Juicy stacks. How we cooked stacks of minced meat, eggs, potatoes and cheese

The recipe that I want to introduce you to today has a very perky name - “Stacks of minced meat". Indeed, by appearance the dish in the end resembles stacks - small, neat and very appetizing. At their base is minced meat, which is covered on top, like a fur coat, potatoes and cheese. Such meat balls from minced meat under a fur coat in the oven, that is, you will not need to conjure at the stove and worry that something will burn or not bake, the technique will do everything for you and at the highest level.

Great option for dinner

So the preparation of portioned casseroles from Stozhki minced meat is a fairly simple and labor-intensive task. And in the end you get a very hearty meal, besides, one that does not need a side dish - after all, potatoes are already part of the ingredients. Am I interested in you? Then let's go to the kitchen, I'll tell you everything about the recipe in detail and reveal all the secrets and nuances of cooking.

List of ingredients

  • 1 kg minced meat (I have pork);
  • 2 heads of onions;
  • 3 - 4 medium-sized tomatoes;
  • 6 medium sized potatoes;
  • 200 g of hard cheese;
  • salt, pepper to taste.

Technology: step by step

AT minced meat put salt, black ground pepper and mix thoroughly.

We clean the onion from the husk, wash and cut into very thin half rings.

Rub the cheese on coarse grater.

Cut the tomatoes into thin slices.

Peel and wash potatoes. We rub the potatoes on a coarse grater.

From minced meat we form small, with a diameter of 8 - 10 cm, cakes.

We put onions on each cake, a little short of the edges of the cake. Place a circle of tomato on top of the onion.

Put the potatoes on top of the tomato. Lightly sprinkle the potatoes on top.

How to bake in the oven

Line a baking sheet with a silicone mat or parchment paper. If there is no mat and parchment, grease the baking sheet vegetable oil. Carefully transfer the minced meat blanks onto a baking sheet. To facilitate this process, you can immediately form stacks on a baking sheet. We bake our minced meat balls in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees C, for 30 minutes. Remove the baking sheet from the oven and sprinkle the “stacks” with grated cheese.

Bake for another 7-10 minutes, until the cheese is melted. Then carefully remove portioned minced meat casseroles from the baking sheet, place on a dish and serve.

An amazing portioned dish, which can be both everyday and quite festive, guests are not ashamed to serve, on the contrary, everyone will be surprised and delighted, because in reality such stacks of minced meat are a feast of taste, they have both tender meat and a side dish at the same time . Very convenient serving, it’s not at all difficult to cook, in a word - I recommend not just trying to cook, but using it exactly as holiday dish: and beautiful, and tasty, and unusual. Well, what else do you need? I am completely delighted with this dish and realized that now it will become a frequent guest in my kitchen on my table. Usually stacks are cooked with minced meat, eggs, fried onions, potatoes and cheese, but I made my own adjustments, I wanted to add tomatoes and mushrooms instead of eggs to meat and potatoes. I also serve two types of cheese “fur coats”. The number of ingredients is approximate, cook once, you will understand what you want more in this dish: mushrooms, potatoes or meat. And yet, it, of course, depends on the number of servings and on the size of servings-stacks. I will tell you about my cooking process along the way. Below is also a video of the preparation. From snacks I want to offer and. Cook, success and home warmth!

STOGKOV RECIPE: for 9 pcs.

  • 1 tomato (140-150 g)
  • 400 g fresh mushrooms (champignons)
  • 600 g potatoes
  • 170-200 g hard cheese
  • 2 tbsp. l. mayonnaise
  • 1 egg
  • For minced meat:
  • 500-700 g minced meat (any)
  • 1 egg
  • 1 onion
  • Salt pepper
  • 3 slices loaf soaked in milk


1. First of all, let's prepare the minced meat: add an egg, grated onion, salt, pepper, as well as a loaf soaked in milk and squeezed out of not the first freshness.

All this was thoroughly mixed, and for the time being put in the refrigerator.

2. Finely chop the mushrooms and fry in vegetable oil. You don’t need to fry for a long time, literally 4-5 minutes, the mushrooms will still reach in the oven when baking. By the way, you can fry with onions, I cooked without onions. Delicious equally: with onions and without onions.

