How to cook millet so that it is crumbly. Cooking in a multicooker

Long gone are the days when millet was sold by weight, and the groats had to be sorted out for a long time and carefully in order to be cleaned of impurities. Now even perfectly cleaned millet, which does not require any additional processing, has appeared on sale, packaged in convenient sieve bags, sized for porridge of medium consistency. Why are millet dishes such rare guests on our tables?

Probably, the fact is that housewives often notice that dishes from ordinary millet are bitter. The reason is the improper preparation of cereals. Read our article and you will learn how to cook millet, as well as learn how to make very tasty and healthy dishes from it.

Benefits for the body

Millet groats are produced from millet. Ripe panicles are threshed, dried, cleaned of debris and packed.

Millet porridges are not only very tasty, they are also extremely healthy. Firstly, a large number of potassium helps to strengthen the myocardium and improve the work of the entire of cardio-vascular system. Secondly, there is a lot of silicon and fluorine in millet, which has a very good effect on the condition of bone tissue. Thirdly, regular use millet prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels.

Dishes with millet are recommended to be prepared as often as possible if the area of ​​​​residence is not ecologically impeccable. One of unique properties This cereal is the ability to remove toxic substances from the body. In addition, millet porridge contributes better job organs of internal secretion and has a positive effect on hematopoiesis.

Cooking millet

The main task of the cook is to free the millet from specific bitterness. In the old days they said that millet requires seven washings. This is done in the following way. Groats are poured cold water and leave for a few minutes. Then the water is drained, and the procedure is repeated six more times.

The second option is to rinse the cereal well, add water and put on the stove. As soon as foam begins to appear, drain the water, rinse the cereal and pour water again. Repeat 4-6 times. AT last time carefully drain all the water and pour in new water. Since it is quite easy to cook millet, in the case of cooking porridge, we recommend that you focus on the following proportion: for one part of millet - 4 parts of water. Some like it thicker and take less water. For liquid porridge, the number of glasses of water or milk is increased to 6. It all depends on personal preferences.

It is believed that the ideal millet is obtained in a slow cooker or in the oven. The fact is that with this method, water almost does not evaporate, but is absorbed into the cereal. The porridge is very tender and fluffy.

Millet is used to make dishes with water and milk. Millet is also the main ingredient in real fish soup. Millet is used to make fillings for pies, it is added to minced meat for cabbage rolls. It's perfect for creating. delicious casseroles, cutlets and krupenikov.

Millet in portion packs

Millet in portion packages is steamed and disinfected. It does not need to be washed or simmered. Despite the fact that the box with small mesh sachets has a recipe for how to boil such millet, many people prefer to cook it their own way. This semi-finished product is suitable for almost all dishes.

To begin with, we will tell you how to cook millet in water. It's very simple. A bag is lowered into salted boiling water and boiled for 17 minutes. During this time, the cereal swells, but is not digested. In general, unlike other cereals, millet is quite difficult to digest. She doesn't melt into homogeneous mass like fig. After the set time has elapsed, the bag is removed from the water and placed on a sieve to drain. This does not take much time - 5 minutes and that's it. The package is cut, the porridge is laid out on plates and flavored with butter.

Such millet is very good as a side dish for meatballs, fried meat or fish. Having figured out how to cook millet in bags, you will learn how to cook it from ordinary cereals.

Skillfully cooked ordinary millet is no less tasty than packaged.

In a multicooker

A multi-cooker pan is a modern analogue of a Russian stove. It is ideal for preparing the most different dishes. However, it is very important to observe the correct proportion here, because all the water that is poured into the pan will be absorbed into the cereal - the excess will not evaporate. Below - details on how to cook millet in a slow cooker.

To get crumbly porridge, you need to pour one glass of prepared millet with 2 glasses of water and set the “Porridge” or “Pilaf” mode. How much to cook millet, will determine the electronic mechanism of the unit.

Viscous porridge is obtained from one glass of cereal and 4-6 glasses of water in the "Porridge" mode.

Water can be replaced with milk, and so that it does not rise above the edges, draw a piece around the entire perimeter of the rim of the pan butter. And how to cook millet in milk, we will tell in the next recipe using the pumpkin version as an example.

Milk porridge with pumpkin

For this porridge, you need to take a glass of millet and rinse in seven waters. Drain in a sieve and let the water drain completely. Pour the cereal into a dry frying pan with high sides and ignite. All this time, carefully mixing from top to bottom, so that all the grains become equally ruddy. Pour in a glass of boiling water. Wait until the water is absorbed and pour in two cups of boiling milk. On low heat, bring to full readiness.

