How to make homemade horse meat sausage. Horse meat sausage

And today, when there are almost no nomads left, for their descendants - Kazakhs, Turkmens, Mongols, Yakuts - this meat is still the basis of the table.

The secret is simple: for a long time, horse meat was the most affordable meat in Central Asia. These days, horse meat dishes are still popular.

Cooking features

Horse meat - therefore, the younger the horse was, the more valuable its meat. The most delicious meat is the meat of 2-3 year old horses, and the meat of one-year-old foals is most valued. To distinguish the meat of an adult horse from a foal, look at the color of the fat. The younger the horse, the lighter its fat; in foals it is almost white, slightly pinkish, and in adults it is yellow.

To soften the meat, it must be marinated or smoked and then boiled. Pretty long. Then it turns out soft and tasty. A bit like beef, only sweeter.


Perhaps the most famous horse meat delicacy. Almost all Turkic peoples prepare it. Kazi can be eaten as cold snack, and you can cook pilaf, besbarmak and other dishes from it. Usually kazy is cooked in late autumn. At this time, horses are slaughtered for the winter, since after summer and autumn they have eaten and gained fat.

For kazy, take a rib with meat and a strip of fat. Moreover, a whole rib - from the spine to the sternum, 60-70 cm long. The ribs are covered with salt and own juice 2-3 days. And then they soak it. Only after this, the meat for the kazy is covered with spices or garlic and placed in a thoroughly washed intestine - karta. The result is a curved kazy-karta sausage. Nowadays they began to put meat cut from the rib along with fat into the kazy. But it happens that the meat is placed together with the rib, as in the classic version.

Each housewife in Kazakhstan has her own recipe for spicy mixtures for kazy and protects it from prying eyes. The prepared meat is stuffed into the washed intestines. Tie the ends of the sausages and cook over low heat for at least 2.5 hours. And then they hang it in a cool place, where the kazy can be stored for quite a long time.

Stewed horse meat in Tatar style

300 g horse meat

2 tsp. butter

1 onion

300 g potatoes

Mustard, salt, pepper

Step 1. Cut the horse meat into small pieces.

Step 2. Sprinkle each piece with salt, pepper, grease with mustard and keep in the cold for 30-40 minutes until the spices are absorbed into the meat.

Step 3. Fry pieces of meat in a very hot frying pan with fat, then transfer to a saucepan, add broth or boiling water and simmer.

Step 4. Separately boil, fry or bake large potatoes, place in a pan with meat, add vegetable sauce in Tatar style and simmer until done.


The name of this dish translates as “five fingers”. The fact is that from time immemorial it was customary among the Central Asian peoples to eat with their hands. And to this day, some especially favorite national dishes are eaten this way. Besbarmak (or beshbarmak) - National dish many peoples: Kazakhs, Uzbeks, Kyrgyz, Tajiks. Often horse meat is replaced with lamb or beef.


1.5 kg horse meat

1 onion

Salt, spices


2 cups of flour

0.5 glasses of water

1 tsp salt


1 bowl of broth

2 onions

Step 1. Wash the meat and place it in a cauldron with cold water, bring to a boil, reduce heat and cook, removing foam, for at least two hours.

Step 2. Knead the dough, let it stand for 30-40 minutes, then roll it out into a layer 1-1.5 mm thick and cut into 7-8 cm squares.

Step 3. 30-40 minutes before the end of cooking, add salt to taste to the broth, Bay leaf, head onions, black peppercorns.

Step 4. Make the sauce. Place onion, salt, pepper, and herbs cut into rings in a separate bowl, pour in the fat removed from the hot broth, close the lid tightly and simmer.

Step 5. Place the dough in boiling broth and cook until done. Then place the noodles on a flat dish.

Step 6. Place pieces of meat on top, and onion stewed in fat on top.


