Growing buckwheat: planting, care, harvesting. Buckwheat, fried or not fried


1. World buckwheat market

2. Growing buckwheat in Russia

6. Buckwheat and health



Buckwheat - tasty, healthy and nutritious product. Buckwheat is considered one of the best dietary products. Buckwheat has no relation to wheat and is not even a grain (despite its similar uses). This is a triangular seed from the rhubarb family.

Buckwheat is native to Northern India, where it is called “black rice.” Wild forms of the plant are concentrated on the western spurs of the Himalayas. Buckwheat was cultivated more than 5 thousand years ago.

In the 15th century BC. e. it penetrated into China, Korea and Japan, then into the countries of Central Asia, the Middle East, the Caucasus and only then into Europe (apparently during the Tatar-Mongol invasion, which is why it is also called the Tatar plant, Tatarka).

In France, Belgium, Spain and Portugal it was once called “Arab grain”, in Italy and Greece itself - Turkish, and in Germany - simply pagan grain. The Slavs began to call it buckwheat because it was brought to them from Byzantium in the 7th century. Or, according to another version, it was originally cultivated by Greek monks at monasteries.

In many European countries it is called “beech wheat” due to the similarity of the seeds in shape to beech nuts. Hence the Latin name of the genus Fagopyrum - “beech-like nut”.

Buckwheat varies according to the integrity of the grain - kernel (whole grain), prodel (grain with a broken structure), Smolensk groats (highly crushed grains), buckwheat flour.

Buckwheat contains fewer carbohydrates than other grains. At the same time, it is a valuable dietary protein product with a high content of amino acids. And most importantly, buckwheat is a rich source of iron. Buckwheat contains a large amount of vitamins and microelements. Vitamins contained in buckwheat: B1, B2, B6, PP, P, rutin (a substance with vitamin activity). Minerals contained in buckwheat: calcium, phosphorus, iodine, iron salts, oxalic acid.

Buckwheat - complex carbohydrate, which is absorbed by the body for a long time, giving long time saturation.

Buckwheat strengthens capillaries and detoxifies the liver, is very useful for the intestines, especially for constipation; in addition, it is known for its cholesterol-lowering properties, helps with osteoarthritis, abdominal diseases, and also helps get rid of mild depression by raising dopamine levels.

Preparations from buckwheat flowers and leaves reduce the fragility and permeability of blood vessels, accelerate wound healing, and have a beneficial effect on diseases of the upper respiratory tract, scarlet fever, measles, radiation sickness. Scientists explain this diverse effect of buckwheat not only by its rich chemical composition, but also by the high content of rutin in the leaves and flowers, which has a P-vitamin-like effect.

In order for buckwheat to be crumbly, it is necessary to observe the proportions when cooking: one part buckwheat to two parts water. When all the water has been absorbed, you can remove the buckwheat from the heat, wrap it in a towel and place it “under the pillow.” If you don’t have time to wait, then buckwheat can be cooked in a different proportion: one part cereal to three parts water. During cooking, it is not recommended to open the lid, much less stir the porridge.

Before cooking buckwheat, you should fry it, then it will become more flavorful. Place buckwheat in a dry frying pan and cook over medium heat for 3-4 minutes, stirring, until golden brown. Don't stop stirring as the buckwheat can burn quickly. To save greatest number useful substances contained in buckwheat, you need to pour boiling water over the buckwheat in the evening, let it brew overnight and eat it in the morning.

1. World buckwheat market

The annual harvest of buckwheat in the world is approximately 1.5 million tons, of which half comes from Russia and other CIS countries.

Global import volumes of buckwheat fluctuate from year to year. In 2011, more than 120 thousand tons of this cereal were imported into the world.

The main importers of buckwheat in 2011 were Japan, France and Italy. The main suppliers of buckwheat to Japan are China, the USA and Australia. The share of these countries in January - September 2011 exceeded 95%. Exports of buckwheat in the world in 2011 exceeded 130 thousand tons.

The leading exporters of buckwheat in 2011 were China, the USA and Poland. In world exports, these three countries account for more than 70%, of which China accounts for 45%, the United States - 21%, and Poland - 5%.

2. Growing buckwheat in Russia

Buckwheat in Russia is a national product. It has been grown in our country for more than two thousand years. At the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries in Russia, buckwheat occupied 2% of all arable land (more than 2 million hectares), while the harvest amounted to 73.2 million poods (1.2 million tons of grain). Over the past 9 years, the area under buckwheat has decreased by more than 70%.

In 2010, the size of the area under buckwheat was 932.1 thousand hectares, and in 2011 - 569.4 thousand hectares.

The volume of gross harvests also fluctuates in proportion to the size of the sown areas: a reduction in area leads to a decrease in buckwheat yield. In 2010, the gross harvest of buckwheat amounted to 564 thousand tons, in 2011 - 372.3 thousand tons. It should be noted that despite the significant difference in the size of the sown areas from 2001 to 2011, the gross harvest of buckwheat remained virtually unchanged: in 2001 - 573.981 thousand tons, in 2011 - 564.04 thousand tons. This is explained by an increase in the yield of this crop. Buckwheat yields have increased since 2001 by almost 2.5 times compared to 20010: 3.6 c/ha versus 8.3 c/ha.

3. Buckwheat production technology

Cereals are grains freed from dust, litter and flower films, packaged in bags or bags. What machines or units need to be purchased to ensure the technological process for the production of cereals?

Grain cleaning machine (ZM) for separating impurities + huller (SH) + grain cleaning machine (ZM) for separating peeling products + battery of cyclones (C) for removing dust and flour + packaging machine (UP): +ZM+Sh+ZM+C +UP+ = GREAT, where the sign “+” means a screw or scraper conveyor, elevator or pneumatic transport pipes.

Different cultures have their own characteristics.
The process of freeing grain from the shells in a centrifugal huller comes down to the impact of the grain on the deck or wall under the influence of centrifugal forces. Each crop has its own engine speed. But it is not so easy to remove six films from wheat with one blow, therefore, in addition to centrifugal hullers, there are other machines where the grain is driven between rotating abrasives and a lattice wall - these are hulling-grinding machines (SHM), and before the shells are completely removed, the grain must be driven through a series of these machines or return the grain flow to one machine several times.

In technological lines for the production of buckwheat, the main machines for cleaning and sorting buckwheat are air sieve machines, destoners, paddy machines, triremes. Sorting by size is usually carried out into six fractions, less often into 4 fractions on air-sieve machines. To separate pieces of earth equal in size to the grain, buckwheat is passed through destoning machines, the operating principle of which is based on the phenomenon of “fluidization” in an ascending air flow. To peel buckwheat, centrifugal hullers (huskers) are used.

