Fireweed honey useful properties. Useful properties, contraindications and use of fireweed honey

Raw material for fireweed honey is the pollen of fireweed, popularly known as Ivan-tea. This plant has many beneficial properties that are transferred to the bee product. Fireweed honey is actively used in traditional medicine for the treatment of diseases and strengthening of protective functions human body. Differs in saturated delicate taste, unique aroma and moderate sweetness. Such healthy treat will be a good sugar substitute for the whole family.

Composition and useful properties

Beneficial features fireweed honey are determined by the rich chemical composition of the product. The composition of honey includes:

  • vitamins - C, E, group B;
  • plant antioxidants;
  • tannins;
  • tannin;
  • magnesium;
  • calcium;
  • phosphorus;
  • zinc.

The product is completely absorbed in the body. Regular consumption of vitamin-rich treats helps to increase vitality. In addition to the fact that honey brings great benefits, it is also valued for its taste.

Indications for the use of the product:

  • colds;
  • body aches;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • diseases digestive system;
  • anemia;
  • disorders of the nervous and reproductive systems;
  • convulsions;
  • joint diseases;
  • skin diseases.

The bee product copes with fever, fever and aches in the whole body. It is an indispensable complementary remedy for severe colds. You can use honey as a dietary supplement that stimulates immune system. The tool is a natural analgesic, so it can be used for severe headaches, dental, joint and other pains.

nutritional value

The calorie content of honey is quite high, which must be taken into account by people who are on a diet and are overweight.

Honey calories:

Nutritional value per 100 g of product:

When calculating calories daily nutrition should take into account the amount of fireweed honey eaten per day. Do not abuse the product and eat more than 1 teaspoon at a time.


The healing properties of the fireweed product are recognized by folk and traditional medicine. It is also added to face and body care products.

In cosmetology, honey is used:

  1. 1. To prepare an exfoliating body scrub. Salt and coffee are added as a solid component. This tool helps to tone and rejuvenate the skin, give it elasticity.
  2. 2. When performing a procedure such as a cosmetic wrap to treat skin diseases and return the skin to its natural healthy color.
  3. 3. As a face mask for severe acne.
  4. 4. As part of creams, gels, tonics for skin care.

In folk medicine, the following recipes are used:

  1. 1. An infusion for the treatment of pancreatitis is prepared from 3 teaspoons of fireweed honey and a glass of boiling water. Infuse for 20 minutes, then take throughout the day in equal amounts.
  2. 2. For the treatment of gastrointestinal ulcers, 2 tablespoons of the product are poured into 3 liters of warm boiled water. Insist 3 hours and take 200 ml per day.
  3. 3. For diseases of the skin, a mixture is prepared from a bee product and water, taken in a ratio of 1: 1. The medicine is taken 2 tablespoons 2 times a day.
  4. 4. For prostate adenoma, the product is taken in an amount of 50 g diluted in 500 ml of water. The medicine is taken on an empty stomach.
  5. 5. Prostatitis in the acute phase is treated chamomile tea with the addition of 1 tablespoon of honey.
  6. 6. To improve sexual function in men, the product is mixed with nuts and eat 1 tablespoon of the mixture 1 time per day.
  7. 7. To increase immunity, take a mixture of dried apricots, raisins, prunes, walnuts, honey and lemon zest.

Before starting treatment with fireweed honey, you need to consult a specialist. Do not replace the main course of therapy folk remedies, they can only be used as a supplement or in the early stages of the development of the disease.

Contraindications for use

V large quantities honey can provoke a set excess weight due to its high calorie content. The product should not be treated for overweight people, poor carbohydrate metabolism, suffering from diabetes.

If you bring honey to a boil, it will become dangerous to health. It produces substances that cause cancerous tumors. In this case useful product can easily harm the body.

The main contraindication to use is an allergic reaction. Pregnant and lactating women should use the product with caution. Children can enter it after 3 years, starting with one drop a day and gradually increasing the dose. You can not take honey with stool disorders.

How to distinguish high-quality honey

To use fireweed honey as a medicine, it is important to buy a real product, not a fake. Determining a defective product is easy. To do this, pay attention to the following characteristics:

  1. 1. This product is distinguished by its appearance. It is transparent with a greenish tinge, sometimes white as milk, which is also considered normal.
  2. 2. Honey crystallizes slowly, turns yellow when heated.
  3. 3. If you lower the spoon into the sweet mass and scroll it a little, then foam does not form in real honey.

