How to boil buckwheat in water, milk and in a slow cooker. Delicious buckwheat on water, or how to masterfully cook porridge

Knowing how to cook buckwheat correctly using regular drinking water, the housewife can quickly prepare a delicious budget breakfast or side dish. The main thing is to maintain the exact proportions of cereal and liquid. And, in addition, find out how long to cook the dish in question.

Most often, to cook buckwheat in water, a regular stove and a pan with thin walls are used. The liquid used is filtered, unboiled.

Ingredients: 1 glass of buckwheat, 2 glasses of water, rock salt to taste, a little sugar, peasant butter.

  1. First of all, the cereal is carefully sorted from unnecessary inclusions and debris and washed. Spoiled or dark, hard grains will squeak unpleasantly on your teeth and greatly spoil the taste of food.
  2. Buckwheat is poured into the selected pan, and water at a comfortable temperature is poured on top. The other components stated in the recipes (except oil) are immediately added.
  3. When the contents of the pan boil, turn the heat on the stove to minimum.

The dish will be cooked until the liquid is completely absorbed by the cereal. The finished cereal is flavored with a portion of butter.

How long does it take to cook buckwheat?

In order not to spoil the treat, you need to know exactly how long to cook the buckwheat. Otherwise, you can easily cook burnt porridge or even leave the grains undercooked.

On average, 17-20 minutes are enough to cook the cereal under discussion on the stove. The correct result is buckwheat with a crumbly structure that has completely absorbed the liquid component.

It is advisable to wrap the prepared porridge in a blanket right in the pan. After half an hour, the dish will evaporate well and become even more appetizing.

Proportions of water and buckwheat

Equally important are the correct proportions of dry and liquid ingredients. To make the treat crumbly, you need to use 2 parts liquid for 1 part buckwheat.

If porridge is cooked for the youngest members of the family, then the amount of water can be safely increased by 1.5-2 times. Otherwise, it will be difficult for the baby to eat crumbly buckwheat that is a bit dry for him.

How to cook buckwheat in a slow cooker?

Ingredients: 280 g of buckwheat, 630 ml of filtered water, 1-2 pinches of table salt, granulated sugar to taste, butter or ghee. How to properly and tasty cook buckwheat in a slow cooker is described below.

  1. First, the cereal is thoroughly washed to remove debris. The water is changed several times during the process. All black specks are removed. But there is no need to soak the buckwheat.
  2. The prepared cereal is poured into the bowl of the device and immediately added with salt. You can add granulated sugar to taste.
  3. It's not cold water pouring out from above.

Thus, different “smart pan” programs are suitable for cooking buckwheat. For example, “Porridge”, “Pilaf” or “Cereals”. The treat will languish under the lid for a little less than half an hour.

Cooking in the microwave

Ingredients: half a glass of buckwheat, 2 times more filtered water, table salt on the tip of a spoon, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of refined oil, a small bunch of fresh dill and parsley, aromatic herbs.

  1. Dry cereal is immediately poured into a bowl suitable for use in a microwave oven. This can be an ordinary deep glass bowl.
  2. Buckwheat is topped with purified water of any temperature.
  3. The ingredients are mixed, the container is covered with a lid and placed in the microwave for 5-6 minutes at maximum power.
  4. Next, a little more liquid is added to the bowl, the mass is salted, poured with oil, sprinkled with aromatic herbs and salt. The container is returned to the oven for the same amount of time.

The finished dish is served with chopped herbs.

Buckwheat in bags - cooking secrets

Today, cereals packaged in portioned bags are very popular among buyers. This trick helps protect the dish from burning, and, in addition, generally simplifies the process of preparing your favorite porridge.

For two bags of packaged buckwheat, take 1.5 liters of filtered drinking water. The liquid is simply salted to taste, brought to a boil, after which bags of cereal are dropped into it. Some housewives also immerse 1-2 bay leaves in water for a brighter aroma of porridge.

The cereal is cooked in special bags for only 17-20 minutes. In this case, it is not at all necessary to cover the pan with a lid.

