What to bake for tea in the oven. "Rotten stump" on kefir. Shortbread cookies are a lifesaver when there are no eggs.

Hey! If you are reading my article, it means that guests should come to you soon in a couple of hours, or you are in a hurry somewhere and want to quickly prepare pastries for tea quickly and easily.

Below I propose to cook you an ordinary biscuit, it turns out generally cool and very delicious pastries. I really love banana biscuit, but you can add raisins, dried apricots, nuts and even berries! Let's get started making tea!

Biscuits for tea

List necessary ingredients:

4 eggs, 150 grams of premium flour and the same amount of sugar, 1 teaspoon of soda. That's all!

Let's start cooking:

  1. We drive the eggs into a container, pour in the sugar, soda and beat well with a mixer.
  2. When will it work homogeneous mass, add the sifted flour and beat well again.
  3. We can say that our biscuit is almost ready! In a baking dish, pour our dough into half, it should turn out to be liquidish for you. Sprinkle the dough with anything, berries, apples, bananas, nuts, that is what we pour, pour the remaining dough.
  4. In a preheated oven to 180 degrees, put our cake and bake for about 25 minutes.

Important Tips!

  • If you put apples in the filling, then I recommend sprinkling cinnamon on them, then there will be an extraordinary aroma!
  • If you do not have fruits, berries, etc., then you can simply bake a biscuit, after cooking, you need to cut it into 3 cakes, grease each cake with condensed milk and you will have a cake!
  • You can cook instead of condensed milk sour cream, mix sugar with sour cream with a mixer and that's it!

Puff pastry for tea

Another quick and delicious sweets- this is a pastry for tea from puff pastry! The whole secret lies in the fact that it is easy and fast to buy! The dough is sold almost everywhere, and the recipes from it are just class!

If you do not want to overpay, then you can make it yourself, but this takes time. To prepare you need to buy:

Puff pastry (about half a kg) and apples (several pieces), cinnamon.

Let's start cooking:

  1. We roll out the puff pastry into a layer, about 3-4 mm thick, cut it into squares, about 8 by 8 cm, maybe 10 by 10 cm.
  2. We lay out finely chopped apples on each square, they must first be peeled and the core removed.
  3. Sprinkle with cinnamon and seal in an envelope.
  4. We bake this beauty in the oven for 20 minutes at a temperature of 280 degrees.

It turns out a very simple and delicious pastry for tea!

With you, as always, was the author of the culinary site, Ivan! Looking forward to more recipes!

Unexpectedly guests came, and you have nothing to put on the table? Baking recipes hastily save the situation. You can quickly prepare a cake, cookies, rolls, muffins and even cakes. Quick pastries can be cooked not only in the oven. In our section you will also find a recipe for pizza in a pan and other dishes, easy recipes that can be easily prepared in the microwave. In the section you will find many quick baking recipes with photos, most of them with step by step design. This will make it easier for you to understand how to cook a particular dish. Trust that delicious homemade cakes, both sweet and savory, can be made in minutes. Just pick a recipe that you like and try to cook it. We will be glad if after cooking you leave your comments - did you like the recipe, perhaps you changed or added something. Don't be afraid to ask if you don't understand something or if you can't do it - ask a question and you will be answered as soon as possible.
All recipes that are presented in the category do not take much time. Even a novice in this business can handle cooking. We are sure that savory and sweet pastries in haste will provide you with a lot of pleasure.
Today you can cook delicious homemade cakes in a hurry, enjoy the fact that in a matter of minutes you will get yummy.
If you were looking for a recipe and didn't find it here, or if you've tried all the recipes and are looking for, for example, a new cookie in a hurry, write to us. We try to constantly fill the site with popular recipes.


Charlotte on kefir with apples

Ingredients: kefir, water, egg, apple, sugar, soda, cinnamon

Charlotte is perhaps the most popular pastry with apples. it is so simple that it is ideal for those who are just taking their first steps in cooking. But, at the same time, charlotte is very tasty and cooks quickly, so experienced housewives often make it.


