Hot sandwiches with sausage how to cook. Hot sandwiches with sausage, cheese, egg, tomatoes - the best recipes

Hot sandwiches in the oven, like their cold brothers, are universal snack, especially for breakfast, and besides, they will make the preparation for the reception of unexpected guests quick and efficient. The most elaborate and beautifully decorated hot sandwiches, baked in the oven with a variety of quality products, can also be used for a festive table. These are hot sandwiches in the oven with sausage, hot sandwiches with cheese in the oven, hot sandwiches with sprats in the oven, hot sandwiches with saury in the oven, hot sandwiches with eggs in the oven, etc. As you can see, there are many options. The most satisfying and suitable for self-dish you can count hot sandwiches with minced meat in the oven. They take extra time, but it's worth it. Minced meat, at the same time, you can try different: beef, pork, poultry, a combination is also suitable meat products. But for sandwiches, of course, you first need to bring it to readiness, because. the bread on which we spread the minced meat will not last long in the oven, it will dry out.

And for the juiciness of sandwiches, the products you have chosen need to be supplemented with slices fresh tomato. Hot sandwiches with tomatoes in the oven become very juicy, with a pleasant tomato sourness.

Recipes for hot sandwiches in the oven are simple and varied. Be sure to check out the photos ready meals on our website. Recipes for hot sandwiches in the oven with photos will be of great help to you. Your first try should be the most common recipe for a hot sausage sandwich in the oven. And then - try, experiment, hot sandwiches are all tasty and good.

A few tips for those who want to cook hot sandwiches in the oven:

Hot sandwiches can be served as a separate appetizer, as well as an addition to soups and broths;

Hot sandwiches for the first course should be made small, so it is more convenient to take them by hand. They should be served on a small plate as a portioned dish separately for each person sitting at the table;

If your sandwiches are not for soups and broths, serve them on a large wide plate, pre-laid with lettuce, lemon slices;

For hot sandwiches, you need to use a little dried bread. It forms sandwiches better, bakes better, and fresh bread often crumbles. Keep some fresh bread in the refrigerator;

For hot sandwiches, bread should be cut into thin slices (no more than 1 cm);

Hot sandwiches are made both open (simple) and closed (sandwiches). Also try the multi-layer option;

For softness and juiciness, bread for sandwiches is pre-lubricated with mayonnaise or butter;

For a variety of taste sensations, flavor the products that you spread on bread with various seasonings to your liking.

Sausage and cheese sandwiches baked in the oven will be a great quick snack at a time when there is absolutely no time to cook other dishes. Such an appetizer turns out to be incredibly tasty and fragrant, so you should not cook it too often so as not to harm the figure. After all, it is simply impossible to resist an extra piece.

How to cook hot sausage and cheese sandwiches baked in the oven?


  • white bread (shaped or loaf) - 10 slices;
  • boiled sausage or sausages (wieners) - 320 g;
  • hard cheese - 120 g;
  • fresh tomatoes - 220 g;
  • garlic cloves - 2 pcs.;
  • sprigs of fresh herbs - 0.5 bunch;
  • - 30 g;
  • or ketchup - 90 g;
  • freshly ground black pepper - 1 pinch.


For hot sandwiches this case you can use boiled sausage or even find a use for boiled sausages or sausages left over from yesterday's dinner. Cut into small cubes and place in a bowl. We also send chopped fresh tomatoes and fresh herbs, and also squeeze peeled garlic cloves through a press. We fill the sausage and vegetable mass with mayonnaise and ketchup, mix and proceed to the design of sandwiches.

On a baking sheet, lay out slices of bread, on which we spread a spoonful of the prepared mixture. We crush the appetizer with a little pepper (ideally freshly ground), and grated hard cheese on top and put in a well-heated oven for ten to fifteen minutes.

Recipe for hot sandwiches with sausage and melted cheese



Gives special tenderness to hot sandwiches processed cheese. To prepare such an appetizer, grease the slices on one side. white bread tomato sauce and give them a little soak. During this time, we cut sausage into cubes or medium-sized sticks, melted cheese can be grated or also cut into small cubes with a moistened knife. We also grind a boiled egg on a grater, chop medium-sized bell pepper and greens and mix the prepared ingredients in a bowl. We fill the mass with mayonnaise, add salt and pepper to taste, mix and put it with a spoon on slices of bread with tomato. We place the blanks on a baking sheet in an oven heated to 195 degrees and let them brown for ten to fifteen minutes.