3. Three hard cheese on a coarse grater, add mayonnaise and egg, stir well, this is on top of the stacks.

4. Cut the tomato into small cubes, which should be firm.

5. You can start forming stacks with mushrooms: cover the baking sheet with foil, lightly grease with vegetable oil. We form large meatballs from minced meat, from which we form large round cakes about 8-10 cm in diameter on a baking sheet.

6. Top - mushrooms.

7.Now you can grate potatoes on a coarse grater, you should not do this in advance in order to avoid darkening. Salt the potatoes, add pepper and put on top of the mushrooms. Then a layer of tomato, you can greens on tomatoes, I didn’t have it. And on top is a layer of cheese with mayonnaise. By the way, the second option: you can simply grate the cheese, cover the tomatoes, and pour mayonnaise over the cheese and spread it. Mayonnaise will not let the cheese dry out in the oven, after all, it will not be there for 10-15 minutes, but much more.

I do not advise taking sour cream instead of mayonnaise, because it tends to curdle at high temperatures. It's better, of course, to use .

8. We place the form with stacks in a preheated oven and bake for 35-45 minutes at a temperature of 190-200 degrees.

"Stacks" of minced meat (recipe with mushrooms) are ready! Serve immediately, delicious!

When warm, the stacks are very tender, juicy, very tasty! In the cold, they become more dense, which makes it possible to successfully take them with you for a snack, a picnic, etc.

Write comments, your reviews, who has already prepared a similar dish, ask questions, I will answer with pleasure! With love, Irina

See you soon!

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Cutlets, meatballs, meatballs are minced meat dishes loved by many. They are prepared quickly, they turn out surprisingly tasty, soft and fragrant. But sometimes even they get bored. We offer you step by step recipes interesting dish from minced meat: stacks under a fur coat. Moreover, the “fur coat” for stacks of cutlets can be different every time, which means that there will always be a new dish on your table. So, dedicated to all lovers of hot minced meat.

Step-by-step recipe for stacks of minced meat in the oven under a fur coat: general principles

For minced meat, you can use beef, pork, chicken. Delicious stacks of mixed minced meat. Do not take too fatty pieces, pulp with small fat layers is best.

Egg, spices and salt are added to minced meat. The mass is carefully beaten off, oval or round flattened cutlets are formed from it.

A "fur coat" is laid out on the prepared stacks. The composition of the "fur coat" can include a variety of products, it all depends on your taste preferences:


Boiled grated eggs;

Grated cheese;

And much more.

Depending on the recipe additional ingredients dishes are pre-boiled or fried, or placed raw on the surface of prepared cutlets.

To make the stacks look tastier and more appetizing, sprinkle the top of the products with grated cheese before baking.

1. Stacks of minced meat in the oven under a fur coat: a step by step recipe


Pork - a small piece;

Fillet of young beef - a small piece;

Three chicken eggs;

onion head;

Three potato tubers;

A piece Dutch cheese;

Finely ground salt - ten grams;

Vegetable oil - five large spoons;

3-4 stalks of fresh parsley for garnish (optional)

Three branches fresh dill for mince.

Meat stacks will turn out tastier and more aromatic if you add various seasonings, so prepare any spices to your taste in advance, for example, seasonings for meat dishes, paprika, a pinch of black allspice.

Cooking method:

1. First of all, prepare the minced meat for stacks in the oven: rinse the pork thoroughly, cut off the films, excess fat, if necessary, cut the flesh into small pieces. Rinse the fillet of young beef and cut into pieces. Grind pork and young beef in a meat grinder or in a blender, mix well.

2. Pour salt, any seasonings, pepper into the rolled minced meat. Add chopped dill with a knife, mix everything thoroughly.

3. Put the minced meat out of the bowl and beat it off, throwing it on the table, so the mass will become airy, thanks to which finished goods will be soft and will not fall apart during baking.

4. Chicken eggs wash, put in a small saucepan, pour in water, cook after boiling over moderate heat for about five minutes. Cool the eggs after boiling cold water. Peel and grind on a grater with fine teeth.

5. Cheese also grate. You can use any other hard or semi-hard variety instead of Dutch cheese.

6. Peel the onion, cut into small crumbs, put it in a pan in hot vegetable oil, fry a little, stirring, until light brown.

