How to make strawberry jam with whole berries. How to make strawberry jam with whole berries

Remove the corrupted one. If you want to make jam with whole berries, choose beautiful, dense and not overripe fruits. Not too beautiful, mashed berries are suitable for jam with a uniform consistency.

  • Wash strawberries very carefully, as they can wrinkle and become too soft. Some advise not to wash at all, but simply wipe each berry with a damp towel. If the strawberries are too dirty, place them in a bowl of water and stir gently with your hands occasionally. After 15–20 minutes, sand and dirt will settle to the bottom. After washing, transfer the strawberries to a paper towel to dry.
  • The stalks should be removed only from dry and clean berries. Otherwise, the strawberries will lose some of the juice, and the jam will turn out not so juicy and tasty.
  • To diversify the taste of jam, you can add spices to it, such as cinnamon, vanilla or cardamom, as well as fragrant herbs, such as mint or . You can add them at the end or at the beginning of cooking. In the second case, the aroma of spices and herbs will be more pronounced.
  • Prepare jam in a stainless steel or copper dish. An enameled container is also suitable, but provided that there are no chips on it. You can use aluminum utensils, but only if the jam is cooked in one go and immediately transferred to another container. If it is cooked in several approaches and cools in the same container in which it was cooked, aluminum will not work. It can oxidize and spoil the taste of jam.
  • Skim off the foam while cooking. If you leave her ready jam will store less. In addition, without foam, it will turn out to be more transparent, tasty and fragrant.
  • 8 strawberry jam recipes


    Jam is called so because after boiling it really cooks for only five minutes, but in several approaches. The syrup turns out to be liquid, and the berries remain whole and beautiful.


    • 1 kg of strawberries;
    • 1 kg of sugar.


    Place half of the strawberries in a saucepan and sprinkle with half of the sugar. Top with the rest of the strawberries and sprinkle with the remaining sugar. Leave for 4-5 hours room temperature so that the berries give juice.

    Place the saucepan over low heat and bring to a boil. Strawberries will release even more juice during cooking. Cook the jam for another 5 minutes, then remove from heat and leave to cool completely. Then bring it back to a boil, boil for 5 minutes and cool. Then repeat cooking again.

    By traditional recipe five-minute jam should be boiled three times. But you can do this a few more times if you want the syrup to become thicker.

    This jam is prepared in one step. In the process, the berries boil soft and become darker, and the dessert itself turns out to be more uniform.


    • 1 kg of strawberries;
    • 1 kg of sugar.


    Sprinkle strawberries with sugar and place on slow fire. After about 15 minutes, the berries will release juice. Cook the jam for about 2 hours, stirring occasionally. When hot, the jam will be watery, but after cooling it will thicken.

    Such a dessert turns out to be incredibly fragrant, and the sweet banana taste sets off a light strawberry sourness.


    • 500 g strawberries;
    • 3 bananas;
    • 100 ml of water;
    • 300 g sugar.


    Cut strawberries into quarters and slices. Pour water into a saucepan, pour sugar into it and, stirring, bring to a boil over low heat. Then boil for about 5 minutes until the sugar dissolves.

    Remove sweet syrup from heat and add bananas and strawberries. Stir gently and leave to cool. After that, bring the jam to a boil over moderate heat, boil for 5 minutes and cool again.

    Repeat cooking 3-5 more times, depending on the desired jam density. The more you boil, the thicker the syrup becomes.

    Sweet, but not sugary jam with a spicy taste.


    • 800 g strawberries;
    • 400 g of sugar;
    • 2 oranges.


    Berries can be left whole or cut into quarters. Put them in a saucepan, sprinkle with sugar and bring to a boil over medium heat.

    The jam turns out to be very tasty, and the five-minute cooking method keeps the berries intact.


    • 800 g of cherries;
    • 1 kg of strawberries;
    • 500 g sugar.


    Remove pits from cherries. Transfer strawberries and cherries to a saucepan and sprinkle with sugar. Bring to a boil over moderate heat, boil for 5 minutes and cool slightly. Then repeat cooking in the same way twice more.

    Apricot and strawberry successfully complement each other. So that the apricot does not lose its shape, choose fruits with dense pulp.


    • 500 g strawberries;
    • 500 g of apricots;
    • 300 ml of water;
    • 1 kg of sugar.


    Remove the skin from the apricots and cut into quarters. Add whole strawberries to them. Pour water into a saucepan, pour sugar into it and, stirring, bring to a boil over low heat. Then cook for a few more minutes until the sugar dissolves.

    Pour the apricots and strawberries with the resulting syrup and leave for several hours. Then bring the jam to a boil over medium heat and cook for 15 minutes.

    This method will save you time and effort, because you do not have to adjust the temperature, as is done when cooking on the stove. Simply put all the ingredients in a slow cooker. The taste of jam will not differ from the classic.


