Recipes for sugar mastic for cakes. Covering the cake: step by step instructions

Sugar mastic for cake is a thick plastic cream, from which it is easy to make different figures to decorate pastries. It has pleasant taste and has a long shelf life. In this article, we have collected the most popular recipes mastic - they will be useful to those who always cook cakes at home: all instructions are illustrated with photographs and step by step recommendations so you're sure to succeed!

Making a classic sugar mastic for a cake is not difficult - it is within the power of any non-professional who wants to cook desserts at home.

We prepare a mass of the following products:

  • Powdered sugar - 455 grams.
  • Food glycerin - 2 teaspoons.
  • Gelatin - 1.5 teaspoons.
  • Invert syrup - 1.5 tablespoons.
  • Water - 2 tablespoons.

Go to step by step instructions with photos. First, the gelatin is slightly heated in warm water. The container is then placed on steam bath where it lasts 1-2 minutes. The main thing is not to let the gelatin boil, otherwise it will lose its gluing properties. Syrup is introduced into hot gelatin.

The next step: powdered sugar before using, sift. This will protect against lumps that can ruin the look.

After the powder has been carefully sifted, it must be introduced into the gelatin mass, then everything is mixed with your hands. The resulting base can be used immediately (roll it correctly with a rolling pin, and then apply it on a cake or make figures), or you can leave it for the future. If properly packed and stored at home in the refrigerator, the product has a shelf life of up to 2 weeks.

If you have mastered classic recipe, then you can make an unusual mastic for a cake, for example, you can make milk, pastilla, custard and chocolate options with your own hands.

Milk variant

For this option, the following ingredients are used:

  • Powdered milk mixture - 150 grams.
  • Powdered sugar - 150 grams.
  • Condensed milk - 150 grams.
  • Lemon juice - 2-3 tablespoons.

Sift milk powder and powdered sugar well. Then condensed milk is gradually added to this mixture, pour lemon juice. Now knead the mass with your hands until it becomes elastic. So that it does not stick to your hands, you need to constantly sprinkle the table with powdered sugar or starch. Ready mastic for condensed milk cake is stored in a container or roll it into a ball, wrap it with cling film and put it in the refrigerator. Within 2 weeks, the mass can be removed and used to decorate pastries.


Such sugar mastic dries quickly and is convenient in the manufacture of small details (for example, it is easy to make a bow, mastic ruffles or petals from it edible flowers). Figures from this mass are durable and can be stored for a long time in a dry room.

For home cooking you will need:

  • 0.5 kg of powdered sugar.
  • 50 grams of starch.
  • 6 grams of gelatin.
  • 50 grams of water for wetting.
  • A couple of drops of lemon juice and a little honey.

Cooking mastic takes about 20-30 minutes. First, gelatin is soaked in water with the addition of lemon juice and honey. After everything swells, it is necessary to heat the mixture until completely dissolved, and then allow to cool. Starch is mixed with powdered sugar, the dissolved mass of gelatin is also added there. Everything is whipped with a mixer. If the mass is too thick, then kneading is best done on your own, with your own hands.

Chocolate marshmallow yummy

Mastic for a marshmallow and chocolate cake is convenient because it keeps its shape well, does not flow, does not crumble after the figures dry. And it's also very tasty.

The basis is made from the following products:

  • Chocolate - 100 grams.
  • Small marshmallow marshmallows - 90 grams.
  • Cream - 30 ml.
  • Butter - 1 tablespoon.
  • Powdered sugar - 120 grams.
  • Cognac - 1-2 tablespoons.

Cooking mastic mass takes about half an hour. First, carefully dissolve the pieces of sweet chocolate over low heat (the composition does not matter, but milk chocolate will be tastier). We interfere with it, not allowing it to burn to the bottom of the dish. Without removing from heat, add marshmallows. Cook until completely dissolved. As soon as the marshmallows dissolve, pour the cream, brandy into the pan and add the butter. Everything is cooked until a thick smooth mass is obtained. Remove from heat and stir in the sifted icing sugar into the hot mixture. We interfere until the mass acquires the consistency of an elastic soft dough suitable for rolling and creating the desired shapes.

