Protein cream with powder. Recipe for protein cream for decorating cakes with a photo

Today we will take a closer look different ways decorations homemade cake with the help of mastic, marzipan, protein cream, fruits, chocolate, meringue meringue. It is incomparably more pleasant to enjoy the taste of an exclusive cake, prepared and decorated with your own hands, than to eat shop product with ingredients of unknown quality. Is it difficult to master decorating cakes at home ... so much so that our dessert dish surpassed the purchased options in quality and beauty? Absolutely not difficult! And in this material you will find master classes (see photo and video tutorials) on decorating cakes. You will learn how to do protein cream how to decorate a cake and how to apply it on the surface of a treat to make elegant designs and flowers.

How to quickly decorate a homemade cake with protein cream:



If you try to decorate your masterpiece like a store, it will look boring and not original. But if you connect the chef's fantasy, confectionery miracle will look amazing, so you can cover up all the missteps accidentally made when baking the cake. Guests will admire it appearance, and they won’t even notice that the filling turned out to be rather dry, and the shape of the product is different from what was originally planned. Today, decorating homemade cakes is very popular with housewives and many create real masterpieces of culinary art with their own hands!

One of the most popular means for decorating homemade cakes is cutting fruits and berries. You can come up with bright and colorful combinations of chopped apples, raspberries, kiwi, oranges, cherries, strawberries. Figures are cut out of fruits, or they simply cover the top with slices. Small berries can simply be carefully laid out on top, whole. Not enough fruit for your invention? Feel free to add jelly to them.

Decorating cakes at home with fruits does not take much time, and the result exceeds the wildest expectations. But you should not water the cake with a watery mass, which at one moment will be on the edges of the festive plate. It is better to wait, and when the jelly begins to harden, cover your masterpiece with a thick consistency.

  • Decorating the cake with protein cream is another win-win option, especially if you have a pastry syringe on hand, it will help to draw an elegant picture on the surface of the cake. What is the most preferred cake decorating cream?
  • Cream Standard Ingredients:
  • butter, beaten eggs and cream with added sugar.
  • Cream with condensed milk.
  • Beat the melted butter with a mixer, add condensed milk and beat until the consistency becomes the same type. Next, the skazu cream is placed in a syringe and the drawing lesson on the cake begins. Suitable instead of a syringe plastic bag with a cut edge, with careful pressure, the lines will turn out to be quite thin.
  • Raising the topic of decorating holiday cakes, one cannot fail to mention such a popular method in our time as decorating cakes with mastic . If modeling from plasticine was once your hobby, then feel free to decorate the cake with mastic. To begin with, you can make milk mastic at home from milk powder, condensed milk and powdered sugar (all components in equal proportions).
  • Mix the powder with milk powder, pour everything into condensed milk, mix again. The product will look like plasticine - sculpt whatever your heart desires. Finished figures should dry a little. Figures can also be flat: roll the mass into cling film like a dough (previously sprinkled with powder) and cut out the desired shapes with a knife. Overdried mastic wrap in a film, sprinkle too sticky with powder.

Now you know how to make protein cream for decorating a cake, how to decorate a cake with fruit or mastic at home. We will be glad if you share your recipes for cooking and decorating cakes in the comments to the article.

Protein cream is one of the main confectionery creams, which, as the name implies, is prepared on the basis of egg whites and sugar. Most of us have known its taste since childhood, because it was the protein cream that was traditionally filled with the famous cakes-baskets.

The main recipe involves the use of fresh proteins chicken eggs and sugar, which are beaten until a fluffy thick mass is formed. In addition to the main one, there are other ways to prepare the cream - in a water bath, with the addition of cream, butter and other ingredients.

Protein cream is used for filling cakes, eclairs and other desserts. In addition, it can be used to decorate cakes and as an independent dessert.

Protein cream - the main recipe step by step

This cream is otherwise called "raw". The fact is that the ingredients do not pass any heat treatment and are used raw. Therefore, it is extremely important to choose the freshest and cleanest eggs.

Taste Info Syrup and Cream


  • egg whites - 3 pcs.;
  • powdered sugar - 130 g;
  • a few drops of lemon juice.

How to make protein cream at home

Place the cooled proteins in a bowl and beat them with a mixer, first at low speed, then gradually increase it.

