How to salt fresh milk mushrooms. Salted mushrooms in hot brine

Salting and pickling milk mushrooms in the winter: many simple and clear recipes. Delicious recipes for salting and pickling milk mushrooms.

Autumn is a magical time with a lot of gifts, one of which is mushrooms. No matter how the industrial cultivation of mushrooms develops, they cannot be compared with tasty and fragrant mushrooms collected in the vastness of our multifaceted homeland. This article is about harvesting milk mushrooms in the winter. Regardless of whether you are a young housewife or have been closing mushrooms in the winter for many years, we guarantee that you will definitely pick up an interesting new recipe In this article.

Milk mushrooms are disliked by young housewives, as there is a lot of work with them, and they also need to be soaked from bitterness. But we will tell you how to process a large number of mushrooms in a short time and do it at minimal cost. There are two ways to prepare, we recommend that you try both options and use the one that suits you.

To begin with, be sure to sort through the mushrooms, fold elastic and fresh ones, but spoiled, rotten and wormy ones should be discarded immediately. There is an opinion that they can be cut off and put into action. Yes you can, but not winter sunsets. It is better to cook circumcised immediately to the table.

Now you wash each mushroom under running water, washing away dirt and sand, and send the milk mushrooms to a pot or bucket in which you will soak.

For two days, change the water 3 times a day to fresh, then rinse the mushrooms again and you can proceed to conservation.

The second method says that after sorting the mushrooms, immediately send them to soak for 2 hours, and then rinse under running water and send them to soak for two days.

Important: milk mushrooms are often confused with poisonous mushrooms, so if you are new to picking mushrooms, go picking with experienced mushroom picker. If there was at least one poisonous mushroom in the basket, the entire basket must be thrown away! Remember - life is more precious than any delicacy, it is not worth risking it.

Cleaning the mushrooms is the next important step after soaking. Remember that mushrooms are difficult for the stomach to digest and any improper handling can lead to a hospital bed. Therefore, it is important to carefully work out each mushroom.

Soaking milk mushrooms is different ... sometimes it is!

Cleaning milk mushrooms is simple - a stiff brush and running water to rinse the brush. We clean both hats and legs. A toothbrush or the hard side of a washcloth is perfect for the job, take something that you don’t mind throwing away after use. The peeled mushroom is completely white. In addition, do not forget to first remove the mucus from the black mushrooms, and then clean them to white.

But if you have dried milk mushrooms prepared, it is enough to soak them for 30 minutes before cooking, and you do not need to clean them additionally!

Important: after soaking, remove one mushroom, break off and try a piece, if it is not bitter, you can proceed to the next step.

How and how long to cook milk mushrooms before salting?

Despite the fact that almost all recipes begin with boiling brine and then boiling mushrooms in them, for safety, it is recommended to lower any wild mushrooms after cleaning into boiling water and cook for 15 to 30 minutes. For mushrooms after soaking, 15 minutes will be enough.

Brine recipe for milk mushrooms per 1 liter of water

The classic recipe for preparing mushrooms for salting says: per liter of water you need 2 tablespoons without a slide of salt, and 3 peas of allspice and black pepper, for those who love savory tastes, you can add dried natural seasonings which include dried vegetables, roots, herbs.

After the brine has boiled in the pan, you can lower the milk mushrooms.

According to this recipe, you can cook salted mushrooms both for the winter and a week later. This recipe is also considered an express method. We need dishes with holes in the bottom, a medium saucepan with a juice evaporator or any other with a bottom - a colander is especially suitable.

We take the mushrooms, wash them, clean them, boil them for 10 minutes (pre-boiling to remove harmful substances from the mushroom), put them in a saucepan with holes on the bottom, put a plate on top and bend to squeeze out the excess liquid. Please note - the storage location is a cellar or a refrigerator.

We take out the mushrooms and lay out the first layer - sprinkle with salt and so on layer by layer until the container is completely filled. Add spices to each layer, if desired. We put oppression on top and send it back to a cool place for another three days.

After that, we shift the milk mushrooms into jars and close them under a nylon lid, store them in a refrigerator or a cold cellar.

