Strawberry (Victoria) jam for the winter. Thick jam with whole berries (31 photos)

Which is also called "Victoria". It is distinguished not only by its unique aroma and taste, but also by the beauty of the preparations created from it. Let's take a closer look at what to prepare from this variety of strawberries.

Jam from"Victoria"for the winter

You will need a kilogram of berries and the same amount of sugar. The collected ripe strawberries should be quickly rinsed under a small stream of cool water in a colander. The most important thing is not to let the berries get too wet. Next, we separate the sepals from them and sort the fruits so that only ripe and dense berries that do not have any damage are used for jam. Then carefully place them in a large container, sprinkling each layer with sugar. It is necessary at this stage to use half of its total amount. Cover the dishes with a napkin natural fabric and put in a cool place for seven hours so that the berries release their juice. Next, pour it into a separate pan, add the remaining sugar and heat until it is completely dissolved.

When the liquid boils, you need to place the fruits in it and mix everything. Next, reduce the heat and cook the Victoria jam until thickened. You will definitely need to constantly remove the foam. It is recommended to add citric acid into boiling liquid, then stir. After the fruits become absolutely soft and the syrup is viscous and pink, the jam must be transferred to sterilized containers. Seal them as usual.

Thick jam from"Victoria"

You can make this kind of jam if you prepare it a little differently than in the previous recipe. To prepare it you will need to follow the same steps as described above. But only after boiling, remove the bowl from the heat in order to allow the jam to cool. Then bring it to readiness a second time. The dish prepared in this way turns out thick, viscous and very tasty.

Stored closed jars can be used for a long time.

Five-minute jam from Victoria

To prepare it, you must follow a specific proportion of sugar and strawberries. The optimal ratio would be 1.5:1, respectively.

To cook for five minutes, you don’t need to choose very much. It’s better to use small berries. We wash them and place them on a napkin along with the stalk to dry. Only after this will it be possible to remove the sepals.

Pour sugar into a saucepan. You can, of course, take the ingredients in a 1:1 ratio. But if you use large quantity sand, then Victoria jam will have a natural color and a real strawberry aroma.

Now add a glass of water to the container, turn the heat up high and wait for the liquid to boil. Be sure to constantly remove the foam. After the syrup boils, but without foam, pour the fruits into it. The fire cannot be turned down. Mix the Victoria jam using a wooden spoon. It should boil for five minutes.

  • You need to cook in a deep bowl, because the foam will constantly rise. But you can’t turn down the fire.
  • It is necessary to add a pinch of citric acid to the jam so that it does not turn out cloying and does not lose its color.
  • After five minutes, turn off the heat and let the jam cool.
  • You need to attach a towel to the lid of the pan (from the inside). After the fire is turned off, the towel will be able to absorb moisture, and the berries will be soaked in syrup.

Victoria jam (five minutes) will provide all the vitamins and microelements contained in the fruit. A short cooking time can save it from souring, but will preserve everything beneficial features berries

Bon appetit!

Many housewives prepare sweet jams from various berries and fruits. A wide variety of fruits can be used as ingredients for such desserts. This article tells you how to cook tasty treat from Victoria.


Today there are a considerable number of recipes for making strawberry jam for the winter:

  • classic strawberry jam in a slow cooker;
  • jam with gelatin;
  • thick confiture;
  • strawberry jam with agar-agar in a slow cooker;
  • five-minute strawberry jam;
  • strawberry jam with whole fruits.

In a slow cooker

To make one like this classic dessert, need to be rinsed thoroughly garden strawberries. After that, it is placed in a blender and crushed. The resulting berry mass is poured into a slow cooker. Add granulated sugar (700 grams) to the strawberry mixture in the slow cooker. Then turn on the “quenching” option on the device and leave it for 30 minutes. After this, the mass is taken out and served to the table.