As a result of hulling buckwheat grains, a mixture of hulls, hulled grains (whole or crushed), unhulled grains, and flour is obtained. This mixture is fed by a conveyor to an air sieve machine. Since complete hulling of buckwheat is achieved only by repeated exposure of the working parts of the huller to the grain, the unhulled grains are returned after the air-sieve machine for repeated peeling, and the unhulled grains located in the kernel are released in paddy machines (in the PM scheme). The paddy machine separates the grain mixture of buckwheat or oats mainly by elasticity. If one paddy machine does not separate the hulled grains from the mixture, then a control paddy machine is also installed. I note that neither canvas slides nor triremes provide the same quality of separation as paddy machines.

So, what technological operations must raw buckwheat undergo in order to become a commercial product - cereal?

1) cleaning from impurities (=part-time work) and separation into fractions using air-sieve machines;

2) steaming for 10 minutes at a pressure of 2.5 atm;

3) refrigeration - drying and cooling of steamed grain with cold air to a humidity of 18%;

4) peeling;

5) separation of the kernel from the husk, unhulled flour, flour, pebbles and lumps of earth, equal in size to a buckwheat grain, using air sieve machines, paddy machines, stone pickers, burats;

6) drying to a moisture content of no more than 14%;

7) packaging in bags or bags.

What is common in processing technologies for cereal crops with different properties, such as buckwheat and oats, is that the technical process necessarily includes a steamer (STEAM) with a cooler (OTV) and a dryer (DUS). Then, conditionally, the buckwheat production scheme can be designated as follows:


4. Buckwheat production line

The line is designed for processing raw buckwheat into cleaned and sorted cereal. The line's capacity is about 100 tons per day. You can arrange a line with both lower and higher productivity.

The technological process includes the following stages - production of buckwheat:

1. Pre-cleaning

The stage includes a stone removal machine (Fig. 1) and a pre-sorting sieve.

2. Steaming

To make it easier to separate the husks, buckwheat is steamed in a rotating tank (Fig. 2). Steam is produced using a boiler.
Steaming cycle - 1 hour, during this hour buckwheat is steamed at a temperature of 130 °C and a steam pressure of 0.3 MPa (~ 3 atmospheres)

3. Calibration. Buckwheat is divided into 8 fractions using 4 vibrating sieves. There are two such kits in this line.

4. Hulling and separation (separation of shelled kernels from the husk)
Equipment for peeling and separation is performed as a single unit (Fig. 3).

5. Roasting - dry heat treatment of cereals using hot air. The air is heated by a heat exchanger and inflated by a fan. The heat exchanger is heated by steam from the boiler.

6. Removal of “black” (poorly exfoliated) grains.
The grains are detected by an optical sensor and blown out with a thin air stream under pressure

7. Packing in bags

Rice. 1 - Stone remover

buckwheat cereal porridge

Fig. 2 - Steaming container

Rice. 3 - Peeling and separation block

General equipment requirements:

The equipment must comply with the requirements of GOST 27962-88, GOST 26582-85, GOST 12.2.124, GOST 12.2.003, PB 14-586-03 and GOST R IEC 60204-1

Methods for determining the quality of finished products:

Sampling - according to GOST 26312.1.

Determination of color, smell, taste and cooking ability - according to GOST 26312.2.

Determination of impurities - according to GOST 26312.4.

Determination of ash content - according to GOST 26312.5.

Determination of pest infestation of grain stocks - according to GOST 26312.3.

Determination of acidity - according to GOST 26971.

Determination of humidity - according to GOST 26312.7.

Determination of metallomagnetic impurity - according to GOST 20239.

Requirements for preparing the premises for installation and commissioning work:

The dimensions of the room must ensure the placement of a module with dimensions (length x width x height): 12x6000x12 meters in compliance with the required passages.

Requirements for easily resettable structures: according to PB 14-586-03.

The premises must comply with the requirements of PB 14-586-03 and PUE, room class B-IIa.

Climatic conditions in accordance with the requirements of performance U category 3.1 according to GOST 15150-69.

Installed power, kW, not less than: 100.

Electrical network parameters: voltage 380V, current frequency 50 Hz, with supply voltage deviation from minus 15 to plus 10% of the rated voltage and frequency of 1 Hz from the rated frequency.

Degree of protection of starting electrical equipment: not lower than IP54 according to GOST 14254.

The degree of protection of boxes for placing electrical wiring: not lower than IP 33 according to GOST 14254.

Steam consumption, kg/h, not less than: 700.

5. Recipes for buckwheat porridge and products made from it

1. Crumbled buckwheat porridge

Sort the kernels, sift them from flour dust, but do not wash them. Then add water, add crushed mushrooms and put on high heat, covering with a lid. When the water boils, reduce the heat by half and continue cooking for about 10 minutes until thickened, then reduce the heat again to low and cook for another 5-7 minutes until the water has completely evaporated. Remove from heat, cover the pan with a towel for 15 minutes.

At the same time, heat the oil in another pan, fry finely chopped onion in it, add salt. Finely chop the hard-boiled eggs and add them together with the onions fried in oil into the porridge and stir evenly.

2. Buckwheat milk porridge

Sort the kernel, sift out the flour dust (but do not wash it), add milk and cook until it boils completely. Then pour in cream, add a little salt and place in a warm oven for 10-15 minutes.

3. Krupenik made from buckwheat and cottage cheese

Fry the buckwheat in a dry frying pan, add it to boiling water, add salt, a lot of oil and cook over low heat until the cereal swells, then add milk. When the porridge becomes thick, cool it. Mix cottage cheese with egg, sugar, spices and mix with porridge. Grease the mold with butter, sprinkle with breadcrumbs, fill with the prepared mixture, and place pieces of butter on top. Bake in the oven.

4. Greek buckwheat with tomatoes and feta cheese

Pour the oil into a heatproof container or large saucepan with a thick bottom and a tight-fitting lid and place over medium heat. Add the onion and chili and cook, stirring occasionally, for about 5 minutes, until the onion is soft but not browned.

Add the buckwheat and stir for about 2 minutes until you feel the characteristic smell of fried cereal. Add canned tomatoes with juice, broth, dried tomatoes and sugar. Tie 5 mint sprigs together and place in a pan, lightly salt and pepper. Bring to a boil, stirring occasionally.

Reduce the heat to low, cover the pan tightly and cook at a gentle simmer for 10 minutes, without opening the lid, until all the liquid is absorbed and the cereal is tender.

Remove the mint bunch. Crumble the cheese and add to the pan along with the olives. Cover the pan with a folded tea towel to absorb excess moisture, then cover again and let sit for 5 minutes.

Roughly tear the mint leaves remaining on the sprigs and sprinkle over the dish. Serve immediately.

