Foods rich in zinc and selenium table. What is useful and where is zinc found?

Without the proper content of zinc in cells and tissues, full development and existence is impossible. human body. Therefore, you need to have an idea which foods contain zinc in order to consume the required amount of this element with food daily.

Where to look for zinc: a list of products

The table below will help not only to navigate the question of which foods are rich in zinc, but also to estimate its approximate content. This will allow you to balance and diversify the diet, the benefits of which will affect the favorable work of the whole organism of any person.

Foods containing zinc

Name Approximate amount of trace element in mg
oysters 700
Biscuits and egg liqueur From 550
Sprouted wheat grains, bran, wheat flour 200
beef liver 74
Varieties sea ​​fish and vermicelli 52
Barley 51
Green tea, molasses, lentils 49
Calamari and pork liver 42
Raspberry and different varieties currants 40
Melon jam 38
Poultry meat (chicken), egg yolk 31
natural honey 30
Various types of cheeses, sea urchins 29
Citrus fruits, apples 24
cream liqueur 22
Rabbit meat, wheat bread and pumpkin seeds 21
Brown (unpeeled) rice, cedar oil 20
Perch 17
Butterfish, fish in the form of canned food 15
Acne 13
blueberries, watermelon seeds 11
Dates and cod 9,5
Various green vegetables 8,5
Beets, tomatoes, potatoes 8,3
Beef meat, asparagus, milk 8,2
Red onion, pumpkin oil 8,1
Sesame and poppy seeds 7,9
Shiitake and cardamom 7,7
Basil 7,2
Cocoa 6,6
Cashew nuts, mustard and cedar 6
Moose meat and langoustine 5,7
Pecan (nuts), azhgon, anise 5,4
Marinated mushrooms, soy flour 5,1
Soy, flax and peas 5
by-products From 4.7
Cream, including dry 4,3
Brazil nut 4,1
Hercules 3,8
Peanuts, anchovies in oil 3,5
Kohlrabi and processed cheese 3,3
Beans and different varieties of beans 3,2
popcorn and sausage 3,1
Buckwheat, walnuts 2,6
Almonds, duck and turkey meat 2,4
Corn and pistachio nuts 2,1
Natural chocolate, coconuts 2
Celery, horseradish, white mushrooms 1,5
Carp 1,4
Parsley, octopus and kelp 1,3
sardines 1,2
Garlic, chocolate candy 1,1
Caviar and green lettuce 1
Nettle, salmon, rye 0,9
Tofu, spinach, ice cream 0,7
Dried apricots, cookies 0,6
Natural yogurt and broccoli 0,5
Avocado, cauliflower 0,4
Prunes 0,3
Radish, olive oil 0,2

Replenishing the balance in the body: the most zinc-fortified foods

It is impossible to underestimate the role of zinc as one of the main elements in the human body. It is found in the cells of all tissues and organs, is found in the retina and hair. Doctors are of the opinion that if you regularly eat foods containing zinc in large quantities, you can not only improve your well-being, but also prolong youth. A sufficient amount of this element prevents the aging process, keeps the nervous system and psyche normal. A particularly strong need for this trace element can be noted for themselves by children and adolescents, pregnant women, as well as men of different ages. Zinc is responsible for the growth and physical, mental development of the child, prevents cravings for destructive behavior in adolescents. If in an "interesting position" to introduce zinc-enriched foods in large quantities into the diet, this will prevent the risk of miscarriage or premature birth. The benefits of zinc for men should be discussed separately. Doctors find the greatest amount of the element in sperm, testicles and prostate. Therefore, zinc is responsible for reproductive function and prevents the development of diseases of the genital area. In order to improve well-being, the representatives of the stronger sex are recommended to supplement food with foods rich in zinc, containing a lot of vitamin A, as well as proteins that stimulate the absorption of the microelement.