Next, the bag of ready-made buckwheat is simply thrown into a colander. When the liquid has drained, you can cut the packaging and place the dish on a plate. At this stage, if desired, the treat is flavored with melted butter and other delicious additives. You can use crushed garlic, olive oil, chopped herbs, etc.

Steamed buckwheat in a thermos

This version of the dish is usually prepared during a therapeutic diet or for weight loss. Steamed buckwheat is especially low in calories. In addition, it retains all the beneficial substances. The finished product can only be consumed within 24 hours. Therefore, you should not use too much cereal in excess.

Ingredients: 1 part buckwheat, 2 parts clean boiled water, table salt to taste.

  1. First of all, the buckwheat is carefully sorted and washed under running water. This will rid it of debris and dark burnt grains that are unsuitable for consumption.
  2. Buckwheat is poured into a clean thermos. The stated amount of purified salted water is poured on top. The liquid is used at a slightly warm temperature.
  3. Next, the container is tightly closed with a lid and left overnight in natural conditions.

According to this recipe, the dish turns out to be as healthy as possible, but slightly dry and harsh. If you want to prepare a porridge that is more reminiscent in structure, then you need to steam the cereal not with warm water, but with boiling water. Next, the buckwheat is also left overnight. In general, breakfast will be completely ready in 7-8 hours.

Buckwheat is a healthy dietary product containing a lot of protein, vitamins, microelements, and other components useful for life. Today, the retail chain most often sells fried, brown buckwheat, which produces a tasty, crumbly and aromatic porridge. Before you start preparing a nutritious second course, you need to familiarize yourself with how to prepare and cook buckwheat correctly.

Where to start and how to cook buckwheat?

Buckwheat is not exceptionally sterile. Therefore, you should inspect it, sort it out, removing impurities and grains and pebbles. For convenience, you can take a standard 250-gram glass glass (measured dose) and make calculations based on this volume. Buckwheat without any admixture should be poured into a colander and rinsed under running cold water. This is how the cereal is washed, and those residues that are not visible to the naked eye are removed. After some simple preparation, you can start cooking. For the classic recipe you will need:

  • 1 cup buckwheat;
  • 2.5 glasses of cold water;
  • 0.5 tsp salt.

How to cook buckwheat in water in a saucepan?

After the water has drained, pour the contents into the pan and fill with cold water. To ensure that the porridge is crumbly and does not burn, the proportion is 1:2.5. This means that to prepare the classic buckwheat recipe you need to take one volume of granules and 2.5 volumes of water. Half a teaspoon of salt will be enough to ensure that the porridge is not salty or completely bland.

You can add salt immediately. Cover the contents with a lid and cook over medium heat until boiling (about 7-10 minutes). When the porridge boils, the fire can be reduced, preventing the water from escaping. To check, you can open the lid a little. This will allow excess liquid to evaporate.

It is not prohibited to test the product for readiness at any stage, but stirring is not recommended. When the porridge is almost ready, but there is still liquid in it, you can open the lid completely. From the moment of boiling until fully cooked, it will take approximately 10-15 minutes. The duration of cooking buckwheat porridge in water depends on the type of cereal and the processing method.

Even if you are a beginner in home cooking, it will not be difficult for you to see when the porridge is cooked (the volume will increase 3 times). Remove the finished product from the heat, add butter, stir, and treat your household or guests.

Attention: cooked buckwheat from 100 g of cereal with minimal salt contains 95 kcal. If you add a little oil, the calorie content increases to 120 kcal.

How to cook buckwheat with stew?

Buckwheat with stew will be tasty and nutritious. It is prepared in the same way as with water, you can take less liquid - 2 cups. If the stew is salty, then less salt is added to the cooking water than in a regular water recipe. At the end of cooking, pour a can of stew into the pan and stir. All contents are simmered for a few more minutes (2-3) over low heat. This is how anyone can cook porridge with stewed meat in a saucepan at home or on the go. Porridge cooked over a fire in a casserole with a handle will have a rich taste and a pleasant smoky aroma.