1 kg horse meat

1 kg internal fat

3 tbsp. salt

1 tsp black pepper

Garlic - optional

Step 1. Rinse the meat, rub with salt and keep for 1-2 days in a cool place at 3-4C.

Step 2. Rinse the intestines and soak in salt water.

Step 3. Finely chop the meat and fat and mix. Add garlic, pepper and salt and stir again.

Step 4. Stuff the intestines with this mixture, tie both ends with twine, hang for 3-4 hours in a cool place.

Step 5. Smoke over thick smoke for 12-18 hours, then dry at 12C for 2-3 days.

Step 6. Then cook over low heat for at least 2.5 hours.

Dried horse meat

Horse peritoneum

Step 1. Cut the meat into 20 cm squares. Rub with salt and sprinkle with pepper.

Step 2. Place for salting in a dark, cool place for 7-8 days.

Step 3. Then string it on twine and hang it for 2-3 months in a dark place to dry.

Horse meat stuffed in Kyrgyz style

1 kg horse meat

2 carrots

2 parsley roots

1 head of garlic

1 tbsp. rendered lard

1 onion

1 pickle

Bay leaf

finely chopped parsley

Step 1. Stuff horse meat with carrots, parsley roots, and garlic.

Step 2. Bandage the prepared pieces and fry until half cooked.

Step 3. Fry the onion in lard, add it to the meat, add bay leaf, pickled cucumber, diced. Add water and simmer over low heat until done.

Kyzdyrma (Tatar cuisine)

1 kg horse meat

50 g ghee

Salt, pepper to taste

Step 1. Cut the meat into small pieces, add salt and pepper and refrigerate for 3 hours.

Step 2. Then fry the meat in oil.

Step 3. For long storage Place the kyzdyrma in a jar and pour melted butter over it. Put it in the cold.

Horse meat broth in Yakut style

1 kg horse meat

1 tbsp. fat

2 tbsp. flour

1 onion

Salt and pepper

Step 1. Rinse the horse meat, put it in a saucepan with cold water, and bring to a boil. Skim off any foam, add salt, and cook over medium heat until done.

Step 2. Sauté the onion.

Step 3. Place the finished meat on a dish, strain the broth and add the fried onions.

Step 4. Take Not a large number of broth and cool slightly, put the rest of the broth on the fire. Dilute the flour in the cooled broth without sautéing.

Step 5. Gradually add the broth and flour into the boiling broth, stirring continuously. Put a little pepper, sprinkle with chopped dill or parsley.

Step 6. Place the horse meat on plates with vegetables, and serve the broth separately.

Today for lunch I had delicious kazy

What kind of animal is this kazy? What is the name of horse meat sausage?

Kazy or kazylyk is a sausage made from horse meat. Until recently it was of course more home product. But now I’ve started seeing them in stores. Kazy is a Bashkir version of pronunciation, Kazylyk is Tatar. Any of these names may be indicated on the sausage store label.

Kazy sausage can be boiled or dry-cured. Right now I have dried one. Although I also really like boiled.

Regardless of the method of further preparation, horse meat kazylyk is quite large pieces meat and lard marinated in salt and spices and then stuffed into the gut.

Previously, when villages still kept horses for meat, after slaughtering the animal, the owners traditionally prepared both versions of such horse meat sausage at once. Dry-cured kazylyk, as you understand, helped preserve meat for future use.

I'm a big fan of Bashkir and Tatar cuisine. I know and can cook almost all the most famous dishes, including kazy. But today my story is about Podkovka brand sausage, Kumertau.

What should it be real sausage kazy and is kazy good?

Real horse meat kazylyk is quite fatty. In homemade sausage, fat can make up up to a third. Store product usually less fatty. So the Podkovka sausage is quite dry. For my taste this is not bad, but my husband said FI. He likes kazylyk fatter and juicier. In general, it’s up to anyone.

Another point. As I already wrote, good sausage It is prepared from fairly large, oblong pieces of horse meat and fat, naturally cleared of veins and captivity. In Podkovka sausage, no, no, there are sometimes too small pieces of meat, sometimes even stringy inclusions. The fat is very finely ground.

