How to cook kiwi salads. Kiwi salad - recipes with photos

When choosing an unusual and elegant snack for the holiday, you should pay attention to kiwi salads. Their unique sourness and original appearance adorn a wide variety of dishes.

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Salad with kiwi and shrimps

This refreshing, light and simple dish will energize, fill the body with vitamins and microelements, while not harming the figure at all.


  • lettuce leaves - 150 g;
  • kiwi - 2 pcs.;
  • shrimp (frozen, boiled) - 300 g;
  • pine nuts - a handful;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • lemon juice - 1 tsp;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

How many calories?

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Kiwi wash, dry, clean. Leave half of one fruit to prepare the sauce, cut the rest into cubes.
  2. Tear lettuce with your hands or chop coarsely with a knife. The first option is more preferable, since with this method of grinding, more juice is retained in the leaves.
  3. Defrost shrimp, use paper towels to remove excess moisture, peel. Cut into pieces, comparable in size to chopped kiwi.
  4. For the sauce, mash half a kiwi with a fork. To the resulting mass, add salt, pepper, oil, lemon juice. If the sauce is too sour, adjust the taste with honey.
  5. In a salad bowl, mix kiwi, shrimp, nuts and lettuce. Ready meal decorate with greens, a slice of lemon and a couple of whole shrimp.

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Salad with kiwi, mushrooms and pineapple

Such an abundance exotic fruits gives it holiday salad unusual and bright taste. Each layer is harmoniously combined with the rest, so the dish is sure to please the guests at the table.


  • mushrooms - 300 g;
  • kiwi - 2-3 pieces;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • cheese hard varieties- 150 g;
  • canned pineapples - 340 g;
  • chicken meat - 350 g;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • mayonnaise - 120 ml;
  • salt - a couple of pinches.

How many calories?

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Chicken meat must be boiled in salted water with your favorite spices. When it cools down, chop it into small cubes. Put the last on a plate with the first layer of salad.
  2. FROM canned pineapple remove juice, cut large pieces in half. Spread pineapple over chicken cubes.
  3. Rinse the mushrooms, removing particles of soil, then chop, salt and fry for vegetable oil until ready. If desired, finely chopped onion can be added to them. Ready mushrooms place in an even layer on top of the pineapples, then draw a mayonnaise net on them.
  4. Boil the eggs, cool, peel and chop finely - this will be the fourth layer of the salad. On top of them, also apply a grid of mayonnaise.
  5. The next step is to put grated cheese on top of the crushed eggs.
  6. The final stage is to carefully decorate the salad with kiwi half rings over its entire surface. You can also add chopped walnuts and greenery.

To give a more attractive shape, kiwi salads are often decorated in the form of a bracelet. To do this, all layers are laid out around a rounded container of small diameter. After cooking is finished, it is removed.

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Salad with kiwi and smoked chicken

Smoked chicken is a product that makes any salad several times more interesting and richer in taste. Kiwi also has this quality, so a salad with these two ingredients is a real treat for the taste buds.


  • smoked chicken fillet (or breast) - 400 g;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • sweet and sour apple - 1 pc.;
  • kiwi - 2 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise - 100 ml.

How many calories?

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Separate the smoked meat from the bones, chop into small pieces.
  2. Kiwi wash, peel, cut into cubes.
  3. Boil the eggs, grate the squirrels and yolks separately on a coarse grater.
  4. Boil the carrots, also chop with a large grater.
  5. Remove the skin from the apples and remove the core, chop very small cubes.

Arrange the salad on a platter in the following order of layers:

  • smoked meat;
  • kiwi pulp;
  • proteins;
  • carrot;
  • Apple;
  • yolks.

Lubricate each layer with mayonnaise, including the last one. Decorate the finished dish with kiwi slices.

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Kiwi salad "Emerald"

Add luxury to the festive table by preparing a salad with the telling name "Emerald". It will become a real decoration of any menu.