This honey is called fireweed, because winged workers collect nectar for it from narrow-leaved fireweed, popularly referred to as Ivan-tea, rubella, hogweed ... The plant is tall, stately, its large, bright red, with a purple, pink or purple hue of the brush, enveloped in a delicate aroma during flowering, and attract honey bees. Usually fireweed forms whole thickets, so hardworking insects can later develop about 500 kilograms of a high-quality monofloral product from one hectare of abundantly blooming fireweed - a pleasant, delicate and very useful one. After all, narrow-leaved fireweed is a medicinal plant, oh its healing properties Slavs learned a long time ago. The infusion is able to restore strength after a long physical activity, raise to their feet weakened by disease. Fireweed strengthens, exhibits antiseptic properties, removes toxins accumulated in the body, helps to get rid of excess weight. In Ivan-tea, scientists discovered two-thirds of the known table of D. I. Mendeleev - 71 microelements, 18 amino acids, a large number of vitamin C, mucus, bioflavonoids, tannins.

What does fireweed honey look like?

Immediately after collecting and pumping this bee product, poured into a jar, has a transparent, greenish-yellow color, although very unusual. But a few months will pass - and this jar will no longer be recognized!

Fireweed honey, brought by beekeepers to the fair, differs in appearance from various other sweets. Real honey from fireweed, one or two months after it was pumped out, turns white, changes its consistency, thickens. Some say that its appearance is similar to bacon, others are compared with cream or very thick sour cream. When stirring, sometimes you can find clots that look a bit like snowflakes.

This is what it looks like in November.

When heated, the color changes to yellow. Now about taste. People who have tried it note that this honey is delicate, tender, soft, with a pleasant, unobtrusive aroma. You can catch subtle notes of vanilla or caramel in it - if you slowly savor it in your mouth, enjoying the taste. Having tasted one spoonful, I want to scoop up another ...

But many pass by such honey, thinking that it is not real. After all, people are accustomed to the fact that honey has the following characteristics:

  1. It should fall down from the spoon in an uninterrupted thin stream.
  2. The color should be amber.
  3. The tongue should be slightly baked after the test.

But such descriptions do not fit fireweed honey. This natural product, which is often sold already in crystallized form, will be white (or with a slight tint), a slight crunch of honey “snowflakes” is allowed. A good product can be found at the fair with beekeepers from the Orel, Ivanovo, Perm regions, Bashkiria, Mari El, Chuvashia, Udmurtia.

Medicinal properties and application

This honey has absorbed the whole gamut of useful components that are found in narrow-leaved fireweed. There are vitamins from group B, as well as E, P, C, tannins, antioxidants. It is rich in easily digestible trace elements: calcium, zinc, phosphorus, magnesium... The composition of fireweed honey is so well balanced that microelements are completely absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract. Monosaccharides present in a sweet product replenish the body's reserves of energy, enzymes, which allows you to start the metabolic processes of organic acids - participants in important protein reactions. This product has many advantages:

  1. If a patient comes to an apitherapist complaining that he cannot fall asleep, sleeps restlessly, then the first thought is to give him a dose of fireweed honey before going to bed, because it has a very good calming effect.
  2. Its beneficial effect on the quality of lymph, blood and condition has been revealed. of cardio-vascular system(strengthening of the vascular walls, stimulation of hematopoiesis).
  3. It is noticed that at regular use hypertensive patients, their blood pressure decreases.
  4. Due to its enveloping properties, it improves the condition of the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract, especially when hyperacidity. To do this, in the morning you need to stir a teaspoon of pleasant honey in 200 ml boiled water and drink shortly before breakfast.
  5. Honey has antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory properties, fireweed honey helps to get rid of those that have begun, or. Soreness, sore throat decreases, aches go away. And if you take it during periods of epidemics (a teaspoon a day), then it will show itself as a prophylactic.
  6. Useful for nursing mothers.
  7. Honey strengthens and tones the body.
  8. Reduce seizures, (with regular use).
  9. Relieves unpleasant symptoms associated with.
  10. Bandages with fireweed honey treat abscesses on the skin. It helps wounds to get rid of pus faster, restores damaged tissues.