Salting white and black milk mushrooms for the winter in a cold way: a step by step recipe

A cold recipe is appreciated for its simplicity, but at the same time you need to spend more time, albeit passive, but somewhere in your kitchen there will be a container with mushrooms.

  • Milk mushrooms are cleaned, washed, cleaned, soaked, boiled as usual for 15 minutes;
  • Cut into pieces or slices, depending on how you like more;
  • We fill it with water and put it under oppression in a cellar or a cold place for a week;
  • We change the water once a day, a total of 7 times a week;
  • Drain the water and re-examine the mushrooms, where the damaged ones are discarded or cut off;
  • Now we put one layer of mushrooms into the dishes, salt, the next layer and salt again. To the top. We put the oppression and turn it over once a day, not forgetting to return the oppression to its place. At this time, the mushrooms release juice and are actively salted in a cool place;
  • On the third day, we sterilize the jars and put milk mushrooms in them, close them in any way, you can even under plastic and put them in the cellar.

This method will take much less time, but you will have to work harder than with cold salting. So, wash and sort the mushrooms, peel and soak, and then put them in an enameled pan or basin and cook for 30 minutes. Take out the mushrooms and lay them on big platter in one layer.

Prepare the brine: per liter of water 2 tbsp. tablespoons of salt, a mixture of peppers, herbs to taste. Water boils and boils for 2-3 minutes.

We add the cooled milk mushrooms from the tray to the brine (so that they have time to cool), we send the horseradish root and a clove of garlic there for piquancy.

We discard in a colander and put under oppression in an enamel pan. The extracted juice from the mushrooms should cover the top layer of mushrooms by 1 cm, but if there is not enough juice, add a brine with milk mushrooms. In this form, we put it in the refrigerator after cooling, or we take it to the basement. It remains not to forget about them in a month, because they will need to be removed from the pan and moved to the banks.

Often, having gone to collect milk mushrooms, we return at the same time with other mushrooms. In this recipe, we propose to pickle volnushki and milk mushrooms together and treat the family to a delicious assortment.

Mushrooms must be re-sorted, removing previously damaged mushrooms, then cleaned and washed. Pour cold water and put soaked from bitterness for three days, not forgetting to change the water every day.

Then we wash it under running water and put a layer in an enameled pan, sprinkle it evenly with salt and chopped seasonings: horseradish roots, parsley, parsnip, ground pepper mixture, dried parsley and dill. Apply another layer and sprinkle again, and so on layer by layer. After laying the last layer, sprinkle with salt and spices, lay the plate so that it completely covers the mushrooms, but does not come into contact with the pan (with a gap of 3-5 mm). We install oppression and leave it like that for a month. Additionally, you can lay mushrooms with oak, cherry and currant leaves. The effect is obtained as from a barrel.

After a month, remove the mushrooms and put them in jars, as the brine (juice) will gradually evaporate and they will dry out.

Milk mushrooms with mushrooms complement each other and form a delicious ensemble. As usual, the mushrooms must be washed, cleaned, soaked and large mushrooms cut into two parts. Most delicious platter sliced. After that, the mushrooms are thrown into a colander to drain the juice from them.

Meanwhile, prepare the brine in the usual way, but with leaves and roots of horseradish, parsley, parsnip root, a mixture of pepper and oak leaves.

After the brine boils, we throw mushrooms into it and cook for 20 minutes so that the brine smolders, and does not boil. We discard the mushrooms in a colander for a few minutes and transfer to sterile jars. Roll up and send in a blanket to cool completely.

We put in the cellar or refrigerator for the whole winter.

We clean the milk mushrooms, wash them and set them to soak for two days, send the russula to the cellar for these two days, wash them the same way on the third day and put them all together for a day to soak. Rinse under running water on the fourth day, and pour into boiling brine prepared according to standard recipe. Boil for 25 minutes and pour hot with a small amount of brine into sterile jars. Roll up and wrap in a blanket for 3-4 hours until completely cooled, rearrange in a cold cellar.

