Fireweed honey - useful properties and contraindications. Fireweed honey - how to distinguish a fake

Honey is a product of beekeeping, the most delicious and favorite treat. At its core, honey is the nectar of flowers, partially digested by bees. There are dozens of types of honey in the world: lime, chestnut, buckwheat, acacia, sea buckthorn, honeydew, fireweed and many others. The latter will be discussed.

Fireweed honey is named after the fireweed plant, from whose flowers bees collect nectar. Fireweed or Ivan tea is a plant that traditionally grows on the territory of our country. This plant has received the widest distribution in the region of the southern Urals, Altai Territory, but it is also found in other regions. Even before the tea familiar to us was imported into the territory of our state, our ancestors prepared from Ivan-tea delicious drink. In addition, Ivan-chai is famous for its medicinal properties, and was indispensable in the ancient first-aid kit.

Let's take a closer look at what beneficial features fireweed honey, what are its features, how to determine the authenticity of the product from Ivan tea.

Characteristic signs of fireweed honey

  1. Color. We are all used to seeing honey as yellow, amber, golden or brownish in color. The color of fireweed honey is different in that after harvesting it has a light yellow color with a greenish tint. After a certain period of time, when the honey begins to be candied, the color changes to pale milky with a pinkish tinge. It is this unusual shade that scares off uninitiated buyers.
  2. Consistency. Liquid this amazing honey happens for a very short time. Soon after pumping, it crystallizes. First, lumps, roughness appear in its composition, then clearly tangible grains. After the crystallization process is completed, honey acquires the consistency of thick cream.
  3. Taste. Fireweed honey has a delicate sweet taste with a slight bitterness. This sweetness is associated with the special taste of fireweed nectar.
  4. Aroma. white honey has a pronounced floral scent. Feeling this unique aroma once, you will not confuse it with anything.

Useful properties of fireweed honey

Fireweed honey is very useful. It includes such elements useful for the human body as glucose, fructose, ascorbic acid, tannins, tannins, flavonoids, antioxidants, phosphorus, calcium, sodium, vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, PP, H , S, E.

White honey renders a range useful action on the body:

  1. Bactericidal. It is a good drug in the treatment of influenza, acute respiratory infections, tonsillitis. Helps in the healing of boils, ulcers, wounds. This property is associated with the release of hydrogen peroxide in honey during fermentation.
  2. Anti-inflammatory. Under the influence of biologically active substances, inflammation is removed, redness decreases.
  3. Painkiller. When taking honey, pain associated with male ailments is removed. For example, with a disease such as prostatitis.
  4. Wound healing. It helps both by eating and with the help of compresses. After a few sessions, the effect on the face.
  5. Soothing. Tea with honey before bed or a teaspoon of a sweet treat will relieve tension and help you fall asleep faster.
  6. Enveloping. Honey is useful for people with diseases of the stomach, duodenum and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Delicate treat envelops the mucous membrane and promotes the healing of ulcers, gastritis and other ailments. In addition to the above, honey enzymes will contribute to better digestion of food, relieve problems with stools.
  7. Antioxidant. Honey removes free radicals from the body, and when taken regularly, it significantly reduces the risk of cancer.
  8. Immuno-strengthening. Regular intake of honey helps to strengthen the immune system, increases the body's resistance to the effects of adverse environmental factors.
  9. The minerals that make up honey strengthen the bone, muscle, cardiovascular and circulatory systems.
  10. The high content of iron in the product contributes to hematopoiesis, raising hemoglobin, and fighting anemia.
  11. White honey replenishes the body with deficient trace elements, fights muscle cramps.
  12. Relieves headaches.
  13. Widely used in spa treatments and cosmetology.

Despite all its useful properties, not everyone is allowed to use white honey.

  1. It is strictly forbidden to consume honey by children under 3 years old due to the high allergenicity of the product.
  2. All people suffering from allergic reactions, honey is also contraindicated.
  3. Should be used with caution fireweed honey hypertensive patients. The combination of this type of honey with some medicines(for example, with eleutherococcus) can lead to a rapid increase in blood pressure.
  4. With diabetes, the consumption of fireweed honey can result in an increase in blood sugar. Eat honey only after consulting your doctor.
  5. If you are obese, you should be very careful about the amount of honey consumed. High content Carbohydrates can have an extremely negative impact on your health and figure.
  6. Asthmatics should be especially careful when using fireweed honey. In some cases, it can cause asthma attacks in sick people.

