How long to cook frozen honey mushrooms before frying. in traditional cuisine

Mushrooms growing on stumps are called honey mushrooms. The most famous types suitable for consumption are summer and autumn honey mushrooms. The summer species usually chooses old rotten stumps, while the autumn species loves living trees, which subsequently leads to the destruction of the latter. That’s why they are also called “parasitic mushrooms.” Suitable for food only in boiled form. How long to cook honey mushrooms depends on the size of the mushrooms.

Composition and benefits of honey mushrooms for the body

The maximum harvest of honey mushrooms can be harvested from September to the end of October. But they reproduce better and grow in huge families in warm, humid weather. It is typical that the next season they can be found in the same place. Experienced mushroom pickers always remember such areas.

Often both edible and false honey mushrooms grow on the same stump. It is quite difficult to distinguish them. If you are not sure, it is better to refrain from collecting and choose the safe route - buy a certified product in a store: people have long learned to grow completely safe mushrooms industrially.

They grow in sterile conditions, in large plastic bags filled with sawdust and seed skins. Otherwise, their use can lead to dire consequences. It is especially dangerous to buy mushrooms from private traders. All mushrooms tend to absorb harmful substances from the air, and they could have been collected in unfavorable places.

Classic recipe for julienne with mushrooms in a frying pan

Low-calorie boiled honey mushrooms, contain vitamins necessary for human health:

They contain flamulin, which increases the body's resistance to cancer.. It is advisable to sort out the collected honey mushrooms and process them as soon as possible. They tend to quickly turn black and rot. If you really don’t have time, you can clean out the garbage and freeze it in fresh. But if you want to save space in freezer, it is better to boil the prey and then freeze it.

Preparation and heat treatment

The main stage when correct processing mushrooms - this is the primary cleaning of the crop from debris and damaged specimens. Then boil the mushrooms, taking into account further use.

For boiling, it is important to sort the mushrooms by size, since this determines how to cook honey mushrooms and how many minutes to cook. Boiling lasts 20-40 minutes. If you put all the mushrooms together, you risk getting some overcooked and some undercooked. It is better to boil honey mushrooms in an enamel pan.


  1. You are sorting through the harvest.
  2. Sort by size.
  3. Fill in cold water.
  4. Cook for 3-5 minutes.
  5. Drain and fill with clean water.
  6. Salt it.
  7. Cook for 20-40 minutes.

The time intervals correspond to the size of the mushrooms. How long to cook honey mushrooms before frying depends on the size of the mushroom. Large ones are cooked for 5 minutes the first time, and 40 minutes the second time. Small ones, respectively, 3 minutes and 20 minutes. Average - 4 minutes and 30 minutes. It is recommended to pour out the water in which honey mushrooms were cooked. There is nothing useful there, but there is also nothing harmful. If you wish, you can use it as a broth. The mushroom spirit will definitely be present.

Boiled honey mushrooms are good for frying, in soups, salads, and pies. It is even recommended to pickle lightly boiled mushrooms. Preliminary heat treatment enhances the indescribable aroma of honey mushrooms and allows them to preserve their structure.

This basic method preparing mushrooms. But how long to cook fresh honey mushrooms depends on the purpose of further use.

Recipes for fried honey mushrooms

Counts that fried mushrooms are the most delicious, especially with onions and new potatoes. And for everything to work out as it should, you need to know how long to cook the honey mushrooms until they are ready. Clean the sorted mushrooms, add water and boil for 10-15 minutes, change the water and boil again for the same amount. The second time, add the whole peeled onion and spices to taste. Strained mushrooms are ready for frying.

You can also use frozen mushrooms for frying. They can be fried without pre-cooking, but in practice, re-cooked frozen mushrooms turn out more similar to fresh ones. It doesn't take long to cook. After boiling, 6-10 minutes will be enough. The process itself looks like this:

  • Place undefrosted mushrooms in an enamel pan.
  • Fill with cold water so that it barely covers the product.
  • Add salt and stir.
  • Let it boil and cook for about 10 minutes.
  • During the cooking process, constantly skim off the foam.
  • Strain through a colander.