With gelatin

To prepare this jam, thoroughly rinse fresh berries grind to a puree. Then the resulting mixture is poured into a separate container. The mass must be boiled in it. During the cooking process, sugar and 1 sachet of gelatin are added to the bowl. The mass with all the ingredients is thoroughly mixed. All liquid is brought to a boil. Boil the sweet berry mixture for no more than 3 minutes. After this, the jam should thicken significantly. Wait for it to cool a little, this will thicken it even more. The resulting dessert is poured into sterilized jars and sealed tightly.

Thick confiture

  • Ripe strawberries are washed and the stems removed. Then the prepared berries are placed in a blender and made into a homogeneous puree. The resulting sweet mass is poured into a separate container.
  • Then a special pectin additive is added to it. The liquid is thoroughly mixed and put on fire to cook. Throughout this process, the mixture should be stirred periodically.
  • After the liquid with strawberries has boiled, add granulated sugar to it. Then cook for another 10 minutes. Don't forget to prepare jars for future jam.
  • The still hot strawberry jam is poured into sterilized containers.

They should be tightly rolled up with pre-treated lids.

With agar-agar in a slow cooker

  • Strawberries are cleared of stems, after which they are washed. Prepared fresh berries are poured into a separate bowl and boiled. During the cooking process, you need to add sugar to such a sweet mass (1 kilogram of sugar per 1.5 kilogram of strawberries).
  • Be sure to add agar-agar (3 teaspoons). IN in this case this ingredient acts as a thickener for jam. Then you need to pour a little into the pan warm water(50 milliliters).
  • After boiling, it is recommended to add a little to the liquid butter(20-30 grams). This is necessary in order to reduce the formation of foam during cooking. The finished strawberry jam is poured into pre-sterilized containers and rolled up tightly.

Five-minute jam

To make this jam, you need to thoroughly rinse the berries and dry them on a paper towel. Prepared ripe berries are placed in a deep saucepan. In it, the fruits are mashed with a spoon until they become a homogeneous puree. At the same time, pour water (0.5 cup) into a separate container and add gelatin to it. Leave everything like this for 20 minutes. During this time, the ingredient should swell.

The prepared solution with gelatin is poured into a pan with strawberry mixture. Mix all this well and put on fire. Wait for the liquid to boil. Then reduce the heat to minimum. Gradually add granulated sugar to the sweet mixture. Stir the mixture periodically. Pour in a little citric acid (0.5 teaspoon). After boiling, leave the jam on the stove for another 10 minutes. Distribute the boiled syrup into sterilized jars and close them with lids. Carefully turn the dessert containers over.

They are stored in places with low temperatures.

With whole fruits

Wash the ripe berries and remove the stems. Divide all the fruits into 2 separate parts. Sprinkle the first part with sugar (150 grams of granulated sugar per 250 grams of berries. In this form, the strawberries are left to infuse for 2 hours. At the same time, take the second part and grind it in a blender. Combine the resulting homogeneous puree in one bowl with whole berries in sugar.

The mass needs to be rid of excess liquid. To do this, it is simply passed through a colander. Then pour it into a container and send it to the fire to cook. During the cooking process, gradually transfer the prepared whole strawberries there. At the same time, you should process the dishes for the future strawberry jam. Whole finished fruits are carefully laid out in clean containers. Then boiling strawberry juice is gradually poured into it. All this is rolled up and sent for storage in a cool place.

Strawberry jams can remove many harmful substances from the human body. Thus, they help remove salt deposits from bone tissue.

Many claim that this product also has anti-cancer properties, since it significantly slows down the growth and development of cancer cells in the human body.


But strawberry jam can also bring some harm to a person. So, this dessert should not be eaten by those people who are prone to allergies. After all, strawberries can easily cause them.

You will learn more about how to make strawberry jam in the following video.

Strawberry jam– a wonderful dessert that can be used with baked goods or on its own. Strawberry jam, just like strawberry jam, has positive influence on the body if you do not abuse it. The fundamental difference between strawberry jam and jam is that when preparing jam there is no need to maintain the shape of the berries. In addition, gelling products are often added to the jam to ensure its consistency is as viscous as possible.

