Apple compote for the winter - let's prepare summer in jars! Recipes for various apple compotes for the winter with and without sterilization. Apple compote for the winter without sterilization

Seven in a variety of ways preparing apple compote for the winter, calculating the ingredients for a three-liter jar and detailed description actions.

Prepare delicious apple compote according to the classic recipe or add variety to the usual formula by adding other fruits to the drink.

What do you need to make a delicious apple compote?

  • Just ripened or even slightly unripe fruits with sourness. It is not recommended to use overripe apples, with numerous barrels, or simply limp apples - they will spread during heat treatment.
  • Before using apples and other fruits, be sure to wash them thoroughly.
  • Cutting the skin is optional. However, peeled apples will survive cooking better, that is, they will retain their shape, if this is important to you.
  • It’s easier and faster to make apple compote for the winter directly in jars using the double-fill method. With this approach, you do not have to sterilize the jars. Simply wash them thoroughly using baking soda. However, the lids must still be sterilized. About how to do this (yes, the article itself is about jars, but of course there is also about lids).
  • Jars must be filled to the very top. There should be no space inside. At all.
  • If you used sweet apples for compote, then before refilling you need to add three liter jar half a tsp. citric acid. This will give the drink pleasant sourness and eliminates excessive cloying.
  • Three-liter jars of apple compote freshly rolled up according to our recipes for the winter must be turned upside down, wrapped in a blanket or thick towel and wait until completely cooled. The preferred storage location is a dark, cool place (cellar, refrigerator).

We remind you that in all the recipes for apple compotes for the winter presented below, the components are calculated for a 3-liter jar.

Classic compote of fresh apples for the winter


  • apples - 0.8 kg;
  • purified water - 3.1 l;
  • granulated sugar - 0.3 kg.

How to cook

Let it simmer a little more three liters water. Cut each apple into six slices, remove the core and seeds, and place the fruit in a jar.

Pour freshly boiled water into the chopped fruit to the very edges and cover the jar with a pre-sterilized lid. Let sit for 35–45 minutes.

After this time, drain the liquid from the three-liter jar back into the pan. Pour granulated sugar into it and, stirring constantly, wait until it comes to a full boil over medium heat. Leave the syrup on the fire for another 2-3 minutes, then pour it into the apples, roll up the jar, turn it over and wrap it, and after waiting for it to cool, send it to a dark and cool place.


  • apples - 9-14 medium-sized fruits;
  • purified water - 3.1 l;
  • granulated sugar - 0.3 kg.
  • If desired, you can add a couple of mint leaves.

How to cook

Wash the apples thoroughly and place them in a jar. If you want maximum concentration apple flavor, then fill it completely, if normal, fill it halfway. You can also add mint to add flavor.

Follow your preferences. If you really like apples and have a good attitude towards mint, then a jar completely filled with apples with 2-3 lemon balm leaves will not disappoint you. Otherwise, fill the container halfway and don’t worry about the compote being unsaturated. You won't think so.

So, pour boiling water to the apples to the very top, cover the jar with a sterilized lid and let stand for 25-30 minutes.

After half an hour, pour the infused water from the jar back into the pan and add granulated sugar. Place over moderate heat and wait until it boils, stirring occasionally sugar mixture. Return the syrup to the jar of apples, roll it up and continue down the list.

Compote of apples and pears for the winter


  • apples - 0.5 kg;
  • pears - 0.25 kg;
  • purified water - 3.1 l;
  • granulated sugar - 350 g.

How to cook

Cut each fruit into four wedges and remove the cores. Place them in a jar, pour boiling water into it, cover with a sterilized lid and let stand for half an hour.

Return the infused liquid back to the pan and add granulated sugar. Without forgetting to stir, bring the syrup to a boil over moderate heat. Pour the boiling sugar solution into the apples and pears, then roll up the jar.


  • apples - 0.4 kg;
  • - 0.3 kg;
  • purified water - 3.1 l;
  • granulated sugar - 0.25 kg.

How to cook

Cut the apples into easy-to-core slices. Place them in a jar, pour boiling water into it, cover with a sterilized lid and let stand for 20-25 minutes.

Return the water to the pan and add the granulated sugar. Stirring constantly, wait until the syrup boils completely over medium heat. Leave it on the fire for another 2-3 minutes. Throw blackberries into the jar and only now pour in the boiling sugar solution, then roll up.

Compote of apples for the winter in a 3-liter jar with plums


  • apples - 0.5 kg;
  • plums - 0.4 kg;
  • purified water - 3.1 l;
  • granulated sugar - 0.3 kg.

How to cook

Cut the apples so that it is convenient for you to cut out the core. It's best to do this in slices. Place the apples and whole plums in a well-washed jar. Fill the container with boiling water to the very edges, cover with a sterilized lid and let stand for about 15 minutes.

