How to cook strawberry jam five minutes. Strawberry Jam "Five Minute"

Hello! Very soon, my favorite berry will ripen - strawberries, from which I will soon prepare delicious thick jam with whole berries for the winter. And, of course, dear friends, I will share with you the recipes that I make myself.

With pancakes and pancakes, it just flies away. It is also great for lubricating the layers between the layers in cakes. And in itself, eating it with spoons is a real pleasure. I love to add it directly to a cup of tea along with berries.

My sweet tooth with a fight has to pull out cans of blanks, otherwise they simply do not survive until the winter. I'm joking, but in every joke, there is a share of a joke.

If you have never had to cook the way I described before, then be sure to try it. I guarantee you won't regret it! But it is better to hide from children further and give out in portions, since eating a lot of sweets is still harmful.

This method is my favorite, as it is prepared very quickly, stored at room temperature and just incredibly tasty. A real treat for the sweet tooth.


  • Strawberries (Victoria) - 1 kg
  • Sugar - 1 kg
  • Lemon juice - 2/3 tablespoon
  • Citric acid - 1/5 teaspoon

Cooking method:

1. First, rinse the berries and remove the leaves. If you come across very large ones, cut them into halves or even into quarters. Place in a saucepan.

The pan should be with a thick bottom or enamelled.

2. Pour it with sugar, close the lid and leave for 8 hours so that it gives juice. You can just leave it overnight.

3. After this time, put the pan on the stove and bring to a boil. Stir the sugar that has settled at the bottom very gently so that it does not burn. Add 1 there dessert spoon lemon juice and stir lightly.

4. As soon as it boils, turn off the stove, remove the foam and leave to cool completely. Do not cover with a lid until the jam has cooled to room temperature. Then cover with a lid and leave for 6-8 hours. It will be soaked in syrup.

5. After that, put on medium heat and heat until it boils. Add a small pinch of citric acid there. It will help keep the brightness of the berries during the boil. When it boils, cook for 1 minute and immediately turn off the stove. Remove foam if there is any.

When cooking jam, I don’t throw the foam anywhere, but put it on a saucer. It is so delicious that it is impossible to resist.

6. Then fill pre-sterilized jars. Seal them with boiled lids, turn over and leave to cool completely. Such amazing jam with the aroma and taste of fresh strawberries is unlikely to stay with you until spring.

How to make thick strawberry jam for the winter? Grandma's step by step recipe

Of course I love more strawberry five minutes but sometimes you want to cook according to your grandmother's recipe. Such a delicacy turns out to be thick and viscous, berry to berry.

This is exactly what my grandmother treated me to as a child, and sometimes I also cook it, despite the fact that it takes more time. Cooked in several steps, but it turns out sweet and very tasty. And such nostalgia...


  • Strawberries - 1 kg.
  • Sugar - 600 gr.
  • Citric acid - 1/8 teaspoon

The berry must be ripe, not overripe. Preferably one size.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the berries first, preferably in a bowl. Then transfer to a colander and you can rinse again under running water. Lay them out on a clean kitchen towel for them to dry.

2. After they dry, you need to remove the leaves and put the strawberries in a bowl. If they get caught large berries, they can be cut in half. Then pour out all the sugar, close the lid and leave for several hours, you can overnight.

Make sugar with strawberries in layers. First half of the berries, then half of the sugar and also the next layer with sugar. Just smooth the sugar on top.

3. During the night she will give juice. Remove the berries to a separate dish. And put the dishes with sugar and juice on the fire. Stir until sugar dissolves.

4. Bring to a boil. Remove the foam and cook for about 5-7 minutes. Strawberry juice should shrink slightly. Then put the berries there and bring to a boil over high heat, stirring slightly. Once it boils, turn off the heat and leave to cool. Top can be covered with gauze or some other loose cloth.

It usually takes 6-8 hours to cool down. You can start in the morning and by the evening they will cool down.

5. When the jam has completely cooled, turn on the heat again and quickly bring to a boil. As soon as it boils, turn off the heat again and let it cool completely and stand.

If you want the berries to be more dense, you can bring to a boil in the same way 1-2 more times. But this is not necessary, although I repeat this procedure one more time.

