Preparations from garden strawberries. Strawberry dishes, recipes

Hello dear guests of our blog! It's time to make preparations for the winter from strawberries, so as not to turn blue from the cold and beriberi on cold winter days.

As the saying goes, "strawberry jam cheers you up."

And besides jam, we have other good and proven recipes for you that will help you keep your strawberry harvest along with vitamins.

Use this blue-boxed menu to quickly navigate to your desired recipe:

Frozen strawberries for the winter

Of course, after defrosting, it will no longer be so elastic, and it will become a little watery, but this does not matter.

It's nice to get such strawberries from the freezer in winter, sprinkle with sugar and remember the summer. And even make a delicious strawberry pie.

And the main advantage of this method is that it is not at all laborious. And if you have a large harvest of strawberries, then it is very easy to prepare this berry for the winter in a hurry, without too much fuss.

You will need

  • Fresh strawberries, normal food bags and a freezer.

First of all, wash and carefully sort the strawberries.

We remove all damaged and spoiled berries.

When the berry dries, we take food bags and place it inside, while tearing off the tails.

Place strawberries in bags in the freezer.

In this form, it can be stored for a very long time.

The shelf life of frozen berries, depending on the storage temperature: at a temperature not higher than -18 ° C, the shelf life of frozen berries is 12 months; at a temperature of - 15 ° C, the shelf life of berries is not more than 6 months; at a temperature of - 12 ° C, the shelf life is not more than 3 months.

Another very interesting way to freeze strawberries so that they do not stick together and wrinkle. This is freezing in egg cassettes.

After sorting through the strawberries, we get rid of the tails, wash, dry and place in egg molds. We send it to the freezer.

The berry will freeze, retaining its shape and will not become one large piece of ice.

The shape of such a berry will be more beautiful. Take note.

Strawberries with sugar for the winter

Sugar is a natural preservative, and besides, it will add sweetness to the berry if it is not enough and it is sour.

In addition, cooking is not required for this recipe, which means it can also be used in haste.

We'll need

  • Strawberries, sugar (amount to your liking), deep bowl and plastic containers.

Strawberries pre-washed, ponytails removed. Place it in a bowl and sprinkle with sugar.

Mix berries with sugar. In this recipe, the integrity of the berry does not really concern us.

If desired, you can even press it down a little so that it is more loose and allows more juice to flow.

Such strawberries are pleasant to eat, they do not become watery, as with a regular freeze without sugar.

We place the sweet berry mass in plastic containers. These are very easy to keep in the fridge.

Please note that for all manipulations it is better to use wooden or plastic dishes and cutlery. Metal can affect the taste of strawberries.

This is such a delicious treat!

Strawberry jam

Well, how about no jam? No way.

But we promised quick and easy recipes for hostesses who do not like long fuss in the kitchen.

Therefore, our jam recipe will be very simple and fast in pictures. And of course very tasty.

Here is a jam that practically brews itself. And while it is cooking, you can go about your business.

strawberry jam delicious recipe

You can quickly prepare a delicious and thick jam according to this recipe.


Instead of pectin, you can still use gelling sugar (all further steps will be the same).

But even with pectin, the jam will be thick and not runny. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid of it, especially since it is a substance of natural origin and it is extracted from fruits.

The use of pectin allows you to cook strawberry jam in less time and retain more vitamins. It also allows you to reduce the amount of sugar. You can not add sugar at all, thus reducing the calorie content of the finished product.

To understand how much pectin to put in jam, we use this table:

We prepare all the ingredients. And let's start cooking!

Strawberries, washed and peeled from the stalks, are placed in a blender bowl and grind to get a homogeneous mass.

In a saucepan, mix sugar and pectin. They must be thoroughly mixed with each other in order to subsequently avoid the formation of lumps. And in the same pan, add the chopped strawberries.

Thoroughly mix the contents. And put on medium heat.

As it heats up, the mass will begin to thicken. After it boils, we cook our jam for only 3-4 minutes!

After that, we distribute it in sterile jars and cover with lids.

Hot jam will retain its fluidity and pour easily. It is after cooling in jars that it will acquire the desired density. And it will be easy to spread on a sandwich without dripping from it.

Here is such a wonderful, glossy, bright and fragrant jam!

Strawberry compote for the winter

Shall we make a strawberry compote? For it, we need only 4 ingredients:

Let's start cooking!

Pre-sterilize a three-liter jar. We thoroughly wash the berries, remove the tails. And put it in a jar.

Berries are poured into 1/3 or 1/4 of the volume of the jar. As you like. And pour it with boiling water very carefully.

Leave it like this for 15 minutes.

The berry will give some of its juicy color to the water and turn a little pale. Next, prepare a saucepan and put it on the stove.

When 15 minutes have passed, pour the future compote into a saucepan. Strawberries remain in the jar, which must be covered with a sterile lid so that dust does not get in.

Add 400 g of sugar, stir. This is the amount for a very sweet compote.

To your taste, you can add less or dilute the finished product with boiled water before use as you like.