How to choose natural fireweed honey

At the time of buying delicious honey, which will only benefit your body, you should take the choice very carefully and seriously, connect all your knowledge about fireweed honey so as not to be deceived by unscrupulous sellers.

Firstly, fireweed honey should not be bought in spring or early summer. Even if it appears before you natural product, and not a fake, this honey was stored for a whole year, and lost a number of its useful properties. Such honey is more suitable for cosmetic or wound healing procedures, but not for oral administration.

Secondly, unsweetened fireweed honey should flow from a spoon in an even stream.

Third, natural honey you can easily distinguish from Ivan-tea by its unique floral aroma and delicate taste.

You can check the purchased honey at home by remembering school chemistry lessons and conducting simple experiments. Mix honey and pure water in equal proportions. TO Not a large number solution, add ammonia. Natural honey will not react in any way to the manipulations. And honey, which is a fake, will change color or give a precipitate. By adding a drop of iodine to honey, you can determine whether it contains starch. Healing delicacy containing starch additive will change color to purple.

How can you use fireweed honey

With the intake of honey inside, everything is clear. It's absolutely finished product created for us by nature. And how to use fireweed honey, for example, in such an area as cosmetology? At the moment, there are many recipes that allow you to stay young and beautiful for a long time with the help of honey.
  1. For skin rashes, mix 1 tablespoon of white honey with 1 liter of water and 1 liter of chamomile decoction. After a day, you can start using your own hand-made lotion.
  2. For oily skin a mixture prepared from 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 cup of calendula decoction is suitable. The resulting substance is applied to the face as a mask and kept for 15-20 minutes.
  3. To cleanse the skin, a scrub made from fireweed honey and ground coffee mixed in equal proportions.
    You can also please your skin with a honey wrap. After such a procedure, the skin becomes velvety and tender.

Video: what will happen to your body if you eat honey every day

The raw material for fireweed honey is fireweed pollen, popularly known as Ivan tea. This plant has many beneficial properties that are transferred to the bee product. Fireweed honey is actively used in folk medicine to treat diseases and strengthen protective functions. human body. Differs in saturated delicate taste, unique aroma and moderate sweetness. Such healthy treat will be a good sugar substitute for the whole family.

Composition and useful properties

Useful properties of fireweed honey are determined by the rich chemical composition of the product. The composition of honey includes:

  • vitamins - C, E, group B;
  • plant antioxidants;
  • tannins;
  • tannin;
  • magnesium;
  • calcium;
  • phosphorus;
  • zinc.

The product is completely absorbed in the body. Regular consumption of vitamin-rich treats helps to increase vitality. In addition to the fact that honey brings great benefits, it is also valued for its taste.

Indications for the use of the product:

  • colds;
  • body aches;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • anemia;
  • disorders of the nervous and reproductive systems;
  • convulsions;
  • joint diseases;
  • skin diseases.

The bee product copes with fever, fever and aches in the whole body. It is an indispensable complementary remedy for severe colds. You can use honey as a dietary supplement that stimulates immune system. The tool is a natural analgesic, so it can be used for severe headaches, dental, joint and other pains.

nutritional value

The calorie content of honey is quite high, which must be taken into account by people who are on a diet and are overweight.

Honey calories:

Nutritional value per 100 g of product:

When calculating calories daily nutrition should take into account the amount of fireweed honey eaten per day. Do not abuse the product and eat more than 1 teaspoon at a time.


Medicinal properties fireweed product are recognized as folk and traditional medicine. It is also added to face and body care products.

In cosmetology, honey is used:

  1. 1. To prepare an exfoliating body scrub. Salt and coffee are added as a solid component. This tool helps to tone and rejuvenate the skin, give it elasticity.
  2. 2. When performing a procedure such as a cosmetic wrap to treat skin diseases and return the skin to its natural healthy color.
  3. 3. As a face mask for severe acne.
  4. 4. As part of creams, gels, tonics for skin care.

