Simple cheese at home. How to make cheese from goat milk

Recipe No. 1
You will need:
Cottage cheese – 500 gr. (homemade and low-fat)
Milk – 500 ml
Salt - to taste
Egg – 2 pcs
butter– ½ pack
Vanillin – 1 sachet
Bell pepper – can be dried
Greens – dill, basil
Soda – ½ teaspoon
In order to cook homemade cheese, first rub the cottage cheese through a sieve, then put it in a saucepan and cover with milk.
Place on low heat on the stove, stir the mixture for 15-20 minutes. After this time, the cottage cheese should melt. As soon as this happens, place the cottage cheese in a colander to drain all the liquid.
When all the liquid has drained, transfer the cottage cheese back into the pan and add oil, egg, salt, vanillin, paprika, chopped garlic, dill, bell pepper, basil, soda (the soda should be quenched with vinegar). Then put the pan back on low heat and stir continuously until this mass begins to separate from the pan and a solid lump forms. As soon as this happens, transfer the resulting cheese mass into a pre-greased mold and place a weight on top.
Leave the cheese in the refrigerator overnight. The next day cheese homemade ready to eat.
Recipe No. 2
You will need:
Fresh goat milk – 12 l
Vinegar - 4 tbsp
Salt - 30-50 g
Remove from cold goat milk layer of cream. Pour the milk into a saucepan and place on the stove. Bring the milk to a boil, then reduce the heat and add vinegar to the pan with the milk. The milk must be stirred constantly as it will gradually begin to curdle.
Once the milk has curdled sufficiently and a milk curd and whey have formed, remove the pan from the stove. Place the milk clot into a piece of gauze folded several times. Tie the corners of the gauze and hang the curd so that excess whey drips from it.
After a day, remove the pressed cheese curd from the gauze. Mash the cheese and salt it. Carefully distribute the salt throughout the cheese, kneading it like dough.
After you mix the cheese and salt, form it into a thick cake and place it on cast iron frying pan. There is no need to add oil. As the pan heats up, the cheese will initially become liquid, but then thicken. After the cheese has thickened, you can transfer it to a dish. While the cheese is hot, you can give it beautiful shape or just cut into small pieces. To give the cheese spicy taste, sprinkle it with caraway seeds.
Using a similar recipe, you can make not only salty, but also sweet cheese. To do this, add sugar instead of salt. Sweet cheese made from goat's milk is especially loved by children.
Recipe No. 3
You will need:
Goat milk - 2 liters
Salt - 1 tbsp
Cottage cheese - 1 tbsp
Sour cream - 1 tbsp
If necessary, add 1 tablespoon of vinegar.
Pour goat's milk into a saucepan. Place the pan on slow fire, gradually heating the milk, add a spoonful of cottage cheese. It can be either store-bought or homemade cottage cheese. Stir the cottage cheese in the milk, turn the heat to maximum. As soon as the milk boils, reduce the heat.
Add a tablespoon of salt, stir well, and let the milk continue to simmer over low heat.
Add a heaping spoonful of sour cream to slightly boiling milk. Stir the milk so that it does not burn and after 20 minutes the milk will begin to curdle. There should not be a vigorous boil; the milk warms up on the stove rather than boils.
Once the curds have separated from the whey, pour the contents of the pan into a sieve. Some housewives put three layers of gauze and only then pour it. The sieve itself needs to be placed on a wider pan, this way all the whey will fall into the pan, then the remaining whey can be used on pancakes or pies.
Tie the gauze with the contents, place a weight on top, after an hour (approximately) remove the weight and lay out the finished goat cheese into the dish.
Cut the goat cheese into pieces and serve.
Recipe No. 4 Cheese cheese
You will need:
Milk - 2 l
Salt -1- 2 tablespoons (without slide)
Eggs - 6 pcs
Sour cream – 400 g
Boil 2 liters of milk, add 2 tbsp to the milk. level tablespoons of salt (if you like it very lightly salted, take less).
Pour beaten 6 eggs with 2 cans of sour cream into the milk (200 g in a can).
Without reducing the heat, stir the milk with a whisk across the bottom of the pan to prevent it from burning. Bring the whole mixture to a boil. The milk is curdled and the whey is separated usually after 5 minutes.
Place 4 layers of gauze on a colander (the shape depends on the size and shape of the colander finished product). If the colander has a round bottom, then the cheese comes out in the form of a hemisphere.
Pour the milk-egg mixture into a colander. Give the serum time to drain. To do this, cover the cheese on all sides with hanging gauze and place it under a press (weight approximately 1-1.5 kg) between 2 cutting boards.
After 4-5 hours the cheese is ready. Place it in a bowl directly in the gauze in which it was pressed and put it in the refrigerator for about 2-3 hours.