Bring sweet water to a boil. Do not forget to remove the emerging foam.

After boiling, we return our syrup back to the jar using a ladle.

At the same time (optional) add 1/4 teaspoon of citric acid. It helps to improve the taste of compote and extract a bright red, elegant color from strawberries.

When we poured all the syrup back into the jar, put on a sterile lid and roll it up.

We turn the closed jar over and put it in a warm place to cool. And when the compote has completely cooled down, it can be stored in a cool dark pantry.

Delicious, beautiful strawberry compote is ready!

strawberry ice cream video

Bonus! Another way to use the strawberry harvest and eat natural and delicious homemade ice cream during the summer.

It can be stored in the freezer at the lowest temperature for 3 months.

We will need:

  • Strawberries 10-20 pieces, cream 33% 500 ml, vanilla sugar 1 package and cold condensed milk 5 tbsp

See the video below for the cooking process:

We hope you enjoy our selection. And you will definitely choose your favorite recipe.

Thank you for visiting and see you on our blog pages!

Cherry tomatoes differ from their large counterparts not only in the small size of the berries. Many varieties of cherry are characterized by a unique sweet taste, which is very different from the classic tomato. Anyone who has never tasted such cherry tomatoes with their eyes closed may well decide that they are tasting some unusual exotic fruits. In this article, I will talk about five different cherry tomatoes that have the sweetest fruits of unusual colors.

Salad with spicy chicken, mushrooms, cheese and grapes - fragrant and satisfying. This dish can be served as a main dish if you are preparing a cold dinner. Cheese, nuts, mayonnaise are high-calorie foods, combined with spicy fried chicken and mushrooms, you get a very nutritious snack that is refreshed by sweet and sour grapes. The chicken fillet in this recipe is marinated in a spicy mixture of ground cinnamon, turmeric and chili powder. If you like food with a spark, use hot chili.

The question of how to grow healthy seedlings is a concern for all summer residents in early spring. It seems that there are no secrets here - the main thing for fast and strong seedlings is to provide them with warmth, moisture and light. But in practice, in a city apartment or a private house, this is not so easy to do. Of course, every experienced gardener has his own proven way of growing seedlings. But today we will talk about a relatively new assistant in this matter - the propagator.

The task of indoor plants in the house is to decorate the house with its appearance, to create a special atmosphere of comfort. For this we are ready to take care of them regularly. Care is not only watering on time, although this is also important. It is necessary to create other conditions: suitable lighting, humidity and air temperature, make the correct and timely transplant. For experienced flower growers, there is nothing supernatural in this. But beginners often face certain difficulties.

Delicate chicken breast cutlets with champignons are easy to prepare according to this recipe with step by step photos. There is an opinion that it is difficult to cook juicy and tender cutlets from chicken breast, this is not so! Chicken meat contains practically no fat, which is why it is dry. But, if you add cream, white bread and mushrooms with onions to the chicken fillet, you get awesome tasty cutlets that both children and adults will like. In the mushroom season, try adding forest mushrooms to the minced meat.

A beautiful garden that blooms throughout the season is unimaginable without perennials. These flowers do not require such attention as annuals, are frost-resistant, and only sometimes need a little shelter for the winter. Different types of perennials do not bloom at the same time, and the duration of their flowering can vary from one week to 1.5–2 months. In this article, we suggest recalling the most beautiful and unpretentious perennial flowers.

Poor germination seeds are a frequent occurrence for the Russian market. Normally, the germination of cabbage should be at least 60%. It is often written on seed bags that the germination rate is almost 100%, although in practice it is already good if at least 30% of the seeds come out of such a package. That is why it is so important to choose the right supplier. In this article, we will consider varieties and hybrids of white cabbage, which deservedly received the love of gardeners.

All gardeners strive to get fresh, environmentally friendly and fragrant vegetables from the garden. Relatives happily accept homemade dishes from their potatoes, tomatoes and salads. But there is a way to showcase your culinary prowess to even greater effect. To do this, it is worth trying to grow a few fragrant plants that will give your dishes new tastes and aromas. What greens in the garden can be considered the best from the point of view of a culinary specialist?

Radish salad with egg and mayonnaise, which I made from Chinese radish. This radish is often called Loba radish in our stores. Outside, the vegetable is covered with a light green peel, and in the cut it turned out to be pink flesh that looks exotic. It was decided, when cooking, to focus on the smell and taste of the vegetable, and make a traditional salad. It turned out very tasty, we didn’t catch any “nutty” notes, but it was nice to eat a light spring salad in winter.

Graceful perfection of radiant white flowers on tall pedicels and huge shiny dark leaves of eucharis give it the appearance of a classic star. In room culture, this is one of the most famous bulbs. Few plants cause so much controversy. In some, eucharis bloom and delight completely effortlessly, in others for many years they do not release more than two leaves and seem stunted. Amazon lily is very difficult to classify as unpretentious plants.

