Raw beetroot caviar cooking recipes. Choosing the right fruits

Every hostess does delicious preparations for the winter. She makes jam, rolls up fruit compotes, closes cucumbers and tomatoes. Prepares caviar from blue ones, zucchini or beets.

It is very easy to prepare such a roll. But to make it really tasty, then cook fried caviar from beets as in the USSR according to the recipe below. This dish can be served as a side dish for baked potatoes or chicken meatballs.

And you can bake a fish with beetroot caviar. For this it is necessary fish fillet put on greased olive oil foil, overthrow put caviar. Wrap the fish under the “beetroot coat” in foil and put it in a preheated oven for twenty to twenty-five minutes.

Recipe for beetroot caviar as in the USSR "Nostalgia"

Products for cooking are the following:

  • three pieces of boiled beets;
  • one large carrot;
  • two bulbs;
  • three cloves of garlic;
  • red pepper - half a teaspoon;
  • salt, sugar - to taste;
  • two tablespoons of tomato paste;
  • two bay leaves;
  • half a glass of vegetable oil.

Cooking steps:

  • v cast iron skillet pour vegetable oil;
  • add finely chopped onion;
  • fry until golden;
  • peel and chop the carrots on a grater;
  • add to onion;
  • grate boiled beets;
  • add to the pan with vegetables;
  • stew the vegetable mass for a period of minutes;
  • add spices, chopped garlic and tomato paste;
  • simmer another ten minutes;
  • put the finished appetizer in a beautiful salad bowl;
  • sprinkle with chopped walnuts;
  • garnish with a sprig of parsley or dill.

On a note!

  • if you want the caviar to be tender, with a sweet and sour taste, put two grated apples in the process of stewing vegetables;
  • if you don't have tomato paste, you can use ketchup or homemade sauce.

How to cook beetroot caviar in a five-minute frying pan

Beetroot caviar can be cooked in ten to fifteen minutes if you already have boiled root vegetables. Such vegetable snack"Five Minute" will help out any housewife when you need to quickly set the table, and feed the family with useful and light dinner. Now, knowing how to cook beetroot caviar in a pan, you can quickly prepare a healthy snack.

Cooking technology:

  • grate two boiled beets or chop with a blender until smooth;
  • pour 100 ml of odorless vegetable oil into a frying pan and put chopped small cube one onion and garlic passed through a press (two or three cloves);
  • fry the onion and garlic until golden;
  • add prepared beets and a tablespoon of tomato paste (ketchup) to it;
  • simmer twenty minutes;
  • add salt, pepper, bay leaf and a pinch of granulated sugar to vegetables;
  • simmer another ten minutes;
  • transfer to a salad bowl;
  • season with a spoonful of sour cream and sprinkle with chopped dill.

Beetroot caviar fried with onions

If you are a little tired of ordinary caviar, then fried beetroot caviar with onions is tastier and more unusual than usual. Also add a little nutmeg or ground white pepper. And the taste of the snack will be excellent. To prepare a versatile and healthy beetroot caviar fried with onions, you need to prepare the following products:

  • beets - 800 grams;
  • onion - 300 grams;
  • three to four cloves of garlic;
  • a bunch of dill;
  • half a glass of vegetable oil;
  • two tablespoons of flour;
  • black pepper, lavrushka, salt and sugar, ground ginger- taste;


  • chop the onion into small cubes;
  • heat the pan and add vegetable oil there;
  • put the onion in the pan and fry until golden brown;
  • wash and clean the beets;
  • cut into very thin and long strips;
  • put to the onion and simmer until it becomes soft;
  • at the end of cooking, add flour (for density) and spices to the caviar;
  • bring to taste with salt and sugar;
  • cool the finished appetizer slightly, put it in a salad bowl;
  • sprinkle with chopped parsley and chopped kernels walnuts.

Like these ones simple recipes excellent workpiece for the winter, which are easy and simple to prepare. Have a delicious winter!

Beet caviar for the winter- one of the favorite blanks of many housewives. Having prepared beets in this way, you will always have at hand not only dressing for red borscht, but also tasty snack or sandwich paste. Recipes for beetroot caviar for the winter are very similar to recipes for beetroot borscht dressings. The main difference between these types of preservation is not so much in the ingredients as in appearance.

Beet caviar has most often more uniform appearance and looks like puree, while borscht dressing may consist of larger cuts of vegetables. There are a lot of beet caviar recipes, which indicates the popularity of this preparation.

Caviar from beets and carrots for the winter, step by step recipe which I want to offer you, it is prepared very simply, does not require sterilization and it turns out delicious. Beetroot caviar can be used as a snack, but it can also be used to cook no less tasty than borscht dressing. In any case, on winter table caviar from beets will be very appropriate.