Brynza represents white cheese, which is made from milk. The product is widely used in cooking and is an integral part of the Caucasian national cuisine. Prepare delicious and healthy cheese You can make it at home, but it will differ from store-bought Brynza only for the better. Recipes for preparing goat milk products will be discussed in more detail.

What it is?

Brynza is one of the types of pickled cheeses. This means that a mandatory step in the production of the product is soaking in brine. The average soaking period can range from twenty days to two months, which will determine the taste characteristics of the finished product. Bryndza, with a richer taste and hints of pungency, is kept in brine for a longer time than delicate, lightly salted cheese.

Brynza gained particular popularity in the Caucasus. Real Caucasian Brynza is made from cow, goat or sheep milk. It is also allowed to mix different kinds milk among themselves. Unlike most varieties of cheese, Brynza has a more uniform texture without a hard crust or holes.

High-quality cheese made from natural ingredients, contains many vitamins and microelements. In addition, this cheese can be classified as low-calorie foods, since the number of calories per 100 grams varies from 160 to 260 kcal. It is not always possible to find high quality cheese in the store. However, it is not that difficult to make at home. By preparing the product yourself, you can completely control the production process and choose only the best ingredients, which will allow you to get high-quality and very healthy cheese.

Ingredient Selection

When making cheese at home, it is important not only to fully comply with all manufacturing rules. First of all, you need to choose quality ingredients, from which the product will be made. The main component for preparing Brynza is milk, and special attention should be paid to its selection.

It is best to purchase goat milk in stores, as it may not be the best in the markets. best quality due to violation of storage rules. In stores, you have the opportunity to study the product label to familiarize yourself with the composition, production date and expiration date. High-quality milk will be pure white without yellowness or yellow bloom. The presence of such may indicate that the product is unnatural. If there is a bluish tint, this may indicate improper storage of the milk or the presence of water in the drink.

How to make cheese?

Making cheese at home is not a difficult task. You just need to choose the right recipe and follow all instructions. There are several ways to prepare Brynza from goat's milk, which differ in the ingredients used and some nuances of the process.

With added vinegar

The amount of ingredients will depend on the amount of cheese you need to get. To get a kilogram of cheese, you will need about nine liters of milk. Three liters yield approximately 350 grams of finished product.

For three liters of milk, use one large spoon of vinegar (9%) and table salt. The number of components can be changed at your discretion - the main thing is to maintain the specified proportions. It is recommended to pre-filter the milk using gauze or a sieve to remove particles of dirt or hair that may have entered the liquid from the animal. Store product no need to strain.

Milk must be poured into enamel pan and bring to a boil with constant stirring. As soon as the liquid begins to boil, vinegar and salt are added to it. While stirring the mixture, you need to keep it on the fire until it begins to curdle. The output will be curd and whey, which will need to be separated.

It is worth noting that you can boil milk not only on the stove, but also in a slow cooker. In this case, you need to use the “steaming” or “soup” modes. The curdled milk is transferred to gauze and the whey is allowed to drain. You can hang the product over an empty container for a while.

The separated whey can be used for various dishes or use it ready-made, so there is no need to pour it out. The curd mass is wrapped in gauze and placed under a press for a day, after which the resulting cheese can be eaten. If you do not add salt to the milk at the very beginning of preparing Brynza, you will need to soak the product in saline solution at least three days.

With sour cream

Another way to prepare Brynza from goat's milk involves using fatty homemade sour cream and kefir. IN in this case these ingredients will contribute to the formation of curd mass and whey. The resulting cheese will have a delicate consistency and a fairly high percentage of fat content. Vinegar or lemon juice not used in the recipe.

