Fish fried on the grill. What kind of fish is better to fry on the grill.

Calories: Not specified
Time for preparing: 60 min

It's spring outside, which means it's barbecue time! With the onset of the weekend, every person wants to go outdoors and fry, and few people think that on the grill you can fry not only meat, but also many other products. For example, do you know how to cook fish on the grill during a picnic? Share your recipe in the comments. Well, we will share with you our version.
Nowadays, cooking on an open fire is gaining more and more popularity. And fish, in our case it will be mackerel, cooked on the grill is much healthier than just fried in a pan. The convenience of fish dishes is that the product does not need to marinate for a long time. The already soft and tender meat, smoked and flavored with spices, will become a real decoration of your table.

Grilled fish - recipe with photo.

Cooking time - 1 hour.
The number of servings is 6 servings.

- mackerel - 900 grams;
- dill - 1 bunch;
- bay leaf - 6 pieces;
- allspice - 8 pieces;
- lemon juice - 2 tablespoons;
- ground pepper to taste;
- salt to taste;
- vegetable oil - 4 tablespoons;
- foil 1 meter.


I used mackerel for this dish, but any type of fish will work, preferably with large bones.
If you are using frozen fish, you should first defrost it.

Then we wash the fish, dry it with a paper towel and cut it, carefully removing the black film from the inside.

All necessary ingredients put on the table.

We put dill greens inside the fish.

We cut the fish into portioned pieces so that after cooking they can be served neatly.

Lubricate the foil with vegetable oil, sprinkle with salt and put allspice and bay leaf.

Lay the fish carefully on top.

Sprinkle with fine iodized salt, which will emphasize nutritional properties fish.

Sprinkle with ground pepper.

Sprinkle lemon juice on top of the fish, which will add a slight sourness and delicate aroma.

We carefully wrap the fish in foil so that the juice does not flow out during the cooking process, and the dish turns out juicy and is fully saturated with the smell of greenery.

Spread the fish in foil on a heated barbecue grill and transfer to heated coals. Bake for 30 minutes, flipping occasionally to ensure even browning.

After the specified time, remove the fish from the coals.

Carefully unfold without damaging the fish, and enjoy the pleasant aroma and beauty of the cooked fish on the grill in foil.

Our dish is ready to eat. Serve with fresh vegetables,

With the approach of the barbecue season, lovers of outings and cooking on an open fire remember their favorite recipes for marinades and sauces, are interested in new ones, looking through modern culinary magazines and open spaces of Runet blogs.

Fish on the grill is much healthier than fatty meat, and cooking takes just a few minutes (the coals will burn longer). The main thing to pick up the right marinade for fish, bake it and you can enjoy a delicious dish.

One of the main factors affecting taste qualities ready meal- choosing the right fish. Fatty red varieties are best - trout and salmon. You can replace this fish with sockeye salmon or coho salmon, they are more affordable and budget-priced, but no less tasty. But it’s better not to use pink salmon, the fish is already quite dry, and hot coals will dry it even more.

If the fish carcass is frozen, to cook it on an open fire, it must be thawed according to all the rules, otherwise the fish will fall apart during the frying process. You can defrost the carcass by putting the fish on the bottom shelf in the refrigerator, laying it out in the evening. By the morning the fish will be ready to season it. fragrant spices and seasonings. At the same time, all the taste qualities of the product and an attractive appearance will be preserved.

The defrosting process can take up to 10-12 hours.

Before marinating a fish for grilling, it is necessary to rinse it in running water and remove what the manufacturer left. You can cut off the head and tail, fins, cut off the edges of the abdomen. Cut large fish in half, small-sized carcasses - leave as a whole. If there is a desire, the fish can be milled at all, and a delicious soup can be prepared from the remains of the ridge.

The most common and best option for cooking fish on the grill is to use a special grill. Tender fillet will cook evenly during the cooking process, and the rack will hold the meat. However, it is worth considering that the width of the fish should not exceed 3 cm.

If you plan to cook fish on skewers or skewers, then the size of the pieces should depend on the diameter of the skewer, the larger it is, the thicker the fillet is cut. It is not recommended to cut thicker than 5 cm.

If used wooden skewers, then it is recommended to soak them in cold water overnight, then they will not burn and smoke. For this method of cooking fish on coals, a thin fillet of a small fish is suitable.