Custard variant

This delicious mastic prepared from the following ingredients:

  • Water - a third of a glass.
  • Butter - 50 grams.
  • Flour - 100 grams.
  • Salt - to taste.
  • Cocoa (optional) - 2-3 teaspoons.
  • Powdered sugar - 300 grams.

Water is heated in a saucepan with oil and a pinch of salt. As soon as the butter is melted, and the water just starts to boil, all the flour is poured. If you want to achieve chocolate flavor then cocoa is added along with the flour. After the first bubbles, the saucepan is immediately removed from the heat and powdered sugar is mixed into the mixture. Everything - the basis for decorating cakes is ready. You can roll it out and apply it on the surface of the cake or make a butterfly, sails or other shapes from the rolled out base.

Important Rules

There are some rules and secrets that will help in the production and decoration of your baked goods:

  • When preparing a cake for mastic, remember that only dense pastries are suitable, the fragile texture will not withstand the decor and will crumble and sag.
  • The main ingredient is the base of powdered sugar - without it, it will not work to make mastic for the cake. It can be made at home by simply grinding and sifting granulated sugar, or you can buy ready-made powder in the store.
  • In order for the figures to retain their shape, professionals at their master classes recommend adding starch, honey, a protein mixture, gelatin, marshmallows or condensed milk - these products help to achieve mass strength and prevent spillage. To glue several figures together, you can use egg white with a little powdered sugar.
  • The coating for covering the cake cannot be applied on a wet base - on impregnated cakes, on sour cream etc. The mastic mass dissolves quickly from moisture and loses its thick consistency. It is best to prepare the ganache for the cake and place it in front of the fondant (this will protect the decorations from water). A layer of marzipan is also suitable.
  • If you cover the entire surface of the cake with a mastic layer, then do it with your hands sprinkled with starch. What definitely cannot be done is to pull the edges strongly - the mass can tear. We also recommend rolling out the cake thinner (3-5 mm) - too thick a base will not lie flat and will look ugly.

If you want to do colored mastic(for example, to get white, red, brown or black mastic), then it is allowed to decorate ready-made figures with food paints diluted with vodka, cognac or liquor. To make the surface on the cake shine, cover everything on top with a thin layer of honey and vodka (mixed in a 1: 1 ratio).

So, we have listed the main recipes and talked about the subtleties with which even non-professional cooks can make sugar mastic to cover the cake. Finally, we recommend watching these video tutorials, which clearly show everything that we talked about in the article:

modern decoration confectionery using mastic is another way to create an elegant, solemn, stylish dish, which, with its appearance and thematic decoration, emphasizes the festivity and peculiarity of the moment. There are several recipes for making mastic at home for a cake from simple and affordable products.

Marshmallow mastic at home

Marshmallows are sweets that vaguely resemble marshmallows or marshmallows. Unlike classic marshmallow, in their composition there is absolutely or there is an insignificant amount of whipped egg whites, which give the marshmallow a special delicate "melting" texture. These sweets are a mass of a mixture of gelatin dissolved in water and sugar syrup, which were whipped hot and stabilizers, flavors and dyes were added to it. After cooling, this sticky, dense and porous mass is cut into pieces and rolled in a mixture of starch and powdered sugar 1: 1.

At home, you can make marshmallows for mastic from a mixture of fructose syrup and gelatin, and lemon juice or a solution of citric acid is taken to stabilize the foam and prevent sugar crystallization.


  • 150-200 g marshmallows;
  • 400-500 g of a mixture of powdered sugar and starch in a ratio of 1:1 to 3:1, depending on the desired sweetness;
  • 1 tablespoon of butter;
  • 1 dessert spoon milk or water.


  1. Sift the mixture of powder and starch so that there are no large inclusions through a fine sieve.
  2. Pour milk into a bowl, put butter, pour sweets and put in the microwave for 10-30 seconds, depending on the mode, or for water bath. Candies will melt a little and increase in volume.
  3. To them it is necessary to add 70-100 g of a mixture of dry substances and mix. The result is a liquid slurry. Coloring and flavoring can be added at this stage.
  4. Then add powdered starch in portions and mix with a spoon until a very thick mixture is formed. Transfer it to the table for mixing with your hands on a layer of powdered sugar. Lubricate your hands with warm butter so that this very sticky mixture is better behind them.
  5. Knead the mastic by adding powder or its mixture with starch to the table until it becomes like soft plasticine.
  • Starch improves the properties of mastic, both in the process of its manufacture and in products, making them less sticky, brittle and hard. But there are recipes without starch.
  • To obtain mastic of different colors, it must be divided into portions at the stage of liquid mass and different dyes must be added.
  • Cooking without adding milk is also possible.
  • AT chocolate mastic add 100-150 g of confectionery based on cocoa butter with mass fraction not less than 72%.