The benefits of strawberry jam are due to the fact that it contains strawberries. After all, strawberries are a wonderful berry both in appearance and in taste. It is used not only for making jam and preserves. It is used to make ice cream, jellies, syrups, drinks, confectionery. It is added to baked goods and even used in making medicines.

Like all colorful berries and fruits, strawberries contain many antioxidants. They, for example, vitamin C, as well as phenolic compounds, flavonoids and organic acids, which strawberries are rich in, will help avoid many diseases. The potassium contained in strawberries will help normalize intraocular pressure. And this factor is very important for vision.

Strawberries help maintain joint mobility. Daily use This wonderful berry will protect the body from the occurrence and development of tumors. Iodine, which is also found in strawberries, will help older people protect their brain and nervous system from showing signs of aging.

Everyone knows that excess salt intake can cause high blood pressure. The potassium and magnesium in strawberries will counteract this phenomenon. A number of vitamins belonging to group B, which are also present in strawberries, help the effective functioning of the heart muscle.

In order for the beneficial properties of the berry to be most fully preserved in the jam, it is important that it is subjected to as little heat treatment as possible. For tasty and healthy jam, you need to select only the ripest strawberries.

Strawberry jam - preparing dishes

To ensure that the berries retain their beneficial properties and that unpleasant additives do not end up in homemade preparations, you should not cook jam in copper or aluminum basins.

A stainless steel basin will help make your preparations for the winter truly safe. If you don't have one, you can use enamel cookware. It is also safe for making jam. But when using it, you need to be as careful as possible so that the enamel does not break off. You need to stir the jam with a wooden spoon or a special spatula.

To store cooked jam, jars should be properly prepared. They must be washed thoroughly hot water with laundry soap. Clean jars must be sterilized. There are several ways to do this.

For example, you can sterilize jars over steam. For this purpose there is no large saucepan pour water and bring it to a boil. Place a colander on top of the pan, and place the jar on top of it, neck down. Steam will flow from the pan into the jar, sterilizing its inner surface. For such processing liter jar Five minutes is enough. Next, the jar should be carefully removed and the next one installed in its place. The finished jar is placed on the table, the neck is covered with a sterilized lid.

The lids are sterilized by boiling in a small container. It is important that the lids are completely covered with water during the sterilization process.

Strawberry jam - fruit preparation

Strawberries must be thoroughly washed before making jam. To do this, you need to put it in a sieve or colander and immerse it in a bowl of water. It is better to rinse in several waters. The berry must be absolutely clean. Sepals, stalks and damaged berries must be removed.
Before combining with sugar, the strawberries should be crushed. This must be done in any convenient way. You can mash the berries with your hands, mince them, use a blender, or crush them. Cut the berries into small pieces with a knife too a good option.

Strawberry jam - recipe 1

Add the zest of 2 lemons to the prepared kilogram of strawberries and add juice from the same lemons. The mixture is brought to a boil and boiled for no more than five minutes. Next, heated sugar is added to the mixture. Bring the jam to a boil and cook for 20 minutes over low heat, constantly skimming off the foam. The finished jam is kept for 10 minutes, then it is filled into warm sterilized jars and closed. After two weeks, you can take a sample from the workpiece. Why sugar needs to be heated and how to do it correctly, read at the end of the article.

Strawberry jam - recipe 2

A kilogram of prepared berries is poured with boiling water sugar syrup, which is cooked at the rate of 0.8 kg of sugar per 0.3 kg of water. Next, cook the jam until tender, stirring and skimming off the foam. The boiling jam is packaged in dry hot jars, which are hermetically sealed and, turned upside down, left to cool.

Strawberry jam - recipe 3

Ready berries(1 kg) place in enamel pan. Add half a kilo of sugar. Next, you need to leave the berries to juice for 16 hours. Add another half a kilo of sugar to the resulting mixture and cook the jam until completely cooked. The heat during the cooking process must be strong, so you must not forget to constantly stir the jam and skim off the foam. If you use 1.2 kg of sugar instead of a kilogram, it will turn out even tastier. Pack the jam while hot, close the jars and leave them to cool.