When the proteins form stable peaks, without stopping beating, add the sifted powdered sugar.

Together with the last portion of the powder, add a few drops of lemon juice and beat until the powder is completely dissolved. Cream is ready!

Protein cream in a water bath

This type of cream is safer than the previous one, since the proteins here are amenable to heat treatment. Therefore, if not perfectly clean and fresh eggs, then it is better to opt for this recipe.


  • proteins of large chicken eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • sugar - 1 cup (about 200 g);
  • vanilla sugar - 1 sachet;
  • citric acid - a large pinch.


Prepare water bath- Pour a little water into the pan and set it on medium heat to boil.

Place all the ingredients in a clean and dry bowl and beat them with a mixer for 1.5-2 minutes until the mass becomes homogeneous.

Transfer the bowl to the water bath and continue beating at low speed.

When the mass becomes sufficiently fluffy, turn the mixer to a higher speed and continue beating for another 5-6 minutes.

Then remove the cream from the water bath and beat for another 2-3 minutes.

When the peaks on the surface are very stable, the cream is ready. It can be used for cakes and pastries, it keeps its shape perfectly, you can use culinary nozzles to make beautiful jewelry on the cake.

Protein cream for eclairs

Eclair is a dessert of French origin, which is a pastry made from choux pastry hollow inside. Traditionally they are filled with cream. Most often used custard or chocolate cream, but protein can also be used. Then the dessert will become lighter and more airy.


  • egg whites - 3 pcs.;
  • sugar - 1 cup;
  • drinking water - 100 ml;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • a few drops of lemon juice.


Mix water with sugar and put on high heat.

Continuously stirring the syrup, boil it for 10-15 minutes. Readiness can be checked by dropping the syrup into cold water. If you can roll a ball out of it, then the syrup is ready.

Combine the whites with salt and lemon juice, beat them until stable peaks form.

Without ceasing to beat, pour boiling syrup into the cream.

Beat the cream until it cools completely, and then fill the eclairs with it.

Cream of proteins and cream

This version of the cream will have a gentle creamy taste and it's easy to prepare. It is important to consider that here, as in the main recipe, raw proteins are used. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the quality of eggs.


  • fresh squirrels - 4 pcs.;
  • sugar - one and a half glasses;
  • heavy cream (at least 25%) - 1 cup.


  1. Mix egg whites with sugar and beat until fluffy.
  2. Whisking constantly, pour in the cream in a thin stream.
  3. The result is a smooth glossy mass - this is the protein-butter cream. It is perfect for decorating desserts.

teaser network

Protein-oil cream

Delicate and delicious, reminiscent of ice cream, the cream is mainly used to decorate various desserts. Let's figure out how to make a protein cream with butter.


  • squirrels - 3 pcs.;
  • powdered sugar - 150 g;
  • butter - 150 g;
  • lemon juice - a few drops.


Prepare the butter - take it out freezer to warm it up to room temperature.

Place the whites in a clean and dry bowl, then lightly mix them with a whisk (it should also be clean and dry).

Add a few drops to the proteins lemon juice and beat everything together at a low mixer speed for 3-4 minutes.

Increase the speed a little and gradually add powdered sugar to the proteins, continuing to beat.

When stable peaks begin to form on the surface of the protein mass, reduce the speed a little and add the softened butter bit by bit, without ceasing to beat.

When all the butter is in the cream, continue to beat for another 1-2 minutes until smooth. Cream for the cake is ready!

Dyes for protein cream

Quite often on confectionery you can see decorations made of colored protein cream. Fillers for various cakes, tubes and, of course, patterns on the cake can be colored. Making colored protein cream at home is not at all difficult. For this, ready-made dyes or natural ones that you can make yourself are suitable.