The taste of Podkovka sausage is delicate, slightly oily. The meat is quite soft and cuts and chews easily. This suggests that the horse meat was used young, and the pieces were taken from the sternum and peritoneum, cut correctly, taking into account the direction of the fibers.

Podkovka horse meat kazylyk is available in two versions: classic and spiced. I have a classic kazy.

Compound: horse meat, salt, sugar, black pepper. Shell: Belcosin (animal protein)

The composition of kazylyk cannot be more natural. This is probably where its cost comes from. The fact that the Podkovka kazy is not stuffed into a natural gut, I can easily stand it. Still a store product.

In Bayram and Pyaterochka chain stores the cost is 440 rubles. per stick 300 gr.

In the branded online store Podkovka the cost is 390 rubles. per stick 300 gr. (delivery available within the Russian Federation)

The manufacturer claims that all its delicacies are Halal. This, in general, is also pleasant, if true, of course.

Halal is permitted actions in Shariah. IN in this case Halal refers to animal meat that has been processed and prepared in such a way that it does not violate Islamic food taboos. The Koran clearly defines the list of foods whose consumption is prohibited in Islam. These include pork; carrion; meat of animals slaughtered without mentioning the name of Allah; meat of animals strangled, beaten with rods, broken or killed by a predator, indicated in the third verse of Surah Al-Maida.

What to look for when choosing horse meat sausage

It doesn’t matter whether you buy kazy in a store or at the market, the stick should be slightly shiny and not have a whitish or slippery coating.

Yellow fat in this case is not a sign of a low-quality product. Unlike beef, horse fat ranges from cream to yellowish in color. This is normal and is not a sign that the animal was old. When drying, the fat in kazy sausage can even acquire a bright yellow tint.

Kazy sticks should not be too dry. They should easily bend 20 degrees from the axis.

At room temperature 25-28 degrees fat in sliced ​​dried kazylyk should soften. In this state it can easily be spread on bread.

Sausage made from horse meat, without which the festive table of the Turkic peoples is not complete, is called kazy. Those who have tried it at least once, real, properly prepared, will never forget it amazing taste. You can prepare this delicacy at home, although this is not an easy task, but if you still decide, this recipe for homemade horse meat sausage is for you:

Kazy homemade- Ingredients:

  • 1 kg horse meat;
  • 500 g horse fat;
  • 0.5 m (more is possible, depending on thickness) - horse or beef intestines;
  • spices to taste (pepper, cumin, garlic);
  • 25 g salt.

How to cook horse meat sausage at home

Important: to prepare kazy, it is better to take meat from the ribs, so it will turn out more juicy and tasty.

Cut the meat into strips 2-3 cm wide, 8-10 cm long, sprinkle with salt and spices, rubbing them into the meat, and cover with a napkin and leave for 1-2 days in a cold place, stirring occasionally.

Turn the intestines inside out, rinse in cold water, rub with salt, let stand for 2-3 hours, then scrape off the mucus (this is convenient to do with your hand wearing a cotton glove), rinse several times in cold and once in hot water, scrape off the mucus again, turn it inside out, cut the intestines into pieces 50 cm long.

Tie one end of each piece of intestine tightly with a thread, and at the other end place the prepared meat and lard, making sure to maintain the proportions of 2:1, then tie it up.

If horse sausage is prepared for boiling and smoking, then one third of it should consist of horse lard, and in order to dry it, you can take less lard.

The finished horse meat sausage is hung out in the sun to dry. We hang it in the attic, where the kraals hang for 5-7 days. A glass balcony would also be suitable. It is recommended to store kazy in freezer refrigerator.

Cook horse meat sausage over low heat for 1.5-2 hours. After the water boils, do not forget to pierce it with a toothpick in 2-3 places, otherwise the intestines may burst during cooking. Kazi are eaten both hot and cold (which is preferable).