Feature: when sorting mushrooms, lay them out into three parts, according to size. Salt also separately. small mushrooms entirely on festive table, medium cut in half for salads, large cut into slices for pies and other pastries.

Poplar, aspen and spruce milk mushrooms are distinguished by their neutral taste and less bitterness. For their salting, it is best to use the hot method, and also add garlic or pepper to the salting for spiciness and piquancy.

So, after you brought the milk mushrooms home, immediately fill them with water and only then go for an hour to rest from the road. After an hour, wash and clean the milk mushrooms, remove the sticky part of the cap and rinse again with running water. If necessary, cut and discard all damaged ones.

Fill with cold water and put in a cool place for two days, since they are less bitter, they can be soaked a little less.

On the third day we put the brine on the stove, and while it boils, we wash the mushrooms again. We send mushrooms to the boiling brine and cook in it for 20 minutes. In the meantime, sterilize jars and lids. Pour the mushrooms with a small amount of brine and roll up. We put in a warm place to cool completely and hide in the cellar.

yellow milk mushroom goes closer to late autumn, when the rest of the milk mushrooms are already departing. The fruit is fleshy, juicy and with excellent taste. For cold salting he absolutely does not fit.

Upon arrival home, they must immediately be filled with cold water, if there is ice, you can add some ice to the water. So the yellow mushroom will open in a special way. After 30-40 minutes, it can be sorted, washed, cleaned and refilled with cold or ice water and send to a cellar or other cold place for three days.

Remove, rinse, pour boiling brine and cook for 30 minutes so that the brine smolders and does not boil. Pour into jars and order. Put in the cellar.

But that's not all! Close a few jars with lids, but not with plastic, and refrigerate for 3 days. After this time, you can enjoy salted yellow milk mushrooms.

Despite the fact that the pickling process is more harmful than salting, and it appeared not so long ago, at present, most people are accustomed to pickled mushrooms and prefer pickling. Recall that pickles can be given to children as soon as you transfer them to adult food, but with marinades it is better to wait until 6-7 years.

Preparation for pickling is exactly the same as for salting, so let's go straight to the recipe.

Pour the already soaked milk mushrooms with water and cook for 15 minutes. Drain the water and discard in a colander.

We prepare the brine: for 1 kg of mushrooms we need 1 liter of water, 6 tbsp. spoons of vinegar 9%, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of salt and the same amount of sugar. Thanks to sugar, milk mushrooms are crispy and tender. We cook the brine with all the ingredients except vinegar.

We fall asleep in the boiling brine of milk mushrooms and cook for 15 minutes, removing the foam. Pour milk mushrooms with a small amount of brine into a sterile jar, pour in vinegar and immediately roll up the lid. We put the bottom down and wrap the banks. We store in the pantry, a cool room is no longer so important when there is vinegar in the rolls.

The cooking process is identical, but the brine is a little different, we will describe it. For brine, we need: for 1 kg of milk mushrooms, we need 1 liter of water, 7 tbsp. spoons of vinegar 9%, 2 tbsp. spoons of salt and 3 tbsp. spoons of sugar, peppercorns, Bay leaf, on liter jar 2 cloves of garlic and a currant leaf.

We cook the brine without vinegar, when we pour milk mushrooms into the jar, we send 2 cloves of garlic, a spice leaf and a few peppercorns to each liter jar. Pour vinegar and roll up.

Preparation for seaming mushrooms in the usual way.

For 4 kg of peeled mushrooms, we need:

  • 5 liters of water
  • A spoonful of vegetable oil;
  • 6 large onions;
  • 4 bay leaves
  • 10 assorted peppercorns;
  • 100 gr. Sahara
  • 100 gr. salt
  • 100 gr. vinegar 9%
  • 750 ml tomato paste

We chop the mushrooms into slices or cubes and send them to boiling water. Remove foam and cook for 15 minutes. Drain in a colander and let the water drain.

In parallel, put a frying pan on the stove, pour a spoonful of oil and send the onion rings to fry until it becomes slightly golden, add sugar and fry for another 2-3 minutes.

We add mushrooms to the onion, and if there is no large frying pan, we transfer it to a roaster or a pan with a thick bottom and continue to fry, add spices.