Pour the liquid back into the pan, add granulated sugar, place over medium heat and, stirring regularly, wait until the mixture boils. Pour the boiling syrup into the apples and plums, then roll up the jar.


  • apples - 0.6 kg;
  • orange - 1 pc.;
  • purified water - 3.1 l;
  • granulated sugar 0.25 kg.

How to cook

Cut each apple into 6-8 slices and remove the seeds, and cut the orange into circles or semicircles. Place them in a jar, pour boiling water into it and cover with a sterilized lid. Let it brew for half an hour.

Pour the infused water into a saucepan, add granulated sugar and, stirring regularly, wait until it boils. Pour the sugar solution back into the jar, then roll it up.

Recipe for compote of apples for the winter with grapes


  • apples 0.6 kg;
  • your favorite grapes - 0.4 kg;
  • purified water - 3.1 l;
  • granulated sugar - 0.3 kg.

How to cook

Cut each apple into four wedges, then discard the core. Put it in a jar apple slices and grapes. Fill the container with boiling water to the very top, cover with a lid and let it brew for 8-10 minutes.

Pour the liquid back into the pan, add granulated sugar and place over medium heat. Remembering to stir from time to time, wait for the syrup to boil. Carefully pour the boiled sugar solution into the jar to the very edges, then roll it up.

Apple trees are widespread throughout almost the entire territory of mid-latitudes. Apple fruits are very useful in fresh and canned form. There are many ways to prepare apples. Apple compote for the winter is delicious and healthy drink, which reminds of warm summer time. Exists great amount variety of recipes apple compote for the winter in a three-liter jar. We present you some of them.

A simple recipe for apple compote for the winter

There is a simple but good recipe apple compote chopped apples. This is where you should start learning how to make blanks of this kind if you have not done this before. The main thing is to strictly follow the recipe instructions, then everything will work out.

For one three-liter jar you will need:

  • A third of a jar of apple slices;
  • 200 grams of sugar;
  • 2.5 liters of clean water.

First of all, thoroughly wash the dishes for seaming, rinse them well and sterilize them with boiling water. We select large, slightly unripe fruits without damage or disease. The apples are washed, cored and cut. To prevent apple slices from oxidizing in air, add a pinch of lemon to the water.

Pour the apples into a jar and fill with boiling water. After a few minutes, pour the water into a bowl for boiling. Dissolve sugar in it and bring the syrup to a boil. Then we pour it into a jar of apples, roll it up, turn it over and leave the container wrapped in some warm cloth. After cooling in air, the compote is sent for cold storage.

It’s worth rolling up a couple of jars, and this simple recipe for apple compote for the winter will reliably take its place in the list of your home recipes. When it starts to work out well, you can give free rein to your imagination and experiment with the preparation process and ingredients.

Compote of whole apples for the winter

This recipe eliminates the need for chopping and peeling apples, but requires selecting the right ripeness and size fruits. A drink made from whole fruits takes longer to infuse, since apples do not immediately release their taste and aroma to the water.

For three liters of compote you will need:

  • 1.5 cups sugar;
  • 1 kg of small apples;
  • 2.5 liters of water.

We select small apples that fit freely in containers. We check them for damage, rot and worms. Wash thoroughly and let dry. We wash and sterilize a three-liter jar. Place the apples in the jar, shaking it to make it more dense. Fill the jar up to the shoulders.

Prepare the sugar syrup - cook, stirring constantly and skimming off the foam. Fill the jars with apples with the prepared syrup. Then, cover with lids and place them in a tall pan, covering its bottom with a cloth. The water level should be just above the hangers of the jars. Bring the water to a boil and let the jars sit for 20 minutes. After sterilization, we roll up our blanks and leave them to cool in the air. Refrigerate the cooled jars.

Anyone can master a recipe for compote made from whole apples for the winter. The drink perfectly quenches thirst and has a seasoned aroma of summer apples.

Compote of apples and pears for the winter

Those who have a pear tree growing in their garden, or simply have a desire to diversify the composition of the seams home production, they can try adding pear to the fruit composition. This recipe for apple compote for the winter is quite simple, but the drink turns out great.


  • 5 medium or small apples;
  • 2-3 pears;
  • 1.5 cups sugar.

Preparation progress:

For compote, it is better to take slightly unripe or young apples without signs of spoilage or rot. Remove the petioles and wash them thoroughly. There are no sliced ​​apples in this recipe. For pears, on the contrary, it is better to choose large, ripe fruits with a smooth, clean surface. Divide the pears into three parts and remove the core. If the fruits are too large, you can cut them into smaller pieces.