Kefir Pizza Pancakes are delicious pancakes with mushrooms, olives and mortadella that are easy to make in less than half an hour. There is not always time to cook yeast dough and turn on the oven, and sometimes you want to eat a slice of pizza without leaving your home. In order not to go to the nearest pizzeria, wise housewives came up with this recipe. Fritters like pizza are a great idea for a quick dinner or breakfast. As a filling we use sausage, cheese, olives, tomatoes, mushrooms.

Growing vegetables at home is quite a feasible task. The main thing is desire and a little patience. Most greens and vegetables can be successfully grown on an urban balcony or kitchen window sill. There are advantages here compared to growing outdoors: in such conditions, your plants are protected from low temperatures, many diseases and pests. And if your loggia or balcony is glazed and insulated, then you can grow vegetables almost all year round.

We grow many vegetable and flower crops in seedlings, which allows us to get an earlier harvest. But it is very difficult to create ideal conditions: lack of sunlight for plants, dry air, drafts, untimely watering, soil and seeds may initially contain pathogenic microorganisms. These and other reasons often lead to depletion, and sometimes to the death of young seedlings, because it is most sensitive to adverse factors.

Thanks to the efforts of breeders, the assortment of coniferous perennials has recently been replenished with a number of unusual varieties with yellow needles. It seems that the most original ideas that landscape designers have so far failed to bring to life were just waiting in the wings. And from all this variety of yellow-coniferous plants, you can always choose the species and varieties that are best suited for the site. We will talk about the most interesting of them in the article.

Strawberries are one of nature's most exquisite berries. The taste of strawberries will not leave anyone indifferent, and its rare, instantly recognizable aroma creates a feeling of a joyful holiday. Strawberries are a bright, juicy, beautiful and very fragrant berry with a pleasant indescribable sweet and sour taste. They sell it almost at any time of the year, but the most delicious and healthy berry appears in early summer. It is in the summer for strawberry lovers that it is time to enjoy its taste, replenish your body with the most valuable microelements and useful vitamins contained in it. Hence the conclusion: if strawberries are on your table constantly all year round, you can significantly strengthen your health, immune system, saturate the body with iodine. But, the strawberry season is not long, so canning will help preserve the beneficial properties of the berry for a long period. Strawberries are a wonderful dessert, they are perfect for fermented milk products, they are included in salads and pastries. Strawberries in any form go well with seafood and poultry, perfectly complement dry white wines.

Of course, it is best to eat fresh strawberries, but in winter, unfortunately, this is not realistic. Various methods of canning and harvesting strawberries for the winter will come to the rescue. Strawberry jam for the winter, strawberry compote for the winter, strawberry jam for the winter are obtained excellent in taste and rich in their aroma. You can cook both strawberries with sugar for the winter, and strawberries without sugar. Any option is suitable for the winter, both have their fans. The best way to preserve useful substances and vitamins is mashed strawberries for the winter with sugar, as well as the so-called five-minute strawberry jam for the winter. These blanks are made simply and are very popular.

The original forest strawberry is obtained for the winter, which its lovers specially collect in the forest, and do not use domestic, cultivated berries. According to some experts, it is the forest strawberry that meets all the requirements of a real medicinal berry.

In season, you should definitely take care of strawberries for the winter. Recipes can be found on our website for every taste. Prepare something simple, for example, strawberry jam for the winter, the recipes for this dessert will delight your household in the cold season.

Our tips will also come to your aid:

Strawberries for winter harvesting should be moderately ripe, but not overripe, firm, dense, but not watery and dried;

Before harvesting, it is better to immediately divide strawberries into portions in order to prevent re-freezing in the future;

Strawberries are a strong allergen, so you need to "head" in its consumption, carefully weigh the required amount for food;

Small children and pregnant women should eat strawberries with extreme caution;

Strawberries are good in preparations both on their own and in combination with other berries and fruits. It should be borne in mind that the aroma of strawberries will "kill" all other aromas.

In this post I want to describe three original recipes for preserving strawberries so that large berries perfectly retain their shape and taste for the winter. Cooked in one of the above ways, strawberries in winter are an excellent dessert or decoration for a cake.

1. Natural strawberries - simple preparation.

A photo. Strawberry natural

Sort and wash strawberries, but select only healthy, not crushed berries.

Place the berries in a dried and well-washed jar. When laying berries, you do not need to tamp them.

Add citric acid or aspirin. For a 3-liter jar - 0.5 dessert boxes. acid or 3 aspirin tablets.

Fill with clean, settled for at least 6 hours, not subject to boiling water and roll up.

Gently shake the jar of strawberries a few times and turn upside down. Let her stand in this position for at least 1 hour. If possible, you can keep the jar in this position for 6 hours. Just do not forget to gently turn the jar of strawberries once an hour.

Natural strawberries canned for the winter are stored in a cool place. If you cook jelly or strawberry compote in winter, do not forget to add sugar.

2. A large strawberry prepared according to this recipe for the winter turns out to be fresh.

A photo. Strawberries are fresh in winter

Healthy red sweet strawberries, washed in cool water, are placed in jars that are clean and dried in the sun or in the oven.