In folk medicine, the following recipes are used:

  1. 1. An infusion for the treatment of pancreatitis is prepared from 3 teaspoons of fireweed honey and a glass of boiling water. Infuse for 20 minutes, then take throughout the day in equal amounts.
  2. 2. For the treatment of gastrointestinal ulcers, 2 tablespoons of the product are poured into 3 liters of warm boiled water. Insist 3 hours and take 200 ml per day.
  3. 3. For diseases of the skin, a mixture is prepared from bee product and water, taken in a ratio of 1:1. The medicine is taken 2 tablespoons 2 times a day.
  4. 4. For prostate adenoma, the product is taken in an amount of 50 g diluted in 500 ml of water. The medicine is taken on an empty stomach.
  5. 5. Prostatitis in the acute phase is treated chamomile tea with the addition of 1 tablespoon of honey.
  6. 6. To improve sexual function in men, the product is mixed with nuts and eat 1 tablespoon of the mixture 1 time per day.
  7. 7. To increase immunity, take a mixture of dried apricots, raisins, prunes, walnuts, honey and lemon zest.

Before starting treatment with fireweed honey, you need to consult a specialist. Do not replace the main course of therapy folk remedies, they can only be used as a supplement or in the early stages of the development of the disease.

Contraindications for use

IN large quantities honey can provoke a set excess weight due to its high calorie content. The product should not be treated for overweight people, poor carbohydrate metabolism, suffering from diabetes.

If you bring honey to a boil, it will become dangerous to health. It produces substances that cause cancerous tumors. In this case useful product can easily harm the body.

The main contraindication to use is an allergic reaction. Pregnant and lactating women should use the product with caution. Children can enter it after 3 years, starting with one drop a day and gradually increasing the dose. You can not take honey with stool disorders.

How to distinguish high-quality honey

To use fireweed honey as medicinal product, it is important to buy a real product, not a fake. Determining a defective product is easy. To do this, pay attention to the following characteristics:

  1. 1. This product is distinguished by its appearance. It is transparent with a greenish tinge, sometimes white as milk, which is also considered normal.
  2. 2. Honey crystallizes slowly, turns yellow when heated.
  3. 3. If you lower the spoon into the sweet mass and scroll it a little, then foam does not form in real honey.

Fireweed honey is a beekeeping product that is obtained from a honey plant common in the vastness of Russia - Ivan-tea. The beneficial properties of grass with amazingly beautiful purple flowers have been proven by our ancestors, who used it to make tea and various kinds of tinctures that can protect against diseases. As you know, honey is able to preserve the benefits of plants, so this product has found application in traditional medicine. In addition, it is often used as delicious treat characterized by a delicate taste and breathtaking aroma.

Composition and nutritional value of fireweed honey

Like other bee products, fireweed honey in its composition has many useful components that have a beneficial effect on the human body. The indisputable advantage is good, complete digestibility by the body, which provides a boost of energy, good health. The constituent elements include:

  • B vitamins - B1, B2, B3.
  • Vitamin E
  • Antioxidants.
  • Tannins.
  • Ascorbic acid.
  • Tannin.
  • Useful trace elements: phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, zinc.

Characteristics: color, taste and aroma

Fireweed honey has non-standard characteristics for a beekeeping product, which distinguishes this species from other varieties:

  • Taste. According to the reviews of people who have tried natural high-quality fireweed honey, it has a delicate, delicate taste. Adding a product to tea, pastries will add some zest, emphasizing best qualities cooked dish.
  • Color. Fresh, only harvested product has an unusual yellowish-green tint, which is not inherent in other varieties of honey. After a short time, the color and consistency change dramatically: the product crystallizes, becomes thicker and acquires a lighter shade. White honey reminds many people of whipped cream, thick sour cream. This does not indicate that the products have deteriorated and lost their useful properties, because this is a natural, natural process. To find out what the product looks like, see fireweed honey photo:

  • The aroma is light, barely perceptible with herbal notes.

