind, put on a slow fire and boil for one hour. During this time, the mass should decrease in volume by half;
  2. While boiling tomato juice, wash, peel and cut sweet pepper into very thin short straws;
  3. Dip it in a saucepan with tomato juice and cook for another 20 minutes;
  4. Then add all the other ingredients, wait for the sugar and salt to dissolve;
  5. After that, adjika is ready.

It can be rolled up in jars, having previously sterilized them. If it is not prepared for the winter, the amount of ingredients can be reduced by 5-10 times, and cooked as needed. Must be stored in the refrigerator.

Variation with apples

Such adjika can be rolled into jars. They will need to be sterilized first.

The meal takes 3 hours to prepare.

Calorie content - about 86 kcal.

How to cook adjika from tomatoes with apples:

  1. Wash apples, tomatoes, peppers and garlic. For apples, remove the seeds, for peppers and tomatoes, the place of attachment of the stalk;
  2. Grind apples and tomatoes together, put on a slow fire and boil for 2 hours;
  3. Crush the garlic, or scroll in a meat grinder along with pepper, add to the pan, also put all the spices and oil and cook for another 0.5 hours;
  4. After that, the sauce is ready. It can be rolled into banks.

From the specified amount of products, about 8 cans of adjika are obtained.

Boiled adjika with garlic and wine vinegar

This seasoning is cooked for about 1.5 hours, during which time it decreases in volume and acquires a more concentrated taste. Garlic must be added at the end of cooking - if it is cooked for a long time, it will lose its taste and aromatic properties very much.

Adjika is prepared from tomato and garlic for 2 hours.

The calorie content of the dish is about 86 units.

How to cook:

  1. Prepare onions, bell and hot peppers and tomatoes for grinding, then chop in a meat grinder or in a blender;
  2. Put the mass in a cauldron, pour vegetable oil and cook for 1.5 hours, stirring;
  3. Crush the garlic and add to adjika. Also put salt, sugar and vinegar;
  4. Sterilize the jars, boil adjika for another 5 minutes, and you can roll it up.

For storage in the refrigerator, adjika can be closed with nylon lids.

Spicy adjika with horseradish

Horseradish root greatly affects the tearing of the eyes - this must be taken into account, especially when grinding it in a meat grinder. However, it is one of the most spicy recipes of this famous tomato sauce.

The dish is prepared in 15 minutes + 1 hour.

Calorie content - about 35 kcal.

How to cook:

  1. Soak horseradish in water for 1 hour;
  2. Then peel it, wash the tomatoes, cut out the place where the stalk is attached, peel the garlic;
  3. Grind everything together;
  4. Add salt, mix thoroughly. Arrange in jars and hide in the refrigerator.

This is the so-called "raw" adjika. Due to the fact that it is not boiled, horseradish root retains all useful and medicinal properties. Since such a sauce is stored for a long time, the medicinal properties of horseradish, which is part of it, can be taken into account in winter for various diseases.

Green Tomato and Pepper Seasoning

Adjika from green tomatoes differs significantly in taste from those cooked on ripe tomatoes. Such a recipe can help out if frosts come, and the tomatoes have not yet ripened, or if the child accidentally picked them.

One clarification should be made - by "green" tomatoes it is meant green, not orange or brown. Those who have already begun to sing are not suitable for adjika.

The meal takes 1 hour 30 minutes to prepare.

The calorie content of a serving is about 36 units.

How to cook:

Such adjika can be rolled into sterilized jars. It is stored for a long time, all winter.

Adjika from tomato without cooking

Cooking kills a lot useful substances, including vitamins. Cooked without cooking adjika - very useful product, but at the same time, it cannot be cooked a lot - it is stored for a limited amount of time. Seasoning prepared according to this recipe can be stored rolled up in jars all winter, as it contains natural vinegar.

The dish is prepared in 20 minutes.

Calorie content - about 60 kcal.

How to cook:

  1. Since the products in this recipe are not amenable to heat treatment, you need to choose them yourself good quality wash thoroughly and remove damaged areas. Having prepared tomatoes, garlic and peppers in this way, chop them in a blender or meat grinder;
  2. Add all other ingredients to them and mix. The jars in which the sauce will be stored are best poured over with boiling water. Do the same with lids. Spilling adjika into jars, you can put it in the refrigerator.

When mixing the components of this sauce, you only need to use a wooden spoon or spatula - metal ones can oxidize adjika during storage.

Armenian fermented adjika

Cook according to this recipe spicy sauce can be done very quickly, then it needs to be insisted for a long time. However, the taste of it will be "strong" and real!

The dish is prepared in 50 minutes + 2 weeks of infusion.

Calorie content - about 55 kcal.

Recipe for adjika with tomatoes in Armenian step by step:

  1. Wash all ingredients and prepare for grinding;
  2. Grind everything without adding salt, pour into an enamel bowl;
  3. Add salt, mix;
  4. For two weeks, withstand adjika for fermentation. It needs to be stirred every day.

After fermentation, the Armenian seasoning does not need any further processing, it can be used immediately.

Preparation for the winter

It's very simple and quick recipe adjika for the winter. The number of ingredients is minimal, besides, this one does not take much time. This amount is for 2 cans.

The dish is prepared for 3 hours, taking into account the insistence.

The calorie content of the dish is about 25 units.

How to cook:

  1. Wash tomatoes, cut off rotten places, if any, cut into pieces, and grind together with peeled garlic in a meat grinder;
  2. Add salt to the tomato juice and leave for a couple of hours, it will dissolve during this time. It is advisable to mix it at least a couple of times;
  3. Sterilize jars (and lids for them too), pour adjika into jars and roll up.

You need to store such adjika with tomatoes in the cellar or in the refrigerator.

