Fireweed honey properties. Fireweed honey (willow tea) and its beneficial properties

All bee products are actively used in human life. Fireweed honey is no exception. This unique product is of great benefit. In terms of useful properties and coloring, it has no equal. Let's figure out what fireweed honey is and why it has earned such popularity.

Fireweed honey - what is it

This variety of honey is extracted from narrow-leaved fireweed (popularly it is also called Ivan-tea), which sprouts in Europe and Asia and looks like a purple-pink flower. In Russia, it is usually found on the territory of coniferous forests in Siberia and the European part of the state. Prefers open spaces, closer to roads, grows on the site of fires.

Cypress exudes a strong, pronounced aroma that attracts with great success. From fireweed is formed a large number of pollen, so it is an excellent honey plant - with 1 kg, bees can make about 700 gr. honey. It turns out an interesting treat, which is called the Cypriot honey.

fireweed honey

Main characteristics

Once you see this variety of honey, you will not confuse it with anything else. Fresh honey is almost transparent, with a slight shade of green. The consistency resembles sour cream or cream. After 5 months, the color of real honey with Ivan tea becomes completely white. For this, he is popularly called "snow".

Interesting. When heated, fireweed honey, which was white in color, turns yellow.

The product has a pleasant floral aroma and a specific taste, reminiscent of a combination spicy spices and herbs.

The composition of fireweed honey

Honey is extracted from Ivan tea, which determines what the product consists of:

  • Glucose.
  • Fructose.
  • Enzymes.
  • Vitamin C.
  • Antioxidants.
  • Tannins.
  • Tannin.
  • Calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc.
  • Flavonoids.
  • Easily digestible carbohydrates.
  • Vitamins of group B, P, E and PP.
  • Micro, - and macronutrients.

Compound fireweed honey

Color and nutritional value

Per 100 g of the product account for:

  • Proteins - 0.80 g. - 1% of the daily requirement.
  • Fat - 0.00 g. - 0% of the daily value.
  • Carbohydrates - 81 g. - 30% of the daily value.

Important! Calorie content - 315.33 kcal.

Beneficial features

Ivan tea honey is hard to overestimate. It has a number of useful properties that are used in 2 areas of life:

1. In the treatment and prevention of diseases:

  • Enveloping and bactericidal agent that relieves sore throat and relieves inflammation.
  • Alleviates the symptoms of prostate diseases.
  • Ointment for ulcers, burns and purulent wounds.
  • Cleanses the blood of toxins.
  • Effectively treats flu and colds in combination with pharmaceutical preparations.
  • Helps normalize blood pressure.
  • It has an anticonvulsant effect.
  • Prevents the formation of tumors and malignant cells.
  • With regular use, it contributes to a surge of strength, vigor, a more balanced state.
  • Calms the nervous system.
  • Strengthens and tones the body.

Note! Due to the difference in composition, it happens that people who cannot tolerate honey can take a product from willow tea in not large quantities.

  • Strengthens immunity.
  • Helps in the prevention of blood diseases and anemia.
  • Strengthens the heart muscle and blood vessels, making them more elastic.
  • Used for diseases digestive system(heartburn, constipation, duodenal disease).
  • Normalizes sleep.

2. In cosmetology:

  • Stimulates the production of collagen, making the skin elastic and eliminating wrinkles.
  • Cleans from sludge.
  • It kills pathogenic fungi and bacteria, therefore it is part of ointments and creams.
  • Improves complexion and body.
  • Helps skin during recovery.
  • Nourishes and strengthens the skin.

How to choose the right Cypriot honey

On a note! The problem of choosing fresh and high-quality honey is acute on the market, especially in cities. For the last 10 years, doctors have been advising to give up honey from Ivan-tea altogether, arguing that at the moment there is no real product on sale.

But for those who know the characteristics of real honey, it is not difficult to distinguish between fresh and natural honey from a fake.

Maturity is the key

  • If honey is scooped up with a spoon, and it quickly starts to drain, then the product is immature, therefore it will not be stored for a long time, less useful.
  • If you drop a drop of honey on a saucer, and the shape is preserved - mature. This will keep for a long time.


Important! A strong smell of herbs and sweetness is a sign of high quality. Buying honey with a smoke or fermentation flavor should be avoided.


  • Be sure to try the honey before buying. Sellers usually provide samples to buyers. A good product very sweet and pleasant taste without aftertaste of caramel, fermentation, acid, chemicals.
  • When choosing, consider the presence of a slight herbal taste.

