What to do with sugar and gelatin. Jelly cake with fruit, cottage cheese and sour cream

Want to make fruit jelly at home but don't know what you need? We are ready to help you. We offer several interesting and simple recipes. We wish you culinary success!

general information

We will talk about jelly at home a little later. In the meantime, let's look at the main features and useful properties of this delicacy.

So, it is something between oriental sweets and Soviet compote. It is enjoyed by both children and adults. Today in stores you can find a huge selection of jelly. But do not forget that such products contain a lot of dyes and other additives. It is best to make this dessert at home. You will need a minimum amount of time and ingredients.

What is the benefit of homemade fruit jelly? The answer lies in its composition. One of the main elements is glycine. This is an amino acid that has a beneficial effect on joints and cartilage. After its entry into the body, attention and memory improve, as well as the psychological state of a person.

Gelatin, from which jelly is obtained, contains agar-agar. This substance brings enormous benefits to the intestinal tract. Another important element is pectin. It facilitates and accelerates the process of removing salts of heavy metals from our body.

Fresh berries and fruits are often used to make jelly. They also contain useful substances. So cook and eat this wonderful dessert. Below you will find several recipes.

Required Ingredients:

  • 1 liter of water;
  • gelatin - 1 sachet (20 g);
  • 3 medium oranges;
  • a glass of sugar.


Recipe for multilayer jelly "Rainbow"

Grocery set (for 10 servings):

  • whipped cream - 1 cup (optional)
  • 1 small pack of jelly in different colors (green, blue, red, and so on).

Cooking instructions

Step number 1. Take a baking sheet or a metal tray. We put it on the middle shelf of the refrigerator. What is the next step? On this tray (baking tray) we put clean plastic cups (5-6 pcs.).

Step number 2. We decided to prepare a multi-layer rainbow jelly. What does it mean? We need colors from red to purple. We breed the first portion of jelly. Pour the red powder into a bowl and pour cold boiled water. We do everything according to the instructions on the package.

Step number 3. Pour the resulting jelly into glasses. We put them in the refrigerator for 15 minutes. Whipped cream can be added if desired. But to get a "rainbow" it is better to refuse this.

Step number 4. We take out the cups and pour orange jelly into them. We send it back to the refrigerator. Let's take 15 minutes. We do the same with layers from each color of the rainbow. Top dessert can be decorated with whipped cream. How exactly? Just put a spoonful of cream in each cup. Our multi-layered jelly is ready to be served and consumed. Such a dessert can be called a masterpiece of culinary art.

Fruit and berry jelly

List of ingredients:

  • 200 g strawberries;
  • 0.5 l of fruit or berry juice (to your taste);
  • 25 g gelatin;
  • one glass of blackberries, blueberries and raspberries;
  • ripe peaches - 2 pcs.


Fruit juice jelly


  • 1 tsp sugar;
  • 25 g gelatin;
  • 2 cups fruit juice (optional)

Cooking instructions

Step number 1. Pour 2 cups of juice into a small saucepan. You can take pineapple, orange or any other. We also pour gelatin there. We mix. We leave for 1 hour. During this time, the gelatin should swell well.

Step #2. Has the hour already passed? Then it's time to add sugar to gelatin. We put the saucepan with the contents on the fire. Stir the jelly until the sugar and gelatin are dissolved. We only need to warm the mixture, and not bring it to a boil. It is very important.

Step number 3. Remove the pan from the stove. Distribute the resulting jelly into pre-prepared molds. On their bottom, you can put a few berries or pieces of fruit. Filled jelly molds should cool at room temperature. Only after that we remove them on the middle shelf of the refrigerator. To prevent the jelly from absorbing the smells of other products, cover the molds with cling film.

Step number 4. After a few hours, you can get dessert. Carefully remove fruit juice jelly from molds. Put it on a dish. This dessert can be topped with two scoops of ice cream or whipped cream.

Another interesting option is jelly with sour cream and fruits.


  • peaches - 2 pcs.;
  • 150 ml of milk or syrup;
  • 10-15 grapes;
  • 30 g of gelatin;
  • kiwi - 1 pc.;
  • 500 g sour cream (low fat);
  • one banana;
  • 1-1.5 cups of sugar;
  • some grated chocolate.