5. Buckwheat-rice porridge with assorted mushrooms

First you need to prepare two crumbly porridges. We take a cup, a little smaller than the one in which you usually measure cereals for porridge, because it will turn out to be twice as much. We measure out buckwheat and rice.

To make tasty buckwheat, you first need to heat it in a dry frying pan until a pronounced buckwheat smell appears. Next, fill it with hot water, there should be exactly twice as much water as buckwheat (i.e. two cups). Add salt, cover with a lid, bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes over very high heat, then reduce the heat to low and cook for another 10 minutes. The crumbly buckwheat porridge is ready.

Now how to cook fluffy rice. You need 1.5 times more water than rice. It is best to pour boiling water over the rice so that the crust on the surface of the grains “brews” and they do not stick together. Add salt too, cover with a lid, bring to a boil and cook over low heat for 15 minutes.

While our porridge is cooking, let's take care of the mushrooms. Clean the champignons and chop them into small pieces.

Chop the oyster mushroom too. Cut the onion into cubes. First, fry the onion in vegetable oil and remove. This way the onion will give off its aroma to the oil, but you need to remove it so that it doesn’t burn.

Then, one by one, mushrooms. Fry the mushrooms over high heat and do not add salt until a crust appears. If you add salt right away, the mushrooms will give juice, which will have to be evaporated for a long time and tediously.

Combine the mushrooms together, add the onion and fry a little more.

6. Buckwheat and health

Buckwheat is a truly healing product, and you should definitely use it if health and beauty are your choice. Perceiving buckwheat porridge as something ordinary and everyday, we cannot even imagine how much benefit its regular consumption brings to our body.

Buckwheat appeared in our country more than 7 centuries ago. And it owes its name “buckwheat” or “Greek cereal” to the Greek settlements, which first began to cultivate this healthy cereal in Russia on the Black Sea coast.

And in its homeland (India), buckwheat received a very interesting name - “black rice”.

Buckwheat - beneficial features:

Perhaps one of the most important properties buckwheat is protection against cancer. Thanks to the flavonoids it contains, buckwheat prevents the growth of tumors. This is especially important in the modern environmental situation.

In addition to its anti-cancer properties, consuming buckwheat reduces the risk of thrombosis, helps cleanse blood vessels of “bad” cholesterol and prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases.

Buckwheat stabilizes blood sugar levels, which is very important for diabetes. After eating buckwheat porridge, the sugar level rises slowly, and not abruptly, as when consuming other carbohydrate-containing foods.

In addition, buckwheat is rich in folic acid, which is very important during pregnancy and in preparation for it. Also, due to the content of folic acid in buckwheat, the body’s overall resistance to adverse environmental factors increases.

Buckwheat diet - the main secret:

Buckwheat contains rutin, which helps remove excess fluid from the body. This property is one of the main secrets of the buckwheat diet, which is so popular today. By consuming buckwheat for 3-5 days, all excess fluid is removed from the body. Due to this, the loss of several kilograms is achieved, which, when switching to a normal diet, in 90% of cases return to their rightful place.

In addition, buckwheat, unlike other grains, is digested much more slowly. Due to this, a longer period of feeling full is achieved, which allows us not to overeat and our body maintains its slender shape.

Naturally, for dietary purposes, buckwheat should be boiled in water (without milk) with minimum quantity salt and eat without butter. After all, the calorie content of buckwheat even without these additives is 355 cal per 100 grams. Even better, in the evening, brew buckwheat with boiling water and cover with a lid. By morning, the buckwheat porridge will be ready, with minimal loss of vitamins and minerals.

Buckwheat in folk medicine:

Fresh crushed buckwheat leaves are used to treat boils and purulent wounds, and the juice of this plant is used to treat conjunctivitis.

Poultices and ointments are also made from buckwheat flour, which are used for various skin diseases and malignant tumors.

In folk medicine, not only the leaves and fruits of buckwheat are used. Buckwheat honey also has healing properties. It is recommended for gastrointestinal diseases, atherosclerosis, anemia and cardiovascular diseases.


1. Aizikovich L.E. Technology for the production of flour and cereals. - M.: Agropromizdat, 2001 - 391 p.

2. Alexandrov S.N. Production of feed and cereals. - M.:AST, 2003. - 240 p.

3. Demsky A. B. et al. Equipment for the production of flour and cereals. - M.: Agropromizdat, 2001. - 351 p.

4. Zhelobova A.A. Automated production technology. - M.: St. Petersburg: Design-PRO, 2006. - 347 p.

5. Chebotarev O.N. and others. Technology of flour, cereals and mixed feed. - M.: March, 2006. - 688 p.

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Buckwheat is one of the main types of grain for cereal factories.
From it they produce:
- buckwheat groats - whole, unchopped buckwheat kernels, freed from fruit shells;
- prodel - core particles freed from shells, split during processing;
- Smolensk groats - crushed groats - kernels, produced by special order.
- brown cereal - produced under special orders. It is a core that has undergone additional hydrothermal treatment;
- dietary buckwheat flour is a by-product in the production of Smolensk groats. It is also specially produced from the kernel.
The process of processing buckwheat into cereal consists of the following sequential technological operations:
- cleaning grain from impurities by passing it twice through separators, through triremes (in cases where buckwheat is contaminated with wild oats or contains grains of wheat and rye) and through destoning machines;
- hydrothermal treatment of purified grain by steaming it in special steamers, drying to bring the humidity to 13.5% and cooling;
- preliminary sorting on BKG grain sorting machines into two streams (large and small grain);
- final sorting into six fractions followed by independent processing of each fraction separately. Sieves for final sorting of buckwheat into fractions should have the following dimensions.

Buckwheat is shelled on double-deck 2DSHS-ZB or single-deck SVU-2 hulling machines.
The operating mode of the hulling machines is set so that after passing through the buckwheat, the number of hulled grains is no less than indicated previously.
An intermediate selection of the kernel with sifting of peeling products should be organized. This operation is carried out on BKG grain sorting machines.
Hulled grains, after additional passage through sorting machines, where flour is separated and processed, are sent (after control) to. ready-made cereal. The mixture of unhulled grains and husks is winnowed to separate the husks and sent for re-hulling.
The produced cereal must meet the following quality standards: the content of a good quality kernel in the first grade kernel must be at least 99.2%, in the second grade 98.3% and in the whole kernel 98.3%, including broken grains in the first grade there must be no more than 3.0% and in the second - 4.0%. The amount of unhulled grains in the first grade is no more than 0.3%, in the second grade 0.4% and in the second grade 0.1%.
The yield and waste standards for processing buckwheat of basic conditions are given in Table 41.