Color and consistency

  • Check with the seller when the item was assembled. After that, pay attention to the color of fireweed honey. If it is stored for no longer than 1-2 months, then it will be almost transparent, liquid consistency, reminiscent of heavy cream, without viscosity and lumps.
  • If stored for more than 2 months, it begins to crystallize, small grains form, the shade becomes pure white closer to 3 months. If the product is heated, the color will be yellow.
  • It is worth distinguishing fireweed honey from linden honey. The second has a more intense amber hue.

How to choose the right Cypriot honey

How to distinguish fake fireweed honey

In the spring-summer period, it is much more difficult to recognize a fake product:

  • A frozen and candied product never crunches on the teeth. If the honey crunches, then the bees were fed sweet. You should not buy such a product, since it does not have any useful properties.
  • Plasticity will tell you how to distinguish a fake fireweed honey. Thickened honey flows from the spoon in a continuous stream. If it drips or does not drain at all, then there are clear signs of artificial origin by eye.


The product should not be taken by people with obesity and diabetes. People suffering from diseases of the pancreas, it is better to limit consumption to a minimum. Hypertensive patients should be treated with caution. After taking, a decrease in pressure is often observed, especially with a complex of other herbs.

Asthmatics should avoid any intake of cypress honey, as it can provoke asthma attacks.

Important! Honey should not be given to children under 2 years of age. Bacteria are often found in the product, which children's body cannot neutralize.

It is also necessary to check for the presence of individual intolerance, allergies to bee products. Chemical composition may exacerbate the disease.

At high temperatures, fireweed honey can lead to a deterioration in the condition.

Rules for the use of honey from fireweed

Bee products are good for the body, but at the same time they can cause serious harm. To prevent this from happening, you must follow the general rules:

  • The use of honey can become useful only if the proportions are observed and not violated. daily dose- 50-80 g for adults, children after 6 years - no more than 40 g, up to 6 - 10 g.
  • For maximum effect, it is recommended to monitor the acidity of the stomach. With normal acidity, honey is best taken 30-40 minutes before meals. At reduced - in 15 minutes, dissolving in cold water.

Important! The composition of fireweed honey includes a large amount of fructose and glucose, which can contribute to the appearance of caries.

  • The product should be taken in the morning and evening before meals. The use with other products will add some extra pounds and slow down the digestion process.
  • Taking a spoonful of honey in your mouth, do not write off immediately swallow it. Try the product, hold it for a couple of seconds. The mouth releases beneficial enzymes and antioxidants that aid in the absorption of food and sugary substances.
  • After taking it is recommended to rinse your mouth.

Rules for the use of honey from fireweed

Storage conditions

Fireweed honey quickly crystallizes (for 2 months), but at the same time its beneficial properties are preserved.

To avoid souring, store the product in a refrigerator in a tightly closed vessel at a temperature of 3 to 10 degrees Celsius. Air humidity - not higher than 60%.

If you put the product in freezer, it will retain its sweetness and taste, but lose its beneficial properties.

Important! In no case should you heat honey, do not add hot liquids to it (over 40 degrees Celsius). At high temperatures, honey produces a carcinogen, loses all useful properties.

Honey retains its beneficial properties for 1 year; it can be stored as a sweet for no more than a year and a half. At room temperature the shelf life is reduced to 6 months.

Glassware is suitable for long-term storage, plastic or metal dishes are suitable for shorter-term storage.

Fireweed honey is a unique product that is endowed with a mass of useful properties. The main thing is to choose a high-quality natural product and follow all the recommendations written in this article. Then the product will become a real find.

About value and useful properties natural honey well known. His regular use It helps to strengthen the immune system, increase the protective ability of the body, and overall improve well-being. Taking into account a large number of varieties of honey, it can be noted that each of them has its own characteristics and properties, as well as taste. Accordingly, we give preference to one or another variety, choosing it individually for ourselves.

Fireweed honey also deserves attention and is very popular. Amazing Properties of this product are due to its composition. This honey is obtained from the Ivan-chai plant, or fireweed, which is an excellent honey plant. It is distinguished by a very delicate, subtle aroma and amazing taste. For those who still do not know anything about what fireweed honey is, we will consider its beneficial properties and contraindications in this article.

Vitamin composition and value

A large number of microelements and minerals important for life are found in honey from willow-tea. It is rich in vitamins B1, B2, B3, as well as P and E. Few people know that this product surpasses even citrus fruits and black currants in terms of the amount of ascorbic acid. This explains its ability to quickly fight viruses.

In that natural product contains tannins and a large amount of antioxidants that help cleanse the body. For example, a substance such as tannin gives honey an astringent, enveloping effect. And flavonoids have a beneficial effect on all organ systems, improving their functioning and activating the production of beneficial enzymes.

Unique composition honey obtained from fireweed distinguishes it from other varieties: this product does not cause allergic reactions, which means it is indispensable for those who are prone to allergies.