Strong sex is recommended not only to add to your diet more dishes enriched with zinc, but also take bioactive supplements, various supporting vitamin complexes, for example, Viardo Forte, SelZincPlus and dry either.

It is necessary to take into account the daily doses of this element before introducing foods containing zinc into the diet, which is beneficial for health and the human body.

The daily intake of zinc should not exceed 100 mg. Otherwise, poisoning with this element may occur, leading to negative consequences for health.

When deciding to include foods containing zinc in your diet or increase their amount, feeling a lack of an element in the body, you need to consider that many dairy products adversely affect the absorption of zinc. Also, coffee, especially instant coffee, salt, alcohol, tobacco and granulated sugar “wash out” zinc from cells and tissues, so their presence in life should be reduced or completely eliminated.

What foods are rich in zinc? The list is big enough. However, the list below shows the food options that should be emphasized.

  1. Variety of seafood including various fish and sea ​​kale are leaders in the content of an important trace element for humans.
  2. Quite a lot of zinc can be found in cocoa, figs, and sunflower seeds.
  3. Cereals, especially bran and germinated wheat, and other plant foods (greens, mushrooms, fruits, vegetables) are also highly enriched with zinc.
  4. Berries such as raspberries and different varieties of currants are considered products where there is a sufficient amount of the trace element.
  5. Animal meat, poultry, canned food own juice from fish should be added to food with a lack of zinc.
  6. Offal, chicken eggs, nuts are also among the products saturated with this important element for humans.
  7. Among the drinks that contain zinc, the leading position is occupied by useful green tea, which can be used in pure form or with various flavors in the form of lemon (also contains zinc), mint or jasmine.

Looking for an answer to the question of what foods contain zinc, it is safe to say that some of it is found almost everywhere. And in the diet of any person every day there are dishes that include this microelement. But in order for the menu to be varied and useful, you should familiarize yourself with the general list of zinc-containing products.

The benefits of zinc (video)

Below you can watch a video containing useful information about zinc, its role in human life and about foods with this element:

Knowing the need to regularly replenish the body's need for zinc, by balancing your daily diet, you can forget about the problems that arise due to the lack of this element. And thanks to the variety of zinc-containing foods, you can easily create a tasty and extensive menu with health benefits.

The macronutrient zinc is indispensable for performing vital functions in the human body.

It is necessary for people of any age category, regardless of gender and living conditions.

Therefore, it is necessary to include foods high in metal in your diet daily to prevent its deficiency.

A macronutrient is used in most metabolic processes and chemical reactions. He takes part in the construction of protein compounds, in the processes of blood formation, in more than two hundred enzymatic reactions.

In addition, the metal provides normal functioning endocrine glands and the immune system.

The most important biological functions of zinc for humans include:

  • Synthesis and ensuring the normal functioning of DNA - polymerases and RNA - threads, which are the most important elements in the processes of transferring hereditary genetic information.

In addition, the metal is involved in the formation of protein compounds, which improves the processes of repair, restoration and healing of tissues. The metal is also involved in the formation of the heme enzyme, located in hemoglobin, which is responsible for transporting oxygen through the blood.

  • Zinc is essential for proper hormonal functioning in the human body.

It acts on the production and functioning of insulin, acts on insulin-dependent processes, is indispensable for men, as it helps to produce testosterone, thereby increasing potency. In addition, the macronutrient prevents inflammation of the prostate and has a preventive effect against cancerous tumors.

  • The metal is necessary for the good functioning of the immune system, affecting the functioning of the thymus.

In addition, together with vitamins A and C, it stimulates anti-inflammatory processes, improves the synthesis of antibodies against bacteria and viruses.

  • The wound healing abilities of zinc are determined by the synthesis of collagen and other building proteins involved in the regeneration and restoration of organs and tissues.
  • The metal regulates the processes of blood formation and the formation of bone tissue, so it is especially necessary for expectant mothers, young children and the elderly, who sometimes experience porous structural changes in the skeleton, making the bone skeleton fragile.
  • Scientists have proven the relationship between regular use zinc and improved memory and intelligence.