It's no secret that beetroot belongs to dietary products for the light a small amount kilocalories. Regular use beets in the diet perfectly helps many in the fight against extra pounds. And what can we say about the benefits of beets.


  • Carrots - 500 gr.,
  • Beets - 2 kg.,
  • Onion - 500 gr.,
  • Salt - 2 tbsp. spoons,
  • Sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons,
  • Vinegar -6 tbsp. spoons
  • Sunflower refined oil - 50 ml.

Caviar from beets and carrots for the winter - recipe

Beets and wash. Peel them and the onion. Now the vegetables should be chopped. For these purposes, you can use a meat grinder, food processor or blender. For ease of grinding, cut the beets, onions and carrots into several pieces. Put the vegetables one by one in the blender bowl and twist them.

Transfer the prepared vegetables for beetroot caviar for the winter to a saucepan in which it will be cooked.

Mix vegetables.

Boil beet caviar on low heat for 1 hour. During cooking, it must be periodically mixed, which will allow it not only to boil evenly, but also not to burn to the pan.

An hour later, we fill with beets. Pour sunflower oil into it. I recommend using refined oil. It is this oil that will not interrupt the taste of the finished beetroot caviar, but it will not be bitter either.

Pour in table vinegar.

Salt and sugar caviar.

After that, mix the beetroot caviar. Let it simmer for another 15 minutes over low heat. Beet caviar for the winter, the recipe of which you learned, is exactly the same as it is well stored both in an apartment, and in a basement or cellar at low temperatures.

Caviar from beets for the winter and carrots while it cooks, sterilize jars and lids. Beetroot caviar, the step-by-step recipe of which we examined, can be closed with both nylon and tin lids, in both cases it will be well stored.

Dip the lids for 1-2 minutes in boiling water. In sterile jars, spread hot beet caviar with a spoon. Seal the banks. Place them upside down on the lids. Wrap up warmly for additional sterilization.

Caviar from beets and carrots for the winter. Photo

It turns out no less tasty and beet caviar with tomatoes for the winter. The consistency of this caviar is similar to the caviar of the first recipe, the taste and color are slightly different. With the addition of tomatoes, the caviar turns redder.


  • Beets - 3 kg.,
  • Tomatoes - 1 kg.,
  • Onion - 500 gr.,
  • Carrots - 1 kg.,
  • Vinegar - 4 tbsp. spoons,
  • Salt - 3 tbsp. spoons,
  • Sugar - 5 tbsp. spoons
  • Ground black pepper - a pinch

Beetroot caviar with tomatoes - recipe

Peel beets, onions and carrots. Wash and cut the tomatoes into several pieces. All the rest, too, cut into several parts. After that, pass all the vegetables through a meat grinder. Further vegetable puree transfer to a saucepan. After that, boil beet caviar with tomatoes for 40 minutes. Next, add the amount of salt, sugar and vinegar indicated in the ingredients to it. Boil it for another 10-15 minutes. Close in small, sterilized jars.

I think many of you have tried at least once in your life this interesting and delicious appetizer salad- fried beet caviar. The recipe is very simple and familiar to us from Soviet Union. Well, let's remember how unusual caviar is prepared.

Beets are rightfully considered the mistress of vegetable gardens. The vegetable is well stored, so it is harvested for the future, for the winter. Beets are readily grown on farms and on home plots.
Various first courses are prepared from it, tasty and healthy salads. Root crops are baked, boiled and pickled, candied fruits are made and even caviar is cooked. Fried beetroot caviar, a recipe like in the USSR, was one of the special dishes of our grandmothers.

Beets are very rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. It contains iodine, so the root crop is useful for the endocrine system. Zinc and magnesium present in beets have a good effect on nervous system, and raw beets are good for the liver. It really is a magical root vegetable! Beets can be eaten both boiled and raw. There are a lot of beetroot recipes.

healthy vegetable

Interesting and unusual in its preparation Fried caviar from beets and carrots. The recipe for this delicious dish is neatly written down in my grandmother's notebook and carefully kept by the hostesses. V Soviet times, the stores did not have such an abundance of pickles. In every family, women made pickles, salads and caviar themselves. Recipes were carefully stored in a notebook or notebook. Mothers passed on their culinary knowledge to their daughters.

Beetroot was extremely popular at that time. Dishes from this root crop were prepared at home, in canteens, restaurants and children's institutions. Soviet doctors were deeply convinced of useful qualities vegetables. At home, the housewives prepared extraordinarily interesting and delicious food- beet caviar.


