Apple jam and jelly. Delicious simple recipes

Step by step recipes making delicious apple jelly

2018-06-22 Natalia Danchishak





In 100 grams ready meal

2 gr.

0 gr.


14 gr.

65 kcal.

Option 1. Classic apple jelly recipe

At home, you can cook delicious and natural jelly from fresh fruit. Classic variant dishes are made from apples, gelatin and sugar. The jelly turns out to be delicious, and, importantly, it does not contain preservatives and dyes.


  • half a kilo of sweet fresh apples;
  • one and a half glasses of filtered water;
  • 100 g of white sugar;
  • 20 g gelatin.

Step by step apple jelly recipe

Rinse the apples well, remove the core and tail, and cut the fruit into slices.

Pour gelatin into a bowl, pour warm water and stir well. Let the product swell.

Place the apples in an enamel saucepan, fill with water so that it completely covers them. Put on a small fire and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat, add granulated sugar and cook for another quarter of an hour.

Let the apples cool slightly. Separate the pulp from the peel by rubbing the apples through a sieve. Combine the puree with apple broth, add the swollen gelatin and cook, stirring, for another 15 minutes. Pour the jelly into molds and leave to harden in a cold place.

Boil the apples together with the peel, so the dish will turn out even healthier. You can decorate the frozen jelly with berries, apple slices or a sprig of mint.

Option 2. A quick recipe for apple jelly

From apple juice you can make a low-calorie, light jelly. Dessert is prepared quickly and easily. Juice for jelly is used purchased, or made independently from fresh fruits.


  • 50 g of granulated sugar;
  • 15 g of instant gelatin;
  • two glasses of apple juice.

How to quickly make apple jelly

Pour gelatin into a deep bowl, pour warm apple juice, stir and leave to swell. Then we put the container with the gelatin mass in a saucepan with hot water and heat, stirring regularly, until the gelatin is completely dissolved.

Pour sugar into the remaining juice and put on fire. Cook, stirring, until the crystals dissolve. Pour the diluted gelatin in a thin stream, stirring vigorously, cook until the first signs of boiling and remove from the stove.

Pour warm jelly into portion molds. Cool completely and send for three hours in the cold.

Not only gelatin can be used as a gelling agent. For this, pectin or agar-agar is suitable. They stimulate the intestines and cleanse the body of toxins.

Option 3. Cinnamon Apple Jelly

Fruit desserts based on gelatin - healthy and delicious treat. Jelly can be eaten even by those who monitor their weight. Dessert contains a minimum of calories. If you use sweet apples, you can not add sugar.


  • a pinch of cinnamon and vanilla;
  • half a kilo ripe apples green varieties;
  • 650 l of purified water;
  • 15 g of gelatin;
  • regular sugar - three quarters.

How to cook

Wash apples thoroughly. Cut each fruit lengthwise into four pieces. Remove the stalks and core. Place the slices in a saucepan. Dissolve sugar in water and pour over apples. Place over moderate heat and simmer until fruits are soft.

Cool the boiled fruits and grind through a fine sieve. Remove the rind. Add cinnamon and vanilla to applesauce.

Pour gelatin into a bowl, pour warm water and let it swell. Then place the container with the gelatin mixture in boiling water and keep stirring constantly until it dissolves completely. Pour the gelatin mixture into the applesauce, stirring vigorously. Expand by silicone molds and put it in the fridge to chill. Dip them for a few seconds before serving. hot water and invert onto a flat plate.

Boil jelly only in enamelware. Aluminum is absolutely not suitable for this. Upon contact with it, apples darken and lose their taste qualities. If the fruits are sweet, you can reduce the amount of sugar.

Option 4. Apple jelly without gelatin

Healthy and tasty apple jelly can be prepared without gelatin. It is enough to have apples, water and granulated sugar on hand. Jelly turns out transparent and incredibly tasty.


  • kilogram of ripe apples;
  • half a liter of filtered water;
  • 400 g of granulated sugar.

Step by step recipe

Wash the apples thoroughly with special device remove the core and cut each fruit into quarters.

Place prepared apples in a bowl. Pour in water and put on medium heat. Boil for about half an hour.

Strain the broth and pour into another saucepan. Pour sugar at the rate of a kilogram per one and a half liters of liquid. Place over high heat and bring to a boil. Lower the heat and simmer for an hour. Pour the warm liquid into portion molds. Cool completely and refrigerate.

The taste of jelly can be ennobled by adding to apple compote grapefruit, orange or lemon juice And. Grind the apples left over from cooking the base through a sieve, add sugar and cook a thick jam.

Option 5. Apple jelly in milk with oranges

Milk fruit jelly - favorite treat most children. Dessert is prepared with any fruits and berries. But apples and oranges are especially well combined.