Marinades for fish



  • Onions - 2 pcs;
  • Lemon 1-piece;
  • Garlic - 2-3 cloves;
  • Salt, pepper, herbs - to taste


  1. Cut the onion into thin half rings, and slice the lemon. Put the products in a bowl, and lightly mash with your hands until the juice appears.
  2. Squeeze a couple of cloves of garlic through a special press, add salt and pepper, fresh chopped herbs to taste, spices and seasonings.
  3. Stir and rub the fish with this mixture. If the carcass is whole, pieces of lemon, onion and herbs can be put into the belly of the fish.
  4. Marinate for up to 2-3 hours, no more, otherwise the fish will turn out sour, then cook on a wire rack.

Dry method with a spicy twist:

The fish prepared according to this recipe, after baking, is obtained in a spicy "fur coat". This marinade is suitable for red fish.


  • Red sweet onion - 2 pcs.;
  • Bulgarian pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • Chili pod - 1 pc.;
  • Garlic - 2 cloves;
  • Lemon - 1 pc.;
  • Some fresh herbs - cilantro and parsley;
  • Olive oil - 85 ml;
  • Coarse salt and freshly ground pepper.

Marinade preparation:

  1. Chop all vegetables and herbs very finely or scroll through a meat grinder. Add spices and fresh herbs.
  2. Grate a dry and clean fish with the resulting mass and leave for several hours so that the fish is saturated with aroma.

    To make the spices penetrate better, shallow grooves can be made on the skin sharp knife without cutting through the fillet to the ridge.

  3. Once the fish is marinated, it can be baked on the grill on the grill or in foil.

"Liquid" pickling method

Such a marinade for fish on the grill can be used to soak any fish, especially if it has a pronounced river smell. It is very tasty to bake silver carp on the grill according to this recipe.


  • Lemon - 1 pc.;
  • Water - 250 ml.
  • Vegetable oil - 80 ml.;
  • Mustard - a tablespoon;
  • Apple cider vinegar - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • a tablespoon of sugar;
  • a teaspoon of salt;
  • Freshly ground pepper;

Marinade preparation:

  1. Dissolve in warm water salt and sugar, add pepper and bay leaf.
  2. Grate the lemon zest on a grater (only the colored part, the white part will be very bitter in the marinade), add to the water along with the lemon juice..
  3. Add vinegar, vegetable oil and mustard to the marinade. It is recommended to use mustard for marinade preparation with grains, they will give a more pronounced and bright taste to the fish.
  4. Soak the fish in the finished marinade for several hours, after which it can be baked on a wire rack or in foil.

For freshly caught fish

Freshly caught fish can be quickly marinated using simple ingredients and ready-made seasoning for fish, which is extremely convenient in "camping" conditions.


  • Lemon - 1 pc.;
  • Onions - 2 pcs.;
  • Seasoning for fish - a teaspoon;
  • A little salt.

Marinade preparation:

  1. Gut a fresh fish, after thoroughly cleaning it from scales. Cut off all unnecessary parts, from them and small roach you can cook an ear on a fire.
  2. Season the carcass with salt and ready-made spices, rubbing the mixture thoroughly. Inside the fish, salt and also add a little spice.
  3. Peel the onion from the husk and cut into thick rings, without disassembling them, put them inside the abdomen. Add slices of lemon or lime there for piquancy.
  4. Put the fish in a bag, flavor with the remaining lemon, squeezing the juice into the bag, and put it in a cool place for a couple of hours if possible.
  5. Put the marinated fish on a greased grate so that it does not stick. And bake on hot coals. The approximate baking time is 10-15 minutes on each side.

This type of fish not only has rather fatty meat, but also has a rather specific smell. You can soften the unpleasant odor with a marinade.


  • Mackerel - 2 fish;
  • Garlic - 3 cloves;
  • Lime - 1 pc.;
  • Fresh tomatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • A little parsley;
  • Salt and seasonings;
  • Vegetable or olive oil.

Grilled fish:

  1. Cut off the head of the mackerel, clean the inside of the films.
  2. Cut the fish lengthwise, making an incision along the ridge, and carefully cut out the bones. Expand "book".
  3. Grind the garlic and herbs, remove the zest from the citrus. Add vegetable oil, salt and freshly ground pepper to these components. Rub the fish with the resulting sauce.
  4. Cut fresh tomatoes into rings, put on one side of the carcass, cover with the second part. The more tomato is used as a filling, the tastier and juicier the fish will turn out. For reliability, you can fix the belly with the filling with toothpicks.
  5. Cook fish on the grill, or bake in foil over charcoal.