At home, you can season the porridge with roasted stew. To do this, take one large onion, cut it into half rings or cubes and fry it in a frying pan in fat from the stew. When the onion is browned, you can put the entire contents of the jar into it. As a result, the stew is heated in a frying pan and then added to the porridge along with the onions. After adding, the buckwheat and stew should be steamed together over the fire for a couple of minutes, but no more. If the process drags on, some of the contents will stick to the bottom of the pan.

Recipe for buckwheat with stew:

  • 1 can of stew;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • 1 measured dose of cereal;
  • 2 measured doses of water.

Don't forget to add a little salt. You can also cook buckwheat with stewed meat in a slow cooker.

Attention! Many young housewives have little understanding of the required volumes of the finished product. Remember that a 250 g glass of cereal will be enough to feed a family of 3 people: a man, a woman and a child. Half a glass or a little less than 100-125 g is a one-time norm for single citizens.

How to cook buckwheat with minced meat?

The recipe with minced meat is identical to the previous one. In this case, you need to prepare the minced meat and then mix it with the finished porridge without adding butter. To prepare the minced meat, you will also need fried onions. It is fried in sunflower or other oil, fat, as desired. Minced meat is added to it, salted, peppered, and simmered until tender.

If necessary, you can add a little water (100 ml) to the frying pan. After 10-15 minutes. the minced meat will be ready. It is mixed with porridge, covered with a lid and then with a towel. This way the finished product will infuse, “reach” and stay warm longer.

Here is the prescription:

  • minced chicken, pork and beef – 300-500 grams;
  • water – 2 measured doses;
  • a little salt and pepper;
  • vegetable oil - 100 ml.

You can cook the dish this way using a slow cooker.

How to cook buckwheat with meat?

Buckwheat with meat is prepared separately. Porridge is cooked in water at a ratio of 1:2.5 (cereals/water). This dish cooks over the fire for about 20-25 minutes. The meat is stewed in another container. It could be a frying pan, a cast iron pot, a duck pot, or a thick-walled pan. The meat is cut into small portions and fried until golden brown, then transferred to a prepared container. Onions and grated carrots are fried in the same fat and transferred to a pan with meat. The contents are flavored with peppercorns, other spices, and salt.

Water is poured into the container and simmered over low heat until the meat is completely cooked. This will take approximately 30-60 minutes. For store-bought chicken, 30 minutes will be enough, pork is stewed for 40 minutes, beef - 50. The finished meat does not have to be mixed with porridge. It’s better to cook separately and first pour the buckwheat into a plate, and place the roasted meat beautifully on top.

  • 300-500 grams of meat;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • cereal – 1 measured dose;
  • water – 2 measured doses;
  • a little salt for meat and buckwheat;
  • a few peppercorns, a couple of bay leaves - for meat.

How to cook crumbly buckwheat in water, step-by-step recipe?

To master the topic and learn how to cook buckwheat using the classic method, try to put into practice the step-by-step cooking recipe:

  1. Pour 1 cup of buckwheat into a plate. We select husks and other impurities.
  2. We wash the contents.
  3. Pour the washed cereal into a saucepan with a thick bottom. Add 2 or 2.5 cups of cold water and salt.
  4. Place on medium heat.
  5. After boiling, reduce the heat and open the lid.
  6. Cook until the water has completely boiled away. Each grain will increase in size and will separate from one another.

Attention: You only have to spend 20-25 minutes to cook a delicious second course.

You can add gravy to it with:

  • onions and tomatoes;
  • chicken or beef;
  • mushrooms;
  • bell pepper, carrots, onions;
  • blue eggplants, onions;
  • meat balls;
  • meatballs;
  • cutlets.

On our website there is a proven recipe with step-by-step photos. Use our recommendations and you will get delicious crumbly buckwheat porridge, the recipe is suitable for any size.

In order for the food to become tastier, you need to close it with a lid and “wrap it” with a terry towel for 20 minutes. This way the dish will “reach” and not cool down.