6. The next step is to boil it to the desired density. And in order for it not to sugar, add citric acid dissolved in a small amount of clean water.

7. Now put the jam on slow fire and wait for it to boil. If foam appears, remove it. After boiling, cook for another 15 minutes. You can check the density on plates. Drop a little on her. If the drop does not spread, then it is ready. If you want it even thicker, cook a little longer.

In the meantime, it is cooked, sterilize the jars and lids in any way convenient for you.

8. Pour the hot treat into jars and wrap with lids, or roll up. Turn upside down and let cool completely.

9. After cooling, you can remove the jam to any convenient place. You will get a delicious delicacy for the winter.

The best step-by-step five-minute recipe without boiling berries

Here is another one of my favorite ways. There is no need to boil strawberries, and therefore it turns out with the aroma of fresh berries. Just a meal.


  • Strawberries - 2 kg
  • Sugar - 1 kg
  • Water - 0.5 cups
  • Juice of half a lemon


1. Rinse the berries under running water, remove the stalks and strain the excess water through a sieve. Then let it dry a little and put it in a bowl or pan.

Make sure the berries are not spoiled. Take only whole and ripe ones, otherwise your jam will taste like fermentation.

2. Pour water into a saucepan and add sugar, put on medium heat and cook for 5-7 minutes. The syrup should become thick, but not white. To test readiness, take it a little on a spoon, blow it slightly. If it becomes viscous and slightly frozen, then it's ready.

3. Pour the finished syrup into the berries and let cool. Strawberries will give Fresh Juice. Then strain all the juice through a sieve into a saucepan and set to boil for 5-7 minutes. Add juice squeezed from half a lemon. Again, pour the boiled juice over the berries and let cool completely. Then repeat this procedure again.

If you want the jam to be thicker, just add more sugar and boil.

4. After the third boil, place the berries in sterile jars and pour over the syrup. Roll up the lids, turn the jars over, cover with a blanket and leave overnight.

Jam prepared in this way has a rich color, pleasant aroma and amazing taste of summer. The berries are fresh, fresh from the garden.

Video on how to make strawberry jam so that the berries are whole

In order for you to finally understand how to cook such a dessert correctly, I have selected a detailed short video for you. After watching, I think you will have no questions left.

For 1 kg of berries you will need 500 grams of sugar, that's all. Well, a little more personal time. Stock up on groceries and start cooking.

Despite the fact that it must be insisted for hours, the process itself is really short-lived, which is why it is called “five minutes”.

And, of course, at the exit you will get a wonderful sweet, delicious treat, which can be spread on a bun, eaten with pancakes or cooked with it in a cake and other desserts.

I hope you liked my recipes and you will definitely use them. I want you to be amazing delicious preparations this delicacy for the winter.

Enjoy your meal!

Mid summer. The strawberries have already ripened in the beds. And early varieties and even more so. How many of them are sweet and red, hiding between the leaves. This is me about my beds, but someone has trays in the store, why not. The main thing is that now is the time to eat berries and prepare sweets for the winter. Today I will tell you how to cook thick, transparent and tasty strawberry jam with whole berries.

I will also try to write about other types of jam later, but for now I want to concentrate on this. I love very strawberry jam with berries, when you can catch a berry in red sweet syrup and put it on a pancake or even immediately in your mouth. There is a special pleasure in this. You probably also love this jam for tea.

The syrup from such a jam is also good, even when there are no berries left, you can find a delicious use for it. You can use it for baking, cake layers, for example, soak. Much tastier than store bought syrup. Sometimes I even specially make a separate jar without berries, just for such purposes. It is also very tasty to pour pancakes or homemade waffles with syrup. Try with such a syrup to eat warm, freshly fried or, that's really a divine breakfast.

And there are many ways to make strawberry jam, especially with berries. Although it would seem, what could be the diversity. So let's find out together.

A simple and time-tested recipe for making jam from whole strawberries. Jam closes in jars and is perfectly stored all winter in the closet. Just right for preparations. And most importantly, you do not need to memorize complex ingredients and proportions.

