How to cook horse sausage in the gut. Horse sausage (kazy) - a delicacy and ecological dish

In the long list of what to bring from Uzbekistan, kazy should come first! Moreover, the kazy has a unique feature - no matter how much you bring, it will still not be enough. Because this amazing meat delicacy you can eat endlessly, every day, for breakfast, lunch and dinner - and not get bored. Don't believe?

Kazy(accent on the last syllable) - meat product home cooking, horse meat sausage, which has an indescribable aroma and the most delicate taste. Kazy - exclusively homemade sausage and not manufactured in industrial scale for export or for the purpose of mass sale in supermarkets, such as, for example, ordinary sausages, sausages, carbonate, and so on. Kazy is completely does not contain any chemical additives- concentrates and preservatives, "flavors identical to natural", dyes and artificial casings. This sausage is made from fatty horse meat and lard with spices (black pepper, garlic, zra and other spices), all the ingredients are stuffed into the horse intestine - a natural casing is obtained. As a rule, fatty meat from the ribs is used to prepare kazy.

Kazy- cold dish Uzbek cuisine . It is eaten separately, like sausage, cut into thin slices, seasoned onions, which is cut into thin rings, and is also used in cooking various dishes, For example, Naryn, pilaf; decorate bright holiday tables, do cold cuts(sausages, kazy, language) and much more.

Horse meat has been eaten since ancient times. nomads. It was they who noticed that when eating cold horsemeat dishes, the warming properties of this meat. In addition, in comparison with other types of meat, horse meat contains more complete protein, balanced in terms of amino acid composition, and the assimilation of horse meat in the body occurs much faster than the assimilation of any other meat. Nomads have always considered horse meat indispensable as camp food- products from this meat could keep their nutritional properties and not deteriorate without additional refrigeration devices.

Kazy prepared not only in Uzbekistan, but also in other countries Central Asia And Tatarstan. In the preparation of kazy, the peoples of Central Asia have individual differences in recipes and cooking secrets that are characteristic of the national cuisine of a particular region. Kazy can be boiled, dried and smoked. Smoked kazy mainly intended for long-term storage. preserved in Central Asia unusual way preservation of kazy - in flour, in cellars and cellars. At proper storage kazy can be stored for up to three years (this type of kazy is called sur). This homemade sausage is like an elite wine - the longer the aging period, the more valuable it is.

Information for the squeamish: appearance kazy may seem unsightly, but after tasting this yummy once, you will no longer pay attention to it.

Cooking kazy- a rather laborious process that takes a lot of time. As a rule, ordinary people buy kazy for bazaars cooked or raw (raw kazy should be cooked for at least 2 hours).

Perhaps vigilant nutritionists have already clutched their heads after reading the above, but believe me, kazy- an extremely tasty and time-tested dish that is definitely worth a try!


Easiest to cook boiled sausage. No special equipment is needed for its preparation.

How to cook:

  1. Cut horse fat and meat into thin long strips. Their length should be around 10-15 cm, and their width should be about 3-4 cm.
  2. Put the meat and lard in a deep bowl and sprinkle them with salt, zira, black pepper. Remember the contents of the bowl well so that both meat and lard are saturated with spices as much as possible. Put the workpiece in the refrigerator so that it marinates well. On average, she needs to marinate from 4 to 24 hours.
  3. Prepare the intestines you will stuff: inside out, rub with salt, wash well cold water and then several times with hot water.
  4. Tie one end of the intestine tightly. Fill it with stuffing. It is necessary to alternate strips of fat with strips of meat. When the gut is full, tie the other end tightly.
  5. Put the workpiece in cold water and boil it for 2 hours. As soon as the water boils, pierce the intestine in several places with a needle so that it does not burst. Do not pour out the broth after cooking, as it is very rich and can be used for cooking other dishes.

If you need to store sausage, do it raw and cook it just before serving.

Dried horse meat sausage at home

Dried sausage is good in its own way. To prepare it you need:

  • 1.5 kg of horse meat;
  • 200 g of horse fat;
  • 2/3 st. salt;
  • 1 tsp black pepper;
  • 1 head of garlic.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Cut the meat into thin strips about 10 cm long. Cut the lard a little smaller.
  2. Finely chop the garlic, mix it with salt and pepper. Grate lard and meat with this mixture, put them in plastic bag, tie and refrigerate for a day.
  3. Thoroughly wash the intestine, clear it of mucus, tie one end tightly. Fill the intestine with stuffing, alternating meat and fat, tie off the other end.
  4. Hang the sausage stick in a sunny and windy place for 3 days. Then hang it in a cool place with good ventilation for 9 weeks.

Ready sausage can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 20 weeks.

