How to salt wet milk mushrooms for the winter. Recipe for pickling black mushrooms. Cooking instructions.

Until frost sets in, the mushroom theme is very relevant. Milk mushrooms are late mushrooms, the collection is in full swing until frost.

It is not always possible to salt mushrooms in a bucket or in a saucepan, this can be inconvenient, and it is problematic to find a cool place in the apartment to put a bucket. Mushrooms can be prepared immediately in jars. The technology for preparing mushrooms for the winter in jars is the same, and they will be salted for a month and a half, but it is much easier to attach a jar in the refrigerator.

You can salt milk mushrooms for the winter in jars both in a cold and hot way, most importantly, they must be stored in a cool place. I like the first way better. In the second case, milk mushrooms must be boiled until tender.

Milk mushrooms must be soaked. We clean the garlic. Let's prepare jars for pickling milk mushrooms. We wash them well, it is not necessary to sterilize them.

Cut the garlic into slices.

In a saucepan, mix milk mushrooms, salt, garlic, bay leaf and peppercorns.

Mix gently so that all the mushrooms get salt and spices, leave for half an hour.

After half an hour, we will decompose into prepared jars. We put it tighter. Pour the juice from the mushrooms on top.

We send mushrooms for storage in a cool place (refrigerator, balcony, cellar). Milk mushrooms for the winter in jars are ready. In a month you can start trying them ...

Why is hot salting of mushrooms better than cold? - this question is often asked not only by young housewives, but also by experienced chefs.

Why do many lovers of a wonderful snack in the form of salted milk mushrooms prefer this particular method of salting? Everything is very simple, this method of salting takes much less time from housewives.
hot salting milk mushrooms are very often used in the absence of conditions for long-term soaking of mushrooms.
Today we want to bring to your attention two ways of hot salting mushrooms.

Hot salting of mushrooms - the first recipe:

For one liter of brine you will need
  • salt - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • 20 black peppercorns;
  • 10 peas of allspice;
  • Bay leaf;
  • cherry and currant leaves;
  • horseradish (root);
  • head of garlic.
Wash mushrooms thoroughly. Boil water in an enameled saucepan (you can take a stainless steel one) and add salt (two tablespoons of salt per liter). Gently lower the mushrooms into boiling water, bring to a boil and cook for 20 minutes.

While the mushrooms are cooking, you need to start preparing the brine. In cold water, add two heaping tablespoons of salt and all other spices, except garlic and horseradish. The brine must be boiled in a separate saucepan, in this saucepan milk mushrooms will be salted.

After the brine boils and the salt is completely dissolved, boiled mushrooms must be transferred to it. To do this, we throw the mushrooms from the first pan into a colander, let all the water drain, and only after that, transfer the mushrooms to the second pan. Mushrooms should be boiled in brine for 25-30 minutes.

Add garlic cloves and horseradish root to the boiled mushrooms, put a circle on top (it can be cut out of a plastic container from under the cake) and put oppression. The weight should not be too heavy. Mushrooms on top should be covered with brine. We remove the pot with mushrooms in a cool place. Can be on the loggia or in the basement.

After five days, the milk mushrooms will need to be decomposed into jars (it is imperative to sterilize the jars), and then pour the brine from under the mushrooms. Pour a little on top sunflower oil and close the jars with lids. Hot salting of mushrooms is over. Jars of mushrooms can be put in the refrigerator. After 30-40 days, your mushrooms will be ready.

Second recipe:

To prepare salted mushrooms according to this recipe, you will need:

  • five kg of mushrooms,
  • three glasses of water
  • six leaves bay leaf,
  • one hundred grams of salt
  • two tablespoons of 5% vinegar,
  • peas of allspice and bitter pepper.
First, you need to cut the legs of the mushrooms, sort them, rinse thoroughly and put them in a bowl with cold water. The legs of mushrooms can be salted separately.
While the mushrooms are soaking, you need to prepare the jars.

Rinse the soaked milk mushrooms again and put them in a saucepan for cooking. Cook mushrooms in salted water for 20-25 minutes. When cooking mushrooms, stir occasionally and remove the resulting foam. By the end of cooking, the mushrooms should settle to the bottom.