We fill the jars with boiled water and cover with lids boiled in boiling water for at least 5 minutes.

We put jars with canned strawberries in a container with heated water. Half-liter jars can be sterilized for 8 - 10 minutes, liter jars, respectively, 13 - 15 minutes.

Quickly screw on the lids, turn over and refrigerate.

A bookmark for the winter of strawberries is stored in the coolest possible room.

3. Sweet natural strawberries in sugar.

A photo. Natural strawberries in sugar

Sorted berries are washed and allowed to drain excess moisture.

Strawberries are carefully placed in jars so that the berries should be visible on top of the neck of the container and sugar is poured. For 0.5 jar - 200 g of sugar.

We give the jars to stand until the moment when our big strawberries fall and line up with the neck of the jar.

We cover the jars with sterilized lids and send them for heat treatment for 8-10 minutes. Roll up the lids.

The “Strawberry in Sugar” blank is stored in a rather cold place and out of the reach of sunlight, otherwise the red berries will lose their natural color.

Prepared according to these original recipes, natural large red strawberries, strawberries in winter are like fresh. This is a great winter dessert and treat.

A photo. Canned strawberries - original recipes

Original recipes: canned natural strawberries - large red, like fresh for the winter

In this post I want to describe three original recipes for preserving strawberries so that large berries perfectly retain their shape and taste for the winter. Strawberries prepared in one of the above ways in winter are an excellent dessert or decoration for a cake.

Strawberries in their own juice for the winter: how to preserve the aroma and taste of berries. Recipes for canning strawberries in their own juice for the winter

The strawberry season is very short, and I want to keep this tasty and fragrant berry as much as possible for the winter. Strawberries are quite capricious, and you need to try very hard to indulge yourself with a delicious berry in winter. You can, of course, freeze the berry, but, alas, after defrosting it loses its appearance. Such a berry can only be used for making fillings for pies or cooking compote and jelly.

Strawberries in their own juice for the winter - the basic principles of cooking

Strawberries can be harvested for the winter in many ways. Compotes, jams and jams are made from it. But at the same time, the berry wrinkles, and the preparation itself requires a large amount of sugar.

The most successful way is to prepare strawberries in your own juice. Yes, this method requires more time and effort, but the result is worth it.

For harvesting strawberries in their own juice for the winter, half-liter jars are used, since sterilization in them takes a little time, which means that the berries will retain more benefits and taste. Banks are washed with soda and rinsed thoroughly. Then they are sterilized over hot steam or in the oven and dried. Lids are also sterilized.

Strawberries are sorted, damaged and rotten are removed, and then washed thoroughly. Then the berries are laid out on a towel and slightly dried.

Strawberries are transferred to an enameled basin and covered with sugar, the amount of which is indicated in the recipe, and left overnight so that the berry releases juice.

Then the strawberries are laid out in sterile jars and sterilized in a wide saucepan, laying a towel on the bottom or laying a wire rack.

Recipe 1. Strawberries in their own juice for the winter (1 way)

five kilograms of strawberries;

1. We sort out the strawberries, leaving only whole ones, without signs of damage and decay. Remove stems and wash.

2. Jars, with a volume of half a liter, wash them with soda, and rinse them thoroughly. Then we sterilize them over steam or in the oven.

3. We lay out the berries in clean, dry jars, stuffing them to the top. You should get about 15 jars. Pour 100 g of granulated sugar into each and send it to the refrigerator overnight so that the berry begins to give juice.

4. Strawberries will release juice and settle. Now we distribute the strawberries with juice from one jar over two others, filling them to the “shoulders”, and cover with a lid. We do the same with other banks.

5. We put the jars in a wide pan and fill it with warm water so that its level reaches the “shoulders” of the jars. Put the pot on high heat and bring the water to a boil. We sterilize the jars for about five minutes. Then we take out the jars, quickly cork tightly with lids. If there are sugar crystals on the bottom, gently turn the jar until they dissolve. We store the workpiece in the basement.

Recipe 2. Strawberries in their own juice for the winter (2nd way)

three quarters of a glass of sugar;

1. Carefully sort through the strawberries, remove the crushed and spoiled berries. Separate the stems. Pour cold water over strawberries and let sit for five minutes. Then take the strawberries out of the water and put them in a colander.

2. Prepare lids and jars. Wash jars with baking soda. Boil the lids for three minutes. Rinse the jars and sterilize them by steaming or in the oven for five minutes. Wipe sterile jars dry. Pour two heaping tablespoons of sugar into each.

3. Put a layer of strawberries on top of the sugar, sprinkle the berries with sugar (in the amount of 1.5 tablespoons). Fill jars to the top with strawberries, sprinkling them with sugar. Then gently shake the jar so that all the voids are filled and fill with the remaining sugar.

4. Cover the jars with gauze or a bandage folded in three layers, and leave them alone for three hours. The berries will give juice, the sugar will dissolve slightly, and the contents of the jar will settle slightly.