  • 2 small beets,
  • 1 medium carrot
  • 1 onion,
  • a few cloves of garlic
  • ground red pepper - 1 pinch,
  • vegetable (can be replaced with olive) oil,
  • 2 tbsp tomato paste,
  • spices to taste
  • salt.


Step 1. Boil the beets in water, cool and peel, then rub on a coarse grater.

Step 2 Fresh carrots are peeled and rubbed on a fine grater.

Step 3 Finely chop the onion.

Step 4 Pour oil into a well-heated frying pan, and throw chopped onion.

Add carrots to the onion and fry over low heat. After extinguishing the vegetables for ten minutes, we send the beets to them. Caviar is stewed for another half an hour.

Step 5 Passed garlic through a garlic press, mix with salt and red pepper, you can add a little herbs. The resulting mixture of spices, send to the pan to the vegetables. Simmer another 5 minutes. At the end of cooking, put the tomato paste into the caviar. Simmer for 5-7 minutes.

Step 6 Ready caviar can be served as independent dish, or as a side dish for meat and poultry.

Caviar garnished with herbs can be a spicy salad.

Step 1: Prepare the beets.

Rinse the beets thoroughly; fresh, large, juicy root crops are best suited for preparing caviar. But first, the vegetable must be prepared by cutting off the tops and root from it, and then removing the skin.
Rinse the peeled beets again cold water to remove occasional grains of sand, and then chop with a coarse grater.

Step 2: Squeeze juice from citrus fruits.

Rinse the orange and lemon, and then, using a special device, squeeze the juice from the fruit. In this case, you should carefully monitor that the pulp and seeds from the fruit do not get into it.
If you don't have a juicer, you can easily do everything by hand. To do this, you need to cut an orange and a lemon into slices, then make two cuts across each and, turning the pulp inward, crush. True, this method is less effective than a juicer, so it is better to take one and a half oranges and a lemon.

Step 3: Prepare the marinade.

Freshly squeezed fruit juice mix with apple cider vinegar and vegetable oil. Then add granulated sugar, salt and dried herbs. Beat the dressing until it becomes a smooth mixture.

Step 4: Cooking beet caviar.

Transfer the grated beets to a deep plate or saucepan, pour over the prepared dressing and mix very thoroughly. Cover the container with a salad with a lid and send everything to infuse in the refrigerator for 3-5 hours. During this time, the beets will be properly saturated with marinade and spices, but at the same time remain crispy and healthy.

Step 5: Serve raw beet caviar.

Raw beet caviar prepared according to this recipe is incredibly tasty, slightly sweet and has an unusual citrus aroma. And most importantly, this snack is very useful for your digestion, so it must be present at everyday or holiday table where heavy dishes are presented in abundance. vegetable caviar It is good both on its own, spread on bread, and as an addition to a complex side dish, so it can be served in various ways.
Bon Appetit!

Pairs surprisingly well with beetroot caviar. walnuts and prunes.

Instead of dried dill, you can take fresh, but before adding to the marinade, rinse thoroughly and chop into very small pieces.

It is quite possible to cook from beet caviar various salads, including herring under a fur coat, however, it is worth considering the peculiar taste that the caviar received, and therefore slightly change the recipes.

This article will focus on one very healthy vegetable- beets. Beetroot improves blood composition by increasing the content of hemoglobin in it, promotes digestion, cleanses the intestines and is rich in vitamins. There are many recipes various dishes, where there is beetroot, including this vegetable, very tasty beetroot caviar is obtained. Let's try and cook it.

Common in caviar recipes

Before you cook beetroot caviar, you need to "put in order" the vegetable itself. This process is common for almost all dishes and consists of the following steps and rules:

  1. Wash the selected tubers thoroughly, carefully removing dirt in folds and cracks.
  2. Before cooking, in no case should the beets be cleaned, cut off the top or root - otherwise the whole beetroot juice will go into the water, and the vegetable will become tasteless and very pale.
  3. Beets are cooked for a long time - from 40 minutes to an hour and a half.
  4. Do not forget to clean the boiled beets, removing at this stage both the root and upper part vegetables.
  5. Some housewives recommend that after cooking, cool the beets with cold water (let it stand for 10 minutes), and then drain the water and then cool it dry. It is claimed that with this method, the brightness of the color and sweetness increase and are preserved for a long time.

By the way, about caviar: the ingredients can be grated, you can grind in a blender. And the caviar itself can be eaten both hot and cold, as an additional snack, meat sauce or side dish, can be preserved for the winter.

Easy Recipe

For one medium beet, take 1 medium onion and 1 large spoonful of tomato paste.