In addition, it is able to improve the processes of touch, smell and vision.

  • The metal regulates the secretion of the sebaceous glands, so it is necessary for teenagers and people with problem skin.

It relieves inflammation and prevents acne and pimples.

  • With arthrosis and rheumatism, doctors recommend the constant consumption of foods rich in zinc.

Thus, it is possible to reduce the pain syndrome, remove the inflammatory process, and in the early stages of the disease, completely recover.

  • During pregnancy, zinc is especially needed in the first trimester, when there is a maximum formation of the placenta, its storage of nutrients and trace elements.

The lack of metal at this time causes changes in taste and sensory sensations in pregnant women, lack of appetite and nausea.

The relationship of zinc with other elements

Acting with food, the metal interacts with enzymatic proteins, carbohydrates and other vitamins and minerals. The processes of assimilation and balance of the metal are also affected by the entry into the blood of certain medicinal compounds, as well as alcohol and toxins.

Good assimilation of the metal comes with protein foods, and with an excess of copper, cadmium and lead, its absorption in the gastrointestinal tract deteriorates, resulting in a lack of zinc.

In addition, harmful compounds of phytic acid - phytates, can cause difficulties in transporting the macronutrient through the blood vessels.

The metal is well absorbed and is involved in many processes along with vitamin A and B6. At the same time, the vitamin is absorbed faster and better, and zinc can freely move through the bloodstream to all tissues, especially to the brain.

Daily rate

Men need to consume more zinc per day, about 20-30 mg. For women, it is enough to take 8-10 mg daily.

Due to the fact that zinc is involved in almost all vital important processes, it should definitely be taken in sufficient quantities during pregnancy, when the fetal bone system, brain, and hematopoietic organs are formed.

Therefore, it is important to use as much as possible more products with a high concentration of a macronutrient in the first trimester, when the placental system is being laid.

At the age of about 12 years, at the time of maturation of the genital organs and a surge of sex hormones, a large intake of zinc is needed for boys. In total, about 2 grams is concentrated in a person. macronutrient, so it needs to be regularly supplemented by eating foods with zinc.

  • For infants, 3 mg is sufficient. per day.
  • Up to 8 years, it is necessary to increase the concentration of zinc to 5 mg.
  • In adolescence, the required daily requirement for vital metal is about 11 mg.

For an adult, it is difficult to calculate the exact intake of a macronutrient, it all depends on a number of factors: weight, height, age, rhythm of life. On average, it is enough for women to consume 10 mg per day, increasing its concentration during pregnancy and during breastfeeding.

Zinc deficiency - causes and symptoms

Insufficient intake of metal in the body leads to its deficient state, and, consequently, disruption in many vital processes.

Poor absorption of metal can be caused by a number of reasons:

  • liver disease;
  • thyroid disease;
  • poor absorption by the body due to lack of enzymes;
  • use a large number phytic acid, which blocks the absorption of zinc.

A lot of phytin is found in bran and cake of cereals.

Due to zinc deficiency in the human body, pathological disorders can occur, so it is necessary to know the first signs and symptoms of metal deficiency in order to prevent diseases in the early stages.

  • First of all, the growth of hair and nail plates is disturbed in patients, the upper layer of the epidermis is affected.
  • Secondly, digestion processes are disturbed, which makes it difficult for the absorption of nutrients into the blood.
  • Thirdly, the general condition worsens and memory suffers.
  • Fourth, zinc deficiency can provoke the development of insulin-dependent diabetes and ulcerative lesions of the stomach and duodenum.

Compensation for the lack of macronutrients is carried out by following a special dietary program, rich in products with a high content of zinc, as well as doctors prescribe a number of medications for the speedy restoration of metabolic processes in the body.

The main vitamin preparation, which contains 45 mg of zinc, is Tsintrekal. It is prescribed for the elderly, pregnant and lactating women. In addition, people need to replenish the concentration of zinc after trauma and surgery.