8. From the cooked minced meat, with your hands slightly moistened in water, make round, slightly flattened cutlets.

9. Take a baking sheet, grease it vegetable oil, lay out the formed cutlets at a distance of at least 2.5 centimeters from each other.

10. On top of the cutlets, spread the first layer of fried onions, then eggs and potatoes.

11. Sprinkle the stacks with grated cheese.

12. Place the stacked baking sheet in the preheated oven and bake for no more than thirty minutes at a moderate temperature. And so that the stacks from below do not burn, place a container of water on the lower tier of the oven.

13. Determine the readiness of the racks by a beautiful light brown cheese crust.

14. When serving, put the stacks on portioned plates, garnish with parsley sprigs. Place chopped slices side by side, if desired. fresh tomatoes and cucumbers.

2. Stacks of minced chicken under a fur coat: a step by step recipe with tomatoes


Three medium chicken legs;

Onion - two heads;

Fresh tomato - one piece;

Mayonnaise - four large spoons;

15 grams of salt and black pepper;

Wheat flour - two handfuls (for rolling stacks);

Fresh parsley - four sprigs for decoration;

Fresh dill - four sprigs in minced meat;

Lean oil - 50 ml for greasing the baking sheet.

The stacks will turn out more beautiful and tastier if you sprinkle them with cheese crumbs, so take another piece of any hard cheese.

Cooking method:

1. Chicken legs defrost, carefully separate the pulp from the bones. Discard the bones, and twist the pulp through a meat grinder.

2. Pour into the resulting meat mass salt, pepper, spices, chopped dill, mix well.

3. Form from minced chicken flattened cutlets round shape. Sprinkle the stacks on both sides with flour.

4. Put the formed stacks on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil (you can not grease it with oil, but simply cover the baking sheet with foil or parchment paper).

5. Peel two onions, cut into strips, lay on top of stacks.

6. Wash the tomato, cut into slices and place on top of the onion.

7. Grind a piece of Dutch or any other hard cheese on a grater, sprinkle tomatoes with it.

8. On top of the cheese, draw a pattern in the form of a mesh of mayonnaise.

9. Place the baking sheet with the meat stacks in hot oven and bake for half an hour at a moderate temperature.

10. Serve hot, you can optionally put any side dish next to it: from stewed vegetables, boiled potatoes, boiled rice. Garnish the dish with fresh parsley sprigs.

3. Stacks of minced meat in the oven under a fur coat: a step-by-step recipe with mushrooms and spices


Pork tenderloin - a little less than half a kilogram;

small fresh champignons- seven pieces;

One potato;

One egg;

Garlic - five cloves;

Wheat flour - half a glass;

onion head;

A bunch of leeks;

Cheese "Gruyère" and "cheddar" - in a small piece;

Olive oil - 70 ml;

Ten grams of black pepper and salt;

Ground cumin, paprika - half a pack;

Fresh marjoram - five leaves.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the tenderloin under running water, dry on paper towels. Grind the meat in a meat grinder.

2. Salt, pepper, season minced meat large quantity ground paprika, cumin.

3. Add a raw egg, mix everything well, lightly beat on the table.

4. Grease a flat baking sheet with olive oil.

5. With wet hands, shape the cooked minced pork small cutlets, lightly press them with the palm of your hand, making a flat cake. Sprinkle each cutlet with the sifted flour and place on the prepared baking sheet at a distance of three centimeters from each other.

6. Peel the onion with garlic, cut the onion into small crumbs, and squeeze the garlic through the garlic.

7. Peel potatoes, wash, chop raw on a grater.

8. Hard cheeses also grate on the same grater as the potatoes.

9. Clean fresh champignons, if necessary, from dirt, wash, cut into cubes, put in a heated frying pan olive oil, add chopped onion, garlic, potatoes to them and fry, stirring, for about 12-13 minutes.

10. Pour the remaining paprika, cumin and any other seasoning for meat dishes into the pan with mushrooms and vegetables, fry for another three minutes.

11. Spread the cooked fry over the entire surface of the stacks, sprinkle well with cheese.

12. Put the baking sheet in a hot oven and bake at a moderate temperature for about half an hour until the cheeses are completely melted.