After 10 minutes of frying the mushrooms, add tomato paste and continue to simmer for another 10 minutes.

Add vinegar, mix and turn off the closet. We lay out in sterile jars and roll up. We wrap it in a blanket, let it cool and put it in the cellar.

Video: Quick salting of milk mushrooms in a hot way

We pre-wash, clean and soak the milk mushrooms for three days. After that, wash it under running water and put it in a saucepan with the caps up, each layer is sprinkled with salt at the rate of 30 g per 1 kg of soaked mushrooms.

Periodically (every 2-3 layers) we lay spices: sheets of laurel, oak, cherry, currant, ground pepper, grated dry roots and herbs.

Having added up to a third, pour in so that the top layer of mineral sparkling water does not cover, and continue to spread until the pan is 2/3 full, pour again mineral water and fill in completely. Pour water again so that the last 2 layers are not covered with water.

We put a plate and oppress it on top, wait an hour, if water and juice do not cover the edges of the plate, and, accordingly, the top layer of mushrooms, add a little more mineral water to cover.

After a week, you can serve it on the table, the total storage time in the cellar or refrigerator is no more than 60 days. After 20 days, transfer to jars and cover with lids so that the brine does not evaporate.

For salting, it is recommended to choose young elastic mushrooms. If, when soaked in non-salty water, the breast has darkened significantly, it means that it is old and not suitable for salting. But the darkening during salting is natural process some types of mushrooms. If you want to get light milk mushrooms, we recommend pickling.

Of course, in most cases we marinate and salt in the winter, but you really want to immediately taste mushroom delicacies, especially in big circle family, which most often gathers in summer and early autumn. Salted milk mushrooms can be tasted a week after hot salting, and a month after the cold, pickled can be opened after 3-5 days.

How to store salted milk mushrooms after salting?

After the milk mushrooms are completely salted, they must be transferred to glass jars and corked with metal or plastic lids. The essence of further storage is to prevent the liquid from evaporating from the mushrooms.

Video: Milk mushrooms delicious salting recipe

Video: Recipe for salted canned mushrooms for the winter without botulism

- Russian mushroom, considered the best for salting. In the West, it is considered inedible due to its pungent, peppery taste. In Slavic countries, they learned to get rid of it by soaking. By nutritional value he is not inferior to boletus, meat and milk, and therefore there are those who want to hunt him. There are several ways to salt it, which are described below.

Rules for salting milk mushrooms

The most difficult thing will be to wash the mushrooms from dust, dirt, spruce branches and grass. You can use a brush for this. All spoiled and unsightly places must be removed and the milk mushrooms soaked in a bowl of cold water. Make sure that the liquid covers the mushrooms, so place a weight on top. Milk mushrooms are soaked for 2-5 days, during which it is necessary to change the water, especially if the room is hot.

How to understand that the mushrooms are ready for pickling - taste the slice. If it is not bitter, you can start harvesting for the winter.

The most important thing is to use regular salt for salting. table salt, without the addition of components that enhance the taste.

It depends on which pickling method you choose and where the mushrooms will be located: in the cellar or at home. Having settled on the cold salting method, wait prepared mushrooms it will take 1.5-2 months. The hot method reduces the period to 30 days.

Salt milk mushrooms in brine should be whole, laying with caps down.

Salt milk mushrooms in a cold way

You can salt milk mushrooms in a cold way in a barrel and in jars. The first option is preferable, because it allows you to enjoy fragrant mushrooms with the aroma of wood and infused according to old Russian recipes. But you can preserve mushrooms in the usual way in jars and open them as needed.

The stages of salting in a barrel:

  1. Place 10 kg of washed and soaked mushrooms in a barrel, mixing with 400 gr. salt, spices, and leaves, cherries and currants. Add 5 cloves of garlic and dill stalks.
  2. The last layer should be with horseradish leaves. Lay sterile gauze on top, on which put a wooden circle and oppression.
  3. Mushrooms should be checked regularly and if mold has formed on the surface, it must be removed, the gauze changed, the circle and oppression processed and returned to its place.
  4. You can try mushrooms in a month, taking them out with sterile gloves.