The ideal dried horse meat sausage will be made if you hang it raw in the sun in the summer, or preferably in the attic for at least three weeks.

Kazi is smoked at a temperature of 50-60 degrees for 18 hours, or, pre-boiled for 1 hour, smoked for 3 hours at the same temperature.

Horse meat is the meat of young horses that can be eaten. A specific taste distinguishes horse meat from the meat of any other animal. Of all types of meat, horse meat contains the highest percentage of protein. It contains potassium, phosphorus, sodium, copper, and amino acids. And horse meat contains virtually no cholesterol. Today, horse meat sausage is a delicacy. Below we will tell you several recipes for making horse meat sausage.

Horse meat sausage kazy


  • horse meat – 1 kg;
  • lard – 500 g;
  • intestines – 50 cm;
  • ground black pepper – 3 g;
  • cumin – 25 g;
  • salt.


Cut the meat and lard into strips of 10 cm, 4 cm wide, put in a cup, salt, pepper, sprinkle with caraway seeds and rub well. Cover the container with gauze and leave in a cool place for 2 hours. We wash the horse intestines in cold water, wipe with salt, and rinse 4 more times in cold and then in hot water.

We pierce one end of the intestine with a stick and tie it with strong thread. Place the filling on the other side, alternating with meat. Having filled the intestine, tie the other end, put it in a container and place it in a cool place. We're already halfway done finished product. If you eat kazy as a snack, it is boiled. Place the finished sausages in a cauldron, fill with cold water and cook for 2 hours over low heat. When the water boils, remove the foam and pierce the kazy in several places with a needle. Cool the finished homemade horse meat sausages, cut into slices no thicker than 1 cm. It is best served with kazy.

Dry-cured horse meat sausage


  • horse meat tenderloin – 1 kg;
  • salt;
  • coriander;
  • black and red pepper;
  • sugar;
  • soda;
  • Apple vinegar;
  • salted lard.


Cut the meat into strips no more than 2 cm in length. And prepare the mixture for pickling. Fry the coriander and grind it in a coffee grinder and add the rest of the spices to taste. Sprinkle the pieces of meat with vinegar and rub on all sides with spices. After this, we place the meat in an enamel container, and put pressure on top. Place the horse meat in the refrigerator for 12 hours. After six hours, the meat must be turned over so that the juice will be We do not drain the meat. When the time is up, take the meat out of the refrigerator and put it in the marinade (prepared from apple cider vinegar and water in a ratio of 1:2) for five minutes. Rinse the meat well in the marinade and squeeze.

After this, hang the meat in a well-ventilated place for five days. After five days, grind the product in a meat grinder and mix it with finely chopped lard. Thus, we get the usual mixture for sausages. Take a mat and spread it on it cling film, form sausages. Place the finished dry-cured sausage on a wire rack and place it in a well-ventilated place for another 5 days. The sausage dries quite quickly, so after five days we store it in the refrigerator.

What is kazy (sausage)? You will find the answer to this question in this article. We will also tell you how to make this appetizer and serve it.

general information

Kazy is a sausage made from horse meat, which is traditional dish among the Turkic peoples. This product is made by stuffing a natural shell (most often horse intestine) fatty meat (from ribs) and spices. The peculiarity of the preparation of this dish is that the intestines are filled not with minced meat, but in one piece horse meat.

This product can be used in different types(raw smoked, boiled or dried). It should also be noted that it is customary for the Kazakhs and Bashkirs to eat kazy exclusively in boiled form, and for the Tatars - smoked.

Selection of raw materials

When properly made, horse meat sausage turns out very tasty and aromatic. Kazy is a mandatory dish of the Turkic peoples (nomadic Bashkirs, Kyrgyz, Tatars, Kazakhs, Karakalpaks and Nogais), which is served exclusively with festive table.