It is not easy to find a good horse meat for preparing the described dish, because you cannot buy it in a regular supermarket. If you decide to make this delicious sausage, approach the choice of raw materials responsibly. For any recipe, you will need young fat horse meat.

Kazy - a traditional dish Kazakh people - is very well known not only in Kazakhstan, but also beyond its borders.

A nutritious and tasty delicacy was appreciated, and today it is not only a dish for special occasions and large events, but also food for ordinary everyday life. Guests are greeted with a kazy, not a single wedding, funeral or commemoration is complete without a kazy ..

At home, kazy is usually prepared in late autumn or winter, when cattle are slaughtered and sogym is harvested. Since ancient times, preparations have been made at this time of the year for several reasons: meat is easier to store in winter; there will be something to eat during this period when nothing grows. This reason is related to the nomadic way of life of the Kazakhs, when there were no refrigerators and supermarkets. In addition, it is in autumn that livestock gains the most weight.

Horse meat is considered useful product- having a small amount of carbohydrates, meat is rich in valuable protein, which is well absorbed - many times faster than beef. Horse meat is considered dietary and hypoallergenic meat. There is little cholesterol in horsemeat, and besides, there are vitamins, such as A, C, vitamins of group B, and this meat is also rich in iron. Horse fat does not freeze and even has a warming effect on the body, so from ancient times kazy were taken on the road, going to distant lands in winter.

For weddings, commemorations, funerals and other major events, it is supposed to use the meat of a horse specially fed with oats, which is kept in a dark place on a leash for several months. The meat is selected especially carefully, because if guests are served kazy from thin meat at crowded events, this can cause gossip and talk. Cooking kazy is an important matter; it is entrusted only to experienced, older women in the family.

It is believed that thicker meat is an indicator not only of the goodness of the kazy, but also of the wealth of the treater. When meat is cut from a horse's rib, its thickness is measured in the amount of spruce - finger or sulfur - palm. The more fingers that fit on the slice, the better. Fatty, good meat is found in a middle-aged horse, but not in a young stallion.

Despite the fact that today you can buy meat at any time of the year, the custom of preparing sogym and making kazy in winter is still relevant today. However, kazy can be found in the bazaar, in almost every restaurant offering national cuisine, in shops and so on.

Shynar has been working at the Green Bazaar in Almaty for about 20 years, selling meat. They often turn to her to buy kazy - she already has, she says, regular customers. "New" customers come looking at the meat and also order.

Horsemeat Shynar is brought by wholesalers from Zharkent. The woman admits that Zharkent meat is very good, tasty, just like Shymkent meat. In order to cook kazy, you need to cut the meat from the ribs of the horse, and if it is very fatty, add a layer of zhay from the thigh. So tastier, but "prestigious" if there is more fat.

Shynar says that meat and fat are usually put in the ratio of 70% to 30%. Fat must be present, because without it, the woman explains, it is no longer a kazy, but a shuzhyk.

Then the meat must be salted, peppered and grated with minced garlic in a meat grinder. Before our eyes, Shynar puts a handful of garlic into a meat grinder. It happens that customers ask to put less garlic or do without it and pepper at all, then the meat is only salted.

After the meat has been rubbed with this mixture, they need to stuff horse intestines. The intestines are prepared in advance - they are thoroughly washed with salted water. Salt not only removes impurities better, but also removes mucus. For kazy, as a rule, they use a special duodenum from an adult horse, 10-12 meters long. Guts cost about five or six thousand tenge.

To prepare a kazy, a length of 50-60 centimeters is sufficient, but the necessary segments are cut off only at the end of the work. For example, one and a half meters of kazy - three segments - are approximately three kilograms. That is how much Shynar ordered from her regular client. The meat saleswoman says that today the customer has guests from Kokshetau, "and they know a lot there."

“Sometimes we make 50 kilograms, usually for restaurants. And clients take 3-5 kilograms. They take 20 kilograms for a wedding,” says Shynar.

Prepared meat, cut into even longitudinal stripes, is carefully stuffed into the intestine, trying not to tear it. Pieces of meat are carefully pushed inside, it seems as if the filling is sliding inside the shell. Cooking kazy, says Shynar, takes 10-20 minutes.

Periodically, the saleswoman levels the meat inside the intestine and pushes it a little further - so that the filling lies evenly.

“You need to put it well in the gut. Some twist the meat and it turns out ugly. The meat should be folded flat,” she explains. In addition, meat should be interspersed with fat in layers.

While Shynar fills her gut with meat, she talks about herself in few words.