Step 1: prepare the loaf.

Put the loaf on a cutting board and cut into thin slices with a knife. We move the crushed bread to a free large plate and leave it aside for a while.

Step 2: prepare hard cheese.

Taking advantage coarse grater, rub hard cheese right on the cutting board. Then pour the chips into a clean plate.

Step 3: prepare the semi-smoked sausage.

We spread the half-smoked sausage on a cutting board and, using a knife, we clean it from the protective film. Then we cut the component into thin strips and move it to a free plate. Attention: in fact, it doesn’t matter what shape the pieces of sausage will be, the taste of this dish will not change. You can cut the component into circles, a crescent, or even cubes.

Step 4: prepare the sauce for the dish.

Pour a little mayonnaise and ketchup into a deep bowl so that their proportions are one to one. Using a tablespoon, mix everything thoroughly until the formation homogeneous mass. This will be our sauce! But before preparing sandwiches, be sure to taste the mixture and, if necessary, add one or another component.

Step 5: Prepare Hot Sausage Sandwiches.

Brush each piece of bread a small amount sauce and then spread on a baking sheet, which we cover in advance with baking paper or food foil. Place a few strips of sausage on top.

At the end, sprinkle sandwiches with grated hard cheese and turn on the oven. When it warms up to temperature 180 degrees, put the container with the dish on the middle level and cook everything for 10 minutes.
Then, carefully, with the help of kitchen tacks, we do not completely take out the baking sheet and check the degree of readiness of the sandwiches. To do this, just lift a few of them slightly with a fork or wooden spatula and see how browned they are at the base. If the bread has already become golden in color, then turn off the oven, and take out the baking sheet and set it aside. If not, then extend the baking time even more. for 2–4 minutes.
At the end, set the dish aside and let it cool slightly.

Step 6: serve hot sausage sandwiches.

Using a wooden spatula, still hot sandwiches with sausage are transferred to a special flat plate and served at the dinner table along with fragrant tea or coffee.
Good appetite!

The more cheese there is on sandwiches, the tastier they will be;

For cooking, you can use any sausage, not just semi-smoked. For example, it can be boiled or raw smoked product or all at once;

Instead of the sauce, you can put tomato circles on the bread as the first layer. It also turns out very tasty and juicy;

To prevent the sauce from spreading, be sure to use mayonnaise with a high percentage of fat content. For instance, 67% .

Hot sandwiches can be prepared for breakfast, for a picnic, hearty snack or on the holiday table. Today I propose hot sandwiches with sausage, cheese and egg. They are so easy to prepare that even a schoolboy can make them. And they turn out so tasty and appetizing that they are sometimes even called mini pizza. You can bake sandwiches in the oven, microwave oven or in a frying pan.


To prepare hot sandwiches with sausage, cheese and egg, we need:

long loaf (or white bread in a loaf) - 1 pc.;

sausage (I have half-smoked, but you can take boiled sausage, sausages or sausages) - 200 g;

cheese hard varieties- 200 g;

egg - 1 pc.;

mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. l.;

tomato paste (can be substituted tomato ketchup) - 1 tbsp. l. (with a slide);

vegetable oil for greasing the pan.

Cooking steps

Prepare products for making hot sandwiches with sausage, cheese and egg.

Put a baking sheet with sandwiches in a preheated oven and bake for about 10-15 minutes at a temperature of 180-200 degrees. The cheese should melt and our sandwiches should take on a beautiful golden color. These are such mouth-watering and very tasty hot sandwiches with sausage, cheese and an egg.

A sandwich is a simple, convenient, quick meal.

But it also needs to be able to cook deliciously.

Will we learn how to make masterpieces from sausage and cheese with tomatoes?

Sandwiches with sausage, cheese and tomatoes - general principles of cooking

Sandwiches can be cooked on bread, loaf or use special burger buns. V dietary options sometimes they take cereal bread as a basis, but they are only suitable for cold appetizers, they should not be warmed up.

Sausage and cheese are rubbed or cut, depending on the characteristics of the recipe. Tomatoes are used mostly fresh. Often add other products: different sauces, fresh or pickled cucumbers, mushrooms, eggs, greens.