Cooking method:

  1. We lay out in front of us everything you need to get fruit jelly.
  2. We take a small bowl. Pour gelatin into it. Pour cold water or milk. Mix well. There shouldn't be any lumps. Leave the gelatin to swell. This usually happens within half an hour. Then dissolve the gelatin in a water bath. Never let it boil! We make a minimum fire. Constantly stir the contents of the dish. When the gelatin dissolves, turn off the fire. Let our main ingredients cool down.
  3. Let's get the fruit ready. We wash them. Then we clean from the skin, bones and so on. You can cut the fruit as you like - slices, rings or straws.
  4. We send sour cream and sugar to a blender. We beat them. If you like it sweeter, you can add a little more sugar. Transfer the resulting mass to a bowl. We begin to slowly add gelatin to the mixture.
  5. We take a metal or plastic form. We cover its bottom with cling film. Then we lay the first layer - slices of bananas or kiwi. Top with jelly. We put fruit again. Next comes the jelly. Alternate layers until the ingredients run out. If the fruit still remains, then they can be used as a dessert decoration. Or just eat.
  6. Jelly with fruit is almost ready. It remains to send it to the refrigerator to solidify. This will take about 3-3.5 hours. We take out the jelly, put it on a plate, sprinkle with grated chocolate on top. Coconut flakes can also be used as decoration.

Kid's Kitchen

Above, we talked about how to get fruit jelly at home. We offer a wonderful option for kids. The recipe for sweet jelly is extremely simple.

We will need the following products:

  • 5 g lemon juice;
  • 0.2 kg of apples (any variety);
  • 1 leaf of gelatin;
  • sugar - 30 g.

Practical part:

  1. Wash the apples with water. Each fruit is cut into 8 parts. We remove the bones and ponytails.
  2. Transfer the apple slices to a small bowl. Pour in a glass of water. Boil fruit until soft. In a hot form, knead the apples into gruel. That's not all.
  3. Add sugar to apples in a bowl. Bring to a boil.
  4. The gelatin leaf should be soaked in cold water. We squeeze it and send it to Mix. We also add 1 tsp of lemon juice there. The resulting mass is carefully poured into a mold. We send the dessert to the refrigerator. We take out the sweet jelly when it completely hardens. This usually happens within 2-3 hours.
  5. A dessert can be served to a child with cream or chilled (boiled) milk. He will certainly like a gentle and airy delicacy.


As you can see, making fruit jelly at home is not a problem. You just need to follow the instructions and recommendations contained in the article. As a result, you will get an original and mouth-watering dessert. Enjoy your tea!

fruit jelly is the taste of childhood. Jelly candies, ice cream with jelly cubes, jelly gums, and, of course, jelly as an independent dish.

Everyone remembers what it is: a soft, gelatinous mass with an elastic texture unlike anything else, which is achieved by adding gelatin.

Despite everything, some citizens still believe that jelly is a harmful and high-calorie powder dish diluted with water, although in fact this dessert, if prepared according to a recipe, is one of the most useful and digestible by the human body.

And among the ingredients for its preparation, most of them are natural products. As a rule, these are a variety of berries and fresh fruits, but juices are often used in the recipe. In this recipe, we will look at just such recipes.

The classic way to make fruit jelly

“Classic” jelly recipes dating back to old Europe are freshly squeezed juices mixed with sugar, boiled and canned.

The reason for this is well known: in those days, gelatin, as a natural culinary component, did not yet exist, and therefore, cooks used the natural properties of certain berries and fruits - for the most part, these were juices of a number of fruits with pectin.

So, for example, the most popular ingredients for classic jelly were berries such as: blackcurrant, blueberry, lingonberry, strawberry, cherry, currant and others.

By the 20th century, the mass production, distribution, and availability of gelatin allowed cooks to make jelly from virtually any ingredient, incl. no fruit at all.

However, it is fruit jelly that is considered the most canonical and well-known variant of jelly. The recipe for its preparation Withparticipation of gelatin is no longer as primitive as the old recipes. And now you will learn how to cook such jelly. Cooking time: 60 minutes (average).