The primary parameters of excess metal concentration in human blood are weakness, lethargy and regular bouts of vomiting and nausea. In addition to a general deterioration in the condition, the intestines cease to absorb other micro and macro elements, especially copper and iron.

The main reason for the excessive concentration of zinc is the uncontrolled use of food and dietary supplements along with vitamins and other medicines containing a high concentration of metal.

Therapeutic treatment of excess zinc in the human body is aimed at eliminating the symptoms, first of all, at restoring the work of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, the patient is prohibited from taking zinc-containing preparations until all metabolic processes are fully restored.

Foods Highest in Zinc

Everyone should be aware of foods high in zinc, while making the right diet with them.

It is necessary to eat foods with metal every day, since in the process of eating only a small proportion of the macronutrient is completely absorbed into the blood.

All products can be divided into sources of plant and animal origin:

  1. Plant sources of zinc are:
  • from vegetables rich in metal, in the first place are, and, as well as cauliflower and spinach;
  • Table: zinc content in foods

    Product name Zinc, mg/100g % of the daily norm per 100g.
    1 Pumpkin seeds 7460,0-20200,0 115,3
    2 rice wild 5960,0 49,7
    3 Dates 510,0-9600,0 42,1
    4 Peas 3100,0-4900,0 33,3
    5 Lentils 3060,0-4780,0 32,7
    6 oats 3610 30,1
    7 Soya 2010,0-4890,0 28,8
    8 Beans 3210 26,8
    9 beans 2780,0-3140,0 24,7
    10 soft wheat 2790 23,3
    11 Buckwheat 2770 23,1
    12 Barley 2710,0-2770,0 22,8
    13 durum wheat 2650,0-2810,0 22,8
    14 Millet 1680,0-3600,0 22
    15 pistachios 2200,0-2800,0 20,8
    16 Celery (greens) 300,0 20,5
    17 Hazelnut 2200,0-2500,0 19,6
    18 Rye 2040,0-2650,0 19,5
    19 2025,0 16,9
    20 Corn 1730,0-2210,0 16,4
    21 Dill 1100,0-2600,0 15,4
    22 Brown rice, unpolished 1100,0-2300,0 14,2
    23 Parsley (greens) 1100,0-1460,0 10,7
    24 Kelp 1230,0 10,3
    25 Spinach 440,0-2000,0 10,2
    26 Long grain rice (non-glutinous) 1090 9,1
    27 Basil 810,0 6,8
    28 Rice round grain (glutinous) 410,0-1100,0 6,3
    29 Coriander (cilantro) 500,0-900,0 5,8
    30 Dried figs 500,0-900,0 5,8
    31 chives 460,0-560,0 4,3
    32 Prunes 480,0-560,0 4,3
    33 Green onion 450,0-560,0 4,2
    34 Tarragon 469,9 3,9
    35 Arugula 470,0 3,9
    36 Leek 110,0-730,0 3,5
    37 Raisin 220,0-520,0 3,1
    38 Rhubarb (petioles) 61,0-630,0 2,9
    39 Dried apricots 200,0-390,0 2,5

    Thus, foods with a high concentration of zinc are very beneficial for the human body, so they should be eaten regularly to restore metabolic processes and increase resistance to aggressive environmental factors.

The human body consists of many substances and trace elements. For normal functioning, it needs to receive the same huge number of different compounds, minerals and nutrients, among which are very important role play zinc and selenium. In most cases, obtaining the necessary elements is carried out during meals.

What foods are richest in these chemicals, and are they important to the body? Let's try to figure it out.

What is zinc and what is its use for the body

Zinc is an essential micronutrient for humans. His useful qualities, affecting well-being, were seen in ancient Egypt. Zinc in the human body contains only about 3 grams, which become even less with age. But even this small amount is extremely necessary for normal activity. More than half of the zinc contained is concentrated in bone tissues and muscles, the rest is in the skin, leukocytes, erythrocytes and sperm.