Stages of salting in banks:

Salting raw milk mushrooms in a cold way is not difficult, the main thing is to rinse before serving.

Salt milk mushrooms in a hot way

Salting milk mushrooms in a hot way is easier than cold. The advantage of the method is that it is not necessary to soak the mushrooms - it is enough to clean them. When preparing brine for each liter of liquid, use 1-2 tbsp. l. salt, a head of garlic, bay leaves, horseradish, dill seeds and black peppercorns.

Further actions:

  1. Boil mushrooms in water with salt: 2-3 tbsp. l. for a 10 liter pot. Simmer covered for 15-20 minutes.
  2. Prepare the brine by dissolving the salt in hot water, adding pepper, bay leaf and placing mushrooms in it. Simmer under the lid for 10 minutes, and then add spices, put oppression and cool.
  3. Remove the container for a week in a cool place. After the expiration date, the mushrooms can be closed in sterilized jars by pouring brine. Use polyethylene lids. Do not forget to add 1 tbsp to each jar. l. vegetable oil. After 21-28 days, milk mushrooms can be tasted.

It is easy to salt dry milk mushrooms in a hot way, and they can “reach condition” earlier than the nominal time.

How to salt yellow milk mushrooms

It is not customary to salt pickled milk mushrooms. When salting, the mushrooms are not boiled, but soaked and, covered with spices and salt, they are closed in jars. When pickling, milk mushrooms are boiled and this significantly increases the safety of the blanks.

Here original recipe cooking yellow mushrooms:

  1. If yellow milk mushrooms got into your basket, then you need to wash them at home, soak them for several days and cut them into pieces.
  2. Of the spices, we only need salt and chopped garlic. Put the container with mushrooms on the fire and salt, adding water. Put salt on the eye, but the water should taste salty.
  3. Remove the foam with a spoon and boil the milk mushrooms for 5 minutes. Take them out with a slotted spoon, mix with garlic and arrange in glass containers. Fill with brine, and pour a spoonful of vegetable oil on top. Let cool and cover with plastic or iron screw caps. Remove to refrigerator. You can eat in a couple of days.

What could be more fragrant, appetizing and tastier than all other pickles on winter table than eye-catching crispy salted milk mushrooms! These magnificent mushrooms serve as a real decoration of the Russian feast and are consumed with pleasure by the hosts and guests as an addition to the main dishes and great snack. Modern housewives have learned not only to salt milk mushrooms, but also to pickle, boil and stew them. However, the primacy among the preferences of eaters is still given to salted milk mushrooms, which are prepared in two ways of salting: cold and hot. So, if you turned out to be a successful mushroom picker and brought these gifts of the forest from a “quiet hunt”, and now you don’t know what to do next, we bring to your attention a hot salting method.