  • Large red apple and pear
  • A handful of fresh berries: strawberries, strawberries, or cherries
  • Three tablespoons (tablespoons) of gelatin
  • Half a cup of granulated sugar


The completely dissolved gelatin mass must be mixed with sweet syrup, and then allowed to cool. When everything is ready - pour the jelly mass into molds, over fruits and berries. Place the dessert in the refrigerator 4-5 hours and the best is for the whole night.

In the morning you can enjoy the legendary dessert, both natural and homemade..

fruit jelly recipe to keep fit

How to make a delicious dessert with sour cream?

There are many jelly recipes that are radically different from each other and similar in only one invariable aspect: gelatin is used as a component in each individual recipe.

Since the potential of gelatin and its culinary applications were discovered relatively recently, for a long time such dishes as, for example, “milk jelly” were impossible - after all, everyone knew that jelly is a fruit dessert.

Now, thanks to the addition of gelatin, we can prepare a jelly treat without any fruit at all (although there is an opinion that it is not very tasty without fruit at all). And we will consider one of these recipes below. Total cooking time: 5-6 hours.


  • Fresh sour cream of medium fat content - 300-350 grams
  • Sugar - 100 grams
  • Vanilla sugar - half a teaspoon
  • 20-25 g gelatin
  • Optional: juice from fruits or berries. You can also use plain water
  • handful of prunes


You can also use the same container in which you prepared the jelly as a form - accordingly, this container must be placed in the refrigerator. At the same time, having pulled out the container from the refrigerator, it should be lowered to ten to fifteen seconds into a bowl of hot water so that the jelly can be pulled out of the heated container.

Jelly is served with fresh berries or pieces of fruit, decorated with sweet sprinkles, powdered sugar and similar confectionery additives.

Video recipe for delicious mulberry jelly

Fruit puree jelly - what do you need for cooking?

Total cooking time: it takes several hours to cook completely, of which yours - about half an hour.


  • Sugar - 40 grams
  • 100 grams of fresh fruits or berries: apples, pears, cherries, strawberries, strawberries, etc.
  • Gelatin - 5 g
  • Optional: Whipped cream - 50 g
  • Optional: confectionery spices and spices: vanilla, cinnamon, nutmeg


However, too much sugar can really spoil the taste of an already very sweet jelly. Important when working with spices moderation.

Probably every housewife knows that gelatin is widely used in cooking. It is added to jelly, aspic, a variety of desserts are prepared on its basis. Jelly is no exception.

The taste of this delicacy has been familiar to us since childhood. Today, thanks to the experiments of many chefs, there are hundreds of recipes for this product that can surprise even the most demanding gourmets. How to make gelatin jelly at home

How to prepare the base and dilute the gelatin

Jelly is a delicious dessert that is enjoyed not only by children, but also by many adults. Gelatin, which is part of it, helps the dessert acquire a frozen structure. The consistency of jelly directly depends on the amount of gelatin.

Fans of "trembling" desserts need to dilute about 20 grams of the component per 1 liter of water. If you need to cut it with a knife, then the amount of the substance must be increased by 2.5 times for the same volume of water. Please note that you should not add too little of it either, otherwise your dessert simply will not harden.

After the gelatin swells a little, it must be put on a slow fire. A water bath is also suitable for this. While the liquid is heating, constantly stir it and watch the gelatin, it should completely dissolve.

Then remove the container from the heat and let it cool to room temperature. After that, put the future jelly in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours.

There are several rules that should be followed when diluting gelatin:

  1. In no case do not boil gelatin, otherwise it will not become thick;
  2. Avoid using aluminum utensils while heating the gelatin, the result will be a dark color and an unpleasant aftertaste;
  3. To avoid lumps during dilution of the product, heat the container with water. If, nevertheless, they are formed, then you can strain the liquid through a sieve;
  4. Do not put gelatin jelly in the freezer, otherwise it will turn into crystals;
  5. A variety of components can be added to diluted gelatin, including fresh fruits, just do not forget to grind them beforehand.

Easy basic recipe

In order to prepare classic gelatin jelly, you will need a minimum of ingredients - this is gelatin itself and water. Pour the indicated amount of gelatin (about 3 standard packs) into a cup and fill it with water, at room temperature. Leave for 40-50 minutes to swell.