Simple sandwiches with sausage, cheese and tomatoes

A variant of mouth-watering, multi-layered sandwiches with sausage, cheese and tomatoes. They are prepared in just a few minutes, and eaten even faster.


3 slices of bread;


60 g sausage;

60 g of cheese;

25 g of oil;

2 sprigs of greens.


1. Butter for sandwiches should be softened. Spread it on slices of bread.

2. Chop the greens, sprinkle over the oil.

3. Now it's the turn of the sausage. When cutting, we start from its shape. If the sausage is thin, then put two or three mugs on a sandwich.

4. Cut the tomatoes into thin circles. Lay on top of the sausage. Salt is not needed. Otherwise, the tomatoes will begin to release juice.

5. Cheese is laid out on the tomatoes. Sandwiches are ready!

Hot sandwiches with sausage, cheese and tomatoes

A variant of very juicy sandwiches that can easily replace pizza. This dish will help out if there is no time to cook something or guests suddenly appeared unexpectedly. You can cook in the microwave or oven.


150 g of bread;

100 g sausage;

2 tomatoes;

50 g of cheese;

1.5 tablespoons of mayonnaise;

3 sprigs of any greens.


1. Cut the bread into slices. Thickness is about half an inch. You can use ready-made cuts or a loaf.

2. Cut the tomatoes into cubes. If the tomatoes are large, then just take one.

3. We cut the sausage with the same cubes. It can be boiled or smoked, you can use sausages or sausages, any product will go into these sandwiches, since it is still crushed.

4. Transfer the sausage to the tomatoes.

5. Add grated cheese and mayonnaise.

6. Now it's the turn of chopped greens. If you want to make spicy sandwiches, you can add pepper. Salting the mixture is not necessary, but it is better to try. Mix everything well.

7. Spread the mass on slices of bread.

8. Put the sandwiches in the microwave. Cook at maximum power for 2-3 minutes.

9. Or put on a baking sheet, bake until cooked in the oven. Do high temperature 200-220 degrees.

Sandwiches with sausage, cheese and tomatoes with egg

An economical option for sandwiches will help out if there is very little cheese and sausage. You can use any slices of bread or a loaf. The type of cheese also does not really matter, since the egg will strengthen the mass.


3-4 slices of bread;

1 tomato;

2 pieces of sausage;

2 pieces of cheese;

Greens, spices.


1. Cut the tomato into cubes. If the tomato is watery, then it is advisable to remove the seeds with juice, cut only the pulp.

2. We rub the pieces of cheese or just cut it finely, throw it to the tomato.

3. We do the same with sausage, you can cut or grate.

4. Add spices, throw greens. Fragrant Additives improve the taste of the sandwich.

5. It remains to break into a mass a raw egg, stir the filling until smooth.

6. Spread in a thick layer on slices of bread. If desired, they can first be smeared with oil, ketchup or mustard.

7. Bake sandwiches for 5-7 minutes in a preheated oven.

8. Or put in microwave oven for three minutes. Readiness is determined by the egg, it should seize, the mass will become thick and uniform.

Canape - miniature sandwiches with sausage, cheese and tomatoes

Canapes look great on festive table. The snack is profitable: it does not require many ingredients, it is prepared simply, it looks beautiful. It is better to use cherry tomatoes for canapes. If full-fledged tomatoes are used, then we choose dense, slightly unripe specimens.


5 cherry tomatoes;

100 g sausage;

100 g of cheese;

5 olives;

2 leaves of lettuce.


1. Cherry tomatoes can be strung whole, but it is better to cut into two parts. If large tomatoes are used, then cut into 10 slices.

2. Cut the sausage and cheese into rectangles or cubes, leave the olives whole.

3. Lay the lettuce leaves on a plate, they will be a wonderful decoration.

4. We take skewers for canapes and collect sandwiches. We put on a half of a tomato cut down, then an olive, then a sausage, now a half of a tomato with a cut up and use a stable piece of cheese as a base. We stick a skewer into it, transfer it to a plate with lettuce leaves.

5. We collect the rest of the canapé sandwiches in this way. Ready!

Sandwiches with sausage, tomatoes and melted cheese

This recipe uses melted cheese. You can take ordinary cheese in foil, it also turns out delicious.