Throw the boiled mushrooms in a colander and leave in it until completely cooled.

Arrange cooled mushrooms in jars in layers. Sprinkle each layer with salt and add spices to taste. Mushrooms need to be laid in jars, not reaching one centimeter to the neck. Then, you need to pour the mushrooms with boiled cold water and sterilize. Half-liter jars need to be sterilized for 40 minutes, liter jars - 50 minutes. Then cover the jars with lids and leave for three days in a warm place for fermentation. Then the mushrooms need to be taken out in the cold.

The storage temperature of mushrooms should not exceed eight degrees. Mushrooms will be ready in a month.

You can store salted milk mushrooms in this mode for 8-9 months.

How to salt milk mushrooms for the winter - a recipe with a photo

Delicious salted mushrooms are always an amazing snack. And every mushroom picker is well aware of this simple truth. But in order for the milk mushrooms to turn out especially tasty, they must be able to cook and pickle them correctly. In order to enjoy the mushroom gifts of nature in winter, you need to learn a couple simple recipes how to salt milk mushrooms in jars. This does not require anything complicated and supernatural.

  1. Dish type: preparation for the winter
  2. Dish subtype: mushroom dish
  3. Number of servings per outlet: 6-8 servings.
  4. The weight ready meal: 400-500 g.
  5. Time for preparing:
  6. National cuisine to which the dish belongs: Russian.
  7. Energy or the nutritional value dishes:

Ingredients for making salted mushrooms

So, the ingredients of the winter mushroom delicacy:
  • mushroom mushrooms;
  • dill (whole stalk with an umbrella);
  • horseradish leaves;
  • garlic (it is desirable to take more);
  • salt;
  • young shoots of cherries (optional).

Instructions for salting milk mushrooms

  1. Preparation of salting milk mushrooms for the winter begins with the cleaning of mushrooms from excess debris (needles, leaves, earth, and so on). Then the mushrooms are cleaned and placed in a deep bowl. A deep container is needed so that something heavy can be placed on top of the mushrooms (for oppression) and the brine does not leak out. A little later, see if there is enough brine, if it is not enough - then it will be necessary to add it to the jars rolled up for the winter.
  2. All mushrooms that were placed in a deep bowl should be poured with boiling water and boiled for 5-7 minutes. Milk mushrooms should not boil, it is enough just to bring them to a boil. After that, the container with mushrooms is covered with a plate, on top of which something heavy is placed so that the mushrooms “drown” in the brine. The role of the load will perfectly perform the usual three-liter jar filled with water. If some of the mushrooms float on top of the brine liquid, they will simply turn black. In this state, pickles are left for one night.
  3. The next day, mushrooms can be transferred to a jar. But it's important to remember the right technology laying milk mushrooms during salting. First, garlic is laid out at the bottom of the jar (yes, more), then a layer of fragrant mushrooms, then - 1 tsp. salt, then garlic again - mushrooms - salt, and so on until all the milk mushrooms are laid. When all the mushroom contents are in the jars, they must be filled with the brine in which they were salted. Everything needs to be well packed.
  4. The air that accumulates in the banks must be eliminated with a knife. And already at the very end, you need to put dill, cherry branches and horseradish leaves in jars. Cover jars tightly with lids and refrigerate. A month later, salted milk mushrooms are completely ready. Welcome to the table!

A simple recipe for salting milk mushrooms for the winter

No less interesting is another recipe for salting milk mushrooms for the winter. According to the cooking technology, recipe No. 2 is somewhat different from the recipe described above, but it is also simple and accessible to everyone, like the first recipe.

Recipe for salting milk mushrooms for the winter


  • strong white milk mushrooms;
  • a couple of cloves of garlic;
  • water;
  • dill umbrellas;
  • coarse salt;
  • sunflower oil;

Cooking instructions

Traditionally, mushrooms are first washed and cleaned of spores, debris, and so on. Then they are soaked in clean, moderately cold water for 3-5 days (you can keep the mushrooms and room temperature), but you definitely need to change the water every day. You don’t need to cut small mushrooms, but it’s better to cut larger mushrooms. Then throw them into boiling salted water and boil for 7 minutes, then cool the mushrooms in cold water. Coarse salt must be added in proportions: a stack of salt per 3- liter jar.For those who prefer uncooked mushrooms, pickling milk mushrooms for the winter can be done simply from thoroughly soaked mushrooms. spicy taste and aroma, you should add a little garlic and dill to them in a jar. After that, on the jars, in which mushrooms and spices are already laid out, they put heavy oppression for the whole day and only periodically the mushroom contents need to be stirred. A day later, white milk mushrooms must be laid out in jars with a wide neck, and pour them with brine.