To color the cream, the following ingredients are suitable:

  • Carrot juice. It will color the finished cream in a bright yellow color.
  • Orange dye can also be made from carrots. To do this, grate it on a fine grater, and then fry in in large numbers butter(the ratio of oil to carrots is 1:1). When the carrots become soft and the oil turns orange, put the mass on cheesecloth and squeeze well. The resulting liquid is the dye.
  • Saffron or turmeric will give the cream a rich yellow tint. To do this, the spice powder must be diluted in a small amount of water and insisted for a day. So it will turn out natural dye.
  • Beetroot is known to intensely color foods in a rich pink color. To make a natural dye out of it, you need to grate the beets, pour a small amount of water (to cover) and boil for 30-40 minutes. Strain the finished broth. He will be the dye.
  • Juice, syrup and puree from red berries will give the cream a red color.
  • Pomegranate juice and red wine will also turn red.
  • Decoction of red cabbage is a blue dye.
  • Juice from blueberries or dark grapes will give the cream blue and purple hues.
  • Spinach can be used to make green dye. To do this, squeeze it through gauze and use the resulting juice as a coloring agent. Or you can grind the spinach leaves to a puree state - it will also color the cream green.
  • Coffee or melted chocolate will color the cream in the appropriate brown shades.

In addition to the ingredients described above, any jam can be used to give the cream the desired color.

Protein cream with jam

The cream according to this recipe is somewhat more difficult to prepare than the usual one, but the result will certainly please. finished product will have not only a beautiful color, but also a fruity or berry flavor. You can use jam or jam.


  • squirrels - 3 pcs.;
  • gelatin - 1 tsp;
  • sugar - 90 g;
  • a few tablespoons of any jam (depending on the desired color of the finished cream and taste).


Soak gelatin in a little water to swell.

Put this mixture on the most slow fire and stir constantly until the gelatin dissolves.

Heat the jam, rub through a sieve and dissolve the sugar in it.

Boil the jam over low heat for 5-6 minutes, add the gelatin mass to it and mix.

Beat egg whites as usual until stiff peaks.

In small portions, add to them a mass of jam, without stopping whipping.

You will get a colored protein cream with a fruity taste.

If you wipe the jam through a large sieve or grind it in a blender, then the finished cream will have small inclusions of fruit, as in the photo.


  • Proteins will whip better if they are pre-cooled.
  • The bowl and whisk must be perfectly clean and dry. It is also advisable to pre-cool them.
  • On the final stage whipping proteins, you can add a little liquor to them - this will give ready cream unique aroma.
  • Eggs are best chosen fresh. Proteins from old eggs beat worse.
  • In order for the proteins to beat well, a pinch of salt, a few drops of lemon juice or vinegar are added to them.
  • Choose a container several times larger than the initial volume of the proteins, as they will increase greatly during the whipping process.
  • For whipping, it is better to choose a bowl made of glass or enameled. Definitely do not use aluminum dishes - because of it, the cream will turn gray.
  • Beat egg whites first at low speed and then gradually increase it.
  • It is important to ensure that in the process of whipping, the whisk touches the entire protein (along the walls of the bowl and at its bottom).
  • The finished cream is stored in the refrigerator for no more than 36 hours.

In the traditional sense, protein cream is a cream made from egg whites and sugar. However, there are many other ways to prepare it: the technology may change - for example, the cream is brewed; other ingredients are added - butter, jam or cream, etc.

Whatever recipe the hostess uses, protein cream is always tasty and even quite healthy. Use it to stuff cakes and tubes, or to decorate desserts. It can also be served as an independent dessert, garnished with fruit. But for smearing the cakes, it is better to choose a different cream, since the protein one will be too airy.

Protein cake decoration always looks elegant and beautiful. To prepare a high-quality protein cream, you need to “stuff” your hand well, but this skill will allow you to work real miracles!

Protein cream for cake decoration prepared on the basis of proteins. It can be used to decorate the top of the product, as well as to coat the sides. It is better not to use it as a layer for cakes. Coat the cakes with custard or oil cream- Baking is soft and well-soaked.

Protein cake decoration at home: important points

To prepare a quality cream, you need to know a few important rules about working with proteins:

1. They must be well chilled. The ideal option is for them to cool to a temperature of +2 degrees.
2. Whisk and utensils for interrupting must be very clean. If there are at least small particles of water or fat on the surface, the foam will not be so lush. Or maybe not formed at all. Pre-scald the whipping container with boiling water, dry thoroughly. It is better to leave it for a while so that it cools well and dries.
3. The mass should be whipped with a mixer or whisk. With manual whipping, granulated sugar is completely dissolved and not a single particle remains. When whipping with a mixer, you will spend much less effort and time. The remaining sugar crystals will not allow the cream to acquire elasticity, and it will not be applied as easily and quickly. If you are whipping the mass with a mixer, then instead of sugar, it is better to take powdered sugar. Be sure to sift it before use.