Place the prepared fruit (half a jar) into a clean, sterilized three-liter jar. Then, carefully pour boiling water over them and close the vessel with a lid. Blanch the fruit in this way for 40 minutes. After blanching, drain the water into a separate container, do not dilute it big amount boiling water, bring the mixture to a boil and pour the fruit into the jar again. The second treatment lasts 30 minutes. Then drain the water from the jar, dissolve 1.5 cups of granulated sugar in it, bring to a boil and pour the resulting fruit over the fruits. sugar syrup.

We seal the workpiece, wrap the jars in a warm cloth and leave to cool. After cooling, send the compote to infuse in a cold room. Compote of apples and pears is ready for the winter!

Compote for the winter from apples and grapes

Residents of the southern regions often have vineyards on their farms. This berry goes wonderfully in homemade compote with an apple. Grapes have a sweet taste due to high content glucose, so there is one subtlety for those who do not like a sugary-sweet drink.

For 3 liters of finished compote we will need:

  • 4-5 medium sized apples;
  • About 2 kg of grapes;
  • 500 grams of sugar.

In order to prepare compote for the winter from apples and grapes, you need:

Select healthy fruits, separate the grapes from the bunch and remove the cuttings. Pour a measured amount of apples into a jar and pour boiling water over it. After 5 minutes, drain the water into a separate container and pour a glass of granulated sugar into it.

The syrup is boiled while stirring and then poured into a jar. The containers are rolled up and wrapped in terry or woolen fabric. Best quality apple compote for the winter will reach after a long time in the cellar.

In order to highlight the sugary-sweet taste of some grape varieties, you can use a pinch of citric acid. Also, fruit mix in a jar can be successfully complemented by ripe plums. It gives the product a different taste and color, which allows you to diversify the list of recipes.

Plum-apple compote

Many plum fruits (,) combine very well with apples when cooking compote. The taste of some fruits does not interrupt others, so this recipe is very suitable for your household.

Ingredients for three liters of drink:

  • 1 kilogram of apples;
  • 0.5 kilograms of plums;
  • 200-300 grams of sugar.

Preparation progress:

We choose good, slightly unripe, dense fruits. Wash apples and plums thoroughly. Compote can be prepared in two versions - with whole fruits or chopped ones. In the first case, small-sized apples are selected so that the fruits fit into the jar.

If you decide to cut the fruit, then remove the core from the apple, cutting it into 4 parts. We remove the pit from the plum, making a neat cut, being careful not to damage the shape of the fruit. Fill the fruit jar two-thirds full with boiling water. Cover with a lid and let sit for an hour. Pour the water from the jar into a separate container. Place it on the fire and boil, pouring sugar into it until completely dissolved.

Pour the finished syrup into a jar of fruit and roll it up. Wrap it in cloth, place it on the lid and let it cool overnight. The drink should be stored in a cool, dark place.

There is also a slightly different recipe for apple and plum compote.

The ingredients are the same. The whole difference is in the method of preparation, namely in the method of adding sugar.

We sterilize the dishes, wash and check the fruit. Cut the apples into quarters and remove the core. Divide the plums in half and remove the pits. You can also add 1-2 peaches to the fruit composition. We process them in the same way as plums. Fill the jar with fruit, it should be about 2/3 of the container.

Then, pour 1.5 cups of sugar onto the fruit and pour boiling water over everything. Immediately roll up the lid tightly, wrap it in insulating material and turn it over onto the lid. After cooling, store in a cool, dark place.

The method is much simpler than the recipe using sugar syrup, but the drink takes longer to brew. By the onset of cold weather, the fruits will saturate the solution with their taste and aroma.

Compote for the winter from apples and lingonberries

This is one of the most common recipes for fruit and berry compotes. It is prepared in mid-autumn, since lingonberries ripen in September-October. The compote turns out rich, filled with the aroma of berries; the smell of apples is faint, but they give the drink a sweet, pleasant taste. The acidity of the berry must be compensated with a relatively large amount of sugar. This recipe doesn't take much effort to prepare.

We will need:

  • Half a kilo of apples;
  • Half a kilo of sugar;
  • 3 liters of water;
  • A kilogram of lingonberries.

We choose ripe berries for compote, not overripe or rotten. We sort through carefully, since even a couple of low-quality berries can negate the entire preservation. Wash the selected berries and leave to dry on a paper towel.

For such a compote, it is better to take apple fruits with sourness.

We also select good apples, wash them, cut them and remove the seeds and core. Can be cut into more small pieces. In a separate bowl, bring three liters of water to a boil, pour the prepared sugar into it and boil it a little. Place the apples into the boiling syrup and cook for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally. After time has passed, remove the apples from the water.