Salting milk mushrooms for the winter

Based on three-liter jar the brine content should not exceed 800 ml. After you can add a little to the mushrooms vegetable oil and then close the jars for the winter with plastic lids. Mushrooms will be ready no earlier than in a month, or even forty days. All this time, jars of pickles must be kept in the refrigerator. These were simple cooking recipes, revealing the secrets of ordinary salting, unusually tasty mushroom snack from mushrooms. Eat with pleasure and health!

How to pickle milk mushrooms in jars for the winter: video

This video clip describes in detail the process of salting milk mushrooms in jars for the winter, explains how easy it is to make such seamings at home.

How to salt milk mushrooms for the winter in jars - step by step video recipe

Even in Russia, milk mushrooms were considered the most the best mushrooms for salting and marinating. Since ancient times, milk mushrooms began to appear on the tables of the inhabitants of our country, both in salted and pickled form. Due to its amazing taste, such an appetizer is considered a real delicacy.

But many mushroom lovers prefer salted mushrooms, since in salted mushrooms they turn out to be tastier and become very crispy when salted due to the fleshy pulp. But pickled milk mushrooms are also very popular, and besides, this method of salting mushrooms is the safest. In our article today, we will tell you how to salt milk mushrooms for the winter.

The main feature of the preparation of these mushrooms is that immediately before salting they should be soaked for several days. This must be done so that all the characteristic bitterness comes out of the mushrooms.

Milk mushrooms how to salt, this question interests many housewives. Experienced mushroom pickers they advise salting milk mushrooms along with leaves of horseradish, cherries and currants, while others argue that kitchen salt and dried dill will be enough for salting. Which way to salt milk mushrooms is up to you to choose. How to salt milk mushrooms video will help you in cooking these mushrooms.

Just like other types of mushrooms, milk mushrooms can be salted for the winter in two ways at once - hot and cold.

How to salt milk mushrooms cold way

The cold method of salting milk mushrooms is a rather laborious process. Milk mushrooms harvested in this way are more fragrant and juicy than pickled mushrooms on a strong leg. So, how to salt milk mushrooms in a cold way, read about it below.

Required Ingredients:

- 5 kilograms of fresh mushrooms,

- tubules of dried dill without upper umbrellas,

- 2 cups medium sized salt

- horseradish leaves and root,

- currant or cherry leaves,


Thoroughly clean fresh milk mushrooms from leaves, dirt and all other debris, rinse several times in water. Transfer the washed mushrooms to a glass, plastic or enameled deep container. Use a regular bucket for this, large saucepan or a large pelvis.

Pour the mushrooms laid out in a container with running water, cover the milk mushrooms with a flat and fairly large plate on top. Place a large oppression on top; for these purposes, you can fill a liter jar with running water.

Mushrooms in a container must be placed in any cool place for several days. Three times a day, change the water in the mushrooms to fresh. After this time, all mushrooms must be carefully removed from the liquid, sprinkle each mushroom with kitchen salt and place them in a container prepared in advance for pickling mushrooms.

Between the laid out layers of mushrooms, it is necessary to lay out pre-peeled cloves of garlic, as well as small pieces of chopped horseradish root. From above, cover all the laid out mushrooms with a layer of gauze, which must be folded three times.

Put the horseradish leaves on top of the gauze, and then all the remaining greens. Such oppression should be placed on the circle so that after the separation of the brine, the milk mushrooms are completely covered with it.

A container with laid out mushrooms should be placed in a cold place for about one month. At this time, you need to ensure that the upper mushrooms do not stand without brine, otherwise they may become moldy.

Transfer the completely salted mushrooms to pre-sterilized jars without the need to tighten the lids. You can also leave salted mushrooms in the same container in a cold place.