To make cheese you will need the following amount of ingredients:

  • five liters of milk;
  • four large spoons of homemade thick sour cream;
  • twelve medium-sized chicken eggs;
  • four large spoons of salt;
  • two glasses of kefir.

The number of components can be reduced or increased several times at your discretion. It is important to comply correct ratio products. The milk must be poured into enamel dishes, salt and put on the stove. Meanwhile, beat the eggs with sour cream until smooth.

As soon as the milk begins to boil, kefir and egg mixture are added to it. The resulting mass is boiled over low heat with constant stirring until curd clots form. After this, the mixture is wrapped in gauze and the serum is allowed to drain. As soon as the curd mass separates from the liquid, it must be placed under a press and put in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. After two hours, the cheese must be removed from the refrigerator, turned over and placed under pressure again. In this form, the cheese is left for another couple of hours, after which the product can be eaten or sent to brine for storage.

To prepare homemade cheese, it is recommended to use milk with a high percentage of fat content. Only in this case will the product have homogeneous consistency. When preparing cheese, you can add various ingredients to the main components. natural supplements in the form of herbs or seasonings.

During the production process of the product, you should use only glass containers or enamel containers. You should not keep the product in brine in the room, if the room temperature is quite high, it is better to place the cheese in the refrigerator. Storing Brynza also has its own characteristics. It is not recommended to keep the product in the refrigerator for a long time, so you should not prepare cheese in large quantities at once.

During storage, Brynza must be immersed in brine, for the preparation of which you will need whey or water and salt. For two liters of liquid, take one glass of table salt. It is also permissible to keep the cheese in a dry, clean container made of glass or porcelain, but in no case should the product be stored in a cold place. boiled water or wrapped in film, bag or foil.

To learn how to make Brynza from goat's milk, watch the following video.

In terms of its physicochemical properties and taste, goat's milk compares favorably with cow's milk and with the milk of other animal species. Compared to cow's milk, goat's milk contains 6 times more cobalt, which is part of vitamin B12 (0.1 mcg). 100 g of goat milk contains up to 3.6 g of protein, 4.3 g of fat, 4.5 g milk sugar, about 0.8 g of minerals, its energy value- 73 kcal. You can make very tasty and healthy cheese and feta cheese from goat milk.

Recipe No. 1
You will need
· Cottage cheese – 500 gr. (homemade and low-fat)
Milk – 500 ml
· Salt – to taste
· Egg – 2 pcs.
· Butter – ½ pack
· Vanillin – 1 sachet
· Paprika
· Garlic
· Bell pepper – can be dried
· Greens – dill, basil
· Soda – ½ teaspoon
· Vinegar

· To make homemade cheese, first rub the curd through a sieve, then put it in a saucepan and cover with milk.
· Place on the stove over low heat, stir the mixture for 15-20 minutes. After this time, the cottage cheese should melt. As soon as this happens, place the cottage cheese in a colander to drain all the liquid.
· When all the liquid has drained, put the cottage cheese back into the pan and add oil, egg, salt, vanillin, paprika, chopped garlic, dill, bell pepper, basil, soda (the soda should be quenched with vinegar),
· Then put the pan back on low heat and stir continuously until the mass begins to separate from the pan and a solid lump forms. As soon as this happens, transfer the resulting cheese mass into a pre-greased mold and place a weight on top.
· Leave the cheese in the refrigerator overnight. The next day, homemade cheese is ready to eat.

Recipe No. 2
You will need
· Fresh goat milk - 12 l
Vinegar - 4 tbsp
· Salt - 30-50 g
· Cumin
· Skim off the cream layer from cold goat milk. Pour the milk into a saucepan and place on the stove. Bring the milk to a boil, then reduce the heat and add vinegar to the pan with the milk. The milk must be stirred constantly as it will gradually begin to curdle.
· Once the milk has curdled sufficiently and a milk curd and whey have formed, remove the pan from the stove. Place the milk clot into a piece of gauze folded several times. Tie the corners of the gauze and hang the clot so that excess whey drips from it.
· After a day, remove the compressed cheese curd from the gauze. Mash the cheese and salt it. Carefully distribute the salt throughout the cheese, kneading it like dough.
· Once you've mixed the cheese and salt, form it into a thick patty and place it in a cast iron skillet. There is no need to add oil. As the pan heats up, the cheese will initially become liquid, but then thicken. After the cheese has thickened, you can transfer it to a dish. While the cheese is hot, you can shape it beautifully or simply cut it into small pieces. To give the cheese a piquant taste, sprinkle it with caraway seeds.
· Using a similar recipe, you can make not only salty, but also sweet cheese. To do this, add sugar instead of salt. Children especially love sweet goat's milk cheese.