If the beekeeper adds to fireweed honey royal jelly, then its healing properties are greatly enhanced.

Use for cosmetic purposes

An interesting fact is that our ancestors, while in the bath, smeared each other with fireweed honey taken there in advance, and after some time they washed off its remnants. Such a simple procedure helped to get rid of toxins, save beautiful figure, be ruddy and healthy.

Cosmetologists who add fireweed honey to masks and creams claim that this contributes to the production of collagen. And this is the main structural protein necessary to maintain tone, youth, beauty. The skin becomes velvety, a tonic effect is noticeable. Honey contains bactericidal components, they destroy pathogenic microbes and fungi that have got on the skin - the culprits of inflammation, irritation, ulcers. Balms and creams, to which a little fireweed honey is added, moisturize the epidermis, improve, gradually the depth of mimic wrinkles decreases, the skin becomes more elastic.

Sufferers can recommend such a lotion for rubbing the skin: take 50 ml of warm chamomile infusion and add one third of a teaspoon of fireweed honey to it. Or you can apply cotton pads soaked in the following composition for 20 minutes on problematic, inflamed areas of the face: 100 ml of warm infusion of calendula flowers + a teaspoon of fireweed honey.

And one more important parting word: if you have a tendency to, then be careful when you first take fireweed honey. Do a preliminary test on the elbow before adding this honey to cosmetics.

I suggest you, dear readers of MirSovetov, taste the fireweed honey. Perhaps it will be to your taste, will bring a good mood, cheerfulness, and improve your health. And if you take it shortly before bedtime, then relax and fall asleep peacefully. Sound sleep helps to restore strength, so necessary for a fruitful and successful day.

All bee products are actively used in human life. Fireweed honey is no exception. This unique product is of great benefit. In terms of useful properties and coloring, it has no equal. Let's figure out what fireweed honey is and why it has earned such popularity.

Fireweed honey - what is it

This variety of honey is extracted from narrow-leaved fireweed (popularly it is also called Ivan-tea), which sprouts in Europe and Asia and looks like a purple-pink flower. In Russia, it is usually found on the territory of coniferous forests in Siberia and the European part of the state. Prefers open spaces, closer to roads, grows on the site of fires.

Cypress exudes a strong, pronounced aroma that attracts with great success. A large amount of pollen is produced from fireweed, so it is an excellent honey plant - with 1 kg, bees can make about 700 gr. honey. It turns out an interesting treat, which is called the Cypriot honey.

fireweed honey

Main characteristics

Once you see this variety of honey, you will not confuse it with anything else. Fresh honey is almost transparent, with a slight shade of green. The consistency resembles sour cream or cream. After 5 months, the color of real honey with Ivan tea becomes completely white. For this, he is popularly called "snow".

Interesting. When heated, fireweed honey, which was white in color, turns yellow.

The product has a pleasant floral aroma and a specific taste, reminiscent of a combination spicy spices and herbs.

The composition of fireweed honey

Honey is extracted from Ivan tea, which determines what the product consists of:

  • Glucose.
  • Fructose.
  • Enzymes.
  • Vitamin C.
  • Antioxidants.
  • Tannins.
  • Tannin.
  • Calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc.
  • Flavonoids.
  • Easily digestible carbohydrates.
  • Vitamins of group B, P, E and PP.
  • Micro, - and macronutrients.

The composition of fireweed honey

Color and nutritional value

Per 100 g of the product account for:

  • Proteins - 0.80 g. - 1% of the daily requirement.
  • Fat - 0.00 g. - 0% of the daily value.
  • Carbohydrates - 81 g. - 30% of the daily value.

Important! Calorie content - 315.33 kcal.

Beneficial features

Ivan tea honey is hard to overestimate. It has a number of useful properties that are used in 2 areas of life:

1. In the treatment and prevention of diseases:

  • Enveloping and bactericidal agent that relieves sore throat and relieves inflammation.
  • Alleviates the symptoms of prostate diseases.
  • Ointment for ulcers, burns and purulent wounds.
  • Cleanses the blood of toxins.
  • Effectively treats flu and colds in combination with pharmaceutical preparations.
  • Helps normalize blood pressure.
  • It has an anticonvulsant effect.
  • Prevents the formation of tumors and malignant cells.
  • With regular use, it contributes to a surge of strength, vigor, a more balanced state.
  • Calms the nervous system.
  • Strengthens and tones the body.

