Pear compote is not for the winter. Pear compote with vanilla

If properly organized allows you to use fresh fruits until spring, then pears, as a rule, do not last that long. But preservation of compotes can correct such an unpleasant fact. For this purpose, select only ripe and dense fruits. They should not have rotten parts, broken barrels or other defects. Large fruits can be cut into halves or quarters, removing the seed capsule and stem, while small fruits can be left whole. If the fruit has a very thick skin, it is better to cut it off. You can use a potato peeler for this. It will help remove the “skin” very thinly, preserving all the aromatic pulp.

Peeled pears cannot be stored just like that - they will quickly darken. You need to put them in a bowl of water, acidified with a teaspoon of citric acid. Or you can simply sprinkle the peeled fruits diluted in water lemon juice– 1 part juice is enough for 4 parts water. However, it is better to provide everything you need in advance and not delay processing - these fruits spoil quite quickly.

Pear is very sweet fruit. Don't go overboard with sugar, just a little is needed. if you love rich compotes, then put more than half the jar of pears, then the taste will be very bright. And for compotes for every day, it is enough to fill one third with fruit.

There is always not enough time for household chores, so you will probably need the most simple recipes, how to cook . For a three-liter jar you will need 1.4 kilograms of pears, 100 grams of sugar, 3 liters of water, a third of a teaspoon of citric acid.

Wash the pears thoroughly and place them in a saucepan. Cover the fruit completely with water and let it boil. Boil for fifteen minutes over slightly reduced heat, then remove the fruit from the pan and let it cool slightly. Then put them in an already clean, sterilized jar.

Throw into the water used for cooking citric acid and sugar. Boil the resulting syrup until the added ingredients are completely dissolved. Pour the hot syrup over the pears you placed in the jar. Roll up the sterilized lid and place it upside down, wrap it in a blanket and wait for it to cool completely. That’s the whole recipe, thanks to which pear compote for the winter will become a constant delicacy for everyone at home.

Compote of pears with vanilla is very original recipe, the highlight of which is its sour-sweet taste and wonderful aroma. This compote can be used as ready drink to the festive table.

To prepare it for two three liter jars you need 2 kilograms of pears, 5-6 liters of water, half a kilogram of sugar, 4 grams of citric acid, a third of a teaspoon vanilla sugar.

Cooking will take you very little time. First, prepare the syrup by mixing the specified amount of regular and vanilla sugar and citric acid in water. Dip whole or chopped pears into the syrup boiling on the stove. Let them boil again, only then reduce the heat. The fruits should boil for about 10–15 minutes. When you pierce them with a fork, they should crackle slightly - this is a sure sign of readiness.

Then remove the blanched fruit from the pan. Place them in jars that are already clean and sterilized. Strain the syrup through a fine sieve or cheesecloth and let it boil again. Pour syrup over fruits in jars and seal them with sterilized lids. You should additionally “boil” the jars in boiling water for 20 minutes. Afterwards, all that remains is to put the jars in a warm place, wrap them in a blanket and look forward to how the guests at your table will enjoy this treat. And don’t forget to make sure that the harvest of these fruits pleases you next year.

Pear is considered one of the healthy treats. The fruits of this tree contain fiber, organic acids, mineral and biologically active substances, as well as many vitamins. Pears have the ability to remove various toxins and heavy metals from the body. Pear preparations for the winter are indispensable in the family diet. Many people do not want to prepare pears for the winter, considering them too soft and delicate raw materials, but if you know how to cook pear compote for the winter, the fruit will not soften in the syrup and will retain its shape.

The relevance of this recipe is confirmed a huge amount jars that housewives close from year to year. This wonderful pear compote for the winter is suitable for both adults and children. Compote has delicate taste and no less pleasant aroma. It perfectly quenches thirst, refreshes and at the same time has a whole set of vitamins that are not destroyed during the heat treatment of pears.