Recipe No. 3
You will need
Goat milk - 2 liters
· Salt - 1 tbsp
· Cottage cheese - 1 tbsp
· Sour cream - 1 tbsp
If necessary, add 1 tablespoon of vinegar.
· Pour goat's milk into a saucepan. Place the pan on low heat, gradually heating the milk, add a spoonful of cottage cheese. This can be either store-bought or homemade cottage cheese. Stir the cottage cheese in the milk, turn the heat to maximum. As soon as the milk boils, reduce the heat.
· Add a tablespoon of salt, stir well and let the milk continue to simmer over low heat.
· Add a heaping spoonful of sour cream to slightly boiling milk. Stir the milk so that it does not burn and after 20 minutes. the milk will begin to curdle. There should not be a vigorous boil; the milk warms up on the stove rather than boils.
· Once the curds have separated from the whey, pour the contents of the pan into a sieve. Some housewives put three layers of gauze and only then pour it. The sieve itself needs to be placed on a wider pan, this way all the whey will fall into the pan, then the remaining whey can be used on pancakes or pies.
· Tie the gauze with the contents, place a weight on top, after an hour (about) remove the weight and place the finished goat cheese in a dish.
· Cut the goat cheese into pieces and serve.

Recipe No. 4
You will need
· Milk - 2 l
· Salt -1-2 tablespoons (without slide)
· Eggs - 6 pcs
· Sour cream - 400 g
· Boil 2 liters of milk, add 2 tbsp to the milk. level spoons of salt (if you like it very lightly salted, take less).
· Pour beaten 6 eggs into milk with 2 cans of sour cream (200 g in a can).
· Without reducing the heat, stir the milk with a whisk across the bottom of the pan to prevent it from burning. Bring the whole mixture to a boil. The milk curdles and the whey is separated usually after 5 minutes.
· Place 4 layers of gauze on a colander (the shape of the finished product depends on the size and shape of the colander). If the colander has a round bottom, then the cheese comes out in the form of a hemisphere.
· Pour the milk-egg mixture into a colander. Give the serum time to drain. To do this, cover the cheese on all sides with hanging gauze and place it under a press (weight approximately 1-1.5 kg) between 2 cutting boards.
· After 4-5 hours the cheese is ready. Place it in a bowl directly in the gauze in which it was pressed and put it in the refrigerator for about 2-3 hours.


Brynza is pickled cheese used in cooking various salads, pastes, fillings for pies and so on. Today you can easily buy it in any supermarket. However, you can learn how to prepare feta cheese at home according to the recipes of our ancestors. And it is neither in taste nor in appearance will not differ from the store one.

Brynza differs from other types of cheese primarily in that it does not have a crust. This is a soft, sour-salty product that is prepared from the milk of a cow, buffalo, sheep, goat, or a mixture of these types of milk. Despite the fact that pickled cheese is high-calorie product, he has many useful properties. Cheese cheese is rich in protein, which promotes development and growth muscle mass. That's why this product is so loved by athletes who want to build muscle.

Step-by-step video recipe

Since feta cheese is milk product, it is rich in calcium. It promotes the healthy growth of strong bones, as well as teeth and nails. Other microelements are also present here in large quantities, for example, sodium, phosphorus, beta-carotene, potassium and vitamins A, B1, B2, C, K, PP and others.

For the fair sex, feta cheese is a source of beautiful silky hair and velvety, youthful-looking skin.

However, if there are problems with the urinary system or kidneys, the consumption of this product should be slightly limited. Primarily due to the presence in it large quantity salt.