Zinc is involved in such processes taking place in the body:

  1. Production of hormones and regulation of the glands.
  2. Synthesis and breakdown of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.
  3. Strengthening bones, teeth.
  4. Vitamin A production.
  5. The work of the adrenal glands, male testes and female ovaries.
  6. Boost and support immunity.
  7. Productive work of the brain and nerve endings.
  8. Renewal of skin cells and collagen fibers.

Zinc is actively used to combat various ailments. It helps in getting rid of the allergic reaction of the skin, reduces acne and the appearance of wrinkles, regulates the sebaceous glands. This element is often used in the manufacture cosmetics and healing ointments, which contributes to the rapid healing of abrasions, wounds, irritations, herpes.

Zinc is essential for fighting against viruses and bacteria. The chemical is useful for strengthening the body's defenses. It stimulates brain activity, especially aimed at memory and attention. And even takes part in the formation of mood, resists overwork and nervous stress, as it takes part in the production of serotonin - the hormone of joy. This substance is responsible for the work of almost all the senses: sight, smell, touch.

What threatens the lack of zinc in the body and its overabundance


The lack of this chemical element in the body will primarily affect the slowdown in growth and weight, as the process of cell division slows down. Zinc deficiency threatens to manifest the birth of a dwarf child, mental retardation.

The lack of a substance will immediately manifest itself as a weakening of the immune system, as a result, a decrease in resistance to viruses and infections. For women, a lack of zinc causes spontaneous termination of pregnancy, and even infertility, heavy bleeding.

Symptoms of zinc deficiency also include:

Any of these manifestations cannot be ignored, you should immediately go to the hospital.


Busting in receiving an element threatens:

Foods rich in zinc

It is better to renew the lack of zinc by eating foods that contain this chemical element. The largest amount of it contains (the content of zinc per 1 kg of the product is indicated):

  • fruits and berries: apples - 0.25 mg, black currants, raspberries - 5 mg;
  • citrus fruits: oranges, grapefruits - 0.25 mg;
  • honey - 0.31 mg;
  • figs, dates - from 2 to 5 mg;
  • vegetables: beets, tomatoes, radishes, onions, garlic, celery, asparagus, potatoes - from 2 to 8 mg;
  • eggs - 10 mg;
  • brown rice - 14 mg;
  • yeast -20 mg;
  • oat flour, barley flour - 22 mg;
  • cocoa, molasses - 30 mg;
  • meat of rabbits and chickens - 35 mg;
  • legumes: peas, beans, lentils - 40 mg;
  • green tea - 40 mg;
  • nuts - 50 mg;
  • squid - 50 mg;
  • beef liver, some types of fish - from 30 to 85 mg;
  • wheat bran, sprouted wheat grains, pumpkin and sunflower seeds - from 130 to 200 mg.

What is selenium and what are its benefits for the body

Selenium is an integral part of more than 200 enzymes and hormones of the human body, thus regulating the functioning of almost all organs of the body.

The merits of this element for life are in the following manifestations:

  • Without it, the thyroid gland will not be able to function.
  • Protects as an antioxidant against cancer.
  • Supports the immune system.
  • Helps to recover the heart muscle after a heart attack.
  • Supports reproductive male function, is responsible for the production of testosterone.
  • Maintains normal vision.
  • Prevents the development of liver necrosis.
  • Neutralizes the harmful effects of tobacco smoke, exhaust gases and heavy metals.

Selenium is involved in the "restoration" of damaged cell membranes. It is able to enhance the effect of drugs in drug treatment and reduce them. side effects. A scientific experiment showed that patients who took selenium increased self-esteem, self-confidence, and sociability. And, on the contrary, the feeling of anxiety, fatigue, aggressiveness became less.

What threatens the lack of selenium in the body and its overabundance


Selenium is a powerful poison! The body needs only 100 micrograms of this chemical per day to function properly. Its lack threatens a person with various violations.


