Smoked kazy. _____ the secret of cooking a real kazy ______

Horsemeat sausage, without which the festive table of the Turkic peoples is indispensable, is called kazy. Those who have tried it at least once, real, properly cooked, will never forget it. amazing taste. You can cook this delicacy at home, although this is not an easy task, but if you still decide, this homemade horsemeat sausage recipe is for you:

Kazy home cooking- Ingredients:

  • 1 kg of horse meat;
  • 500 g of horse fat;
  • 0.5 m (more possible, depending on the thickness) - horse or beef intestines;
  • spices to taste (pepper, zira, garlic);
  • 25 g salt.

How to cook horse meat sausage at home

Important: for cooking kazy, it is better to take meat from the ribs, so it will turn out more juicy, tasty.

Cut the meat into strips 2-3 cm wide, 8-10 cm long, sprinkle with salt and spices, rubbing them into the meat, and cover with a napkin, leave for 1-2 days in a cold place, stirring occasionally.

Turn the intestines inside out, rinse in cold water, rub with salt, let stand for 2-3 hours, then scrape off the mucus (this is convenient to do with a hand wearing a cotton glove), rinse several times in cold and 1 time in hot water, again scrape off the mucus, turn it out, cut the intestines into pieces 50 cm long.

For each piece of intestine, tightly tie one end with a thread, and put prepared meat and lard on the other end, always observing the proportions of 2: 1, then tie it up.

If horse sausage is prepared for cooking and smoking, then one third of it should consist of horse fat, and in order to dry it, you can take less fat.

Ready-made horsemeat sausage is hung out in the sun for drying. We hang them in the attic, where the crabs hang for 5-7 days. A glazed balcony is also suitable. It is recommended to store kazy in freezer refrigerator.

Horsemeat sausage is cooked on low heat for 1.5-2 hours. Do not forget after the water boils, pierce it with a toothpick in 2-3 places, otherwise the intestines may burst during cooking. Kazy is eaten both hot and cold (which is preferable) form.

An ideal dried horse meat sausage will be obtained if it is hung raw in the summer in the sun, and preferably in the attic for a period of at least three weeks.

Kazy is smoked at a temperature of 50-60 degrees for 18 hours, or, previously boiled for 1 hour, smoked for 3 hours at the same temperature.

Sausage is made from 100% horse meat with the addition of ground black pepper and fresh garlic.
"Kazylyk" is the traditional name for horsemeat sausage. It will be an interesting filling for sandwiches and an addition to meat plate.
Unlike the meat of other animals, horse meat has little cholesterol, which determines its dietary value.
Does not contain sodium nitrite (E 250), which is used to give the sausage the usual pink color. Does not contain preservatives, flavor enhancers, stabilizers.

Sausage Kazylyk is my favorite sausage, having tried Kazylyk under the VkusVill brand, now I buy only it. Pay attention to the composition - horse meat, salt, sugar, garlic and pepper, no additives or preservatives. Bravo, Vkusvill. Kazylyk is not like any other sausage, it is more like dried meat is delicious, tender and non-greasy, and since it is made from horse meat, it is also very healthy. It's a must try. You'll like it!

Tatiana, card


Kolas "Kazvlyk", or kaze, as it is also called, the real Tatar dish! Raw-smoked horsemeat sausage is more understandable to a person who has never tried this product. I, as a Tatar, have seen this product at our table since childhood, but over time, parcels with this delicious sausage stopped coming from the village, because. Production closed. And what was my surprise that this product appeared on the shelves of the VkusVill store, and, moreover, in no way inferior to the rustic taste! Only there is also a choice, all sticks are different - there are with fat, but there are leaner, as I like. The sausage is packed in a durable plastic bag, and the sausage itself is in a natural casing, which is cleaned without any problems. I am like true connoisseur and an admirer of this product, ready to eat it just like that, without bread and without a special occasion - a slightly salty taste, dense meat, (and it contains one horse meat), minimal amount fat (and I chose such a piece, for an amateur), and this delicious sausage of all raw-smoked ones, this is the only way to describe Kazylyk!