80 g of cheese;

1 clove of garlic;

1 tomato;

5 pieces of sausage (ham);

5 slices of bread;

1-2 tablespoons of mayonnaise (sour cream).


1. You need to grate the cheese. If it is soft, then just put it in a bowl. If the cheese is hard, then grease the grater with oil.

2. Add chopped greens. You can take parsley, dill, cilantro. We choose at will.

3. Add garlic. It can also be crushed on a grater. Pepper.

4. Now you need to season the mass with mayonnaise so that it becomes more uniform.

5. Lubricate slices of bread with garlic cheese, make a thick layer.

6. We lay out pieces of sausage on each. You can take ham.

7. Top with slices of tomatoes, you can spread the sprigs of greens. Ready!

Closed sandwiches with sausage, cheese and tomatoes (sandwiches)

For such sandwiches, it is best to use special burger buns. If they are not there, then pieces of a loaf or white bread will fit perfectly. Recipe for two large sandwiches.


2 round buns or 4 slices of bread;

1 tomato;

80 g sausage;

50 g of cheese;

0.5 tsp mustard;

2 lettuce leaves;

1 spoon of ketchup;


1. Mix ketchup and mustard, add pepper if desired to make the sauce spicier.

2. Cut sausage, cheese into pieces. V closed sandwich you can put one slice or several, depending on the size of the product.

3. Cut the washed tomato into slices, you do not need to do it thinly.

4. Cut the bun across into two parts.

5. Lubricate the half with sauce, put lettuce leaves or other greens.

6. Now it's the turn of the sausage, then the tomato and cheese.

7. Cover the top with the second half of the roll. The sandwich is ready!

8. If you want to cook hot sandwich, then you do not need to put the greens immediately. Warm the formed burger in the microwave for a couple of minutes, then carefully lift the lid, slip lettuce leaves or other greens.

Sandwiches with sausage, cheese, tomatoes and pickles

Another sandwich option. For him, you need a salted or pickled cucumber. You can cook from a bun or from ordinary slices of bread.


2 pieces of sausage;

40 g of cheese;

1 tomato;

1 spoon of mayonnaise;

1 tsp ketchup;

0.5 cloves of garlic.


1. Combine mayonnaise with ketchup, add mustard and garlic, rub the sauce well.

2. Cut the cucumbers into thin circles, strip the tomatoes a little thicker.

3. We take big chunks sausages. If they are small, then you can use not one in each sandwich, but two or even three.

4. Cut the cheese into thin slices.

5. Putting together a sandwich. Lubricate the cut bun inside on both sides. Or we coat slices of bread, loaf.

6. We lay out the sausage, followed by cucumbers, then cheese and complete the assembly with a tomato.

7. Close the sandwiches, press the top.

8. Put in the microwave for one or two minutes, warm up.

Open sandwiches with sausage, cheese, tomatoes and mushrooms

For such sandwiches, you will need some salted mushrooms, but you can also take pickled mushrooms, for example, champignons.


3 mushrooms;

60 g sausage;

60 g of cheese;

0.5 tomatoes;

1 tsp mayonnaise;

2 sprigs of dill;

Black pepper.


1. Take a grater, chop the cheese, throw it into a bowl.

2. Add chopped tomato and greens.

3. Next we throw a sausage, which can be grated or crumbled into cubes.

5. We cut the mushrooms into plates, lay them out on slices of bread, do as much as we can.

6. From above we apply a mass of tomatoes with cheese and sausage, carefully cover the pieces of mushrooms.

7. It remains only to warm the pieces in the microwave or in a conventional oven.

Sausage, Cheese and Tomato Sandwiches - Tips and Tricks

Hot sandwiches can be cooked even in a slow cooker. To do this, use the baking mode. But remember that at the bottom of the container do not place more than three slices of bread. If the slices are large, then only two will fit.

Sandwiches with tomatoes should not be heated for a long time. Otherwise, juice will stand out from the tomatoes, the bread will get wet, it will be wet.

Sandwiches will turn out tastier if the slices of bread are pre-dried in a toaster or fried in a pan, you can with butter.

To lubricate bread, you can use any ready-made sauces: adjika, ketchup, mayonnaise, mustard. But it turns out much tastier if you mix everything.