  • 700 ml of homemade milk;
  • 30 g of instant gelatin;
  • one orange;
  • 10 g vanilla sugar;
  • one apple;
  • 50 g of sugar;
  • dark chocolate - for decoration.

How to cook

We split the milk in half. Remove the peel from the orange. Let's break it down into pieces. We remove the film from each. We set aside a little pulp, and squeeze the juice out of the rest. Add pulp to it.

Pour the orange mixture with milk, add half the vanilla, and part of the usual sugar. Stir until the crystals dissolve. We introduce half of the gelatin, preparing it as indicated on the package. Stir thoroughly and pour into molds, filling them halfway. We send to freeze in the cold.

We peel the apple. Cut out the core and grind the pulp on a fine grater. Applesauce pour milk, pour the remaining vanilla and regular sugar. Add gelatin and mix thoroughly.

Pour the milk-apple mixture over the orange, and again send it to the cold. Sprinkle the frozen jelly with grated chocolate and serve.

In order for the jelly to lie evenly in the mold, warm the bottom slightly before pouring the liquid into it.

Option 6. Apple jelly with spices and lemon for the winter

Apple jelly can be prepared for future use and enjoy a tasty and fragrant delicacy in winter.


  • a pinch of saffron;
  • two kg of apples;
  • four cinnamon sticks;
  • one and a half liters of purified water;
  • 1 kg 200 g of sugar;
  • three lemons.

Step by step recipe

Wash the apples well, remove the core and cut into slices. Place in a saucepan.

Wash the lemons, dry and finely chop. Send to the pan with apples. Put the cinnamon sticks in here as well. Pour the contents with water and bring to a boil over medium heat. Then reduce the heat and simmer, covered with a lid, until the apples are soft.

Drain the apples in a sieve and leave all the juice to drain. Pour it into another bowl, add sugar, add a pinch of saffron and boil over low heat until the liquid thickens. Remove from stove and pour into sterile dry jars. Seal tightly with lids. Turn upside down, wrap and leave to cool completely.

Jelly according to this recipe can be prepared not only for the winter. It can be poured into bowls and served, after keeping it in the refrigerator until it solidifies.

Greetings, dear readers of my Blog!

The year turned out to be fruitful for apples, the abundance of summer varieties was especially pleasing. Only for long-term storage in the cellar, for example, such fruits are not suitable. It remains to quickly process them, having prepared jam, tasty, tender jam and amber, transparent apple jelly.

By the way, frozen apples for the winter - cut into slices, removing the core, and put in bags in the freezer.

How to cook delicious fragrant jam I will write from apples next time, but today we will cook jam and apple jelly and cook at the same time.

Jam from apples

I note right away that it is not advisable to use jam for making jam. enamel pots- Puree will burn.

Wash the apples (in any quantity), cut them together with the peel into arbitrary pieces, removing the core and all spoiled places.

I remove the core, because apple pips can give bitterness to the finished product.

Pour a little into the pot cold water so as not to burn, put the chopped apples, cook under the lid until soft, stirring occasionally.

Then Throw the resulting mass on a frequent sieve, wait until the juice drains.

Juice set aside - we will cook from it apple jelly.

Rub the remaining hot apple mass through a sieve. I don’t use an immersion blender for “pureing”, the mass rubbed through a sieve is more homogeneous, tender, soft, without pieces of peel.

Measure the resulting puree with a measuring cup, liter jar- what is at hand and depending on the volume of the resulting mass.

Transfer to a saucepan.

For 1 liter of puree, add 1 kg of sugar.

I cook almost all jam (as well as jam, jelly) at the rate of 1 kilogram of sugar per 1 kilogram of berries, fruits or mashed potatoes. Sugar is a good preservative. I do not roll up sweet blanks hermetically and store them indoors at room temperature. Nothing spoils and is not covered with mold.

So, put the mashed potatoes with added sugar on the stove, bring to a boil over high heat, then cook over medium heat until tender.

During the cooking process, stir as often as possible - the mass is “prone” to burning. Cover the pan with a lid - mashed potatoes may splash when boiling.

If there is a lot of foam - remove it, if it is not enough - you can not remove it during the cooking process, but remove it already before laying it in jars.

How to determine the readiness of jam

The jam is cooked until cooked for about 1 hour (from the moment of boiling, I repeat). The time depends on the amount of puree, and also you want to get a thicker or thinner jam. On average, 40-45 minutes is enough.

At this time, the mass boils well, thickens, acquires a darker color, the foam also becomes darker and almost ceases to form.

Readiness is determined as follows : on a dry, clean saucer, drop a drop of jam. If the drop does not spread and stands like a "button" - you're done!

Please note that the jam, which is more liquid when hot, becomes dense and looks like marmalade when cooled.

Jars preparation

Banks for blanks, which not only cleans dirt well, but also disinfects. After such washing, the jars can not be sterilized, but doused with boiling water and turned upside down on a clean cloth to dry.