Thanks to the cold pickling method, the mushrooms remain clean and snow-white. If desired, the top layer of mushrooms can be washed. AT winter period from salted mushrooms you can cook holiday snacks, mushroom caviar, variety of salads and even delicious meatballs. How to salt milk mushrooms, the recipe that we offered you is not at all complicated and every housewife will master it.

How to salt milk mushrooms hot way

Many housewives know how to salt milk mushrooms in a hot way, but unfortunately, not everyone dares to make such a cooking recipe. After salting the mushrooms in a hot way, they turn out to be quite soft, so the mushrooms will not get that crunch after they are salted, which many mushroom pickers are waiting for. But after salting the milk mushrooms in a hot way, they retain their original shape and color. Therefore, we suggest that you learn how to pickle milk mushrooms using the hot method.

Required Ingredients:

- a few umbrellas of dry dill,

- 1 kilogram of mushrooms,

- 4 fresh leaf cabbage,

- 5 cloves of garlic,

- 50 grams of salt,


Clean fresh milk mushrooms of all large debris: hay, leaves, remnants of the earth, etc. Rinse the peeled mushrooms several times in water, rub each mushroom a little with a dishwashing sponge or a regular toothbrush. All peeled mushrooms must be completely filled with cold water and left in this form for several hours.

After that, the milk mushrooms need to be transferred to a separate deep container, pour water and place to cook on fire. After boiling the mushrooms, cook them over low heat for twenty minutes.

Remove the boiled mushrooms with a slotted spoon and let them cool slightly. The water in which you boiled the mushrooms must be filtered, cooled and placed in the refrigerator. Pour a few tablespoons of salt into the bottom of a bucket or other suitable container and level it evenly. After that, you need to lay out the dill seeds, after which you need to lay out the previously peeled garlic cloves.

Now it's time to evenly lay out the boiled milk mushrooms with hats down. Sprinkle the mushrooms with salt and lay out all the remaining mushrooms in the same way, alternating the rows all the time. On top of the mushrooms, you need to install a flat plate, and put a liter jar filled with water on it. This way you will make oppression for the mushrooms. It is necessary to ensure that the released brine completely covers the mushrooms. If there is not enough liquid, then you need to add a little water to the mushrooms, in which the milk mushrooms were boiled. Cover the container with mushrooms with gauze or a clean towel.

Leave the mushrooms in this form for several days to salt them. Transfer all salted mushrooms to pre-sterilized jars, laying them tightly enough. Press the mushrooms in jars on top with cabbage leaves. Jars with mushrooms can be closed with lids and placed in the refrigerator for storage. You can eat salted milk mushrooms in this way after one week, such mushrooms are salted very quickly, since they were boiled in advance. As you can see, how to salt milk mushrooms, the cooking recipe is not at all complicated.

How to salt black mushrooms

With the advent of mushroom pores, many mushroom lovers are interested in how to salt black mushrooms. It is black milk mushrooms that are ideal for pickling any kind, in addition, various mushrooms can be prepared from these mushrooms. delicious food. Milk mushrooms can be salted in almost any container, but it is much more convenient to salt them in sterilized glass jars. To make it easier to put black mushrooms in jars, you need to cut off their legs in advance. So, let's find out how to salt milk mushrooms in jars.

Required Ingredients:

- black mushrooms,

- 50 grams of salt,

- allspice peas,

- black currant leaves,

- bay leaf (optional)


Clean the mushrooms of all debris, rinse several times in water. Washed mushrooms should be placed in any container and pour them with cold water. Leave the mushrooms to soak for several days. From time to time, the water must be changed to clean, otherwise the mushrooms may become moldy.

After you soak the black milk mushrooms, you need to rinse them again several times and put them in several layers in a deep saucepan. If desired, mushrooms can be sprinkled with bay leaves, black peppercorns, horseradish and currant leaves.

Put gauze on top of the mushrooms, which must be folded in two layers. Lay the lid of the smaller pan on top, and place a weight on it. If you decide to pickle mushrooms in jars, then lay them out tightly enough so that there is no free space between the mushrooms. To salted mushrooms add a lot of chopped onion or garlic and season with sour cream or vegetable oil.