“I come from Bakanas, Balkhash region. She came to Almaty in 1988. In general, I am a doctor by profession, I worked as a nurse in Kalkaman, then in the 12th hospital. Worked for six months kindergarten to get your child into kindergarten. In 1995, I came to the market… Of course, it’s better here, but there is no money in the hospital, but here you always have cash…”.

After Shynar finishes stuffing the gut, she fastens the tip with a toothpick with a deft movement of her fingers, slightly breaking its tip so that the shell does not slip. Then he cuts off a piece, “sews up” it too. And there are three such pieces. Shynar cuts off the rest of the gut - it will go to the next portion of the kazy. And excess fat is cut off from the shell of the finished product.

It will be cooked at home - kazy is cooked for at least two and a half hours - beautifully cut and served to guests. It must be remembered that during cooking, the casing of the kazy - the intestine - must be pierced in several places. Otherwise, the intestine may burst.

A kilogram of kazy at the Green Bazaar costs 2,300 tenge. Previously, sellers say, a kilogram cost 2,500 tenge, but after the akim's arrival, traders were advised to lower the price. If wholesalers increase the cost of meat, they believe, sellers will have losses. However, traders hope that local meat will not rise in price.

Horse meat, like sausage from it, is today considered a real delicacy. It is much healthier than other types of meat, contains a protein that is complete in terms of amino acid composition and is absorbed 8 times faster than beef. Hypoallergenic and dietary horsemeat helps lower blood cholesterol levels and increase hemoglobin. There are several types, for example, "Kazy", "Shuzhuk", "Mahan". These national Central Asian dishes differ in cooking technology. In our article, we will talk in detail about the Mahan sausage and present a recipe for its preparation at home.

Description and photo

"Mahan" - dry-cured sausage, which is made only from horse meat. Neither pork nor beef is suitable for her. Even the name of the sausage "Makhan" comes from the main ingredient of this Central Asian dish and is translated as "horse" or "horse meat".

"Mahan" has a delicate taste. The product has a dense structure, but at the same time it literally melts in your mouth. The real "Mahan" - sausage, the photo of which is presented above, is almost black. When looking through it into the light, a ruby ​​​​hue is clearly visible. It has a characteristic section, in which are traced and large pieces fat. A feature of this dry-cured sausage is that minced meat is never used in its manufacture, but only whole pieces of meat and fat. However, true connoisseurs of such a product consider this, rather, its advantage, emphasizing the naturalness of the Mahan sausage.


The composition of the sausage is as close to natural as possible. For the manufacture of this dry-cured product, only raw fat, salt and spices are used. The traditional "Mahan" is made exclusively manually, and from the meat of specially grown horses. Animals are intensively fattened, then the horse meat turns out to be dense with a small layer of fat. "Makhan" is not prepared from the meat of workhorses that were used as draft power. The age of the animal should not exceed two years.

In the manufacture of sausages, not only the composition is taken into account, but also the ratio of ingredients. So, for example, the approximate amount is 5-10% of total weight meat. However, this ratio may vary from person to person.

"Mahan": manufacturing technology

Even on an industrial scale, the real "Mahan" is made by hand and only from fresh, not frozen horse meat.

Whole technological process production can be divided into several stages:

  1. Deboning - muscle removal of horse meat from the bone. This method of processing the carcass of an animal allows you to quickly and better perform the next stage of the process.
  2. Zhilovka - removal of veins and connective tissues from horse meat. The goal of this stage is to get the highest quality meat. It is from such high-quality horse meat without veins and films that the Mahan sausage is made. After preparing the raw meat, it is cut into large portioned pieces about 3 cm in size on each side.
  3. Salting and ripening of meat - at this stage, salt and spices (sugar, pepper, garlic, etc.) are added to the prepared meat pieces. Horse meat is thoroughly mixed and left in this form for maturation in refrigerators. The duration of this stage is several days, provided that no ripening accelerators are added to the meat.
  4. Molding - at this stage, a semi-finished product is formed. The meat is stuffed into a natural casing, the diameter of which is usually 40 mm, and sent for drying.
  5. Drying - ripening of formed products takes place in special chambers for 40 days. Horse sausage "Mahan" does not lend itself to heat treatment. It is prepared in a dry-cured way, thanks to which it is possible to preserve its natural color and aroma.

The finished sausage is cut in the form cooled to a temperature of 0-7 degrees. The thickness of each slice should be no more than 1.5 mm.

Sausage Reviews

The opinions of the people's tasters of the sausage "Makhan", as usual, are ambiguous. Of course, first of all, it all depends on the manufacturer. But even without taking this factor into account, positive and negative ones can be divided into two independent groups. negative feedback by sausage.

"Mahan" was liked by buyers as follows:

  • interesting natural taste;
  • pleasant aroma;
  • natural composition and benefits for the body.