In addition to buckwheat, dietary buckwheat flour is produced from the kernels. To do this, the kernel is additionally cleaned using grain cleaning machines and washed in warm water(at a temperature of 35-40°C) followed by drying to 10% and crushed by passing through roller machines twice. The coarseness of dietary flour is characterized by a residue on silk sieve No. 27 of no more than 2% and passage through silk sieve No. 38 of no less than 60%.

Buckwheat differs from other types of cereals in its rich vitamin and mineral composition, so this crop can be grown not only by farmers, but also by some summer residents. The crop in question develops well in soils rich in nutrients and loves sunlight and humidity.

Persistent drought can lead to plant drying out and loss of yield, so crops need to be watered during the growing season. Other methods of increasing yield include pollination of inflorescences by bees (installing an apiary on a field can increase grain yield by up to 50%). We briefly got acquainted with the technology of growing the crop, now we will describe how buckwheat is harvested.

According to experienced farmers, it is necessary to start harvesting buckwheat grain when most of the ripening fruits have browned. There is no need to wait for the crop to fully ripen, since a delay in harvesting can cause the first largest fruits to fall off. The harvesting time may differ for different regions of our country; here everything depends on weather conditions. Generally, grain harvesting begins in August, although in some cases this period may extend until September.


Buckwheat harvesting methods can be very diverse. One of the most popular methods is separate combining. In this case, the plants are mowed with a reaper and collected in windrows. After this, the crops dry out and the grain ripens completely. The threshing process occurs two or three days after mowing, which allows for optimal drying of the grain and increased yield. To ensure that the windrows dry well in the sun, the height of the stubble is left between 15 and 20 centimeters. Further threshing occurs using special equipment, combines.

In the case of growing buckwheat on a personal plot, the plants are mowed with a regular scythe and left to lie in the mows throughout the day. After this, the crops are collected in sheaves, so that the girth does not exceed 50 centimeters. Subsequently, the sheaves are formed into piles, 4 pieces for each. To increase the stability of the haystack, it is necessary to move apart the lower parts of each of the sheaves. Such structures remain on the site until the buckwheat dries and threshes. To obtain grain manually force top part sheaf into a clean bag and tap the plant with a wooden stick.

Grain processing and storage

After threshing the buckwheat, the cereal goes into the dryer. To prevent fire, the grain must be brought to a standard moisture content within 14...16%. If the collected raw materials will be used as seed, the temperature in the drying chamber should not exceed 48 degrees.

Grain is stored in fabric bags or mounds up to 2.5 meters high. Seeds packed in bags are placed on pallets in stacks up to two meters high. Before being sent to the warehouse, grains are checked for germination; 90...95% is considered favorable. The germination of seed material is periodically checked during storage.

Buckwheat is very healthy, but it’s worth talking about green buckwheat separately. This is what they call non-steamed and non-fried cereals. The absence of processing (steaming, frying) ensures the green color of the product and the preservation of the maximum amount of useful substances in it. You can get the maximum benefit from the product by eating sprouted grains.

Composition and nutritional value

Compared to the usual brown buckwheat, subjected to heat treatment, its green counterpart contains 2-3 times more dietary fiber. In addition, the cereal also contains other components:
  • almost all B vitamins;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • vitamins E and PP;
  • amino acids (lysine is especially important);
  • magnesium;
  • calcium;
  • iron;
  • potassium;
  • phosphorus;
  • copper;
  • zinc;
  • fluorine;
  • molybdenum;
  • silicon;
  • cobalt;
  • antioxidants;
  • flavonoids.
Green buckwheat contains 18 amino acids, including all essential ones. The product also contains many acids - oxalic, linoleic, chlorogenic, caffeic, maleic, malic, folic, pyrocatechol, citric.

The calorie content of cereal is 345 kcal per 100 grams. Green buckwheat has a high carbohydrate content - 71.5%, 10% fiber. At the same time, there is only 3.4% fat. Green buckwheat contains approximately 15% vegetable protein, which is rare among cereals.

After heat treatment, the properties of the product change. If you cook green buckwheat without salt, its calorie content will drop to 110 kcal, fat content to 1 g, protein to 4 g, carbohydrates to 21 g. The amount of water and dietary fiber remains unchanged.

Beneficial features

The complete absence of preliminary heat treatment makes it possible to preserve maximum benefits in the product. Green buckwheat has many beneficial properties:
  • general strengthening effect;
  • beneficial effects on metabolic processes;
  • normalization of sugar levels;
  • removal of excess cholesterol;
  • strengthening vascular walls;
  • normalization of pressure;
  • cleansing the intestinal tract, liver, kidneys;
  • reducing the risk of cancer;
  • removal of toxins and waste;
  • increasing potency;
  • blood purification.
Prevention of cancer is ensured by the high content of antioxidants in green buckwheat. This composition allows you to slow down the growth of pathological formations, which is important for people with cancer.

It is useful to include cereals in the diet of diabetics. Green buckwheat, unlike most other cereals, contains a small amount of starch and has a low glycemic index. Beneficial influence Cereals on the cardiovascular system are useful for the prevention of complications arising from diabetes mellitus.

The use of the product also has a positive effect on the appearance of the person consuming it. This grain is good for nails and hair, gives the skin a healthy color.

It is worth including green buckwheat in the diet of people suffering from:

  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • obesity;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • pathologies of the thyroid gland;
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • nervous disorders.
An important point in using such cereals is dietary nutrition. With a sufficiently high calorie content, the product has a low glycemic index. A large number of slow carbohydrates requires a lot of energy, which is important for a healthy lifestyle and slim figure. Another important point about the benefits of the product is the high content of coarse fibers.

Green buckwheat does not contain gluten (gluten), which is very important for people who are allergic to this protein or follow a gluten-free diet.

Cereals that have not undergone heat treatment are good for men. Regular use This product enhances physical endurance, helps gain muscle mass, has a positive effect on potency.

Previously, buckwheat was sold only as a green cereal. Much later, heat treatment was used to improve taste qualities product, but the manufacturers did not take into account the loss of beneficial properties.

How to cook green buckwheat?

The product can be eaten in in various forms. Porridge is often prepared from such grains. Unlike the usual dish made from processed buckwheat, the use of green grains provides a delicate texture and mild taste.

To prepare green buckwheat porridge, the grains need to be soaked for at least half an hour. The best option– soak the product overnight.

After soaking, the water must be drained and the cereal thoroughly washed, poured into boiling water, brought to a boil, skimmed off the foam and removed from the heat. The finished porridge should sit for at least 15 minutes.

You can prepare buckwheat porridge from green cereals in another way: rinse the cereal thoroughly, place it in a thermos and pour boiling water over it. In a few hours the dish will be ready to eat.