While the porridge is cooking, peel the pumpkin from seeds and peel and cut into cubes. Take half a kilo, sprinkle with sugar (1 tablespoon) and leave. When the juice appears, place in a saucepan and simmer until soft.

Put the pumpkin in a saucepan with porridge, add salt to taste, stir and bring to a boil.

Having figured out how to cook millet in milk and water, you can proceed to more complex dishes.


Krupenik is a kind of cake that is suitable for an afternoon snack, and will also be appropriate for a small festive tea party.

For this dish, you need to prepare 2 cups of millet, that is, rinse, as stated at the beginning of the article, pour five cups of boiling water and cook crumbly porridge. Since you can cook millet for krupenik with any in the usual way- in this case the degree of overcooking is not very significant, in the oven the dish will automatically reach the desired consistency, we will not focus on this.

Ready porridge must be cooled. Then you should prepare a lezon from 3 eggs, a tablespoon of sugar and a pinch of salt (specify according to your own feelings). Be sure to put 50 g of melted butter mixed with one glass of cottage cheese rubbed through a sieve into the lezon. Mix everything and place in a round pie dish, on the bottom of which pour a layer of crushed crackers from white bread. Level the surface of the krupenik and generously cover with a layer of sour cream. Put in hot oven. Let it bake until a nice crust appears.

Krupenik is cut like any similar pie and eaten hot with milk or tea. Sweet tooth can pour it with jam or honey.


Millet porridge goes well with the most different ingredients. It can be used as a garnish for both lean and savory dishes. Since you can cook millet for a side dish without using culinary tricks. It is enough to cook ordinary porridge, and the main dish will play the role of flavoring additives.

We offer to learn how to cook kulesh, which is good not only as independent dish, as a side dish, it will perfectly replace traditional pasta or mashed potatoes. Kulesh as a side dish for fried forest mushrooms- a treat for true connoisseurs of delicious food.

Kulesh is millet porridge with cracklings and fried onions. She was very loved in Russia. It was an indispensable dish in every soldier's kitchen. Nothing surprising. Kulesh - extremely satisfying and nutritious dish which perfectly energizes for the whole day. Kulesh for breakfast is a great substitute for scrambled eggs or sandwiches. It is prepared very quickly and simply.

Since you already know how to cook crumbly millet (just in case, we repeat the proportion - 2-3 glasses of water per glass of cereal), then it will be very easy for you to cook kulesh.

It is advisable to cook porridge in the evening, and in the morning season with hot melted cracklings with fried in them onions. Even better - steam the millet in a slow cooker in the ratio of 1 cup of washed or packaged millet to 2 cups of water. Regarding salt, recommendations are very individual. It all depends on how salty the fat is. For one 100-gram serving, a tablespoon of ready-made cracklings with onions is enough. You can even pepper this porridge - it will only taste better.


100 g of millet must be washed, as stated at the beginning of the article, put in a saucepan and pour boiling water to just cover the grain. Cook for 10 minutes, no longer. You already know how to cook millet in water, so let's move on to the bonding composition, that is, to the lezon.

For him, in a separate bowl, shake 1 egg and a half a glass heavy cream, one glass of warm milk, salt and ground pepper. Pour the lezon into the millet and mix thoroughly. Put the porridge in a rectangular polenta dish and place in a hot oven to bake properly.

Fry one head in a separate pan onion(about 70-80 g) with butter. 250-300 g chicken fillet cut into very small pieces and add to the onion. Simmer all together for 8 minutes, remembering to add salt and pepper.

In another pan, do the same with onions (70-80 g) and chopped champignons (500 g).

Serve it hot - polenta should be cut into pieces, 3-4 cm thick. Place mushrooms and meat on the same plate. Sprinkle with grated cheese and herbs.

Meatballs with rice and carrots

For meatballs, you need to take one glass of rice and millet, rinse, pour 2 liters of water and cook a viscous porridge.

Two medium carrots, weighing 200 grams each, peel and cut into cubes. Spasser in 120 grams of butter until soft. Cool slightly and pass through a meat grinder. You can use a blender, but the consistency will be too homogeneous, which will not affect the quality of the meatballs in the best way.

Ready porridge to cool, mix with carrot puree and three raw eggs, salt. Form meatballs or cutlets, roll them in breadcrumbs from toasted white bread in the oven and fry in unrefined oil.