Both deficiency and excess of selenium adversely affects the body. If its content hair loss, brittleness and disease of teeth and nails are observed, gums become inflamed, skin problems arise. The number of diseases of the intestines and stomach is becoming more frequent. Diseases of the joints develop sharply.

selenium rich foods

The main opponents of selenium are carbohydrates. Therefore, cakes sweet pastries, soda can destroy this element in the body. If there are a lot of carbohydrates in food, selenium stops being absorbed.

The trace element is practically absent in products that have passed hot processing. When cooking, up to 50% of selenium is lost, while grinding cereals - up to 70%.

Most of this substance contains:

  • rock and sea salt;
  • pork and beef liver, tongue, kidneys, heart;
  • egg yolk;
  • seafood (especially shrimp, lobsters, crabs, squids, lobsters, herring);
  • wheat bran and sprouts;
  • corn;
  • tomatoes;
  • brewer's and baker's yeast;
  • mushrooms;
  • hazelnut;
  • brown rice;
  • Turkey;
  • oatmeal;
  • garlic.

In the women's breast milk selenium is almost 2 times more than in cow's milk. Recently, more and more experts advise to pay close attention to garlic. This plant is rich in selenium, in addition, it contains substances that, in cooperation with selenium, can "work wonders."

In no case should you start taking medications containing zinc and selenium on your own. In this case, you need to strictly determine the dosage, which can only be done by a doctor. After all, an overabundance of elements is also fraught with negative consequences, as well as their lack.

They say that in everything you need to know the measure, but here it is more than relevant.

The human body is a very complex and multifunctional system, for the normal operation of which vitamins and microelements are needed. Many people are often interested in where this essential component is present, you will learn from this article.

Why is zinc useful?

It is necessary for the human body, because it is one of the catalysts for cell renewal. About 98% of the total amount of this trace element is contained within the cells themselves and only 2% in the blood serum. Minor concentrations of zinc are also present in the retina, hair, skin, kidneys, liver, bones and muscles. Therefore, the human body needs regular replenishment of the reserves of this component.

For those who do not know where zinc is found, it will certainly be interesting that he takes part in most biochemical processes, namely:

  • In accelerating tissue regeneration.
  • in the synthesis of testosterone.
  • in bone formation.
  • In the synthesis of growth hormones and insulin.
  • In the formation of the genetic apparatus.
  • In processes that ensure normal brain activity.

In addition, it is necessary for the regulation of respiratory and hematopoietic functions. This trace element is involved in the production of nucleic acids, carbohydrates, fats and proteins. It is needed for proper nutrition of nails, hair and skin.

What causes a deficiency of this trace element?

For those who are interested in where zinc is found, it will be useful to know what its deficiency is fraught with. The lack of this important substance very quickly affects the state of the whole organism. First of all, reproductive and the immune system. In addition, in such patients, there is a slowdown in the healing process of wounds. In children, zinc deficiency can cause inhibition of growth and puberty.

According to scientists, this microelement slows down the aging process. Therefore, its lack can cause their overclocking. Therefore, women are advised to control the balance of this substance. The main negative consequences of zinc deficiency include:

  • Increase in cholesterol levels.
  • The appearance of acne and brittle nails.
  • Poor wound healing.
  • Infertility and impotence.
  • Loss of appetite, smell and taste.
  • Irritability and memory impairment.

Also, people diagnosed with a lack of this component have focal hair loss, increased susceptibility to various infections, and a violation of the absorption of vital vitamins. One of the most striking external symptoms of zinc deficiency is the appearance of white spots on the nail plate.

Daily rates

Those who are interested in where zinc is contained should understand that everything needs a measure. It is important not to exceed the recommended daily requirement for this element, since its excess is no less dangerous than a deficiency. For children under the age of three, three milligrams per day is sufficient. A child of four to eight years old needs up to five milligrams per day, and from nine to thirteen years it is recommended to consume about eight milligrams of zinc.