Fireweed honey - benefits for the human body

Fireweed honey is certainly incredibly healthy. But this is not a panacea or a medicine, but just a product that nature has given to promote health and prevent various diseases. It is recommended to include it in your diet and use it regularly to forget about many ailments. Decoctions, infusions, creams and ointments are prepared from this product.

This tool is useful for the prevention of diseases of the heart and blood vessels, it has a strengthening and cleansing effect. Surprisingly, depending on what time of day it is used, you can get a different effect on the nervous system. For example, in the morning with a couple of spoons of honey, you can cheer up well and prepare the body for an active working day. Before going to bed, the use of fireweed honey will help relieve fatigue, and vice versa, it will relax and prepare the body for a restful sleep. In the evening, you should eat a smaller portion to achieve the desired effect.

Since it has an enveloping and astringent effect, it is useful to have it on hand in case of gastritis attacks, as well as for those who suffer from low stomach acid. In such cases, it is recommended to start the day not with a cup of coffee, but with a glass of warm water with the addition of a spoonful of bee products. This normalizes digestion and prepares the stomach for various foods throughout the day.

Fireweed honey is famous for its antiviral, antibacterial properties, so it is indispensable for colds and during seasonal exacerbations of SARS. Enveloping the throat, honey renders therapeutic effect with angina and colds.

Effective remedy against cramps, spasms and headaches, this natural product can be considered a universal remedy in the fight against poor health. Its regular use will make you feel much better, improve your health. internal organs and rejuvenate the body, and thanks to its beneficial properties, it has also established itself as an effective cosmetic product. Honey has a narrowing effect on the pores, rejuvenates the skin, relieves inflammation in acne and improves fat metabolism. Masks from such a gift of nature give the face a healthy look and a natural glow. Honey is also useful for the skin of the hands and nails, improving their structure and making them strong and strong. In addition, its external use has a healing and disinfecting effect on wounds, scratches, bruises.

About who is dangerous fireweed honey (contraindications for use)

If honey is used with caution, it will have a healing effect, otherwise the effect will be the opposite. So, hypertensive patients taking other drugs to lower pressure and medicinal herbs should be treated with caution. In combination with them, honey can greatly increase blood pressure.

Despite the hypoallergenicity of this type of beekeeping product, you should still consult an allergist before feeding it to a child. This also applies to its external use. Some people have too sensitive skin to experiment with this natural cosmetics.

Contraindications should be taken into account for people who are prone to fullness. This product does not contain fat, but contains a lot of sugar and carbohydrates. If you eat it in large quantities, you can provoke obesity. For the same reason, diabetics should avoid it.

Also, those who eat fireweed honey can expect harm even where no one is waiting for it. It can easily turn into poison if the heating technology is violated. So, at 40 degrees Celsius, it produces carcinogenic substances and products that cause the development of cancer cells. So those who like to make last year's honey thin by heating should do it only in a water bath without contact with hot water by controlling the temperature of the product.

If you carefully and attentively treat the products that the environment offers us, then you can give yourself excellent health and enviable well-being. Be healthy and enjoy the gifts of nature.

“Where there is a flower, there is honey,” they used to say in Russia. From mid-June to about mid-August, narrow-leaved fireweed blooms in the northern regions of Russia, and the people call it more simply - Ivan-tea.

This plant blooms with red, bright pink flowers with a rich aroma. Just during this period, Ivan-tea is preferred by bees, because the plant is considered an excellent honey plant, and its smell spreads over long distances, attracting insects. And the bees know how to make honey from Cyprus, and we know.

From the nectar of Cyprus, a delicious, fragrant, light yellow honey is obtained, reminiscent of sour cream in texture. But honey from Ivan-tea has the property of rapid sugaring. Therefore, people who do not understand it consider the crystallized consistency of almost white color to be a fake. In fact, all natural honey tends to be candied. Only one is faster, the other is slower.

Honey from Ivan tea and its beneficial properties

Everyone knows that honey is very popular, but fireweed in particular. It has all the properties that Cyprus:

  • increased immunity;
  • skin and body cleansing;
  • toning; removal of seizures;
  • removal of cholesterol toxins, excess fluid and strengthening of blood vessels;

In addition, it provides an increase in mood and energy; treatment of inflammatory processes in humans; cancer prevention; beneficial effect on the skin and hair.

Traditional medicine recipes

As an anti-inflammatory agent, honey from Ivan-tea is used in the treatment of many diseases: the genitourinary, respiratory, digestive, reproductive systems of men and women.

In inflammatory processes in the body, it is necessary to use fireweed honey with 5% propolis tincture, in equal parts. One teaspoon one hour before meals - three times a day.