Serving fish to an impromptu table in nature

While the fish is being cooked, you should take care of the vegetable accompaniment, or rather the side dish. The taste of fish will well set off the usual boiled rice You can prepare it ahead of time and take it with you. Rice can be reheated in foil with the addition of vegetable oil and greenery. Moreover, envelopes with a side dish can be prepared at home. Also, baked or boiled potatoes, Grilled Vegetables Cooked Together With Fish.

As a drink, white or rose wine is served with fish, soft drinks"with sourness", for example Apple juice, homemade lemonade.

As a sauce, you can use mayonnaise, ketchup, soy sauce, spicy adjika, tkemali or tartar sauce.

If the fish is small and fits on the grill grate, any one that is hooked or bought in a supermarket will do. Gently turn over without damaging the skin - everything will work out. But if the catch is large, and you will fry in pieces, the question is different.

Fish cut into portions or fillets with tender and loose meat (hake, carp) falls apart on the grill - after all, the skin cannot hold such meat. Guaranteed to fall apart at the first coup on the grill and any defrosted butchered fish.

If there is no other, but you want a fried fish, wrap it in foil. Before that, salt, sprinkle with dry spices, sprinkle with lemon.

Country cooking has long determined in practice which fish is better to fry on the grill.

River fish


This is the queen of barbecue and fish kebabs. The price in the store corresponds to the status of a delicacy. The structure of the meat is dense, the fish does not fall apart on the grill. It is so tasty that no spices are required. The taste is accentuated by a slice of lemon.


A gourmet fish in any preparation, grilling is one of its culinary incarnations. By the way, the meat of this fish is traditionally used for sushi.


Cut into steaks on the grill. Juicy dense meat with a lamellar structure keeps its shape on the coals. Cooking specifics: soak catfish for an hour in water with lemon juice (vinegar) and spices to eliminate the smell of mud.


Grilled steaks turn out delicious and juicy on the grill. One problem - a lot of small bones.


Also bony, but tasty, although the meat is a bit dry. Wrap steaks or small gutted pikes in foil to preserve juice.


Sweetish, tender meat in steaks will not hold its shape. Stuff the carp with herbs, wrap in foil.



"Sea Beef" classic fish for grilling with tender and juicy meat. Good bbq tuna with whipped in a blender sauce from fresh cucumbers, green olives, dill and lemon with olive oil.


Due to the natural flat shape, it is perfectly baked on coals. Meat is delicious.


A fleshy relative of the flounder with delicious white meat. On the grill, we recommend frying slices in foil.

Sea bass

Dense, tasty white meat, but a lot small bones. If you cook whole - feel free to send to the grill after defrosting. Very dense rough skin will not allow the carcass to break. The reddish color of the skin is preserved during frying and serves as an additional decoration for the served sea ​​food.


Mediterranean fish, popular on the menu at coastal resorts. There it’s the only way they cook it, right on the streets - on a grate over the coals. The meat is tender, with a sea flavor. Good with rosemary, sage, basil.


A rarity in supermarkets, but sometimes comes across. The meat is very dense, for the grill - what you need. This fish is one of those exceptional species whose meat will not fall apart on the coals even after freezing. Before cooking, marinate for half an hour in soy sauce.

Mullet - the taste of the Black Sea

The Black Sea mullet cooked on coals is very tasty. Now you will meet her in the market infrequently, but there are red mullet and gobies.

Despite their small size, the fish have a surprising amount of sweetish meat and almost no bones. The dense skin holds the meat while frying, and then easily removed.

Red mullet on coals

You will need:

  • 0.5 kg of Black Sea red mullet,
  • salt pepper,
  • lettuce,
  • bulb,
  • lemon.

We kindle firewood in the grill. We clean and gut the fish (you can skip this operation).

We put the red mullet in a bowl, salt and pepper, pour over lemon juice, mix. We put in the shade - let it marinate until the coals reach.

When the time comes for frying, lay the red mullet tightly on the lower grill, press the upper one, and fix the mechanism.

Fry until crispy, turn the grill over. That's it.