Mushroom frying is ready.

What to do before freezing

If the harvest is good, it would be right to freeze as many honey mushrooms as possible. This is an indispensable semi-finished product for preparing all kinds of dishes, a lifesaver. If the mushrooms are properly boiled before harvesting, any dish can be prepared in a matter of minutes. For freezing, we also sort the harvest by size, clean it and boil it in two waters for 15-20 minutes. Ready mushrooms will settle to the bottom.

Mushrooms such as honey mushrooms are very popular among the population. They are used quite often in home cooking, and in a professional kitchen. But when preparing these forest gifts, you need to pay attention to the cooking process, since undercooked honey mushrooms can be very harmful to the human body. Eating honey mushrooms that have not been fully cooked can lead to very serious consequences, such as poisoning, vomiting or stomach upset, and in worst cases, death.

For what purpose are honey mushrooms boiled before cooking?

Quite often, many people wonder not only how long it takes to cook honey mushrooms, but for what reasons this is done in the first place. The answer is quite simple. Honey mushrooms are classified as forest mushrooms. Unlike specimens such as champignons or wreaths, which can be grown at home, forest gifts do not grow in such an environment; they absorb everything that surrounds them. Their content can often contain not only useful components, but also those that do not affect the human body in the best way. In order to get rid of such undesirable components, the cooking process is carried out. The process of long cooking helps this mushroom become softer, more tender and all its taste and aroma are revealed.

What needs to be done to prepare honey mushrooms for the cooking process

Before the cooking process, you need to do some things that will prepare the mushroom for subsequent cooking. First you need to make sure that all the mushrooms are cleaned and free of debris. To do this, you need to clean each specimen from the top layer with a knife. Then it will get rid of unnecessary leaves, bugs and debris that could have accidentally stuck in the forest.

Also, you need to perform the following series of actions:

  1. Using a knife, we get rid of places where there is rot or damage. Also, we get rid of the base of the leg. Also, it is necessary to sort through the entire collection and dispose of all crumpled and rotten specimens;
  2. In order to get rid of remaining debris and dust particles, you can use a soft brush. Also, use a knife to cut off the foam that is placed under top part mushroom;
  3. There are specimens in which there may be small insects in the cap. To get rid of them, you need to thoroughly rinse all forest products in a saline solution;
  4. After all of the above, it is necessary to rinse the forest products in a flowing water cold water repeatedly.

How long should honey mushrooms be cooked before frying them?

Dishes made from fried honey mushrooms are very often prepared by housewives at home. But before that, they need to be boiled for some time, so as not to harm the body later. The pre-boiling process is divided into two stages. First, the prepared honey mushrooms must be brought to a boil and then left on the fire for about twenty minutes. After this, it is necessary to drain the water in which the forest products were boiled. It is also necessary to wash the container in which the forest products are cooked. Pour clean water into a clean container, add a whole onion, previously peeled, and season with salt, allspice and bay leaf. Place the container on the fire and continue cooking. How long to cook them depends on the size of the mushrooms. If the size is medium, you need to cook them for about forty-five minutes. The larger the specimens of forest gifts, the longer they need to be cooked. After the required time has elapsed, the mushrooms can be fried.

How long should honey mushrooms be cooked before freezing them?

To prepare dishes based on mushrooms such as honey mushrooms all year round they can be frozen. Before serving the mushrooms heat treatment you need to boil them. How long it takes for honey mushrooms to flock ready for freezing depends on the size of the honey mushrooms. The boiling process, just like the previous version, is divided into two stages. We must not forget that the first stage should last at least twenty minutes. After this, you need to transfer the mushrooms to clean, seasoned water. The second stage should last at least forty minutes. Once ready, divide the boiled mushrooms into portions and place them in the freezer.

How long should honey mushrooms be cooked before marinating them?

Honey mushrooms are the most common mushrooms used for pickling or pickling. But, as you know, before cooking mushrooms in any way, they must be boiled. In order to pickle these forest gifts, both early and later specimens are suitable. Due to the fact that the mushrooms are placed in jars in a fully prepared state, they need to be cooked for at least an hour. The cooking process is divided into two stages. At the first stage, boil the mushrooms for about twenty minutes and then strain out the water. Season the following water according to the recipe and set the forest gifts to cook in it for about forty-five or fifty minutes. After this, we place the cooked forest products in canning containers, fill them with marinade and roll them under the lid.