Note! Due to the difference in composition, it happens that people who cannot tolerate honey can take a product from willow tea in small quantities.

  • Strengthens immunity.
  • Helps in the prevention of blood diseases and anemia.
  • Strengthens the heart muscle and blood vessels, making them more elastic.
  • Used for diseases of the digestive system (heartburn, constipation, duodenal disease).
  • Normalizes sleep.

2. In cosmetology:

  • Stimulates the production of collagen, making the skin elastic and eliminating wrinkles.
  • Cleans from sludge.
  • It kills pathogenic fungi and bacteria, therefore it is part of ointments and creams.
  • Improves complexion and body.
  • Helps skin during recovery.
  • Nourishes and strengthens the skin.

How to choose the right Cypriot honey

On a note! The problem of choosing fresh and high-quality honey is acute on the market, especially in cities. For the last 10 years, doctors have been advising to give up honey from Ivan-tea altogether, arguing that at the moment there is no real product on sale.

But for those who know the characteristics of real honey, distinguish between fresh and natural honey from a fake is not difficult.

Maturity is the key

  • If honey is scooped up with a spoon, and it quickly starts to drain, then the product is immature, therefore it will not be stored for a long time, less useful.
  • If you drop a drop of honey on a saucer, and the shape is preserved - mature. This will keep for a long time.


Important! A strong smell of herbs and sweetness is a sign of high quality. Buying honey with a smoke or fermentation flavor should be avoided.


  • Be sure to try the honey before buying. Sellers usually provide samples to buyers. A good product is very sweet and pleasant taste without aftertaste of caramel, fermentation, acid, chemicals.
  • When choosing, consider the presence of a slight herbal taste.

Color and consistency

  • Check with the seller when the item was assembled. After that, pay attention to the color of fireweed honey. If it is stored no longer than 1-2 months, then it will be almost transparent, liquid consistency reminiscent of heavy cream, without viscosity and lumps.
  • If stored for more than 2 months, it begins to crystallize, small grains form, the shade becomes pure white closer to 3 months. If the product is heated, the color will be yellow.
  • It is worth distinguishing fireweed honey from linden honey. The second has a more intense amber hue.

How to choose the right Cypriot honey

How to distinguish fake fireweed honey

In the spring-summer period, it is much more difficult to recognize a fake product:

  • A frozen and candied product never crunches on the teeth. If the honey crunches, then the bees were fed sweet. You should not buy such a product, since it does not have any useful properties.
  • Plasticity will tell you how to distinguish a fake fireweed honey. Thickened honey flows from the spoon in a continuous stream. If it drips or does not drain at all, then there are clear signs of artificial origin by eye.


The product is forbidden to be taken by people with obesity and diabetes. People suffering from diseases of the pancreas, it is better to limit consumption to a minimum. Hypertensive patients should be treated with caution. After taking, a decrease in pressure is often observed, especially with a complex of other herbs.

Asthmatics should avoid any intake of cypress honey, as it can provoke asthma attacks.

Important! Honey should not be given to children under 2 years of age. Bacteria are often found in the product, which children's body cannot neutralize.

It is also necessary to check for the presence of individual intolerance, allergies to bee products. The chemical composition can cause an exacerbation of the disease.

At high temperatures, fireweed honey can lead to a deterioration in the condition.

Rules for the use of honey from fireweed

Bee products are good for the body, but at the same time they can cause serious harm. To prevent this from happening, you must follow the general rules:

  • The use of honey can become useful only if the proportions are observed and not violated. daily dose- 50-80 g for adults, children after 6 years - no more than 40 g, up to 6 - 10 g.
  • For maximum effect, it is recommended to monitor the acidity of the stomach. With normal acidity, honey is best taken 30-40 minutes before meals. At reduced - in 15 minutes, dissolving in cold water.

Important! The composition of fireweed honey includes a large amount of fructose and glucose, which can contribute to the appearance of caries.

  • The product should be taken in the morning and evening before meals. The use with other products will add some extra pounds and slow down the digestion process.
  • Taking a spoonful of honey in your mouth, do not write off immediately swallow it. Try the product, hold it for a couple of seconds. The mouth releases beneficial enzymes and antioxidants that aid in the absorption of food and sugary substances.
  • After taking it is recommended to rinse your mouth.