What is required for salting?
First of all, of course, the mushrooms themselves. It doesn't matter if it's white or black, dry or wet milk mushrooms. Water in in large numbers, but as additional ingredients - following products(data are given for 1 liter of water):
  • salt of medium grinding without iodine content - 20 g (both for brine and for cooking);
  • dill seeds, preferably fresh; several heads of garlic; horseradish root and leaves - all according to individual taste;
  • allspice and black peppercorns - 10 pieces each;
  • clove grains, as well as cherry or currant leaves, for an amateur;
  • cabbage leaves.
How to salt milk mushrooms?
  1. First of all, clean the mushrooms from foliage and forest debris. Then rinse well with a hard abrasive sponge or brush.
  2. Prepare a large enamel saucepan with an intact inner surface.
  3. Dip the mushrooms in boiling salted water and boil for 20-25 minutes.
  4. While the milk mushrooms are cooking, prepare the brine for now without adding horseradish and garlic. All other spices are added to the water the right amount and then bring the solution to a boil.
  5. Drain the water from the boiled mushrooms and put the mushrooms in a sieve or colander to drain the water.
  6. Transfer the milk mushrooms to a saucepan with ready-made brine and cook for another half an hour.
  7. When the mushrooms are boiled in brine with spices, add horseradish, garlic and berry leaves, distributing them evenly in the mushroom mass.
  8. Mushrooms in a saucepan with brine, cover with clean and scalded boiling water cabbage leaves. Lay the base for the oppression on top, and on top of it - the oppression itself (moderately heavy).
  9. When all the main salting steps are completed, put the pan with milk mushrooms in a cool place for 4-5 days. In this case, the mushrooms must be completely covered with brine. Otherwise, they can stick together tightly and lose their appetizing appearance.
  10. After a certain time, sterilize the jars and carefully place the mushrooms in glass containers, filling them to the top with brine and tightly closing the lids, after pouring 1-2 tbsp into the jars over the brine vegetable oil, to prevent contact with oxygen and possible souring.
  11. Upon completion of work, remove the jars to a cold place (refrigerator or cellar) for 30-40 days. Whether they will stand there for so long depends on the patience of your household. Many start tasting without waiting. due date. However, it is believed that it is necessary to wait in order to avoid possible eating disorders or even poisoning.
Mushrooms are served to the table as a whole and sliced, with onions or garlic, in vegetable oil or with sour cream - there is already a place for your taste preferences! Bon appetit you - and mushroom abundance to your table!

Milk mushrooms at all times were considered one of the most best mushrooms for salting. There has never been a lack of them in Russia.

Collecting milk mushrooms is a pleasure, both for beginners and experienced mushroom pickers. This is because they grow in large groups. In our country, you can find several types of these mushrooms: real (raw), black, yellow, aspen and pepper.

Where to look for mushrooms?

These mushrooms cannot be confused with any other. However, milk mushrooms have several doubles and imitators. They differ in color and, so-called, shaggy on the edges of the hat. As a rule, they are not as luxurious as those of a real mushroom. Tight fragile podgruzdki, for example, only pretend. They have a smooth and dry head, without hairs and not so perfumed. A real mushroom mushroom emits the finest beads of sticky, like honey, sharp-smelling juice. It sparkles on the curved cilia of the plates.

First place in flavor and palatability rightfully occupies a real mushroom or raw. It has a creamy yellow or white cap. On it, in turn, there are slightly watery places. On the tucked edges you can see the edge. The milky juice is white, in the air it becomes yellow-sulfur. real breast you need to look in pine-birch and birch forests from Europe to Siberia. The yellow mushroom is located in spruce-fir and just spruce forests. The cap of this mushroom grows in diameter from 5 to 15 centimeters. You can meet such a breast both in the Far East and in Europe. By the way, the mushroom is conditionally edible. It is eaten only in salt form.

In August, the real hunt for black mushrooms begins. It can be found in birch and mixed forests. It differs from relatives in size. The hat of a large black mushroom can grow up to 20 centimeters in diameter. It is fleshy and dense, brown, almost black. The black mushroom is first boiled and then salted. Almost simultaneously with black load the aspen breast also begins to grow. It appears in August-September in damp aspen forests. Its difference: a whitish cap with brownish or reddish spots. Peppercorn got its name for a reason. They can completely replace the seasoning. This mushroom can be dried, chopped and seasoned with all kinds of dishes, like mustard.

Of course, most often you will come across raw breast. If there are frequent, but not heavy rains in the summer, then you need to wait for the harvest of milk mushrooms. You can go on a quiet mushroom hunt in early September. There are two main ways to pickle milk mushrooms. Let's consider both.

Cold salting of mushrooms

First you need to prepare the mushrooms. If you decide to use the cold salting method, then at the preparation stage, the milk mushrooms need to be soaked in water. This is necessary in order to get rid of the bitterness in these mushrooms. First of all, you need to thoroughly rinse the mushrooms, clean each one of dirt, leaves and earth, and also cut off the wormy parts. Very often, mushroom pickers cut off the legs of mushrooms. By the way, they can be eaten separately. For example, fry. After the milk mushrooms are cleanly washed, they must be placed in a spacious container (where you will soak the mushrooms) with their hats down. Don't waste your time on this event. Milk mushrooms need to be soaked for 2-3 days. In this case, the water should be changed every day or even twice a day.