Negative feedback from buyers are as follows:

  • the presence of chemicals in the products of most manufacturers (flavors, flavor and aroma enhancers, color fixatives, antioxidants);
  • the use of meat ground into minced meat, and not cut into pieces;
  • specific taste, the presence of coarsely chopped fat.

When choosing dry-cured products, it is important to pay attention to the quality criteria that must be real sausage"Mahan". This is its structure (not stuffing), and color, and composition. The reviews and recommendations presented above will allow you to buy really tasty and healthy horse meat sausage. Meanwhile, with a strong desire, it can be prepared at home.

How much does "Mahan" cost?

Anyone who wants to try a truly high-quality and tasty Makhan, which does not contain any unnecessary ingredients, should know that such a sausage cannot be cheap. The average price per kilogram of this dry-cured product, made from horse meat, horse fat, salt and spices, is approximately 800-1000 rubles per 1 kg.

Sausage "Mahan" is usually sold in whole or cut loaves weighing 400 or 200 g. The length of a whole stick can be 40 cm.

"Mahan" (sausage): a recipe for cooking at home

For cooking, you will need horse meat and horse fat, chilled and cut into pieces 5-10 mm thick. The ratio of meat to fat in homemade sausage usually is 10:1, that is, 1 kg of fat is taken for 10 kg of meat.

After cutting all the ingredients, horse meat is salted for 3-5 days. To do this, 380 g of salt, 200 g of sugar and squeezed garlic are added to a container with meat pieces, ground pepper taste. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed, after which the raw materials are sent for maturation at a temperature of 2-6 degrees in a ventilated room. Further meat preparation it is necessary to fill the shell (shell or collagen protein) and send for drying.

Sausage "Mahan" at home is dried for about 30-45 days in a ventilated room and a humidity of about 70%. You can store it in the refrigerator for 120 days, after wrapping each loaf in parchment paper.

Even during the most severe shortages that preceded the collapse of the Soviet state, at least one type of sausage was always available in Uzbekistan. True, this sausage was quite specific, and was sold not in stores, but exclusively in bazaars. It is prepared from horse meat and is called kazy.

Kazy is not a household, everyday version of sausage, but rather a festive one, since almost no one can do without it - Uzbek or Kazakh national feast. Kazy is added to dishes such as pilaf and naryn or simply cut into slices and put on the table as an appetizer. It is believed that this tasty and high-calorie product raises blood pressure, so it is also used as a tonic.

Do you want to cook KAZY at home? Here is the recipe for you.
1 kg of horse meat, 500 g of fat, 40-50 cm of intestines, 1.5 g of ground black pepper, 25 g of cumin, salt. Cut horse meat and bacon into strips 10-15 cm long, 3-4 cm wide, put in a cup, salt, sprinkle with black pepper, caraway seeds, rubbing well, mix so that the spices are better absorbed into the meat.

Cover the filling prepared in this way with gauze, leave for several hours in a cool place. Rinse horse intestines cold water, rub with salt, rinse three to four more times in cold, and then in hot water. Pierce one end of the intestine with a stick and tie it with a harsh thread, put the filling on the other end, alternating pieces of meat with pieces of lard. Cut off the intestine 45-50 cm long. After filling the intestine, tie the second end, put in a cup and put in a cool place. It's already half finished product. To use kazy as a snack, it is boiled. To do this, put the finished sausages in a cauldron, pour cold water and cook over low heat for 1.5-2 hours. When the water boils, remove the foam and pierce the kazy in several places with a needle. Cool the finished kazy, cut into circles no thicker than 1 centimeter. Serve finely chopped onions sprinkled with vinegar to the kazy.

If you are extreme, here is an instruction for you on how to dry/smoke KAZY:
It is better to dry kazy in warm weather, hanging them for a week in a sunny, ventilated place. Kazy should be smoked with thick smoke at a temperature of 50-60 degrees for 12-18 hours, dried for 4-6 hours at 12 degrees.

And here you have a typical Russian version of cooking KAZA and with potatoes (well, Russians can’t do without their potatoes!) By the way, for BEER - that’s it ...

So, if friends from Tashkent gave you a KAZY stick, put KAZY in a large bowl (preferably a cauldron), pour generously with cold water, throw in a couple of carrots and an onion, put it on gas and go about your business. When it boils, pierce KAZY in several places, otherwise it will burst.

The young potato has already arrived ... So wash it thoroughly, and put it in the broth, coaxing it all with cumin (preferably, also of Tashkent origin). Then - elementary: potatoes - until cooked, KAZY - on a dish ... The most important thing is that everyone has enough ...

Now pour the BEER - whatever you want, and BON APPETIT!