You will need:

  • medium-sized strawberries - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg.


For cooking, it is best to take strawberries of a small size so that each of them remains whole and boils well. Yes, and it will be nice to eat such jam. In addition, you can easily put the jam in small jars. For example, I don’t like to roll jam into liter and larger jars, because I can’t eat such an amount of sweets in a short period of time.

Wash strawberries in running cold water. If it is with earth (because it’s just from your garden), then it’s best to rinse it by putting it in a bowl or saucepan.

After washing, tear off all the stalks. Place the berries in a colander and drain off any excess water.

Take a large bowl or saucepan, fill up with a little sugar, then put a layer of strawberries to cover the sugar. On top of the berries again sugar, and then again strawberries. So all the berries will be covered with sugar and there will be no need to mix with the risk of crushing ripe strawberries.

Cover the container and leave the strawberries to infuse for at least 6 hours. Perfect option put for the night. During this time, juice will stand out from the strawberries in an amount sufficient for boiling. Water is never added to such a jam, everything is only due to the juiciness of the berries.

Now put the future strawberry jam on the stove and heat until it boils. If sugar remains on the bottom, stir lightly so that it does not burn until it is completely dissolved. Let it simmer for 2-3 minutes and remove from heat. Set aside again and let cool completely and soak in the sugar syrup.

After about 5-6 hours, the berries will be saturated with syrup and it's time to boil it again. Put the jam on the fire and bring to a boil. In the process, remove the emerging foam and mix lightly so that all the berries are under the syrup.

After 10 minutes of boiling, turn off the stove and you can lay out hot jam in jars.

Be sure to sterilize jars and lids. This can be done in the oven, over a kettle of boiling water, or in the microwave.

Ready-made strawberry jam with whole berries is well stored, the main thing is to follow the rules of sterilization and temperature regime. This recipe keeps the jam at room temperature.

Eat the finished jam with tea, pancakes, cheesecakes and other delicacies.

When my grandmother made strawberry jam, for some reason it always turned out to be very thick, but not at all red, but rather brown. It did not at all remind of fresh summer berries, and there was little taste of strawberries. I have always liked jam more, which is bright, red and very fragrant. Only years later I learned how to cook thick beautiful strawberry jam with whole berries and lose its rich color in the process.

You will need:

  • strawberries - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 0.8-1 kg;
  • citric acid - 1/3 teaspoon,
  • lemon juice- 2/3 tablespoon.


Strawberry jam can be made from berries of any size, but of course smaller ones are better. If your berries were born large or you could only get such ones, then do not be discouraged. Large berries can be cut in half and they will still remain tasty. The main thing is that the strawberries are not overripe and soft. Elastic ripe berries are needed, but without green tips.

Wash the strawberries in running water and cut into large berries if needed.

Place in a stainless steel pot or bowl, enamelware works well. It is better not to take aluminum, it oxidizes.

Sprinkle strawberries with sugar and leave covered for a long time. At eight o'clock. If you do it in the evening, then you can leave it until the morning. If in the morning, then let it stand until the evening and let the juice flow.

During this time, strawberries will release so much juice that they will literally swim in it. It is this juice that will be the basis of the jam syrup. Add lemon juice to the syrup.

Put the saucepan with the berries on the stove and bring to a boil. Sugar will most likely not dissolve immediately and will settle to the bottom. You must be very careful not to crush the berries, stir it.

Let the jam actively boil for 3 minutes, then remove from the stove and let cool completely to room temperature without a lid. Then you can cover and leave for another 6-8 hours to infuse. You can also leave it overnight.

After the specified time, put the pot of jam back on the stove and bring to a boil. Pour in while it heats up citric acid. Thanks to the acid, the color of the brew is preserved, despite heat treatment. And the taste is only getting better, a slight sourness appears and strawberry jam will not be too cloying.

After boiling, let it boil, removing the foam and melting the berries with a spoon so that they all warm up well. After 1-2 minutes of boiling, remove from the stove.

Now you can lay out even hot jam in jars. They should be clean washed with baking soda and sterilized by boiling or steam. Close each jar with a sterilized lid. This amount of berries and sugar will require three cans of 0.5 liters. Turn the twisted jar down with a lid, wrap it with a blanket and leave it in this form until it cools completely. After that, you can remove the jam for storage.