    • 1 kg of strawberries;
    • 1 kg of sugar.


    Strawberries can be left whole or cut into quarters. Put it in a multicooker bowl and sprinkle with sugar. You can mash the berries a little with a crush if you want the jam to be more uniform. Set the "Extinguishing" mode and cook with the lid open for 1 hour.

    This jam is called raw. It can be eaten immediately or in plastic bags and enjoy almost fresh strawberries in winter.


    • 1 kg of strawberries;
    • 700-800 g of sugar.


    Sprinkle the berries with sugar and mash them with a crush. You can also use a blender for this. It is better not to grind the berries into a puree, but to leave small pieces. So the jam will look more interesting. Leave it for a few hours to completely dissolve the sugar.

    Strawberry jam is a favorite treat for those with a sweet tooth. The incredible taste and smell of this workpiece always beckon for tea drinking. Good hostesses always hide their recipes the best dishes and this berry miracle is one of them. Today we will reveal for you the secret of making one of the most delicious jams - strawberry.

    The main thing in the article

    Strawberry jam: what do you need?

    In order to cook delicious treat, you will need an important and most important component - Strawberry, then a lot Sahara and tableware for cooking and canning.

    What strawberries to choose for jam?

    Summer is unpredictable, one day of sunshine, a week of rain or vice versa. But there are situations when a berry or part of it can be rotten. Sometimes summer residents simply do not have time to pick berries and they overripe. But you still need to pick the whole berry.

    For jam, you need to choose good, large and ripe berries. The fruits must be good quality, as otherwise the taste may deteriorate.

    Preparing berries for strawberry jam

    • In order for the prepared delicacy to give only pleasure, it is necessary to carefully sort out berries.
    • Next, you need clear each fruit from leaflets, and then well Rinse under running water. It is better to fill with water and wash the berries by hand. Then drain the water and rinse again.
    • After - you can throw whole strawberries into the cooking container, or cut into halves or quarters, depending on the size of the fruit.
    • Then it is necessary fall asleep strawberries with sugar and leave to melt. When the sugar disperses, you will understand it by its color, it will acquire the color of a berry.

    Technology for making strawberry jam

    A good hostess always knows that for a tasty treat, it is necessary to follow the cooking technology. And for this you need to know all the rules and procedures for creating a sweet strawberry treat.

    • Collect berries.
    • Clean and rinse.
    • Sprinkle with sugar.
    • Boil 3 times until boiling.
    • Pour into jars and close well.
    • Store in refrigerator after cooling.

    Strawberry jam with whole berries: a classic recipe

    The most delicious thing about strawberry jam is sweet berries that you can “catch” and eat whole. To prepare classic recipe With whole berries, you will need:

    • Strawberry;
    • sugar- 2 times more than berries.

    Let's move on to cooking:

    • Rinse and clean the berries from the tails. Then transfer them to the dishes in which you will cook. Sprinkle sugar on top and wait until it is absorbed. The time it takes varies from a few hours to a whole night.
    • After the sugar has melted, turn on the burner and cook until the first boil. When the berry boils, turn it off and let cool.
    • When cool, turn on again and bring to a second boil. Let the jam boil a little and turn off until cool.
    • Then bring to a boil a third time. Let it simmer for a bit and turn it off. When the finished jam has completely cooled, pour it into jars and close well. Keep it in the refrigerator.

    Thick strawberry jam with gelatin: a step by step recipe

    There are those who love liquid jam, and there are also lovers of thick delicacies, when the treat is so viscous that the strawberry sticks to the strawberry. It is convenient to eat such jam with a spoon and spread it on a loaf.

    You will need:

    • medium sized strawberries;
    • sugar - 1.5 times more berries;
    • gelatin - 40 g;


    1. Select a medium-sized berry so that the fruits are approximately similar in size.
    2. Clean the ponytails and rinse.
    3. Put the strawberries in an enamel container in which you intend to cook.
    4. Mix sugar and gelatin in a separate bowl.
    5. Sprinkle strawberries with sugar and gelatin and cover with gauze, wait until it melts, about 10 hours.
    6. Put the container on the fire and let it boil for 7 minutes, stirring occasionally so that the jam does not burn.
    7. Pour into jars and cool, then roll up the lids.

    How to cook five-minute strawberry jam: step by step instructions with a photo

    Wise housewives have been creating their recipes for delicious and juicy jam for years. Therefore, there are many ways to prepare special treats. There are sweet, there are sour, and there is even a five-minute.

    For a five-minute treat, you will need:

    • Strawberry;
    • sugar - 2 times more berries.


    You need to stir only with a wooden false or plastic one. Iron is impossible, as it promotes oxidation.

    Delicious strawberry jam recipe

    Strawberry jam is a great breakfast solution. It can be spread on toast or put as a filling in a pancake. Also jam great option delicious and tender fillings french buns- croissants. For sweet and delicious jam you will need:

    • Strawberry;
    • sugar - 1:1;
    • red currant - 100 g per 1 kg of strawberries.