In order to cook buckwheat porridge in water, it is advisable to use dishes with a thick or double bottom. When you are faced with a choice between cast iron and an enamel pan, it is best to choose thick-walled cast iron cookware. A good option is a stainless pan .

How to cook buckwheat in a slow cooker deliciously and quickly?

Modern multicookers are often equipped with a special function. In this case, you must follow the recommendations from the instructions. If the multicooker is not equipped with such functionality, it doesn’t matter! Pour the washed buckwheat into the multicooker bowl, choosing the correct composition of cereal and water. For one glass of dry cereal you will need 2 tbsp. water.

The 1:2 recipe is ideal for a slow cooker, as opposed to cooking over a fire. You can immediately add salt and butter. In 15-20 minutes the porridge will be ready. Despite the fact that the recipe is not at all complicated, the porridge turns out very tasty, crumbly and aromatic.


  • buckwheat – 1 measured dose;
  • water – 2 measured doses;
  • a little salt on the tip of a knife;
  • 30 grams of butter.

Attention: It is important not to over-salt the product. At first glance, it may seem that you need to salt the dish, like broth. But the water evaporates, and the salinity is transferred to the kernels.

How to cook buckwheat in the microwave?

The microwave is great for cooking buckwheat porridge. It cooks quickly and turns out crumbly and tender. To prepare, you need to have a glass container with a lid. The recipe for cooking in the microwave is identical to the recipe for using a multicooker. If you take a glass of cereal and 2 glasses of water, the porridge will be perfect. Don't forget to add a little salt! Cook this product in the microwave for about 7 minutes.


  • cereal - 1 measured dose;
  • water – 2 measured doses;
  • a little salt.

How to properly cook crumbly buckwheat in water in a double boiler?

Using a steamer you can prepare healthy steamed buckwheat porridge. This way it won’t burn or boil over, but will acquire a special aroma and taste. The cooking process in a double boiler is not much different from cooking in a saucepan, only a different proportion must be observed. To prepare buckwheat in a double boiler, take washed cereals, water and salt at the rate of:

  • one part of kernels (for example, one cup);
  • one part water (one glass);
  • You will need a pinch of salt or on the tip of a knife.

The cooking process is simple:

Buckwheat is sorted and washed until the dust completely disappears. Then it is placed in the upper container of the steamer, filled with cold water, and a little salt is added. The contents are prepared for 45 minutes. The finished product is mixed, transferred to a saucepan and butter is added.

Tip: If you want a less crumbly porridge, add more water, for example 2 doses. for 1 dose of kernels.

How to cook light buckwheat?

Light buckwheat is a special type of grain processing. If dark buckwheat is obtained by frying the kernels, then light buckwheat is the result of steaming. It is considered more useful, since it has retained more of its beneficial properties and vitamins during gentle processing under industrial production conditions. It is useful to eat for diabetes, obesity and some other diseases.

It is worth noting that such buckwheat will not make crumbly porridge. But not all consumers consider this criterion a priority. There are people who love “softies”, i.e. porridge in which individual grains are not separated. Light buckwheat has a slightly different taste and appearance. If desired, light kernels can be fried in a frying pan without fat, and they will become similar to dark buckwheat.

To cook light buckwheat you will need:

  • light buckwheat – 1 tbsp.;
  • water – 3 tbsp.;
  • Solka.

Light buckwheat should be cooked over low heat for 20 minutes in order to preserve its beneficial properties and to prevent water from escaping. The proportion must be observed: for one glass of light kernels, 3 tbsp is recommended. water and half tsp. salt. Some consumers prefer to add boiled milk and sugar to such food. Buckwheat steamed with milk is an excellent dietary dish. It can be given to children and the elderly, and, if desired, to all household members.

Buckwheat is a unique product; it is not without reason that it is called the “queen of cereals.” It is affordable and nutritious, tasty and loved, vitamin-rich and dietary. Properly cooked buckwheat is a wonderful side dish that goes well with meat, fish, vegetable dishes and mushrooms.