Video recipe

gelatin mastic recipe


  • 5 g gelatin;
  • 60 ml of water;
  • 2 tablespoons without a slide of fructose;
  • 1 tablespoon without a slide of butter;
  • 700-800 g of powdered sugar.


  1. Pour gelatin in advance with water and let it swell (40-50 minutes), then heat over low heat, without boiling, until completely dissolved.
  2. Add oil and fructose, mix everything, filter and leave to cool to room temperature. If necessary, you can add dye, although white gelatin mastic looks very elegant.
  3. In the chilled mass, add powdered sugar in small portions to an acceptable density for mixing with a spoon.
  4. Then put the product on the table on a pre-made slide of powdered sugar and continue to knead with your hands until an elastic state is obtained.

Milk mastic recipe for cake


  • 1 can of condensed milk;
  • 1.5 cups of powdered milk;
  • fine powdered sugar;
  • food coloring.


  1. Mix condensed and powdered milk to the state of soft plasticine. If the condensed milk turns out to be very liquid, it is necessary to increase the amount of dry ingredients.
  2. To make the mastic sweet, you need to add 1 cup of powdered milk and 1 cup of powdered sugar, knead everything until a non-sticky dough is obtained.
  3. Then add food coloring or cocoa powder.

The finished product can be stored in the refrigerator for up to several weeks in plastic bag or cling film tightly packed.

Video recipe

Cake decoration with mastic

Before decorating, cake or prepare. Inside the cake, the cakes can be filled with any cream, jam, whipped cream. On the outer edge, all cakes must be treated with butter (butter) cream, which must also be carefully smeared on the upper and side surfaces. It makes sense to apply the cream in 2 layers. After that, the cake is put in the refrigerator. When the cream hardens enough, it is quickly leveled with a warm spatula or knife, striving for the most even surface without flaws.

The mastic is rolled out with a rolling pin on a table, greased with butter and sprinkled with powdered sugar (possible with starch) to a thickness of 5 mm, turning from one side to the other so that the sheet does not stick to the table. This sheet is then lifted up with a rolling pin and placed on top of the cake. First flatten with the palm of your hand upper part mastic from the center to the edges, pressing it tightly to the cake. Then the sheet is pressed against the side surfaces and smoothed from top to bottom. Excess mastic along the bottom edge is cut off with a knife or scissors.

☞ Video tutorial

DIY mastic jewelry

Make flower arrangements, figures of animals and dolls from multi-colored mastic. Cut out elements for bulky products from a thin rolled sheet with cookie cutters, cut them out with a knife according to a cardboard stencil. Form petals for different colors with a teaspoon, filling it inside with rolled mastic. Make a rose from ordinary circles of slightly different sizes: unfold the first one into a tight tube, wrap the next one around it and glue it, shifting the remaining circles one relative to the other, bending the upper flying part. This should be done with slightly damp hands. Cut the leaves from a thin layer of mastic and draw the veins with a toothpick or the blunt side of a knife. Miscellaneous figurines blind in advance, dry, carefully pack and store for a long time.

Since mastic easily absorbs moisture from the air and can spread, it makes sense to fully form the cake shortly before serving.

☞ Video tutorial

Making fondant for a cake, you can feel like a child at a clay modeling lesson or a sculptor creating a masterpiece. We wish you not only Bon appetit, but also great creative success!

Which mastic recipe do you prefer?

Culinary mastic can turn the most regular cake into a true masterpiece. It can be used as a glaze and sculpt interesting figures. There are many different types mastics. Consider the most popular of them.