We lay out the red mullet on lettuce leaves, decorate with rings of Yalta red onion, slices of lemon.

Bulls are prepared in the same way. You don't need to clean or gut them. Just wash, salt - and on the wire rack.

Do not forget to grab a few lemons and bunches of greens, a roll of foil for a fish picnic.

And next to the grill, you need to remember that fish is not meat, it cooks very quickly. It takes 5-7 minutes to roast.

Fish shish kebab will decorate any feast - it's easy to cook on the grill, on the grill or even in the oven at home.

  • Gutted and peeled fish (salmon, pink salmon, sturgeon) 3 kg
  • Natural pomegranate juice 700 ml
  • Vegetable oil 2 tablespoons
  • Spice "hops-suneli" - to taste
  • Spice ground dried coriander to taste
  • Ground black pepper to taste
  • Salt to taste

We wash the fish well under running cool water, always inside and out, and then spread it on a cutting board. If we have a whole fish carcass, then before we cut the fish into pieces, we need to remove the spine and bones with a kitchen knife.

After that, we cut each fish fillet into small pieces, preferably of the same size, so that during cooking, the fish is fried equally on all sides.

Then we shift the processed fish into a free bowl.

Cooking fish skewers, following general rules barbecue cooking. How to marinate fish for barbecue? To do this, sprinkle fish pieces with spices: coriander, suneli hops, and also salt and pepper to taste. After that, pour pomegranate juice on top of the fish and then very gently mix the fish pieces with your hands, while lifting them from the bottom up.

Attention: pomegranate juice must necessarily cover the fish from above by 1.5-2 centimeters. After that, pour vegetable oil into the same container and mix everything again. Now cover the bowl on top with an inverted plate and leave to marinate for 2-4 hours aside.

Fish kebabs are prepared in the same way as meat kebabs using a barbecue. Therefore, before we cook them, we will prepare the grill.

First, put some firewood on the bottom of the brazier. With the help of matches, we set fire to firewood and let them flare up for a while. After ½ part of the tree burns out, carefully pour the coals into the brazier. We level them on the bottom of the container with a skewer or any wooden stick so that they can also flare up.

Attention: the amount of coal should not reach the middle of the walls of the brazier by a few centimeters. So, when the coal burns well and is covered with ashes, and the fire is almost extinguished, we start cooking fish skewers.

We take out the marinated fish pieces from the container and string them on skewers. You can cook fish over the grill in different ways, depending on the size of the fish. If the fish is large, then it is better to cook it on a spit or grill. If the fish is small, then it is better to string it on skewers or wooden skewers and cook on the grill. It is better to bake small and dry fish in food foil, placing it on a grill on top of the grill.

The most important thing to remember is that fish skewers must be fried on well-hot, but without flame coals, otherwise the fish will burn. When the pieces of fish are strung, place the skewers on the grill at a minimum distance from the coals. We turn the skewers with barbecue often so that the fish is not only fried equally on all sides, but also does not have time to burn, because fish meat is much tenderer than meat animal.

Fish skewers are fried over hot coals without a flame for 6-10 minutes. Of course, the cooking time of the kebab may vary slightly depending on the thickness of the fish pieces. It is very important to correctly determine the degree of readiness of the barbecue. After all, poorly fried fish meat can taste tough like rubber, and overcooked fish can turn out to be dry or simply fall apart.

We use a fork to determine readiness. To do this, carefully spread the fibers on one of the fish pieces. If the fish meat is still transparent inside the piece, then we will increase the cooking time for kebabs by another 2-3 minutes. If the fish pieces have become dull, then our kebabs are ready.

Fish skewers can be served on skewers, on wooden skewers, or with a fork, carefully removing the fish pieces from the skewers and transferring them to separate portioned plates. Together with shish kebabs, we serve chopped onions or parsley and dill greens on the table.

Likewise to our gentle and fragrant kebabs fish can be served on a separate dish vegetables: tomatoes, Bulgarian Bell pepper or bake eggplants on a fire, and potatoes in ashes. From drinks it goes very well with our fish dish white dry wine. Enjoy your meal!

Recipe 2: grilled fish kebab (with photo)

  • salmon - 800 gr
  • lemon - 2 pcs
  • peppercorns - 1 tbsp.
  • thyme - 1 bunch
  • salad - for serving

Cut the salmon into portions. Rinse with clean water and dry.