After the apples, add lingonberries to the water. Boil the berries for 20 minutes, then catch them from the water. Pour the cooked compote into a sterilized jar and immediately cover it with a lid. Wrap in a warm cloth, place on the lid and cool during the day. The cooled compote is sent to the cellar for storage.

Lingonberries give the compote a deep, rich flavor that is difficult to confuse. The infusion is pink, the berries darken, and the apples take on a red tint..

Apple and lingonberry compote with orange zest

This compote has a distinct smell orange peels, which adds variety to the diet of homemade drinks.


  • 0.5 kilograms of lingonberries
  • 0.5 kilograms of apples
  • 200 grams of granulated sugar
  • Orange zest (enough from one fruit)

We select good apples and berries, wash them thoroughly, leave the berries to dry. Bring 3 liters of water to a boil, then add chopped and seeded apples, sugar and chopped orange zest. Cook over low heat for 15 minutes. After cooking, remove the apples from the pan and transfer them to a sterile jar. Add berries to the syrup and cook them there for 10 minutes.

After cooking, pour the resulting compote into jars of apples and roll them up. Wrap in cloth, turn upside down and air cool. Place the cooled compote in a cool place.

The smell of orange is pleasantly tart, so compote with zest is a successful combination of fruits and berries gathered under one lid.

The resulting compote has a unique taste and a beautiful pinkish tint. Pleasant taste The drink will not leave anyone in the household indifferent.

Compote for the winter from apples with cherry plum

Cherry plum is a fruit related to homemade plum, but has a special sweet and sour taste, so compote cooked with the addition of cherry plum will be noticeably different from plum compote.

To prepare a drink for a three-liter jar we need:

  • 3-4 medium sized apples;
  • 8 small cherry plum fruits;
  • 1 cup of sugar.

We select cherry plum. To achieve the correct pinkish-red hue of the compote, choose ripe, red or purple fruits. We remove the cuttings, wash them thoroughly and, cutting them, remove the seeds.

Sterilize jars and lids. Jars can be sterilized with boiling water, over steam, or baked in the oven for 15-20 minutes at maximum temperature. Keep the lids in boiling water for about 5 minutes. We choose small apples so that they fit freely into the jar. Wash them thoroughly and place them on the bottom of the jar.

Place the prepared cherry plum on the apples and pour boiling water over the fruit. Close the lid and leave for 20 minutes. Then pour the water from the jar into a saucepan, put it on the fire, and bring to a boil. Pour boiling water over the fruits again. We keep them in the water for about fifteen minutes and pour the water back into the boiling container.

While the water is boiling, pour granulated sugar into the jar. Fill the jar with boiling water and roll up the lid. As standard, we insulate the jars, turn them over on the lid and leave to cool. Every other day, the finished compote can be put away in the cellar.

The resulting compote has a unique taste and a beautiful pinkish tint, thanks to the cherry plum. The pleasant taste of the drink will not leave anyone in the household indifferent.

Compote of apples and apricots for the winter

The combination of apples and apricots has long been known to lovers of homemade preparations. These include preserves and jams, and, of course, compotes. The drink has a smooth, rich and soft taste and a clear infusion. Everyone will like this compote.

For three liters of drink we will need:

  • 5-6 not overripe apricots;
  • Half a kilo fresh apples;
  • 1.5 cups sugar.

Preparation progress:

We choose good, dense apricots with a clean surface. It is better to take slightly unripe fruits - they will not fall apart during cooking. We clear the pulp of the apricots from the seeds, cutting the fruits in half. You can also use whole fruits, but the shelf life of the compote will be reduced - it is better to consume such a drink no later than next summer.

Fill the bottom of the jar with apricots. Place apple slices, peeled from seeds, on top. Pour boiling water over the fruit and leave for 5-10 minutes. Pour the water into a boiling container and add sugar to it. Boil the syrup with constant stirring until the sugar is completely dissolved. Pour boiling syrup over the fruit in the jar. We roll up the workpiece, turn it over, insulate it and leave it to cool for a day. Then we put it in compote in the cold.

Apples also go well with cherries, which have a very rich aroma and taste. The infusion turns out to be a beautiful red color. Some housewives advise adding a pinch ground cinnamon, to improve the smell of the drink.


Here are a few recipes for making apple compotes for the winter. There are old, familiar and time-tested recipes, and some innovations in the composition of ingredients and the cooking process.

In fact, there is nothing difficult in creating your own unique methods and kits for cooking compotes. The most important thing is to take a responsible and thorough approach to the main stages of canning: sterilization, cooking and seaming.

It is also important to carefully select the products that will be used for preparation. One or two rotten or diseased fruits will ruin all your cooking efforts. Keep canned food it is needed in a cool and dark place that does not freeze in winter - these are good basements and cellars.