Or you can open one jar and try it right away delicious jam with tea.

Thick is usually jam, not jam. But they do not put whole berries in the jam, it is rather homogeneous. But if you want thick strawberry jam, so that you can spread it on bread and it is not glass, then there is a way to cook it. Fine natural thickeners must be used. Apple pectin or seaweed agar will do.

You will need:

  • strawberries - 3 kg;
  • sugar - 2 kg;
  • agar agar - 25 gr (1 sachet);
  • lemon juice - 75 ml.


Rinse the strawberries well. Especially if it is just from the garden and with the land. Be sure to use cold water, not warm.

Take a large container in which you can then cook. Basin, pot, frying pan, whatever suits you. But expect that the jam will boil and increase in volume at the same time, there should be enough space.

Sprinkle strawberries with sugar and mix a little. Leave to instruct and let the juice flow for several hours. 4-5 will be enough.

When a lot of juice stands out, put the pan on the stove. While heating, we measure out the lemon juice and pour a bag of agar agar into it, mix better and add to the pan with strawberries.

Future strawberry jam should boil. As soon as this happens, reduce the heat and cook over low heat for 25-30 minutes, constantly removing the foam. Stir from time to time and drown the berries. The jam will thicken before your eyes, but it will be especially noticeable when it cools.

While the jam is cooking, you can sterilize the jars. Put them in the oven with a small amount water for 20 minutes. Or in the microwave for 5-7.

Pour the finished and hot jam into jars, filling them almost to the very edge. Leave just a little. Screw on the covers. You can take metal twisted or rolled. but be sure to sterilize them first.

Finished closed banks turn over, wrap everything with a thick towel and leave to cool. After that, you can clean up for the winter. Everything that does not fit into jars, set the table and eat with tea. Enjoy your meal!

How to cook strawberry jam in a pan - video recipe

An alternative way to make strawberry jam with whole berries. In this recipe, it's the other way around. First you take a strawberry and fry it in a pan, which makes it release a lot of juice and warms up. And then sugar is added to it and cooked further until tender. Citric acid is also used to preserve color. In my opinion this is the most fast way making jam, but at the same time it turns out bright, transparent and with whole berries. And it is stored no worse than cooked in the classical way.

Another recipe for jam, which is unlike the others. In this version, the berries do not boil or boil for a long time in a saucepan and remain as fresh as possible. Only syrup is boiled, in which the berries will then float. Its temperature is quite enough to disinfect the berries and they did not spoil the jam even when long-term storage. There will be a lot of syrup, but it will be very tasty. If you love syrup, then this is your recipe.

You will need:

  • strawberries - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg;
  • water - 200 ml;
  • citric acid 3 1/2 teaspoons.


The preparation of strawberry jam begins with the syrup itself. To do this, take large saucepan and pour sugar into it. Fill with water and turn on the stove. Stir a little so that a kind of paste is obtained from the sugar and water and cook over low heat until all the sugar grains have dissolved. Stir constantly to lift the sugar from the bottom so it doesn't burn. The syrup should not start to turn yellow. We need a clear thick syrup.

As soon as the syrup begins to boil, turn off the stove and remove the pan from, put the washed and peeled strawberries into the syrup. Gently stir with a spoon so that the whole strawberry is covered with syrup. Melt it from time to time so that the upper berries sink.

Strawberries should stand in the syrup for 15 minutes, during which time they will release the juice and the syrup will turn red. Now take a slotted spoon and carefully remove the strawberries from the syrup and onto a plate. Try not to crush the berries so that the jam ends up with whole ones.

After you have taken out all the strawberries, turn on the stove and continue to boil the syrup for another 15 minutes. During this time, he will boil. Remove the emerging foam.

After 15 minutes, turn off the syrup and put the strawberries back in. Now leave it to lie and infuse in syrup for another 15 minutes. during this time, prepare clean sterilized jars.

Now catch the strawberries with a slotted spoon and immediately put them in jars, filling them about halfway.