    Cooking steps:

    1. Rinse the berries thoroughly and clean them of leaves and tails. Dry on a waffle towel.
    2. Using a blender, chop the fruits - strawberries separately, currants separately.
    3. Transfer the strawberries to an enamel bowl and sprinkle with sugar.
    4. Place the container on the burner, make the fire medium between minimum and medium.
    5. When the juice stands out from the fruit, throw the crushed currant fruits into the container.
    6. Boil the jam, stirring with a wooden spoon, and constantly remove the foam.
    7. When the jam begins to bubble, reduce the heat to low and continue cooking for another 15 minutes.
    8. Then cool, transfer to clean jars and close the lids.

    Strawberry Lemon Jam: Original Recipe

    There are many different ways to prepare strawberries. It can be frozen, made into jam, jam, or simply grated and mixed with sugar. Tasty and juicy fruits in the preparation of jam can be combined with other berries and fruits. To make Lemon Jam, you will need:

    • Strawberry;
    • sugar - 1:1;
    • lemon juice - 100 ml per 1 kg of berries.

    Cooking method:

    1. Wash the ingredients, peel the strawberries from the tails and place on a waffle towel until completely dry.
    2. Transfer the berries to a copper or enameled container with a thick bottom, pour over lemon juice and sprinkle with sugar. Put the dishes in a place at room temperature for 10 hours so that the berry releases the juice.
    3. After 10 hours, put the container on the fire and bring to a boil. Keep the contents in a boiling state for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally with a wooden spoon and removing the foam.
    4. Cool and crush the berries with a crush, then put on fire again for 15 minutes.
    5. Cool and pour into jars.

    strawberry jam recipe

    Confiture is a kind of jam, only with the use of gelling ingredients. Such a treat is quite easy to prepare, compared to classic jam. With a prepared delicacy, you will not only please the household, but also pleasantly surprise the guests. For strawberry confiture you need:

    • strawberries;
    • sugar - 1:1;
    • gelatin - 3 tbsp;
    • orange - 1 pc;
    • spices, vanilla, zest - to taste.


    1. Rinse and peel the fruits from brushes, then dry and cut into small pieces. Pour boiling water over the orange and remove the pits.
    2. Using a blender or meat grinder, chop berries and fruit.
    3. Put them in enamelware and sprinkle with sugar for 10 hours.
    4. Dissolve gelatin in a glass of cold boiled water.
    5. Put the berry on the fire and bring to a boil, then pour in the gelatin mixture.
    6. Bring to a boil again, stirring occasionally with a wooden spoon.
    7. In the finished confiture, you can add 3 tablespoons of liquor, cognac or rum to taste.
    8. Roll hot jam into jars.

    Strawberry jam without boiling berries

    Fragrant jam can be prepared not only with the help of long cooking and constant boiling. There is a way to make delicious and sweet jam without cooking. Do you want to enjoy jam with a wonderful taste? Then remember what you need:

    • Strawberry;
    • sugar - 1:1;
    • water - 200 ml.

    Step by step preparation:

    1. Prepare the berries - peel, rinse and dry.
    2. Pour sugar with water and boil the syrup until viscous.
    3. Pour hot syrup over the berry and hold it in this state until it gives juice.
    4. Then strain the juice and boil it again.
    5. Pour the berry again and hold until it gives juice.
    6. Boil again. Thus, you need to boil the syrup 3 times.
    7. Pour the syrup over the berries and roll them into sterilized jars.

    How to cook the most delicious strawberry jam: video recipe

    Cooking a delicious treat from juicy strawberries is not difficult at all, especially if you use the recipes in our article. You will pleasantly please your guests with a delicious treat, and a variety of cooking methods will delight you.

    Strawberry jam- this is canned product made from strawberries by boiling it in a sugar solution.

    Strawberries can rightfully be considered valuable product, since it contains vitamins A, E, C, P, B, organic acids, potassium, magnesium, iron, cobalt, manganese, nitrogen, phosphorus, silicon, pectin and many others. Raw strawberries are recommended for the treatment of hypertension, atherosclerosis and anemia.

    During the cooking process, strawberry jam loses some important properties. In this regard, "five-minute" jam is more useful. In it, vitamins are preserved due to the short duration of heat treatment. However, beta-carotene, mineral salts, organic acids and fiber remain in any strawberry jam.

    Strawberry jam renders beneficial effect on the formation and content of erythrocytes in the blood. Thanks to it, the metabolism is normalized and arterial pressure, improves the strength of blood vessels, strengthens the immune system, increases the iodine content in the body. Strawberry jam has a diuretic effect and alleviates the patient's condition with colds. A little strawberry jam at night will help you sleep soundly until morning.