The easiest to prepare is milk mastic. Mix powdered sugar, dry and condensed milk in proportions 1:1:1. Please note that the powder must be carefully ground, otherwise the mastic will turn out to be inelastic. Stir the mass until it looks like stretching chewing gum. You can add food coloring if you like. When you finish mixing, the mastic will be ready. Pack the mass tightly into cling film and leave in the refrigerator for half an hour. Then take it out, sprinkle starch on the table and roll the mastic into a thin layer. From it you can create beautiful elements for decoration or use as a cover. It is worth noting that the color of milk mastic will not be snow-white, but the taste more than compensates for a small drawback. The recipe for gelatin mastic is more complex, but the result will be more aesthetic. Take 2 tbsp. l. gelatin and soak them in a saucepan with plain water. Leave the mixture for 2 hours. Then heat it and bring the gelatin crumbs to complete dissolution. Please note that you cannot boil water, otherwise the gelatin will lose its adhesive properties and deteriorate. When the lumps are completely dissolved, add 2-3 cups of powdered sugar to the composition. Mix well. To get colored mastic, add food coloring to it. If you are using liquid coloring, add 0.5 or 1 cup more powdered sugar. This is necessary to compact the mass. So that it does not turn out sugary-sweet, add 0.5 or 1 tsp. lemon juice. All is ready! Marshmallow mastic (marshmallow air candies) has become very popular. Put marshmallows (200 g) in a saucepan and add 2 tbsp. l. water. Put it in the microwave for 2 minutes. Keep in mind that sweets will swell and double in volume, so pick up larger dishes. When you pull out the sweets, you will see the resulting stretching mass. Add food coloring (if required) and 2 cups powdered sugar to it. Mix well while adding it. If it gets too thick, dust the table with powdered sugar, put it there and knead it with your hands until it is no longer sticky. Using the same technology, marshmallow mastic can be prepared. Many people are interested in the chocolate type of mastic. You only need two ingredients - liquid honey and black or White chocolate. Melt the chocolate in microwave oven. For 100 g, set the time to 1 minute. If the chocolate has not melted to the end, repeat the procedure, and so on until the desired result. Stir the chocolate between heatings. It should melt completely, become smooth and shiny. Then mix chocolate and honey in proportions 2:1. Stir them with a spoon and then start mixing with your hands. At first it will be too liquid, but as you stir it will become thick and viscous. Tear off a piece of it and try to roll it into a ball. In this case, the mastic is ready. If you are not good at creating decorations for confectionery with your own hands, use molds and cut out beautiful figures. If you can't get the molds yet, make your own out of cardboard. For example, you can make tulips using tablespoons. Cover the inside of the spoon with mastic and remove excess. Then gently peel off the layer to keep the shape. When the petals dry a little, create a bud on the cake itself. You can create a whole arrangement of tulips. Confectioners recommend making decorations for the cake 2 weeks before it is made. During this time, the parts will have time to dry well and will keep their shape.

Cakes made at home are always filled with a special energy: the housewives make dessert with a special mood, convey their warmth. No dessert will be perfectly received by guests if there is no masterful decoration. real hostess, who likes to demonstrate her products to her family, relatives and just guests, she must definitely prepare mastic for cakes at home, because it is she who distinguishes dessert from other dishes.

Today we will take a closer look at the main cooking methods and find out how complicated this process is.

Mastic is a substance that is used to decorate desserts, very similar to plasticine. This confectionery mass is used quite often in factories. At home, housewives use mastic less often, since it is rather difficult to prepare it, and some experience is required. To do it right, you need to be a culinary specialist of at least an average level or higher.

The main component from which mastic is made is powdered sugar. It is recommended to sift it, otherwise grains of sugar will adversely affect finished product- the mastic will be torn. As soon as you have finished cooking the mastic, wrap it in polyethylene and place it in the refrigerator for about 20 minutes, this period of time is enough for the mass to become elastic. Mastic can be stored no more than 14 days in the refrigerator, in the freezer up to 2 months.

When you knead sugar dough you can add dyes to it. If you need mastic of different colors, then knead the whole dough without dyes, then divide it into pieces that you will color, and wrap the rest in plastic and place in the refrigerator, otherwise the mass will become dry. Now we make a hole in each piece and fill in a couple of drops of the dye you need, knead the dough until it acquires the desired color.

To prepare mastic, you will need the most necessary kitchen utensils, which are available to every housewife. First of all, you need to roll out the mastic on the table, and cut the edges with a special knife for cutting pizza. Experienced housewives use cookie cutters, with which various figures are squeezed out.