Guzal, map


Kazylyk sausage is very tasty, properly cooked, tastes like a real homemade sausage. This is my husband's favorite delicacy in Vkusvill. The only thing - come across pieces of fat. My husband and I cut them and it turns out great snack. Transparent packaging in the style of Vkusvill, the product is at a glance. Recommended to all buyers!

Irina, map


I have been buying Kazylyk for a long time. Not greasy, moderately salty, dense, but chewed easily. There are no veins, there are small pieces of fat, if you don’t want to, you can easily remove it, but it is so tasty....

Elena Vitalievna, map

Sausage "Kazylyk" with / in - an analogue of the Tatar dry-cured sausage from horsemeat Kazy! The taste is classic, harmonious, lived a little, the meat and fat are homogeneous, the skin of the sausage comes off easily! Personal opinion - not enough garlic! But in general, everything is fine!

Eugene, map


What is a kazy (sausage) product? You will find the answer to this question in this article. We will also tell you how to make this appetizer and serve it to the table.

general information

Kazy is a sausage made from horse meat, which is traditional dish among the Turkic peoples. This product is made by stuffing a natural casing (most often horse gut) fatty meat (with ribs) and spices. A feature of the preparation of this dish is that the intestines are filled not with minced meat, but whole piece horsemeat.

This product can be used in different types(raw smoked, boiled or dried). It should also be noted that Kazakhs and Bashkirs usually eat boiled kazy, while Tatars eat them smoked.

Raw material selection

When properly made, horsemeat sausage turns out to be very tasty and fragrant. Kazy is an obligatory dish of the Turkic peoples (nomadic Bashkirs, Kirghiz, Tatars, Kazakhs, Karakalpaks and Nogais), which is served exclusively with festive table.

Before telling you about how such an appetizer is made, you should pay attention to the fact that the meat for this product is taken only from fattened horses, which contain a large number of fat.

Cooking features

Horse meat sausage at home does not cook very long. Quite often, kazy is boiled together with meat and served at the table together in the form of one big dish. Often, beshbarmak (thinly rolled and sliced ​​dough boiled in meat broth) is also presented with such a sausage.

Some Turkic peoples use kazy to prepare naryn and pilaf. With such a sausage, the second dish turns out to be very fragrant, tasty and satisfying.

Kazy sausage: a simple recipe

Horsemeat is the meat of young horses. Its specific taste is liked by many cooks. Of all types of meat, it is horse meat that contains the largest amount of protein. In addition, it contains phosphorus, potassium, copper, sodium and amino acids. It should also be noted that in such a product there is practically no cholesterol.

Currently, horsemeat sausage is a rather expensive delicacy. If you can’t afford to buy such a product in a store, then we suggest making it yourself. To do this, use the recipe below.

So, we need:

  • fresh horse meat - about 1 kg;
  • horse fat - about 500 g;
  • horse intestines or any other natural casing - about 50 cm;
  • black ground pepper- about 3 g;
  • fine sea salt - optional;
  • cumin - about 25 g.

Component processing

Homemade horse meat sausage is made in stages. First meat product it is washed well in cool water, and then cut together with horse fat into strips 10 cm long and 4 cm wide. After that, the ingredients are laid out in a deep bowl and flavored with spices (pepper, cumin and salt). In this case, all pieces of meat and fat are carefully rubbed with the resulting spicy mixture.

After carrying out the described actions, the filled container must be covered with thick gauze and left in a cool place for exactly 2 hours.

Shell preparation

While the meat product is marinating, you should start preparing the natural casing. As it, we recommend using horse intestines. Only in this way will you get a real Kazakh sausage.

The acquired casing should be thoroughly rinsed in cool water, and then heavily soaked in coarse sea ​​salt and rinse 4-6 more times, but in hot water.

Shell filling process

Horse meat sausage at home is formed in almost the same way as other similar products. To do this, one end of the horse intestine should be pierced with a stick, and then tied with a strong thread. On the other hand, it is required to lay out the previously prepared filling in a natural shell. In this case, the meat product should be alternated with lard without fail.

Having filled the horse intestine with all the stuffing, its second end must be tightly tied with threads. In this form, the sausage should be put in a container with a lid and left in a cool place.

Heat treatment

Many representatives of the Turkic peoples use dry-cured kazy. However, to prepare such a product, you will need quite a lot of time. Moreover, for drying the sausage, a place should be prepared where it could hang on a rope and dry for a long time (about two weeks).