Serve with sour cream or milk sauce.

With walnuts and prunes

Everyone likes this porridge and is ideal for diet food. It is especially useful for children and debilitated people, for example, after a long illness. Children often refuse to eat cereals, preferring yogurt and other not very healthy sweets. In this regard, many mothers are interested in how to cook millet for a child so that he eats it without whims. It's simple - porridge should be tasty and attractive in appearance. Millet with walnuts and prunes fully meets both requirements.

Walnuts should be doused with boiling water and cleaned of films. Crush into small pieces and fry a little in a dry frying pan.

Prepare prunes - remove the seeds, cut the pulp, pour 2 cups of cold water and put on fire. After boiling, hold on low heat for 7 minutes. Pour one glass of washed millet. Bring to a boil, season with salt and simmer for 15 minutes over low heat. Pour nuts (a couple of tablespoons), a tablespoon of sugar and a pinch of salt, stir, sweat for another 8 minutes and serve, putting a piece of butter in bowls.


From millet and various vegetables, an excellent vegetarian stew is obtained, which is customary to eat during multi-day fasts. Ingredients vary depending on personal preference. We suggest making it from millet (100 g), a couple of medium tomatoes, half a kg of peeled potatoes, one onion, a small carrot, celery, swede, parsley root and dill.

First you need to finely chop all the vegetables. Fry onions and root vegetables, with the exception of potatoes, in vegetable oil. Rub the tomatoes into them, adding salt and pepper. Simmer until half cooked. Then pour a glass of boiling water and pour the washed millet. Put a bay leaf and a little bit of mint. Boil. Add diced potatoes and boil for half an hour. At the very end, throw into the pan a crushed clove of garlic, very finely chopped bell pepper and fresh dill. As soon as it boils, turn it off immediately. Leave for 15 minutes and divide into bowls.


With millet, you can cook soups on the most different broths- meat, mushroom, vegetable. The ear is especially good. Before laying the cereal in the soup, it must not only be washed, but also calcined in a cast-iron pan.

The soup needs boneless broth. Meat or fish should be removed, the flesh should be separated and cut into small pieces. portioned pieces no larger than a walnut.

Peel and cut carrots and onions small pieces and fry in oil. Transfer to broth. Send millet and meat there. Season with spices according to the broth base. Salt, pepper and Bay leaf- anyway. It is not customary to put potatoes in a classic millet soup, although some people like this combination. Boil over low heat for about 20 minutes. The soup is ready.

Millet porridge never gets bored. You can eat it at least every day, and this will not affect the figure - 100 g of cereal contains only 90 kcal. However, millet, richly flavored with butter and sugar, is best served at the table for a morning or lunch meal.

When buying millet in a store, pay attention to the shelf life. He millet is limited to one or two years. The freshness of the product is easy to determine visually - the brighter the yellow grains, the better.

Millet is a type of cereal that is obtained from cultivated types of millet. Like most cereals, it is extremely healthy and contains vitamins such as B1, B2, B5 and PP.

It is also rich in macro- and microelements - fluorine, manganese, copper, potassium, iron, magnesium, zinc and calcium.

In order to cook deliciously millet, you need to follow certain simple rules.

Loose porridge

1) Before cooking, the cereals must be sifted, sorted and washed. This is very important, as the water will wash away the fat and starch from the grain, which forms on the surface of the grain during storage.

2) Now that we have prepared the cereal for cooking, you need to pour it into boiling water, which was previously salted. The proportions are about 1 to 4, since millet swells up to 6 times.

Cook until cooked on low heat. Then drain in a colander and rinse large quantity hot water.

3) Pour the porridge into a bowl. Melted butter can be added if desired. The porridge is ready.

4) In order for the porridge not to burn, use a pan with a thick bottom for cooking.

5) Delicious crumbly porridge the grains are swollen, slightly loose, well separated from each other.

Viscous porridge

1) If you trust the manufacturer and see that the cereal is clean and dust-free, then in the case of making viscous porridge, you do not need to rinse it.

2) To make the porridge tasty, you first need to boil it for a short time in water and only then add milk. That is, first you fill up the cereal, fill it with water (about 1 to 3), let it cook for 5 minutes, then drain the water and pour hot milk. Salt and sugar as desired. First you need to dissolve them in hot milk.

3) Viscous porridge cooked in water, milk or by mixing them in the right proportion.