    It is believed that since strawberry jam is rich in antioxidants, it has preventive properties that prevent the development of tumors.

    Berries for this jam must be selected both in size and in maturity. The very time at which it is preferable to pick a berry is very important. It is better to do this in sunny, dry weather and in the afternoon, rather than in the morning. Dew and rain moisture penetrate the berry, making it watery.

    Most delicious jam obtained from small berries. They look great in the finished product. In no case should strawberries for cooking be in the refrigerator, otherwise it will lose not only aroma, but also sweetness.

    Strawberry jam - preparing dishes

    Wash jars thoroughly warm water using soap. Rinse well. Line the oven tray with a clean towel. Put prepared cans upside down on it. Half an hour before the jam is ready, place a baking sheet with jars in an oven heated to 100 degrees. At the same time, the lids should be put in a small container, completely filled with water and boiled for several minutes. If a ladle or funnel is used in the process of pouring jam, it is also better to sterilize them.

    If the jam is already ready, then the baking sheet can be removed from the oven, the jars can be turned over, but left to stand on the baking sheet. Jars should be filled with jam so that it does not reach one centimeter to the edge. Immediately close the jam with lids and put in a dry place.

    For cooking, it is better to use a large enameled basin. To cook the “five minutes”, the basin should be changed to a pan, because it will be easier to wrap the pan. Stir the jam with a wooden spoon or spatula.

    Strawberry jam - preparation of berries

    Strawberries are poured from the basket onto the table. Initially, it should be sorted by size. For jam, you need a small berry. It keeps its shape better. Rotten, overripe and unripe berries must be removed. Whisks are removed from the berries, and then they are washed.

    Some housewives advise not to wash the strawberries, but only wipe them with a damp towel. So, it is necessary to wash the strawberries. Only this should be done not under running water, when the berries are in a sieve, but in a basin. This is done so that the berries are less damaged during the washing process. Strawberries are carefully transferred to the basin one at a time as they are sorted and cleaned. Berries are poured with water and washed.

    The washed berries are taken out by a handful on a towel. Drying strawberries is best, but this can take 5 to 6 hours.

    Strawberry jam - recipe 1

    Classic way. The proportions during cooking are a kilogram of sugar per kilogram of berries. Strawberries must be carefully sorted out, sepals torn off and washed in several waters. It is good if the berries are small, but if the berries are large, they can be cut in half.

    The berries are covered with sugar and left for 4 or even 6 hours. During this time, the strawberries will release juice. Put the saucepan with berries over medium heat and bring to a boil. From the moment of boiling, strawberries are boiled for five minutes. At the same time, foam is constantly removed. After that, the pan is removed from the heat and, having cooled slightly, is covered with a clean cloth. Let the jam cool completely. This will take 10 hours.

    Put the jam back on to boil. From boiling, cook for five minutes, removing the foam. Refrigerate until completely cool. After the berries are boiled for the third time for five minutes, judge the finished jam for about an hour and, pouring into sterilized jars, cork with sterilized lids.

    Strawberry jam - recipe 2

    Well-washed berries should be laid in layers in an enamel bowl. Each layer must be sprinkled with sugar. Sugar will be needed at the rate of 1.2 kg per kilogram of berries. Now the pot with berries must be placed in a cool place for a period of four to six hours. Let the strawberries give juice. The resulting mass should be boiled over low heat. During the cooking process, be sure to remove the foam and periodically shake the contents of the pan so that the jam does not burn. You need to cook until cooked in one go.

    Strawberry jam - recipe 3

    Estimated serving is 1 kg of sugar, 1 kg of berries, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of 9% vinegar and a pinch of salt. All ingredients are immediately placed in a saucepan. As soon as the strawberries begin to give juice, start cooking. Gradually bring the jam to a boil. If you have a candy thermometer, you can check the temperature. Should be 105 degrees. Cook until done. After the jam is laid out in sterilized jars (1 cm from the edge of the jar!) And closed with sterilized lids, the jars with jam are sterilized again in boiling water for 10 minutes.

    Strawberry jam - recipe 4

    This method of cooking strawberry jam helps to preserve vitamins in the berry. It is called "five minutes" and is very simple. To make jam, take no more than 2 kg of berries. Sugar needs 1.5 times more. For 1 kg of sugar, take 1 glass of water. The syrup is boiled in enamel saucepan on a strong fire. The resulting foam is removed. Berries are poured into boiling syrup and allowed to boil for 5 minutes. You need to stir gently. The gas is turned off, the pan is wrapped up so that it cools more slowly. The cooled jam is laid out in jars and the neck is tied with paper. Capron lids can be used.

    It is important to know when the jam has already reached readiness. To do this, you can put several small plates in the freezer. Put a spoonful of jam on one of the plates. Wait a little. Run your finger over the surface of the jam. If the surface is wrinkled, the jam is ready.