To make the jam last longer, you can pasteurize it. To do this, pour hot jam into warm, dry jars, cover them loosely with lids and place in a large saucepan, the water in which has already been warmed to 70 degrees. For proper pasteurization, the water temperature in the pan must reach 95 degrees. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes for half-liter jars and 25 minutes for liter jars.

The pan must be covered during the entire pasteurization period. The water should not reach the neck of the jars by 3 cm. At the end of the process, close the jars completely and leave to cool without turning them over. To make real jam, you need sugar, pectin and acid. Pectin is released from the berries during the heating process, the acid of the lemon preserves the color of the product and makes its taste not cloying. It is better to warm the sugar before using. Cold sugar may dissolve less easily and will lower the temperature of the product. You can reheat it by pouring it onto a baking sheet and keeping it in the oven for 10 minutes at 100 degrees.

Jam represents food product, which is obtained by boiling strawberries with sugar. Jam can be preserved long time, because it contains a high concentration of sugar, which interferes with the activity of microbes. People of all ages love jam and it is in demand.

Today we won’t go to the store to buy jam, but make it ourselves, at home. There are different recipes, mostly they are simple, classic and justified. And there is only one reason for this - the flavoring and aromatic substances contained in the berries contribute to better absorption of food.

When cooking jam, the berries are prepared in the same way as for cooking jam in one step. The syrup in jam, unlike preserves, should have a jelly-like consistency and not spread.

Strawberry jam - a recipe for the winter without cooking

Required Products:

  • 1 kg strawberries
  • 1.5 - 2 kg sugar

Making jam:

The prepared berries are sprinkled with granulated sugar and mixed thoroughly.

Then place it tightly in glass jars. A layer of sand (1 cm) is poured from above, right up to the neck.

Banks are tied parchment paper or cover tightly with a lid and store in a cold basement or refrigerator.

Delicious and thick strawberry jam for the winter


  • 1 kg strawberries
  • 1 kg sugar
  • 1 glass of water

Preparing the recipe:

You can use small and crushed berries to make jam. Cook the jam in one step. There is a difference from making jam - the berries are completely softened.

Prepared strawberries are first boiled in boiling water (10 minutes), then all the granulated sugar is added and cooked until tender.

Readiness is checked in the same way as with jam: take a little syrup in a spoon and, when it has cooled slightly, drop it onto a clean saucer. If the drop does not spread, but is held on like a button, then we can assume that the contents have been boiled down correctly.

At the end of cooking, you can add 2 - 3 g of citric acid - this will give the jam a beautiful look!

The boiled contents are placed hot into clean, sterile jars and closed after they have cooled.

How to make strawberry jam with redcurrant juice


  • 1 kg strawberries
  • 1 kg sugar
  • 1 glass of red currant juice


We prepare strawberries as for jam. Then cook in red currant juice (10 minutes).

Add sugar and cook until done.

Place into prepared clean jars. Cover with lids or parchment paper. Store in a cool place.

Recipe for strawberry jam with whole berries and skipped redcurrants

Required Products:

  • 500 g strawberries
  • 500 g sugar
  • 200 g red currants

Preparing the recipe:

Wash the strawberries and remove the sepals.

Pass red currant berries through a meat grinder and combine with prepared strawberries.

Add sugar and leave until the next day (14 - 16 hours).

Then boil the mixture:

  • take out the strawberries
  • and the juice continues to be cooked until it turns into jelly.
  • then put the strawberries in it and continue to cook until tender.

Before packaging the jam into jars, it should be cooled, otherwise the strawberries will concentrate at the top of the jar. The finished jam is packaged in jars, covered with lids and sterilized. Jam yield 0.8 kg.