Before use, pay attention to the lid of the vessel - it should retain its shape after long storage. If the lid is swollen, this is a sign of product spoilage due to the release of gases by microbiological organisms that survived after sterilization. You can safely throw away such a blank.

Maybe you have your own recipes for apple and fruit compotes? There are many fruits suitable for canning, from which you can put together an infinite number of combinations to prepare a drink. Plums, pears, gooseberries, apricots are just a small part of the fruits that make excellent homemade preparations.

Homemade compote is a storehouse of vitamins and useful substances, collected in the summer. The pleasant taste and fresh smell of fruits and berries lifts your spirits cold winter and quenches thirst in hot summers.

Whatever the variety of juices and fruit drinks in stores, it’s better homemade compote you can't think of anything. When preparing apple compote for the winter, you will know for sure that there are no preservatives, dyes or flavors in your compote, only natural products And total benefit. The recipes below use fairly concentrated syrup - from 20 to 40%. Therefore, before use, it must be diluted with cold boiled or ready-made drinking water. Compote apples can be used as a filling for pies or open apple pie, incredible deliciousness!

Before proceeding directly to the recipes, let me remind you of a few rules, following which you will end up with the most best compote from apples (and not only from them)

Best suited for compotes sweet and sour apples, almost fully ripe, but not overripe. Unripe fruits are hard, inodorous and tasteless, while overripe ones become overcooked and lose their shape.

For compote, select large apples without visible damage and sort them by variety so that each jar contains apples of the same variety.

. Wash the apples thoroughly, peel them, remove the core and cut into slices. Very convenient to use special device, with which you cut the apple into 8 parts in one motion and remove the core.

Small apples can be canned whole.

You do not need to remove the skin from apples of delicate varieties.

Place peeled and chopped apples in cold, slightly salted or acidified water. Do not keep apples in water for more than half an hour, as vitamins and other beneficial substances pass from the fruit into the water.

. Before placing apples in jars, it is advisable to blanch them for 6-7 minutes - after this procedure, the apples will no longer darken or lose volume. After blanching, the apples should be immediately cooled in ice water.

Do not drain the water after blanching, but use it to prepare syrup.

Wash the compote jars thoroughly, scald with boiling water and dry. They can be sterilized in boiling water or in the oven, just be careful and use thick gloves or silicone oven mitts to avoid getting burned.

Fill the jars with apples up to the shoulders and pour hot 25-30% syrup (per 1 liter of water - 250-300 g sugar). Cover with lids and place for pasteurization: 0.5-liter - 15-20 minutes, 1-liter - 20-25 minutes, 2- and 3-liter - 30-35 minutes.
This classic recipe can be endlessly modified by adding berries, fruits, spices, etc. to taste.

You can do without sterilization: pour hot syrup over the apples in jars, let sit for 3-5 minutes, drain, boil the syrup and pour over the apples again. Repeat this procedure one more time and roll up with sterilized lids.

When preparing assorted compotes, remember that compotes with the addition of stone fruits (cherries, plums, apricots, etc.) cannot be stored for more than a year, as in this case there is a risk of poisoning. If you are preparing compote for long-term storage,
remove the seeds.

1 kg apples,
1 liter of water,
250-300 g sugar.

Fill the jars with prepared apples up to the shoulders and pour boiling syrup from water and sugar to the edge of the neck. After 3 minutes, drain, bring to a boil and pour back into the jars. Let stand for another 3 minutes, drain, bring the syrup to a boil and pour over the apples so that the syrup spills over the edge of the neck of the jar. Roll it up and turn it over.

1 kg apples,
1 liter of water,
250-300 g sugar.

Place the prepared apples in jars and fill with hot syrup. Leave for 6-8 hours, then add syrup to the edge of the neck and pasteurize at a temperature of 85ºC: 1-liter - 15 minutes, 2-liter - 20 minutes, 3-liter - 30 minutes. Roll up.

Apple compote with wine

1 kg apples,
1 liter of water,
250 g sugar,
100 ml dry white wine,
5 pieces. cloves,
1 cinnamon stick,
peel of half a lemon.

Prepare sugar syrup, place prepared apples in it and boil them for 5-7 minutes. Then place them in jars up to their shoulders. Strain the syrup, add lemon peel, cinnamon and cloves, bring to a boil and add wine. Pour the hot syrup over the apples in the jars and sterilize as usual.

Compote from ranetki

1 kg apples,
1 liter of water,
300-400 g sugar,
vanilla on the tip of a knife.