- kefir - 250 ml;
- water - 2.5 cups;
- eggs - 2 pcs;
- apples - 2-3 pcs;
- sugar - 250 gr;
- soda - 1 tsp;
- cinnamon - 1 tsp


Cucumber brine cookies

Ingredients: flour, soda, sugar, brine, butter, vanillin

If you still have a pickle from cucumbers, do not rush to pour it out: you can bake excellent cookies on it. Yes, yes, sometimes of these simple products come out amazing delicious food. And this recipe is the most vivid confirmation of this.
- 3-3.5 st. flour;
- 1 tsp soda (quicklime) or 2 tsp. baking powder;
- 16 tablespoons Sahara;
- 16 tablespoons brine;
- 16 tablespoons vegetable oil;
- vanillin to taste.


Eclairs with protein cream

Ingredients: flour, butter, water, salt, egg, sugar

Since childhood, I love eclairs, my favorite ones are with protein cream, which I have long dreamed of learning how to cook at home. According to this recipe, you can cook delicious eclairs.


- 130 grams of wheat flour,
- 100 grams of butter or margarine,
- 300 ml. water,
- a pinch of salt,
- 3 chicken eggs,
- 3 proteins,
- 0.7 cups of sugar.


Yeast samsa stuffed with minced pork

Ingredients: kefir, milk, butter, egg, salt, sugar, yeast, flour, minced meat, pepper

Today's samsa recipe is far from traditional. And the dough will not be puff, but yeast on kefir, and the filling will not be from lamb, but with pork. But it will be very, very tasty, appetizing and satisfying, you can believe us.

For test:
- 100 gr of kefir;
- 100 grams of milk;
- 110 gr of butter;
- 1 egg;
- 3 grams of salt;
- 1 g of sugar;
- 5 grams of yeast;
- 600 gr flour.

For filling:
- 700 gr minced pork;
- salt to taste;
- pepper to taste.

For product lubrication:
- a raw egg.


Lush charlotte with apples in the oven

Ingredients: flour, sugar, apples, egg, soda, vinegar, vanillin

The simplest but very tasty pie- Charlotte with apples. She has many variations, but for such a simple and available prescription, like ours today, it turns out beautiful and lush charlotte. For family tea party the best pastries just can't find it!

- 1 glass of flour;
- 1 cup of sugar;
- 2-3 medium-sized apples;
- 3 eggs;
- 0.5 tsp soda slaked in vinegar;
- vanillin on the tip of a knife.


Samsa from yeast dough with minced meat

Ingredients: egg, milk, salt, sugar, butter, yeast, flour, minced meat, onion, sesame, raw egg

Incredibly tasty samsa is obtained from yeast dough with minced meat! Pies come out plump, mouth-watering, they really want to try. So feel free to cook them according to our recipe and treat your home to excellent pastries.
- eggs - 2 pcs;
- milk - 1 glass (200 gr);
- salt for dough - 10 gr;
- sugar - 10 gr;
- sunflower oil - 1 tbsp;
- pressed yeast - 10 gr;
- flour - 750-800 gr;
- minced meat - 500 gr;
- green onion- 30 gr;
- salt to taste for the filling;
- sesame seeds - 30 gr;
- an egg for lubricating samsa - 1 pc.


Samsa with puff pastry pork

Ingredients: dough, onion, pork, flour, salt, sesame, oil

Samsa are small triangular patties. They are very tasty with any filling - with pork, with lamb, with chicken ... As for the dough, we recommend taking ready-made puff pastry. How to cook samsa, see our recipe.

- 500 gr of puff pastry;
- 1-2 bulbs;
- 500 gr of pork;
- 0.5 cups of flour;
- salt to taste;
- seasonings to taste;
- sesame seeds;
- vegetable oil.


Wafer rolls without a waffle iron

Ingredients: flour, powder, protein, milk, butter, vanillin, salt

Do you know that delicious waffle rolls can be prepared without a waffle iron, but simply in a frying pan? Yes, yes, that's exactly it. You will see for yourself when you read our detailed recipe with photo.
- flour - 120 gr;
- powdered sugar - 3 tablespoons;
- protein - from 2 eggs;
- milk - 5 tablespoons;
- butter- 2 tablespoons;
- vanillin;
- a pinch of salt.