    Another option: drip jam on the nail of the thumb. If the drop does not spread, the jam is ready.
    Lemon juice or vinegar added to the jam will help it thicken and prevent it from becoming too cloying.
    A small piece will help reduce the amount of foam butter added at the end of the boil.

    If, after cooling, the lid on the jar springs, the jar is leaky. It should be stored in the refrigerator and used within the next month.

    Place the rest of the jam in a cool and dark place.

    Strawberries are the berry that both children and adults like. Dessert with whipped cream, cake filling, jam. All these delicacies are remembered at the mere mention of the word "strawberry". The most important sweetness - jam from this wonderful berry - will be an excellent preparation for the winter.

    How to choose and prepare berries for harvesting for the winter

    Berries for strawberry jam for the five-minute winter should not be overripe, about the same size. It is advisable not to buy fruits, but to collect them perfectly fresh in the garden. However, in this case, small and crumpled berries will come across, which must be put in a separate pan, since they will release juice when washed. Harvesting for the winter as a result may not work. Freshly picked fruits should be immediately sorted out and thoroughly washed with water. You can start cooking: strawberry jam for the winter for five minutes will turn out delicious.

    How to cook strawberry jam

    To cook the dish yourself, you can use one of the existing quick recipes. For any of the cooking methods, it is necessary to prepare two main components: berries and sugar, from which five-minute strawberry jam is prepared. In a number of recipes, citric acid and gelatin are added. 5-minute jam is distinguished by its cooking speed, and rolled up for the winter tasty dish will be beneficial to health in the cold months of the year. All thanks to the presence of a large number of vitamins (A, C, B) and trace elements (iron, zinc, phosphorus).

    In addition to jam, you can try your hand at cooking jam, confiture, compote, various desserts. You can use not only strawberries, but also arrange it. Combine the berry with raspberries, lingonberries, currants, cherries, sweet cherries and other ingredients of winter delicacies. Under New Year when the body lacks vitamins, homemade preparations will come to the rescue. it great way to please yourself and loved ones with cakes based on fresh berries and a variety of desserts.

    Classic recipe in syrup

    The classic recipe is easy to make. Strawberry jam for the winter five minutes will require two ingredients:

    • berries - 1 kg;
    • sugar - 400 g.

    Cooking method:

    1. Rinse fresh berries, peel them from the stalks.
    2. Place the processed berries in a bowl or basin.
    3. Thoroughly mix the fruits with sugar.
    4. Wait 5-6 hours until the juice comes out, which will become a syrup.
    5. Pour the contents of the bowl into a saucepan.
    6. Put the container with the contents on the fire and bring to a boil.
    7. After the formation of foam, remove it and cook for 2-3 minutes.
    8. Divide the confiture into two half-liter jars and roll up tightly.
    9. Place jars upside down while cooling.

    A quick no-boil strawberry jam recipe

    There is a simple recipe that can be used to make quick jam from strawberries without cooking. For this you will need:

    • fruits - 0.5 kg;
    • sugar - 1 kg;

    How to cook:

    1. Wash the fruits, clean from the "tails".
    2. Pour into a blender and blend thoroughly.
    3. While the blender is running, constantly add sugar in small portions.
    4. Leave the mixture overnight until the sugar is completely dissolved.
    5. Divide treats into clean jars.
    6. For better storage, cover the neck of the jar. parchment paper and then screw on the cover.

    How to cook thick strawberry jam with whole berries

    Interesting and popular recipe strawberry jam with whole berries is used by a lot of housewives for five minutes. The delicacy turns out to be thick, very tasty, with bright aroma. Five Minute Ingredients:

    • berries - 1 kg;
    • sugar - 1.5 kg;
    • water - 1 glass.
    • gelatin - a third of a teaspoon.

    Recipe for strawberry jam with whole berries:

    1. Sort and wash the fruits.
    2. Cook syrup from a kilogram of sugar, after pouring it into a basin or pan.
    3. Remove the syrup container from the fire, add water, add the main component, let it brew for four hours.
    4. After the time has elapsed, put the basin on the stove and let it boil, stirring constantly and removing the foam.
    5. Add 0.5 kg of sugar, gelatin, mix and cook until tender over low heat.
    6. Let the "five minutes" cool, and then pour into jars.

    Wild strawberry recipe with citric acid

    Some people prefer to use as an ingredient for jam - wild strawberries, which grow in nature in meadows, forest edges. It tastes especially good if you add a little citric acid. Try Before Cooking berries taste - they can be bitter (if they grew in coniferous forests). The recipe for strawberry jam for the winter is prepared from:

    • berries - 1 kg;
    • sugar - 0.5 kg;
    • citric acid - 0.5 teaspoon.