Useful and medicinal properties

Many people often wonder how useful fireweed honey is, where it can be used and what effect it has on the human body. The medicinal and beneficial properties of the bee product are used in such cases:

  • With colds, reducing pain in the throat, removing aching joints.
  • Strengthen the walls of blood vessels, which prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases.
  • It has a positive effect on the functioning of the intestines, relieving a person from constipation, heartburn, and discomfort in the abdomen.
  • It has a beneficial effect on the blood, helps with anemia, improves blood circulation.
  • Cope with insomnia, help avoid nervous breakdowns regular use honey from Ivan tea just before bedtime.

  • Favorably affects man's health, having a positive effect on potency, reproductive function, helps in the treatment of prostatitis.
  • Helps to get rid of cramps, favorably affects the joints.
  • Antibacterial properties help get rid of boils, skin diseases, ulcers on the mucous membranes.
  • It is an excellent pain reliever, thanks to its analgesic properties, it helps to cope with pain of any origin.


The healing properties of fireweed honey are used in folk and traditional medicine, as well as in cosmetology. In the latter version, the beekeeping product is used as follows:

  • As a scrub with the addition of ground coffee, sea ​​salt. This procedure has a positive effect on the skin, giving it smoothness and elasticity.
  • It is used in the bath: the product is applied evenly on the body, and after a short time it is washed off warm water. This helps to maintain a perfect figure and beautiful skin.

  • As an anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial agent that helps get rid of acne on the face, promotes wound healing. Bactericidal properties help fight pathogens of skin diseases.
  • It is used to create homemade creams, masks. Such cosmetic product helps to keep the skin in good shape, give it a velvety, even complexion.

How long can you store

Fireweed honey retains its beneficial properties throughout the year, after the expiration of the period it is worth refusing to use the product inside, but it can be used for external use. Store bee products in glass container with a tightly closed lid in a dark cool place. It is important to remember that only a fresh product retains the maximum amount of useful properties and trace elements.


Fireweed honey has no contraindications, in most cases it is well accepted by the body, providing positive influence on the general condition of the body and the well-being of a person. It is worth refusing to use for people who are allergic to any bee products. However, even if there is no allergic reaction, you should not use excessive amount product, experts believe that fireweed honey is designed more for the treatment, prevention of diseases than for taste pleasure.

When using honey as a remedy traditional medicine it is important to follow the dosage, proportions indicated in the recipe in order to get the maximum effect. Even women during the period of bearing a child can introduce the product into the diet in small quantities - this will favorably affect the health of the mother and the development of the child. With the abuse of fireweed honey, the opposite effect can be observed:

  • Deterioration of well-being.
  • Intestinal disorder.
  • Allergic reaction.

How to distinguish fireweed honey from a fake

For many people who are not very well versed in beekeeping, it is sometimes extremely difficult to distinguish natural fireweed honey from a fake. Unscrupulous product analyzers take advantage of this and try to sell a low-quality product at a high price, passing it off as a fresh natural product. It is extremely difficult to distinguish fireweed honey from a fake, since it does not meet the basic requirements that are put forward for quality products:

  • It should be translucent, bright yellow, amber in color.
  • It flows well from a spoon in an even thin stream.
  • Does not crunch on the teeth, has a uniform texture.

Fireweed honey essentially does not meet any of the above stated requirements, since by nature it has other properties. Extremely difficult to define and select natural products, but when choosing, you should rely on your taste buds, intuition and take into account the characteristic features of products from Ivan-tea:

  • It has a white-yellow hue.
  • The structure is heterogeneous, crystals are observed.
  • The aroma is light, floral.
  • The taste is slightly tart, but not cloying.
  • The beekeeper or seller can give a description of the product.
  • The place of origin should be a region where Ivan-chai grass grows in abundance, for example, Chuvashia, Bashkiria, Udmurtia, Perm, Oryol regions.

Having bought a beekeeping product from a beekeeper, it is possible to check the naturalness of honey at home to make sure the quality of the products used. To do this, it is necessary to combine the product in a 1: 1 ratio and warm water, stir well. Pour 2 ml from the resulting solution and add the same amount of ammonia to it. If a precipitate has formed, and the color has changed to brown, you have a low-quality product in which various preservatives and chemical additives have been added.