If you are not the first time decorating cakes and now this is one of your favorite activities, then you can go to the next level, which will require additional tools. For example, for starters, you can buy a plastic rolling pin and a silicone mat with markings. They come in different sizes, you can buy 2 types at once - large and small. On the small one you will roll out the figures, on the large one - tight. Stacks will also be useful, which will help to make various similar figures: buttons, leaves, flowers and others.

The surface of the cake where the mastic will be placed must be dry. Spread the base of the cake oil cream and place in the refrigerator until it hardens. The mastic should not come into contact with any wet cream, otherwise it will dissolve. Cake decorations are best prepared in advance so that they have time to dry. You can store them for more than a month in a sealed container.

Recipes for making your own mastic

First of all, you need to think about how exactly the cake will be decorated, choose the desired pattern or pattern, make a specific figure. Next, choose the appropriate type of mastic, which will be the most suitable for a specific purpose. Most housewives prefer to make this confectionery mass exclusively from available ingredients, which will not be difficult to find. Now let's specifically consider several ways to make mastic with your own hands.


This mass is very soft and strong, it contains less sugar than others. Great for various details.


  • honey 125 ml or by weight 175 g.
  • powdered sugar 0.9 kg.
  • water 45 ml.
  • gelatin 15 g.


  1. Soak gelatin in water for half an hour.
  2. We mix it with honey and warm it with a water bath.
  3. We take powdered sugar, collect one glass and set it aside, pour the rest into the sweet mixture and mix the dough. Pour powder from a glass in small portions.
  4. Stir until a notch from the finger remains.


It is convenient to make a lot of figures from it: flowers, beads and others.


  • gelatin 1 tsp
  • powdered sugar 500 g
  • water 60 ml.
  • vanillin to taste.
  • lemon juice 1 tsp


  1. Soak gelatin in water for 30 minutes, heat in a water bath.
  2. Add vanillin with lemon juice to the mixture, slowly pour in powdered sugar, then mix the dough until elastic.
  3. Make sure that the mass does not harden, otherwise it will crumble during further actions.


To prepare such a mass, powdered milk is required. If it is not at hand, dry infant formula will do.


  • condensed milk 170 g
  • powdered sugar 150 g
  • lemon juice 1 tsp


  1. We combine powdered milk with powdered milk in a separate bowl.
  2. Add the remaining ingredients.
  3. Knead the dough.


Chocolate is the basis of this mastic. It can be of any type: milk, black and others. Now to the recipes:

  1. Melt the chocolate bar and knead with 1 tbsp. honey.
  2. To check if the mass is ready, you need to take a small piece of dough and make a ball out of it, then crush it with your finger. If the mastic is done correctly, then the edges will remain intact. Many housewives make chocolate flowers from this mixture.

For the following recipe, we will need significantly more ingredients:

  • dark chocolate 1 bar.
  • powdered sugar 2 tbsp
  • cream 30% 45 ml.
  • butter 1 tbsp.
  • marshmallows 80 g
  • cognac 2 tbsp

Cooking process:

  1. We melt chocolate in a convenient way.
  2. We combine marshmallows with it and continue to stir.
  3. Wait for the marshmallows to partially dissolve, then add the rest of the ingredients, except for the powdered sugar. Stir the mass until smooth.
  4. Turn off the heat and add the powdered sugar.
  5. Now it remains to knead the dough until elastic.

From condensed milk

A fairly popular type of mastic, it has a soft texture, thanks to which it is convenient to cover cakes and make various small-sized figures. The mass has an excellent taste.


  • dry milk 150 g.
  • condensed milk 200g.
  • powdered sugar 150 g
  • cognac 1 tsp
  • lemon juice 2 tsp


  1. The powder is combined with dry milk, condensed milk is added.
  2. It remains to add cognac with lemon juice. The resulting mass will have a pleasant yellow tint.

From marshmallow

Marshmallow is a fairly well-known product that has been more actively used in cooking recently. Since it comes in a variety of colors, it must be sorted accordingly.


  • powdered sugar 500 g
  • marshmallow marshmallow 200 g
  • butter 1 tsp


  1. I put marshmallows and butter in one bowl, put in the microwave and heat until the marshmallows begin to melt.
  2. Mix the mass until smooth and slowly pour in the powdered sugar.
  3. As a result, we should get a plasticine-like mastic.