Working with hot pepper, it is advisable to wear rubber gloves, especially for those who have sensitive skin - firstly, this will protect your hands from burns, and secondly, it will protect the mucous membranes of the eyes and lips from accidental touches during cooking.

By adding garlic and hot peppers, you need to focus on their sharpness. For example, if the garlic is not spicy, you may need to add up to three times the amount given in the recipe to achieve the desired flavor.

When preparing adjika without cooking, it is worth paying special attention to the freshness and quality of the products - it is unacceptable to use rotten or moldy vegetables, badly crushed or bursting, with dirt inside. If "raw" adjika from spoiled products is nevertheless cooked, in best case"shoot" banks in the cellar, at worst - someone will be very poisoned.

Almost any seasoning can be added to adjika - coriander, cumin, suneli hops, and so on. Picking up right amount and the proportions of laying spices, you can achieve your own, unique taste adjika.

From adjika you can easily cook more gentle sauce- mix in equal parts with thick sour cream. This, more delicate in taste, sauce can be served to the table with most dishes that adjika is served with. In addition, this sauce is suitable for those who do not eat this seasoning due to its spiciness.

If you need to cook not too spicy, but sweetish tomato adjika, you can make a sauce with large quantity apples and bell peppers, and do not add hot peppers at all - a little garlic and salt will add spice to the finished sauce, but it will remain moderately spicy.

Adjika from tomatoes and garlic - classic recipe, which will help in creating a traditional Caucasian sauce. Over the long years of its existence, this spicy seasoning has been appreciated by many nationalities, thanks to which it has acquired new flavors and is prepared with pepper, apples, horseradish and other additions.

Adjika from tomatoes and garlic leads in the category of natural savory seasonings, striking not only with a bright taste, but with ease of preparation. You will need to chop the vegetables into a pasty mass, season it with salt and spices and put it in jars. Depending on living conditions, the pasta is boiled or stored raw in the cold.

  1. Homemade adjika from tomatoes and garlic will become worthy decoration table, only in the presence of juicy fleshy tomatoes and high-quality spices. Cilantro, coriander, hot peppers and suneli hops are the most popular of them.
  2. Because the spicy seasonings very "volatile", during cooking it is better to wear gloves, and a bag on the meat grinder opening.
  3. More often, adjika is not boiled, but abundantly seasoned with salt, laid out in jars and placed in the cold. With absence necessary conditions, the mass is boiled from 5 minutes to an hour, rolled up and placed in a dark place for storage.

Adjika from tomatoes and garlic - a simple recipe

A simple tomato and garlic adjika will introduce beginner cooks to the basic cooking rules - they are affordable and do not take much time. All that is needed is to grind the main components in a meat grinder, season generously with salt, let it brew and, sealed in sterile jars, send it for storage in a cold place.


  • tomatoes - 1.5 kg;
  • garlic - 150 g;
  • salt - 50 g.


  1. Chop the tomatoes along with the garlic.
  2. Salt generously and stir.
  3. Adjika simple from tomatoes and garlic is a classic recipe in which the mass is insisted for 3 hours and laid out in jars.

Boiled adjika from tomato, pepper and garlic is one of the most popular "folk" options. Balanced flavors, incredible flavor, a variety of fresh, seasonal vegetables, and a simple cooking technique that keeps finished products at any temperature - the main advantages of this snack.


  • tomatoes - 2.5 kg;
  • pepper - 900 g;
  • head of garlic - 2 pcs.;
  • carrots - 500 g;
  • oil - 300 ml;
  • onion - 400 g;
  • hot pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • vinegar - 50 ml;
  • salt - 30 g.


  1. Grind the peeled vegetables in a meat grinder.
  2. Season, pour in the oil and simmer for an hour.
  3. Add vinegar and remove.
  4. Adjika boiled from tomato and garlic is a classic recipe in which the finished seasoning is rolled up and sent for storage.

Ingredients for 2.5 liters:

  • Tomatoes - 1.2 kg.
  • Sweet red pepper - 0.5 kg (peeled)
  • Carrots - 0.5 kg.
  • Vegetable oil - 100 ml
  • Sugar - 0.5 cups
  • Coarse salt - 2 tbsp. (with a small slide)
  • Peeled garlic - a little more than half a glass
  • Hot red pepper - 1 pod (optional).

How to cook adjika with garlic for the winter:

I start cooking adjika with the selection of vegetables. All of them should be fresh, dense and mature. Wash all vegetables thoroughly in running water. I clean the pepper from seeds and partitions. I also peel garlic and carrots, wash them with water after cleaning.

The next step is to grind the ingredients. Here you can use a blender or meat grinder. I grind vegetables with an electric meat grinder.

First, I pass tomatoes through it. tomato paste I pour it into a deep saucepan (preferably enameled), in which I will cook adjika in the future.

Then I pass carrots through a meat grinder. And I also send it to the pan.

Then I pass sweet pepper and garlic through a meat grinder. If you put hot pepper in adjika, it must also be passed through a meat grinder and added to the total mass.

So, all the vegetable mass in our pan is chopped. I add vegetable oil, sugar and salt to the pan.

I stir and put the pan on the fire. I bring it to a boil and reduce. Simmer over moderate heat for 1 hour, stirring occasionally.

At this time I prepare jars and lids. They need to be washed and sterilized.

An hour later, adjika is ready, and such an aroma spreads around the house that all the household members run to the kitchen! At this stage, I recommend tasting adjika, you may want to add salt, etc.

I lay out the finished hot adjika in jars and roll up (twist) the lids.

I turn closed jars upside down and wrap them until they cool completely.

We store in a dark cool place, like any workpiece. Enjoy your meal!