Jars filling and storage

Pour the jam hot into dry heated jars. It is advisable to pre-boil the distributing spoon. We fill the jars to the very neck and, without closing, leave until completely cooled and a dense “crust” forms on the surface.

When the jam in the jars has completely cooled down, we close the jars in any convenient way: with clean paper and tied with twine, lids from those jars into which the jam is laid out, with cling film.

Do not use plastic lids - jam is stored worse under them.

For better preservation of jam you can use the old "grandmother's way": cut out a circle from white paper with a diameter corresponding to the neck of the jar, soak it with vodka, put it directly on the jam. Instead of vodka, paper can be soaked in strong sugar syrup.

Apple jam turned out to be very tasty, you can put it on a sandwich - a great alternative to a store-bought cake!

Apple jelly

I really like jelly from berries and fruits! Looks beautiful jam-, from. But apple jelly can be safely called the most beautiful and, if you like, elite.

Apples are rich in pectin, a natural gelling agent. Thanks to him, apples are ideal for making jelly for the winter.

Making jelly is very, very easy! The only “minus” of this winter delicacy is the low yield: out of 2 kilograms of apples prepared for jam, I got only 600 ml of juice.

So, juice obtained after boiling apples for jam measure, pour into a saucepan, add sugar at the rate of 1:1 - for 600 ml of juice I added 600 g of sugar.

The juice is a little cloudy - don't worry, it will become completely transparent during the cooking process!

Put on a strong fire, as soon as it boils - cook over medium heat until tender, about 40 minutes.

DO NOT stir the juice during the cooking process, do not remove the foam - it can be easily removed when the jelly is completely cooked.

Readiness is determined
as in the case of jam cooking: the juice became darker, boiled down about twice, the foam became darker and almost does not form.

We take a clean, dry saucer and drip a drop of jelly. If the drop does not spread at all - the jelly is ready, otherwise, continue cooking for a few more minutes.

Pour hot jelly into heated clean jars, leave to cool completely. Then we close.

For jelly, it is better to take jars of small volume - 200 - 300 ml.

Here is such a beautiful apple jelly I got! And no gelatin and other gelling additives!

Happy winter drinking!

Your grandmother Natalia

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  • Step 1: Prepare and boil apples.

    We take right amount apples and rinse them thoroughly under cold running water. Then we cut each fruit into 4 - 8 parts and send the pieces of fruit to a deep pan along with the seeds.

    We also pour clean water there. We fill the pan so that the liquid reaches the middle of the level of apples, and put the container on the stove, turned on to the middle level. After boiling, cook apples 30 minutes.

    Step 2: Strain Apple Juice.

    In 30 minutes place a sieve with a fine mesh on a clean deep bowl and cover it with a small piece of sterile gauze. We filter the boiled apple juice through the resulting structure. We leave the boiled pieces of apples in a sieve for 2 hours to drain the remaining juice.

    Step 3: Make apple jelly.

    After two hours, we measure the mass of juice with a measuring cup, pour it into a clean deep pan and, based on its amount, add sugar to it. For 1.5 liters of juice - 1 kilogram of sugar. Then we turn on the stove to a strong level, put a pan with strained apple juice on it and bring it to a boil. After boiling, reduce the temperature of the stove to an average level, use a slotted spoon to remove the foam from the juice and boil it for 60 minutes. During cooking, periodically stir the jelly with a wooden kitchen spoon.

    Step 4: Canning Apple Jelly

    After an hour, check the readiness of the jelly. We collect a teaspoon of aromatic mass and drip a couple of drops on a dry plate. If the drops hold their shape after cooling and do not spread over the plate, the jelly is finally ready. Using a ladle, pour it into sterilized jars, cover these containers with sterilized, screw caps (hot) and close tightly, helping yourself kitchen towel. We put the jars on the floor with the lids up, cover with an old woolen blanket and cool until room temperature during 12 days. Then we rearrange them in a dry, cool place: pantry, cellar or basement.

    Step 5: serve apple jelly.

    Apple jelly is served at room temperature. This dessert is served in bowls, bowls or dessert vases. As an addition to this yummy, you can offer homebaked bread, cookies, sweet crackers and fresh brewed tea of ​​any kind. Enjoy!

    Bon appetit!

    The recipe does not specify the exact weight of apples. They are different varieties, respectively, each variety during cooking gives different amount juice. Therefore, the calculation is for 1.5 liters of apple juice - 1 kilogram of granulated sugar.

    For cooking jelly, do not use aluminum utensils.

    To make apple jelly more transparent, it can be filtered through a double layer of sterile gauze.

    If desired, the jam can not be preserved, and after cooling, stored in the refrigerator, in hermetically sealed jars.

    All equipment with which jelly will be prepared should be thoroughly washed and sterilized in any convenient way. More detailed information you can find out by following this link.