Strawberry jam - a recipe for the winter with gelatin


  • 1 kg strawberries
  • 700 g sugar
  • 2 teaspoons gelatin

Preparing the recipe:

  1. Prepare the strawberries: wash, remove sepals, and let drain.
  2. Add granulated sugar and stir gently several times.
  3. Leave the strawberries with sugar for 2 hours to release the juice.
  4. In the meantime, prepare gelatin according to the instructions on the package purchased at the store. The gelatin should swell.
  5. Place the basin (or saucepan) on the fire and bring to a boil, constantly stirring the contents.
  6. Remove all the foam from the strawberries and fill them with prepared gelatin.
  7. Gently simmer our berry mixture over low heat for 20 minutes.
  8. Turn off the fire. The recipe is ready.

We put it in jars and wait for it to cool down - close and tie.

Strawberry jam: recipe for making jam from strawberries, raspberries, red currants, cherries - “Assorted” jam

Required Products:

  • 0.5 kg strawberries
  • 0.5 kg raspberries
  • 300 g red currants
  • 500 g cherries
  • 2 kg sugar

Making assorted berry jam:

  1. Sort the strawberries, rinse carefully with cold running water, and remove the stems. Place the strawberries on a paper towel and let dry.

2. Sort the raspberries and clean them of debris, then wash them carefully, dry them on a paper towel, then combine them with the strawberries.

3. Wash and dry the red currants.

mash with a wooden masher,

then rub through a sieve.

Puree half the strawberries in a blender.

4. Pour the resulting strawberry puree over the raspberries and remaining strawberries. Add 1 kg of sugar and leave for 2 hours.

5. Wash the cherries, remove the seeds, cover with the remaining sugar and leave for 1 hour.

Then put on the fire, stirring, bring to a boil, cook for 5 minutes and remove from heat.

6. Strawberries with sugar,

Bring the raspberries and grated currants to a boil, stirring constantly, and cook for 3 minutes. Add cherries, stir carefully and cook for 10 minutes, skimming off the foam.

7. Let it cool completely and put it back on the fire for another 10 - 15 minutes. Drop the syrup onto a saucer; if the drop does not spread, the jam is ready.

8. While hot, pour the prepared contents into pre-sterilized, completely dry jars and close with screw caps. Jars should be stored in a cool place.

Strawberry jam with currant or gooseberry puree


  • 800 g strawberries
  • 800 g sugar
  • 800 g currant puree (or gooseberry)


  1. The currants are washed, the berries are picked and a small amount of water is poured into a low saucepan. Bring quickly to a boil, boil covered for 10 minutes, then pass through a fruit squeezer. The currant puree is ready.
  2. If you need to cook with gooseberries, wash them, remove the stalks and sepals, crush them, add a little water and boil under the lid until softened (about 10 - 20 minutes). It is then put through a fruit squeezer. Gooseberry puree is ready.
  3. The strawberries are sorted, washed well, and the stalks are removed. Approximately 3/4 of a serving of berries is poured with a few tablespoons of water and boiled. A little later, add 1/4 portion of sugar and cook intensively for 10 - 15 minutes.
  4. Then add the rest of the sugar, currant (or gooseberry) puree and the remaining strawberries. With constant stirring, thicken until the contents begin to gel.
  5. Jars wrapped in a damp towel are filled to the brim with boiling jam, the edges are quickly wiped, and the lids are quickly secured. The jars are turned upside down, covered with a cloth and left to cool. Before storing, jars are wiped with a damp cloth.

If the jam turns out liquid, there is a way out: sterilize the jars for 15 - 20 minutes in boiling water and roll up the lids.

Strawberry jam with agar-agar as a thickener - video recipe

As you can see, the process of making jam is not difficult, but fun. But in winter, what a delicious meal it will be!

You can see even more about preparing strawberry recipes for the winter in the article from my friend colleague, Vladimir:

Stock up on recipes - strawberry season is already starting!

We all love red and juicy, and most importantly the most delicious and long-awaited strawberries. This berry not only has a magical taste, but also has many vitamins and beneficial elements. Strawberries have a healing effect on the human body - they help normalize metabolism and have a beneficial effect on the digestive system and the heart.

Therefore, dear housewives, you should definitely pamper your family with delicious, fragrant and aromatic, and most importantly, healthy jam in winter! By the way, it can be used for .