Squeeze juice from lemons, grind peppercorns, sprinkle fish with pepper and pour plenty of lemon juice, leave to marinate for 25 minutes.

Prepare firewood and build a fire.

When the coals are ready, put the salmon on the grill and fry on both sides until cooked. Salt the prepared salmon skewers, sprinkle with thyme leaves and serve on lettuce leaves.

Recipe 3: grilled fish skewers (step by step photos)

What kind of fish to cook shish kebab from? Small fish can be baked whole on the grill. Salmon, sturgeon, catfish or tuna can be cut into large pieces and put on a skewer.

  • Fish fillet - 600 g
  • Lemon - ¼ pcs.
  • Onion - 3 pcs.
  • Marjoram - ½ tsp
  • Salt - to taste
  • Pepper - to taste
  • Olive oil - 1 tbsp

We cut the fish fillet into rectangular pieces so that in the future it would be convenient to put them on a skewer.

Place the pieces in a container, pour lemon juice and olive oil, sprinkle with marjoram, pepper, salt. Mix and leave to marinate for several hours.

Peel the onion and cut into quarters (depending on size). We will dress the pieces of pickled fish on the skewer, alternating them with onions and cherry tomatoes.

Prepare a brazier with coals. Over the heat from hot coals, we cook the fish, periodically rotating the skewers, for even frying. The fish cooks very quickly, do not overcook it to keep it juicy.

Serve grilled fish skewers with fresh herbs, vegetables and sauce.

Recipe 4: Red Fish Skewers with Lemon

  • Red fish - 1 Kilogram (fillet)
  • Lemon - 1-2 Pieces
  • Olive oil - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Salt and pepper - to taste
  • Greens - to taste

Wash the fish fillet and cut into portions.

Add chopped herbs, olive oil, salt and pepper. You can also sprinkle with lemon juice. Stir and marinate for half an hour.

Dip wooden skewers in water and thread the fish onto them. We spread the kebab on the grill installed on the grill. Cook for about 1-2 minutes on each side so that the fish does not burn. Enjoy your meal!

Recipe 5: squid skewers with fish and salad

  • Squid (peeled) - 4 pcs
  • Salmon (small steak) - 1 pc.
  • Olives (jar) - 1 pack.
  • Olive oil (1 tablespoon in the marinade, 2 tablespoons in the salad.) - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Balsamic - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Vinegar (wine white) - 1 tsp
  • Seasoning (Provencal herbs) - 1 tsp.
  • Sugar - 1 tsp
  • Lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Zucchini - 1 piece
  • Eggplant - 1 piece
  • Sweet red pepper - 1 pc.
  • Sweet yellow pepper - 1 pc.
  • Red onion - 2 pcs

Remove the skin from the salmon steak, divide into two parts. Marinate squid and salmon in marinade from olive oil, provan herb, balsamic, white wine vinegar, lemon juice, sugar and salt, exactly 1 hour.

While the squid and salmon are marinating, prepare the salad. Fry zucchini, eggplant, bell peppers, onions in a dry frying pan on both sides. Place in a bowl and drizzle with olive oil.

Cut the squid into 4 pieces (to get 4 long strips from each squid). Cut salmon into small cubes. Roll the squid and salmon into a roll, string it on a skewer, alternating the olive with the roll.

Fry squid on skewers on all sides for 1 minute. If desired, you can repeat the procedure.
Serve squid and salmon skewers on a salad of grilled vegetables.

Recipe 6: Oriental Fish Kebab with Mushrooms

  • Salt (to taste)
  • Lemon juice (to taste)
  • Champignons - 6-8 pcs
  • Eggplant - 2 pcs
  • Seasoning (Provencal herbs) - 1-2 tbsp. l.
  • Olive oil - 100 ml
  • Pineapple (canned, only syrup is required) - 1 ban.
  • Curry - 1 tsp
  • Tomato paste - 2-3 tbsp. l.
  • Trout (fresh) - 300-400 g
  • Soy sauce (100 ml for fish, 100 ml for mushrooms) - 200 ml
  • Garlic (to taste, finely chopped)

In a bowl, mix olive oil, soy sauce, Provence herbs.