Note! If a person has an allergy to plant pollen, then treatment is contraindicated.

Treatment of the digestive system

As an enveloping and antimicrobial agent, fireweed honey is used to treat the stomach and intestines. In the morning on an empty stomach, a teaspoon of the product is diluted in a glass boiled water. Fireweed honey kills pathogenic microorganisms, restores the functioning of the intestinal tract, reduces acidity and envelops the walls of the stomach.

Attention! This recipe is not suitable for people with reduced acidity of gastric juice.

Strengthening and protecting the body

Honey from Ivan tea contains a high content of vitamin C, so eating it helps to increase the protective properties of the body, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, and removes cholesterol from the body. It is enough to eat a teaspoon per day.

B vitamins and magnesium help relieve irritability, fatigue, and also help with convulsive sensations in the body. And fireweed honey contains this vitamin and microelement in excess.

High blood pressure treatment

Very well honey from Ivan-tea helps to remove excess fluid from the body, and this is directly related to a decrease in blood pressure. In this case, it is recommended to add a spoonful of the product to a glass of water, and a couple of spoons lemon juice. Take half an hour before meals - three times a day.

Note! Hypotonic patients are not advised to use.

Due to the antioxidant and antimicrobial properties of Ivan-tea, people with intestinal infection and poisoning are given to drink honey water. In this case, they drink it in large quantities and follow a starvation diet.

Attention! In case of poisoning and infections, a person is not fed - the body needs strength to fight infection and harmful substances, and not to digest food.

In case of metabolic disorders

Not worse, fireweed honey copes with the establishment of the endocrine system, as well as the restoration of metabolism. Therefore, very often this variety is treated for obesity. Half an hour before meals, they drink a decoction of Potentilla white 1/3 cup with the addition of half a teaspoon of honey from Ivan tea.

Read! About how and apply it for various diseases.

Ivan tea honey for women

Most of all, this type of honey is appreciated by the female sex. If you add it to masks, it is possible to get rid of acne, acne, and also provoke the production of collagen in the body, which maintains youthful skin. And in the bath, due to its accelerated crystallization, it is used as a scrub. Very well cleanses the skin, nourishes, opens the pores.

It only seems at first glance: “What difference does it make what kind of honey: buckwheat, May, linden, fireweed!?”. But no, each is suitable for a different business.


Fireweed honey is famous for its miraculous effect, amazing aroma and wonderful taste. as a remedy for colds, relieves stomach cramps, cleanses the internal organs of harmful toxins. This honey is perfect for strengthening immune system and improving overall well-being.

To get such a wonderful color and consistency, as in the picture, you need to follow certain rules for collecting and steaming plant raw materials.

Required Ingredients

  • Flowers of the plant - 3 cups (you can also add a spoonful of mint, linden flowers and dandelion).
  • Sugar (sand) - 2 kg.
  • Water - 1 l.
  • Citric acid or squeezed lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.

During the growing season of Ivan-tea, it is necessary to collect large inflorescences of the plant, dry it in a well-ventilated place and put it in prepared dishes.

Take three glasses of dried Ivan-tea flowers, add a few tablespoons of mint, linden flowers, dandelions if desired.

Pour the whole mixture into enamel pan. Fill with clean cold water.

After putting the container on medium heat, bring to a boil, reduce the flame to a minimum and hold for 10 minutes.

Remove from the stove and leave the broth in a dark place for a day. Strain and squeeze the pulp.

It turns out a decoction of a rich red color, if you taste it, you will feel a bitter aftertaste. Further, the technology for preparing honey is as follows:

All the resulting liquid is poured into a deep basin, sugar is added and placed on slow fire for long digestion.

Boil for 20-30 minutes, stirring constantly and removing the foam. After the resulting consistency is removed from the fire and infused to the required density. After that, a spoonful of lemon juice is added, which makes the honey red-raspberry in color.

The taste of the resulting composition is a little bitter, but this explains its healing properties. Such honey can be added to tea, diluted with water or seasoned with fruit salads.

Attention! This is a real healing miracle that helps to restore strength and get a boost of energy for every day.

The preparation time of the composition is one hour. Ready honey is stored in small jars in a dark, cool place, at a temperature of no more than 15 degrees Celsius.

Recipe for a facial mask with honey and white clay

To make the skin smooth, clean and velvety, you need to mix one spoonful of honey with 50 g of white clay, stir and rub the resulting mixture into your face. Wash off after 10 minutes, then apply a moisturizer and do not go outside, especially in windy weather.

Important! And to cleanse the face of acne and eliminate excessive pigmentation with ready-made honey, you need to wipe your face in the morning and evening, this composition will nourish the skin useful vitamins and minerals, will add a touch of freshness and vivacity.

