Dogwood sauce for meat. Adjika from dogwood

Very lacking in winter fresh vegetables and berries containing required amount vitamins to support our body during the cold period. You have a great opportunity to solve this problem in the last days of summer. We propose to do quick hand wonderful dogwood sauce with spices and prepare it for the future. It does not matter at all what kind of dogwood you have available - forest or cultural. The main thing is that it is ripe and soft.

Sauce, recipe Georgian cuisine, perfectly harmonizes with meat and fish dishes, with poultry and vegetable side dishes. You can add this sauce as a seasoning to the barbecue marinade.

Recipe Information

Cuisine: Georgian.

Total cooking time: 45 min.

Servings: 0.5 l. .


  • dogwood - 800 g
  • hot pepper - 1.5 pcs.
  • garlic - 8 cloves
  • cilantro - 1/3 bunch
  • mint - 1/3 bunch
  • dill - 1/3 bunch
  • olive oil - 1.5 tbsp.
  • coriander peas - 2 tbsp.
  • wine vinegar - ¾ tbsp.
  • sugar - 1.5 tbsp.
  • salt - ¾ tbsp.


  1. First you need to prepare ripe red berries for the sauce. Sort dogwood. Remove overripe berries. Clean the dogwood from the ponytails. Rinse the berries cold water.
  2. Send the dogwood to the pan. Pour in enough water to completely cover the berries. Bring the liquid in a saucepan to a boil over low heat. Cook dogwood 20 min. At this time, the water should boil slightly so that the berries are boiled, but do not turn into mashed potatoes ahead of time.

  3. Rinse mint, cilantro and dill. Peel off the garlic cloves. Remove fruit stalks and seeds from hot pepper. Place the prepared ingredients in a blender. Add salt, sugar, coriander and wine vinegar. Kill everything until a mass with large lumps is formed.

  4. Pour in oil. Mix the dressing ingredients again.

  5. Drain the water in which the cornel was boiled into a separate container. Leave the berries to cool slightly.

  6. Grind the dogwood through a sieve. If there is no sieve, then you can simply remove the bones manually. Add the resulting berry puree to the spicy greens dressing. Once again, thoroughly beat the ingredients with a blender.

  7. Put the mass in a saucepan with a thick bottom. Add the water in which the berries were cooked. Stir the sauce with a spatula. Turn on low fire. Bring the mixture to a boil. Cook the sauce for another 15 minutes, until it acquires the desired consistency (similar in density to sour cream).

  8. Cool the finished dogwood sauce. It can be served immediately as an addition to meat, vegetables and fish. Marinades are prepared on the basis of the sauce. It also perfectly complements pastries such as pita bread or Uzbek flatbread.

  9. To save the sauce for the winter, you need to prepare the dishes. Rinse the glass container and iron lid with soda and water. Then sterilize. Pour the sauce into a dry jar to the very edges of the neck. roll up container iron lid or seal with a screw cap. Let the sauce cool under a warm blanket. Then store the jar in the refrigerator. Enjoy your meal!

Caucasian cuisine is very respectful of dogwood. Dogwood sauce with a very delicate and pleasant aroma, with a slight sourness - is always in demand, as an additive to fried meat. Dogwood berries are so healing that in the Caucasus dogwood is called a powerful doctor.

Healing pita bread is made from dogwood berries for all diseases. The mashed dogwood is dried, I make cakes out of it, and dried again. Then used as a vitamin preparation for scurvy.

Along with a huge variety of Caucasian sauces, dogwood sauce occupies the main position, along with and. Autumn is the time for the ripening of dogwood, the time to prepare the sauce.

Dogwood (lat. Cornus) is a shrub or low deciduous fruit-bearing tree. Russian name comes from the Turkic kyzyl, i.e. "red". Dogwood wood is unusually hard, and was previously used to make weaving shuttles, arrows, martial arts equipment, and for decorative purposes. I read somewhere that wooden daggers were made from dogwood wood. In the Caucasus, most of the fastening parts of the grape press are made of dogwood.

Legends, fairy tales were composed about dogwood, poets compared dogwood juice with blood. The dogwood flower is the official emblem of several countries around the world. As soon as the dogwood has ripened, it's time to prepare dogwood sauce for the winter.

Cornel sauce. Step by step recipe


  • Dogwood 0.5 kg
  • Combined greens (cilantro, dill, mint) 1 bunch
  • Hot pepper 1-2 pcs
  • Suneli hops 1 tsp
  • Garlic 4-5 cloves
  • Wine vinegar to taste
  • Olive oil 1 tbsp. l.
  • Salt, sugar to taste
  1. Sort dogwood, separating wrinkled and spoiled fruits. Do not use unripe dogwood, otherwise the dogwood sauce will turn out sour and rough. Remove the stems and leaves remaining after harvesting. Wash the dogwood under running water.