Carefully sort and wash the apples. They should be moderately juicy, not overripe, without stains or damage. Cut off the stalks, leaving about ⅓ of the length. Prick each apple in several places with a sharp toothpick or a thick needle - this will prevent the skin from bursting. Boil syrup from water and sugar, strain, add vanilla and bring to a boil again. Place the apples in prepared jars up to their shoulders, fill them with hot syrup and set them to sterilize or pasteurize. Roll it up and turn it over.

Compote from summer apples and black currant

1 kg apples,
400 g black currants,
1 liter of water,
600-700 g sugar.

Place the prepared apples and currants in jars up to their shoulders and fill them with cold syrup of water and sugar and leave for 6-8 hours. Then add syrup to the top and place for sterilization: 1-liter - 5 minutes, 2-liter - 8 minutes, 3-liter - 12 minutes (or pasteurize at a temperature of 85ºC, respectively, 15, 25 and 30 minutes).

Compote of apples and rose hips

750 g apples,
250 g rose hips,
1 liter of water,
500 g sugar.

Prepare the apples. Cut red, not overripe rose hips in half, remove seeds and hairs and rinse thoroughly. Place in jars and fill with boiling sugar syrup. Place for sterilization: 0.5-liter - 20 minutes, 1-liter - 30 minutes. Roll up.

1 kg apples,
300 g cherries,
1 liter of water,
400-450 g sugar.

Fill scalded jars with a mixture of apples and cherries to ⅔ volume, pour boiling syrup and leave for 6-8 hours, covering the jars. Then carefully drain the syrup, bring it to a boil, pour it into jars and seal immediately. Wrap it up and leave it to cool overnight.

Ingredients for a 2-liter jar:
3-4 whole apples,
2-3 small bunches of grapes,
1 liter of water,
200 g sugar.

Place whole apples on the bottom of the jars. Place bunches of grapes on top of the apples so that they fill the jar by ⅔ of its volume. Pour boiling syrup over the fruit and place for sterilization (15 minutes from the start of boiling). Roll it up, turn it over, wrap it up.

1 kg apples,
400 g plums,
200 g pears,
1 liter of water,
200-400 g sugar.

Prepare the apples as usual, peel and cut the pears into halves, leave the plums whole if the compote will not be stored for more than a year, or cut in half and remove the seeds. Place the fruit in jars up to the shoulders, fill with hot syrup and pasteurize at a temperature of 85ºC: 1-liter - 15 minutes, 2-liter - 25 minutes, 3-liter - 30 minutes (or sterilize in boiling water, respectively, 5, 8 and 12 minutes).

1 kg apples,
200 g rhubarb,
1 liter of water,
200-400 g sugar.

Place the prepared apples and rhubarb in jars up to their shoulders and fill with cold syrup. Leave for 6-8 hours. Then top up with syrup and pasteurize or sterilize as usual. Roll up.

Apple compote with berry juice. It is prepared in the same way as a regular compote, only instead of syrup, juice from currants (black, red, white), cherries, raspberries, etc. is poured into jars. You can add a little sugar to taste (the more sour the apples and berries, the more sugar you will need). Set to pasteurize: 1-liter - 15 minutes, 2-liter - 20 minutes, 3-liter - 30 minutes. Roll it up and turn it over.

Here are some more examples of assorted apple compotes:

Apple-cherry in a ratio of 4:1
Apple-plum-pear in a ratio of 4:2:2
Apple-pear-peach-plum in the ratio 3:1:2:2
Apple-gooseberry-raspberry in a ratio of 4:1:1
Apple-rowan (red or chokeberry) in a ratio of 4:2
Apple (summer, sweet)-strawberry (strawberry) in a ratio of 5:2

You can make any assorted compote according to your own taste. Determine the amount of sugar based on the degree of acidity of the ingredients - the more acidic the apples, berries or fruits, the more sugar you will need.

Apple compote for the winter can be prepared without sterilization or pasteurization. Only in this case, before adding fruit, the jars must be sterilized, dried, and after capping, turned upside down and wrapped. And, of course, the amount of sugar must be increased by at least 20%, since sugar will act as a preservative.

Happy preparations!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Apple compote for the winter

Since childhood, we all remember the unique taste of our grandmother’s or mother’s homemade preparations, which are so pleasant to open in the middle of winter or on some holiday and enjoy the nostalgic taste of summer and warmth. Apple compotes are especially tasty. We are ready to tell you how to prepare apple compote for the winter, a simple recipe for which you can rate by selecting the appropriate number of stars :)

We will inform you in detail how much and in what proportions you need to take ingredients to prepare this delicious home preparation, which apples are best to take, how long to cook compote from fresh apples and what else can be added to this main fruit to diversify taste qualities drink

You will see for yourself that in order to make compotes for the winter, you don’t need to come up with anything supernatural, everything is quite simple and accessible, but incredibly tasty.