Honey for healing wounds and deep cuts

Apply a thick layer of liquid and wrap a medical bandage on top. Withstand until the composition is completely absorbed, then rinse the wound warm water. The result will be already on the second day, the wound will heal, negative substances will begin to come out, and with constant procedures, even the scar from the cut will disappear.

Such a drink will be useful for both children and adults. For the purpose of prevention - one glass of tea a day, in the presence of viral symptoms, headache, fever, runny nose, cough, you need to not only drink tea with honey, but also rinse the nasal passage with a consistency of 1:10. Gargle with the same composition to relieve dryness and remove mucus from the body.

Ivan-tea honey is successfully used to normalize blood pressure and improve the functioning of the digestive system. If everything is done correctly, then finished product can be stored in the refrigerator for several years without losing its positive healing properties.

Enjoy your health and be in a great mood!

Honey, made by bees from fireweed nectar, which is otherwise called Ivan-tea, with its nondescript appearance, has a truly wide range of useful properties. Daily use this natural product beekeeping helps to strengthen the immune system and improve the general condition of the body. We will describe in detail all the properties and features of fireweed honey below.

The source of fireweed honey is a medicinal plant - fireweed, which is better known among the people as willowherb or willowherb. This plant grows along highways and on motherworts, attracting bees with its aroma. Not surprisingly, honey extracted from medicinal plant, has healing properties.

Fireweed honey contains:

  • B group vitamins
  • Vitamin E, P and PP
  • Vitamin C in it is 2-3 times more than in citrus fruits
  • Tannins,
  • Copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, titanium, molybdenum and other micro and macro elements
  • Organic acids (acetic, citric, oxalic and others)
  • Flavonoids, pectin, alkaloids

What is useful fireweed honey? Thanks to such a rich composition, honey collected from willow tea has the following healing properties:

  • Thanks to ascorbic acid, it helps fight influenza and SARS viruses.
  • Iron, vitamins C and B groups improve blood formation
  • Vitamins P and C reduce capillary fragility
  • Alkaloids in the composition give honey a sedative effect.
  • Tannins, mucus and pectins in honey have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and also contribute to the healing of ulcers.
  • The combination of organic acids with flavonoids manifests itself as a choleretic property
  • Magnesium, mucus and alkaloids act as a pain reliever

In addition, fireweed honey can be used in cosmetology:

  • The antiseptic properties of honey help to speed up the healing of boils, abscesses and other skin problems.
  • Flavonoids, vitamin C, organic acids and other substances stimulating collagen synthesis contribute to the preservation of skin elasticity, and therefore slow down its aging.

Of course, the effect of fireweed honey is only cosmetic; the cause of dermatological manifestations is still worth fighting for.

Fireweed honey: contraindications

Although the taste of fireweed honey will obviously appeal to those with a sweet tooth, its use should be limited in weight. Do not take this product as a sweetness - it is primarily a medicine. When using such honey, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of allergic reactions, so you should use it with caution for those who are allergic to bee products.

It is advisable for people with hypotension not to get involved in the use of this delicacy due to the vasodilating properties of honey (which leads to a decrease in pressure). Honey contains large amounts of sucrose and glucose. Therefore, diabetics should limit their consumption.

At the same time, fireweed honey in small doses is even recommended for use, moreover, it is even indicated for pregnant women.

What does fireweed honey look like?

Such useful product by the law of the genre is very unpresentable appearance. It differs from ordinary honey in its more liquid consistency, similar in density to liquid sour cream. Fresh fireweed honey is similar in color to ordinary honey, but slightly gives off a greenish tint (moreover, the larger the volume of the container, the brighter it appears). green color). During crystallization, honey brightens, and becomes like butter whipped with sugar.

The fresh product has a very delicate aroma, reminiscent of the smell of willow-tea. But this smell is not as strong as the smells of other types of honey.

Characteristic for fireweed honey and fast crystallization. Do not be surprised if soon after the purchase the honey turns into a thick mass with white "snowflakes" - this does not indicate a low quality of the product or fraud on the part of the seller - fireweed honey should look like this.

The combination of this appearance and aroma scares off the buyer, but do not worry - all the characteristics of honey described above indicate its authenticity and naturalness.

How is fireweed honey made?

Fireweed honey is obtained in exactly the same way as all other types of honey. Unless the bees collect nectar from the edges where Ivan-tea grows.

All summer long, bees fill the honeycombs with their product, flying hundreds of kilometers over and over again. As honey plants (those species of plants whose nectar are collected by bees) fade, beekeepers begin to pump out honey. The very first - May - honey is obtained at the end of May and June. The start of honey harvesting depends on the climatic conditions of the region.