It is safe to say that most people have never heard of the existence of fireweed honey and are not even aware of its interesting features. healing properties.
Nevertheless, with regular use, fireweed honey helps to significantly improve the condition of the body and rejuvenate it.

What it is?

Very often in meadow open spaces or even along highways you can find thickets of an interesting fireweed plant, popularly known as Ivan-tea.
This uncomplicated plant exudes a strong, pronounced aroma that attracts bees like a magnet. Therefore, a delicacy with an interesting name, an unsurpassed floral aroma and exquisite, pleasant taste, in fact, is honey from Ivan-tea.

Important: in appearance, this beekeeping product is in many ways similar to yellow or greenish cream, while it is absolutely transparent. It is prone to rapid crystallization, and the grains themselves are more like snow flakes, and the process of grain formation is accompanied by a change in shade to milky white.
Of course, such signs can confuse even experienced honey lovers, to say nothing of the average buyer! But these are the features of real fireweed honey, for which he also received the nickname "snowy".

It consists of:

  • Sahara;
  • tannins, including tannin;
  • antioxidants;
  • trace elements;
  • amino acids;
  • macronutrients;
  • vitamins, in particular C, B1, B2, B3, E, PP.

Beneficial features

Since fireweed or Ivan tea is a medicinal plant, the honey obtained from it also has healing power.

Application in cosmetology

The beneficial properties of fireweed honey can also be useful in cosmetology.
For example, masks prepared on its basis help:

  • slow down the aging process;
  • smooth out wrinkles;
  • make the skin silky and velvety;
  • cleanse pores;
  • improve the quality of skin nutrition, etc.
  • Important: it is better to apply any masks on steamed skin.

To cleanse problematic skin, it is recommended to use honey water for washing your face or take honey baths in order to improve the skin of the whole body. For example, with acne, you should try wiping your face with a lotion made from 1 tbsp. l. fireweed honey, 1 liter of water, 1 liter of chamomile decoction. The remaining mixture must be stored in the refrigerator.
A mixture of 200 ml of marigold decoction and a tablespoon of honey can also cope with acne, acne and oily skin. She is impregnated required amount cotton swabs and apply on the face for at least 20 minutes. This procedure allows not only to narrow the pores and disinfect the skin, but also to moisturize it well. A lot of great recipes from honey to cleanse the skin and fight inflammation, you will find in the article:

Attention! Before applying any product to the face or large areas of the skin, it is necessary to check how well it is tolerated. To do this, it is applied to the skin of the elbow bend, the reaction is evaluated after 12 hours.


In general, those who suffer from allergic reactions to bee products will have to completely abandon fireweed honey. In all other cases, you can take it, but only in moderation.
Hypertensive patients should be especially careful with it, since mixing fireweed honey with plant extracts such as eleutherococcus and others can lead to an increase in pressure.

How to choose?

Thus, it has already become clear that fireweed honey has a characteristic appearance, which is why many people mistake a fresh product for sugar syrup or some other kind of forgery. Therefore, it is very easy to refuse an extremely useful and little-known to the general public, but at the same time one of the most popular products in Russia, because willow-tea thickets still amaze with their density and prevalence.

Thus, almost no one can tell how to distinguish a fake fireweed honey. In this case, you should usually rely on your own intuition. Although you can still verify its naturalness with the help of ammonia. It must be added to honey diluted in half. If after that the solution does not immediately turn into a dirty brown color or a precipitate does not fall out in it, honey is considered natural.

All materials on the site are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any means, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

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Fireweed honey is obtained from a perennial medicinal plant Ivan-tea or fireweed angustifolia. It is also called "white" because of the color that it acquires after thickening or "childish" because of its delicate texture and taste.

Features of fireweed honey

Many do not know what fireweed honey looks like, and therefore pass it indifferently. But once you see it and try it once, you can't confuse it with anything. This type of honey in its fresh state has a light transparent, slightly greenish tint.

Over time, it thickens and crystallizes, becoming white and dense, similar in appearance to cream or butter. When heated, it turns yellow. It has a characteristic delicate sugary-sweet taste with a slight bitter aftertaste and a sweet floral aroma.