Selection of milk and tools

Making cheese at home is quite easy. It requires regular products. First, let's prepare the components. The main ingredient is milk. You can use goat or cow. It is better if the milk is homemade. If this is not possible, then you can take store-bought pasteurized. But it is imperative that the milk be very fatty. It is not recommended to take what you need right away. Place it in the refrigerator and let it sit for at least a few hours. But a product that is stale, older than three days, should not be used to cook homemade cheese on prescription.

Choose a high container for cooking. Such that the milk does not reach the edges by about 4-5 centimeters. This will prevent the product from spilling when stirring during cooking. You can take a regular saucepan.

We will also need gauze and a colander for further decanting of the whey. A saucepan or bowl with a lid, as well as a press, with which we will form our cheese. No other fancy kitchen gadgets or gadgets are needed.

First cooking method

This is a recipe for making cheese from milk without sourdough.

  • cow's milk - 2 liters;
  • eggs – 5-6 pieces;
  • sour cream 15-20% fat – 400-420 grams;
  • salt – 2-3 tablespoons.

Put the milk on low heat, add salt, bring to a boil. At this time, prepare the mixture, which will serve as a thickener. To do this, beat sour cream with eggs. Slowly add the resulting mass to the boiling milk. We make sure that the milk does not boil over or burn. You can turn down the heat on the stove a little more. Stirring, boil for another five to seven minutes until the whey separates from the curd. The milk should curdle.

Next, put several layers of gauze into a colander and pour out the mixture. Leave until the whey has completely drained. After this, we tie the free ends of the gauze well. Place the cheese in this form in a clean container and cover with a lid. We put pressure on top. For example, it could be a jar of water. Leave for at least 5 hours until completely cooled, then, without removing the press, put in the refrigerator overnight. And in the morning the cheese is ready to eat.

Second cooking method

There is another recipe for making cheese from cow's milk Houses.

  • cow's milk - 3 liters;
  • salt – 2-3 tablespoons;
  • lemon juice (can be replaced with vinegar) – 3-4 tablespoons.

Place the milk on low heat. Make sure it doesn't stick to the bottom of the pan. While stirring, gradually pour vinegar into the liquid, one spoon at a time. We do this until the milk has completely curdled into large lumps. Pour the entire contents of the pan into a colander pre-lined with several layers of gauze. We tie the ends tightly and hang them for a couple of hours. When all the liquid has been drained, transfer the mixture into a bowl and cover with a lid with pressure. To thicken the cheese, let it sit for about 4-5 hours. At this time, prepare the brine.

Pour the separated whey into a saucepan and add salt. You can add a little water so that the brine is not too salty and thick. Place the resulting cheese in salted whey and leave it in the refrigerator. Periodically it is necessary to turn the cheese over for more uniform impregnation.

Third cooking method

Another way to make cheese from cow's milk at home. Ingredients:

  • cow's milk – 5 l;
  • salt - to taste;
  • a special ferment enzyme is pepsin.

Pour the milk into a saucepan and place it on the stove over low heat. We heat it up, but don’t bring it to a boil. The temperature of the milk should be approximately 38-40 degrees. You can approximately determine the time to remove the product from the heat by checking it with your hand - hold the product until you feel a slight warmth. If you overcook, the finished cheese may turn out slightly rubbery.

Next, add the starter, stirring the milk constantly. Leave the mixture to mature for 30-40 minutes. After this time, the curds will separate from the whey. Cut it into several small pieces, gradually pouring the whey into another container. When all the liquid has been removed, transfer the cheese to cheesecloth, tie it and leave it in a bowl or saucepan under pressure for 4-5 hours. To make the cheese salty, prepare a brine from the remaining whey and salt. Cut the finished cheese into pieces and soak in it for about a day.

Goat cheese

Goat milk has a specific taste. Therefore, cheese based on such a product will be more aromatic and rich. Such cheeses are becoming increasingly popular. Goat's milk is also very healthy; compared to cow's milk, it contains more calcium and less calories.

So, how to cook goat cheese at home? Everything is quite simple. Let's take 5 liters of goat milk, pharmaceutical pepsin for the starter (the consumption rate and method of preparing the starter itself are on the packaging). Heat the milk in a large saucepan until the temperature can be tolerated by your hand. Then turn it off and add the starter. Slowly stir the mixture with a wooden spoon or just your hand.