5. Cover the jars with lids and place them in a wide saucepan with warm water, after covering the bottom with a towel folded three times to make the jars.

6. Bring the water in a saucepan over low heat to a boil and sterilize the jars for half an hour. Be careful not to let the water boil violently. Seal the sterilized jars tightly, turn the lid down and cool without wrapping. Store strawberries in their own juices in a basement or other cool place.

Recipe 3. Strawberries in their own juice for the winter with lemon

100 ml of boiled water.

1. Strawberries should be juicy and large. Sort the berries, remove the damaged ones and clean them from the tails and leaves. Wash the strawberries, put in a colander and leave to get rid of excess moisture. Then spread the berries on a towel and dry.

2. Cut the berries in half and place in a single layer in a bowl. Sprinkle with sugar. So lay out all the strawberries, sprinkling it with sugar. To do this, use half the amount of sugar. Then tighten the bowl with berries with cling film and place in a sunny place. After an hour and a half, the strawberries will release juice.

3. Pour the strawberries with the allocated juice into the pan and pour in the water. This is done so that the syrup has the “right” consistency, because we cook strawberries in our own juice, not jam.

4. Pour in the remaining sugar. Cut half a lemon into cubes and add to the strawberries.

5. Put the pan on the fire and cook for a quarter of an hour. Strawberry mass should not boil intensively! Take out the lemon slices and throw them away. The lemon should give the berries a light citrus flavor.

6. Pour the contents of the pan into a sterile jar and close the lid tightly. Cool strawberries in their own juice under a thick towel or blanket. Store the workpiece in the basement or any other cool place.

Recipe 4. Strawberries in own juice with citric acid

strawberries - 1000 g;

citric acid - 3 g;

granulated sugar - 350 g.

1. Strawberries for this recipe, take not too large. Berries, preferably recently plucked from the garden, sort out and remove rotten and damaged ones. Thoroughly drink strawberries, put in a sieve and leave to drain water. Then put the berries on a napkin so that they dry slightly. Transfer the prepared strawberries to an enamel bowl, sprinkling it with sugar. Leave the berries overnight.

2. Pour the separated strawberry juice into a separate saucepan and send it to the fire. Bring the juice almost to a boil, adding citric acid to it.

3. Wash half-liter jars with baking soda, rinse them well and sterilize over steam or in the oven. Wipe the jars thoroughly. Boil the lids for five minutes. Arrange the berries in jars, and fill the strawberries with hot juice so that its level does not reach two centimeters to the neck.

4. Cover the bottom of a wide saucepan with a towel or install a special grill. Pour water into it and put on fire. Boil water, place jars of strawberries in it and sterilize from the moment of boiling, about ten minutes. Close jars tightly with lids and cool without turning. Store strawberries in their own juices in a cellar or other cool place.

Recipe 5. Strawberries in their own juice for the winter in syrup

strawberries - 1000 g.

1. We sort out strawberries, remove damaged and rotten fruits. We clean the berries from ponytails and leaves. We thoroughly wash the strawberries, put them in a sieve and wait for all the water to drain. Then we dry the berries on a towel.

2. We shift the strawberries into an enamel bowl and sprinkle it with sugar. We leave it in a cool place overnight so that it starts up the juice.

3. Strain the juice into a saucepan. Put the saucepan on the fire and bring to a boil. Put the strawberries in a single layer on a sieve and gently immerse in boiling syrup. Blanch the berries for about 20 seconds. We shift the blanched strawberries into dry sterile jars, filling them by a third. We put all the strawberries in this way.

4. Pour the remaining sugar into the syrup, bring to a boil, stirring constantly, and pour the berries in jars with the resulting syrup. Cover with lids.

5. We cover the bottom of a wide pan with a napkin folded three times, put jars of strawberries in it and pour water over the shoulders. We put on fire and sterilize from the moment of boiling, ten minutes. Seal jars tightly and cool without wrapping.

  • For canning in this way, use medium-sized berries of the same size. This way they will heat up evenly.
  • Try to use only fresh berries that were picked on the same day.
  • Strawberries in their own juice can be used to make dumplings, pies or pies, and the syrup will make a fragrant and tasty fruit drink.

© 2012-2018 Women's Opinion. When copying materials - a link to the source is required!

Portal Editor-in-Chief: Ekaterina Danilova

Recipes for strawberries in their own juice for the winter, the secrets of choice

Strawberries in their own juice for the winter: recipes from simple to gourmet, dishes with various additions and general principles for cooking, choosing and combining products

Strawberries for the winter the best recipes with photos. Canned strawberries

Hello dear guests of our blog! It's time to make preparations for the winter from strawberries, so as not to turn blue from the cold and beriberi on cold winter days.

As the saying goes, "strawberry jam cheers you up."

Use this blue-boxed menu to quickly navigate to your desired recipe:

Today's article:

Frozen strawberries for the winter

Of course, after defrosting, it will no longer be so elastic, and it will become a little watery, but this does not matter.