Adult women should receive up to twelve milligrams of zinc per day, men - up to fifteen. In nursing mothers, the need for this microelement sharply increases. They need up to nineteen milligrams.

Where is zinc found? In what products?

The list is quite wide. In this article, we will look at the most common and affordable foods containing this substance.

One of the best natural sources of zinc are nuts and seeds. They can be added to salads or used as a snack. Pine nuts, sesame, peanuts, pumpkin and sunflower seeds are especially useful in this regard.

Rich in this micronutrient chicken hearts, turkey, veal and beef tongue. In fatty meat products contains very little zinc.

also in large quantities it is present in egg yolk, yeast and wholemeal flour. Legumes are also rich in them. For those wondering where zinc is found, it doesn't hurt to know that it is present in fish. Especially a lot of it in salmon, tuna and sardines.

It's important to know

Having figured out where zinc and selenium are contained, it is necessary to mention a few nuances. So, at doses exceeding 150 milligrams per day, this substance becomes toxic. People diagnosed with bowel dysfunction require more zinc. Salt, sugar, caffeine and alcohol contribute to the removal of this element from the human body. Also, dairy products are poorly reflected in its digestibility.

For better absorption of zinc, you can diversify your diet with protein foods, including nuts and legumes. Approximately the same function is performed by fermented soy products and baking powder used in the bread baking process.

Our health and appearance largely determine the products that most often appear on our plates. Not a single pharmacy multivitamin preparation can replace the beneficial substances that a person receives from natural food. In order for the "periodic table", which is present in our body almost in its entirety, to be regularly replenished, you need to eat properly and consciously.

One of the most important elements for humans is zinc, which we will talk about today. Without this trace element, bones and muscle tissue will never become complete body systems: zinc stimulates cell growth and improves metabolism. Zinc in different amount red blood cells, leukocytes, male sperm, liver and kidney tissues are saturated. The body of adults contains up to 3 g of the trace element.

The value of zinc for the body

A deficiency of a useful substance worsens general well-being, undermines the immune system and interferes with the normal functioning of a person as a whole. Regular saturation of all body systems with zinc makes possible such beneficial processes, how:

Strengthening the optic nerve;
enhanced wound regeneration;
rapid growth and development of bone tissue;
activation of the cerebral cortex;
improvement of thought processes;
normal functioning of the genitals and reproductive system;
increased resistance to colds;
activity stimulation nervous system;
prevention of the development of allergies;
source of energy for severe poisoning;
preventing the development of fibrosis;
multiplication sexual energy and potency;
rejuvenation of hair, skin and nails.

Zinc deficiency in the body

To once again convince its readers of the indispensability of zinc, PoMeditsiny cites full list diseases and conditions that arise due to the lack of this substance in the body:

dysfunction of the reproductive system;
severe hair loss;
circulatory problems;
decreased immunity;
delayed development of the reproductive system;
lack of energy;
white lines on the nails;
prolonged healing of wounds;
memory problems.

From not enough zinc the body can suffer not only due to the lack of food containing zinc. The reason for the deficiency of an important trace element for health is often excessive physical exercise and the abuse of "fast" carbohydrates is White bread, chocolate, potatoes, sweet fruits, jam, carbonated sweet drinks.

Chronic zinc deficiency in a strong half of humanity leads to a lack of sexual desire and infertility. V female body zinc is involved in no less important processes: with its participation, hormones of the estrogen group appear, the menstrual cycle normalizes, and toxicosis and menopause are relatively easily tolerated.

With a systematic lack of zinc in a person, tendon reflexes decrease, the pancreas is reborn, and the processes of bone mineralization are disrupted.

The body's greatest need for zinc appears in the summer months, when there is increased sweating, as well as while taking birth control pills.