Minimal heat treatment allows you to preserve maximum benefits in buckwheat porridge.

To improve taste in ready-made porridge You can add butter - butter, ghee, vegetable. The cereal goes well with various vegetables - zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower, beets.

You can also use the following options for its use:
  • Greatest benefit The product is brought in raw form. Green buckwheat should be sprouted and added to salads. It can be mixed with honey - this option is great for breakfast.
  • To actively cleanse the intestines, green buckwheat is crushed into powder and eaten with water.
  • Cereals can be used for baking, when frying pancakes, pancakes, pancakes. To do this, grind dry buckwheat in a coffee grinder or blender and replace part of the flour with it. It will not be possible to completely replace flour with buckwheat, since it does not contain gluten.

Heat treatment of the product means destruction and partial loss of nutrients. For getting maximum benefit Cereals should be consumed raw after germination.

You can consume up to 150 grams of green buckwheat per day (calculated in dry form). Athletes can increase this norm by 1.5-2 times. Green buckwheat can be eaten at any time of the day, even for people on a diet.

How to germinate green buckwheat?

The greatest health benefits can be obtained by eating sprouted green buckwheat. Its grains must be germinated correctly. To do this, you should follow a certain algorithm:
  • Rinse the raw materials several times.
  • Pour water over the cereal. Those particles that float must be removed along with the garbage.
  • Line a colander or sieve with one layer of gauze and place the buckwheat on it.
  • The cereal should be covered with a piece of gauze folded in half and rinsed again.
  • When the water has drained, the container with the raw materials should be left for 8 hours.
  • Moisten the top layer of gauze with water. When all the liquid has drained, leave the container for another 6 hours.
  • Transfer the cereal to a deep container and rinse to remove mucus and odor.
  • Sprouted buckwheat is stored in the refrigerator. The maximum shelf life is 3 days.
You can germinate green buckwheat in another way. In this case, the procedure is as follows:
  • Rinse the cereal in cold running water, while sorting it out.
  • Place the grains in a plastic or glass container and fill with water ( room temperature), so that it is 1-2 cm higher than the laid out mass. Leave for 6-7 hours.
  • Rinse the buckwheat. Place wet gauze on top and close the lid so that air flow is possible. If you do all these manipulations in the evening, the grains will germinate in the morning.
The number of sprouts depends on the duration of soaking of the cereal. The longer you soak it, the more sprouts there will be.

If you still have questions about how to properly germinate green buckwheat, watching this video will help you:

Sprouted buckwheat must be washed before use.

Sprouted green buckwheat effectively cleanses the body and saturates it with antioxidants. Consuming the product in this form is especially useful for people with high physical or mental stress.

Contraindications, side effects

Green buckwheat can be harmful to people with increased blood clotting, as it contains rutin, which enhances blood clotting ability.

When consuming green buckwheat, there is a risk of increased gas formation. Because of this property, people suffering from flatulence should limit the use of this product or eliminate it completely. This cereal should not be included in the diet of children with gastrointestinal problems.

Young children can eat green buckwheat, but small quantities as this product may cause constipation. Cereals should be introduced into a child’s diet gradually.

Most people not only can, but even need to include green buckwheat in their diet. This product is beneficial for dietary and sports nutrition, suitable for a gluten-free diet, can be used as a preventive measure for various diseases. The greatest benefit comes from green buckwheat in its raw form - for this, the cereal must first be sprouted.

Buckwheat. How to cook buckwheat. Beneficial features. Buckwheat

Buckwheat is a tasty, healthy and nutritious product. It is considered one of the best dietary products. Buckwheat has no relation to wheat and is not even a grain, but despite this, it is used in a similar way. Buckwheat is a triangular seed from the rhubarb family. Buckwheat varies in grain integrity. Buckwheat kernel - whole grain, prodel - grain with a broken structure, Smolensk groats - highly crushed grains, buckwheat flour.