  • kiwi - 3 pcs.;
  • chicken fillet- 400 g;
  • eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • cheese - 100 g;
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise - 150 ml.

How many calories?

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater.
  2. Boil chicken in water with salt, sweet peas and bay leaves for 30–40 minutes. Disassemble the meat into fibers.
  3. Boil hard boiled eggs, chop with a knife.
  4. Chop the onion into small cubes, pour over with boiling water.
  5. Cut the tomatoes into small pieces, then drain in a colander to remove excess liquid.
  6. Peel the kiwi, cut into cubes.

Assemble the salad in the following order:

  • chicken;
  • half an onion;
  • tomatoes;
  • the rest of the onion;
  • eggs;
  • kiwi.

Grease all layers, except for the first and fourth, with mayonnaise.

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Layered salad with kiwi and chicken

An unusual combination of kiwi, chicken, mushrooms and peas will immediately conquer any gourmet.


  • chicken (can be replaced with chicken fillet) - half a kilo;
  • mushrooms - half a kilo;
  • canned peas - 240 g;
  • eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • walnut - a handful;
  • kiwi - 2 pieces;
  • mayonnaise - to taste.

How many calories?

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Boil the chicken in water with bay leaf, salt, or bake in the oven, pre-coated with spices. When it is cooked, separate the meat from the bones, cool, and then disassemble into fibers.
  2. Hard-boil eggs, peel, grate.
  3. Grind nuts with a knife or rolling pin.
  4. FROM canned peas drain the liquid.
  5. Rinse the mushrooms well, cut into thin slices. Chop the onion into small cubes. Fry them together in vegetable oil until tender.
  6. Peel the kiwi. Cut one fruit into half rings, the second into cubes.

We form a salad, observing the following order of layers:

  • peas;
  • half of the meat;
  • 1/2 part of mushrooms with onions;
  • eggs;
  • leftover meat;
  • the remaining mushrooms with onions;
  • nuts.

Lubricate each layer with mayonnaise. Top the resulting salad with kiwi.

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Salad with chicken, kiwi and cheese

Kiwi brings an unusual flavor to the classic duo of chicken and cheese. If you like culinary experiments, be sure to try this appetizer.


  • chicken fillet - 1 pc.;
  • cheese - 120 g;
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • olives - 50 g;
  • kiwi - 2 pcs.;
  • soy sauce - 150 ml;
  • lemon juice - 1/2 tsp

How many calories?

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Cut the fillet into large slices, pour over them soy sauce, then put in the refrigerator for half an hour, after covering cling film. Put the marinated meat on a hot dry frying pan. Fry the slices for 10 minutes until golden brown.
  2. Peel the kiwi, chop into small cubes.
  3. Coarsely grate the cheese.
  4. Cut olives into thin rings.
  5. Cool chicken meat, put in a salad bowl. Gently place olives, kiwi, cheese on top of it. Sprinkle the finished dish olive oil and lemon juice.

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Salad with kiwi "Tenderness"

Preparing such a salad is very simple, since all the components, except for the chicken, are already ready to eat. At the same time, it turns out bright, useful and very tasty.


  • canned corn - 1 can;
  • eggs - 5 pcs.;
  • kiwi - 2 pcs.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • chicken breast - 1 pc.;
  • cheese - 170 g;
  • mayonnaise - 150 ml;
  • greens - optional.

How many calories?

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Boil the chicken breast in salted water with spices until tender (approximately 30-40 minutes). The finished meat is finely chopped or disassembled into fibers.
  2. Boil carrots and eggs separately, peel. Grate on a coarse grater into different containers.
  3. FROM canned corn drain the liquid.
  4. Cheese grate on a fine grater.

In the center of the salad bowl, place a rounded object, around which put the ingredients in the following order:

  • eggs;
  • chicken meat;
  • carrot;
  • corn.

Make a mayonnaise mesh between layers. Ready salad garnish with thin kiwi slices.