Required ingredients:

  • pears (medium size) – 1000 g;
  • lemon zest – 1 pc. (2x2 cm);
  • citric acid – 1 tsp. (calculation for 1 liter of water);
  • granulated sugar – 350 g;
  • clean water for syrup – 700 ml.

A simple recipe for pear compote for the winter:

  1. We will need fruits without external defects, dense and not overripe. Wash the fruits selected for making compote thoroughly.
  2. We process the pears: cut off the stalks, peel them, cut them in half and remove the seed pods.
  3. Fruits cut into halves should not darken; to do this, they must be placed in a special solution for 5 or 10 minutes (dilute a teaspoon of citric acid in a liter of cold water, if this is not enough, do more based on this calculation).
  4. We traditionally take a three-liter jar for compote, wash it and sterilize it in any convenient way, the same applies to the metal lid.
  5. Place a piece at the bottom of the treated container lemon zest and prepared pears, cover with a lid and set aside for now.
  6. Let's start preparing the syrup - bring the water in the pan to a boil and dissolve the required amount of granulated sugar in it - the whole procedure will take approximately 15 minutes. Don't forget to stir constantly.
  7. Remove the pan from the heat and pour the hot syrup into the jar in a thin stream, cover with a lid and wait 5 minutes.
  8. Now you need to sterilize the filled to the brim glass jar within 10-15 minutes.
  9. We roll up the pear compote for the winter, insulate the inverted container with the compote and wait for it to cool naturally.

Spicy compote with rum pear

Rum will add piquancy to the usual pear compote. They add it in small quantities, but even this is enough for the pear drink to acquire a very original taste. Rum pear is a wonderful delicacy for adults, but this type of compote is not suitable for small children due to the proportion of strong alcohol it contains.

Required ingredients:

  • pears – 3 kg;
  • rum – 50 g;
  • plain water – 2 l;
  • granulated sugar – 1 kg.

How to make pear compote for the winter:

  1. For compote, select ripe and strong pears, wash them, remove the peel, cut each into 4 parts, cut out the core with seeds.
  2. Place the peeled slices in any bowl with pre-acidified water for a few minutes so that the flesh does not darken.
  3. We put a saucepan with two liters of water on high heat, as soon as it boils, pour a kilogram of granulated sugar into it, stirring constantly, waiting for it to completely dissolve.
  4. Dip all the cut fruits into the resulting boiling syrup and cook until they soften.
  5. We pull out pear slices and put it into jars.
  6. Boil the sweet aromatic solution in the pan again and add rum this time.
  7. Pour boiling water carefully and slowly, otherwise the glass of the jars may crack.
  8. We close the pear compote for the winter and wrap it upside down with any thick blanket and leave it for 24 hours.
  9. Jars with lids must be sterilized in advance.

Pear and apple compote for the winter

An assortment of pears and apples is considered traditional for compote. This drink can be given to babies from 7 months. The combination of pear sweetness and apple sourness gives the compote a pleasant and rich taste. The mixture of these fruits ensures long-term preservation of the product, since an assortment of pears and apples will not allow the drink to ferment, and therefore the cans will not explode.

Required ingredients:

  • ripe pears – 4 pcs.;
  • fresh apples – 3 pcs.;
  • spring water – 2 liters;
  • granulated sugar – 350 grams.

Pear compote for the winter recipe:

  1. Wash all fruits thoroughly in cool water.
  2. We cut each fruit into 4 parts, remove the stalks, minor defects (if any) and seed pods.
  3. We sterilize the three-liter jar together with the lid (by any available method).
  4. Place the pear-apple mix into the prepared container; the fruit will take up about half a jar.
  5. Boil water in a separate pan, then pour it over the chopped fruits in the jar, cover tin lid and leave to blanch for 20 minutes.
  6. After a certain amount of time, drain aromatic water back into the pan, to make this more convenient, use a special plastic lid with holes - it will trap pieces of fruit when draining the water and prevent them from spilling out.
  7. Bring the pear infusion to a boil and add sugar, stirring constantly, waiting for all the sugar crystals to dissolve.
  8. As soon as the syrup has become homogeneous, pour it into a jar with pears and apples.
  9. Close with a tin lid, screw it on, wrap it in any thick thing and leave for 1 day. The jar must be upside down.