Recipe for salted mushrooms for the winter

For cold salting, it is worth learning the following formula: you need to take 4 percent of salt from total weight mushrooms. In other words, for one kilogram of soaked milk mushrooms we store 40 grams of salt. Traditionally, wooden (preferably oak) barrels are taken for salting mushrooms. But if you plan to pickle a small amount of mushrooms, then an ordinary one will do glass jar. And here the main thing is to lay the mushrooms correctly. Pour a layer of salt at the very bottom of our container, then put currant leaves, horseradish, cherries for flavor, as well as chopped garlic cloves (1-2 cloves are enough), even dill stems, best with tops. Put the mushrooms on top of the greens. Attention! Mushrooms must be placed with their hats down! And then sprinkle with black pepper on top (2-3 peas per layer is enough) and salt. For piquant taste and if desired, you can add a bay leaf to the jar with the future delicacy. Then we make another layer. That is, we repeat the entire procedure described above again. And so on, until the jar is filled to the brim. From above, mushrooms are covered with cherry and currant leaves.

Next, put a lid on the mushrooms (preferably smaller than the neck of a jar) or a plate (if you took not a jar, but a wider dish as a container). We put the load on top. As it may fit, for example, a container of water, a weight or other rather heavy object. After everything is packed, we put the container in the basement or refrigerator. The most delicious salted mushrooms can be tasted in a month or a half. This method is suitable for different types of mushrooms. How to salt milk mushrooms, in a cold or hot way - the hostess must decide.

Hot salting of mushrooms

This method of pickling mushrooms will take much less time. It is usually used if there are no conditions for soaking mushrooms or, for example, in hot weather, when it is necessary to process mushrooms as soon as possible. In total, there are two ways to boil mushrooms. And which one to resort to - the number of mushrooms will best show. If you have a few mushrooms at your disposal, then you can boil them in portions. And each portion must be put in new water so that bitterness comes out of the mushrooms completely. It should take at least 20 minutes to cook. After that, the mushrooms should be washed in cold water, then put in a colander or sieve, and then placed in a container, sprinkled with salt. As in the previous method, here you will need about 40-50 grams of salt per kilogram of mushrooms.

Mushrooms must be seasoned with onions, horseradish, garlic and dill, and cover the container on top and put a load on the lid. Keep the dish in the cold for only 6-8 days. After that, hot-salted milk mushrooms can be served at the table.

But with a large number of milk mushrooms, they must be lowered into mesh containers, which are most often used for blanching and are made of stainless steel, and boiled in them for 15-20 minutes in salted water.

During cooking, foam will form. Don't forget to take it off regularly. boiled mushrooms discard on a wire rack and let the water drain. Then the milk mushrooms should be salted in the same way as described in the cold salting method. It is only necessary to add 6 percent of salt from the total weight of the prepared mushrooms. In this case, milk mushrooms will be salted only after 20-25 days. In this way, it is better to salt black milk mushrooms. With the advice of the editors, the site will take a minimum of time to prepare, and you will be satisfied with the result!
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Back in the days Ancient Rus' people knew recipes for salting the most different types mushrooms. They were collected not in baskets, but in whole carts and salted in bulky wooden barrels to enjoy it later exquisite taste during feasts and feasts. If you have ever done such culinary experiments on your own, you probably know that the process of pickling and salting such forest mushrooms takes a very long time. Fortunately, modern chefs know how to quickly pickle milk mushrooms, and are happy to share their recipes.


  • milk mushrooms - 1 kg;
  • salt - 0.05 kg;
  • black pepper - 10 or 12 peas;
  • water - 2 liters;
  • garlic - 1 head;
  • dried dill;
  • fresh horseradish leaves;
  • Bay leaf.