Before I tell you how this snack is made, you should pay attention to the fact that the meat for this product is taken only from fattened horses, which contain a large amount of fat.

Cooking features

Horse meat sausage does not take very long to prepare at home. Quite often, kazy is boiled together with meat and served together as one big dish. Beshbarmak (thinly rolled and sliced ​​dough boiled in meat broth) is often served with this sausage.

Some Turkic peoples use kazy to prepare naryn and pilaf. With such sausage, the second course turns out to be very aromatic, tasty and satisfying.

Kazy sausage: a simple recipe

Horse meat is the meat of young horses. Its specific taste is liked by many chefs. Of all types of meat, horse meat contains the greatest amount of protein. In addition, it contains phosphorus, potassium, copper, sodium and amino acids. It should also be noted that this product has virtually no cholesterol.

Currently, horse meat sausage is a rather expensive delicacy. If you can’t afford to buy such a product in a store, we suggest making it yourself. To do this, you need to use the recipe described below.

So, we need:

  • fresh horsemeat - approximately 1 kg;
  • horse lard - about 500 g;
  • horse intestines or any other natural casing - approximately 50 cm;
  • black ground pepper- about 3 g;
  • fine sea salt - optional;
  • cumin - about 25 g.

Component Processing

Homemade horse meat sausage is made in stages. At first meat product washed well in cool water, and then cut together with horse fat into strips 10 centimeters long and 4 centimeters wide. After this, the ingredients are laid out in a deep bowl and seasoned with spices (pepper, cumin and salt). In this case, all pieces of meat and lard are thoroughly rubbed with the resulting spicy mixture.

After performing the described steps, cover the filled container with thick gauze and leave in a cool place for exactly 2 hours.

Shell preparation

While the meat product is marinating, you should prepare the natural casing. We recommend using horse intestines. This is the only way you will get real Kazakh sausage.

The purchased shell should be thoroughly washed in cool water and then thoroughly soaked in coarse sea ​​salt and rinse 4-6 more times, but in hot water.

Shell filling process

Horsemeat sausage is formed at home in almost the same way as other similar products. To do this, one end of the horse's intestine should be pierced with a stick and then tied with a strong thread. On the other hand, you need to put the previously prepared filling into the natural shell. In this case, the meat product must be alternated with lard.

Having filled the horse intestine with all the filling, its second end must be tightly tied with thread. In this form, the sausage should be placed in a container with a lid and left in a cool place.

Heat treatment

Many representatives of the Turkic peoples consume kazy in dry-cured form. However, to prepare such a product you will need quite a lot of time. Moreover, to dry the sausage, you should prepare a place where it could hang on a rope and dry for a long time (about two weeks).

Considering all of the above, we decided to quickly cook it and serve it to the holiday table as a flavorful and filling appetizer.

After the natural shells are filled with filling (meat and lard with spices), and also tightly tied with threads, they should be immediately placed in a large cast-iron cauldron (cauldron). Further finished goods it is necessary to fill it with ordinary drinking water (preferably cold) and place it on slow fire. After the broth boils, it is recommended to cook the product for about two hours. At the same time, the fire should not be increased. Otherwise, the horse casing may burst, allowing the filling to escape.

It should also be noted that after the water boils in the cauldron, an unpleasant gray foam should form on the surface of the broth. You need to get rid of it using a slotted spoon. In addition, to prevent bloating and subsequent damage to the horse intestine, it should first be pierced with a needle in several places. This action will facilitate the release of air bubbles from under the shell, preserving the kazy in its entirety.

Proper serving to the table

Now you know how real Kazakh sausage is prepared from natural casings. After the formed product has been subjected to heat treatment and completely cooked, it should be carefully removed from the broth and, placed on a flat plate, cooled.

The finished homemade horse meat sausage must be cooled, cleaned of the intestines and cut into circles no thicker than 1 centimeter. It is better to serve this appetizer to invited guests along with pickled onions. Enjoy your meal!