How to salt a white mushroom

It occupies the first place among mushrooms in terms of aroma and taste. white mushroom. But unfortunately, not everyone can boast of a large catch of white mushrooms, since such mushrooms are not so common. Let's find out how to salt white milk mushrooms.

Required Ingredients:

- strong white milk mushrooms,

- 3 cloves of garlic,

- dill umbrellas,

- table salt,

- sunflower oil,


How to salt white milk mushrooms. Clean the mushrooms pine needles and spores under the caps, rinse several times in water. Soak the mushrooms in clean water for several days. At the same time, do not forget to change the water of the mushrooms every day. Large mushrooms need to be cut, and small mushrooms can be left like that.

Then you need to pour water into a deep saucepan, boil it over medium heat with the addition of salt. Place mushrooms in boiling water and boil for seven minutes. Take out the boiled milk mushrooms and immediately place in cold water. Add coarse salt to the mushrooms at the rate of one stack of salt per three liters of water.

To make mushrooms more tasty and spicy, add chopped garlic and dill umbrellas to taste. Place the milk mushrooms under oppression for about one day. Ready-made salted mushrooms should be laid out in pre-prepared jars, fill the mushrooms with brine on top, add sunflower oil to each jar and cover them with plastic lids on top. Ready mushrooms can be eaten after thirty days. Now you know how to properly salt milk mushrooms.

How to salt dry milk mushrooms

Salting dry milk mushrooms is a process that requires certain skills and knowledge. Let's find out how to salt dry milk mushrooms and consider the most popular recipe their preparation.

Required Ingredients:

- mushrooms are dry,

- salt, table salt at the rate of 5% of total weight mushrooms,

- horseradish root

- dill umbrellas,

- leaves of horseradish, currant and cherry,


Rinse the milk mushrooms several times in water, transfer them to a deep saucepan and immediately fill with water. Place a wooden circle on top of the mushrooms, or if there is none, then put a regular plate, put a fairly heavy oppression on top. Remove the container with mushrooms in a cold place.

Dry mushrooms must be soaked for several days. Don't forget to change the water every day. After about three days, you need to sort all the mushrooms, and cut especially large mushrooms into several pieces.

Prepare in advance the jars in which you will salt the milk mushrooms. For this it is better to use glass jars which have a wide mouth. Rinse each jar and thoroughly pour boiling water over all sides. Spread the prepared mushrooms in glass containers in layers. Do not forget to sprinkle each mushroom with salt.

Put peeled garlic and horseradish in jars between layers of mushrooms. Lay a clean, rough cloth on the topmost layer of mushrooms, and lay currant, horseradish and cherry leaves on top of it. On top of the mushrooms, you can install oppression. Place the container with mushrooms in a cold place. After one month, salted milk mushrooms can be eaten.

How to quickly salt milk mushrooms

Thanks to this recipe, in a few days you will be able to taste delicious salted mushrooms along with boiled potatoes or other side dishes. We invite you to find out how to salt mushrooms.

Required products:

250 grams of salt

5 kilograms of mushrooms,


Rinse the mushrooms in water, remove all spoiled places with a knife. Mushrooms fill with water and leave them in this form for one day. Drain the water from the mushrooms the next day and fill them again with clean water. Rinse the mushrooms every day and fill them with clean water.

After that, the mushrooms must be carefully cut lengthwise so that each cut mushroom has a stem and a cap. Place chopped mushrooms in a bowl enamel pan or in a wooden barrel in several layers. Each layer of mushrooms must be shifted with salt. It is better to use non-iodized salt, otherwise they may turn ugly.

Place a plate on top of the mushrooms, and carefully place a heavy stone or jar of water on it. Leave the mushrooms in this form for three days so that they give juice, do not forget to stir them from time to time.

Then ready mushrooms Arrange on prepared jars and roll them up with lids on top. Place jars of mushrooms in the refrigerator. When the mushrooms are ready, serve them to the table along with chopped dill, onions, garlic and vegetable oil.