How long does it take to cook honey mushrooms to make mushroom soup based on them?

The first courses include forest gifts in a ready-made state. Soups can be made from both frozen and dried specimens. Soup based on fresh mushrooms is strictly not recommended. The main factor that affects how long mushrooms are boiled before adding to soup is the type of mushroom. If the forest products are dried, then they must first be soaked for two or three hours. Such honey mushrooms are added to the soup along with potatoes. If you took frozen mushrooms, then you need to cook them for about twenty minutes, and only then add them to the soup along with the potatoes.

How long does it take to process honey mushrooms in different states?

As you know, there are three types of mushrooms: dried, fresh and frozen. Let's start with dry mushrooms. You need to pay attention to the fact that all the mushrooms settle to the bottom of the container; in this case, you need to check whether an inedible specimen has ended up in the basket. Processing dry honey mushrooms does not require special effort or a lot of time. Just fill them with water and leave them to sit for a while. After this, change the water and you can cook the forest gifts. After twenty minutes have passed, change the water again and put it on the fire. They need to be boiled for fifty or sixty minutes. An important fact is that this liquid in which honey mushrooms are cooked can be used as a broth for soup.

With fresh mushrooms you need to do the following:

  1. The first step is to clean the mushrooms. To do this, you need to get rid of adhering debris and rinse the forest products well under water;
  2. The next thing is to put them in an enamel container and put them on the fire;
  3. Cook them for ten minutes. During the cooking process it is necessary to constantly get rid of foam. After the time has elapsed, it is necessary to change the water;
  4. Pour clean water into the container and put it on the fire, continuing to cook until tender.

After the mushrooms are cooked, they can be fried, baked in the oven, or simply added to a salad. If you need to marinate cooked honey mushrooms, then after replacing the water you need to add eight tablespoons of vinegar and all the necessary spices. This way the marinade will come out of the water. To make the taste more piquant, add sugar and Bay leaf. The mushrooms should boil in this liquid for about fifteen minutes and after that you can roll them under the lid.

To boil frozen honey mushrooms, you must first defrost them. There is nothing complicated in the process of boiling such mushrooms. The process of cooking them is no different from processing fresh mushrooms. The only difference is that it takes half an hour to cook frozen mushrooms. Otherwise they will turn into a mushy mixture.

After the frozen honey mushrooms are boiled, they can be fried until golden brown. In this way, you can also get rid of life-threatening components that may be contained in forest gifts. The frying process lasts about twenty minutes. All spices must be added to them. Honey mushrooms are fried over high heat and without a lid.

Practical tips to help you prepare delicious mushrooms

Today there are a lot variety of recipes preparing honey mushrooms, but each of them has some tricks. Experienced hostesses They can use gas to determine how long it takes to cook honey mushrooms. But the following factors influence the cooking process:

  • In what state are the mushrooms used (fresh, frozen or fresh)
  • What kind of dish needs to be made (fried, boiled or pickled);
  • When will it be eaten? ready dish(immediately after cooking or after some time).

In order for the dish to be tasty, housewives say that main secret consists as the main product, namely honey mushrooms. Mushroom pickers who have been doing this business for many years give the following advice:

  1. The process of cleaning mushrooms must be done on the first day after the mushrooms have been collected;
  2. In order to wash them, it is necessary to use a large container, since this will allow you to avoid damaging them and change the water several times;
  3. Choose spices depending on your preferences, but do not mix too many flavors;
  4. You need to monitor the cooking time of the mushrooms, as it is important not to overcook them. In this case, the fibers will be destroyed and the appearance will be lost.

Potatoes and sour cream go well with honey mushrooms. For example, a combination of fried honey mushrooms with sour cream can become good option not only for everyday use, but also as a hot dish for various holiday dinners.

