How to make sour cream from goat milk? Sour cream from goat milk without separation.

Oil from goat milk has a surprisingly soft texture, delicate aroma and indescribable delicate taste. Plus, this product is very healthy and can be on the menu of both adults and children. Due to its special gastronomic value and dietary properties such oil becomes desirable on every table. However, it is almost impossible to find it on sale. What to do? Cook it yourself?

A little about qualities

Butter made from goat's milk is somewhat different from cow's milk in many respects, primarily in that it looks more like goose fat - this product has a delicate creamy texture, it is soft, slightly transparent and almost white. This color is due to the lack of carotene in the composition.

However, at the same time, goat butter contains significantly more potassium, copper, manganese and vitamin D than cow butter. It is more easily absorbed by the body, and small fat globules and protein agglomerates contribute to the proper functioning of the digestive system.

Goat milk butter is airy and very aromatic. It can be used for sandwiches, added to various sauces, used to make homemade ice cream, fry meat, fish and vegetables, and even make homemade cosmetics.

Now it becomes clear why the question of whether it is possible to make butter from goat’s milk haunts many housewives. And then we will look in detail at all the intricacies of the manufacturing process of this product.


The quality of goat milk butter prepared at home will be no worse, and often it turns out to be much better than store-bought butter. In addition, not everything that is on the shelves in supermarkets today is such. But there is no doubt about the product, which will be made by caring hands. Moreover, we will prepare it from whole milk domestic goats.
The recipe itself is quite simple. But at the same time, the process takes quite a lot of time, and sometimes even effort (if you don’t have modern kitchen “helpers” at hand, for example, a blender, separator, etc.). Therefore, it should be remembered here that final result will largely depend not only on the quality of the raw materials, but also on your patience.

Collecting the cream

So, in order to get cream, we need whole milk:

  • pour it into any glass containers and put it in the refrigerator;
  • after 5-6 hours, the fattest part should rise to the top - this will be the cream, carefully collect it with a spoon and put it in a separate bowl, store it in the same refrigerator;

    On a note! How fattier milk, the more cream you can collect from it. On average, the ratio is as follows: from one three-liter can of milk, half a liter of cream!

  • We collect the cream every 5-6 hours - this can be done for several days.

It is more convenient and, of course, faster to use a separator to collect cream. This device easily distills milk, dividing it into fat and skim parts, which significantly speeds up the entire preparation process. Just don’t forget to warm the milk to a temperature of 35° first. This is quite enough. We run the warm milk and adjust it so that the output is one part cream and ten parts skim milk.

Now the cream needs to “ripen”. We leave them for a day at room temperature, or just on the windowsill. Then we put them in the refrigerator and wait a couple more days.

Whip the butter

We collected the cream, added salt, colored it a little if desired, and let it “ripen” enough. Now you need to beat them well. To do this, you can use a mixer, a butter mill, an immersion blender, or your own hands.

Important! Before whipping the cream, it must be cooled to approximately 8°C! But don’t overdo it, because if their temperature is lower, they will take much longer to whip!

  • When whipping cream by hand, fill the glass bottle halfway, seal it tightly and shake vigorously until the fatty grains become noticeable. With a blender and mixer everything is much easier and faster.
  • During the whipping process, the cream will gradually rise, turning into a dense foam. And if you are using a creamery, this is when you should add a few ice cubes.
  • With further beating, you will notice how fatty grains are formed and gradually come together, forming increasingly larger clots.
  • When the latter become large enough, they need to be collected (you can simply use your hands) and rinsed in a bowl of water. At the same time, monitor the temperature - the water should not just be cold, but ice-cold. We rinse the oil and knead it thoroughly with our fingers, as if squeezing out excess liquid from the mass. Don’t forget to change the water several times during the process. The fourth or fifth water will already be almost transparent - this is an indication that you have completely purified oil in your hands.

On a note! The fat-free liquid that remains after the butter lumps are collected is called buttermilk. Don’t rush to throw it away, as it tastes good, is healthy and easy to drink. In addition, it can be used to make dough or pancakes!

Place the collected and washed butter in a mold and put it in the refrigerator. Don’t forget that you can vary its taste at your own discretion - add various spices to it to get a more piquant aroma, or sweeteners.

Be sure to try making this oil! Believe me, the taste of this product fully justifies all the efforts!

All materials on the website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any product, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

Everyone knows about the benefits of goat milk. It contains more proteins and microelements than cow milk. A goat is a clean animal, so its dairy products are clean, and there is practically no chance of infection in them.

Sour cream is a product that is obtained by fermenting cream with the help of lactic acid bacteria. During the fermentation process, the structure of milk proteins is modified, so the digestibility of sour cream by the body is higher than that of cream.