    How to cook:

    1. Carefully sort the fruits and clean from the stalks and leaves.
    2. Turn sugar into syrup by heating it first over low heat, stirring constantly.
    3. Add citric acid, mix well in a container.
    4. Pour the main ingredient into the syrup, let it boil for 3-5 minutes.
    5. Remove the liquid from the stove, pour into jars, screw on the lids tightly.
    6. It is necessary to store the winter preparation in the refrigerator.

    Five-minute strawberries for the winter in a slow cooker

    With the advent of multicookers, the process of making jam has become much simpler. Thanks to the built-in programs, even a child can cook a treat. Moreover, the treasured dish will look like in a photo from culinary magazines. Have to take:

    • berry - 1 kg;
    • sugar - 800 g;
    • water - 100 g.

    How to cook strawberry jam for the winter in a slow cooker

    1. Peel the fruit from the stalks, rinse and dry.
    2. Place sugar in a multicooker bowl, pour boiled water.
    3. Use the “jam” mode, and if it is not available, then press “stewing” or “broth”.
    4. Periodically stop the multicooker to mix the syrup inside the bowl.
    5. Place the prepared fruits, previously chopped with a blender, inside the apparatus.
    6. Stir, set to cook for 5 minutes.
    7. Pour the delicacy into jars, cork.

    How to cook from frozen berries

    It is not always possible or there is enough time to prepare a harvest for the winter during the harvest period. It happens that you want jam in the cold months of the year, and of the ingredients - only frozen fruits. This is not scary, because they perfectly tolerate frost and retain all the useful and taste qualities. You need to take:

    • strawberries - 1 kilogram;
    • sugar - 2 kilograms.

    Cooking method:

    1. Sprinkle the unfrozen fruits with sugar, mix.
    2. Leave to thaw (3-5 hours).
    3. Mix thoroughly again, put on low heat.
    4. Wait for the mass to boil.
    5. Remove the foam, stir for five minutes, remove the pan from the stove.
    6. Leave the mass on a hot plate (30 minutes) so that it reaches the desired condition.
    7. Pour the “five minutes” into jars or serve immediately.

    Don't forget that you can make your own interesting recipe based on these delicious fruits of the most common garden plant. For example, jam with the addition of apples, quince or currants. From frozen winter preparations you can also prepare compote, jelly, jam, confiture, and much more. Jam is a simple dish that anyone can cook and enjoy in the winter.

    Video recipe for making strawberry jam for the winter

    The recipe for strawberry jam for the winter according to the recipe from this article is the simplest and most common among housewives. Recipes close to strawberry jam are strawberry jam, strawberry jam. And yet - how to cook strawberry jam for the winter? What is the best recipe?

    There are many ways to cook. Each housewife cooks strawberry jam in her own way, but for any method there are general rules. How nice it is to open a jar of jam in winter and enjoy palatability strawberries. So, let's start cooking.

    Features of making strawberry jam

    1. Strawberry jam is loved by many people not only for its taste, but also beneficial features. To keep them fully, do not delay the duration of the heat treatment. Pre-mixing the berries with granulated sugar will help reduce the juice. After 2 hours, the strawberries will release juice, making it easier for you;
    2. If you plan to close the jam in jars, pre-sterilize the lids and the container itself. To do this, the dishes can be heated in the oven or boiled on the stove, and then dried thoroughly;
    3. For the preparation of delicacies, only ripe fruits are used. Unripe berries have almost no smell and are considered tasteless. At the same time, overripe specimens are boiled so strongly that decay occurs. For this reason, strawberries should be moderately ripe and fragrant;
    4. The quality of the product depends on how many berries you boil at a time. It is not recommended to send heat treatment over 2.5 kg. fruits. Otherwise, the strawberries will begin to "limp" and fall apart. You will get jam, not jam. In addition, too long languor kills all vitamins and beneficial enzymes;
    5. Before making jam, the berries must be prepared. The fruits are sorted to exclude foreign debris. Next, the strawberries are washed in a basin with cold water. AT without fail dry the berries by placing them on a soft cloth. Otherwise, the jam will turn out liquid. After drying, remove the bowl and leaves;
    6. After packaging finished product on the banks, wait for the composition to cool completely or partially, do not rush to seal it tightly. Do not allow condensation to accumulate on the inside of the cover, which is rolled up with a special key. Spin only after steam has escaped;
    7. An important aspect of making strawberry jam is the addition of a large amount of sugar. In most cases, 0.5 kg. berries account for about 650-750 g of sand. You can’t save on sugar; with a smaller amount, the jam will become moldy or ferment due to the development of bacteria;
    8. You can save the original structure of the berries and soak them with a sufficient amount of syrup using phased cooking. Sugar should penetrate into the strawberry cavity gradually, so the jam is prepared at certain intervals between the previous and subsequent boiling;
    9. The duration of cooking large and small strawberries varies greatly, so try to choose the same fruits. If you want to make jam in which the strawberries will remain in original form, prepare a dish of small berries. Large fruits languish for a long time and boil too much in the process.