Many are interested in what is the use of fireweed honey? This type of honey has a unique chemical composition. It contains special enzymes inherent in the medicinal plant willow-tea, as well as amino acids, glucose and fructose, organic acids, phytoncides, ascorbic acid, B vitamins, micro and macronutrients. Thanks to such a rich composition, this product has a mass of preventive and therapeutic properties.

Fireweed honey - useful properties

Due to the significant content of bioactive nutrients, fireweed honey has a strong antioxidant effect, helping to rejuvenate and restore the body.

Thanks to their unique properties, fireweed honey has a strengthening effect on blood vessels and the heart muscle. It is used in traditional medicine recipes as a reliable remedy for headaches, high blood pressure, convulsions.

It is recommended for use as effective remedy in complex therapy for anemia, blood diseases, reduced immunity. It is prescribed for men when they are diagnosed with inflammation of the prostate gland.

Fireweed honey and its beneficial properties will have an anti-inflammatory effect:

  • with SARS and influenza;
  • with bronchitis;
  • with angina.

And the enveloping action:

  • with stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  • with gastritis;
  • with gastrointestinal infections and constipation.

Its use as an additive to cold tea, water, compote and other drinks has a sedative effect on nervous system and therefore especially recommended:

  • with insomnia;
  • in a state of anxiety;
  • with depression.

Masks and wraps based on this product have:

  • cleansing;
  • refreshing;
  • a pore-reducing effect on the skin of the face, as well as a strengthening effect on the hair roots and regulating the formation of sebum on the scalp.

In addition, it is famous for its healing effect on burns, wounds, eczema, and stomatitis.

Features of obtaining fireweed honey

After trying this product, many are wondering: how is fireweed honey made? Beekeepers get it by releasing bees in places overgrown with Ivan tea: forest clearings and conflagrations, wastelands. This medicinal plant is a wonderful honey plant, giving from 1 ha to 600 kg of honey. Feature fireweed honey - a strong, heady-sweet aroma that can cause dizziness when pumping and distilling honey. Since it is most often already thick on sale, it is important to know when fireweed honey sits so as not to buy a fake. Due to the large amount of fructose, this type of honey sets rather quickly, becoming white by mid-October and crystallizing to a creamy consistency. The main regions for the production of fireweed honey: Bashkiria, Chuvashia, Udmurtia, Altai and Perm Territories, the Republic of Mari El, Ivanovo and Oryol regions.

How to distinguish fake fireweed honey

This type of honey is often counterfeited. By color, taste and smell, white fireweed honey cannot be confused with other varieties, but how to distinguish a fake? The following signs will indicate that the product is a fake:

  • lack of characteristic fireweed tart-sweet taste;
  • the consistency of the product is uneven, the crystals present are too large;
  • the color is not light enough or too white;
  • the product does not flow from the spoon in a continuous stream, but drips.

When tasting honey, you should pay attention to whether there are extraneous flavors in the taste, whether the aroma matches, whether the consistency is stratified. The presence of these features is an indicator of the quality and originality of the honey product.

How to use fireweed honey

As a reliable and highly effective prophylactic, fireweed white honey has proven itself, its beneficial properties confirm a beneficial effect on health and well-being.

The main rules for using this most valuable natural product:

  • cannot be heated
  • use dosed.

Most often it is used in a mixture with other medicinal decoctions and infusions: sage, lungwort, plantain:

  1. Mixed with cottage cheese or milk, fireweed honey will help get rid of heartburn if consumed for 2 months.
  2. In combination with propolis tincture, it is effective for prostate adenoma.
  3. At hyperacidity stomach, diluting a teaspoon of honey with water, consume it an hour before meals.

Fireweed honey - contraindications and restrictions for use

Despite his healing composition, fireweed honey has contraindications. First of all, it is an allergy, due to the peculiarities of its chemical composition, fireweed honey can exacerbate it. For this reason, this product is recommended to be limited when used during pregnancy and lactation. Refuse to use it should be suffering from asthma, diabetes and overweight. It is also not recommended for babies under 3 years old.

Significantly different in their appearance from other varieties of honey, fireweed honey, however, is a valuable biologically active product and medicine, the moderate use of which can improve health and effectively fight various diseases.