Goat milk produces sour cream with a lot of fat. But despite its calorie content, goat sour cream easy on the stomach. Thanks to your beneficial properties it improves the digestion process and helps the stomach function. Calcium content and group of vitamins (A, E, B, C, PP) in goat milk sour cream provide an opportunity to restore strength and fight anemia. And the minimal cholesterol content (several times less than in cow butter) prevents the formation of plaques in blood vessels.

From 10 liters of goat milk, about 0.5 liters of sour cream are obtained. Goat sour cream white, and from cow's milk it has a yellowish tint. But if you want to change the color a little, you can add a little carrot juice.

Goat milk sour cream very rarely found on sale, since milk is consumed mainly in fresh. Production process goat sour cream not simple, since milk fat has a finely divided structure and takes a long time to settle. But there are several ways to make this dairy product yourself at home.

Making sour cream from goat milk using a separator

Separators can be manual or dynamoelectric. The main thing is to be able to assemble them correctly.

Important! Before separation, the milk must be allowed to settle. But you can’t close it tightly, otherwise a goat taste may appear. It is better to cover the jar with gauze or a napkin, and not with a lid.

To make sour cream from goat milk, it needs to be heated to 37-40 degrees. If you don’t have a thermometer, you can use your little finger to determine if it’s hot and doesn’t burn your finger.

The separator also needs to be warmed up warm water, which is poured into the milk receiver. Then you can pour milk into the separator and start rotating. If the noise is smooth, you need to open the separator key slowly and carefully. You need to adjust the toggle switch so that goat sour cream flowed down in a thin stream. You need to turn it evenly. After separation, a lot of fat remains on the separator, so you can run the milk again to wash it off. The separated cream is placed in a warm place for several hours (or a day). Then you can hide it in the refrigerator. When the sour cream thickens, it can already be consumed. To make the sour cream taste better, the jar needs to be filled 4/5 full.

Goat milk sour cream without separation

  • IN fresh milk pour in a little sour.
  • It should stand at room temperature covered with gauze for 4 days.
  • A layer is formed on top - this is goat milk sour cream. Yogurt will settle at the bottom.

One of the products that farmers keep goats for is milk. It is quite difficult to distinguish it from cow's milk by taste; goat's milk is somewhat fattier. Milk can be used to make various products, which sell just as well among buyers.

There are no restrictions on dairy products made from goat milk. The owners receive cottage cheese, butter, cheese or sour cream. You can also get kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk or prepare yogurt and condensed milk. Homemade goat milk ice cream is very tasty and does not have various flavor enhancers.

Various products are made from goat milk

Goat milk is very healthy, so some buyers are willing to pay a lot of money to enjoy such products. But farmers don't often keep enough goats to pursue this business professionally. Therefore, it is important for many to know how to prepare all these products at home in order to get as close to the standards as possible, as well as preserve the taste.

To get a good quality product, you need not only to adhere to the exact recipe. Each experienced housewife There are tricks and secrets that allow you to make the final product more tender or take care of good storage. To give a special taste to butter or cheese, the recipe may include the use of additional ingredients.


There are a lot various recipes, which make it possible to obtain butter from goat milk at home, here is one of them. For this you will need goat's milk, add salt if desired. To get the oil you need:

  • Take freshly milked milk and then boil it immediately.
  • Then you need to pour it, use a low bowl, and leave it like that for a while.
  • The milk must cool down and reach room temperature.
  • Immediately after this, it is moved to a colder place, where the goat’s milk should stand for two days. During this time, the cream will separate and rise to the top. They are collected, and from them the butter itself is made by beating.

You can beat it different ways. Some use a mixer for this, experienced owners have a butter churn, but if neither one nor the other is at hand, then beat the butter by hand. Alternatively, you can fill it with cream three liter jar, close it tightly with a lid, shake until the oil separates. When you have completely whipped it, just drain off the whey and rinse the resulting product. There are several cooking secrets: to make the butter salty, use salt, and add saffron to give it yellowness.


To replenish calcium reserves, you need to consume foods rich in this microelement, one of them is cottage cheese. The preparation process is not complicated, and the main advantage is that nothing other than milk is required. This recipe can also be used if the milk has been standing for a long time, it begins to taste sour, that is, it has begun to sour, and this is the first stage of preparation.

To get cottage cheese you will need sour goat's milk, if it is not sour in itself, and you decided to get it on purpose, then to speed it up you should put it in a warm place. As soon as this process is completed, you need to use several layers of gauze onto which the sour milk is poured. Its size directly depends on the amount of milk. The diagonally opposite ends of the gauze are tied together to form a kind of knot. Hang it up for a while and let the excess liquid drain. One day is enough for the serum to completely drain.

There are fans of cottage cheese, which does not contain even a drop of moisture; in order to do this, you additionally need to place the knot under a press so that the liquid can drain. To do this, just place a heavy object on the bundle of cottage cheese for several hours and you can enjoy the finished product.