Cupcakes Red Velvet

Ingredients: butter, sugar, flour, egg, cocoa, baking powder, salt, yogurt, dye, vinegar, vanillin, cream

If you want to cook unusual dessert that will make a splash, then pay attention to this recipe for Red Velvet cupcakes. They are so beautiful and delicious that everyone will definitely like them!
for 12 pcs.

- 100 gr of butter;
- 150 grams of sugar;
- 150 gr flour;
- 1 egg;
- 1 tbsp cocoa;
-0.5 tbsp baking powder;
- 1 pinch of salt;
-140 gr natural yogurt;
- 1 tsp food coloring;
- 0.5 tbsp vinegar;
- 0.5 tsp vanilla sugar;
- heavy cream(33-35%) for decoration.


Ingredients: oatmeal, flour, semolina, sugar, baking powder, strawberries, butter, cherries

Do you want to make a delicious cake, but without too much trouble in the kitchen and not fiddling with the dough for a long time? Then you will definitely love this Warsaw Strawberry and Cherry Pie. It is very fast and simple, but so tasty and beautiful - do not come off!
- 1 glass of oatmeal;
- 1 glass of semolina;
- 1 glass of flour;
- 1 tsp baking powder;
- 300 gr strawberries;
- 70 gr of butter;
- 300-400 gr of cherries.

Cakes, pastries, buns, sweet pies, cookies - all this together sweet pastries. Sweet pastries are loved by everyone - from the smallest to the oldest. For many of us, it is associated with something magical, festive and joyful, lifting our spirits, causing a smile and delivering a lot of pleasure.

Traditionally, cakes are baked from shortbread, biscuit, sour cream, puff and protein dough or waffle cakes, then soaked in alcohol or syrup, smeared with a variety of creams, jams, boiled condensed milk or whipped cream. Decorate cakes with nuts, berries, fruits, multi-colored cream patterns, mastic, confectionery topping, meringue, chocolate or candied fruits.

There is nothing tastier banana cake, chocolate pie with dried fruits original cake"Turtle" or "Anthill", our favorite Kiev cake, Medovik, Napoleon and many, many other sweets.

And delicious, airy, puff, custard, shortbread and biscuit cakes are beautifully decorated small cakes that are usually served with tea or coffee as a dessert. Recipes for such cakes, which can be easily prepared at home, are very diverse - baskets, eclairs with cream, potato cake, cream tubes, profiteroles and many, many others.

Recipes sweet pastries are a serious help in organizing family gatherings or receiving guests. Often, like something mysterious and precious, they are inherited, from generation to generation.

Hostesses, in order to cook up a delicious sweet treat, perform a real ritual, very often improving recipes to their liking, combining the proportions of ingredients, spices and additives.

These happy and exciting moments after cooking fragrant pastries familiar to all of us. The rooms are filled with a magical aroma, beckoning us to the kitchen, where the kettle is already starting to boil on the stove. Crispy and so golden brown, tender pulp and sweet, juicy stuffing- seduce us, inviting us to sit down at the table as soon as possible and try what we have got.

Which of the sweet pastries is best cooked, the hostess herself decides or the taste preferences of family members or guests invited to the holiday are taken into account. For solemn occasions, a wide variety of cakes with their pomposity and majestic grace are ideal.

For a meeting with friends or a family tea party, you can bake cheesecakes with cottage cheese, pies with jam, jam or berries, as well as various gingerbread, pretzels and cookies. When there is very little time for cooking, simple and quick recipes making charlotte or shortbread cookies.

Toddlers will be delighted sweet buns with cinnamon or curd cheesecakes with raisins and powdered sugar. Adults will not refuse treats in the form of poppy seeds or fruit rolls, sweet pies and pies, which can not only be baked in the oven, but also fried in a pan.

Step by step recipes for cookies, sweet buns and pies from the site is detailed instructions for those housewives who are still mastering the art of baking.