Don't forget to stir it every 10 minutes or so. Then pour the resulting infusion into a saucepan, add water to it and start heating over low heat.

Do not leave the container unattended and constantly stir its contents. After everything dissolves, remove the "compote" from the fire. Pour it into deep molds and leave to cool at room temperature.

Then put the dessert in the refrigerator for several hours (better at night).

How to make jelly with jam


  • gelatin - 30 g;
  • jam (any) - 1 cup;
  • water - 1 liter;
  • granulated sugar - to taste.

Calorie content - 51 kcal.

We start preparing the dessert by pre-soaking the gelatin in cold water for 1 hour. Pour the indicated amount of the substance with a glass of water. While it is infused, we proceed to the preparation of jam syrup. To do this, add two glasses of water to the product and mix well.

Strain the liquid through a sieve to get rid of whole pieces of fruit. If you have a sweet tooth, then you can add a little sugar to the syrup if you wish. We put the drink on the fire and boil it for 10 minutes.

Pour the swollen gelatin into a separate pan and also send it to the fire. Stirring constantly, bring it to a liquid state, but do not boil. Then we combine it with the prepared syrup.

Put the remaining berries from the jam on the bottom of a recessed container and fill them with the resulting liquid. Wait until the dessert is at room temperature, and only then send it to the refrigerator. Before serving, you can decorate it with berries, cream or mint.

How to make jelly from gelatin and juice


  • gelatin - 20 g;
  • juice (optional) - 500 ml.

Cooking time - 6-7 hours.

Calorie content - 39 kcal.

Pour the required amount of gelatin with one glass of fruit juice. Leave it for 30-40 minutes until it swells. Pour the consistency into a saucepan and add the remaining amount of juice.

Start heating it over low heat, stirring constantly until everything becomes a homogeneous mass. Remove the dessert base from the fire and pour it into the molds.

Only after complete cooling in the room, move the containers to the refrigerator. After 5-6 hours, a delicious treat is ready.

Plum jelly with gelatin at home


  • gelatin - 20 g;
  • granulated sugar - 8 tsp;
  • water - 650 ml;
  • plum (fresh) - 150 g.

Cooking time - 3 hours.

Calorie content - 38 kcal.

Pour gelatin with 100 ml of water and leave it for 25-40 minutes, it all depends on what type of product you have chosen. While the gelatin swells, we take up the preparation of the plum. First, remove the bones from it and cut into small pieces. Place the blanks in a saucepan, add water and sugar. Bring the mixture to a boil and simmer for about 5 minutes.

Then grind the plum syrup until smooth using a blender. Swollen gelatin, heat in a water bath until it dissolves completely.

After that, combine it with a plum consistency. Mix well and pour everything into molds. Chill in the refrigerator for 3 hours, after which the jelly will be ready.

fruit dessert

Fruits for this jelly recipe can be very different. It is most convenient to select them according to the season, and then a delicious dessert is provided to you.


  • gelatin - 25 g;
  • strawberries - 200 g;
  • juice (any) - 500 ml;
  • blueberries - 200 g;
  • raspberries - 200 g;
  • blackberry - 200 g;
  • peaches (medium) - 2 pcs.

Cooking time - 6-7 hours.

Calorie content - 39 kcal.

Pour the required amount of gelatin with juice (50 ml will be enough) and leave it for half an hour. At this time, we are preparing the fruit component.

We thoroughly wash all fruits and berries under running water, remove the seeds from them and cut them into small pieces. We spread them on the bottom of the forms, do it carefully, giving them an aesthetic appearance.

Pour the swollen gelatin into a saucepan, add the remaining juice and start heating. Constantly stirring, it is necessary to achieve its complete dissolution. Make sure that the liquid does not boil.

After that, remove the pan from the heat, wait 10 minutes and pour the laid out fruit with its contents. Leave the dessert for several hours at room temperature, and then mark it in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning the jelly will be ready.

milk jelly


  • gelatin - 15 g;
  • granulated sugar - 8 tsp;
  • milk (it is better to take a high percentage of fat content) - 3 cups;
  • vanillin - 2 g.