Recipe for protein cream for decorating cakes

classical proportion to prepare the cream: for 1 medium protein you will need 2 tbsp. spoons of powdered sugar or granulated sugar. Depending on how much dessert you need, calculate how many products you need. Citric acid will help remove excess cloying. And to facilitate the whipping process - use salt.

For cooking, be sure to cool the eggs. You also need to cool the container for whipping. Very carefully separate the whites from the yolks. For whipping, pick up a metal or glass bowl. It must be wide. Beating the mass in a narrow container is very inconvenient. Do not take an aluminum container - it is completely unsuitable for preparing this dish.

How about you?

In a bowl with hot water place the bowl with the prepared mass. Beat egg whites on low speed. The speed must be low. This will take about one minute. Put the bowl in a water bath, set a very quiet fire, continue to work for another quarter of an hour. As soon as a lush foam appears, remove the bowl, continue beating until cool. If you do not do this in time, the foam may settle.

Beat the whites with a metal whisk or a mixer. If you do everything right, then the mass will increase by 3 times. Readiness is checked very simply - “stable peaks” should form. Without stopping the process, gradually introduce the powder. At the end of the work, add a few pinches of citric acid, which will remove the cloying. Add colors and fragrances as needed. Dessert should be used immediately before it has cooled. Before cooking, be sure to wash the eggs, on the surface of which there may be pathogenic bacteria.

How about you?

Protein-custard for cake decoration

You will need:

Water - 0.25 cups
- diluted citric acid - 3 drops
- protein - 3 pieces
- granulated sugar - 6 large spoons

Cooking features:

Fill with water, put on a slow fire. Be sure to stir the syrup while cooking. To check the readiness of the dish, make a test "on a thick thread." Pour sugar with water, place on a quiet fire. Remember to constantly stir the contents. You can also make a test for the "rolling" of the ball. Take a teaspoon of syrup, cool it quickly in a container of cool water. The cooled syrup easily rolls into a ball. This method is quite dangerous. If the mass is not cooled enough, you can get burned.

Sugar is important not to digest, otherwise caramel lumps will form in it. With undercooked syrup, the cream may leak. As soon as cooking comes to an end, proceed to the preparation of proteins. Separate them from proteins in advance, put them on the shelf of the refrigerator to cool. Introduce hot sugar syrup in a thin stream, do not stop beating.

Protein-oil cream for cake decoration

The cream prepared according to this recipe is silky, smooth and airy. It keeps its freshness for as long as possible.

150 g butter and powdered sugar
- protein - 3 pieces
- lemon juice
- vanillin

For one large protein, you need to take 50 g of sugar and 70 g of butter. Take the butter out of the refrigerator, immediately crumble into slices, arrange on a flat plate, let it heat up at room temperature. You should get the texture of plasticine. Do not heat the mass microwave oven or in a water bath.

Beat the whites in the usual way, brew sugar syrup. You can use raw way, but it is difficult to call it safe. Once peaks form, fold in small pieces of butter. Until you enter all the oil, do not stop the process of whipping. You can store the cream prepared in this way in the refrigerator for 5 days. Before using, simply remove from the refrigerator, leave for 2 hours and beat again. This will give the mass elasticity and smoothness.

Protein cake decoration at home

Filling for the cake "Bird's milk"

Egg white - 5 pieces
- water - 8 tablespoons
- gelatin - 2 tbsp. l.
- sugar - one and a half glasses
- a teaspoon of lemon juice

Separate the whites from the yolks. Pour gelatin with cold water, leave to swell for an hour and a half. Put a bowl with gelatin on a quiet fire, wait until the mass is completely dissolved. In parallel, start whipping the whites with the introduction of sugar and lemon juice. Make sure that the gelatin solution does not boil. At the end of the process, add gelatin in a thin stream and continue whisking without interruption. The mass will turn out to be persistent and lush, so it can be used not only as a filling, but also to decorate the top of the product.

Before cooking, you can view " protein cream for cake decoration»

Protein cream for decorating the cake holds its shape well if it is prepared with butter. It can be dyed with any dye and transferred to a pastry bag. With this device you can do on the surface various options decor. Do not use alcohol-based dyes for preparation. They negatively affect the quality of the dessert. Put in a bowl a small amount of cream and add a little dye, stir with smooth movements.