Buckwheat is one of the most popular products in our country. Buckwheat contains many useful elements that are indispensable for the body. Unfortunately, not everyone can cook delicious buckwheat - which is a pity! If you prepare buckwheat porridge correctly, it can then be combined with almost any dish (meat, fish, salads), or consumed separately, with sugar or milk.

There are a huge number of ways to prepare porridge from buckwheat, but in this case we will consider one that will retain all its beneficial properties, while the finished dish will have an indescribable taste, aroma and pleasant friability. We propose to consider a step-by-step recipe for preparing buckwheat in the classic way using water.


  • Buckwheat grain;
  • Water;
  • Salt;
  • Butter.

Step by step recipe:

1. Before you start cooking, you need to sort through the buckwheat to remove small stones and other debris (sometimes there are grains of millet, rice, and pearl barley in the package).

2. The buckwheat needs to be washed several times (this should be done under the tap using running water) - the remaining debris will rise to the top, from where it can be easily removed.

3. Place the washed buckwheat in a cooking pot, fill it with water (for 1 cup of buckwheat, take 2 cups of water). Add salt - 1 tsp. for 3 glasses of water.

4. Place the pan on the fire and cover it with a lid.

5. Wait for the water to boil and reduce the heat to minimum.

6. Remove the lid and continue cooking the porridge for about another 30 minutes until the water has boiled away.

7. Add butter to the prepared buckwheat.

8. Buckwheat can be served!

Buckwheat porridge, in our humble opinion, goes best with meat (cutlets, liver, smoked meats, steaks) and stewed fish. Not all modern housewives know how to cook this cereal in water - but, having mastered the recipe we have proposed, you won’t have to worry about what to cook so tasty for lunch or dinner in the future.

How to cook buckwheat porridge in a double boiler and slow cooker?

The use of modern “electric pans” to create delicious dishes has a beneficial effect on the preservation of proteins, microelements, macroelements and vitamins contained in products. This pattern also occurs in the case of buckwheat. Let's figure out how to cook delicious and healthy buckwheat porridge in a double boiler and slow cooker. Thus, you can not only feed all family members, but also spend the saved time (in this case, there is no need to constantly be at the stove) on more important things.

Buckwheat from a steamer not only has an amazing aroma and taste, it also contains B vitamins, minerals, phosphorus, iodine, calcium, zinc, iron, etc. Steamed porridge is considered dietary - this will be appreciated by fans and admirers of a healthy lifestyle.


  • Buckwheat;
  • Water;
  • Salt;
  • Butter or olive oil.

Step by step recipe:

1. We sort through the cereal to remove all the debris from it - black pebbles, sticks, grains of other cereals that are often found in the packaging.

2. Rinse the buckwheat several times until the water runs clear. We remove any remaining debris and buckwheat dust.

3. Place the cereal in a special compartment of the steamer, which has no holes and is smaller in size compared to other pans. Then pour in cold water (it is important to maintain the proportion of 1 glass of water - 1 glass of buckwheat), add salt - 0.5 tsp. for 1 glass of water.

4. Place the bowl in the main compartment with holes, place the structure on the lower level, and select 40 minutes on the timer.

5. When the steamer turns off, open the lid and check the porridge for readiness. If the grains are not completely boiled, you can set the timer for another 10 minutes.

6. Add oil to the prepared porridge and leave the dish for 10 minutes so that the buckwheat is soaked.

7. Serve buckwheat porridge to the table!

One of the advantages of a multicooker is the “Delayed Start” option - it is useful if you need to prepare buckwheat porridge at a certain time (say, for breakfast). The main thing is to set the program in advance: while you sleep soundly, the multicooker will cook a hearty and healthy dish for the whole family. How to properly prepare food to get delicious porridge?

The instructions for preparing buckwheat porridge in a multicooker are almost no different from the previous method with a double boiler: we also rinse the buckwheat from debris, put it in the multicooker bowl, fill it with water (in the proportion of 2 cups of water to 1 cup of buckwheat), add salt. Some devices have a special “Buckwheat” mode, but if it is not available, you can use the “Porridge” function, or simply set the timer for 50 minutes.

How to cook buckwheat porridge in the microwave?