Autumn generously shares with us not only a rich variety of ripe vegetables and fruits, but also mushrooms, beloved by most of us. And with the arrival of September, our minds, baskets and tables are rightfully occupied by the most popular and abundant autumn mushrooms - honey mushrooms. It is the autumn honey mushrooms that are called true honey mushrooms, and they received their name for a reason. Unlike summer and winter honey mushrooms, which belong to the fourth category, the true honey mushroom belongs to the first and second categories of mushrooms, because in terms of their nutritional qualities and calorie content, autumn honey mushrooms are not inferior to either boletus or aspen mushrooms. And according to many mushroom lovers, their taste qualities even surpass them. Let's be honest, we are all big hunters of fried or salted mushrooms. Well, the editors of “Culinary Eden”, according to established tradition, invite you today to figure out and remember together how to cook honey mushrooms.

Honey mushrooms have been known since ancient times. Two and three centuries ago, our ancestors took pleasure in collecting and preparing the most variety of dishes from these autumn mushrooms. We are not far behind them either. Indeed, what an incomparable pleasure it is to walk through the autumn forest on a beautiful sunny day, and even after the shortest walk to return home with a full basket of young, strong mushrooms, and with due diligence and diligence, more than one basket. The yield of honey mushrooms is such that, with a little luck, you can collect a good ten kilograms of tasty fresh mushrooms. And cooking honey mushrooms may well pass for a pleasant entertainment in which the whole family will be involved. Indeed, unlike many other mushrooms, honey mushrooms do not require excessively scrupulous cleaning, washing and removal of worms. And honey mushrooms are not wormy, which only adds to their attractiveness.

And how many dishes can be prepared from autumn mushrooms! Honey mushrooms are excellent boiled, fried, stewed, and salted. You can prepare a salad and appetizer from honey mushrooms, you can put them on mushroom caviar or julienne, decorated with honey mushrooms and the simplest mushroom soup, and the most difficult mushroom solyanka. Honey mushrooms are salted and pickled, dried and frozen to enjoy forest mushrooms long winter. And simply fried with potatoes and whitened with sour cream, honey mushrooms will not leave both children and adults indifferent.

Today the Culinary Eden website has collected and carefully recorded for you a selection of the most important tips and secrets, as well as the most interesting recipes, which will definitely help even if not too much for experienced housewives It’s easy to figure out how to cook honey mushrooms.

1. The most the best way getting honey mushrooms into your kitchen was and still is a trip to the forest. What a great place to take a walk with the whole family, breathe in the fresh forest air, and return home with plenty of spoils. Honey mushrooms are very widespread in most forests of our country. They grow on fallen and living trees various types, especially often found in clearings and clearings. It's not difficult to recognize them. Young mushrooms have a spherical cap, while adults have a flat cap with a tubercle in the middle. The color of the cap is dirty brown or grayish-yellow; in young mushrooms, the cap is covered with thin scales that disappear with age. The plates attached to the stem are light in color in young honey mushrooms, but with age they become brownish-yellow. The leg of the honey mushroom is long, thin, slightly thickened at the bottom, with a white ring at the top. In adult mushrooms, the stem becomes excessively fibrous and rough and is not suitable for food.

2. If you don’t have the opportunity to go mushroom picking on your own, then your path lies to the market or to the store. It is best to buy honey mushrooms from familiar mushroom pickers at the market. In this case, you can be sure that they will really sell you fresh mushrooms, collected in clean forests located far from large cities and highways. Before purchasing, make sure that all mushrooms are fresh, firm, without bruises or signs of rotting. Be sure to smell the mushrooms. Good fresh honey mushrooms have an extremely pleasant, pronounced mushroom aroma without any foreign odors. If the mushrooms offered to you look noticeably sluggish, if mold has formed on them or some of the mushrooms have rotted, if unpleasant notes of souring have been added to your own mushroom smell, refuse the purchase without regrets. Delicious dish Spoiled mushrooms won't work, and an upset stomach won't make your family evening any better.