In the diet of people practicing vegetarianism, there must certainly be seafood, since seeds and legumes cannot fully restore the necessary reserves of zinc in the body. If, on the other hand, avoiding animal products is an uncompromising position for you, try to include foods in your diet that will help you make zinc deficiency less significant in the body. These are cauliflower, radishes, broccoli, carrots, spinach and dried apricots.

Why the body lacks zinc

Here is a list of conditions and diseases that "burn" the internal reserves of zinc:

Foods with the highest zinc content

To replenish zinc in the body, you need to know in which foods the content of the valuable trace element is maximum:
  • Oranges, lemons, grapefruits, apples, green vegetables, figs - in these plant products, the concentration of zinc is 0.25 mg per 1 kg of body weight.
  • 1 kg of honey contains 0.31 mg useful trace element.
  • In 1 kg of raspberries, black currants or dates, 2–8 mg of zinc can be found.
  • Up to 8 mg of a valuable substance contain foods such as meat, peeled rice, sugar and regular beets, milk, asparagus, celery, tomatoes, potatoes, bread.
  • From 8 to 20 mg of zinc per 1 kg of weight is present in garlic, onions, yeast, brown rice, eggs, cereals.
  • Enough high content zinc (20-50 mg) was found in molasses, rabbit meat, squid, barley and oat flour, lentils, peas and green tea leaves.
  • 30-85 mg - this amount of an important trace element contains beef liver.
  • Content record most zinc is beaten by sunflower seeds, sprouted wheat and wheat bran - from 130 to 202 mg!
Please note that the body does not fully absorb zinc, but only 20-30% of the total mass.

daily requirement for zinc

Each of us has individual requirements for the daily amount of zinc, which are primarily determined by gender and age:

Boys up to six months - 3 mg of zinc per day;
girls up to six months - 2 mg / day;
children under 3 years old - 3 mg / day;
children under 8 years old - 5 mg / day;
adolescents from 13 years old - 8 mg / day;
boys under 17 - 18 years old - 11 mg / day;
girls - up to 17-18 years old - 9 mg / day;
men under 50 - 15 mg / day;
women under 50 years old - 12 mg / day;
pregnant women under 18 - 15 mg / day;
pregnant women from 19 years old - 14 mg / day;
girls under 18 years of age during lactation - 20 mg / day;
girls from 19 years old during lactation - 17 mg / day.

Features of the absorption of zinc by the body

Speaking about the need for daily replenishment of zinc in the body, it would be wrong to remain silent about the factors that in one way or another affect the quality of assimilation of this trace element.

So, for example, taking diuretic pills dramatically increases a person's need for zinc, and dairy products and drinks containing caffeine, salt and sugar completely prevent the body from fully absorbing the microelement.

Foods rich in natural protein, on the contrary, contribute to better absorption of zinc, so do not forget to eat nuts and legumes more often.

For the process of assimilation of zinc, another trace element, copper, serves as a kind of catalyst.
What does excess nutrients lead to?

Excessive concern for one's health sometimes gives a result that is directly opposite to expectations: an excess of zinc in the body is sometimes just as dangerous as its deficiency. Nutritionists warn that daily rate trace element should not exceed 150 mg, otherwise the body will be poisoned. This means that vitamins with zinc should be taken with great care.

If careless, zinc oxide from a useful microelement immediately turns into a real poison. Remember the symptoms that occur when the body is intoxicated with zinc:

Sweetish taste in the mouth;
poor appetite;
constant thirst;
increased fatigue;
cough and chest pain with deep breathing;
nasal congestion;

In addition, the causes of excessive accumulation of zinc in the body may be a disorder of zinc metabolism, as well as professional activities associated with chemical production.

When it comes to proper nutrition, they talk not only about the composition and calorie content of products, but also about drawing up the right diet, taking into account the state of health of a particular person. Ideally, dietary habits should be discussed with a doctor. The specialist will tell you what, how much and how to eat, so that a person receives useful substances exactly as much as he needs to feel good. Especially for: - http: // site