Mandatory rules

Before you start trying to make apple compote from fresh apples for the winter, you should familiarize yourself with some rules that will help you avoid mistakes and do everything right.

  1. To make the compote the most delicious, you should select large, clean apples, without any damage or wormholes. If you have several different varieties this fruit, then they need to be rolled up different banks so that the taste of the drink remains pure.
  2. Before preparing compote, the fruits must be thoroughly washed. This is necessary so that the compote does not subsequently ferment.
  3. Compote can be made from whole or chopped apples. If desired, you can peel them and remove the core. If you are going to prepare compote from cut apples, then to prevent them from darkening, soak them briefly in salted or acidified water with the addition of citric acid. Then your apples will be preserved light color and will delight you with its pleasant appearance and taste.
  4. The jars in which you are going to roll your compote must be sterilized in a water bath or steamed. You can also bake them in the oven. The same is done with lids for jars. This is necessary in order to destroy various bacteria that can then provoke fermentation. homemade drink and its damage. You don’t want the fruits of your labor to have to be poured out and thrown away, do you?
  5. And lastly: for such preparations, it is better to use apples of sweet and sour varieties that have dense pulp; you can even take slightly unripe ones, but already plump. Compote from unripe apples for the winter, after some time it will reach the desired taste level. If you take it completely unripe apples, then the taste of the drink will not be as rich as we would like. If, on the contrary, the fruits are overripe, then they themselves will soften in the compote, lose their elasticity and shape, and scraps of pulp will float in the syrup.

Now you know what basic rules you need to follow before you start making apple compote.

Whole apple compote

As we have already said, compotes can be prepared from either sliced ​​or whole apples. This is a matter of personal taste and also depends on the size of the fruits you grow or buy. If the apples are small in size and easily fit into the neck of a three-liter jar, then it is better to leave them whole.

So, first, let's describe a recipe on how to prepare compote from whole apples for the winter. For one three-liter jar you will need to take:

  • 8-10 pieces of apples of the Antonovka, Ranetki, etc. variety;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 300 g sugar.

Here is a very simple recipe for canning apple compote.

Compote of chopped apples

In the previous recipe we used whole apples. But if the fruits are large enough and do not fit into the jar, then there is nothing wrong with cutting them. Therefore, now we will tell you how you can prepare compote from chopped apples for the winter.

The ingredients you will need for this are as follows (the quantities are arbitrary):

  • Apples with dense pulp.
  • Salt or citric acid.
  • Sugar syrup (for 1 liter of water, take one and a half or two glasses of granulated sugar).

We prepare such a compote as follows:

To appreciate the taste of apple compote in slices for the winter, you need to wait for some time until the apples give up their juice to the syrup, which, in turn, thoroughly saturates them.

Baked apple compote

If you want to try a few unusual compote from apples, then we offer you the following recipe. It is unusual in that the apples must first be baked.

For this recipe, which is called “Rejuvenating Apples”, you will need:

  • Apples.
  • Sugar syrup at the rate of one glass of granulated sugar per liter of water.

So how to make compote from baked apples for the winter?

  1. Apples need to be washed and cored.
  2. Fill the resulting holes with sugar, then bake the apples in the oven.
  3. Cool the finished apples and place them in jars.
  4. Pour hot sugar syrup, cover and sterilize for three minutes.
  5. After this, the jars can be screwed on, turned over and, as usual, left to cool, covered with something warm.

Now you know how to cook baked apple compote for the winter.

Apple compote White filling

Apple preparations for the winter can be made of any variety, depending on what grows in your garden or what is offered in stores. But white apple compote turns out to be especially tasty if you prepare it for the winter.

These apples are also called papirovka and are a juicy summer variety with a high content of vitamin C. Therefore, it is better to prepare compote from them without sterilization, so as not to lose positive properties these healthy fruits.

So, for one three-liter jar of such compote you need to take:

  • 10 pieces of medium-sized apples.
  • 2.5 liters of water.
  • 1 cup granulated sugar.

How to make white apple compote?

  1. Wash the apples thoroughly; if they are small, then put them in jars whole, removing the stem. If the jars do not fit into the neck, they need to be cut.
  2. Fill the jars with apples to about one third of the volume.
  3. Pour sand on top - 1 glass in each jar.
  4. Next, fill the apples halfway with boiling water, cover with lids and let steep for 10 minutes.
  5. Next, drain the syrup, bring to a boil and fill the jars with boiling water the second time, but this time completely.
  6. After this, we roll up the jars with lids and place them upside down, covering them with a blanket or towel.

Here's the recipe. But before you roll up white apple compote for the winter, you need to remember one thing: apples of this variety spoil very quickly, so preparations must be made as soon as the apples are removed from the branches.