From gelatin

Mastic made from gelatin is called pastilage. In most cases, it is used to create durable parts; it is not suitable for food, as it has a too hard consistency. After preparing the pastilage, it must be allowed to dry so that it does not lose its shape.


  • starch 120 g.
  • cold water 60 ml.
  • powdered sugar 250 g.
  • citric acid 1 tsp
  • gelatin 1 tbsp complete.
  • artificial honey 2 tsp


  1. Keep gelatin in cold water about half an hour, melt with a water bath, mix with honey and citric acid.
  2. We take another dish, mix powdered sugar with starch in it, then add seven to gelatin. You should get a homogeneous mass.
  3. We put cling film in a bowl, put the finished mastic on it. We put it in a cool place so that it freezes and does not blur.
  4. Before applying pastillage, you need to warm it up, otherwise you will not be able to mold the desired figure.


If the hostess does an excellent job with this type of mastic, then she is definitely a professional in her field. Often, flower mastic is used to create delicate buds. Jewelry from this mass can often be found at carports, weddings, etc.


  • gelatin 10 g.
  • fresh - squeezed lemon juice 20 ml.
  • powdered sugar 0.5 kg.
  • egg white 2 pcs.
  • corn syrup 60 ml.
  • shortening (confectionery fat) 20 g.
  • carboxymethylcellulose 10 g.
  • bleach - to give the mastic a delicate color.


  1. Pour gelatin with water and wait for it to swell.
  2. We fill the bowl in which we will mix the ingredients with lemon juice, cellulose and powdered sugar.
  3. We heat gelatin in a water bath, add fat to it first, then corn syrup.
  4. Turn off the heat and activate the medium speed on the food processor. Gradually mix the liquid with powdered sugar.
  5. Set the speed to high, add lemon juice and egg white.
  6. Mix until the mass becomes white.
  7. Mastic is fully cooked. We make an oblong shape out of it in the form of sausages, wrap each one in cling film.

It should be noted that the mastic can not be immediately applied to culinary specialties. The mass must stand at room temperature almost a day. The flower mass is stored for quite a long time - 3 months in the refrigerator and up to six months in the freezer. When you are going to make a decoration for the cake, be sure to take out the mass in advance and let it defrost in a natural way.

How to give the mastic shine and rich colors

Before creating a colored mass, you need to decide in advance which shades will prevail in the finished decoration, and also think about the type of dyes that will be needed for the color. You can make them yourself from fruits, or buy artificial ones in the store. If you plan to saturate the mastic with hand-made dyes, then it is recommended to do them not long before cooking the cake itself, otherwise the dyes will deteriorate. Of course, they can stand in the refrigerator for a couple of days, but no more.

To prepare the dye at home, special skills are not required. Prepared fruits and vegetables must be carefully chopped, then squeezed out the juice. Know that real homemade dye will never be as bright as store bought. Also a large number of homemade dye will add excess water, give the cake a special taste that not everyone will like. To thicken the mass a little, you can add powdered sugar.

What plants give the desired color:

  • to achieve a bright red color, take raspberries, strawberries, any red wine will also work.
  • beetroot will give a bright pink hue.
  • lemon or saffron tincture will give a yellow tint.
  • spinach makes green.
  • to get blue color you can use grape juice or blueberries.
  • orange will give the dye an orange color.
  • to get a brown tint you can use strong coffee or cocoa.

What are the types of artificial dyes

  • liquid - replace the water in the mastic.
  • dry - sold in powder form, pre-mixed with water in a ratio of 1 tbsp. water for 1 pinch of paint.
  • gel - give a more saturated color, very convenient to use.

You are probably familiar with watercolor paint since childhood. Everyone remembers the palette of mixing colors to form new ones. Situation with colors mastic is similar: in order to get a specific color, you must first mix the dyes. Delicate colors are most suitable for a wedding table: white, golden, beige and the like. If it is planned children's holiday, then here you can take and combine all the colors that are available.

When all the figures are connected on the cake, they need to be given a shine. Those who first made decorations from mastic know for sure that traces of starch or powdered sugar spoil the whole landscape and do not give the desired shine. ready dessert. A special mixture will help us make it, which will require 1 tbsp. vodka and honey. It is necessary to smear the mastic with a brush, after which it will acquire the desired shine. Don't worry about the vodka, it won't taste bad, it will just evaporate.