Considering all of the above, we decided to quickly cook it and serve it to the festive table as a fragrant and satisfying sliced ​​snack.

After the natural shells are stuffed with filling (meat and bacon with spices), and also tightly tied with threads, they should immediately be placed in a large cast-iron cauldron (cauldron). Further finished goods must be filled with ordinary drinking water (preferably cold) and put on slow fire. After boiling the broth, it is recommended to cook the product for about two hours. In this case, the fire should not be increased. Otherwise, the horse shell may burst, facilitating the exit of the filling to the outside.

It should also be noted that after boiling water in a cauldron, an unpleasant gray foam should form on the surface of the broth. You need to get rid of it using a slotted spoon. In addition, to prevent swelling and subsequent damage to the horse intestine, it should first be pierced with a needle in several places. This action will contribute to the release of air bubbles from under the shell, keeping the kazy in its entirety.

Proper serving to the table

Now you know how a real Kazakh sausage is prepared from a natural casing. After the formed product is subjected to heat treatment and completely cooked, it should be carefully removed from the broth and put on a flat plate to cool.

Ready homemade horsemeat sausage must be cooled, cleaned of intestines and cut into circles no thicker than 1 centimeter. It is better to serve such an appetizer to invited guests along with marinated onions. Enjoy your meal!

Horse meat is not often eaten in the modern metropolis, and a lot of controversy has arisen around this topic. Among adherents healthy eating and Muslims, horse meat is a really attractive raw material for sausages. Meanwhile, horse sausage is in demand, you can not buy it in every store. Due to the fact that not every manufacturer puts 100% meat into the sausage, some cook it at home.

Composition, calorie content and nutritional value of horse sausage

Horse meat, like any other meat, contains 25-28% protein. Due to the low fat content of 5-6%, this product is considered to be dietary. The digestibility of horse meat by the body occurs much faster than lamb or beef. Horse meat has a unique feature, unlike pork, it does not increase, but at times lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood.

Its useful properties are in the following aspects:

  • meat has a lower fat content;
  • contains vitamins of groups A, E and B;
  • contains a lot of iron, phosphorus and magnesium;
  • the product is absolutely hypoallergenic;
  • calorie content: 100 g of horse meat has an average of 175 kcal.

The main disadvantage of horse meat is that the meat is poorly stored. It is permissible to keep it raw in the refrigerator, no more than 72 hours. For this reason, horse meat is not sold on the market, the meat is charmingly checked for the presence of salmonella. Otherwise, there are more benefits that can benefit the human body.

Due to the high calorie content, you should limit yourself from excessive consumption of horse sausages.

Types and names of sausages from horse meat among different peoples

Horse meat is used to make sausages. Thanks to this meat, the product acquires a spicy flavor and elastic structure. It is difficult to find sausage in stores, in Central Asia it is sold in the market. Buy sausages available in specialized stores. Many people will be interested to know the name of horse sausage among different peoples.

Horse meat, like sausage from it, is today considered a real delicacy. It is much healthier than other types of meat, contains a protein that is complete in terms of amino acid composition and is absorbed 8 times faster than beef. Hypoallergenic and dietary horsemeat helps lower blood cholesterol levels and increase hemoglobin. There are several types, for example, "Kazy", "Shuzhuk", "Mahan". These national Central Asian dishes differ in cooking technology. In our article, we will talk in detail about the Mahan sausage and present a recipe for its preparation at home.

Description and photo

"Mahan" - dry-cured sausage, which is made only from horse meat. Neither pork nor beef is suitable for her. Even the name of the sausage "Makhan" comes from the main ingredient of this Central Asian dish and is translated as "horse" or "horse meat".

"Mahan" has a delicate taste. The product has a dense structure, but at the same time it literally melts in your mouth. The real "Mahan" - sausage, the photo of which is presented above, is almost black. When looking through it into the light, a ruby ​​​​hue is clearly visible. It has a characteristic section, in which are traced and large pieces fat. A feature of this dry-cured sausage is that minced meat is never used in its manufacture, but only whole pieces of meat and fat. However, true connoisseurs of such a product consider this, rather, its advantage, emphasizing the naturalness of the Mahan sausage.