3. When you bring mushrooms home, try to clean and process them immediately. Like any other mushrooms, honey mushrooms are not subject to long-term storage. In the very as a last resort Cooking honey mushrooms can be postponed for one day. To keep honey mushrooms fresh for a day, carefully sort them out, getting rid of excess forest debris, put them in a clean paper bag and put them in the lower compartment of the refrigerator. But even after such preparation, honey mushrooms should not be stored for longer than 36 hours.

4. Perhaps not a single most exquisite overseas appetizer can compare with simple, but so tasty and aromatic fried honey mushrooms with sour cream. And this dish is so easy to prepare! Peel and rinse 500 g of honey mushrooms, place them in a saucepan and fill with water so that it completely covers the mushrooms. Bring to a boil and cook over medium heat for five minutes. Place the mushrooms in a colander and let the water drain. Meanwhile, melt 2 tbsp in a frying pan. spoons of ghee, add one finely chopped onion and fry until golden brown. Then add your mushrooms and sauté over high heat until golden brown, 10 to 15 minutes, stirring frequently. As soon as the mushrooms are sufficiently browned, add 3 tbsp. spoons of sour cream, salt and black pepper to taste, mix thoroughly, reduce heat to low and cook for another five minutes. Serve the finished mushrooms immediately, sprinkled with chopped dill.

5. The old one is no less tasty. cold appetizer from boiled honey mushrooms with horseradish. Peel and rinse 500 g of fresh honey mushrooms. Place the mushrooms in a saucepan, add one parsley root, chopped large pieces, one carrot, cut into slices, and one whole onion. Pour salted water over the mushrooms and vegetables, bring to a boil and skim off the foam. Then add 2 tbsp. spoons lemon juice, one bay leaf and six black peppercorns. Cook over medium heat for 15 minutes, drain the mushrooms in a colander, drain, select and discard the vegetables, and cool the mushrooms. Transfer the boiled honey mushrooms to a deep salad bowl, add half of the horseradish root, grated on a fine grater and mixed with a teaspoon of lemon juice, season sunflower oil and stir.

6. Very easy to prepare delicious soup from honey mushrooms with buckwheat. Clean and rinse 600 g of fresh honey mushrooms, put them in a saucepan and fill with two liters of water. Bring to a boil, skim off the foam and cook for 10 minutes. Heat one tablespoon of vegetable oil in a frying pan, add one finely chopped onion, one chopped carrot small cubes, and half a parsley root, cut into small cubes. Fry the vegetables until golden brown and transfer to the pan with the mushrooms. Cook for another 5 minutes, then add 3 tbsp. spoons of washed buckwheat, salt and black pepper to taste. Cook everything together for 20 minutes. Serve the soup with sour cream and fresh dill.

7. Unusually aromatic and satisfying fish solyanka with honey mushrooms has always been one of the most popular dishes Russian cuisine. Rinse and squeeze one kilo sauerkraut. In a deep frying pan, melt 3 tbsp. spoons of melted butter, add the cabbage and simmer over medium heat for 15 - 20 minutes, stirring frequently. Cut 500 g into large pieces. salmon fillet and place in a saucepan. Add 50 g of capers, two pickled cucumbers, peeled and seeded, and diced, 2 tbsp. spoons tomato paste, one finely chopped onion and browned in oil, one glass of fish broth, one bay leaf, salt and black pepper to taste. Bring everything to a boil and simmer over low heat for 20 minutes. 200 gr. Boil fresh mushrooms in salted water until tender and drain in a colander. Grease a baking dish with oil, place half of the stewed cabbage in it, place fish with pickles and mushrooms on top. Pour the broth left over from cooking the fish over everything and cover with the remaining stewed cabbage. Sprinkle the hodgepodge with crushed breadcrumbs on top and sprinkle melted butter and bake in an oven preheated to 190⁰ for 15 minutes. Before serving, garnish the solyanka with olives, lemon slices and fresh herbs.