Fireweed usually blooms from late June to late July, approximately 4-5 weeks. Therefore, the collection of honey from Ivan tea begins in late July and early August.

The process of pumping honey has its own specifics depending on the equipment, but general principle one:

  • Bees are neutralized;
  • Frames with full combs are taken out of the hive;
  • Already in a special room, the wax sealing the honeycombs is cut off;
  • The frames are inserted into the pumping device, which works on the principle of a centrifuge;
  • At the bottom of the pumping device, honey remains, which is drained from containers for transportation or storage, having previously filtered from all excess .

Often beekeepers add to purified honey royal jelly to enhance beneficial properties.

When does fireweed honey plant?

Honey from the fireweed sits very quickly, by the end of November all the honey in the container should already be of a uniform white color. Otherwise, if the honey does not acquire the proper characteristics, there is a high probability that the honey you bought turned out to be fake.

Sometimes in a thick honey mass you can find lumps of honey - in this case you should not worry about the fake honey, because this phenomenon is also typical for fireweed honey. After thickening, honey can turn into a kind of "snowflakes", which also indicates the authenticity of the product.

How to distinguish real honey from fireweed?

Before you buy a healing jar of fireweed honey, you need to know the signs that distinguish real honey from fake:

  • First, the consistency. Real fresh honey reaches for a spoon, and this trickle of honey delicacy will be about the same thickness throughout its length.
  • Secondly, the smell. Natural honey does not have a very catchy smell. At least it doesn't irritate the nose as much as artificial fragrance.
  • Thirdly, color. Each type of honey has its own color. And it should be uniform and uniform.
  • Next is the taste. If you manage to try before buying, then support honey on the tongue longer. As soon as you begin to feel warm or burning, you can calm down - this is real honey. After that, a bitter aftertaste will be given in the throat - even better. It's all about the enzymes contained in this bee product. They tend to act on the mucous membrane with a kind of tingling.
  • Honey weight - normal liter jar honey weighs approximately 1.4 kg.

Often in late spring and early June, you can find sellers offering early fireweed honey. Unfortunately, this honey is fake. The fact is that if you heat old honey, it darkens and becomes thinner. But such a product can no longer be called honey, because when heated, it loses all its properties.

How to distinguish honey from Ivan tea from the rest:

  • We recall the dependence of the color and state of aggregation of honey on the season. In late summer and early autumn, fireweed honey can still be liquid, but by the end of September it begins to thicken a little. In winter and spring, it must be already white.
  • Fresh honey should have a slight aroma of willow-herb and a greenish color.

Many unscrupulous beekeepers, in order to increase the volume of goods, breed honey with caramel molasses. It is difficult to distinguish it from the real one by sight and color. Here are a few ways you can do this:

  • Drop on a piece toilet paper honey. If there is molasses in it, then in a few minutes it will begin to soak the paper, and a liquid stain will appear on the reverse side.
  • Drop honey into a glass and add iodine. Honey turned blue - there are impurities of starch. So the honey is not real.
  • Sometimes chalk is added to honey. To identify it, you need a drop of vinegar, which will extinguish the chalk, like soda.
  • You can dilute honey with distilled water in a ratio of 1: 1, leave for a while. If a precipitate has fallen - it can be chalk, starch, flour - then you have a falsification in front of you.

There is also such a thing as the maturity of honey. This is the consistency of honey after it has been pumped out - fireweed honey should be viscous enough to be considered ready to drink.

To check maturity, there is a fairly simple test:

  • Use a knife (stick or flat-handled spoon) to scoop out some honey
  • It should not immediately flow down, but, as it were, linger a little on a flat surface
  • Turn the knife. A trickle of mature honey will wrap around the blade instead of falling down.
  • A hill should form on the surface
  • The last drop of falling honey should, as it were, spring up

The viscosity of honey is an indicator of its quality. Briefly explain what is behind the sim. The bees collect the nectar and carry it to the hive. There it is processed and, when ready, sealed with wax. Such honey is thick and does not flow out of the honeycombs so easily. Unscrupulous beekeepers, in pursuit of profit, pump out the spray - unsealed honey with wax. In such honey, the moisture content is higher than in finished honey (no more than 21%). The spray can ferment and deteriorate, because it is not subject to long-term storage.

Spike is characterized by:

  • liquid consistency
  • small bubbles
  • slight smell of vinegar

Fireweed white honey: photo

In order for you to be able to determine whether real fireweed honey is in front of you, you need to know its appearance well. We offer a selection of photos that will reveal its visual characteristics:

Video: Fireweed honey from Ivan tea: useful properties

Any kind of honey is a unique creation of nature. But its composition and the presence of useful properties depend on the source of pollen. Availability bee product can be determined by the habitat of the honey plant. The plants that occupy large spaces include fireweed, which accompanies the coniferous forests of the European part and Siberia. It is considered by beekeepers to be the champion in terms of the amount of raw materials, no other plant can compare with it in terms of pollen volume. Scientists have calculated that from 100 m 2 of plantations, an average of 6 kg of honey is obtained.