Rinse mushrooms with water, dry. Immerse the mushrooms in the prepared mixture and leave to marinate for several hours. Shake the container periodically so that the mushrooms are well saturated with the marinade. The composition of the marinade for mushrooms must necessarily include an oil component (I have olive oil, but you can also use sour cream, mayonnaise), then the mushrooms will not be dry.

Then put the mushrooms on skewers and fry until tender. Mushrooms should decrease significantly in size and become golden.

Let's move on to the "extreme" eggplant appetizer. Wash the eggplants and, in front of the astonished audience, throw them into the fire, right into the open flame.

In the fire, the eggplant should be completely charred.

Pour cold salted water into a large container.

Put the eggplant straight from the fire into cold salt water.

Peel off the skin directly in the water, it can be easily removed.

Season the peeled eggplant with lemon juice, finely chopped garlic, if desired, dill.

Drain syrup from pineapples.

To pineapple syrup add soy sauce tomato paste, curry.

Mix everything thoroughly.

Cut the trout into portions and leave to marinate for an hour.

Roast on charcoal until done.

So, the fish is ready, mushrooms too, eggplants have been waiting for a long time. Enjoy your meal!

Recipe 7: fish kebab in the oven (with photo step by step)

Pollock turns out fragrant, juicy, bacon - fried and crispy, croutons from a long loaf are saturated with the aromas of garlic and rosemary. Fish skewers in the oven are very easy to cook in 20 minutes.

  • Pollock fillet - 350 g
  • Bacon - 100 g
  • Baton - 1 pc.
  • Olive oil - 3 tbsp.
  • Garlic - 3 cloves
  • Rosemary - 1 tsp

Let's make our simple marinade by mixing olive oil, rosemary and garlic, passed through a press.

Pollock fillet cut into pieces about the size of Walnut. Mix the marinade well with the fish.

Cut off the crust from the loaf, cut the crumb into large cubes, like pollock.

Take wooden skewers and string alternately pieces of pollock and loaf.

Wrap each skewers with a strip of bacon. I like it better when the bacon lies on the fish, then the pollock becomes juicy, and the pieces of the loaf become fried.

Line a baking sheet with parchment paper to prevent the fat from burning. Send the skewers for 15 minutes in the oven, heated to 190 degrees.

Our dish is ready! Serve pollock cooked on skewers in the oven immediately, with herbs and vegetables, with your favorite side dish.

Recipe 8: Fish Kebab with Cheese Sauce

A festive fish dish, as a rule, it is always healthy and tasty. We offer original recipe chum salmon baked under cheese sauce, on skewers with basil and pepper. This dish is perfect for both holidays and weekdays.

  • keta - 500 gr
  • dry basil - 1 pinch
  • ground black pepper - 1 pinch
  • cheese sauce - 1 tbsp.
  • salt - 2 pinches

Recipe 9: catfish skewers with sour cream (with photo)

  • catfish - 2-3 kg
  • lemon - 1 pc.
  • salt - to taste
  • seasonings - to taste
  • sour cream - 200 gr
  • onion - 4-5 pcs
  • vegetable oil - 5 tbsp.

Rinse the catfish well, then dry thoroughly with a paper towel. When dry it is easier to cut. We cut off the head, tail, fins (this will all go to a very delicious fish soup), cut the rest into steaks (4-5 cm thick).

Onion cut into quarters.

Then we put the onion in a deep bowl, add vegetable oil, a little seasoning.

Then we make a mixture of seasonings in which we will marinate the catfish. We will need: thyme, basil, white pepper, mustard, ginger, allspice, oregano. Add lemon juice to the mixture, mix and rub the catfish steaks. Additionally, cut the onion into large rings.

We put the steaks in a deep bowl, add sour cream, coarsely chopped onions, and pickled onions. We mix everything well with our hands and, having covered with a lid, send it to marinate in a cool place for 40 minutes.

When the marinated fish for barbecue is ready, put it on a wire rack and fry on medium coals. In order for the fish to get a bronze tint, it is advised to add Art. spoon powdered sugar. Fry catfish quickly enough.

The easiest and quickest variant of shish kebab to prepare is, of course, fish kebab. Possessing a delicious taste, bright appetizing aroma and extraordinary tenderness, fish kebab does not require special preparation and long marinating. Strictly speaking, it is enough to string pieces of fish on a skewer, fry over coals - and your barbecue is ready. Marinades, sauces, spices and various coatings are used only to give the fish kebab additional flavor and special flavors. And yet, with the seeming simplicity of cooking, fish kebab requires a certain amount of attention and knowledge of small secrets. Let's try to figure out how to cook fish skewers today.