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"Marble" salad with kiwi

This original snack Perfectly diversifies both a homemade Saturday meal and any feast. The abundance of vegetables, fruits and protein in the composition make it very nutritious and healthy.


  • kiwi - 2 pcs.;
  • apple (large) - 1 pc.;
  • carrots (boiled or in Korean) - 150 g;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • cheese - 150 g.
  • chicken fillet - 300 g;
  • mayonnaise - to taste.

How many calories?

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Peel the kiwi, cut into thin half rings.
  2. Boil chicken meat, chop into cubes.
  3. Hard-boil the eggs, grate the squirrels and yolks separately on a fine grater.
  4. Chop the Korean carrot a little with a knife. If ordinary carrots are used, boil them and grate them.
  5. Grind the apple with a grater.

Lay the ingredients on the dish in this way.

Both chicken and cheese is a delicious dish that every housewife can easily cook. There are several variations of this dish. The most interesting and, of course, mouth-watering dishes we will consider in our article.

"Jade bracelet" - for the holiday

Many people will like this dish. It turns out not only tasty, but also beautiful.

This salad with kiwi, chicken and cheese is an alternative to the familiar dish called " Garnet bracelet". The main components of this dish are kiwi, chicken breast, potatoes. This salad uses another exotic fruit instead of a pomegranate.

For cooking delicious dish required:

  • four potatoes,
  • two chicken eggs;
  • two carrots;
  • salt;
  • 700 grams of chicken breast;
  • three kiwis;
  • 200 grams ;
  • one packet of mayonnaise (200 ml).

Cooking delicious meals at home:

1. Boil the breast with black pepper, onion and bay leaf. Cooking time is approximately fifty minutes.

3. Boil the eggs, then peel them from the shell.

3. Boil potatoes, carrots, cool. Clean up afterwards.

4. Then unwind the pigtail cheese, chop finely. If you do not like smoked meats, then you can replace it, for example, with solid “Russian”.

5. Grate the cheese.

6. After all the products, divide into two parts.

7. Instead of a ring, you can take a jar of olives. Then put it in the center.

8. Put chicken meat around it, salt it.

9. Compact the layer. Grate two potatoes on top, salt.

11. The next layer is grated eggs (2 pcs.).

12. After laying out half of the grated cheese.

13. Then apply the mayonnaise net.

14. Then lay out the remaining components. First, then cheese, then carrots and potatoes.

Salad "Emerald" with chicken, cheese and kiwi

This dish will also appeal to many people. It is quite easy to prepare. No one should have problems with this. For cooking you will need:

  • two hundred grams of walnuts;
  • half a kilogram of chicken meat;
  • three fresh cucumber, kiwi;
  • 400 ml of mayonnaise;
  • three hundred grams of hard cheese;
  • salt.

How to cook delicious food

1. How to make a salad with kiwi, and chicken, and cheese? First, boil the meat in salted water, cool, cut into cubes. Then fry them until golden brown.

2. Place a glass on a dish. Lay around it a mass of garlic, pepper and fried chicken. Next, grease the salad with mayonnaise. Lay the sliced ​​cucumbers in the next layer.

3. The next layer is grated cheese. Then grease the salad with mayonnaise.

Delicious kiwi salad "Malachite bracelet"

This is original and hearty meal. It can become a highlight holiday table. To taste, a salad with kiwi, and chicken, and cheese is very tender.

To prepare such a dish, you will need:

  • 200 ml of mayonnaise;
  • one carrot;
  • salt (one pinch);
  • three cloves of garlic;
  • 400 grams of chicken fillet;
  • 150 grams of hard cheese;
  • four kiwis;
  • three eggs;
  • a pinch of pepper.

The process of cooking at home:

1. First, open the chicken fillet. Once cool, cut into medium-sized cubes. Then chop the cheese on a medium grater.

4. Here we are preparatory stage. Now we proceed directly to the assembly of the salad. It is convenient to do this using a special cake pan with a notch in the middle. If not, then you can take regular dish and tumbler. Next, put the pre-cut chicken fillet on the bottom. Salt, pepper the dish to taste.