Pear compote recipe with plums and mint

An easy-to-prepare recipe for this compote will delight anyone with its original taste. The fruit tandem of pears and plums results in a drink that is not only healthy, but also beautiful in color. The pears take on a pinkish color, and their natural sweetness is offset by plummy sourness. Adding mint leaves has a calming effect on human body and leaves a pleasant feeling of light freshness in the mouth.

Required ingredients:

  • pears (juicy varieties) – 2 pieces;
  • ripe plums – 7 pieces;
  • mint leaves – 2 grams;
  • bottled water – 2 liters;
  • sugar – 250 grams.

Recipe for pear compote for the winter:

  1. Fruits and mint should be thoroughly washed under running water. cold water, the fruits must be strong, ripe and without damage.
  2. We are processing the main components: we cut the pears into slices and remove all the seeds and cores, we pierce the plums in several places with a toothpick, so they will burst less during heat treatment, there is no need to remove the seeds from them.
  3. Set aside the fruit and sterilize the jar and metal lid.
  4. Place mint, plums and chopped pears in a clean container.
  5. In a separate bowl, boil water; as soon as it boils, pour it into the jar to the edge of the neck and cover with a lid, wait 30 minutes.
  6. After time has passed, pour the aromatic fruit-mint infusion back into the pan with the addition of sugar, bring to a boil and wait until the syrup becomes homogeneous, let it bubble for another 5 minutes and remove from heat.
  7. Fill the mint-fruit mix a second time, also to the edge of the jar; it’s okay if the water overflows a little.
  8. Use a seamer to tighten the tin lid and turn the compote upside down. We wrap it in something dense and thick, for example, a blanket and let it stand for a day. Then the jar can be removed to any dark place.

If after cooking you still have fruits, you can use them to prepare, and, instructions for the production of which we have also included in our collection of recipes on the site.

Exotic pear and olive in a jar for the winter

This recipe does not contain sugar, so when choosing fruits, pay attention to the type of pears; they should be quite juicy and sweet. Despite the original, even exotic composition of the compote, it has quite pleasant taste. Olives, like pears, are very beneficial for the human body: they are rich in vitamins, microelements, minerals, and also have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the stomach and intestines. This drink can definitely surprise and delight guests. Try our pear compote, the recipe will surprise you.

Required ingredients:

  • pear fruits (sweet varieties) – 1 kg;
  • olives – 8-10 pieces.

What to cook from pears:

  1. We select fruits for compote that are strong, without visible damage, wash them thoroughly in cold water, remove the “tails,” cut each into two halves and cut out the core along with the seeds, then cut the pears into small slices (try to make them thinner).
  2. Wash and treat the jar, do the same with the tin lid that you will use to close it.
  3. Place the chopped fruit in any deep bowl, which can then be placed on the stove (for example, an iron basin or pan).
  4. We put clean water (preferably bottled) into a separate pan, put it on high heat and wait for it to boil.
  5. Pour the resulting boiling water over the sliced ​​pears and wait for them to cool completely.
  6. As soon as the pear infusion has cooled, put the container in which it is located on a small fire and patiently wait for the next boil.
  7. The water with the pears “gurgled”, remove the container from the heat and leave to cool again. It is recommended to do this procedure 3 more times, that is, there will be a total of 5 times (together with the first two described). We do this in order to gradually draw out the sweetness from the pears, obtaining natural syrup.
  8. After the last boil, we pack the hot compote into a jar, you can transfer the pears with a spoon with a long handle, throw in the olives, and sweet water slowly pour in a thin stream so that glass containers did not burst from overheating.
  9. We roll up the jar filled to the brim and insulate it, after turning it over. After 24 hours, place in a cool, dark place.