In world cuisine, there are a great many various recipes cooking fish skewers. India, Iran, Azerbaijan are especially famous for their fish kebabs. How delicious sauces, sauces, marinades and coatings invented for charcoal-fried fish! Everything is involved, from simple fresh lemon juice and black pepper, delicious pomegranate narsharab and coriander, to exotic tandoori massala and fresh chutney. herbs. Yes, and the very fish for barbecue, everyone can choose to your taste. Suitable and greasy delicious sturgeon, and tender salmon, and fragrant catfish, lovers sea ​​fish be sure to appreciate the horse mackerel or cod fried on coals, even the simple inexpensive pangasius fried over coals will give you bright aroma and delicate taste. But most types of fish are perfectly combined and complement the taste of each other, being strung on one skewer! Perhaps only fish kebab allows you to limit your imagination in no way and try more and more new recipes and variations of this dish.

For those who are going to cook a fish kebab for the first time, and are not yet fully confident in their abilities and experience, "Culinary Eden" has prepared today a selection of the most important tips, secrets and proven recipes, thanks to which you will always know how to cook fish skewers.

1. When choosing fish for your barbecue, try to pay attention to fresh, and in the most ideal case, live fish. It is this kind of fish, fried on coals, that will allow you to fully enjoy exquisite taste and the aroma of a real fish kebab. If you do not have such an opportunity and are forced to be content with frozen fish, then try to approach the process of defrosting it with particular care. Defrost your fish on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, at a temperature not higher than +5⁰С. In no case do not defrost the fish in the heat! Quickly defrosted even when room temperature, not to mention microwave oven, the fish will lose a significant part of its taste, acquire an unpleasant aroma, and the barbecue made from such fish will turn out to be dry and tough.

2. Pay special attention to the freshness of the fish! When buying a whole carcass of chilled fish, carefully inspect and smell it. Fresh chilled fish has a pleasant smell, clean transparent eyes, bright red gills, smooth scales. An unpleasant sour smell, the smell of ammonia, cloudy eyes, too pale or darkened gills, partially crumbling scales - all these are signs of stale, stale fish. It is better to refuse such a purchase, delicious barbecue this fish cannot be cooked. When choosing frozen fish, pay attention to the amount of ice, its consistency. Good frozen fish should be covered with a thin film of transparent ice glaze, fillet pieces or whole fish carcasses should not be stuck together. Opaque, excessively thick ice glaze, stuck together fish, snow or frost deposits will tell you that the product has already been defrosted. It is better to refuse such a purchase. You should not buy fish that is not completely glazed, with dried, yellow spots on the carcass, most likely, in this case you are offered an old, improperly stored fish, the taste and aroma of which will be very far from ideal.

3. Probably the most difficult thing in cooking fish kebab is to determine its readiness. Poorly fried kebab will seem unpleasantly rubbery to you and will not be able to reveal the fullness of its taste, moreover, such a kebab is unsafe for health. Overcooked fish may turn out to be too dry and tough, or simply fall apart into flakes, right on the skewer, which, you see, is also very unpleasant. But do not worry, the most common fork will help you easily determine the degree of readiness of your fish kebab. Just gently spread the fish fibers on one of the pieces with a fork. If the fish meat is still glossy and slightly translucent inside the piece, increase the cooking time by another couple of minutes. If a piece of fish has become dull and opaque even in its thickest part, your barbecue is ready.

4. Let's treat ourselves to a very simple to prepare, but invariably tasty and truly royal sturgeon skewers. Rinse one kilogram of sturgeon thoroughly in cold water, remove the skin and cartilage, and chop the meat into portions. Fold the pieces of fish in a deep enameled or glass dish, add two onions, cut into half rings, 100 gr. chopped parsley and dill, juice of half a lemon, salt and white pepper to taste. Mix everything thoroughly and leave to marinate in a cool place for one to two hours. Roast over coals. Serve by laying out on fresh leaves salad, garnished with lemon slices and fresh vegetables. Perfect for this barbecue. pomegranate sauce narsharab.