5. Then peel the garlic, pass through the press. Next, mix with mayonnaise and coat a layer of chicken fillet.

7. Now take the squirrels. Put them in the next layer on the salad. Spread a little mayonnaise, pepper to taste. Then put in the carrots. Lubricate this layer garlic mayonnaise like the first one.

8. Sprinkle the salad with yolk. After very carefully remove the glass from the middle.

9. Peel the kiwi, cut into thin slices. Next, spread the pieces over the entire surface of the salad. The place where the hole was formed, also decorate with slices.

A small conclusion

Now you know how to make kiwi at home. We hope that you will be able to cook such dishes.

Salad with kiwi, and chicken, and cheese is a delicious dish that every housewife can easily cook. There are several variations of this dish. We will consider the most interesting and, of course, mouth-watering dishes in our article.

Many people will like this dish. It turns out not only tasty, but also beautiful.

This salad with kiwi, chicken and cheese is an alternative to the familiar dish called Pomegranate Bracelet. The main components of this dish are kiwi, chicken breast, potatoes. This salad uses another exotic fruit instead of a pomegranate.

To prepare a delicious dish you need:

Cooking delicious meals at home:

1. Boil the breast with black pepper, onion and bay leaf. Cooking time is approximately fifty minutes.

3. Boil the eggs, then peel them from the shell.

3. Boil potatoes, carrots, cool. Clean up afterwards.

4. Then unwind the pigtail cheese, chop finely. If you do not like smoked meats, then you can replace it, for example, with solid “Russian”.

5. Grate the cheese.

6. After all the products, divide into two parts.

7. Instead of a ring, you can take a jar of olives. Then put it in the center.

8. Put chicken meat around it, salt it.

9. Compact the layer. Grate two potatoes on top, salt.

11. The next layer is grated eggs (2 pcs.).

12. After laying out half of the grated cheese.

13. Then apply the mayonnaise net.

14. Then lay out the remaining components. First chicken meat, then cheese, then carrots and potatoes.

Salad "Emerald" with chicken, cheese and kiwi

This dish will also appeal to many people. It is quite easy to prepare. No one should have problems with this. For cooking you will need:

  • two hundred grams of walnuts;
  • half a kilogram of chicken meat;
  • three fresh cucumbers, kiwi;
  • 400 ml of mayonnaise;
  • three hundred grams of hard cheese;
  • salt.

How to cook delicious food

1. How to make a salad with kiwi, and chicken, and cheese? First, boil the meat in salted water, cool, cut into cubes. Then fry them until golden brown.

2. Place a glass on a dish. Lay a mass of garlic, pepper and fried chicken around it. Next, grease the salad with mayonnaise. Lay the sliced ​​cucumbers in the next layer.

3. The next layer is grated cheese. Then grease the salad with mayonnaise.

Delicious salad with kiwi "Malachite bracelet"

This is an original and hearty dish. It can be the highlight of the holiday table. To taste, a salad with kiwi, and chicken, and cheese is very tender.

To prepare such a dish, you will need:

  • 200 ml of mayonnaise;
  • one carrot;
  • salt (one pinch);
  • three cloves of garlic;
  • 400 grams of chicken fillet;
  • 150 grams of hard cheese;
  • four kiwis;
  • three eggs;
  • a pinch of pepper.

The process of cooking at home:

1. First, open the chicken fillet. Once cool, cut into medium-sized cubes. Then chop the cheese on a medium grater.

4. So we have finished the preparatory stage. Now we proceed directly to the assembly of the salad. It is convenient to do this using a special cake pan with a notch in the middle. If it is not available, then you can take a regular dish and a tall glass. Next, put the pre-cut chicken fillet on the bottom. Salt, pepper the dish to taste.

5. Then peel the garlic, pass through the press. Next, mix with mayonnaise and coat a layer of chicken fillet.

7. Now take the squirrels. Put them in the next layer on the salad. Spread a little mayonnaise, pepper to taste. Then put in the carrots. Lubricate this layer with garlic mayonnaise, like the first.