It's nice to get such strawberries from the freezer in winter, sprinkle with sugar and remember the summer. And even make a delicious strawberry pie.

And the main advantage of this method is that it is not at all laborious. And if you have a large harvest of strawberries, then it is very easy to prepare this berry for the winter in a hurry, without too much fuss.

You will need

  • Fresh strawberries, normal food bags and a freezer.

First of all, wash and carefully sort the strawberries.

We remove all damaged and spoiled berries.

When the berry dries, we take food bags and place it inside, while tearing off the tails.

Place strawberries in bags in the freezer.

In this form, it can be stored for a very long time.

The shelf life of frozen berries, depending on the storage temperature: at a temperature not higher than - 18 ° C, the shelf life of frozen berries is 12 months; at a temperature of - 15 ° C, the shelf life of berries is not more than 6 months; at a temperature of - 12 ° C, the shelf life is not more than 3 months.

Another very interesting way to freeze strawberries so that they do not stick together and wrinkle. This is freezing in egg cassettes.

After sorting through the strawberries, we get rid of the tails, wash, dry and place in egg molds. We send it to the freezer.

The berry will freeze, retaining its shape and will not become one large piece of ice.

The shape of such a berry will be more beautiful. Take note.

Strawberries with sugar for the winter

Sugar is a natural preservative, and besides, it will add sweetness to the berry if it is not enough and it is sour.

In addition, cooking is not required for this recipe, which means it can also be used in haste.

We'll need

  • Strawberries, sugar (amount to your liking), deep bowl and plastic containers.

Strawberries pre-washed, ponytails removed. Place it in a bowl and sprinkle with sugar.

Mix berries with sugar. In this recipe, the integrity of the berry does not really concern us.

If desired, you can even press it down a little so that it is more loose and allows more juice to flow.

Such strawberries are pleasant to eat, they do not become watery, as with a regular freeze without sugar.

We place the sweet berry mass in plastic containers. These are very easy to keep in the fridge.

Please note that for all manipulations it is better to use wooden or plastic dishes and cutlery. Metal can affect the taste of strawberries.

This is such a delicious treat!

Strawberry jam

Well, how about no jam? No way.

But we promised quick and easy recipes for hostesses who do not like long fuss in the kitchen.

Therefore, our jam recipe will be very simple and fast in pictures. And of course very tasty.

Here is a jam that practically brews itself. And while it is cooking, you can go about your business.

strawberry jam delicious recipe

You can quickly prepare a delicious and thick jam according to this recipe.

Instead of pectin, you can still use gelling sugar (all further steps will be the same).

But even with pectin, the jam will be thick and not runny. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid of it, especially since it is a substance of natural origin and it is extracted from fruits.

The use of pectin allows you to cook strawberry jam in less time and retain more vitamins. It also allows you to reduce the amount of sugar. You can not add sugar at all, thus reducing the calorie content of the finished product.

To understand how much pectin to put in jam, we use this table:

We prepare all the ingredients. And let's start cooking!

Strawberries, washed and peeled from the stalks, are placed in a blender bowl and grind to get a homogeneous mass.

In a saucepan, mix sugar and pectin. They must be thoroughly mixed with each other in order to subsequently avoid the formation of lumps. And in the same pan, add the chopped strawberries.

Thoroughly mix the contents. And put on medium heat.

As it heats up, the mass will begin to thicken. After it boils, we cook our jam for only 3-4 minutes!

After that, we distribute it in sterile jars and cover with lids.

Hot jam will retain its fluidity and pour easily. It is after cooling in jars that it will acquire the desired density. And it will be easy to spread on a sandwich without dripping from it.

Here is such a wonderful, glossy, bright and fragrant jam!

Strawberry compote for the winter

Shall we make a strawberry compote? For it, we need only 4 ingredients:

Let's start cooking!

Pre-sterilize a three-liter jar. We thoroughly wash the berries, remove the tails. And put it in a jar.

Berries are poured into 1/3 or 1/4 of the volume of the jar. As you like. And pour it with boiling water very carefully.

Leave it like this for 15 minutes.

The berry will give some of its juicy color to the water and turn a little pale. Next, prepare a saucepan and put it on the stove.

When 15 minutes have passed, pour the future compote into a saucepan. Strawberries remain in the jar, which must be covered with a sterile lid so that dust does not get in.

Add 400 g of sugar, stir. This is the amount for a very sweet compote.

To your taste, you can add less or dilute the finished product with boiled water before use as you like.

Bring sweet water to a boil. Do not forget to remove the emerging foam.

After boiling, we return our syrup back to the jar using a ladle.

At the same time (optional) add 1/4 teaspoon of citric acid. It helps to improve the taste of compote and extract a bright red, elegant color from strawberries.

When we poured all the syrup back into the jar, put on a sterile lid and roll it up.

We turn the closed jar over and put it in a warm place to cool. And when the compote has completely cooled down, it can be stored in a cool dark pantry.

Delicious, beautiful strawberry compote is ready!