5. Barbecue of two types of freshwater fish is no less tasty. Cut into portions of 500 gr. catfish fillet and teshi salmon. Put the fish pieces in a marinating dish. Add 100 ml. dry white wine, 100 ml. olive oil, 1 teaspoon ground paprika, 1 teaspoon mustard seeds, salt and black pepper to taste. Mix everything thoroughly and leave to marinate for 30 minutes. String marinated fish on skewers, alternating pieces of catfish with fatty pieces of salmon teshi, brush with the remaining marinade and fry on charcoal until cooked. Serve with fresh vegetables or sour fruits. A glass of dry white wine or a glass of ice-cold vodka will serve as an excellent addition to such a barbecue.

6. An unusually tender fish kebab is obtained from fresh river fish. Chop portioned pieces one kilogram of river fish. It is best to take fillets of different big fish, such as perch, burbot, pike, zander. Put the pieces of fish in a marinating bowl, add 100 gr. finely chopped dill and parsley, juice of half a lemon, 50 gr. vodka, salt and black pepper to taste. Mix thoroughly and leave to marinate for one hour. String marinated pieces of fish on skewers and brush on all sides with fresh sour cream of medium fat content (10 - 15%). Grill over charcoal until cooked through. Serve with fresh and pickled vegetables and tartar sauce.

7. Fish skewers are especially soft and juicy if lemon juice is replaced with pomegranate juice. Rinse one kilogram of salmon in cold water, remove skin and bones and chop into portions. Put the fish in a marinating bowl, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of suneli hops, 50 gr. finely chopped cilantro, salt and black pepper to taste. Mix fish and spices, add 2 tbsp. tablespoons of olive oil and 200 ml. pomegranate juice. Once again, mix everything thoroughly and leave to marinate for 2 hours. String the marinated fish on skewers, brush with the remaining marinade and fry over coals. Serve with a salad fresh vegetables, hot pickled peppers and narsharab sauce.

8. Original barbecue from sea ​​bass offers us Chinese cuisine. 500 gr. chop the sea bass fillet into portions and place in a marinating bowl. Add 2 tbsp. spoons of lemon juice, 2 tbsp. spoons soy sauce, ½ teaspoon ground pepper chili, mix everything thoroughly and leave to marinate for 30 minutes. Wrap each piece of fish with a thin strip of bacon and thread onto skewers, alternating with large pieces sweet pepper and thick circles of red onion. Sprinkle the fish prepared in this way a small amount sesame oil and roast over coals. Serve with fresh herbs, vegetables and any hot sauce.

9. Norwegian cuisine offers us a simple but tasty and fragrant recipe salmon barbecue. Prepare the sauce ahead of time. To do this, pit 2 cups of cherries, place in a small saucepan, add 100 ml. water, 1 tbsp. red wine vinegar, 1 teaspoon brown sugar, salt to taste. Put the saucepan on the fire and cook, stirring constantly, until the berries soften, 10 - 15 minutes. Cool the finished cherries, place in a blender cup, along with the juice that stands out, add 50 gr. finely chopped parsley and grind everything together to a puree. Leave the finished sauce in the refrigerator for at least 12 hours. 600 gr. chop fresh salmon into small pieces, cut the leek stalk into circles, 3 cm thick, peel 10 small onions. Thread fish pieces onto skewers, alternating with leeks and whole onions. Roast over coals. Sprinkle the finished kebab with salt, chopped parsley and pour over with cherry sauce.

10. Fish barbecue with tandoori masala will give you the taste and unusual aroma of Indian cuisine. Tandoori masala is very fragrant. indian mix spices, which can be purchased at any shop selling oriental spices. Prepare green chutney ahead of time. To do this, grind in a blender until smooth 2 cups of mint leaves, 1 cup of cilantro greens, 1 large onion, 4 green chili peppers, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar, juice of two lemons, salt to taste. Let your chutney rest in a cool place for 10 to 12 hours. Before serving, the chutney can be diluted to the desired consistency with a small amount of cold water. 500 gr. chop the fillet of your favorite fish into portions, put in a marinating bowl, add 4 tbsp. spoons natural yogurt and 2 tbsp. spoons of tandoori masala Mix thoroughly and leave to marinate in a cool place for 6 to 10 hours. Thread the marinated fish on skewers and fry over coals. Serve with green chutney and fresh vegetables.

And on the pages of "Culinary Eden" you can always find even more proven recipes that will tell you how to cook fish skewers.