Fireweed honey - what is it, useful properties

Often, admiring the bright pink thickets of narrow-leaved fireweed, it does not occur to us that this is not only a beautiful perennial, but a generous source of pollen for one of the best views honey. herbaceous plant has long been used for medicinal purposes, the people call it Ivan - tea. Naturally, all the healing qualities are transferred to honey. It is used for colds, sore throats, gastrointestinal problems, heart disease. Doctors especially appreciate the soothing feature that fireweed, white honey has.

Characteristics of fireweed honey, wikipedia

From other species, this variety is distinguished by a characteristic greenish tint. This is due to the color of the pollen. The consistency of honey is interesting, it quickly thickens, forming large white crystals. Learn more about its properties.

Color, taste, smell

Those who see this variety for the first time are alarmed by an atypical shade for honey - sulphurous yellow. Despite the unusualness, this is the natural color that characterizes the natural fireweed product. During storage, due to rapid crystallization, the color changes to a white tint.

Thin taste qualities leave the same bitter aftertaste as tea from it.

What is fireweed honey made from? Sources of mining

The fireweed plant is extremely unpretentious, it can be found in any corner of the fifth and fourth geographic zones (USDA). The long flowering period from June to August allows the bees to collect pollen all summer long. Beekeepers do not need to specially sow the fields with honey plants, Ivan-chai is a wild-growing species that reproduces on its own. Large plantations of fireweed allow you to get a large amount of honey at minimal cost.

Composition of honey

When they first see a greenish mass, many people ask themselves: “If this is real fireweed honey, what are bees made of, and why is it so useful?

Is different high content ascorbic acid, it is much more than in lemons. In addition, it includes vitamins B 1, B 2, B 3, E, enzymes, tannins - tannins, fructose and glucose.

Useful substances are stored in the bee product, as well as in the fireweed drink.

Calorie table

Fireweed honey - useful properties and contraindications

Most of us treat honey kindly and even reverently, thanks to its miraculous qualities. But, do not forget that its composition is not suitable for everyone. The use of any bee product requires a balanced approach.

Fireweed white honey useful properties

Since ancient times, healers have noticed the calming effect of Ivan tea, and later it turned out that fireweed honey also retains this property. This is what conventional medicine recommends. nervous breakdown. This is one of the few types that nursing mothers use during postpartum depression, provided that the child does not have a negative reaction.

Another positive effect is the strengthening of immunity, which is important for the prevention and treatment of colds. It is successfully used in cosmetology, for massage and hair strengthening.

Harm of honey

Unfortunately, fireweed honey is not good for everyone. Categorically you should not use it for those who are allergic to any bee products. It is not excluded the situation when other varieties do not cause a reaction, but for this variety it may appear, due to the substances that the Ivan-chai plant contains. What is a contraindication to this particular variety.

V small quantities and caution should be used honey for diabetics and people with high content blood sugar.

How to take, how is fireweed honey useful in medicine?

The daily diet of an adult includes no more than three tablespoons (without slides) tablespoons. Children from 7 to 17 years old are recommended half the rate. After two months of use, you need to take a break for 2 to 4 weeks.

Official medicine successfully uses fireweed honey in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases:

  • gastritis;
  • colitis;
  • increased acidity;
  • stomach ulcers.

Popularly known as "Man's honey", used to treat inflammation of the prostate gland.

It is successfully used in cosmetology, for massage and hair strengthening.

When deciding to eat or, as a medicine, fireweed honey, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which are of equal importance, it is important to analyze the positive and negative consequences that are possible in the future.

Indications for the use of white fireweed honey


They heal faster and more efficiently if a healing product is added to a plentiful drink. At the same time, it is important to remember that the drink should not be hot, the optimum temperature is up to + 38 0, which is easy to set by dropping liquid on your wrist. It should not be hot for the skin. Do not get carried away with the amount of honey, an adult is enough 3 tbsp. spoons, divided into 3 - 5 doses, give children 2 times less.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

One of effective recipes doctors consider marsh cudweed tea with fireweed honey. To prepare a drink, you need 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dry grass per 200 ml of water. The decoction is prepared in a water bath. After cooling, filter and add 1 teaspoon of honey. Taken after meals.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system

Successfully cured with the participation of corn stigmas. The effect can be made more significant if you add fireweed honey.