Rules for the use of honey from fireweed

Storage conditions

Fireweed honey quickly crystallizes (for 2 months), but at the same time its beneficial properties are preserved.

To avoid souring, store the product in a refrigerator in a tightly closed vessel at a temperature of 3 to 10 degrees Celsius. Air humidity - not higher than 60%.

If you put the product in freezer, it will retain its sweetness and taste, but lose its beneficial properties.

Important! In no case should you heat honey, do not add hot liquids to it (over 40 degrees Celsius). At high temperatures, honey produces a carcinogen, loses all useful properties.

Honey retains its beneficial properties for 1 year; it can be stored as a sweet for no more than a year and a half. At room temperature the shelf life is reduced to 6 months.

Glassware is suitable for long-term storage, plastic or metal dishes are suitable for shorter-term storage.

Fireweed honey is a unique product that is endowed with a mass of useful properties. The main thing is to choose a high-quality natural product and follow all the recommendations written in this article. Then the product will become a real find.

It is safe to say that most people have never heard of the existence of fireweed honey and are not even aware of its interesting healing properties.
Nevertheless, with regular use, fireweed honey helps to significantly improve the condition of the body and rejuvenate it.

What it is?

Very often in meadow open spaces or even along highways you can find thickets of an interesting fireweed plant, popularly known as willow-herb.
This uncomplicated plant exudes a strong, pronounced aroma that attracts bees like a magnet. Therefore, a delicacy with an interesting name, an unsurpassed floral aroma and an exquisite, pleasant taste, in fact, is honey from willow tea.

Important: in appearance, this beekeeping product is in many ways similar to yellow or greenish cream, while it is absolutely transparent. It is prone to rapid crystallization, and the grains themselves are more like snow flakes, and the process of grain formation is accompanied by a change in shade to milky white.
Of course, such signs can confuse even experienced honey lovers, to say nothing of the average buyer! But these are the features of real fireweed honey, for which he also received the nickname "snowy".

It consists of:

  • Sahara;
  • tannins, including tannin;
  • antioxidants;
  • trace elements;
  • amino acids;
  • macronutrients;
  • vitamins, in particular C, B1, B2, B3, E, PP.

Beneficial features

Since fireweed or Ivan tea is medicinal plant honey obtained from it also has healing power.

Application in cosmetology

The beneficial properties of fireweed honey can also be useful in cosmetology.
For example, masks prepared on its basis help:

  • slow down the aging process;
  • smooth out wrinkles;
  • make the skin silky and velvety;
  • cleanse pores;
  • improve the quality of skin nutrition, etc.
  • Important: it is better to apply any masks on steamed skin.

To cleanse problematic skin, it is recommended to use honey water for washing your face or take honey baths in order to improve the skin of the whole body. For example, with acne, you should try wiping your face with a lotion made from 1 tbsp. l. fireweed honey, 1 liter of water, 1 liter of chamomile decoction. The remaining mixture must be stored in the refrigerator.
A mixture of 200 ml of marigold decoction and a tablespoon of honey can also cope with acne, acne and oily skin. She is impregnated required amount cotton swabs and apply on the face for at least 20 minutes. This procedure allows not only to narrow the pores and disinfect the skin, but also to moisturize it well. Lot great recipes from honey to cleanse the skin and fight inflammation, you will find in the article:

Attention! Before applying any product to the face or large areas of the skin, it is necessary to check how well it is tolerated. To do this, it is applied to the skin of the elbow bend, the reaction is evaluated after 12 hours.


In general, those who suffer from allergic reactions to bee products will have to completely abandon fireweed honey. In all other cases, you can take it, but only in moderation.
Hypertensive patients should be especially careful with it, since mixing fireweed honey with plant extracts such as eleutherococcus and others can lead to an increase in pressure.

How to choose?

Thus, it has already become clear that fireweed honey has a characteristic appearance, which is why many take a fresh product for sugar syrup or some other kind of forgery. Therefore, it is very easy to refuse an extremely useful and little-known to the general public, but at the same time one of the most popular products in Russia, because willow-tea thickets still amaze with their density and prevalence.

Thus, almost no one can tell how to distinguish a fake fireweed honey. In this case, you should usually rely on your own intuition. Although you can still verify its naturalness with the help of ammonia. It must be added to honey diluted in half. If after that the solution does not immediately turn into a dirty brown color or a precipitate does not fall out in it, honey is considered natural.