Compote of apples and gooseberries

To give compotes a more attractive color and original taste, you can experiment and cook apple compote with slices for the winter, adding to them various berries and fruits.

For example, gooseberry and apple compote for the winter. For a three-liter jar of compote you will need, respectively, three liters of water, three apples, 150 g of gooseberries and 1 glass of sugar.

When you have prepared all the products, you will need to proceed like this:

  1. Wash berries and fruits thoroughly. Cut off all the tails of the gooseberries, cut the apples into slices.
  2. Place everything in a container and fill with water.
  3. Add granulated sugar, bring to a boil and cook for another 10 minutes.
  4. Turn off the gas, cover the container with a lid and let your compote brew for another 10 minutes.
  5. Well, then traditionally pour the compote into sterilized jars and roll up the lids.

Before you cook apple and gooseberry compote for the winter, decide how sweet your drinks are. This compote will be slightly sour due to the addition of gooseberries. Therefore, if you like sweet drinks, then increase the amount of sugar per jar a little.

Compote of apples and peaches

So you need to take:

  • Sweet and sour apples;
  • Slightly unripe peaches;
  • Granulated sugar.

You need to prepare such a compote as follows:

  1. We wash the fruits thoroughly. Remove the pits from the peaches and cut them into slices. Remove the core from the apples and also cut into slices or cut into halves.
  2. Place chopped apples and peaches in prepared, pre-sterilized jars to about one-third of the volume. Pour boiling water over it.
  3. After this, cover with lids and let it brew for 10 - 15 minutes.
  4. Pour the liquid from the cans into a saucepan, add granulated sugar at the rate of 100 g per liter and bring to a boil.
  5. Fill the apples and peaches with syrup a second time, roll up the lids on the jars, turn them over and cover with a blanket. Before storing the finished compote, it must cool completely.

Now you know how to make apple and peach compote for the winter.

Recipe for apple compote without added sugar

For those who do not like sweet drinks, are trying to limit their sugar intake, or are forced to do so for medical reasons, we advise you to try making sugar-free apple compote for the winter.

The sequence of your actions should be like this:

  1. Apples must be washed, cored and cut into slices.
  2. Place them in a weak saline solution for 5 - 7 minutes.
  3. Next, the apple slices need to be blanched in boiling water for 15 minutes.
  4. Remove the apples, cool and place in jars.
  5. Next you need to pour it into jars hot water, cover them with lids, place the jars in a container with hot water and sterilize for approximately 25 minutes.
  6. After this, roll up the jars.

Now you know how you can preserve apple compote without adding sugar to it. It is better to use sour apples for this recipe. You can also add a little for taste chokeberry, a few peas of allspice and clove inflorescences.

How to roll up jars for the winter

We've talked a lot here about how to prepare apple compote for the winter. various recipes. And all these recipes end with the same action - the jars with the finished compote need to be rolled up. Those who are planning to make blanks for the first time may have a reasonable question: To How to close apple compote for the winter?

To do this, seaming machines, which come in several types, will come to your aid:

  • Manual seaming. Every self-respecting housewife had one like this during the Soviet era. The good thing about it is that you can control how hard you press and the speed at which you roll up the lids on the jars.
  • Automatic. This requires less control on your part, but the seaming should be well adjusted.
  • An innovative type of sealer with two levers, when lowered, the device firmly presses the lid to the neck of the jar.

When you are wondering how to make apple compote, you should focus on your own experience or the experience of other people, as well as individual preferences. In any case, when turning the cans over after twisting, liquid should not leak out of them. There should also be no air bubbles, otherwise this means that the jar is not closed tightly.

So, we looked at how you can make compote from whole and cut apples for the winter. The recipes given here are not at all complicated and can be done even by those who have never prepared anything before.

  • All preparations for the winter, in particular apple compote, contain many useful substances and vitamins that fruits and berries are rich in. That is why we advise preparing them without sterilization. This way all the vitamins will be preserved much better.
  • When you prepare compote from fresh apples for the winter, then in addition to the gooseberries and peaches mentioned above, you can add other fruits and berries to the recipe, which will highlight the taste of the apples in their own way and give an original aftertaste. So in traditional recipe You can add rose hips, red currants, grapes, cherries, pears, plums, sea buckthorn, rhubarb and even wine. Don't be afraid to experiment.
  • If you noticed, all the recipes that tell you how to make apple compote for the winter say that after rolling the jars you need to cover them with a blanket or something else warm. This is done in order not to disrupt temperature regime and there was no sudden temperature change. Cool boiling water is poured into the jars. And so that the glass does not burst, they are wrapped in a blanket for gradual cooling.

That's all you need to know about how to can apple compote. We encourage you to try everything above. listed recipes, and maybe even come up with your own and unsubscribe in the comments.