Turn the syrup in the saucepan back on and boil for last time. Let it boil for at least 5 minutes. You can take a little longer if you want a very thick syrup.

After that, pour the syrup over the jars with berries with a clean ladle and you can close the lids. Strawberry jam without boiling berries is ready. Enjoy the result immediately or in winter.

Strawberry jam "Five minutes" with whole berries - video recipe

In conclusion, I add a wonderful, proven over the years recipe for strawberry jam with berries. It is called Five Minute, not because it is cooked in five minutes, but because the cooking time of the berries themselves in syrup is these five minutes. The main thing is that between these minutes of cooking it is enough long time infused in syrup and so on several times. The cooking time for this recipe can be up to three days, but don't worry, this does not mean standing at the stove for 3 days. Three days infused in the intervals between five minutes of cooking. That's the whole secret. But in the end, the jam is just perfect. Yummy. Watch and remember!

Have a sweet summer and an even sweeter winter!

Hi all! Strawberry season is in full swing. We already sell it with might and main in the market. During the summer, you will probably be making strawberry blanks. Today we are going to make strawberry jam. I give a five-minute recipe and luxurious, thick with whole berries.

Thick strawberry jam with whole berries


We will need:

  • 1 kg strawberries.
  • 1.1-1.2 kg of sugar.
  • 2 g citric acid.

How to cook

  1. Strawberries are best picked in dry weather. After harvesting, sort the strawberries, choosing, if possible, ripe, but not overripe berries of approximately the same size and ripeness for jam.
  2. We thoroughly wash the berries, immersing them repeatedly in a sieve or colander in cold water, which must be changed several times.
  3. Then we cut off the sepals from the strawberries, put them in a suitable, better wide bowl, sprinkle with sugar and leave in this form for 10-12 hours at room temperature.
  4. During this time, the strawberries will release juice.
  5. Carefully, so as not to crush the berries, mix, add citric acid dissolved in 20-25 ml of water. Put the dishes on a very small fire. Slowly stir the mixture until the sugar is completely dissolved. We remove the container from the fire.
  6. We take a small stainless steel saucepan, pour no more than two tea cups of strawberries with sugar into it. Can you make jam larger portions. To do this, you need to have a wide container (such as I showed in the recipe for apricot jam).
  7. Cook, stirring, first over a fairly high heat for about a minute, then reduce the heat to medium and cook for another 4 minutes, stirring.
  8. At first, the brew foams quite a lot, but then the foam disappears and the syrup becomes transparent.
  9. Pour the cooked portion into a clean, dry, sterilized jar. We repeat the whole process until we have no strawberry jam left. At the very end of the process, add more syrup to each jar when the jam has cooled slightly.
  10. Close the strawberry jam with lids when it has completely cooled. I use twist-off lids most of the time, but regular ones can be rolled up as well. Lids must be boiled before use.

    Banks should not be flipped! So the strawberries will not gather all at the lid, but will be evenly distributed in the container.

  11. Store whole strawberry jam in a cool place.

Five-minute strawberry jam


  • Equal amount of prepared strawberries and sugar.

How to cook

  1. We sort the berries collected in dry weather, carefully wash them in running water or, immersing them many times in large volumes with clean water, which needs to be changed.
  2. We cut off the sepals, put the strawberries in a saucepan.
  3. We fall asleep with a third part of sugar.
  4. When let the juice, fall asleep another third of the sugar.
  5. After a few hours, add the rest of the sugar, wait until it is completely dissolved, gently, so as not to crush the berries, mix.
  6. Put to cook on a small fire, when it boils, remove the foam and cook after boiling for five minutes. Strawberry "five-minute" jam is ready!

    Jam cooked using this technology has a liquid consistency.

  7. We pour it hot into dry sterile jars, close it with sterile lids, turn it upside down, wrap it with something warm for “dry” sterilization.

Strawberries are the berry that both children and adults like. Dessert with whipped cream, cake filling, jam. All these delicacies are remembered at the mere mention of the word "strawberry". The most important sweetness - jam from this wonderful berry - will be an excellent preparation for the winter.