13. Put the finished stacks directly hot on serving plates, garnish with fresh marjoram leaves.

14. Next to the stacks on each plate, you can put a side dish of boiled buckwheat, rice, pasta and pour some sauce, for example, sour cream, tomato.

Step-by-step recipes for stacks of minced meat in the oven under a fur coat: tips and secrets

The most delicious are stacks of fresh, previously unfrozen minced meat.

Unlike cutlets, a soaked bun is not put in minced meat.

Eggs added to minced meat can make the finished product harsh. It is easy to avoid this: put only the yolk in the meat mass or use no more than one egg per kilogram of minced meat.

The stacks will turn out softer and juicier if you add a little boiling water to the minced meat.

To stacks out ground beef did not turn out dryish, add a little bacon to the minced meat.

When laying the stacks on a baking sheet, be sure to leave a gap between them so that they are baked simultaneously from all sides.

Prepared cutlets for stacks, if desired, can be sprinkled with breading: ground breadcrumbs, flour, semolina, sesame seeds.

The taste of finished stacks depends not only on the products and meat used for the “fur coat”, but also on the choice of spices. Try adding aromatic herbs, paprika, allspice, fresh herbs, chopped raw or fried onions, a little tomato paste to the minced meat.

Usually stacks are served without a side dish, adding only fresh or canned vegetables. But you can apply to them if you wish. boiled rice, buckwheat, mashed potatoes. Enjoy your meal.

Stacks of minced meat in the oven

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So interesting way I cooked stacks of minced meat for the first time. And I really liked the result, and the recipe itself, and the method of preparation. The most interesting thing is that from some 300 grams of minced meat, one potato, several mushrooms and a piece of cheese, a whole baking sheet of stacks turned out. So I recommend cooking hearty meat dish restaurant level: stacks of minced meat under a fur coat in the oven, step by step recipe With photos, as always, it will be detailed and understandable. I made two types of filling: one of boiled eggs and fried onions, the second of fried mushrooms. Each will still have potatoes and cheese.

Stalls of minced meat under a fur coat is a simple recipe, and a big plus is that you can diversify it at your discretion. Cook from beef, chicken, add tomatoes, mayonnaise, spices, herbs to the filling.


To prepare stacks of minced meat you will need:

  • minced meat - 300 g;
  • boiled egg - 1 pc;
  • potatoes - 1 large tuber;
  • onions - 3 heads;
  • champignons - 4-5 pcs;
  • hard cheese - 120-150 g;
  • salt - to taste;
  • ground black pepper - 1/3 tsp;
  • bread - 1 slice;
  • sunflower oil - 3 tbsp. l.

How to cook stacks of minced meat in the oven. Recipe

I made minced meat from a piece of lean pork, scrolling the meat once through a meat grinder along with a small onion and a piece of bread soaked in water. Onions can be finely chopped or grated if you use ready-made minced meat and do not want to dirty the meat grinder. I don't add bread to save money. It will absorb the juice released during baking, the minced meat cakes will remain soft and will not lose their juiciness.

Of the spices in this recipe for stacks of minced meat, I added only ground black pepper and salted to taste.

Stir, then beat well, so that the particles of the products stick together better.

Advice.Stuffing for stacks must be made dense, but not steep, otherwise you will not be able to form even cakes.

I will show two options for fillings: from an egg with onions and from mushrooms with onions. Looking ahead, I’ll say that I liked it more with an egg, although when I cooked it, I thought that it would be tastier with mushrooms. Boiled a large egg in advance, cooled, finely chopped. Chopped one onion into small cubes.

Fried onion in a small amount oils. I did not fry, but only brought it to softness and let the edges turn a little pink.

Large potato tuber peeled, rubbed through a fine grater. Potatoes darken quickly to save light color, washed under cold water and retracted. At the same time, the excess starch was removed. Salted, mixed.

Rolled up a round shape. Slightly flattened to make a plump cake. I made a hole in the middle and put a little chopped egg in it.

Advice.Form stacks immediately on the baking sheet so that they do not deform during transfer.

I put a teaspoon of fried onion on top, pressed down a little for better fixation. Salted, peppered (this is best done when all the blanks are on the baking sheet).