Some varieties of sweet pears for compote: “Children’s”, “Lada”, “Thumbelina”, “Osennyaya sweet”, “Berezhenaya”, “Yeseninskaya”, “Vidnaya”, “Otradnenskaya”, “Otly sweet”, “Duchess summer”.

Pear preparations for the winter contain many useful substances, even though the fruit has been subjected to heat treatment. The presence of arbutin in fruits provides an antimicrobial effect against diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract. Compote from the fruits of the pear tree strengthens the body's immunity and also perfectly tones, which is very important in winter.

The end of the summer season does not always promise boring, gray everyday life and lack of mood. Indeed, for summer residents and housewives, on the contrary, the time for active harvesting begins.

Fruits, vegetables and berries make it possible to significantly save the family budget, because using them in the kitchen, you can realize a large number of delicious and unusual recipes.

Thus, the harvest can be frozen, canned, used as a filling for baked goods, and also cooked delicious drinks. For example, compote, which, like jelly, is traditional drink Russian cuisine.

Even vegetables can be the basis for compote; however, the most refreshing and enjoyable drinks come from ripe ones. juicy fruits, such as pears.

We present to your attention recipes according to which anyone can cook pear compote to quench thirst on a hot day or prepare it in jars for the winter.

Fresh pear compote (in a saucepan)

Classic recipe

The classic method of preparing this drink is based on fresh pears.

Can be used for compote different varieties, but it is better to select fruits that are of medium hardness. This is due to the fact that too soft ones can fall apart during the cooking process.

For basic recipe compote from fresh pears The following ingredients are needed:

  • Ripe pears – ½ kg;
  • Granulated sugar – 200 g;
  • Water – ½ l;
  • Lemon acid;
  • Cinnamon powder.

It is important to prepare the leading ingredient of the drink for cooking, whether it be pears purchased at the supermarket or collected from your own garden. If necessary, you need to tear off the stalk with excess greens, and then thoroughly wash the fruits separately by hand.

Then you should use a special knife, which will help you easily peel the pears. The last stage of preparing fruits is to remove the core with seeds from them, for which you can first cut the fruits in half or quarters.

Then you need to cut the fruit into the desired shape. As a rule, the pear is cut into 4 parts, and then each quarter is divided crosswise into equal pieces.

Soak the fruits in cold water, in which a pinch of citric acid should be dissolved in advance. Let them sit for 10 minutes and remove.

In the meantime, you can fill the pan with 500 ml of water, heat the contents until hot temperature. Dilute the granulated sugar in it, stir using a wooden spatula, and put the pear pieces into the pan.

The compote should be cooked over low heat for 15-30 minutes, which depends on the hardness of the pears.

As soon as they soften, you can remove the pan from the heat and pour its contents into sterilized jars.

If desired, you can add a pinch of cinnamon powder to the finished drink.

From dried fruits with vanilla

While classic recipe pear compote is based on fresh fruits, you can use another cooking method based on dried fruits. In addition, if desired, housewives can use not only dried pears, but also apples, prunes, dried apricots, raisins, etc.

To cook a regular dried fruit compote, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Dried pears - 2 large handfuls;
  • Water – 5 l;
  • Vanilla sugar – 3 tbsp.

You can use not only purchased dried fruits, because experienced summer residents are able to skillfully dry their crops, saving money.

Although dried fruits pass pre-treatment Before drying, they still need to be sorted. After all, among them you can find spoiled fruits, twigs and other debris. Afterwards, place the fruits in a colander and rinse using only cold water.

Fill a saucepan with 5 liters of water, add washed dried pears to it and leave over low heat until it boils. As soon as the water starts to boil, wait another 7 minutes, add granulated sugar, and leave the compote to cook for another 3 minutes.

After cooking, the fruit compote is not completely ready, so you should give it a chance to brew. This will greatly improve taste qualities drink, making it more pleasant and juicy. Infusion time is up to 6 hours. Then you can pour the drink into sterilized containers.