    How to make strawberry jam

    • Which strawberries are suitable for making jam. Strawberries for jam are best taken from your own garden. This is due to the fact that the hostess will pick strawberries on a sunny day and in the late afternoon. It is in the evening that the berries on the bushes will be very dry. If you have to buy strawberries in the market, then you should choose one that has not started to flow;
    • Preparing strawberries for jam. It is advisable not to wash strawberries before harvesting in the form of jam, but only remove the sepals. If water procedures cannot be avoided, then it should be washed in small portions and immediately laid out on towels to dry;
    • Quantity of strawberries for making jam. A good strawberry jam should be quite thick and have whole, firm berries. If you put a lot of berries in the basin at once, then they can be wrinkled under their own weight. From this it follows that there should not be too many strawberries in the basin - depending on the size of the cooking utensils, only 1 or 2 kg.

    Other secrets of making strawberry jam. To make the jam tasty and beautiful, when cooking it, you must follow the following rules:

    1. Strawberries in a basin must be spread out in an even thin layer and sprinkled evenly with sugar, the amount of which is indicated in a particular recipe;
    2. After the strawberries start up the juice, pour it into a separate bowl and boil it to the state of liquid honey;
    3. In a thick strawberry syrup, shift the strawberries and cook in four runs for 5 minutes. After each such heat treatment, let the jam cool for at least 8 hours;
    4. Before you sprinkle strawberries with sugar, you can slightly moisten them with ordinary vodka. Alcohol will make the berries more dense and after cooking they will resemble candied fruits. Vodka for 1 kg of raw materials is taken 1 tablespoon;
    5. When cooking jam, do not interfere with it, but rather shake the basin. This will promote the integrity of the berries;
    6. With strawberry jam, be sure to skim the foam. A wooden spoon is well suited for this, to the bottom of which the foam sticks well.

    How long to cook strawberry jam

    Cooking time depends on the preferences of a particular hostess. Some people like thick, boiled jam, more like jam, in this case the cooking time will be the longest - up to half an hour and in several visits. Others like the liquid jam, which retains the taste of fresh berries and vitamins to the maximum.

    This jam is cooked for no more than 10 minutes. There is also the so-called five-minute jam. The name speaks for itself. 5 minutes after boiling, the jam is turned off and transferred to sterile jars and cleaned in a cool place - in the cellar or in the refrigerator. Without a refrigerator, in a city apartment, such jam will not be stored.

    How to cook strawberry jam:

    • Classic jam after boiling should be on fire for about 15 minutes;
    • Five-minute strawberry jam should boil for 5 minutes after boiling;
    • But to get thick jam from strawberries, there are tricks: we need 1 kg. fresh strawberries, 1.5 kg. sugar, lemon juice and a packet of vanillin. Cut off stems from strawberries, wash and dry. Strawberries should not be wet. We take a stainless steel pan, put strawberries on the bottom and sprinkle with sugar.

      We also add a packet of vanillin there. We wrap it in a towel and put it in a warm place, we need to get juice. Juice has appeared, now we put it on fire. The foam that appears in the process must be removed. Cook, stirring.

      When the jam boils, then make the fire smaller and cook for 20 minutes after boiling. Remove from the stove, let cool overnight and pour the juice of one lemon. The next day, again bring to a boil and cook for 20 minutes.

    How to make strawberry jam with whole berries

    Let's take a look at the classic recipe. Its essence is to preserve the integrity of the berry. So that later in the winter it can be opened and the jam has a beautiful aesthetic appearance. Most housewives cook strawberry five-minute. Since this jam is easy to cook, simply and quickly.

    We will analyze it a little later. But sometimes you want it to be like your grandmother's. So viscous, thick, with dense berries one to the other. Such jam, of course, cook a little longer in several steps. It turns out sweet, but very tasty and fragrant.


    • Strawberries - 1 kg;
    • Sugar - 600 g;
    • Citric acid - 1/8 teaspoon.

    Strawberries should be ripe, not overripe. No rotten barrels. And preferably the same size, although this is not essential.

    Cooking method:

    1. My berries. We will do it in an immersive way. For frequent there is mud, sand. Pour water into the basin, pour the berries and rinse well and quickly. Put in a colander. After that, the strawberries can be additionally washed under running water. Note that we do not remove the stalks yet;
    2. Lay out on a clean kitchen towel to dry them out a bit. Distribute over the entire surface;

    3. For every kilogram of strawberries, we put 600 grams of sugar. We weigh right amount Sahara. It is desirable that it be white. Because the amount of foam depends on it.