After some time, clots will begin to appear, which should increase and form larger and larger lumps. When the mass separates from the whey, place it in a colander lined with several layers of gauze. After 2-3 hours, throw the cottage cheese into a container with a lid and place a weight on top. And after a few hours the product is ready. We make brine and store the cheese in it.

Sourdough from lamb stomach

You can use starter for making cheese, purchased at a store or pharmacy. But you can use more natural product and do it yourself.

For this we need the stomach of a lamb, calf or kid. It is necessary to take the stomach of a young animal that has not yet grazed grass, but has fed only on its mother’s milk. We wash the stomach well and dry it in a warm place, for example, over gas stove about two weeks. The organ should eventually look like parchment.

This will mean that our enzyme is ready. Remove it and cut it into thin strips. Fill in the resulting rennet cold water for a day. The starter is ready! To prepare feta cheese, you need to add about 100 grams of this whey per 5 liters of milk. Keep rennet extract Can be kept dry for several months. You just need to wrap it in paper and put it in a tightly sealed glass or tin jar.

Storing cheese

Freshly prepared cheese is stored in the refrigerator for about fifteen days. To prevent the cheese from drying out and losing its taste qualities, it is placed in a brine called brine. To prepare the brine, you will need approximately 5-6 tablespoons of coarse salt per one and a half liters of clean salt. cold water. Pour salt into water and stir well until completely dissolved. Let's do a salinity test. Because unleavened brine can make the cheese soft and spreading.

Let's take a well-washed egg and put it into the solution. If it floats up and is visible on the surface with a diameter of 2.5-3 centimeters, then the brine is ready; if not, add more salt. It is convenient to store cheese in brine in a glass, enamel or plastic container under a tightly closed lid.

Without brine, you can store brine cheese in freezer. However, it must be taken into account that when defrosting, the taste of the cheese deteriorates. If the cheese itself is salty, you can soak it for several hours in clean water or milk.

Brynza is a very healthy and tasty product. What can you make from cheese? It is included in numerous salads, complements pasta, pizza, and serves as a filling for pies. Here are some simple but very tasty recipes.

Beetroot salad with feta cheese

  • lettuce – 1 bunch;
  • mixed greens (parsley, dill, basil) – 1 bunch;
  • roasted pumpkin seeds – 20 grams;
  • feta cheese – 70-80 grams;
  • beets – 250-350 grams;
  • olive oil unrefined – 50 ml;
  • lemon juice – 30 ml;
  • garlic – 1 small clove;
  • a mixture of dry salad seasonings.

Let's prepare the beets first. Wash it well, wrap it in foil and bake in the oven at 200 degrees for 40-45 minutes. Cut the finished and cooled beets into cubes or strips. We tear the lettuce leaves, finely chop the parsley and combine it all with the beets. Then prepare the dressing - mix olive oil with lemon juice, add seasonings, garlic and mix well until the mixture is homogeneous. Season and mix the salad. Crumble the cheese on top. At the end, sprinkle the entire dish with fried seeds.

Pies with cheese

Very useful and delicious pies Great for breakfast or just as a snack. The recipe is simple and straightforward - even a novice housewife can handle it. So, you will need the following ingredients:

  • flour – 0.4 kg;
  • water – 0.2 l;
  • olive oil – 20 ml;
  • apple cider vinegar or lemon juice – 15 ml;
  • feta cheese – 0.2 kg;
  • chicken egg – 1 pc.

First, in a bowl, mix all the liquid ingredients of the dough - water, egg, vinegar, olive oil. Then, stirring constantly, add flour. When the mass becomes homogeneous and without lumps, cover with film and leave to stand for about one hour.

At this time you can prepare the filling. Mash the cheese thoroughly with a fork. If desired, you can add a little herbs (dill, parsley, green onions). Roll out the dough in one layer as thin as possible. Place the filling and roll into a roll. Cut the roll crosswise into several equal parts and roll out each flatbread a little more. This quantity of products makes 8-9 pies. Fry each on both sides in a dry frying pan.