Pear compote for the winter: the simplest recipe

Classic recipes for pear compote are generally accepted cooking methods that are suitable for both beginners and for experienced housewives. However, ladies who have decided to try their hand at cooking for the first time can prepare compote in a simpler way.

For an easy pear compote recipe you will need:

  • Pears – 1 kg;
  • Water – 3 l;
  • Granulated sugar – 70 g;
  • Lemon juice - from 1 fruit.

In order to reduce cooking time, it is better to choose pears soft varieties. It is important to first wash the fruit by hand, while simultaneously removing twigs and greens from them. Then cut them into quarters and cut out the core with seeds.

Immerse the prepared fruits in water previously acidified with lemon juice. This step will help maintain the natural color of the pears both during and after cooking. You can omit it if desired.

To prepare the syrup, place a pan of water on the fire and wait until the water temperature becomes hot. Then you can dissolve granulated sugar in it. Place the pears in the resulting syrup and cook until they soften.

The finished pear compote for the winter remains to be poured into sterilized jars.

Cooking without traditional sterilization

The process of sterilizing jars after they have been rolled up often takes a lot of time and effort, while housewives do not always have the opportunity to be in the kitchen. In this case, you can prepare pear compote for the winter using special recipe. In it, the step of sterilizing jars is omitted.

To do this you will need the following ingredients:

  • Pears – ½ kg;
  • Water – ½ l;
  • Granulated sugar – 200 g.

Prepare the fruit by thoroughly washing it by hand and removing excess greens and stems. Then cut each fruit into quarters and remove the core with seeds.

The next step after processing the fruit is preparing the sugar syrup. To do this, fill the pan with water and bring it over high heat until hot.

Then reduce the heat to low, add granulated sugar and leave for a few more minutes until it boils. After adding sugar, be sure to stir the syrup until it is finished cooking.

Although this compote recipe implies that there is no need to sterilize the jars, they should still be thoroughly washed and dried.

Then fill them with prepared pears, fill them completely with syrup, cover with lids and wrap with a blanket or towel.

After 5 minutes, you need to pour the syrup into another container and bring to a boil again. Refill the jars with it, cover them and leave for 5 minutes, wrapped in a towel.

Then you need to repeat the above procedure again, and you can tighten the jars completely. Before the jars cool, they should be turned upside down. Now you know how to cook pear compote for the winter without sterilization.

Do you want to learn how to cook another tasty and healthy drink? In winter, its taste will remind you of summer!

And you will learn about the unusual use of mint - in jam. You can't miss this wonderful dessert!

In you will find step by step recipes Korean-style zucchini for the winter.

Tandem with apples

Doing fruit drink, it is not at all necessary to use only pears. On the contrary, some fruits and berries complement each other very harmoniously.

To prepare apple and pear compote for the winter, you should prepare the following ingredients:

  • Apples – 1 kg;
  • Pears – 300 g;
  • Granulated sugar – 425 g;
  • Water – 1 l.

It is important to carefully sort the fruits before cooking them, getting rid of spoiled fruits. Then you need to wash them and clean them of twigs and greens, cut them into quarters and remove the cores with seeds. Cut the fruits into small pieces.

Jars with a volume of 3 liters must be filled 1/3 with pieces of pears and apples and completely filled with boiling water. Leave for half an hour and drain the water into a saucepan. Boil it, add granulated sugar, leave the syrup to cook for another couple of minutes.

You can pour the finished syrup into jars of fruit, then screw them on with steamed lids. Turn the pear and apple compotes upside down, cover with a blanket and leave until cool.

Recipe with grapes

And now we suggest preparing pear and grape compote for the winter. Bright juicy berries not only diversify the taste of pear compote, but also give it a richer shade and an interesting look.

For a drink based on pears and grapes, you need to prepare:

  • Grapes – 300 g;
  • Pears – 5 pcs;
  • Granulated sugar – 225 g;
  • Lemon acid.