Decorating a cake is a whole science, it is within the power of any novice hostess. We have prepared for you several videos that will introduce you to the basic intricacies of making mastic, as well as teach you how to make a variety of patterns and covers.

If you listen to everything, you will definitely make a work of art. After watching the video, you will learn how to make different kinds cakes, get acquainted with new tools that will simplify your work, learn how to make beautiful inscriptions. If you have a desire to develop in this area, then you will definitely learn how to cook various mastics and other decorations for cakes.

Marshmallow mastic

Milk mastic (from powdered milk)

Making mastic and modeling figures

How to make mastic at home

After watching these video tutorials, you can easily learn how to make mastic for cakes and learn a lot of new things.

I look forward to your comments.

How to creatively decorate a cake: photo

No birthday is complete without a cake. Often it is he who is given for this wonderful holiday. If the name day is for the male, then, accordingly, the dessert is decorated with various decorations on a male theme. It can be a fishing direction, sports goods (ball, boots). If the holiday is fair half society, then she is given a delicate decoration, based on a bouquet of flowers or a beautiful bow. If a round date has come, then numbers are usually written on the cake, which are painted in golden or silver colors.

When the holiday comes for our children, it becomes possible to translate many ideas into reality. Cakes for kids can be decorated with absolutely any drawings and inscriptions. Color plays a special role here - the brighter the better. Alternatively, you can make your favorite character from fairy tales. Use mastic and marshmallow to create patterns. The child will definitely like such a creative and beautiful gift.

hostesses who have high level skill can try to do it yourself the wedding cake. At this time, cakes consisting of many layers are relevant. The main thing is to make the cake the right decoration, and then it can be put on wedding table. Flower mastic is the most popular for important holidays, because it is from it that complex figures and various flowers are made that look realistic.

Edible decorations made from creams and whipped cream have recently been significantly inferior in popularity. confectionery mastic. And this is not surprising: even a novice hostess can create her own unique masterpiece from it. And despite the apparent complexity, mastic at home is prepared quite easily. To do this, you just need to decide on the choice of ingredients.

general information

Before telling you about how mastic is made at home, I want to tell you what this product is all about.

Confectionery mastic is a fairly common "auxiliary" dessert, which is often used to decorate homemade cakes, as well as to make various edible decorations(roses, ruffle, petals, flounces, etc.).

Mastic at home is prepared using different ingredients. However, its basis is always such an unchanged component as powdered sugar. In addition, the following products may also be included as additives:

  • marzipan;
  • marshmallow marshmallow;
  • gelatin;
  • any starch;
  • egg white.

It is impossible not to say that in order to give flavor and color to the product, various flavors and food colorings are often added. Mastic, cooked at home, hardens extremely quickly. In this regard, it is better to store it in a tightly closed container or plastic bag.

Milk mastic: recipe

At home, such a product is made quite simply. As a rule, unboiled condensed milk is always added to it, as well as cognac (optional). It should be noted that the figures molded from milk mastic are very soft and tasty.

What products need to be used to make an elastic mastic? The recipe at home involves the use of the following ingredients:

  • powdered milk - approximately 160 g;
  • condensed milk - about 200 g;
  • powdered sugar - about 160 g;
  • lemon juice - 2 dessert spoons;
  • quality cognac - a dessert spoon (optional);
  • any food coloring - use at discretion.

Cooking process

Milk mastic, made at home, will serve as an excellent confectionery material for decorating a cake. To prepare it, milk powder and powdered sugar are sifted through a fine sieve, and then poured onto the table in a pile. After that, a small hole is made in the bulk ingredients and condensed milk is slowly poured into it.

The laid out products are mixed until they form a homogeneous and elastic mass. If the mastic sticks to the hands, add more a small amount of powdered sugar. If the sweet mass began to crumble, a little freshly squeezed lemon juice is poured into it.

In order for the mastic to acquire one or another color, food coloring is added to it. To do this, a few drops of confectionery paint are mixed with the required volume of sweet mass.

Thoroughly mixed mastic is best used immediately after preparation. But if it is supposed to decorate a sweet dish the next day, then it is well wrapped in polyethylene and placed in a refrigerator.