The composition of the sausage is as close to natural as possible. For the manufacture of this dry-cured product, only raw fat, salt and spices are used. The traditional "Mahan" is made exclusively manually, and from the meat of specially grown horses. Animals are intensively fattened, then the horse meat turns out to be dense with a small layer of fat. "Makhan" is not prepared from the meat of workhorses that were used as draft power. The age of the animal should not exceed two years.

In the manufacture of sausages, not only the composition is taken into account, but also the ratio of ingredients. So, for example, the approximate amount is 5-10% of total weight meat. However, this ratio may vary from person to person.

"Mahan": manufacturing technology

Even in industrial scale real "Mahan" is made by hand and only from fresh, not frozen horse meat.

Whole technological process production can be divided into several stages:

  1. Deboning - muscle removal of horse meat from the bone. This method of processing the carcass of an animal allows you to quickly and better perform the next stage of the process.
  2. Zhilovka - removal of veins and connective tissues from horse meat. The purpose of this stage is to get the highest quality meat. It is from such high-quality horse meat without veins and films that the Mahan sausage is made. After preparing the raw meat, it is cut into large portioned pieces about 3 cm in size on each side.
  3. Salting and ripening of meat - at this stage, salt and spices (sugar, pepper, garlic, etc.) are added to the prepared meat pieces. Horse meat is thoroughly mixed and left in this form for maturation in refrigerators. The duration of this stage is several days, provided that no ripening accelerators are added to the meat.
  4. Molding - at this stage, a semi-finished product is formed. The meat is stuffed into a natural casing, the diameter of which is usually 40 mm, and sent for drying.
  5. Drying - ripening of formed products takes place in special chambers for 40 days. Horse sausage "Mahan" is not amenable to heat treatment. It is prepared in a dry-cured way, thanks to which it is possible to preserve its natural color and aroma.

The finished sausage is cut in the form cooled to a temperature of 0-7 degrees. The thickness of each slice should be no more than 1.5 mm.

Sausage Reviews

The opinions of the people's tasters of the sausage "Makhan", as usual, are ambiguous. Of course, first of all, it all depends on the manufacturer. But even without taking this factor into account, positive and negative ones can be divided into two independent groups. negative feedback by sausage.

"Mahan" was liked by buyers as follows:

  • interesting natural taste;
  • pleasant aroma;
  • natural composition and benefits for the body.

Negative feedback from buyers are as follows:

  • the presence of chemicals in the products of most manufacturers (flavors, flavor and aroma enhancers, color fixatives, antioxidants);
  • the use of meat ground into minced meat, and not cut into pieces;
  • specific taste, the presence of coarsely chopped fat.

When choosing dry-cured products, it is important to pay attention to the quality criteria that must be real sausage"Mahan". This is its structure (not stuffing), and color, and composition. The reviews and recommendations presented above will allow you to buy really tasty and healthy horse meat sausage. Meanwhile, with a strong desire, it can be prepared at home.

How much does "Mahan" cost?

Anyone who wants to try a truly high-quality and tasty Makhan, which does not contain any unnecessary ingredients, should know that such a sausage cannot be cheap. The average price per kilogram of this dry-cured product, made from horse meat, horse fat, salt and spices, is approximately 800-1000 rubles per 1 kg.

Sausage "Mahan" is usually sold in whole or cut loaves weighing 400 or 200 g. The length of a whole stick can be 40 cm.

"Mahan" (sausage): a recipe for cooking at home

For cooking, you will need horse meat and horse fat, chilled and cut into pieces 5-10 mm thick. The ratio of meat to fat in homemade sausage usually is 10:1, that is, 1 kg of fat is taken for 10 kg of meat.

After cutting all the ingredients, horse meat is salted for 3-5 days. To do this, 380 g of salt, 200 g of sugar and squeezed garlic, ground pepper to taste are added to a container with meat pieces. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed, after which the raw materials are sent for maturation at a temperature of 2-6 degrees in a ventilated room. Farther meat preparation it is necessary to fill the shell (shell or collagen protein) and send for drying.

Sausage "Mahan" at home is dried for about 30-45 days in a ventilated room and a humidity of about 70%. You can store it in the refrigerator for 120 days, after wrapping each loaf in parchment paper.