All materials on the site are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any means, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

Fireweed honey has long been used to strengthen and improve the body. This honey contains many valuable components and is an indispensable remedy for colds and flu. This natural product owes its beneficial properties to its unique composition, an abundance of valuable amino acids and minerals.


This variety of honey is extracted from Ivan-chai (a medicinal herb that grows in Siberia and Altai). Fireweed honey is effective in the treatment of diseases nervous system and successfully copes with the prevention of neurosis and nervous disorders. This product is used as an anti-inflammatory, sedative, helps fight gastritis, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory system and throat, and is effective for healing the skin.

Thanks to his chemical composition, fireweed honey improves blood formation, normalizes bowel function, effectively fights insomnia, and improves the health of young nursing mothers.

Also, this product increases male potency and is involved in the prevention of prostate diseases.

Daily use 1 tsp. fireweed honey helps to strengthen the immune system, saturates the body essential vitamins normalizes blood pressure.

Among other useful properties of fireweed honey, it is worth highlighting the following features:

  • antibacterial and antiviral properties;
  • improvement of internal organs;
  • treatment of peptic ulcers;
  • rapid healing of wounds;
  • skin pore cleansing, wrinkle prevention;
  • improving well-being;
  • prevention of throat diseases;
  • reducing the likelihood of the harmful effects of stress;
  • sleep normalization.

Another effective method use of fireweed honey - production cosmetics for face and body skin care. With the help of fireweed honey, you can easily get rid of acne, enlarged pores and pale skin color. If you make masks from fireweed honey, you can strengthen the hair roots and normalize fat metabolism on the scalp. It also helps to improve the structure of nails, gives the skin a healthy color and a natural glow.

The high calorie content of fireweed honey does not allow us to call it dietary product. But this strain is effective. medicine, which helps to get rid of colds and strengthens the immune system well: it is enough to use 1 tsp. fireweed honey daily.


In large doses, fireweed honey can cause obesity. This product does not contain saturated fatty acids, but there is a significant amount of carbohydrates and sugar. Therefore, fireweed honey is not suitable for people with diabetes.

Fireweed honey contains no carcinogens and harmful substances. But crustaceans can easily appear if you bring it to a boil.


There are 328 kcal per 100 grams of fireweed honey (16.3% of the daily requirement).

The nutritional value


Fireweed honey should not be consumed if a person has already experienced allergic reactions to honey. But, even despite the absence of allergies, you should not eat this product immensely, because. it is a strong allergen.

Therefore, they should not be strongly carried away and abused.

In moderation, fireweed honey can be eaten by pregnant and lactating mothers. Infants do not need to give this product. It can be gradually introduced into the diet of children after three years.

Vitamins and minerals

The substances found in fireweed honey have strong antioxidant properties. Moderate consumption of this product helps to rejuvenate the body and increase immunity.

Vitamin name Quantity (per 100 g) % DV
Vitamin H (Biotin) 0.04 µg 0,08
Vitamin B1 (Thiamin) 0.01 mg 0,67
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) 30 mcg 1,67
Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid) 100 mcg 2,1
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) 0.1 mg 5
Vitamin B9 (Folic Acid) 15 mcg 3,75
Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid) 2 mg 2,22
Vitamin PP (Niacin equivalent) 0.4 mg 2

In addition to vitamins, fireweed honey contains a whole range of minerals that help strengthen the body and improve well-being.

Mineral name Quantity (per 100 g) % DV
Calcium 14 mg 1,4
Magnesium 3000 mcg 0,75
Sodium 10 mg 0,78
Potassium 36000 mcg 1,4
Phosphorus 18 mg 2,25
Chlorine 19000 mcg 0,8
Iron 0.8 mg 4,4
Sulfur 1 mg 0,1
Zinc 94 mcg 0,78
Iodine 2 mcg 1,3
Fluorine 100 mcg 2,5
Copper 59 mcg 5,9
Cobalt 0.3 µg 3
Manganese 34 mcg 1,7

Thanks to fireweed honey you can quickly strengthen the body and give the body an additional strengthening of its protective functions. Fireweed honey is considered to be valuable product beekeeping, which must be used to stimulate the normal functioning of all organs and systems.