Sugar mastic at home step by step

Mastic made from marshmallow is the most popular among cooks. This is primarily due to the fact that such a product is made quite quickly and easily.

So how is sugar mastic prepared at home? To do this, you must have the following components in the kitchen:

  • powdered sugar - about 350 g;
  • white marshmallows - about 170 g;
  • any food coloring - if necessary;
  • dry cream - about 80 g;
  • freshly squeezed lemon juice - a tablespoon;
  • vanillin - a couple of pinches.

Cooking method

Sugar mastic at home is prepared relatively quickly. If you need to get a colored mass to decorate the cake, then we recommend purchasing not white, but multi-colored marshmallows. Otherwise, you should additionally use special food coloring.

So for cooking sugar mastic fresh marshmallows are crushed into medium pieces, and then laid out in a deep glass bowl and sent to the microwave. At maximum power, it is heated for 35 seconds. During this time, the marshmallow should completely melt.

In the event that you do not have a microwave, then melt sweet product recommended in a water bath. Although this will take you a little more time.

After the marshmallow is warmed up, it is taken out of the microwave oven and kneaded strongly with a spoon. Vanillin, dried cream, freshly squeezed lemon juice and powdered sugar are also added to it. The last component is sprinkled until an elastic mass is formed that will not stick to the palms.

It should be noted that the technology for preparing mastic is very much like the technology for kneading ordinary hard dough.

After the described actions, the product can be safely used for its intended purpose.

Cooking mastic with gelatin

How is gelatin paste made? Cooking at home will not take you too much time. But for this, you should prepare all the necessary products in advance:

  • drinking water - 55 ml;
  • powdered sugar - about 600 g;
  • lemon juice - 2 dessert spoons;
  • any food coloring - apply if necessary.

How to do?

For the preparation of mastic, only instant gelatin should be used. Put it in a glass and pour cold water. In this form, the product is left to swell for about half an hour. After that, it is put on the stove and heated until it dissolves (in no case bring to a boil).

While the gelatin is cooling, start preparing the rest of the ingredients. Powdered sugar is sifted through a sieve and poured onto the table. If the portion of the mastic is very large, then it is better to knead it in a bowl.

Thus, a small hole is made in the bulk product. Cooled gelatin is poured into it, and freshly squeezed lemon juice is also added. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed by hand. If the mastic is too sticky, add powdered sugar to it.

If necessary, the resulting mass is divided into several portions and one or another food coloring is added to them. If it is not planned to use the mastic immediately after kneading, the product is wrapped in plastic bag and sent to the refrigerator.

From the gifts of nature

Honey mastic at home is no more complicated than the variations that were presented above. Moreover, it turns out much more elastic, fragrant and tastier. Especially often cakes and pastries made from honey cakes are decorated with such mastic.

So, to make a honey decoration for homemade desserts, we need:

  • powdered sugar - approximately 500 g;
  • liquid lime honey - about 2 large spoons;
  • instant gelatin - 10 g;
  • quality margarine - 2 large spoons;
  • drinking water - 6 large spoons.

Cooking honey mastic

As in the previous recipe, to prepare the mastic, gelatin should first be prepared. To do this, it is poured into a glass and filled with water. In this form, it is left aside for 40-44 minutes.

After the gelatin swells well, it is placed in a water bath and slowly heated. Having received a homogeneous liquid, it is removed from the stove and completely cooled. In the meantime, start processing the rest of the ingredients. Liquid linden honey and melted margarine are stirred in a large cup. After that, dissolved gelatin is added to them. Also, powdered sugar is slowly added to the resulting mass. At the same time, the products constantly interfere with a confectionery spatula or an ordinary wooden spatula.

When the sweet mass becomes thick enough, it can be kneaded not in a bowl, but on the table. To do this, the mastic is recommended to additionally sprinkle with powdered sugar.

After kneading, honey mastic should become as elastic as possible. This is necessary so that it can be easily rolled into the layers required by the recipe. If the mass is too soft, then it will be impossible to work with it, as it will tear and stretch all the time.

Summing up

In this article, several ways were presented to your attention on how to make mastic at home. It should be noted that you can use absolutely any of the recipes presented to decorate cakes or cakes. The main thing is to strictly comply with all the described requirements. Only in this case you will get a homogeneous and elastic mastic which can beautifully decorate any dessert.