Preparing the berries

First you need to prepare the berries:

  • first the strawberries are sorted, medium ripe berries are selected;
  • Next, the strawberries are washed through a colander - you need to make sure that no excess moisture remains in the berries, let it drain thoroughly;
  • then the berries are laid out on a towel and dried;
  • Next, the strawberries are separated from the tails;
  • Well, now you can start making jam.

Recipe for thick strawberry jam with whole berries

This delicacy will win the hearts of your household with its unique taste and aroma!


  • strawberries – 1 kg;
  • fine sugar – 800 g.

Strawberries and sugar are taken 1:1. If you wish, you can use less sugar. At least 650 g of sugar is used per 1 kg of berries, otherwise the strawberries will start to sparkle.


  1. Place strawberries in a container in layers.
  2. Sprinkle each strawberry layer with sugar.
  3. Place the remaining sugar on top, level it, cover with a lid and leave the bowl overnight, the berries should release juice.
  4. In the morning, remove the lid and make sure the juice comes out.
  5. Next, the contents must be boiled. Cook the jam for 7 minutes, stirring occasionally using a wooden spoon. Then you should remove the foam. Allow the berries to cool completely.
  6. Then put the container with the strawberry mixture back on the fire and cook for 7 minutes. Do this three times, each time letting the jam cool.

To get a thicker consistency, cook the mixture longer.

The sweetness can be considered ready when a drop remains on the plate and does not spread. The hot mass must be placed in sterilized jars, rolled up with lids and turned over, then place them in a cool room.

5-minute strawberry jam recipe

This recipe is shorter, but retains more vitamins in the berries.


  • sugar – 700 g;
  • strawberries – 1 kg.


  1. Prepare the strawberries. If the berries are large, cut them into several pieces. Use small strawberries whole.
  2. Next you need to prepare the syrup (for 2 kg of berries, take 0.5 liters of water and 1.2 kg of sugar). Boil the syrup in an enamel container over high heat.
  3. Add berries to boiling sweet liquid and cook for 5 minutes. Stir using a wooden spoon.

The jam must be placed in sterilized jars, rolled up with lids, turned over, cooled and lowered into the basement for storage.

Strawberry jam without boiling the berries

This method of making jam will provide your family with useful substances for the whole winter!


  • sugar – 500 g;
  • strawberries – 1 kg.


  1. Wash the berries, sort them, remove the stems, and place them in a bowl.
  2. Then the strawberries need to be chopped, you should get small pieces.
  3. Add sugar here, stir, set the mass aside for 2 hours, the sugar should completely dissolve.
  4. Transfer the mixture into a container, plastic or glass, it doesn’t matter.

This jam is stored in freezer, if sugar is added to minimum quantity. And if the proportions of sugar and berries are 2:1, then this sweetness is stored in the refrigerator, but not in the heat - otherwise the jam will start to play.

Strawberry jam with almonds and liqueur

Strawberries can be combined with different products, resulting in original tastes. .And now I invite you to experiment in your kitchen with this magical juicy berry!


  • strawberries – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1 kg;
  • almonds – 100 g;
  • liqueur "Ammareto" - 1 tbsp.


  1. Prepare the strawberries, sort them and wash them.
  2. Cover the berries with sugar and set aside for 2 hours.
  3. Pour hot water over the almonds and let them sit for 15 minutes.
  4. Drain the almonds and fill them with cool, clean water. Peel the skin to remove any bitterness.
  5. Add almonds to bowl with strawberries and sugar.
  6. Place on the stove, cook for 15 minutes over low heat in two batches.

A few minutes before the end of the second cooking, pour in the liqueur. The alcohol will evaporate, and the jam will have a unique taste.

Pour the sweetness into sterilized jars and roll up the lids.

Strawberry-orange jam

This sweet will become your family's favorite!


  • strawberries – 2 kg;
  • sugar – 1 kg;
  • orange – 1 pc.