2 tbsp. spoons of vegetable raw materials brew 0.5 liters of boiling water in a thermos. Insist 2 hours. Before use, add 1 teaspoon of honey.

Diseases of ENT organs, bronchial asthma

For gargling, prepare a decoction of sage, plantain, lungwort. For 1 cup of boiling water of each herb, take 1 teaspoon. When the liquid has cooled, 1 teaspoon of honey is added to it.

Skin diseases

For lotions and baths in the healing of wounds and burns, a mixture of eucalyptus infusion with the addition of honey helps. For a decoction - 50 g of dry leaves per 0.5 l of water. Add 2 tbsp to the cooled, filtered liquid. spoons of honey.

Recovery nervous system after stress

For a restful sleep, doctors recommend honey water, a glass of warm water 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey Take half an hour before bedtime. For neurosis and depression, a tincture of aloe juice, Cahors wine and fireweed honey is used. The mixture is prepared in a ratio of 1:2:2, kept in a dark place for 14 days, shaking occasionally. For treatment, drink 0.5 cups half an hour before meals. The drug is taken for 2 weeks.

beauty recipes

Face masks

To moisturize dry skin, a mixture of 1 teaspoon of honey with the same amount helps well. olive oil and one egg yolk. The product is applied for 30-40 minutes on a dry, cleaned surface. It makes the face supple and velvety.

For those who have oily skin cosmetologists advise adding 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey with 50 g of cleansing clay.

Hair masks

This mixture is good for hair loss:

  • 1 st. spoons of honey
  • 1 st. a spoonful of kefir or yogurt,
  • ½ teaspoon medical alcohol,
  • ½ teaspoon of onion juice.

The mask is applied to clean scalp for 1 hour. Wash off with warm water.

Also, this recipe is popular:

You can add the yolk of one egg.

Body honey

Any cosmetologist will agree that even the most best cream for the body will successfully replace honey. Its action will become more effective if it is combined with vegetable oil.

The product moisturizes the skin and supplies essential nutrients.


Coarse-grained fireweed honey cleanses the skin well through deep peeling. This promotes active blood flow and metabolism. As a result, toxic slags contained in the epidermis are removed. This property is used for weight loss and the fight against cellulite.

Fireweed honey drink recipes

Apple honey:

  • 0.5 kg apples finely chopped or grated.
  • Pour in 1 liter of water.
  • Add 5 tbsp. spoons of honey.

Kissel honey and oatmeal:

For cooking you need:

  • Oatmeal - ½ cup
  • Water - 2.5 l,
  • Honey - 2 tbsp. spoons.

V oatmeal, after cooling add honey.

Vitamin decoction:

  • ½ cup of rose hips pour 2 liters of boiling water and soak for a day (preferably in a thermos).
  • After the infusion has cooled, add 2 tbsp. spoons of honey.

Recipes to lower blood pressure:

  • Fresh juice chokeberry- 200 ml,
  • Currant juice - 100 ml,
  • Citric acid on the tip of a knife
  • Fireweed honey - 100 g.

For the prevention of colds:

  • Raspberry juice - 200 ml,
  • Honey - 100 g,
  • Water - 200 ml.


Allergy can be caused by non-acceptance by the body of at least one of the components that make up the apiproduct. For example, fireweed honey contains tannins that are not found in other varieties. This is a likely reason for contraindications, in addition to diabetes, obesity, severe forms of chronic diseases.

Storage conditions

In order to healthy treat has retained its healing qualities, it is placed in a glass, tightly closed dish and kept in a dark place away from strong-smelling foods, onions, garlic, fish, pickles, etc. Optimum temperature + 5 0 - + 10 0 .

Proper preservation of this product is a kind of method for determining its authenticity. The color changes from a transparent yellowish tint to a milky white tone. In a thick mass, granular formations appear, similar to snowflakes. To make sure that this is real fireweed honey, how to distinguish a fake and not be mistaken, other tests will help.

Fireweed honey how to distinguish a fake?

Signs by which you can recognize a real product and establish that it is not a fake:

  1. Fresh honey is runny and greenish, but quickly crystallizes, turns white and creaks on the teeth. Unfortunately, this is used by scammers.
  2. If external signs are confusing, you can resort to a chemical reaction. In a 1:1 solution of honey and water, add a couple of drops of ammonia. If the color has changed to gray-blue, then this is a poor-quality product.

If the thick honey is fireweed white, how to distinguish a fake will be prompted by the characteristic bitter taste characteristic of Ivan tea. In the event that you are familiar with this plant.

Fireweed honey is interesting in color, taste, aroma. It will support health and ensure peaceful sleep, cure many diseases and preserve beauty. Provided that it is real and brought from the region where Ivan-chai grows.