4) Serve the porridge hot, pour it over with butter, condensed milk or sprinkle powdered sugar. Garnish with fruit slices or berries if desired.


1) The principle of cooking is similar to cooking viscous porridge. Also fill the porridge with water, cook for about 6 minutes. Next, pour out the water, pour hot milk with salt and sugar dissolved in it.

2) If you want to cook porridge in water without milk, then it is still better to drain the first water, otherwise the porridge may be a little bitter.

3) If you want the porridge to be in milk, oh not so heavy, then best proportion for mixing 2 parts milk to 3 parts water.

4) Unlike viscous, you need to pour into liquid porridge more water, about 1:4, 1:5.

5) From liquid cereals you can make wonderful puddings and casseroles.

Cooking millet in a slow cooker

Pour the washed grain into the slow cooker and pour warm milk, salt and sweeten. After that, set the “cooking” or “Porridge” mode, leave it to cook for about 50 minutes. After the time has elapsed, do not open, but let the porridge infuse for 10 minutes.

More Tips for Cooking Millet

Millet is added to boiling water.

Millet cooking time 26-31 minutes.

Millet can be pre-soaked (for 8-11 hours) and then the cooking time will be reduced several times and will be about 5-8 minutes. After this, it is necessary to give time for the porridge to “rest”, infuse.

Sometimes millet comes across dirty, and you need to wash it until the water is clear. After that, steam it. It is very simple to do this - pour the grain into a colander and rinse with hot water.

Do not boil grain enamel saucepan.

It is better to cook the grain in two stages. First, cook until half cooked, then pour in new hot water or milk and cook until tender.

It is very tasty to add fruits, nuts, dried fruits to sweet millet porridge. In salted, roasted carrots with onions, mushrooms are suitable. Poultry, beef, white and red varieties of fish are wonderfully combined with millet porridge.

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The simplest and most popular millet porridge is on the water. The dish turns out to be juicy, tasty and satisfying, the grains of cereals do not boil soft, but remain whole, but with a soft core. We advise you not to spare water, as millet groats swell three times! If desired, the water for cooking can be salted or sweetened, based on the taste of your relatives or guests. Butter is added at the very end of cooking. Jam, jam, honey are added directly to the plate, but in another case, porridge will serve good side dish to a cutlet, sausage, etc.


  • 100 g millet groats
  • 300 ml hot water
  • 3 pinches of salt
  • 20 g butter

How to cook millet porridge in water

1. The most common mistake for beginners is that they wash the groats once. Millet is very bitter, so it must be washed in three or four waters until the liquid becomes clear. If this is not done, then you can get porridge with a bitter aftertaste, which no one wants to eat. So fill the millet with water and rinse thoroughly, drain the water and repeat the procedure several more times.

2. Pour the washed millet into a saucepan or cauldron, a pan with a non-stick bottom.

3. Add 2-3 pinches of salt.

4. Pour hot water in the proportion of 1 part of cereal to 3 parts of boiling water. It is necessary to fill in only hot water and in a large volume, since it is unacceptable to add liquid during the cooking process, especially if it is cold water. We place the container on the stove, turning on the maximum heat, bring the liquid to a boil and remove the resulting foam two or three times.

5. After that, reduce the heat to the minimum and boil the cereal for 15 minutes, without stirring, covering the container with a lid. Do not forget to turn off the heat after all the liquid has been absorbed.

“You can’t cook porridge with him,” they say about a stupid person who cannot be relied on. It is not difficult to change your culinary skills for the better, it is enough to know some secret properties products. Confirm your skills with crumbly millet porridge!

Millet porridge: how to make it crumbly

Beneficial features

Millet porridge has taken pride of place at the Russian table since ancient times. Still, after all, this is a universal cereal, which in the right combination with different products allows you to cook something delicious every day! Millet with fruits and nuts is suitable for breakfast, and for lunch and dinner you can make an excellent cereal side dish.

Moreover, millet grain has truly miraculous properties. The vitamins and minerals included in its composition improve well-being, increase immunity and give vigor; nourish the skin and hair; normalize metabolism and stabilize blood pressure. The abundance of slowly digestible carbohydrates makes millet porridge excellent. dietary product- of course, if it is cooked without milk and sugar.