8. A hot dish of honey mushrooms baked in a pot with eggplants turns out tasty and piquant. Cut four large eggplants into slices, add salt and leave for 30 minutes until the juice releases. Then rinse, drain and roll in flour. Heat 2 tbsp in a frying pan. spoons of vegetable oil and fry the eggplants until golden brown crust. Separately, fry two large finely chopped onions until golden brown. Peel and wash 500 g of fresh honey mushrooms, boil them in salted water for 5 minutes and drain in a colander. Grease the inside of ceramic pots with butter, place one bay leaf and three black peppercorns on the bottom of each. Place eggplants, fried onions and honey mushrooms in alternating layers in pots, filling the pots no more than two-thirds full. Heat one tablespoon in a small saucepan butter, add one tablespoon of flour, mix thoroughly for a couple of minutes, and then pour in one glass of boiling milk, stirring continuously, add salt and pepper to the sauce and heat it for a couple of minutes over low heat. Pour the prepared sauce over the eggplants and mushrooms. Cover the pots with lids and place in an oven preheated to 200⁰ for 30 minutes.

9. An excellent side dish for meat and poultry is made from honey mushrooms with green beans. Sort, clean from strings and rinse 250 g. fresh green beans. Place the beans in boiling salted water and cook for 10 minutes. Drain in a colander and drain. Peel, rinse and boil 100 g of salted water for five minutes. fresh small mushrooms. Place in a colander and let the water drain. Heat 2 tbsp in a frying pan. spoons olive oil, add mushrooms, beans and 1 tbsp. spoon breadcrumbs. Fry, stirring, for 10 minutes, a couple of minutes before cooking, add salt and black pepper to taste. Remove from heat, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of good wine vinegar and 2 tbsp. spoons of finely chopped parsley. Stir and serve immediately.

10. Delicious and fragrant pie with honey mushrooms will appeal to both adults and children. Chop three glasses of flour with a knife with 200 g of butter, and then rub with your hands until coarse crumbs form. Beat two eggs with 2 tbsp. spoons of sour cream and a pinch of salt. Combine eggs and flour crumbs and knead the dough. Ready dough divide into two parts, wrap cling film and refrigerate for 40 minutes. Meanwhile, prepare the filling. Clean and rinse two kilograms of fresh honey mushrooms. Heat two tablespoons of butter in a frying pan, add one finely chopped onion, fry until golden brown, then add mushrooms, salt and pepper to taste. Fry everything together until the mushrooms are browned and even slightly dry. Roll out the finished dough into two layers, place one layer on a greased baking sheet, place on top mushroom filling, cover with a second layer of dough and pinch the edges. Brush the pie with egg yolk and make several long slits on top. Bake in an oven preheated to 180⁰ for 30 - 40 minutes. Ready pie Remove from the oven and pour a few tablespoons of lightly salted sour cream into the filling through the top slits. Cover the cake with a clean towel and let it sit warm for 30 to 60 minutes.

And the “Culinary Eden” website on its pages is always happy to offer you even more new and proven recipes that will definitely tell you how to cook honey mushrooms.

Autumn honey fungus (Armillaria mellea)


The name of the honey mushroom comes from their habitat. These mushrooms grow on living and dead wood, in other words, on stumps. Honey mushrooms are found mainly on birch and also on coniferous stumps, sometimes in nettle thickets. Honey fungus is a very popular and very productive mushroom, growing in large colonies from late August to late autumn. The caps of honey mushrooms are spherical and reach 13 cm in diameter, with edges curved inward. The flesh of the mushroom is dense, the stem is up to 15 cm long and up to 2 cm in diameter.

History and distribution

Honey fungus is one of the most wonderful and beloved mushrooms. These mushrooms are loved because they grow very closely, and by finding one family of these mushrooms, you can collect a whole basket. Interesting fact Regarding this mushroom, honey fungus appears every year almost always at the same time and in the same places. Therefore, avid mushroom pickers always have a few treasured stumps in mind, which they visit at a certain time, carefully collecting the grown harvest.

Today, in many countries, special enterprises are being created where honey mushrooms are grown in artificially created conditions. Grown in an artificial environment, they are in no way inferior in their properties to mushrooms collected in the forest.


Due to its abundance, this mushroom is widely used in various dishes. Russian cuisine knows many recipes for ancient dishes that contain this mushroom. It is fried, boiled, stewed, salted and pickled. For hot dishes, this mushroom must be boiled for at least 30 minutes, as there are known cases of poisoning by undercooked autumn mushrooms. Autumn honey mushrooms usually appear in early autumn for a short period of up to 15 days, after which they disappear. When collecting these mushrooms, you must be very careful not to confuse them with false honey mushrooms.