Sprinkled with potato shavings. Also slightly crumpled, corrected around the edges. The stacks of minced meat should be tall, so don't over-tamp the stuffing. In this form, I rearranged it on a baking sheet covered with baking paper. I will sprinkle with cheese later, when I prepare the second type of filling.

Stacks of minced meat with mushrooms

I will not describe the preparation of minced meat - it is prepared in exactly the same way as in the recipe above. For the filling, I took fresh champignons, cut them into pieces. Chopped a large onion into small cubes.

Put the onion in a pan with well-heated oil, fry over low heat until soft. Added mushrooms, mixed. Salted, threw a couple of pinches of pepper.

He made the fire stronger, evaporated the liquid. Then reduced, fried for five minutes, until cooked. Cooled down a bit.

I made meat balls the size of a large plum. Gently flattened to make round cakes about 3 cm thick. I made a recess in the middle of each. Put about a teaspoon of mushrooms fried with onions.

I grated the potatoes on a fine grater (I wrote in detail how to prepare them in the recipe above), put them in a slide on the mushroom filling.

He shifted the stacks of minced meat onto a baking sheet to the already formed blanks. Grated cheese on a coarse grater, sprinkled abundantly to form a fluffy cap.

I put it in the oven with a temperature of 180 degrees on an average level. I baked stacks of minced meat in the oven until fully cooked, 30-35 minutes. During this time, the meat cakes will be baked, the potatoes will become soft, the cheese will melt and form a golden crust.

Of course, you need to serve stacks of minced meat under a fur coat hot, while the cheese is soft and the meat is juicy. My opinion is that you don’t need a side dish for this dish, there are already vegetables there. But a juicy salad or sauce, adjika will come in handy. But as always, the choice is yours, you can boil rice or buckwheat if you want to have a bite to eat. Everyone Bon appetit! Your Plushkin.

See one of the cooking options in video format

For a while, we forget about frying cutlets in a pan with a lot of oil - we are preparing no less tasty, fragrant and satisfying stacks of minced meat in the oven. The advantage of the recipe is that these meat products do not have a strict composition - you can make them with mushrooms, tomatoes, herbs, etc. if you wish. Either way, the result is great!

In this recipe, as additives, we will take boiled eggs, fried onions and grated potatoes. We will supplement all this appetizing "assortment" with cheese, which will quickly melt in the oven and cover the stacks of "seductive", slightly golden brown. It will be juicy, nutritious and delicious!

Ingredients for 2-3 servings:

  • minced meat (pork + beef) - 300 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • bulb - 1 pc.;
  • potatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • cheese - 50-80 g;
  • mayonnaise (can be replaced with sour cream) - 4-5 teaspoons;
  • vegetable oil (for frying) - about 50 ml;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Stacks of minced meat recipe with photos step by step

How to cook meat stacks in the oven

  1. Salt / pepper minced meat, mix. Divide into 6 equal lumps, press down in the form of round cakes. Posting meat preparations on a baking sheet lined with parchment.
  2. We remove the husk from a large onion. We chop the onion small cubes and load into a frying pan with already heated oil. Stirring, sauté until light golden brown over low heat. We make sure that the onion does not darken and does not burn.
  3. We distribute the fried onion slices among the meat cakes.
  4. Hard boil 2 eggs. Cool, peel and chop finely. Mix with 1-2 teaspoons of mayonnaise, lightly salt if desired.
  5. Lay out egg filling for meat preparations.
  6. Raw potato tubers are cleaned, rubbed and immediately laid out on a layer of eggs. You don’t need to grate the potatoes beforehand, otherwise they may darken and lose their appetizing appearance while the rest of the ingredients are being prepared.
  7. Lightly pour the potato layer with mayonnaise, sprinkle with salt.
  8. Three large shavings of cheese and generously cover the potatoes. We send stacks to the oven warmed up by that time. Do not cover the top of the pan with anything. We bake meat products for about 30-40 minutes at 180 degrees.
  9. Since stacks already combine both meat and potatoes, they are best served with vegetables. Perfect for broccoli green beans, stew, etc.

Minced meat stacks in the oven are ready! Enjoy your meal!