With the help of our recipes, you can easily prepare delicious sweet pastries with almond chips the first time, sweet Apple pie with nuts, real Turkish baklava, pumpkin biscuits with cardamom, apple and pear charlotte, Italian Cantuccini cookies and many other goodies.

We wish the aroma of freshly baked sweet pastries to always fill your home with warmth, comfort and good mood!

Greetings! My name is Ivan! Many men do not like and do not want to cook, but I am not like that, since childhood I have been a fan of cooking sweet recipes, especially where pastries are cooked without an oven in a pan.

Similar recipes are no less tasty than those cooked in the oven. Not everyone wants to mess around with baking in the oven, firstly, the heat in the kitchen is to blame, especially in summer time, secondly, pastries are cooked in a pan too quickly and simply. Let's start cooking!

Baking juicy with cottage cheese (without oven)

List of required ingredients:

One pack of butter (200 g), a pinch of salt, 3 cups of flour and a cup of boiling water. Berries, 1 glass of sugar, cottage cheese 300 g

A very interesting and not troublesome recipe in a pan, you can also use fantasy in this recipe. For example, it is not necessary to prepare such recipes only with cottage cheese; in the summer, for example, you can use berries sprinkled with sugar. You can also mix cottage cheese with berries or jam.

Cooking in a pan step by step:

  1. Butter must be held, literally a little in the microwave, so that it becomes soft (liquid).
  2. Pour 2 cups of flour into the butter and mix well, when mixed add another glass and mix again.
  3. A glass of water must be poured into a saucepan and boiled.
  4. Pour boiling water into the mixed flour with butter, mix well and quickly enough.
  5. We spread it on the table and knead the dough directly on the table, dusting with flour until soft.
  6. We roll out the dough into a small sausage, cut the dough into pieces, roll each part into a small circle, with a thickness of about 2 mm.
  7. For half of the dough, we put a teaspoon with a slide of cottage cheese, berries and sprinkle with sugar to taste, a teaspoon without a slide should be enough.
  8. We pinch like a cheburek, pastries are baked over low heat, you do not need to pour oil into the pan, it should be dry.
  9. When a golden crust forms, the pastry is turned over.

If there are no berries, then, as I said, you can replace them with jam, if there is no jam, then just put cottage cheese and sugar. Happy tea! I hope you enjoyed this pastry! We study the following recipes with photos without an oven in a pan!

The name itself speaks for itself! interesting recipe let's get it ready.

We need to buy the following set of products:

1 cup flour (200 g), 60 g sugar, 40 g butter (if not, vegetable oil), 70 g sour cream, 1 egg, half a teaspoon of baking powder.

Cooking cookies without an oven step by step:

  1. In a container, add sour cream, soft butter, and an egg, beat well with a mixer or whisk, add sugar and beat again.
  2. Add the baking powder to the flour, mix with your hands.
  3. Pour the mixed flour into the liquid and knead the dough, let it stand in the bag for about 20 minutes.
  4. Now we roll out the sausage from the dough, cut it into pieces, form a washer type from each piece, you can make a hole in the middle, or you can not do it.
  5. Now we heat the pan and not over high heat, let's say we bake cookies without butter for 2 minutes on each side.

Baking without an oven greatly simplifies our lives, try the following recipe to cook with your child! I hope you enjoyed this recipe, let's explore others complicated recipes.

Baking buns "Old Town"

Very unusual buns, I'm sure that you hardly tried these, I recommend that you definitely cook them, at least for your children. Usually, when we first hear the word buns, we imagine fluffy buns that have just been baked in the oven, but when baked in a pan, they will be a little different.

Let's start cooking without an oven!

We need the following products:

Packs of butter (100 g), 2 chicken eggs, a glass of flour, 2 tablespoons. spoons of sour cream, 1 teaspoon of sugar, 1 teaspoon of soda or baking powder.

Let's start cooking step by step:

  1. The oil must first be held so that it becomes soft.
  2. Whisk the eggs and sugar into the butter, beat until smooth.
  3. We add sour cream and soda there, it can be extinguished with vinegar and beat again.
  4. Pour flour and knead the dough, after kneading, let the dough rest for about 15-20 minutes.
  5. Roll out the dough into a sausage and cut into pieces similar to buns.
  6. We heat the pan, but do not pour the oil, bake it directly in a dry pan until golden brown on both sides. The fire should not be strong, but medium.