How to choose and prepare berries for harvesting for the winter

Berries for strawberry jam for the five-minute winter should not be overripe, about the same size. It is advisable not to buy fruits, but to collect them perfectly fresh in the garden. However, in this case, small and crumpled berries will come across, which must be put in a separate pan, since they will release juice when washed. Harvesting for the winter as a result may not work. Freshly picked fruits should be immediately sorted out and thoroughly washed with water. You can start cooking: strawberry jam for the winter for five minutes will turn out delicious.

How to cook strawberry jam

To cook the dish yourself, you can use one of the existing quick recipes. For any of the cooking methods, it is necessary to prepare two main components: berries and sugar, from which five-minute strawberry jam is prepared. In a number of recipes, citric acid and gelatin are added. 5-minute jam is distinguished by its cooking speed, and rolled up for the winter tasty dish will be beneficial to health in the cold months of the year. All thanks to the presence a large number vitamins (A, C, B) and trace elements (iron, zinc, phosphorus).

In addition to jam, you can try your hand at cooking jam, confiture, compote, various desserts. You can use not only strawberries, but also arrange it. Combine the berry with raspberries, lingonberries, currants, cherries, sweet cherries and other ingredients of winter delicacies. Under New Year when the body lacks vitamins, homemade preparations will come to the rescue. it great way please yourself and loved ones with cakes based on fresh berries and a variety of desserts.

Classic recipe in syrup

The classic recipe is easy to make. Strawberry jam for the winter five minutes will require two ingredients:

  • berries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 400 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse fresh berries, clean them from the stalks.
  2. Place the processed berries in a bowl or basin.
  3. Thoroughly mix the fruits with sugar.
  4. Wait 5-6 hours until the juice comes out, which will become a syrup.
  5. Pour the contents of the bowl into a saucepan.
  6. Put the container with the contents on the fire and bring to a boil.
  7. After the formation of foam, remove it and cook for 2-3 minutes.
  8. Divide the confiture into two half-liter jars and roll up tightly.
  9. Place jars upside down while cooling.

A quick no-boil strawberry jam recipe

There is a simple recipe that can be used to make quick jam from strawberries without cooking. For this you will need:

  • fruits - 0.5 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;

How to cook:

  1. Wash the fruits, clean from the "tails".
  2. Pour into a blender and blend thoroughly.
  3. While the blender is running, constantly add sugar in small portions.
  4. Leave the mixture overnight until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  5. Divide treats into clean jars.
  6. For better storage, cover the neck of the jar. parchment paper and then screw on the cover.

How to cook thick strawberry jam with whole berries

Interesting and popular recipe strawberry jam with whole berries five minutes is used by a lot of housewives. The delicacy turns out to be thick, very tasty, with bright aroma. Five Minute Ingredients:

  • berries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • water - 1 glass.
  • gelatin - a third of a teaspoon.

Recipe for strawberry jam with whole berries:

  1. Sort and wash the fruits.
  2. Cook syrup from a kilogram of sugar, after pouring it into a basin or pan.
  3. Remove the syrup container from the heat, add water, add the main component, let it brew for four hours.
  4. After the time has elapsed, put the basin on the stove and let it boil, stirring constantly and removing the foam.
  5. Add 0.5 kg of sugar, gelatin, mix and cook until tender over low heat.
  6. Let the "five minutes" cool, and then pour into jars.

Wild strawberry recipe with citric acid

Some prefer to use as an ingredient for jam - forest strawberries, which grows in nature in meadows, forest edges. It turns out especially delicious if you add a little citric acid. Before cooking, taste the wild berries - they can be bitter (if they grew in coniferous forests). The recipe for strawberry jam for the winter is prepared from:

  • berries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 0.5 kg;
  • citric acid - 0.5 teaspoon.

How to cook:

  1. Carefully sort the fruits and clean from the stalks and leaves.
  2. Turn sugar into syrup by heating it first over low heat, stirring constantly.
  3. Add citric acid, mix well in a container.
  4. Pour the main ingredient into the syrup, let it boil for 3-5 minutes.
  5. Remove the liquid from the stove, pour into jars, screw on the lids tightly.
  6. It is necessary to store the winter preparation in the refrigerator.