Decorating cakes with protein cream at home

Try several cooking options

Option number 1

Egg white - 3 pieces
- a glass of granulated sugar
- ordinary water - 0.1 kg
- salt - 1/5 teaspoon

How to do:

Make custard syrup: combine water and sugar, rearrange the container on a quiet fire, bring to a boil, stir vigorously. It will take 35 minutes to boil. The syrup should become quite thick, slightly losing volume. Stir the caramel as often as possible as the syrup sets quickly. Check readiness using the "ball" method: drop a large drop of syrup into a glass cold water. Roll it into balls in your palms. If the ball turned out, then the dish is ready.

After 7 minutes remain until the end, start whipping the egg whites. Carefully separate them, add a little salt, dip the whisk into this mass and turn on the mixer at medium speed. After a minute, increase the power to the maximum. As soon as the proteins have ceased to flow out of the inverted container, pour in the custard syrup in a stream. Make sure that the jet is as thin as possible so that the proteins simply do not cook.

Stir the mass until it cools down. To quickly cool the cream, place the bowl for whipping in a bowl with cold water. You can decorate any product. If you want to flavor or tint the cream, use:

Lemon or orange zest;
- vanilla extract;
- cognac, liquor, rum;
- nut flour

Dyes must be used according to the recipe. If you did not add oil to the composition, the mass will be snow-white and the final shade after adding the dye will turn out to be saturated and uniform. Cocoa powder is also often used as a dye.

Rate this one too.

Be sure to check out and proteinaceous custard cake decorating video».

Decoration options:

1. Inscription. To create, use the thinnest nozzle. In order not to create an ugly “tail” at the end, end the inscription with a sharp upward movement.
2. Sides. To create beautiful sides, use a cornet with a nozzle. First you need to spread the surface with glaze or jam.
3. Flowers. The protein mass can be used to create a variety of flowers: chamomile, tulips, chrysanthemums, lilies, etc. You can create flowers directly on the cake or on a separate surface.

You will be interested and protein decoration cake video».

Today's variety of cake creams is simply amazing! There are cheese, and yoghurt, and even vegetarian. But, some 20 years ago, only two types were widely known - custard oil and, in contrast to it, light protein. Now the protein cream has slightly lost its laurels of popularity to fashionable novelties, but it still remains one of the most dietary and easy to prepare. Protein cream for decorating a cake is ideal, it can keep the shape that you give it for a very long time. Yes, it will take half an hour to prepare.


  • Eggs - 3 pcs. (only squirrels).
  • Powdered sugar - 250 gr.


  1. If you have not yet separated the yolks from the proteins, take a dry and clean bowl, and carefully, trying not to get a drop of the yolk to the proteins, separate the proteins from the yolks.
  2. Start whipping the whites, gradually adding powdered sugar. You can also use sugar, but it may not "disperse", and then grains of sugar will crunch on your teeth when you eat your dessert.
  3. Continue whisking until the foam is so thick and dense that when the bowl is turned over, it will not flow out or fall out.

And that's it, our protein cream is ready! Truth quick recipe? Now they can fill tubes or baskets, or decorate cakes and cakes. If you want to make it not white, but colored, just add dye and beat the cream a little again so that the color is evenly distributed.

There is another variation of the recipe for this sweet - this is a custard protein cream. It is made a little more difficult, but it is more plastic and has a slightly different taste.

Custard protein cream


  • Eggs - 3 pcs. (only squirrels).
  • Salt is on the tip of a knife.
  • Sugar - 250 gr.
  • Boiled water - 100 ml.
  • Vanillin - 0.5 sachet (optional).

Dessert recipe:

  1. We separate the yolks from the proteins in the same way as in the previous recipe. We remove the yolks - we will not need them.
  2. Add salt to the proteins, then beat them into a strong foam.
  3. Pour water into a small saucepan and add sugar. If you want the taste to be vanilla, add vanilla at this stage. We put on medium heat and, stirring intensively, wait for the complete (this is important!) Dissolution of sugar.
  4. After the sugar has completely dissolved, pour the still hot syrup into the proteins, continuing to beat them. Since the syrup is hot, you need to pour it in little by little, otherwise the proteins will curl up.
  5. Even when the syrup is already poured in, continue to beat the whites with a mixer until the mixture cools down (usually 6-7 minutes).
  6. If you want to give your cream a different color, 2 minutes before the end of whipping, add coloring to the mixture.