Cooking time - 6-7 hours.

Calorie content - 89 kcal.

Pour 3 cups of milk into a saucepan and pour all the gelatin into it. Leave aside for half an hour, and then transfer the container to low heat. We heat it and constantly interfere until a mass of one consistency is obtained.

After that, it is desirable to pass everything through a fine sieve to prevent the formation of lumps. Pour sugar and vanillin into the resulting liquid, mix everything well and immediately pour into molds.

Cool initially at room temperature, after which we put it in the refrigerator compartment for 3 hours. Serving dessert on the table, you can decorate it a little. Grated chocolate, cream or just fresh fruit is perfect for this.

Delicate sour cream dessert


  • gelatin - 2 tsp;
  • sour cream (fat content 15%) - 300 g;
  • granulated sugar - 8 tsp;
  • vanillin - 1 g;
  • water - 100 ml.

Cooking time - 5-6 hours

Calorie content - 128 kcal.

Combine water with gelatin, mix well and set aside for 45 minutes to swell.

After the time has elapsed, put the container on the fire, stir and wait until the gelatin is completely dissolved. Then take it off the stove and let it cool down for 15 minutes.

At this time, prepare sour cream. Pour it into a deepened cup and add sugar to it. Mix well with a spoon. In time, this may take about 5 minutes. Do not use a whisk for these purposes, as you can accidentally beat sour cream, which we do not need.

Then add vanilla and mix again. Now we take a whisk and, with constant stirring, pour in the slightly cooled gelatin to the sour cream. If there are lumps in it, then first strain it through a sieve.

Pour the resulting mixture into molds. If desired, their walls can be lubricated with odorless vegetable oil. Then it will be much easier to get the dessert out of the molds. We send the jelly to the refrigerator for 5 hours until it becomes thick.

  1. In order to get new taste qualities of jelly, you can add a little lemon juice or red wine to it during cooking;
  2. Before pouring the jelly into molds, make sure they have a warm bottom. This will help to avoid the formation of lumps during solidification;
  3. The basis of any jelly is water and gelatin. Show a little imagination by adding your favorite ingredients to it and a delicious dessert is provided for you.

Coping with gelatin jelly is within the power of every housewife. Its preparation takes a minimum of time and ingredients. Do not be afraid to experiment and delight your loved ones with new sweets.

Those with a sweet tooth who like to enjoy light desserts will love homemade jelly, which can be made using gelatin. The component has no taste and smell, so the finished dish will have the aroma of berries or fruits from which it is made. Dessert comes out very tasty, beautiful and healthy.

How to make jelly

Sweetness in the form of jelly is very popular all over the world, because it is not only tasty, but also a healthy product. It can be prepared using gelatin, pectin or agar-agar. These components help to achieve the desired consistency. To make the dessert delicious, you need to follow some rules on how to make jelly:

  • Do not use aluminum containers for making sweets. In such dishes, the mass may darken and form a specific aftertaste.
  • Adding a small amount of wine or lemon juice will help improve the taste of the dish.
  • You can prevent the formation of gelatin lumps if you pour it into a dish with a warm bottom. The best option is to put the container in a water bath.
  • The product should solidify inside the refrigerator. You need to make an elastic, dense mass from the substance, and not freeze it, so do not put it in the freezer.

Many housewives buy ready-made powders, because it is easy to cook from them. The difference lies in the usefulness of the product. At home, you can come up with many options: the jelly base is made from syrups, milk, sour cream, cream, alcoholic beverages, juices, compote, lemonade and other sodas (the child will love the Cola dessert). As a filler, add various fruits (apples, pears, oranges, pineapples, lemons), berries (gooseberries, cherries, red currants, grapes, strawberries), pieces of cottage cheese soufflé.

The product can be used as an independent dish. Sweetness prepared for the winter is recommended for breeding fruit drinks and making jelly. If you have not preserved the compote, stir a small amount of jelly with water. The product is used for decorating and filling confectionery products: cakes and pastries. Jelly brings lightness and is a bright element of decoration.