Five-minute strawberries for the winter in a slow cooker

With the advent of multicookers, the process of making jam has become much simpler. Thanks to the built-in programs, even a child can cook a treat. Moreover, the treasured dish will look like in a photo from culinary magazines. Have to take:

  • berry - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 800 g;
  • water - 100 g.

How to cook strawberry jam for the winter in a slow cooker Five-minute:

  1. Peel the fruit from the stalks, rinse and dry.
  2. Place sugar in a multicooker bowl, pour boiled water.
  3. Use the “jam” mode, and if it is not available, then press “stewing” or “broth”.
  4. Periodically stop the multicooker to mix the syrup inside the bowl.
  5. Place the prepared fruits, previously chopped with a blender, inside the apparatus.
  6. Stir, set to cook for 5 minutes.
  7. Pour the delicacy into jars, cork.

How to cook from frozen berries

It is not always possible or there is enough time to prepare a harvest for the winter during the harvest period. It happens that you want jam in the cold months of the year, and of the ingredients - only frozen fruits. This is not scary, because they perfectly tolerate frost and retain all useful and taste qualities. You need to take:

  • strawberries - 1 kilogram;
  • sugar - 2 kilograms.

Cooking method:

  1. Sprinkle the unfrozen fruits with sugar, mix.
  2. Leave to thaw (3-5 hours).
  3. Mix thoroughly again, put on low heat.
  4. Wait for the mass to boil.
  5. Remove the foam, stir for five minutes, remove the pan from the stove.
  6. Leave the mass on a hot plate (30 minutes) so that it reaches the desired condition.
  7. Pour the “five minutes” into jars or serve immediately.

Don't forget that you can make your own interesting recipe based on these delicious fruits of the most common garden plant. For example, jam with the addition of apples, quince or currants. From frozen winter preparations you can also prepare compote, jelly, jam, confiture, and much more. Jam is a simple dish that anyone can cook and enjoy in the winter.

Video recipe for making strawberry jam for the winter

Step-by-step recipes for cooking delicious and fragrant jam strawberry five-minute

2018-06-08 Natalia Danchishak





In 100 grams ready meal

0 gr.

0 gr.


34 gr.

143 kcal.

Option 1. Classic five-minute strawberry jam recipe

Everyone loves strawberry jam for its unique taste and aroma! So that the berry retains its shape and that's it beneficial features, it is not recommended to cook it for a long time. It will take only two ingredients, and in winter you can please yourself with a fragrant and healthy delicacy.


  • kilogram of fresh ripe strawberries;
  • 400 g of granulated sugar.

Step-by-step recipe for strawberry jam five minutes

Place fresh berries in a colander and rinse under clean running water. Leave for a while to get rid of excess moisture. Thoroughly clean the berries from the stalks.

Prepared strawberries in an enamel bowl. Sprinkle with sugar and mix gently. Leave for six hours for the berry to release juice.

Put the basin on a quiet fire and bring to a boil. Cook for three minutes. Wash half-liter jars thoroughly, dry and sterilize over steam or in the oven. Pour the jam into prepared containers and seal tightly with sterile lids. Turn upside down and cool, wrapped in a warm cloth.

Do not use overripe berries for jam. They should be tight, without wormholes and damage. Cook a treat only in enamelware. Stir the jam only with a wooden spoon.

Option 2. A quick five-minute strawberry jam recipe without cooking

Jam prepared according to this recipe allows you to save all the vitamins and minerals that are contained in strawberries.


  • half a kilogram of fresh ripe strawberries;
  • kilogram of granulated sugar.

How to quickly make strawberry jam for five minutes without cooking

Place fresh strawberries in a sieve and rinse under clean water. We sort and remove the stalks.

We spread the strawberries in a blender in small parts and grind until a puree state. Sprinkle a little sugar each time.

We put the berry mass in a saucepan and leave until the morning. We carefully wash the jars, sterilize them in a way convenient for you, and dry them. Pour the strawberry mixture into the prepared glass container. We cover the neck of the parchments and tightly twist the lids.