This recipe requires hard pears and grapes. white variety seedless. You should wash the fruits, remove the branches, and remove the cores and seeds from the pears, after cutting them into quarters. Cut into several equal pieces.

Prepare as usual sugar syrup, why put water in a saucepan on the fire and a couple of minutes before fully cooked add sugar to it.

Place fruit in jars and pour boiling syrup over them. Then screw the lids on the containers, place them upside down and wrap them in a towel until they cool down.

Beginning housewives can take note of the following rules for preparing delicious pear compote for the winter:

  1. The harder the pear variety, the longer the fruit should be cooked for the drink;
  2. The highest quality compote comes from those housewives who are not lazy to insist on it;
  3. It is advisable to store jars of pear drink at room temperature;
  4. If the fruits are very sweet, you can dilute the finished compote a small amount citric acid;
  5. To give the nectar a special taste and aroma, you can add cinnamon powder or lemon zest to it after cooking;
  6. It is better to use 3 liter jars.

Pear compote– one of the best suggestions for using the summer harvest for housewives:

  • It takes less than an hour to cook, even taking into account the process of preparing the ingredients;
  • If you have your own garden, the drink costs only sugar;
  • It can be supplemented with other types of berries and fruits;
  • When cooking, you can use not only fresh, but also dried fruits;
  • For busy housewives, there is a recipe for pear compote that does not contain the step of sterilizing the jars.

Published on July 20, 2017

Summer is in full swing and you need to prepare as much as possible of all sorts of goodies so that later in the winter you can replenish your body with vitamins. One of these delicacies is pear compote. This drink was very often served in school canteens. Of course, the compote was not made from fresh pears, but from dried pear wild ones.

But compote made from fresh pears is even tastier since pears contain a lot of sugar and little acid, which leads to spoilage of the drink. Rarely does anyone prepare pear compote for the winter. large quantities, but in vain. There is a lot in this beautiful fruit useful vitamins which can help the body during spring vitamin deficiency.

There is a small explanation for the fact that many people refuse to prepare compote for the winter, since very often such compotes explode and all the work spent on preparing the drink is in vain. But I offer you proven recipes. Once you prepare compote using them, they will last for quite a long time.

Ingredients for 3 liters of compote:

  • Pears 10-15 pcs.
  • Sugar 200-250 grams.
  • Water 2.5 liters.

Cooking process:

For compote, you should choose ripe, clean and whole fruits. Before cooking, carefully sort out the cooked fruits, as if you get a bad pear, it can ruin everything.

1.Wash the pears, cut them into 4-6 pieces, put them in a saucepan and cover them with sugar.

2.Pour boiled cool water and place on the stove.

3. Bring to a boil and cook on low heat for about 15-20 minutes. During cooking, you can stir the pears 1-2 times. Because if you stir too often, the pears will fall apart.

4.While the pears are cooking, prepare the jar. Let's wash it well from dirt and dust. Let's wash it again baking soda and sterilize.

5. Pour the cooked compote into jars. It is important that the liquid fits right up to the neck of the jar.

6.Tighten the lids (the lids must first be doused with boiling water), turn them over and wrap the jars.

7. Let the compote cool completely and only then can you turn the jars over to their normal position. It is best to observe the compote for several days and only after making sure that the lids do not swell and do not allow air to pass through can you transfer the preparations to a place for long-term storage.

The pear compote is ready, I wish you a bon appetit.

Wild pear compote

Pear grows very well in wild conditions Of course, the fruits are a little smaller, but that’s even better. You can cook compote from whole pears. In this recipe we will not boil the pears for a long time. We'll take the easy path. To preserve more vitamins in fruits.


  • Wild pear 2 kg.
  • Sugar 300 grams.
  • Water 2 liters.
  • Citric acid 4-5 grams.

Cooking process:

1. Again, it is important that all cooked pears are whole and not spoiled. Before cooking, rinse the pears 2-3 times. You can even leave the tails.