Buckwheat contains fewer carbohydrates than other grains. At the same time, it is a valuable dietary protein product with a high content of amino acids. And most importantly, buckwheat is a rich source of iron. Buckwheat contains a large amount of vitamins and microelements. The vitamins contained in buckwheat are B1, B2, B6, PP, P and rutin - a substance with vitamin activity. The minerals contained in buckwheat are calcium, phosphorus, iodine, iron salts, oxalic acid. Buckwheat is a complex carbohydrate that is absorbed by the body for a long time, giving a long time of saturation.
Buckwheat strengthens capillaries and detoxifies the liver, is very good for the intestines, especially for constipation, in addition, it is known for its cholesterol-lowering properties, helps with osteoarthritis, abdominal diseases, and also helps get rid of mild depression by raising dopamine levels.
Preparations from buckwheat flowers and leaves reduce the fragility and permeability of blood vessels, accelerate wound healing, and have a beneficial effect on diseases of the upper respiratory tract, scarlet fever, measles, and radiation sickness. Scientists explain this diverse effect of buckwheat not only by its rich chemical composition, but also by the high content of rutin in the leaves and flowers, which has an effect similar to that of vitamin P.
How to cook buckwheat
In order for buckwheat to be crumbly, it is necessary to observe the proportions when cooking - one part buckwheat to two parts water. When all the water has been absorbed, you can remove the buckwheat from the heat, wrap it in a towel and place it “under the pillow.” If you don’t have time to wait, then buckwheat can be cooked in a different proportion - one part cereal to three parts water. During cooking, it is not recommended to open the lid, much less stir the porridge.
Before cooking buckwheat, you should fry it, then it will become more flavorful. Place buckwheat in a dry frying pan and cook over medium heat for 3-4 minutes, stirring, until golden brown. Don't stop stirring as the buckwheat can burn quickly. To preserve the greatest amount of beneficial substances contained in buckwheat, you need to pour boiling water over the buckwheat in the evening, let it brew overnight and eat it in the morning.
For those who adhere to different diets, buckwheat can be prepared without traditional neighbors in the form of meat, gravy or something else tasty. To prevent buckwheat from being dry and tasteless, you can fry a large amount of onions and carrots in one tablespoon of oil and sprinkle dill on top.
Useful properties of buckwheat
Buckwheat is not only tasty and nutritious, but also very useful product. In terms of protein content, it surpasses all grains, second only to legumes, and therefore can replace meat in the diet. Due to its high content of folic acid, buckwheat stimulates hematopoiesis and strengthens blood vessels and the heart. The presence of vitamins B1, B2, B6, P, calcium and iron helps strengthen the immune system. And given the undeniable benefits of milk, the original Russian dish - buckwheat porridge with milk - turns into a truly miraculous remedy. Our ancestors knew a lot about healthy food.
To prevent atherosclerosis and strengthen the cardiovascular system, it is recommended to drink 2 glasses of buckwheat jelly per day. It’s easy to prepare - just grind buckwheat in a coffee grinder, dilute 3 tablespoons of the resulting flour in 300 ml cold water and simmer for a few minutes, stirring occasionally.
The almost universal love of buckwheat porridge among diabetic patients deserves special attention. Doctors were perplexed for a long time why they were so firmly confident in its usefulness for diabetes, and many simply ate it. After all, there was no scientific data on the usefulness of buckwheat for this disease.
But, as Canadian scientists recently found out, there was a grain of truth in such love. Buckwheat turned out to be like a shield and a sword in one bottle. Yes, it contains a lot of starch, which increases blood sugar, but, on the other hand, it contains a substance with the complex name chiroinositol, which reduces this sugar. In an experiment, it reduced blood glucose in diabetic rats by almost 20%. True, Canadian scientists are not yet ready to answer the question of how much porridge you need to eat for chiroinositol to work in humans. It is possible that it will need to be isolated in the form of an extract and used in higher doses than it is contained in buckwheat. These questions have yet to be answered, but in any case, of all the porridges for diabetics, the most optimal is buckwheat and, perhaps, oatmeal.
Buckwheat has long been assigned to the role of one of the main elements in dietary nutrition. This porridge will make you lose weight - you just need to know how to cook it so that you don’t get bored and want more. It would seem so simple - boil the cereal for 20 minutes over low heat and the porridge is ready. You can eat this kind of buckwheat, but you won’t become a fan. But if you pour water over the cereal before going to bed, and cook it in the morning and keep it warm, you will get a completely different porridge.
Buckwheat in the world
The birthplace of buckwheat is the Himalayas. From there, neighboring peoples adopted this crop and began to cultivate it in their fields. The Volga Bulgarians did the same, from whom buckwheat came to us. Now for us, buckwheat porridge is a symbol of everyday life and public catering. And all over the world it is rated on a par with elite products healthy eating, which traditionally cost more than regular ones.
So, in Europe, some supermarkets sell buckwheat in small portions, with a voluminous brochure about its beneficial properties. However, no matter how much buckwheat appears on the shelves of any stores - our national edible symbol, this word is not translated into other languages, like earflaps or matryoshka. This is what they say all over the world – “kasha”.
Buckwheat is not necessarily porridge. For example, in China, buckwheat flour is used to make chocolate. In Japan, buckwheat noodles - soba - are rated on par with rice. And in some regions of Italy, dried buckwheat grains are hulled like seeds.
Buckwheat is perhaps the only cultivated plant that not only is not afraid of weeds, but also successfully displaces them. Already in the first year of sowing, not a single weed remains in the field sown with buckwheat.
Buckwheat porridge with onions
Sort out the buckwheat, wash and dry in a saucepan with a thick bottom, stirring constantly, add salt and, when the grain becomes dry and crumbly, pour in 3 cups of boiling water. Cover with a lid and cook over low heat without stirring, otherwise the porridge will not be crumbly. Fry finely chopped onion in a frying pan and add it to the prepared porridge. Give it a good rest.
To prepare you need 2 cups of buckwheat, 2 onions, 3 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil, salt.