8. Sprinkle the salad with yolk. After very carefully remove the glass from the middle.

9. Peel the kiwi, cut into thin slices. Next, spread the pieces over the entire surface of the salad. The place where the hole was formed, also decorate with slices.

A small conclusion

Now you know how to make at home delicious salads with kiwi. We hope that you will be able to cook such dishes.

Festive dishes are prepared by housewives with special love. Wanting to feed and surprise at the same time, try creating a masterpiece at home: a puff salad with kiwi, which is very unusual combination products. Smoked chicken is perfectly complemented by vegetables, but this time it was decided to add kiwi to it. The overseas berry adds spice. Using green circles, you can decorate the dish beautifully. No wonder in many books this recipe is called "Emerald" or "Malachite bracelet". After looking at the photo, you will be able to create beauty that can decorate the table on New Year, Christmas, Easter, any family holiday.

List of products for salad with kiwi:

Usually, a rich assortment of products is required to prepare fancy puff salads. The amount of vegetables, meat, mayonnaise used varies depending on the diameter of the dish. The main thing is to get a good layer.

The list is quite impressive, weighty:

Smoked chicken - 1/2 breast;
kiwi - 6 pcs.;
boiled potatoes - 2-3 pcs.;
boiled carrots - 2 pcs.;
eggs - 3 pcs.;
cheese - 170 g;
mayonnaise - 1 pack;
prunes - a few pieces for decoration;
parsley - optional.

How to make chicken and kiwi salad

The shape of the salad resembles a ring. Products prepared according to the list are stacked in layers. To succeed, you have to take big dish and a half-liter jar, which is installed in the center, as in the photo. Further, following the instructions in the recipe, a beautiful even ring will form around the glassware. At the very end of cooking, the jar is removed with a slight movement, but the beauty remains.

First, boiled potatoes are rubbed, freed from the peel.

A layer of potatoes will settle around the jar and form the first layer.

So that the potatoes do not turn out to be dry, you will have to soak them with mayonnaise.

Smoked chicken is next. It is more convenient to use the breast, having cleaned it of the skin, bones, or fillet pieces. The chicken is cut into cubes or long strips along the fibers.

Meat smoked chicken sent on top of the potatoes, as in the photo.

Again according to the recipe impregnation from mayonnaise.

While spreading the sauce, compact the chicken so that the salad does not lose its ring shape when the jar is removed.

It's time to take on the kiwi. Three emerald berries are peeled from the velvety skin, crushed into cubes.

A soft green layer is laid on the surface of the lettuce. They have enough juice so no calorie-adding mayonnaise is needed on top.

As in the photo using medium or coarse grater peeled boiled carrots are crushed.

The carrot layer overlaps the kiwi. And again, you can do without mayonnaise, although adding is possible (to taste).

Boiled is ground on a grater egg. There is no need to separate the whites from the yolks.

The egg layer is laid.

Thorough impregnation with mayonnaise, compaction of layers, alignment of the form, as in the photo.

Grate hard cheese that has been in the freezer onto a plate.

Spread the cheese mixture evenly over the salad.

Do not press, do not ram. There should be lightness and grace.

Salad decoration begins. Peel the remaining kiwi, cut into thin rings and place around the salad, pressing it against the food and giving the dish a beautiful shape.

Arrange the rest of the kiwi evenly on top. They will depict emeralds. Between them, even in the photo, parsley and chopped prunes look great, resembling a scattering of small precious stones. It remains to remove the jar without breaking the masterpiece.

A miracle happened: the emerald bracelet is ready! layered salad with chicken and kiwi, you can bring it to the table right away or let it brew for at least an hour so that the taste of the products merges into a single bouquet. The recipe turned out to be simple, and the dish can become a signature dish.

Enjoy your meal!

Video recipe for salad "Malachite bracelet"