When everything is ready, the product can be sprinkled with powdered sugar for beauty. Very simple recipes for tea! Be sure to try them out! Check out the following recipes!

I offer you something unusual and low-calorie, this is a gingerbread without an oven! After all, there are those who love pastries and at the same time keep their figure in good shape, do fitness, eat right and sometimes allow themselves sweetness for tea.

Let's buy the following products:

2 table. spoons of oatmeal, 1 table. a spoonful of wheat bran, flax seeds 1 table. a spoon, egg, 50 g of sugar, 1 teaspoon of cocoa, 60 g of milk, 1/3 of a teaspoon of baking powder, a handful of some berries.

Cooking step by step:

  1. Mix all dry ingredients with your hands until smooth.
  2. We drive in the egg, pour in the milk and add the berries, knead well until smooth.
  3. We put small cakes in the form of pancakes in the pan, do not add any oils to the pan.
  4. Bake on both sides over medium heat until golden brown.

Thank you for reading to the end, I hope you enjoyed my pastries! Check out my video below and check out other recipes on my website!

Article author: Rogal Ivan

Greetings my dear visitor! I really love to cook sweet recipes and pastries in a hurry and not only! Below on the page we will prepare homemade baking recipes that are quick and easy to cook, so you will not spend a lot of time cooking!

Now such times have come that buying ready-made has become expensive. Therefore, many people, including myself, began to bake simpler and less complex recipes in order to save money.

I also live within my means, and I have compiled a menu for the whole month, what and when I cook, and what quick pastries I have in priority for this or that day.

Easy-to-make pastries

List of required ingredients:

Let's cook from very simple products!

I will also give you advice that when cooking, take away from my site the most popular and simple recipes that will be prepared in a hurry, and this is the most important thing, especially for those who live in a large city, such people simply do not enough time to cook.

Purchased pastries, of course, are also very tasty, but, as I said, it all depends on your time and finances. Try to make a meal plan, it makes life much easier!

Let's start cooking our first quick recipes!

As you know, these baking recipes are very easy to prepare, especially if you do not spend time cooking. classic recipe biscuit.

For example, when preparing a biscuit, the whites and yolks are beaten separately, plus when mixing, there is a risk that the whites will fall off, and so, you can not fool yourself, but immediately beat all the eggs with a mixer and add main secret, it's baking powder!

Then you will have an airy dough!

For cooking we need:

2-3 apples, not a full glass of sugar, 5 eggs, a glass of flour, 1 teaspoon of baking powder.

Let's start cooking step by step:

  1. Apples must be peeled, core removed and finely chopped, can be into thin slices.
  2. We beat the eggs into the container and pour in the sugar, beat very thoroughly with a mixer, about 5 minutes.
  3. Add baking powder and beat again a little.
  4. Add flour and beat with a mixer until smooth.
  5. Now let's prepare the form, cover the bottom with confectionery paper, you don't need to lubricate the walls, pour a little on the bottom, sprinkle with apples and pour out the remaining dough.
  6. Baking is baked for about 20-25 minutes at 180 degrees.

After cooking, the product can be sprinkled with powdered sugar. We study the following recipes with photos in a hurry!

As the saying goes, "Cooking for one-two-three!"

For cooking, we need to buy the following set of products:

250 g flour, 200 g sugar, 2 eggs, butter (120 g), and any zest (you can lemon or orange)

Cooking step by step:

  1. You need to drive eggs into a container, add sugar, zest, and soft butter, beat it very well, preferably with a mixer.
  2. Add flour and knead the dough.
  3. It remains to roll out the sausage, cut into small pieces and make rounds out of them, just press them with your palm.
  4. Spread on a baking sheet and bake for about 15 minutes at 180 degrees.

Thank you for reading me to the end! I hope I've been helpful to you! Explore other sections of my site, I will be grateful!

Article author: Rogal Ivan