How to breed gelatin

An important part of the process of how to make gelatin jelly is the dilution of the thickener. The right proportions will help create a delicious dessert:

  • It is important to maintain the correct proportions. Dilute gelatin powder at the rate of 5 g per 50 ml of water.
  • It is necessary to pour the crystalline substance with boiled water, which must first be cooled. Gelatin will swell from half an hour to 40 minutes.
  • Heat the resulting substance with a water bath. The process should be carried out until the powder is completely dissolved.
  • The finished gelling component should be mixed with the base for the dessert (compote, juice, milk).

How to make jelly at home

It is better to make a sweet that has a natural taste and aroma in your own kitchen. The process of its preparation is not laborious, it does not take much time. There are a huge number of recipes for a dish, all this is due to the variety of ingredients that are suitable for use. As a basis, you can take jam, juice or compote.

How to make juice jelly

To prepare a juice-based jelly sweets, you will need the following components:

  • fruit or berry juice - 1 l;
  • gelatin - 4 tsp

How to make gelatin jelly with juice base:

  1. Pour gelatin crystals into a glass, fill with juice to the top. Leave for 20 minutes for the gelatin to swell.
  2. Mix the substance with the rest of the liquid in an enamel bowl, place on fire. While the juice is heating, stir it. Wait until it begins to boil so that the crystals dissolve completely.
  3. Pour the finished mixture into molds, cool at room temperature, refrigerate until completely solidified.

How to make fruit jelly

For a dessert with fruit filling, you will need the following ingredients:

  • food gelatin - 4 tsp;
  • juice - 400 ml;
  • fruits - to taste;
  • granulated sugar.

Step by step instructions on how to make fruit jelly:

  1. Pour gelatin powder 1 tbsp. cold water, let it swell for an hour.
  2. Pour the juice into the pan, add the swollen gelatinous mass. Taste the mixture, if it seems unsweetened, add the right amount of granulated sugar. Put the mixture on the fire, heat until the sugar and gelatin dissolve, stirring constantly.
  3. Pour half of the resulting substance into molds, add pieces of fruit. Then, fill everything with the remaining base.
  4. Cool the dessert at room conditions, place in the refrigerator to solidify.

How to make jelly at home? This question is asked by many housewives who want to pamper their children with something very tasty and healthy. After all, jelly is an unusual dessert that has a special taste and texture. Most children recognize this delicacy as their favorite sweet dish.

General information

So how do you make your own jelly? To do this, you should not purchase expensive products, and also devote a lot of time to its creation. After all, this dessert is made very quickly and easily. It should also be noted that jelly contains a large number of useful elements. That is why if you make it for your child, he will receive not only a positive charge of energy for the whole day, but also a portion of nutrients that are very important for a growing body.

What is it made from?

Before you talk about how to properly prepare jelly at home, you should find out what exactly it is made of. Experts recommend creating such a delicacy for children only from natural products. For this, fruits, milk, berries, yogurt, honey, etc. can be used. However, the main component should be gelatin. After all, only thanks to him this delicacy is able to repeat and preserve the form in which the base was placed. By the way, in addition to gelatin, agar-agar can also be added to such a sweet and beautiful dish. But, unfortunately, it is quite difficult to find it in ordinary supermarkets. And if you manage to do this, then you can safely use it instead of the aforementioned product.

How to make homemade yogurt jelly?

As mentioned above, such a delicacy can be prepared for your children from different products. But the easiest and fastest recipe is based on dairy ingredients. Indeed, to prepare such a dessert, you do not need to squeeze juice from berries or fruits for a long time or subject them to heat treatment.

So, before you make gelatin jelly, you need to purchase the following components:

  • drinking yogurt with any filler (it is better to take with a peach or strawberry) - 500 ml;
  • powdered sugar - 50-60 g (when adding this ingredient, it should be borne in mind that yogurt is already sweet);
  • instant gelatin - about 20 g;
  • ground cinnamon, vanillin, etc. fragrant natural additives - to taste.

Cooking process

How to make gelatin jelly? To do this, you need to take drinking yogurt, put it in a large bowl, and then add powdered sugar and beat with a mixer until the base is completely homogeneous. Next, you need to pour gelatin with a small amount of warm boiled water and wait for it to swell completely. After that, the product should be slightly warmed up, strain through a strainer and pour into yogurt. After mixing the ingredients together, they must be poured into shallow glass goblets, sprinkled with ground cinnamon and vanilla, and then sent to the refrigerator for several hours.