Composition and properties

Honey mushrooms withstand transportation well. They are like rubber, compressed, springy, but do not break. They are very easy to recycle.This delicious mushroom belongs to the third category. It is rich in vitamins B1 and C. When preparing honey mushrooms, you must adhere to certain rules. This mushroom should be boiled well. Eating undercooked honey mushrooms can cause stomach upset. By the way, it is precisely because of this property that in Europe they do not like honey mushrooms, and some even consider them inedible. However, this mushroom contains trace elements that are very important for our body, such as copper and zinc. And they are known to participate in the process of hematopoiesis. 100 g of honey mushrooms contain the necessary to the human body daily dose these microelements. It is recommended to eat this mushroom for people who have problems with hematopoiesis.


When collecting honey mushrooms, you need to be very careful and not confuse them with false honey mushrooms. False honey mushrooms differ from edible ones primarily in their smell and taste, the color of the cap and plates, as well as the structure of the stem.

How long to cook honey mushrooms

Fresh honey mushrooms must be boiled for at least 40 minutes. Maximum - 1 hour. As soon as the honey mushrooms boil and foam forms, the water must be changed and the mushrooms cooked until tender. Frozen honey mushrooms must be thawed and simmered over low heat for 15-20 minutes.

Calorie content and the nutritional value again

The calorie content of honey mushrooms is 22 kcal.

Nutritional value of honey mushrooms: proteins - 2.2 g, fats - 1.2 g, carbohydrates - 0.5 g

These mushrooms are the most popular for homemade preparations. Every mushroom picker should know how long it takes to cook honey mushrooms to prepare various mushroom dishes, as well as for pickling, salting and freezing.

How long to cook honey mushrooms before freezing

The easiest way to prepare a dish with a rich taste of honey mushrooms is to add ready-made boiled mushrooms. They can be stewed, fried, boiled and prepared as a filling for pies and dumplings.

Cleaned honey mushrooms need to be poured with water and brought to a boil, cook for 20 minutes and then drain the liquid. Then refill with water, add salt and spices to taste, after which the time to cook the honey mushrooms until tender is 45-50 minutes, depending on their size.

How long to cook honey mushrooms for pickling

Only fully cooked mushrooms are marinated. To do this, they are prepared in the manner described above, first boiled in the first water for 20 minutes, then drained and brought to readiness for 45-50 minutes. After this, the honey mushrooms are placed in jars and filled with marinade.

How long to cook honey mushrooms before frying

This is one of the most delicious mushroom dishes, but to prepare it you need to cook the mushrooms correctly and until fully cooked. Cooking time is at least 1 hour for small mushrooms and if the mushrooms are larger, another 5-10 minutes are added.

First, honey mushrooms need to be cooked for 20 minutes, without adding salt and spices. Then the water is drained, the mushrooms are refilled with fresh mushrooms, salt, spices to taste and a peeled onion with a piece of celery root are added. The time required to cook until the honey mushrooms are ready before frying is another 50 minutes, after which they can continue to be cooked with potatoes, onions or other vegetables, frying them in a frying pan.

How long to cook honey mushrooms for soup

To prepare the first, choose the smallest mushrooms that will look beautiful on the plate. For the soup, you need to take ready-made boiled honey mushrooms, which you need to cook until done in the manner described above. If you took ready-made frozen mushrooms, you need to cook them for 20 minutes, then add potatoes to the soup, during which time they will give their rich taste to the broth.

How long to cook dried honey mushrooms

Dried mushrooms are used to prepare soups, borscht, vegetable stew etc. Before preparing the main dish, dried honey mushrooms need to be soaked in water for 2.5-3 hours, and then added to the dish along with potatoes or other vegetables. The time it takes to cook dried honey mushrooms after soaking until they are ready is 20-25 minutes. Do not drain the water from the soaked mushrooms; it will be useful for giving the dish a rich taste and aroma.