Despite the clear health benefits, millet is not suitable for daily nutrition. Your diet should contain a variety of foods that fill the body with a full range of nutrients.

cooking secrets

For hardworking housewives, not only the taste and satiety of food are important, but also its appearance: No wonder they say that appetite comes with eating. This rule is especially true when feeding young children, because they will be much more willing to eat bright yellow crumbly porridge than a sticky cereal mess. To learn how to cook friable millet porridge, you need to turn to the advice of experienced chefs.

Despite the fact that modern cereals come from the manufacturer already packaged and packaged in sanitary conditions, millet should still be thoroughly washed before cooking. To start in cold water to wash off the dust and remnants of the cereal shell. Pure millet groats should be poured over with boiling water: so available in the grain vegetable oils dissolve and will not stick together grains during cooking.

A crumbly porridge is obtained when the grain is boiled in a small amount water (never milk). For millet, it is enough to pour water in the calculation of two volumes of grain.

If you're not afraid to score a little excess weight, when cooking, add a little butter to the millet. So the porridge will turn out crumbly, and its taste will be soft and rich.

Millet porridge with pumpkin and dried apricots

Rinse the dried apricots and cut them into small pieces. If the dried fruit is too hard, soak it a little in water. Cut the pumpkin into cubes.

Rinse the millet first in cold, and then in hot water. Put the grain in the cooking pot on top of the dried apricots and pumpkin. Fill food with water. The liquid should be twice as much as the food in the pan. Do not be afraid to spoil the porridge with water: dried apricots and pumpkin will absorb excess liquid.

Cover the pot with a lid and put on low heat. Boil the porridge until the water boils completely, without stirring it. Pour milk (in a 1:1 ratio with the amount of grain), a little butter and honey to taste into a saucepan. It is not recommended to sweeten such porridge with sugar.

Bring the porridge to a boil and turn off the heat. Let the porridge brew for 10-15 minutes in a saucepan with a closed lid and serve the dish on the table.

Millet is millet processed in a special way. It contains a lot of fiber, rich in B vitamins and complex carbohydrates. In addition, it has a relatively low calorie content - 100 grams of boiled millet contains 90 kcal. Millet porridge can be served as a side dish, and for children it is most often cooked in milk. In our article, we will show step by step how to cook millet in water so that it turns out crumbly, we will give correct proportions cereals and water, as well as reveal other subtleties of this simple process.

How much to cook millet

    Loose porridge in a saucepan on the stove will cook for 20-25 minutes. For viscous need - 30-35 minutes.

    In a slow cooker, depending on the mode, cooking will take from 20 to 45 minutes.

Secrets of cooking millet

  • For cooking millet, it is better to use thick-walled stainless steel or non-stick cookware. In an enamel pan, porridge can burn!
  • To prevent millet from becoming bitter, it must be thoroughly washed before cooking, at least 5-6 times in warm water.
  • Cooking water must be filtered. In too hard tap water taste finished product it will be much worse.
  • In the process of cooking, this cereal increases in volume by 5-6 times.

You should also remember that millet with an expiring shelf life can be bitter.

How to cook millet in a pan

In this recipe, we will show you how to cook millet correctly and tasty.


For cooking, we need: millet, salt, butter and purified filtered water. measuring out right amount porridge, remember that 50 grams of cereal is a serving for 1 person.


We carefully sort out the millet. Very often, quite large debris comes across in it, up to pebbles that need to be thrown aside.


Rinse millet under running water warm water. This should be done especially conscientiously and for a long time, until the water is clear. Only in this way will you get a dish without bitterness.


Pour boiling water over millet. If you have polished groats, then this can not be done.


We send the prepared cereal to the pan and add water in a ratio of 1 to 3. Salt to taste.


We close the lid, turn on the intense fire and wait until the water boils. After boiling, remove the lid, reduce the heat to a minimum and cook for 20 minutes.


At the end of the cooking process, add a piece of butter to the pan and mix thoroughly.


We leave our porridge to infuse for 10 minutes under a closed lid.


Mix again and the porridge is ready! It should be served immediately, hot.

How to cook millet in a slow cooker

In this photo-instruction, we will show how to cook millet on water tasty and fast. Depending on the model of the multicooker, the “Pilaf”, “Buckwheat”, “Milk porridge”, “Groats” modes are suitable.


For cooking, we need millet, clean filtered water, a piece of butter and the slow cooker itself.


To begin with, we carefully sort out the millet. We remove all third-party grains, debris, particles of husks and other impurities.


We wash the millet in warm running water. This should be done for at least a few minutes. The water must flow out absolutely transparent, otherwise there is a risk that ready meal will be bitter.