Custard is ready! It is considered the most plastic of all its "brothers", even such detailed compositions as rose or tulip petals, leaves, waves and even small letters can be made from it.

Well, if we analyze the recipes for a protein cream, one cannot fail to mention its variation called Bird's Milk, which is also based on proteins.

Cream "bird's milk" on proteins


  • Eggs - 4 pcs. (only squirrels).
  • Gelatin - 1.5 tables. spoons.
  • Powdered sugar - 200 - 250 gr.
  • Boiled water - 160 ml. (warm).
  • Citric acid - 4/5 tsp. spoons.

Cream recipe:

  1. Soak gelatin in warm boiled water for 15-20 minutes (it should swell properly).
  2. While the gelatin swells, separate the yolks from the proteins. We remove the yolks - we do not need them.
  3. Start beating the whites, gradually adding the powdered sugar and citric acid. Beat until stiff peaks, then set aside.
  4. We put the swollen gelatin on the stove over a small fire and heat it, but not to a boil. Mix well so that the gelatin is completely dissolved.
  5. We return to the proteins and continue to beat them, while pouring in the gelatin mixture in small parts. After all the gelatin has been poured, beat for another five minutes.

After that, you need to immediately start decorating the cake, as this cream hardens pretty quickly. Alternatively, you can make a layer out of it, such as a soufflé. To do this, on the contrary, the cream must be kept for about 10 minutes in a cool place, after which, with a spoon or a pastry spatula, distribute it over the cake, give it a shape.

You can also decorate the top of the cake with the same cream through a pastry syringe, or send it to the refrigerator for half an hour, then pour chocolate icing and garnish with berries or nuts. Experiment and decorate your desserts to your liking! Enjoy your meal!

Video recipe for making protein cream for cake decoration

Cake Cream

How to prepare a protein cream for decorating a cake and filling cakes - see the answers to the question in step by step recipe cooking.

1 h 30 min

150 kcal

5/5 (2)

Kitchen appliances: the preparation of this cream is impossible without a blender with the ability to adjust speeds. In addition, take a deep bowl with a volume of 500-600 ml. and another one with a volume of 200-500 ml, spoons (tea and table), whisk, measuring utensils or scales.

We often saw beautifully decorated various creams cakes in stores, and more than once wondered: how do they do it? My grandmother, who worked at a bakery in her youth, once taught me how to make the protein cream commonly used in bakeries to decorate a cake.

It turned out that the recipe is quite simple even for beginners and can be easily implemented at home. This cream has magnificent and air consistency and rarely falls off even the next day after production. And most importantly - it can be used not only as a decoration, but also as independent filler for cakes such as baskets, eclairs or tubules.

It was my grandmother's advice that I took advantage of when I decided to write for you step by step guide on the preparation of a cake cream from proteins and sugar.

I have been asked many times: how to achieve the desired mass consistency so that you can decorate the cake with protein cream own cooking? The answer is very simple: try to relate careful to details in the process, and read this recipe carefully and without haste. Polls on culinary sites confirm that rushing and choosing the wrong ingredients is often the reason why your cream may be too runny or not fluffy enough.

You will need

The basis of any version of the protein cream is sugar and eggs. Only the freshest and most chilled eggs "straight from the store" will give you the opportunity to cook perfect cream. Sugar should not be raw, crumbly and without lumps.

How to make protein cream cake

Cream is ready! Now you will have no problem choosing a cake decoration: your fluffy protein cream and our simple recipe made it possible to cook at home real masterpiece. Let the cream brew in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes, and then fill a pastry syringe or bag with a fluffy mass and start decorating your cake or filling pastries.

Lightweight and custard from proteins became mine ideal option for decoration literally any cake. I usually use two or three nozzles: the first one is for applying continuous longitudinal stripes along the outer circumference of the cake. The second, thinner one, I carefully draw in the middle a congratulation for the birthday man or something else that is relevant for the current moment. Third, in the shape of a heart or an asterisk, I carefully apply the remaining small strokes. So my cakes are always cheerfully decorated and decorated for a look.

Cream recipe video

The answer to the question of how to properly prepare protein cream for decorating cakes can be seen in the video below. All the secrets of cooking in the video, which lasts only a few minutes.