Bonus! Another way to use the strawberry harvest and eat natural and delicious homemade ice cream during the summer.

It can be stored in the freezer at the lowest temperature for 3 months.

  • Strawberries 10-20 pieces, cream 33% 500 ml, vanilla sugar 1 package and cold condensed milk 5 tbsp

We hope you enjoy our selection. And you will definitely choose your favorite recipe.

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Strawberries for the winter the best recipes with photos

Strawberries for the winter - how to save and store crops and vitamins. A few simple recipes for you with detailed step by step photos. Come visit.

Strawberries with sugar for the winter without cooking

Heat treatment of fruits and berries deprives them of some of their useful properties, so some housewives prefer to make preparations for the winter with fresh products. Such a move has a positive effect on the appearance of conservation. However, is it possible to make strawberry jam without cooking and what are its features?

no-boil strawberry jam recipe

Do you think that such a delicious delicacy cannot be prepared without a long heat treatment? In vain. Cooking increases the life of preservation, but even in its absence, the jam will stand in the cellar or refrigerator for the whole winter. Before studying different ways of harvesting strawberries, you need to take into account some rules for working with it, ignorance of which will negatively affect the result of the work. What should not be forgotten:

  • Strawberries with sugar for the winter without boiling will not work if there was a lot of rain this summer: the berries will be watery and do not survive long-term storage.
  • Such a product must be ground and boiled, otherwise it will have to be eaten in a couple of weeks.
  • It is best to take summer berries for this technology: they secrete juice well, unlike forest berries, which require a large amount of sugar due to their dryness.
  • If you make strawberry jam without cooking, the berry must be ripe: unripe without heat treatment is dangerous for the body, it does not have the most pleasant taste.
  • With a shortage of sugar and a desire to get an interesting dessert, the product can be ground with a meat grinder and frozen: there will be a cold diet treat to replace ice cream.
  • Some housewives use the partial cooking method: boil sugar syrup for a couple of minutes and immediately pour fresh berries. If you add citric acid here, you can get a quick strawberry compote.
  • Metal lids need to be boiled, plastic lids can simply be scalded.
  • All strawberry recipes for the winter require jars to be sterilized: it is carried out twice. The first stage - in order to protect the containers from microbes, and the second - before closing the preservation.
  • The finished strawberry mass in a jar can be covered with a thick layer of sugar - it will keep the delicacy in its original form.


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Fresh strawberries for the winter without cooking

This is the most delicious remedy for the blues, which you can’t help but love and is very easy to make even with a lack of free time. For such strawberries with sugar for the winter without cooking, even the taste will not differ from the taste of fresh berries, so housewives love to use it for fruit salads and desserts. The set of ingredients is elementary:

  1. Wash and cut berries.
  2. Lay on sterilized jars in layers, sprinkling with sugar.
  3. Tighten with a nylon cloth, leave for a couple of hours.
  4. Stir, add a spoonful of sugar to each jar to create a protective cork.
  5. Close the lid, remove.

Frozen strawberries with sugar for the winter

An interesting option for ice cream lovers: popsicles made from berry puree, devoid of all the harmful ingredients contained in the factory product. After thawing, it can be used to create syrups and sauces, as a filling for shortbread cakes or impregnation for biscuit cakes. The proportions of the main ingredients are taken by eye, since the temperature in the freezer will preserve them.

The approximate amount of ingredients for such strawberries with sugar for the winter without cooking:

  1. Rinse the strawberries without soaking for a long time, otherwise they will become watery. Remove ponytails, cut out damaged areas (if any).
  2. Place on a wire rack, periodically wiping with paper towels to absorb moisture.
  3. The last step depends on the desired appearance of the dessert. The easiest way is to pour strawberries with granulated sugar into a blender, chop. Distribute the puree in containers, seal tightly, put in the freezer.
  4. If you need whole berries, after drying, cover them with sugar, put them in a bag. Let the air out of it, close tightly. To freeze.
  5. Compromise between 2 ways: grind half of the volume of the product, mix with the rest. Close at the bank.

Recipes for making strawberries for the winter without cooking

How to prepare strawberries with sugar for the winter without cooking? Learn the rules for preserving berries without heat treatment for long-term storage, consider the 4 best recipes for a quick treat

The taste of strawberries is hard to overestimate. It contains a record amount of vitamins C, A, B, it is rich in potassium, iron, iodine, calcium, phosphorus, manganese and other trace elements. It also has a lot of fiber, pectins, organic acids, etc.

For proper nutrition, it is also important to know how much sugar is in strawberries. This berry is rich in fruit sugars with a predominance of disaccharides useful for the body - 2.2 g per 100 g. And the total carbohydrate content in it is low - 6-7%. Therefore, it is rightfully considered a dietary berry with high dessert properties.

Some characteristics regarding the nutritional value of strawberry blanks for the winter are presented in the following table.