  • Water (previously brought to a boil);
  • Buckwheat grain;
  • Salt.

Step by step recipe:

1. Be sure to sort out the buckwheat from debris and rinse it so that the water is clear. Place the cereal in a special microwave-safe bowl, pour boiling water over the buckwheat (in the proportion of 2 tbsp. water per 1 tbsp. buckwheat).

2. Place the dishes in the device, having previously covered them with a lid. We set the maximum power and the appropriate time (for example, if your microwave is designed for only 750 W, leave the dish for 8 minutes, and if the microwave operates at 1000 W, 3.5 minutes is enough).

3. Open the microwave, remove the lid and put it in the device again, only this time at 600 W and 8 minutes. After 4 minutes of operation, open the door and stir the porridge, then close the microwave again.

4. Serve the finished dish to the table!

Beneficial properties of buckwheat

Did you know that in Italy buckwheat is sold only in pharmacies? Surprisingly, there it is considered medicinal! What are its medicinal properties?

  • Buckwheat contains a large amount of amino acids, antioxidants - substances that prevent aging, minerals (iron, calcium, potassium, B vitamins) - these components nourish the body, strengthen the immune system, give strength and energy.
  • Regular consumption of buckwheat can prevent cancer - this is possible due to its high antioxidant content.
  • The mineral compounds contained in buckwheat have a positive effect on the health of the male reproductive system.
  • Eating buckwheat during pregnancy can improve fetal development.
  • Buckwheat porridge is filling and at the same time low in calories, so it is considered a favorite in the diet of athletes and those on a diet.
  • When growing buckwheat, it is very rarely treated with chemical additives - this ensures a high environmental purity of the product.

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Buckwheat is undoubtedly considered the queen of cereals. The fact is that it contains a huge amount of useful substances and vitamins. It is recommended for anemia, digestive problems and many other diseases. This cereal is one of the first to be introduced into a child’s diet; it is also useful for older people. With all this, few people know how to boil buckwheat in such a way that it turns out to be a crumbly, not overcooked porridge.

Before starting cooking, the cereal must be sorted and rinsed with cold water. This is done in order to get rid of small pebbles and various debris that may get caught in it. Some people prefer to lightly fry the raw cereal before boiling buckwheat. However, this must be done with great care, as it may begin to pop and pop open like popcorn. To prevent this from happening, you should stir it very carefully with a wooden spatula.

It is recommended to cook porridge in a vessel with thick walls, like a cauldron or an old cast iron pot. The cereal is poured into a bowl and filled with water in an approximate ratio of 1:2. Cook the porridge over medium heat until the water in it boils away. It is not recommended to stir it during cooking. After cooking, the hot porridge is salted. It is recommended to wrap her in a warm blanket for half an hour so that she “steams”. However, you can do it differently, since there are several opinions about this. The porridge is cooked for some time over high heat. 15 minutes after boiling, the pan with it is removed from the heat and placed in an oven preheated to 180 degrees, where it finishes cooking. Butter is added to the cooked porridge.

There is another way to cook buckwheat deliciously. To do this, the cereal is lightly fried in a frying pan and poured into already boiling water. Take three parts of water for two parts of cereal. While the porridge is cooking, chopped onions and carrots are fried at the same time in sunflower oil. After the buckwheat is boiled, the dressing is added to it and everything is mixed well. In addition, you can take finely chopped mushrooms along with the vegetables, and also add a spoonful of soy sauce to the porridge, and simmer everything for a few minutes under a closed lid. Another option for mushroom flavor lovers is to add dried mushrooms to the water along with the cereal.

In addition, it is important to know how to boil buckwheat with milk. Of course, you can add milk to the already prepared porridge and serve. However, when cooked with milk, buckwheat has a special, unique taste. To do this, take half a liter of milk per glass of buckwheat. It is placed on the fire until it boils, after which cereal and sugar to taste are poured into it (you can do without it), and the dish is placed on low heat. The porridge is cooked for about 20 minutes, after which it is covered with a lid for a while. The milk should not completely boil away by the time the buckwheat is removed from the stove. If this happens, you can add a little water. This will prevent the porridge from burning to the bottom of the pan. Season buckwheat with milk with a small piece of butter. This porridge can be served with jam or preserves.