There are also more than enough microelements in buckwheat - there is iron, which promotes the formation of red blood cells and is responsible for a good complexion, and potassium, which maintains optimal blood pressure. Calcium is a major ally in the fight against tooth decay, brittle nails and brittle bones, and magnesium, which saves from depression and helps in the fight against overweight, and many other minerals.
Doctors value buckwheat for its large amount of rutin. This substance seals the walls of blood vessels, stops bleeding, and has a preventive and therapeutic effect on the veins, for example, with varicose veins and hemorrhoids. In connective tissues, rutin strengthens the smallest blood vessels. Therefore, buckwheat porridge is extremely useful for various vascular diseases, rheumatic diseases and arthritis. It improves blood circulation and strengthens the immune system.
Buckwheat porridge helps remove excess cholesterol from the body, which means that buckwheat lovers are not at risk of senile sclerosis and heart problems, and removes toxins and heavy metal ions from the body, which is especially important for residents of megacities and areas with poor ecology.
However, remember that in order for buckwheat to retain all its beneficial properties, it must be cooked correctly. Before cooking buckwheat, you should not soak the grain in water, as some housewives do. After such manipulation, the porridge will indeed turn out more tender, but at the same time most of the beneficial substances are washed out of the buckwheat. You should also not pour too much water into the pan with buckwheat - just pour enough liquid so that it covers the buckwheat to the same height as the cereal itself.
Nutritionists recommend including buckwheat in the menu of patients with anemia, diabetes, obesity; this is an indispensable dish for diseases of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, and for abnormal liver function. Buckwheat is valued for its ability to support vision and cerebral circulation. In general, it’s not porridge, but a real natural pharmacy, and if so, buckwheat can easily be used as an alternative to medications.
It is believed that buckwheat came to our country from Greece, which is why it got its name. However, now many Greeks, like most Spaniards, Italians and other Europeans, do not even know what this product is and have never tried it. But in Russia, buckwheat has taken root and become so popular that it is difficult to imagine a Russian menu without it. As William Pokhlebkin, a historian and expert on Russian cuisine, wrote: “From a purely historical point of view, buckwheat is a truly Russian porridge, our second most important National dish. When in the context of Russian epics, songs, legends, parables, fairy tales, proverbs and sayings, and even in the chronicles themselves, the word “porridge” is found, it always means buckwheat, and not some other kind. In a word, buckwheat is not just food product, but a kind of symbol of national Russian identity.”
Nutritionists have recognized buckwheat as the healthiest among cereals. Unlike oatmeal or semolina, it contains 5-6 times more microelements, especially iron, potassium, phosphorus, B vitamins and fiber, which helps remove toxins from the body. And you can eat this cereal and not worry about your figure.
Chinese buckwheat
Many manufacturers buy Chinese buckwheat - it is wetter, lower quality and tasty. But it’s quite difficult to find out what specific grain is in the bag – whether it was grown in your native Altai or in the fields of the Middle Kingdom. The fact is that factories purchase Chinese raw materials, then process them, steam them, package them, and finished product in the end it turns out to be domestic. Alas, the origin of the grain is not indicated on the label, so focus on the external characteristics of the grain - its shape and color. Altai buckwheat usually has smooth edges, while Chinese buckwheat is more rounded. In addition, the foreigner has a dark brown tint - so that the initially wet product does not become moldy, manufacturers try to dry it better and steam it. Alas, after this there are fewer useful substances. In addition, cereals made from Chinese buckwheat are cheaper than those made from domestic raw materials, so focus on the price and give preference to large manufacturers who, even in times of shortage, try to maintain their brand and do not reduce the quality of their products.
Yadritsa, prodel and flakes
When choosing the highest quality buckwheat, look for a link to GOST on the packaging. This technological law was adopted back in 1974, but is still in effect, and most manufacturers still work according to it. Depending on the processing method, buckwheat is divided into two types - kernel and prodel. The first is considered more useful, since these are whole buckwheat kernels separated from the hard fruit shells. Small split grains are called prodel - they contain less vitamins and fiber, but they are good for making mush porridge for kids. Now there is another type of cereal on sale, which is not designated in the Soviet GOST - buckwheat flakes. They are smaller, but of better quality, because they are made by flattening the grains. Many people love them for very quick cooking and viscous consistency.
Buckwheat variety
Another indicator of the quality of buckwheat is the variety. The prodel does not have them, but the kernel is divided into the first, second and third. It is better to choose a first-grade product - it is of higher quality, larger, and contains fewer impurities in the form of remains of stems, sand, pebbles, foreign grains and kernels with hard shells. In addition, the first grade must be well calibrated. If the cereal in the bag is different in size, it will boil at different times and become crumbly. delicious porridge you will not make it. The color of the product also affects cooking - if the package contains dark and light grains at the same time, it means that the former will cook earlier, and the latter will remain tough. Therefore, pay attention not only to the variety, but also carefully examine the buckwheat through the transparent plastic packaging. If at home, after opening the package, you smell mold or some other foreign odor, it means that the cereal is spoiled and cannot be cooked.
Cook quickly
Yadritsa and prodel can be made from uncooked or steamed grains. The first option retains the maximum useful substances of the cereal and has a cream color with a yellowish or greenish tint, but it is not very suitable for cooking, so it is quite rarely found on sale, usually in poultry markets. More often on the shelves there is fast-cooking cereal made from pre-steamed buckwheat. For crumbly porridge It’s better to choose it; by the way, according to GOST, it should be cooked for 15 minutes. After processing, the product acquires a brown color of different shades - from light to dark. However, it is believed that the paler the grains, the less the cereal is steamed, which means it has retained a greater amount of useful substances.
Porridge for a child
Buckwheat porridge is considered the healthiest for a child. If you cook buckwheat according to the rules, it will retain all its beneficial properties and turn out tasty and aromatic. First, pour the cereal into cold water in a ratio of 1 to 2 and bring it to a boil. Then reduce the heat, close the lid and cook until all the liquid has evaporated. If you do not stir the porridge during cooking and do not add water to it, you will get crumbly dish, 100 g of which contains 163 kcal - equal to 1/2 butter bun, but how much benefit. Having made buckwheat in advance, you can always pour hot milk over it in the morning - these products go perfectly together, and in the evening add salt, add fried onions, butter, meat or chicken - and you get a healthy dinner.
Buckwheat with bacon and porcini mushrooms
For cooking you will need for one serving: buckwheat – 80 g, vegetable oil – 1 tbsp, porcini mushrooms – 70 g, boiled smoked bacon – 60 g, onion – 50 g, fresh thyme – to taste, salt – taste.
Boil the buckwheat or pour boiling water over it in a 1:1 ratio and let it brew. Finely chop the bacon and onion. Fry the bacon in a hot frying pan. As soon as the fat begins to render, add the onion and cook for 3-4 minutes. until golden brown. Add thyme leaves, randomly chopped porcini mushrooms and fry for 3-5 minutes. Pour the buckwheat into the frying pan, mix everything, fry, let cool a little and place on a dish.
Casserole with buckwheat and liver
To prepare you will need for 5 servings: beef liver – 800 g, buckwheat – 400 g, onion – 230 g, cream – 40 g, eggs – 2 pcs.
Boil buckwheat in salted water until it turns into porridge. Then cool and mix with raw egg. Roughly chop the liver, add salt and fry along with the onion. Then grind through a meat grinder, mix with cream and egg. Place a layer of buckwheat in a rectangular heat-resistant dish, then the liver and buckwheat again. Brush the top with egg and bake for 15-20 minutes at +220°C.
This old Russian dish should be served with sour cream, béchamel or cheese sauce. To make the casserole easier to remove from the pan, first sprinkle it with breadcrumbs or cover it with parchment. You can prepare a more layered casserole, and use minced meat or chicken instead of liver.
Buckwheat is usually packaged in paper or plastic bags. Cellophane packaging is good because you can easily see the color, shape of the cereal and the presence of impurities. In addition, polyethylene protects the product from moisture and prevents it from deteriorating. At home, it is better to transfer the buckwheat into a glass or ceramic dishes, however, it is not recommended to store it for a long time. Over time, the fats contained in the cereal become rancid, the taste deteriorates, and nutritional quality are decreasing.