The history of the cheese called feta cheese is actually very surprising and interesting.
This product was first prepared about six thousand years ago. And they first heard about him in eastern countries, from there he came to Europe.
The person who first saw this cheese and tasted it was not a cheese maker, and this event turned out to be completely unplanned.
One day, a merchant named Kanan set out on a long journey, taking with him some milk poured into a container made from a sheep's stomach.
The merchant walked for a very long time and when he got hungry, he decided to drink milk, but when he opened his wineskin, he saw in it a dense lump instead of white liquid.
Having tasted this dense curd, the merchant was very pleased with its taste, and from then on the production of cheese began.

The most ancient cheese is feta cheese. Brynza is very tender, healthy and delicious product.
And this article provides a recipe on how to make feta cheese at home from goat milk.


goat milk


1. Real feta cheese is made from sheep's milk. But cheese made from goat or cow's milk will be just as tasty and wonderful as its “ancestor”. So, this article will outline tips on how to make cheese at home. In order to prepare pickled cheese, you need milk that will not only be fresh, but also fatty and dense at the same time. Therefore, when choosing milk for making this type of cheese, all these criteria must be taken into account. After all, milk having a higher density will allow you to have large quantity finished product. One of the most delicious and healthy cheeses for humans is feta cheese made from sheep and goat milk. Thanks to the milk of these animals, the necessary consistency and best taste are achieved when making cheese.

2. Drawing a conclusion from all of the above, you can understand that before you make feta cheese at home, you need to choose the “right” milk. When producing this type of cheese, the milk must be warm, preferably steamed. If the milk has cooled down, it must be heated to approximately 36 degrees. After this, the milk must be combined with the selected starter. Regarding sourdough, pepsin-based ones are now mainly in demand. On each package of this starter it is written how much is needed for a certain amount of milk. Therefore, there will be no problems with this. So, the starter needs to be thoroughly mixed with milk and wrapped warmly in a warm blanket. The temperature of the milk will determine the speed and quality of the resulting gruel, which is the basis for the cheese.

3. By the way, there is a lot of information on the Internet about how to make feta cheese at home; a video of the process can also be easily found there. So, in summer time There is no need to tightly wrap the vessel with milk and sourdough, but in winter you should definitely worry about this. After the milk has stood in a calm position for about 60 minutes, you need to open the container and mix thoroughly to speed up the process of separating the slurry from the whey. After these procedures, close the container and wrap it again and let it steep further. After the second hour, you need to open the tank and throw the cheese out of it into a gauze bag. And then the cheese needs time to drain all the liquid and become a dense piece.

4.The final stages of turning milk into cheese can be completely different depending on the time of year. For example, in winter the separation of the remaining liquid, which occurs in a gauze bag, takes much longer, and therefore faster in summer. Check the readiness of the cheese using your fingers. The finished cheese should spring back from your finger. If this happens, it means that you can take it out of the gauze bag and put it on the table. But this is not the complete process of making this wonderful cheese. The last step in this entertaining recipe on how to make feta cheese at home is to place a piece of almost cooked cheese under a press. The press should be no lighter than the cheese itself; it should press it down a little to obtain the desired shape.

5.The press is also used to ensure that the last drops of liquid that are still in the cheese leave it. Again in winter season The cheese under pressure can be left directly on the table. But in the summer it is best to place it in the refrigerator to avoid the cheese from souring. By the way, cheese that is excessively peroxided has a porous structure, and this factor is not acceptable for high-quality feta cheese. After the cheese has been lying under weight for a sufficient amount of time, it can be taken out and cut into pieces. You can treat pieces of cheese to all family members, from children to old people. Cheese prepared skillfully should have a pleasant smell, elastic consistency and delicate taste.

6.Well, now a little about how to preserve this cheese and enjoy its taste long time. You need to know that fresh cheese cannot be stored for more than 20 days. Under the influence of various environmental factors, feta cheese quickly loses its taste and elasticity in consistency. However, there are ways to preserve cheese for 365 days. Pieces of cheese should be placed in a special solution made from whey, salt and eggs. In such a concentrated brine, the cheese will retain its original properties for quite a long time.

Bon appetit!