You can boil the porridge in fruit broth with the addition of chopped fruits and berries. To do this, bring frozen or fresh berries to a boil in a small amount of water, then remove them and pour the prepared cereal into the liquid. Five minutes before the porridge is ready, add chopped berries and sugar to taste.

Thus, there are many ways to boil buckwheat so that you get not only a tasty and healthy side dish, but also a completely independent tasty and aromatic dish. Moreover, this is not at all as difficult as it might seem, and it does not take too much time.

Buckwheat porridge is a dish familiar to everyone since childhood, which can rightfully be called the “queen of porridges”, since it is very tasty and nutritious. But does everyone know how to cook buckwheat correctly? Most will say that it is very simple and does not require much effort. And it’s true, buckwheat porridge is easy to cook, but in order to make it as tasty and healthy as possible, you need to know certain rules. And then this dish will rightfully become one of the most favorite among all family members.

So, how to cook buckwheat correctly? It is necessary to strictly observe the water ratio, which should be 1 to 2 (one part buckwheat to two parts water). The cereal must first be sorted out, because it often contains foreign impurities, and then rinsed thoroughly with cold water. The pan should be tightly covered with a lid, because the porridge is cooked due to the steam generated inside. In general, answering the question of how to cook buckwheat correctly, it should be noted that some housewives stir buckwheat porridge during the cooking process, open the lid or add water - this is a mistake that leads to loss of taste! You can cook buckwheat in water or milk. Most often, the milk version is cooked for children, although many adults also love milk porridge. However, it is believed that to preserve nutrients, it is best to cook porridge in water.

In total, buckwheat should be cooked for 15-20 minutes, until the water has completely evaporated. Moreover, before the water boils, in the first few minutes the fire should be strong, after which it needs to be turned down and the porridge should be cooked over low heat. You should not overcook porridge on the stove - in this case, firstly, it loses nutrients and vitamins, and secondly, it becomes much less tasty. The widespread belief that buckwheat porridge needs to be cooked for a long time is wrong, because its roots go back to the time when this dish was prepared not on a modern stove (gas or electric), but in a Russian oven, so the cooking process was much longer .

After the porridge is cooked, you can put it in a warm place (for example, under a blanket). In this case, the porridge will “ripen” a little more without overheating on the stove, and besides, it can be kept hot until serving. Interestingly, buckwheat porridge can be either an independent dish (or side dish) or serve as the basis for preparing more complex culinary delights, for example, buckwheat cutlets and casseroles. In such dishes, it is very good to use the porridge that has been sitting in the refrigerator for several days. It is known that buckwheat porridge is very useful for those who want to increase the level of hemoglobin in the body. However, few people know that a recently cooked dish is much better suited for these purposes. By the way, milk, with which this porridge is often consumed, promotes the absorption of beneficial substances from buckwheat, so freshly brewed porridge with milk is an excellent option for children and adults. At the same time, as already mentioned, it is better to initially cook buckwheat in water, and add milk to it before serving.

When talking about how to cook buckwheat correctly, one cannot fail to mention the cooking utensils. A metal pan (not enameled!) with thick walls, a convex bottom and a tight-fitting lid is best suited for cooking porridge. Such cooking utensils help ensure that the porridge cooks evenly and swells.

Today, buckwheat porridge is perceived by most as a side dish for meat (and sometimes fish) dishes. However, the famous culinary writer in his book “Secrets of Good Kitchen” urges everyone to stop perceiving it as a side dish (in his opinion, salads are suitable as a side dish, but not porridge) and start eating it as an independent dish. And for this you will need refueling. What can serve as a refill? Butter, finely chopped eggs (pre-hard-boiled), onions and dried mushrooms. Despite the fact that this option is quite unusual, the result is a very tasty and unusual (how appropriate is the word “unusual” for buckwheat) dish, so it’s definitely worth a try!