It is not known for certain where buckwheat came to Russia from. According to one version, buckwheat began to be cultivated in India about 4 thousand years ago. From where it was brought to Greece by Alexander the Great. And then the “Greek grain” came to Rus'. By the way, in India this cereal is called “black rice”, in Greece – “Turkish grain”, in Germany – “pagan beech wheat”, in Spain – “Saracenic bread”, but in Poland and Slovakia – “Tatarka”, clearly giving understand that buckwheat came to these lands along with the Tatar-Mongols. But archaeologists do not support any of these versions. According to them, buckwheat grew in the territory of what is now Ukraine and Belarus, as well as in the lower reaches of the Don long before the invasion of Batu Khan. And 2 thousand years ago, the Slavs grew buckwheat in their fields, and this plant comes from Southern Siberia and Altai.
According to plant growers, buckwheat is quite difficult to grow and process. But, on the other hand, this is an environmentally friendly plant that has not yet been subjected to genetic modification, is unpretentious to soil, and does not need feeding in the form of chemical fertilizers. Buckwheat is not afraid of weeds; it itself displaces them from the fields, and therefore does not require pesticide protection.
Why is she rich?
Buckwheat contains many mineral compounds that are beneficial for humans. Buckwheat is a leader in the content of iron and B vitamins. In terms of fat content, it is second only to oatmeal and millet, and in terms of protein it surpasses all cereals. All essential amino acids can be found in buckwheat, and for two of them - lysine and methionine - it again has no equal. Buckwheat contains magnesium, which helps prevent depression, potassium, which regulates blood pressure, as well as calcium and rutin, also known as vitamin P, which reduces the permeability of the walls of blood vessels. Buckwheat contains a lot of folic acid, which increases the body's endurance and resistance. various diseases. And recently, Canadian scientists, studying the chemical composition of buckwheat, discovered a very important substance in it - chiroinositol, which lowers blood sugar levels. The experiments are still being conducted on mice, but the information itself is encouraging for those buckwheat porridge lovers who suffer from various forms of diabetes.
Buckwheat recipes
Usually in cooking we use cereals, that is, processed seeds, and do not know that from young shoots of buckwheat you can prepare salads, brew tea, and add dried leaves, ground into powder, as a seasoning. However, buckwheat can also be used quite widely. For example, grind it using a coffee grinder and add it to minced cutlet- both tasty and healthy. Bread is not baked from buckwheat flour, but “black” pancakes, dumplings, dumplings, dumplings, and flatbreads can be made from it.
Buckwheat cake
You can even make a cake from buckwheat. To do this, buckwheat porridge needs to be mixed with eggs, spicy tomato sauce and finely chopped sausages. Place the mixture in a frying pan and bake in the oven. The resulting cake is good both hot and cold and is especially recommended with sour cabbage soup. By the way, you can also cook buckwheat soup. Sauté onions and carrots in vegetable or butter. Place potatoes, buckwheat, vegetables and roots into boiling water and add salt to taste.
And buckwheat porridge, so familiar to everyone, also comes in different varieties - crumbly, milky, fluffy. It can be prepared in Smolensk style - with sour cream, onions and herbs, in Vitebsk - with potatoes, in village style - with fried liver, or you can do it royally, adding vanillin, beaten eggs, raisins and garnishing with cherry jam. The most delicious buckwheat porridge comes from a Russian oven. In the city, you can use the oven rather than wrap the pan in a warm blanket. Those who are especially careful about their time in the morning can brew buckwheat in a thermos in the evening, adding not only salt to taste, but also white roots - parsley and celery. If you prefer sweet porridge, add dried apricots and raisins. In general, there are countless recipes. It is not for nothing that they have long used to say in Rus': “buckwheat porridge is our mother.”
Proper buckwheat
You need: a glass of buckwheat, a tablespoon of butter, a small onion, half a glass of mushrooms - fresh or soaked, 1 egg, salt, if you want - 200 g of meat.
Sort out the buckwheat. It is not necessary to rinse the cereal. In a small saucepan, add salt and pour boiling water (a little more than two volumes of water per volume of cereal). Turn on high heat, close the lid tightly and keep on high heat for 5 minutes, and then another 10 on medium without opening the lid. Then just keep it on the stove for a few minutes, turning off the heat, and you’ll get the porridge you need, grain by grain.
Buckwheat porridge need to refuel. You can use butter. You can cook buckwheat with meat. Cut the meat, add salt, fry a little, add water and simmer under the lid for at least an hour. The great culinary specialist Pokhlebkin believed the best dressing for buckwheat porridge, onions, mushrooms and hard-boiled egg. You can also fry chopped onions, and Pokhlebkin advises throwing them into a cauldron in the middle of a boil along with half a glass of chopped mushrooms, fresh or soaked dried. And butter and a finely chopped hard-boiled egg are added to the finished porridge.
Buckwheat with mushrooms
For cooking you will need: buckwheat - 1.5 cups, water - 3 cups, onions - 2 pcs., carrots - 1 pc., dried or boiled mushrooms - as much as you have, butter - 40 g, salt, pepper.
If you have dry mushrooms, soak them for a couple of hours. Cut the soaked mushrooms into strips. Fry them on sunflower oil. If you have boiled mushrooms, take them out of the broth and also fry them in a frying pan. At this time we clean onion and carrots. Chop the vegetables into strips and add to the pan with the mushrooms. Let's pass everything together. Pepper and salt.
We wash buckwheat under running water. Fill the pan with buckwheat with boiling water and put it on the fire. Salt the porridge. When the cereal reaches half-cookedness, add sautéing to it. Stir, add butter and place the pan in the oven. There the porridge will be ready. Serve this porridge as a separate dish, or you can offer it as a side dish.
Buckwheat porridge with mushrooms and onions
You will need: buckwheat - 2.5 cups, dried mushrooms - 50 g, onions - 2 heads, salt - 1 tsp, butter - 3 tbsp. l.
Dried mushrooms rinse, place in a saucepan, add 3 cups of cold water and leave in the water for 1–1.5 hours. When the mushrooms swell, remove them from the water, chop them finely, put them back in the same water, add salt and cook. Add the toasted cereal to the boiling water with mushrooms and stir. When the porridge thickens, set it to steep for 1–1.5 hours. Finely chop the onion and fry in a frying pan with oil. Mix fried onions with porridge.
Buckwheat breakfast
You will need: buckwheat - 1 cup, chopped parsley - to taste, chopped cilantro - to taste, chopped celery stalk - to taste, lemon - 1/2 pcs., olive oil - 2 tbsp. l., soy sauce - to taste.
Rinse the buckwheat, pour 2 cups of boiling water, add salt, cover with a lid and cover with a towel. After 45–60 minutes, you can eat buckwheat. Required amount season steamed buckwheat in a serving plate olive oil, soy sauce, lemon juice or chopped lemon and chopped herbs, mix. Serve with chopped vegetables such as bell pepper, carrots, pumpkin, radishes, and green smoothie.
Buckwheat soup
You will need: chicken breast - 500 g, white onion - 2 heads, carrots - 3 pcs., potatoes - 4 pcs., tomatoes - 5 pcs., buckwheat - 1 glass, water - 2 l, vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.
Boil the chicken breast. While it is cooking, you need to rinse the buckwheat well. Fry the chopped onion and chopped carrots in a frying pan. Cut the potatoes into strips, like the carrots. IN chicken bouillon add buckwheat and cook it until half cooked for about 15 minutes, then add frying, and after 10 minutes add potatoes and chopped tomatoes. Once the potatoes are ready, the soup is ready to eat.
Buckwheat balls
You will need: buckwheat – 1 cup, cottage cheese – 100 g, egg – 2 pcs., sugar – 1 tsp, breadcrumbs – 1/2 cup, salt – 1/2 tsp, butter – 2 tbsp. . l., sour cream - 1 tbsp. l.
Pour the cereal into boiling salted water (1.5 cups) and cook for 30–35 minutes. When the porridge thickens, add cottage cheese, rubbed through a sieve or minced through a meat grinder, eggs, sugar and mix. Then prepare meatballs from the porridge, roll them in breadcrumbs and fry in a frying pan on both sides until golden brown crust. When serving, you can put a spoonful of sour cream on top of each piece.
Buckwheat with pork in a pot
You will need: pork – 500 g, buckwheat – 9 tbsp. l., bouillon cube - 2 pcs., onions - 2 heads, Bay leaf- 1 PC.
Cut the pork into small pieces, finely chop the onion. Place into pots. Pour 3 tablespoons of washed buckwheat into each pot, add crushed bay leaf. Fill the contents of the pots with cubed broth (chicken or mushroom). Place in the oven for an hour, bake at medium temperature.