      At the berries, we separate the sheaths. Basically I twist it, and if it remains, then we clean it with a knife. large berries can be cut in half. Place in a large pot or pan. We have a metal basin;

    4. We will cook jam several times. Therefore, all the berries will have time to cook. Sprinkle sugar in layers. Level each layer. Be sure to have a layer of sugar on top. Strawberries should give juice. Cover with a lid and leave overnight. It can be for the whole day. At the same time, make sure that the juice does not sour;
    5. To make the jam a berry to a berry, we set aside the strawberries separately after it has been infused;
    6. We set aside the berries. Strawberry juice remained in the basin and quite a large number of undissolved sugar. We put the basin on fire. The fire is now near maximum. And when heated, we achieve that the sugar is completely dissolved;
    7. Bring to a boil. We take off the foam. And cook for about 5-7 minutes. Strawberry juice should shrink slightly. The fire is still fast;
    8. Throw in the reserved strawberries. And over high heat with gentle stirring, very carefully, bring to a boil. Once it boils, leave to cool completely and stand. It is usually recommended to leave for 6-8 hours. Top can be covered with gauze or any other loose cloth;
    9. Our jam is cold. Again turn on the fire and bring to a boil. We need the jam to boil quickly. Then turn off the fire and also leave to cool completely and stand;
    10. If desired, in order for the berries to be denser, the procedure can be repeated 1-2 more times.

    11. Cook until desired thickness. The next step is to boil the jam to the desired density. And in order for it not to become sugary, we will add a little lemon juice. This time, cook on a very slow fire. Warm it up very gently. If suddenly when it boils and there is foam, then we remove it. But usually it doesn't happen anymore. Cook the jam over low heat after boiling for about 10-15 minutes. While cooking, sterilize the jars;
    12. According to the rules, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice is added to 1 liter of jam. For 1 kg. just get 1/8 teaspoon of citric acid, diluted not large quantity water.

    13. We will check the density in the usual way dropping a drop of jam on a cold plate. If the drop does not spread, then it's ready. If you still want the strawberry jam to be thicker, cook a little more;
    14. Pour into sterilized jars. We close immediately. We turn over. And let it cool completely. Nothing needs to be covered. It turned out sweet, sticky. Berries are dense, dark. And literally berry to berry ..

    Strawberry jam for the winter "Five minutes"

    For those who will cook strawberry jam for the first time for five minutes, the recipe will help to do it right and get high-quality homemade. There is a simple and fast way cooking strawberry dessert in one go. Its essence is to boil the berries with syrup over high heat for only 5 minutes.

    In this case, the strawberries remain whole, it does not take much time to cook, but the workpiece can only be stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of 10-15 ° C for no more than 1 year. The syrup in such a five-minute strawberry jam remains liquid even after cooling.

    There is also another, more complicated way of making five-minute strawberry jam for the winter in several stages. One of the main advantages of such a blank is that it does not take up space in the refrigerator, but can be stored at room temperature for 3 years. In this case, the syrup turns out to be of medium density, and the fruits soaked in sugar become dense and keep their shape well.


    • Strawberries - 1 kg;
    • Lemon juice - 1 tablespoon;
    • Sugar - 1 kg.

    Cooking method:

    1. What housewives like about Pyatiminutka strawberry jam is that you can use any strawberry for its preparation: medium, small, not very beautiful, so to speak, second-class berries. Usually such strawberries are much cheaper than selected ones, which makes it possible to make jam;
    2. So, my strawberries, let the water drain. Then we remove the stems. If you come across a very large strawberry, then it is better to cut it in half so that all the berries, including large ones, have time to boil in 5 minutes;
    3. We immediately put the prepared strawberries in an enameled bowl or pan, you can use other non-oxidizing dishes;
    4. Sprinkle strawberries with sugar. To strawberry five minutes well stored without a refrigerator, for every kilogram of strawberries we put 1 kg. Sahara. With less sugar, we either cook strawberries longer, but at the same time we lose some of the vitamins, or we store the finished jam in the refrigerator;
    5. We cover the strawberries in sugar with a clean towel and leave for a couple of hours so that the berry releases the juice. Usually ripe strawberries release juice very quickly, and there is a lot of it;
    6. We put the saucepan with the strawberries that have released the juice on the fire. Heat over low heat, shaking the pan from time to time so that the lower strawberries do not start to burn. Strawberries release more and more juice as they heat up;
    7. Remove the foam that appears with a clean wooden spoon;
    8. To prevent the jam from being candied and not cloyingly sweet, add a tablespoon of lemon juice;
    9. Boil the jam for 5 minutes over medium heat. Pour hot strawberry jam into dry, clean jars, carefully cork with metal lids and put the lids down. The next day, we put the cooled jam in storage in a dark, cool place (away from heaters and sunlight);
    10. Strawberry five-minute turns out to be not very thick, since strawberries contain a lot of juice, and the jam itself is cooked for only five minutes. Sometimes housewives do this: berries and part of the syrup are rolled up in the form of jam, and part of the most beautiful strawberry syrup close separately, and use this syrup to make drinks and jelly icing for cakes.

    Strawberry jam - the best recipe for the winter