How to salt volnushki and milk mushrooms


- white mushrooms,

- waves,

- currant and cherry leaves,

- peppercorns,

- 1 spoon of sugar,

- 2 spoons of salt,

- carnation,

- bay leaf,

- 1 teaspoon of vinegar for each jar,


Rinse mushrooms several times to remove all debris. Soak the mushrooms for a day, after which the milk mushrooms and flasks need to be filled with new water. Put the container with mushrooms on the fire and bring to a boil, boil for ten minutes from time to time removing the foam.

The liquid from the mushrooms must be drained and left to cool. To prepare the marinade, combine all the ingredients, put on fire and bring to a boil, put the mushrooms and boil them for another fifteen minutes.

In pre-sterilized jars, it is necessary to place the washed leaves and garlic, cut into plates, put the boiled mushrooms on top, pour them with vinegar, pour the marinade to the necks of the jars. Cover the jars with boiled lids, wrap each jar with a blanket on top until they cool. Store mushrooms at a cool temperature.

Since ancient times, the mushroom was considered one of the most best mushrooms intended for salting. After cooking, he acquired excellent taste qualities: juicy, meaty and a special "forest" aroma. In addition, the breast is very useful, as it contains a large number of valuable nutrients: phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, calcium and vitamins A, B1, E, B2, C, PP. This conditionally contains a significant amount of protein (32 g per 100 g of mushrooms), so it can easily replace meat. In this article we will tell you how hot salting of mushrooms is carried out correctly. Using our tips, you can cook delicious and useful mushrooms, which will become the main decoration of your table.

Hot preparation of mushrooms for conservation

In Russia, milk mushrooms are harvested for the winter in two main ways: cold and hot. The latter involves the use heat treatment to improve the preservation of canned goods. In any case, no matter which method is used, milk mushrooms must be pre-processed and prepared. They should be cleaned of sand and earth, leaves and blades of grass and rinsed well under running water. You should also scrape the mushrooms with a knife, carefully removing the top layer that accumulates dirt. Particular attention should be paid to the area near the mushroom cap.
After all the mushrooms are well cleaned and washed, they are placed in a pot or bucket of water and covered with a lid. An oppression is placed on top, preventing the mushrooms from floating to the water surface. The main thing is to pick up a not too heavy oppression, otherwise the mushrooms can be damaged and crushed. After that, you can safely leave the milk mushrooms alone for a few days to soak. The water in the container must be changed regularly (3-4 times a day) in order for the mushrooms to actively give off all their bitterness.

Recipe for salting milk mushrooms in a hot way

The hot way is considered the best option home canning, which allows you to get juicy, soft mushrooms with a pronounced aroma. If you have the opportunity to collect milk mushrooms and prepare them for the winter, be sure to use the hot salting method.

To prepare 5 kg of mushrooms, you will need the following ingredients:

  • milk mushrooms;
  • garlic - 15 cloves;
  • pepper (peas) - 20 pcs.;
  • coarse salt - 10 tablespoons;
  • Bay leaf;
  • dill umbrellas;
  • green currant leaves - 20 pcs.

So, we will tell you how hot salting of mushrooms is made at home. After soaking, the mushrooms are placed in a saucepan with salted water and boiled for 15 - 20 minutes. The resulting foam should be removed periodically. While they are cooking, you need to prepare the rest of the products: rinse and dry the currant leaves, peel and cut the garlic into thin slices. We sterilize jars (you can do this quickly in microwave oven) and sprinkle some salt in them. We also place black peppercorns, dill umbrellas on the bottom. After boiling, the mushrooms are thrown into a colander and left to cool. Then they are distributed among prepared jars as follows: a layer of mushrooms, then a layer of salt, dill, garlic, currant leaves and black peppercorns. Alternate layers until the entire jar is filled. After that, bring the broth in which our milk mushrooms were cooked to a boil, and pour it into jars. Close containers immediately nylon lids, which must also be pre-boiled. Let our mushrooms cool down. This is how the salting of mushrooms takes place in a hot way. Everything, you can put the most delicious in the refrigerator homemade. Two months after the hot salting of the mushrooms was made, the mushrooms can be tasted. It is advisable to wash the mushrooms before use. You can also squeeze one clove of garlic, add thin half rings onion and season the dish with a weak solution of vinegar.