Boil the required amount of beet tubers, cool, grate larger. Cut the appropriate number of onions into small cubes, fry in vegetable oil until barely golden, add the beets and fry for a few more minutes. Salt to taste, pepper, pour (optional) half a glass of brine (if possible from canned tomatoes), add some crystals citric acid and sugar, mix thoroughly - beet caviar is ready.


This recipe is for lovers of pepper: beetroot caviar with garlic and pepper. The ratio of beets and onions is one to one. Peel and grate the washed raw beets, add finely chopped chili peppers to the resulting mass (you need to determine the amount of pepper for yourself), let the mixture stand for a bit. Pour about half a glass of vegetable oil into a heated pan, put beet billet, finely chopped onion, simmer over low heat under the lid. If desired, the taste of caviar can be emphasized with tomato paste, vinegar or ketchup, in addition, these additives enhance the brightness of the dish.

Crushed under a press or finely chopped garlic, as well as finely chopped fragrant herbs(cilantro, parsley, basil - fresh or dried) pour into the pan shortly before readiness. Salt, pepper, add spices to taste. Beet caviar is ready to eat. Just let it brew a little (for half an hour) under the lid.

Beet caviar for the winter

To get 1 kg of caviar, you will need half a kilogram of beets, 200 g of carrots, about 100 g of onions, the same number of tomatoes (you can use tomato paste - 10-15 grams), a couple of cloves of garlic, salt, sugar, pepper, if desired vinegar.

Wash and peel onions and carrots. Finely chop the onion, grate the carrot coarsely. Fry the onion until golden brown in sunflower oil, add the carrots and fry the vegetables for another seven minutes. rubbed on coarse grater Pour pre-cooked and peeled beets into the frying, if the mixture turned out to be very dry, add a few tablespoons of beetroot broth, pour in oil if necessary. Salt, pepper, add a little sugar. If you wish, pour vinegar or lemon juice, close the pan with a lid. Then simmer for another 15 minutes, stirring regularly.

If it was decided to use tomatoes, you need to scald them with boiling water. Then remove the skin, chop and add to the caviar. Tomato paste is added without additional processing. Shortly before the end of the process, add chopped garlic. In clean, sterilized, dry jars, lay out ready-made hot caviar. Roll up the jars, then turn them over and wrap them with something warm (a blanket, a blanket, a terry towel) - they should cool down that way. Ready beet caviar for the winter should be stored in a dark, cool place.

Those who wish can add zucchini, pickled or pickled cucumbers to such caviar - of course, even in the process of stewing. The taste of each additive changes, but does not get worse.

Beetroot caviar - recipe with prunes and walnuts

For this dish, for 500 g of already boiled beets, you will need 100 g of prunes, 50 g of peeled walnuts, half a lemon, sugar, butter.

Cut the thoroughly washed prunes into small pieces, crush the nuts, cut the lemon very thinly and grate the zest, and squeeze the juice from the pulp.

Grind boiled and peeled beets with a blender, add 2 large spoons of soft butter, three of the same spoons of sugar, chopped prunes and nuts, zest and lemon juice, mix everything well, place in a saucepan. Then put on a low fire. Simmer with constant stirring for 10 minutes.

Caviar from the multicooker

Beetroot caviar, prepared according to this recipe in a slow cooker, turns out to be surprisingly tasty. For 3 beet tubers, it usually takes 2 onions and carrots, a tablespoon of tomato paste, salt and spices to taste, and vegetable oil - how much caviar will “take”.

Multicooker bowl with vegetable oil must be preheated using the "Frying" or "Baking" modes. Pour the finely chopped onion into the multicooker bowl, fry until transparent, add the grated carrots, mix, fry the vegetables in the mixture. Grated boiled and peeled beets, also put in a bowl. Salt to taste, put tomato paste and spices (your choice - black pepper, dry dill or garlic, Provencal herbs), mix well. lovers sweet caviar you can add sugar. Simmer until cooked in the same mode for about 30 minutes.

Beets and mushrooms

All the same beetroot caviar. The recipe is non-standard due to the presence of mushrooms. It will take 600 g of boiled and peeled beets, 40 g dried mushrooms, 2 onions, 4 tablespoons of vegetable oil; salt, ground black pepper and table vinegar to taste.

The beets are chopped very finely and fried in oil. Mushrooms need to be boiled, drained, washed, cut into small pieces and also fried. Finely chopped onions are also fried until golden brown. Combine these products, mix, add salt, pepper and vinegar. Mix until smooth. It turns out easy to prepare and very tasty beetroot caviar.