  1. Wash the orange thoroughly, cut into pieces without peeling.
  2. Wash and sort the strawberries. Add sugar and let stand for 3 hours.
  3. Then add orange slices here.
  4. Place the bowl on the fire and bring the berries to a boil. Cook them for 10 minutes.
  5. Then you need to turn off the heat, set the container with jam aside, and let it cool completely.
  6. Then put it back on the stove and cook at a boil for 10 minutes.

The finished sweet mass should be placed in sterilized jars and sealed with lids. Place the cooled jam in the basement for storage.

Strawberry jam with mint and basil

This delicacy will delight you with its unforgettable taste qualities and aroma!


  • strawberries – 2 kg;
  • sugar – 1.5 kg;
  • lemon – 1 pc.;
  • mint leaves – 20 pcs.;
  • basil leaves – 20 pcs.


  1. Sort the strawberries, wash them, and let the water drain.
  2. Add sugar to the berries, set aside, let stand for 2 hours. The juice should come out.
  3. Then send the contents to simmer over low heat, cook for 5 minutes.
  4. Then add the washed basil and mint and cook for 5 minutes.
  5. Wash the lemon, grate the zest using a fine-hole grater, chop the pulp into small pieces, or use a meat grinder to chop.
  6. Add lemon to the jam and cook for another 10 minutes.

The finished dessert should be poured into sterilized jars and sealed with lids.

Strawberry jam with lemon

This jam has extraordinary spicy taste and an unforgettable subtle aroma!


  • strawberries – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1 kg;
  • lemon – 1 pc.


  1. Sort out the strawberries, wash and dry.
  2. Cover the strawberries with sugar, set the container with the contents aside for 5 - 6 hours, let the juice appear.
  3. Place the container with the contents on low heat and boil.
  4. Wash the lemon thoroughly and grate the zest using a fine-hole grater.
  5. Squeeze the juice from the lemon pulp. To do this, you can grind it with a meat grinder or use a juicer.
  6. Add the lemon to the container with the strawberries and cook for 10 minutes.

Now you should pour the jam into jars, roll up the lids and cool.

Strawberry jam with tangerines

If you prepare this sweet for your family, they will enjoy it every winter evening and thank you for the unusual delicacy!


  • strawberries – 1 kg;
  • tangerines – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 2 kg;
  • water – 300 ml.


  1. Wash the strawberries and dry them.
  2. Wash the tangerines and blanch them in boiling water for 5 minutes.
  3. Remove the citrus fruits from the water, cool them by placing them in cold water. Then cut the tangerines into beautiful slices.
  4. Make syrup from sugar.
  5. Dip the strawberries into the syrup (boiling), tangerine slices, cook for 5 minutes.
  6. Remove the container with the contents from the heat and let the jam cool.
  7. Thus, boil it two more times.

Pour the hot sweetness into jars and roll up the lids.

Strawberry jam with red currants

This recipe strawberry jam will be useful for those housewives who harvest crops several times a year.


  • strawberries – 1 kg;
  • red currants – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 2 kg;
  • lemon juice - from 1 citrus.


  1. Wash the strawberries and let the water drain.
  2. Also wash the currants, dry them, and then grind them using a sieve. Remove the seeds.
  3. Grind the strawberries with a blender or meat grinder, add sugar to the mixture.
  4. Add lemon and currant juice to the container with the contents.

Place the jam in sterilized jars and store in the refrigerator.

Strawberry jam with cherries

This appetizing, sweet and simply divine-tasting sweetness will delight you during your tea party!


  • strawberries – 1 kg;
  • cherry – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 2 kg;
  • lemon juice - from 1 citrus.


  1. Wash the strawberries and dry.
  2. Grind the strawberries in a blender.
  3. Wash the cherries, remove the seeds, and chop with a blender.
  4. Mix cherries with strawberries and sugar.

Place the resulting sweet mass into jars and store in the refrigerator.

How to make thick strawberry jam

That's all. Strawberries can be combined with various aromatic herbs and fruits. Don't be afraid to experiment and create your own original recipes.

Enjoy your tea and see you new recipes!