Workpiece type Nutritional content in g (per 100 g) Calorie content (in 100 g)
fresh berry proteins - 0.3, fats - 0.3, carbohydrates - 7.7 32 kcal
Jam (jam) with sugar proteins - 0.3, fats - 0.1, carbohydrates - 74.0 285 kcal
Jam (jam) without sugar proteins - 0.3, fats - 0.1, carbohydrates - 10.0 45 kcal
Dried proteins - 0.2, fats - 0.2, carbohydrates - 59.0 (14% of the daily value) 289 kcal
candied proteins - 0.4, fats - 0.3, carbohydrates - 37.0 150 kcal
frozen proteins - 0.7, fats - 0.4, carbohydrates - 9.0 29 kcal

As you can see, dried strawberries are the most high-calorie (not counting jam with sugar). It has the most carbohydrates. This is, in fact, a strawberry concentrate, which must be “soaked” before use. This product is used in small quantities.

Recipes for harvesting strawberries without cooking

There are several options for harvesting strawberries without boiling: they can be frozen, candied, dried or dried. Then all its useful properties are preserved.

How to freeze strawberries for the winter (video)

frozen strawberries

The berries, along with the tails, are washed and dried. Then they are put in bags, tied and sent to the freezer. It is important that no air remains in the containers. It is best to use ziplock bags. To obtain separate, not frozen together, berries, they are put on trays and placed in the freezer for 2-3 hours. Then they are transferred to ziplocks and returned to the cold.

You can puree strawberries before freezing. And then - do everything according to the recipe mentioned above.

candied strawberries

For a kilogram of berries, you need 500 g of sugar and the juice of one large lemon. Grind the washed and dry berries with a blender. Add lemon juice to them. Then sprinkle with sugar, mix thoroughly and let it brew for two hours so that the sugar dissolves. We put the finished product in sterile jars.

Drying strawberries

There are different ways of harvesting berries, each of them fully preserves their taste and unique properties.

In the oven

Washed and dried berries are cut into slices, laid out on a baking sheet and sent to an oven heated to 60 degrees for 40 minutes. Then they are dried on the windowsill or in another place, laid out on trays. It is important that the sun gets there.

In air grill

Prepared as in the previous case, the berries are laid out on a steamer or a large grill. Usually, about a kilogram of fruit is placed at a time, and their yield is about 300 grams. For better removal of moisture, you need to insert a toothpick. Drying takes place at a temperature of 65-70 degrees and takes 2 hours.

in the dryer

Prepared berries are cut into slices 5 mm thick and laid out tightly on trays (0.3-0.5 kg is placed on one). There can be 5-9 such trays. This process is lengthy: it takes 14 hours. At the exit, strawberry chips are formed, their weight is only 10% of the initial weight of fresh berries.

Canned strawberries without sugar

There are also recipes for cooking jam, jam from these berries of high dietary value without sugar.

Strawberries in their juice

Pour the prepared berries into a sterile jar and place it in a water bath. As they shrink, add the berries until the strawberries have completely settled (after 15 minutes). We twist the banks and turn them over to cool.

Strawberry jam

For 2 kg of berries you need: a glass of apple juice, juice of half a lemon. We put the prepared berries in a bowl for jam, let the container warm up a little on the stove, then add the juice and, stirring, cook for about 10 minutes. Then we set the container aside for several hours. We repeat the cooking process 3 times. We put the finished jam in sterile jars and roll it up. Turn them over to cool, and then put them in storage.

This jam is not only tasty, but normalizes blood pressure, has a positive effect on the functioning of the brain and nervous system. When cooking in one step and adding agar-agar dissolved in water, you can get jam.

Strawberry jam with honey

For a kilogram of strawberries, you need 2 cups of honey, 1 apple, lemon juice. Cooking sequence:

  • berries are crushed in a blender;
  • the apple is peeled and rubbed on a grater;
  • strawberry puree, honey, apple and lemon juice are mixed and boiled in a saucepan for 15 minutes;
  • spread in containers, allow the jam to cool and put in the freezer.

Features and terms of storage

Strawberry blanks should be stored in a cold place for no more than a year. Otherwise, their nutritional value is reduced. A frozen product cannot be re-frozen: it loses its qualities.

  • Dried strawberries keep well in a place inaccessible to sunlight and pollution. It should be placed in cloth bags and kept hanging for ventilation. The worst enemy of "drying" is moth. Therefore, in the storage room, you need to use special means from harmful insects. It is also necessary to periodically check the bags with dried berries, separating the spoiled ones.
  • Strawberry chips can be stored indoors in a glass container. To remove possible condensate, a paper towel is placed under the lid of the container.
  • Pureed strawberries are best stored in the basement or in the refrigerator.
  • Jam will keep in the freezer for six months. And the started container must be kept in the refrigerator.

How to cook strawberry jam with chocolate (video)

Strawberries harvested for the winter can delight with their unique taste and aroma all year round. Such berries (especially without sugar) are no less useful than fresh ones. They can be used for various desserts, compotes, and strawberry jams and preserves are a great treat for children and adults on autumn and winter evenings.