Cooking process:

  1. If you want to go fast, it's worth knowing that without a thorough three-day soak, these foods are not entirely safe to eat. fresh mushrooms in any case, it must be cleaned very carefully and soaked in cold water, which needs to be changed from time to time.
  2. After soaking, rinse the products, pour them into a deep saucepan, fill with water and be sure to salt. In this liquid, the mushrooms should be boiled to finally boil out the bitterness and small particles of debris. The brine itself is prepared separately, according to the proportions that were indicated in the list of ingredients. To do this, boil water with salt, bay leaf and black pepper.
  3. When the brine is ready, you should lower the pre-boiled mushrooms into it and cook for about 10 minutes. Only after that, you can add more peeled garlic and dry dill seeds to the pan. Thoroughly mix the mixture with the mushrooms, cover with a lid or a flat plate, and then wait until the brine has completely cooled at room temperature.
  4. In this form, a pan with milk mushrooms should be stored in a cold place for several days, but not more than a week. Then they can be packaged in sterilized jars, pour the marinade, add a little vegetable oil to each jar for taste and send the pickles to the refrigerator. Such quick salting mushrooms will not take you much time and practically will not cause trouble. They will be completely ready for use in three or four weeks, but even after 10-15 days such milk mushrooms are already very tasty.

Quick cold salting


  • milk mushrooms - 10 kg;
  • rock salt - 0.4 kg;
  • garlic - 5 heads;
  • dried dill - a few stems;
  • currant and horseradish leaves.

Cooking process:

  1. Quickly and simply milk mushrooms are salted in wooden barrels. First you will need to wash them thoroughly under running water, paying special attention to this procedure. Then the cleaned mushrooms are folded into a deep bowl for soaking. It could be a bucket enamel pan or even a barrel. Cold water should completely cover each breast. In this form, they will stay for about three days, the water needs to be changed every 3-5 hours, otherwise the products will turn sour and deteriorate.
  2. Soaked milk mushrooms can be rinsed a little, dried and laid in layers on the bottom of the barrel for salting. Lay the mushrooms with caps down, very tightly to each other and each layer must be sprinkled with salt along with herbs and spices. The topmost layer should be covered with horseradish leaves, and a dense layer of clean gauze should be placed on top, which should become a support for a wooden circle with oppression. Under pressure, the mushrooms will release juice. It is necessary that it completely covers the products.
  3. The level of marinade in the barrel should be monitored for 3 or 4 weeks. That is how much time the products need for complete salting and acquiring an excellent taste. Mold can appear on the surface of the pickles, you need to get rid of it in time.

An accelerated version of salting from boiled mushrooms


  • milk mushrooms - 10 kg;
  • Dill seeds;
  • cabbage leaves;
  • rock salt;
  • garlic.

Cooking process:

  1. Sort out freshly picked forest milk mushrooms, throw away spoiled food and free the mushrooms from grass, debris and dirt. After that, they need to be folded into a deep bucket or bowl and poured with cold water, which will completely cover the milk mushrooms. Mushrooms should be allowed to stand for about 2-3 hours.
  2. Then each mushroom will need to be rinsed under running water, rubbed with a brush, freed from the legs and sent to a deep clean bowl. Many mushroom pickers believe that you can get rid of the bitterness of mushrooms without prolonged soaking. Instead, mushrooms are sent to the fire in a pot of cold salted water, brought to a boil and boiled for about half an hour. The cooking procedure should be repeated again with a new portion of water. It is due to this that it really turns out quick ambassador mushrooms.
  3. Remove boiled mushrooms from the pan with a slotted spoon and cool. It is better to drain the broth, but some housewives leave it in the refrigerator for making soups and sauces.
  4. It is best to salt milk mushrooms quickly in a bucket. Sprinkle the bottom of the dish generously rock salt, petals fresh garlic and dry dill seeds. Only after that you can start laying the mushrooms with caps down. Each new layer is sprinkled with salt. Finally, place a flat weighted plate on the food, which will help the mushroom marinade to release as soon as possible. If own juice mushrooms will not be enough, you can add a little broth from the refrigerator.

In this form, the mushrooms are salted for several days. Then they need to be laid out in jars, and covered with cabbage leaves on top. Cover the pickles nylon lids and send to the refrigerator. Within a week they can be served at the table with fried potatoes or as a snack on its own. This is the most fast way salting mushrooms.