Cream, sour cream

Goat milk cream can be obtained using a separator. One of the options for obtaining them is to heat the milk to a temperature of 40-45 ° C; it is believed that at this temperature they separate better and are also thicker. Some housewives do not open the separator tap completely so that the milk does not flow so quickly. Essentially, this is the entire cooking process. You can get cream easier by leaving the milk in the jar for a while. After a few hours, the cream will rise, it can be drained by filling a separate bowl, and then used for various purposes.

Goat milk sour cream is not just tasty, it is also healthy, improves digestion, contains vitamins and microelements. A small amount of cholesterol helps prevent the formation of plaques in blood vessels. In addition, making sour cream is not difficult, the only drawback is that it requires a lot of milk. To get sour cream from goat milk in an amount of 500 g, you need to use 10 liters of milk.

Sour cream is made from collected cream. They need to be left in a warm place for a while so that the product sours. Sometimes a few hours are enough for this, sometimes it takes days. After this product acquired its familiar taste Store sour cream in the refrigerator, where it will thicken a little, and you can only tell it apart from store-bought by its natural taste.

If you don’t have a separator, but want to try sour cream, you can prepare it in another way. Added to fresh milk a small amount of sour, cover with a piece of gauze and let stand at room temperature. After 3-4 days, a visible layer will appear at the top of the jar; this is sour cream. It is collected with a spoon into a separate bowl and stored in the refrigerator.

Products made from sour milk or with its addition

And although many may think that a spoiled product should be thrown away immediately, some do just that with sour milk. But get various products You can use goat's milk only when it has begun to sour.


There is a simple recipe for making goat milk kefir at home. You need to boil fresh milk over low heat, let it cool, 35-40 minutes will be enough. After this, add a little ready-made kefir, which can be bought at any store, and mix the resulting mass thoroughly. Let it stand at room temperature for 48 hours, then cool it a little in the refrigerator, the kefir is ready.


This product can be prepared according to the same principle as kefir, but some housewives use a different recipe for fermenting yogurt. For 500 ml of chilled boiled milk, take 2 tbsp. l. sourdough Let it sit for a day, the product is ready. To make homemade goat milk yogurt as similar as possible to store-bought yogurt, add jams, berries, and fruits.

Ryazhenka, curdled milk, whey

You can get whey, yogurt or fermented baked milk from both cow's milk and goat's milk. For example, to make fermented baked milk from goat milk, you need to add a little to the baked milk sour milk and wrap the vessel, after a couple of hours the product will be ready.

To get the goat's milk curdled milk ready you will need minimal amount effort and also a little time. Sourdough is added to cooled previously boiled milk, it can be a spoonful of sour cream and allowed to stand in a warm place for 12 hours. It is advisable to drink it a day before, as the product may deteriorate.

Goat milk whey does not require special preparation, it is more of a by-product. This is the water that drains when preparing cottage cheese or feta cheese.

Condensed milk

Condensed milk from goat's milk turns out to be very tasty and nutritious, and most importantly, by preparing it in this way, you can be sure that there will be no harmful additives. Take fresh milk and add a little soda to it, literally on the tip of a knife, so that it does not curdle during the cooking process. Add granulated sugar to the milk and cook over low heat until it begins to change color; when it reaches golden color, remove the product from the stove. You can’t eat condensed milk right away, but make small reserves, pour it into jars and sterilize it under iron lids. This product is stored in the cellar.


To prepare kumiss from goat milk, take a liter of low-fat milk, a glass of water, 3 tsp. sugar, 2 tbsp. l. kefir and 5 g of yeast. Whisk all the ingredients except the yeast and leave for a while in a warm place. Separately, yeast is diluted with warm water and a pinch of sugar so that its consistency resembles sour cream, all this is added to the milk and mixed. Pour the product into bottles and leave for half an hour. When gases have formed, you need to move it to the refrigerator, the product is ready.


Now there are several recipes for making cheese, each of them differs in additional components. Goat milk cheese is also prepared according to this recipe. Pour milk into a saucepan and place on slow fire, add a spoonful of cottage cheese. After a while, add a tablespoon of salt, let it boil a little, and then add sour cream, also a tablespoon. Wait until the whey begins to drain during the cooking process, then place the product in cheesecloth and put it under a press, after an hour the cheese is ready. Cheese cheese at home turns out to be very tender and tasty; some housewives make mozzarella cheese from goat's milk.

Video: How to make goat milk cheese

All goat milk products not only have a unique taste, but are also very healthy. They contain various microelements and vitamins that can improve the condition of the body. And cooking at home allows you to be sure that there are no impurities or dyes in the products.