2. Arrange the fruit in the containers, filling them a little less than halfway.

3.Make syrup from sugar and water. To do this, you need to dilute sugar in water and boil the syrup.

4. Pour the hot syrup into jars with pears, cover with lids and let stand for 5-10 minutes.

5.Pour the water back into the pan. Add citric acid, boil and pour back into jars.

6.Cover the lids and tighten them using a special key.

7.Afterwards the jars need to be turned over and wrapped.

That's the whole recipe for making wild pear compote.

Pear compote with lemon for the winter

Pear, as you know, is a very sweet fruit, and if you add a little tropical fruit, you get a slightly sour-sweet taste of the compote, which is very original.

Ingredients for 1 kg of pears:

  • Homemade pears 1 kg.
  • Lemon 1 pc.
  • Sugar 500 grams.
  • Water.

Cooking process:

1. Sort the pears, wash them, cut them into 5-6 slices. It is better to remove seeds and partitions.

2. Peel the lemon. It is important to peel the lemon. Because if this is not done, the zest will become bitter and the compote will turn out very unpalatable. Cut the peeled lemon into slices.

3. Place the chopped fruits in pre-sterilized jars. Fill the jars with pears and lemon slices a little more than half.

4. For 1 jar no more than 3-4 slices of lemon.

6. Take boiled water, put it on the stove, bring it to a boil and dilute sugar in it.

7.When preparing syrup, you need to take into account the following proportions: 2.5 water to no more than 250 grams of granulated sugar. And so we dilute the sugar, prepare it with sire and pour the hot syrup into jars with pears and cover the jars with lids.

8. Leave the syrup in the jars for 5-10 minutes. Then pour the liquid back into the pan, boil it again and pour it back into the jars.

9.This time screw the lids tightly. And then turn the can over the rolled can and wrap it up and leave it until it cools completely. Then turn it over and transfer it to the pantry.

Compote of pears and plums

Pears and plums ripen almost together and why not make a compote by combining these fruits together.


  • Pear 2 kg.
  • Plums 2 kg.
  • Sugar 300 grams per 1 liter of water.

Cooking process.

1. Sort the pears and wash them well. Cut into 5-6 pieces, removing the core.

2. Sort the plums, wash them, cut them in half and remove the pit.

3.Place the fruit into jars.

4.Pour over the prepared hot syrup.

5.Place jars of compote for sterilization.

6.Pour water into a saucepan, lower the jars of compote, and bring the water to a boil. Leave the jars in boiling water.

Floor liter jars 15 minutes, liter 30 minutes, 3 liter 45 minutes.

7.Then screw the lids tightly. Turn the jars of compote over and wrap them up.

Compote of pears and cinnamon

When there are a lot of pears, you can try making compote according to a new recipe, with cinnamon. I think that not many people have made compotes with cinnamon. Well, why not? Moreover, the taste is excellent.


  • Pear 500 grams.
  • Cinnamon 2-3 sticks.
  • Sugar 1 glass.
  • Water 2.5 liters.

Cooking process:

1. Before preparing the compote, you need to brew the cinnamon sticks, so to speak. Put the cinnamon in a glass and pour it over hot water, not boiling water, but just hot water.

2. The pears also need to be prepared a little. They need to be peeled. But don’t rush to throw away the peels; they will come in handy.

3.Chop the peeled pears into 5-6 pieces, removing the cores with membranes and seeds.

4.Now to the peels. We put them in a small saucepan and put them on the fire, first add 1 liter of water. Cook the peels for 15-20 minutes.

6.Add another 1.5 liters of water to it and pour in the pre-brewed cinnamon and boil.

7.Add sugar and pears to the broth and put it on the stove again and boil.

After the second boil, turn off the heat completely and let the compote cool slightly. Then you can serve aromatic compote of pears with cinnamon on the table.

Compote of pears and mint


  • Pears 6-7 pieces.
  • A glass of sugar.
  • Mint 5-6 leaves.
  • Water.