It is advisable to store such jam in the cellar or refrigerator. To preserve the freshness of the product, place a sheet of parchment before rolling. If you wish, you can experiment by adding spices or lemon zest to the jam.

Option 3. Five-minute frozen strawberry jam

During the strawberry season, it is not always possible to make preparations from this berry. In this case, it is simply frozen. Jam can also be made in winter using frozen berries.


  • kilogram of frozen strawberries;
  • two kilograms of white granulated sugar.

How to cook

Remove frozen berries from the freezer and place in a bowl. Sprinkle with sugar and mix. Leave the strawberries for six hours.

Gently mix the berry mixture and put on low heat. Bring to a boil. Remove foam carefully. Cook, stirring, for five minutes and turn off the heat.

Leave the strawberry mass for half an hour on a hot stove. This time is enough for the jam to acquire the desired consistency. Prepare glass containers: wash thoroughly, sterilize in the oven. Boil the lids. Divide the strawberry jam into jars and seal tightly.

Frozen berries can be used to cook compote, jelly or other drinks. If you don't want the jam to be too sweet, you can reduce the amount of sugar.

Option 4. Five-minute thick strawberry jam with whole berries

The most popular strawberry jam recipe. Thanks to gelatin, the delicacy is thick. The berries remain intact, which makes it not only tasty and fragrant, but also beautiful.


  • kilogram of fresh ripe strawberries;
  • a third of a teaspoon of gelatin;
  • one and a half kilograms of white granulated sugar;
  • a glass of purified water.

Step by step recipe

We sort out the berries of fresh strawberries. Place in a colander and rinse under clean running water. Let's leave it for a while. We remove the stems.

Pour a kilogram of sugar into a saucepan and cook over low heat until it melts completely.

Take the pan of syrup off the heat. Add water and stir. Add strawberries and mix gently. We insist four hours.

After the allotted time, send the pan to the stove and bring to a boil over low heat, stirring regularly. Be sure to remove the foam. Pour another half a kilogram of granulated sugar and gelatin. Stir and cook for another five minutes. We cool the jam and distribute it in clean sterile glass containers. Seal tightly with lids and store refrigerated.

Gelatin can be pre-soaked and dissolved in a water bath. For jam, it is desirable to take berries of the same size.

Option 5. Five-minute strawberry jam in a slow cooker

The slow cooker has greatly simplified the process of making jam. It is enough to prepare the berries. Place it with sugar in the pan of the appliance and start the desired mode.


  • kilogram of ripe fresh strawberries;
  • half a glass of purified water;
  • white granulated sugar - 800 g.

How to cook

Sort the strawberries, remove the stalks. Rinse and pat dry on a disposable towel.

Pour granulated sugar into the multicooker pan and pour purified water. Turn on jam mode. If your appliance does not have it, you can use the "broth" or "stewing" program.

Prepare the syrup, stopping the appliance from time to time to stir it. Place the strawberries in a blender and puree until smooth. Put the berry puree into the syrup, mix and cook for another five minutes. Pour the delicacy into sterile dry containers and seal tightly.

Mix the syrup only with a silicone or wooden spatula. Banks must be turned upside down and cooled, wrapped in a warm cloth.

Option 6. Five-minute strawberry jam with citric acid

Wild strawberries are the best for making jam. This berry has a strong aroma. Before cooking, it is advisable to try it so that the strawberries are not bitter. Jam will turn out especially tasty if citric acid is added to it.


  • kilogram of fresh ripe strawberries;
  • 4 g of citric acid;
  • granulated sugar - half a kilogram.

Step by step recipe

Carefully sort the berries, removing the leaves and stripping them from the stalks. Rinse strawberries and pat dry on paper towel.

Pour sugar into a saucepan and heat over low heat, stirring constantly, until it turns into syrup. Add citric acid and stir.

Put the prepared strawberries into the syrup and mix. Bring to a boil and cook for five minutes, stirring regularly. Remove the bowl of jam from the stove. Wash the jars thoroughly beforehand, sterilize in the oven or over steam. Dry the dishes and spread the hot jam into it. Roll up the lids tightly. Store the workpiece in a cellar or refrigerator.