Proper serving to the table

After the jelly hardens, the glasses should be removed and served. If you poured the base into bowls, then for convenient removal of the dessert, it is recommended to lower the dishes into hot water for a couple of seconds. This procedure will contribute to the discharge of jelly from the walls, which will make it more docile and soft.

Currant dessert

Surely everyone knows that the currant is the most useful and delicious berry, which contains a huge amount of vitamin C. In this regard, experts especially insist that this particular product be used to prepare a children's dessert called jelly. After all, this way you can not only please your child with a delicious treat, but also help strengthen his immunity.

So how to make currant jelly? For this we need:

  • instant gelatin - 20 g;
  • powdered sugar - 2/3 faceted glass;
  • sweet blackcurrant - 6 cups.

Berry processing process

So, let's figure out how to make currant jelly. To begin with, you should carefully process the fresh berry. It must be sorted out, put in a colander and washed thoroughly in cool water. Next, the product should be placed in a sieve and rubbed with a mortar. As a result of this treatment, you should have an aromatic mass in the amount of 2-3 glasses. It needs to be put in a bowl and covered with powdered sugar. As for the remaining cake, you can throw it away or make a tasty and healthy fruit drink.

Dissolving gelatin

While the powdered sugar dissolves in the pulp of the currant, you should begin to prepare the gelatin. It must be poured into a faceted glass and pour warm boiled water. After 35-40 minutes, the gelatin should completely dissolve. Next, you need to put it in a metal bowl and heat it over low heat. After you have formed a homogeneous liquid mass, it must be filtered through a fine sieve.

Jelly making

How to make maroon jelly? For this, it is recommended to use overripe blackcurrant. After the powdered sugar is completely dissolved in the pulp, pour a warm solution of gelatin into the bowl. After thoroughly mixing all the components, they need to be poured into bowls and put in the refrigerator. It is desirable to cool the dessert for about 3-5 hours.

How to properly present a sweet treat?

After the specified time, the frozen jelly must be removed from the refrigerator, and then garnished with whole currants (you can use a sprig) and serve. It should be noted that such a delicacy will serve as a good prophylactic against colds and flu. So, the high content of vitamin C in fresh berries will not allow your child to get sick, especially in the autumn-winter season.

Step by step recipe: how to make assorted berry jelly?

If a large number of berries have ripened at your dacha, then you should not hastily cook jam from them. After all, as you know, during heat treatment, all useful substances literally evaporate. In this regard, we suggest you make a delicious and nutritious jelly that will not only increase the immunity of your loved ones, but also cool them down in hot summer weather.

So, having theoretically learned how to make berry jelly, you should prepare:

  • instant gelatin - 30 g;
  • powdered sugar - 1 faceted glass;
  • sweet blackcurrant - 2 cups;
  • sweet raspberries - 5 glasses;
  • large ripe gooseberries - 5 glasses;
  • whole strawberries - to decorate the dessert;
  • sweet whipped cream - to decorate the dessert.

Berry processing

Surely, few people know how to make gooseberry, currant and raspberry jelly. To remedy this situation, we decided to bring to your attention a detailed recipe. It should be noted that such a combination of products will make the dessert not only rich and tasty, but also surprisingly healthy.

In order to prepare a bright and fragrant delicacy for your loved ones, you need to carefully sort out the berries, and if necessary, wash them well in cool water. Next, all the purified ingredients should be crushed into gruel using a conventional meat grinder or blender.

Specifying the technology of how to make raspberry, currant and gooseberry jelly, we note that they must be cleaned of hard peel and seeds. To do this, crushed berry platter needs to be rubbed through a sieve using a potato masher. As a result, you should get a fragrant gruel and cake. From the latter, you can cook a delicious vitamin fruit drink. As for the pulp, it is recommended to add powdered sugar to it, mix everything thoroughly and leave it aside to completely dissolve the sweet product.