Cooking process:

1. Sort the pears, wash them, cut them into several pieces. Be sure to cut out the partitions with the seeds.

2. Place the chopped pears in a saucepan, add water and place on the stove.

3.Wash the mint leaves and place them in a saucepan along with the pears.

4. Bring the liquid to a boil and add sugar. Boil for 5-7 minutes.

5. Pour the finished compote into jars and screw on the lids.

Bon appetit.

Pear compote video recipe

Bon appetit

It is very easy to prepare pear compote for the winter without sterilization. At least, that’s what the recipe from my mother’s old cooking notebook says. This is exactly what I will use, because today I received a bucket of excellent aromatic pears that a neighbor treated us to.

My childhood memories reminded me of how my mother and I made aromatic pear compote for the winter without cooking. My responsibilities included preparing fruits for canning. I sorted through them, putting the hard ones aside for compote, and the soft ones were used to make jam. We made sure to throw a mint leaf into each jar and add a little vanilla. Our pear compote turned out incredibly flavorful. It is the combination of fruit, mint and vanilla that gives this drink a delicious aroma.

I've forgotten a little about pears lately and haven't cooked anything with them. But before, my mother and I cooked compote for the winter, jam, pear jam, and even made pear puree for the winter without sugar for my little brother. It’s just that my grandfather had a large pear tree at his dacha, which gave a good harvest every year. That's why we always have such a variety of delicious recipes.

Now this is not possible; we usually buy fruit at the market. Since today we have such an opportunity in the form of a bucket of fragrant beauty, why not replenish your supplies? I doubted the choice of recipe for a long time, because I thought that such a compote only needed to be sterilized. In such heat, I somehow didn’t want to make the kitchen even hotter, so I remembered this method.

I sorted through the fruits, putting some aside for jam, and some for compotes. You will get three jars of three liters of the drink, and a couple of jars of jam. My sons don’t like there to be a lot of fruit in their drink; they are more interested in the liquid itself. Therefore, based on their tastes, I add a little fruit themselves. If you like a lot of fruit in compote, then you can put them up to the hangers. In this case, you will need to measure out less sugar (about 1 cup per three-liter jar).

This drink is not bright, so to color it, you can add a handful of cherries, currants, cherry plums or gooseberries. Such a company will not only make the color brighter and more appetizing, but will also add acid, which pears lack. Or to be more precise, they don’t have it at all.

If you have some apples, you can prepare pear and apple compote for the winter without sterilization. It will turn out very tasty too! I will show you two of the best and most convenient methods without sterilization; there are simply no others.

Pear compote for the winter without sterilization

  • Pears (a little green and firm);
  • Sugar – 300 – 350 grams per 3-liter jar;
  • Citric acid – 1 tsp;
  • Vanillin;
  • A little mint.

How to prepare pear compote for the winter with citric acid:

If for some reason your jars are swollen, the reasons may be the following:

  • poorly washed or rotten fruits;
  • poorly washed containers or non-sterile lids;
  • poorly rolled lids.

I got the best delicious compote from pears for the winter without sterilization, I was satisfied with the work done.

And you choose from my recipes the one you like, they are both good! We only have proven homemade recipes on our website, so you won’t waste your food.

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Discussion: 9 comments

    And the jars can swell from the heat, i.e. they stood in the warmth for a long time, I had this too... it’s a pity that all the work was in vain...


    Great options computer, but mine is a little different. I don’t blanch pears, I just take small fruits, most often I use Forest Beauty, which grows here. I wash it and put it in jars. And then I pour boiling syrup over it. I also combine pears a lot with different berries, I really love the combination of plum, sea buckthorn and pear, very tasty.


    1. Interesting, do you just pour syrup in and not sterilize it, Slavyana? But I don't take risks. I either blanch or sterilize.


      1. No, I don’t do anything else. Yes, somehow everything is fine, such a compote has never taken off before. Although I always put 200 grams of sugar per 1 liter, and with pears a little more, about 250 per liter.