Goat milk sour cream is one of the sources useful substances, which it needs human body. This product cannot be found on supermarket shelves, but you can prepare it yourself. Let's take a closer look at several goat sour cream recipes.

Homemade goat milk sour cream is healthy and tasty.


Goat milk 10 liters

  • Number of servings: 1
  • Cooking time: 96 minutes

How to make sour cream from goat milk using a separator

On average, 10 liters of milk produces 0.5–0.7 liters of sour cream. It happens that the milk is so fatty that you can get up to 1 liter of sour cream from it. Unlike cow's sour cream, goat's sour cream is white and much fattier. To obtain it using a separator, you should know some subtleties.

The milk is preheated. To do this, use a stainless steel or aluminum pan. IN enamel dishes The milk tends to burn towards the bottom. The temperature of the milk should be no more than 40 degrees (it can be measured with a kitchen thermometer, and if you don’t have one, you can measure the temperature with your finger - the milk should be warm).

Turn on the separator at medium speed. After this, start pouring milk into the separator bowl in small portions. It is important that the sour cream flows in a thin stream (can be adjusted using a special toggle switch).

Homemade goat milk sour cream should stand at room temperature for another day, after which it is placed in the refrigerator. You can make cottage cheese, kefir from skim milk, and also use it for baking.

Goat milk sour cream using settling method

Unlike cow's milk, goat's milk needs to sit longer for a layer of sour cream to form on the top. The procedure looks like this:

  • a small amount of sour milk is added to fresh milk;
  • the resulting composition is poured into a clean container;
  • milk must settle for 4 days (the container must not be touched or moved);
  • During this time, a layer of sour cream will form on top of the milk, which must be carefully collected with a clean spoon.

The resulting sour cream is ready to eat! It should be stored in the refrigerator. You can make healthy goat curd from the remaining sour milk.

How to make sour cream from goat milk? It turns out that there is nothing complicated in this matter. By using one of the two recipes described above, you can get a high-quality, and most importantly, healthy product.

Knowledgeable people claim that a goat is a very clean animal, so there are no harmful substances in its milk, but there is much more protein and various microelements in it than in cow's milk. However, this product is difficult to separate and goat owners sometimes do not understand how to make sour cream from goat milk at home. Experts say that a regular separator is suitable for producing sour cream from goat milk at home, but it needs to be adjusted accordingly. From 10 liters of milk you can get from 0.5 to 1 liter of sour cream, depending on the fat content of the original product. First of all, the milk must be heated to 40 degrees; if the farm does not have a device that measures the temperature, then it is determined by dipping the little finger into the liquid. Warmed milk should not burn, but just seem warm. The device is also heated by pouring hot water into the milk receiver.

After the preparatory steps, you can begin the process itself; for this, goat milk is poured into the separator and turned on. You need to wait until the noise from the rotation becomes uniform and smooth, then carefully open the special key; if the sour cream flows out in a thin stream, then everything is done correctly and all that remains is to wait for the end of separation. Sometimes a layer of fat remains on the inner walls, so a small amount of milk is passed through again to wash it off. This part will not go into sour cream, but is quite suitable for return and use for food. The resulting substance is poured into glass jars so that there is a free space of 1.5-2 centimeters from the surface to the edge of the dish. In this form, the sour cream is kept at a warm temperature for 8-10 hours or even a day, after which it is placed in the refrigerator to thicken.

After milking, it is not recommended to immediately send the milk to the separator; it should sit for a couple of hours. Jars or any other container should not be tightly closed, otherwise the product will acquire an unpleasant aftertaste. It is enough to cover the neck of the jar with clean gauze to prevent insects or small debris from getting in. Goat milk sour cream turns out snow-white; if you wish, you can add a little carrot juice to it to get a yellowish tint. When adding of this ingredient, you must act carefully, pouring it literally drop by drop and thoroughly mixing the product. Some owners advise putting a couple of spoons of ready-made sour cream into the cream obtained after separation so that the fermentation process occurs a little faster. This is usually done on large farms when sour cream is prepared in large quantities. If a person has one or two goats and makes sour cream only for his family, this step can be skipped.

On small farms I don’t always use a separator to obtain sour cream from goat’s milk; the recipe is well known to older people who have several goats on their farm. After milking, the milk is left to settle for a couple of hours, covered with gauze, then a little yogurt or simply sour product is poured into it. Cover the dishes again with a clean cloth and place them in a warm place for 4 days; there is no need to leave the dishes near the stove; room temperature is enough. Over the past period, the goat's milk will sour, a layer will appear on the surface, which is carefully collected with a spoon and placed in a jar, which, accordingly, is placed in the refrigerator so that the sour cream thickens. There will be curdled milk left in the dish, which can be consumed in in kind or make cottage cheese from it. Goat's milk sour cream is used in the same way as cow's milk, that is, put in salads, added to soup or eaten with pancakes.