Preparation of gelatin

Having processed and leaving aside the base for the dessert, you should begin to dissolve the gelatin. Its amount must be taken at the rate of 1 large spoon for 2 cups of liquid. If you take less, then you will not get jelly, but a mushy, unpleasant mass.

So, in order to properly dissolve gelatin, it must be poured into a faceted glass, and the loan should be poured with warm boiled water (almost to the top). After 35-40 minutes, the product should completely dissolve. Next, it should be put in a metal container and heated over low heat. After it is converted into a homogeneous liquid mass, it must be filtered through a fine sieve.

Jelly making process

After the gelatin and the base for the jelly are prepared, you can safely proceed to the formation of a sweet dish. To do this, pour the product dissolved in water into the berry mass and mix everything thoroughly. Next, the base should be distributed over beautiful molds and put in the refrigerator. It is desirable to withstand such a delicacy in the cold for at least 5 hours. During this time, the jelly should completely harden.

Proper serving

After the berry platter has hardened, it should be removed from the refrigerator, lower the bottom of the dish into hot water, and then turn the form upside down over a flat plate. Before serving dessert to the table, it is recommended to decorate it with fresh strawberries or whipped cream.

Cooking a delicious treat from sweet apples

How to make apple jelly? For this you need to prepare:

  • sweet red apples - about 1 kg;
  • sugar sand - about 400 g;
  • filtered drinking water - 2.5 cups.

Fruit processing

As you know, apples contain a large amount of pectin - a substance that is quite similar in its physical properties to gelatin. In this regard, for such a dessert, there is no need to use the above product.

So, to prepare apple jelly, you should take 1 kg of ripe sweet fruits, wash them thoroughly, and then cut them into quarters and cut out the seed box. Next, they need to be placed in a saucepan, pour water, cover with a lid and cook for about half an hour (on minimum heat).

Cooking process

After the specified time, granulated sugar should be added to the apples. It is advisable to cook these ingredients together until they are completely thickened. So, if in a cooled form the syrup does not drain from a spoon, then our jelly is ready. It is recommended to pour it into glass jars, tighten the lids and put in a cool room. After a day, apple jelly will be ready for use. By the way, you can prepare such a delicacy for the future and enjoy it all winter.

How to make colorful jelly?

How to cook fruit jelly and serve it for a children's holiday? For this we need the following components:

  • instant gelatin - 40 g;
  • powdered sugar - 1 faceted glass;
  • sweet orange - 4 pcs.;
  • soft kiwi - 7 pcs.;
  • overripe large banana - 2 pcs.;
  • yogurt without additives - 250 ml;
  • confectionery powders - to decorate the dessert.

Fruit preparation

To make not only tasty, but also beautiful jelly for a children's holiday, it is recommended to use only multi-colored products. Thus, it is necessary to peel the oranges and squeeze the juice out of them using a special juicer. The zest from citrus fruits should be chopped into thin straws and added to yogurt without additives. Kiwi must be peeled and mashed into a pulp with a spoon or fork. With a ripe banana, you must do the same.

Dessert making process

We talked about how to dissolve gelatin above. After heating over low heat, it must be poured into 1 glass of yogurt in an amount of 100 ml. After thoroughly mixing the ingredients, they should be poured into molds. Moreover, the dishes need to be filled only ¼ of the part, since then the dessert will be supplemented.

After the yogurt has hardened in the refrigerator, pour the kiwi base, also mixed with gelatin, into it. Next, the dessert needs to be put back in the refrigerator for several hours. Over time, you need to lay out the next layer of orange juice. At the end, a festive delicacy should be supplemented with a banana base.

How to properly serve to the festive table?

After each layer of the dessert has cooled in turn in the refrigerator, you will get a multi-colored treat that will have several different fruit flavors at the same time. Of course, such a sweet dish requires much more time than the above. However, it turns out much more beautiful and tastier. That is why most often it is made only for the festive table.

Summing up

As you can see, there is nothing difficult in making delicious and beautiful jelly from berries, fruits and dairy products on your own. Having shown due imagination, such a delicacy can be made to your children at least every day. It will be a good alternative to all kinds of cakes, sweets and chocolate, which often contain a huge amount of harmful additives and dyes.