    Sort dogwood, separating wrinkled and spoiled fruits

  2. Pour the fruits into a saucepan or cauldron, pour cold water so that the water slightly covers the dogwood.

    Boil cornel until soft

  3. Bring to a boil and simmer on low heat for 15 minutes. It is important that the water does not boil, but there is a very weak boil.
  4. Wash all the greens and chop very finely, the smaller the better - as for. You can even grind it in a mortar. But if there is a chopper or blender in the kitchen inventory, then the process is greatly simplified. But, it is better to cut.

    cilantro - green coriander

  5. Peeled from seeds and stalks hot pepper, peeled garlic - finely chop with a knife, but so that obvious pieces stand out. Add 0.5 tsp. salt, 1 tsp. sugar, suneli hops and, if the dogwood is overripe and sweet, add 0.5 tbsp. l. wine vinegar. Mix.

    Green hot peppers and garlic

  6. When the dogwood is cooked, drain the liquid into a separate bowl, cool the dogwood fruits a little and sort out the fruits with your hands, separating the bones. It is important that not a single bone gets into the dogwood sauce.

    Chop greens, garlic, hot pepper

  7. Chop the cornel pulp very finely with a knife, almost to the state of mashed potatoes. Mix dogwood puree with spicy dressing, add 1 tbsp. l. olive oil.

    Cornel pulp very finely chopped with a knife

  8. After that, pour the entire mixture into a saucepan, add the liquid remaining after cooking the dogwood, and bring to a boil. The consistency of dogwood sauce should be such that the sauce itself does not pour, i.e. was not liquid, and it was not necessary to cut it with a knife. By density, it should resemble a thick homemade sour cream. Cook dogwood sauce over low heat for 10 minutes.

    Cook dogwood sauce over low heat

  9. Prepare small jars for dogwood sauce, sterilize them with boiling water.
  10. Pour another boiling dogwood sauce into jars, to the very top and close the lid. It is very convenient to use small - 100 gr jars with screw caps.

Who would have thought that you can make sauce for meat from dogwood berries and roll it up in jars for the winter! You may not be engaged in canning, such a sauce can be prepared simply for serving, but only in summer time of the year. So for a wonderful spicy dogwood meat sauce for the winter, you can roll up and enjoy all year round.
You definitely need to remember before cooking that the dish is very spicy. And if this does not scare you, then go ahead - experiment!

  • Dogwood - 1200 g;
  • cilantro, mint and dill - 40 branches each;
  • Coriander peas - 3 tbsp. l. (without slide);
  • Salt - 1 tbsp. l. (without Gorka);
  • Sugar - 4.5 tbsp. l.;
  • Wine vinegar - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Olive oil - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • Hot red pepper - 2 large pods;
  • Garlic - 10 large cloves.

Dogwood sauce for meat for the winter, step by step recipe with photo

1. How to wash and sort out dogwood, you already know from the recipe in 3 liter jars. After the washing procedure in a colander, the berries can not be discarded, but immediately transferred to a saucepan and poured with cold water. The water level should only slightly cover the dogwood, as shown in the photo. Now put the pan on the fire and boil the berries.
From the moment of boiling, cook for 30 minutes. You can try 1 berry. Keep in mind that you grind it through a sieve, so the dogwood should be soft.
Advice: watch the fire. The dogwood should not boil too much so that the berries do not turn into porridge.

2. Now we take a clean bowl and put a large sieve in it. Pour the boiled dogwood into a sieve, and the water in which it was boiled remains in the bowl and waits for its turn.

3. Now you will find not easy and painstaking work - grind the berries through a sieve. It is best to grind them in small portions, so it will be easier for your hands.

4. We discard the bones, and you get such a puree. You can go through the immersion blender again if you are sure that there are definitely no seeds.

5. Now let's work with the greens. Rinse all the greens and tear into pieces so that they do not twist on the blender blade. Peel the garlic, remove the seeds and tail from the pepper. Put it all together in a blender. There also goes salt, coriander, olive oil, wine vinegar and sugar.

6. Due to the oil, the greens are easily crushed into gruel. Here's what you get.

7. In the pan, to the dogwood puree for meat sauce, add green puree and the water in which the berries were boiled.

8. Mix all the ingredients and put on the stove. From the moment of boiling, cook the sauce for meat from juicy dogwood for only 15 minutes. The consistency will be like sour cream.

9. if you want to roll up the sauce for the winter, then prepare sterile jars washed with soda. Just boil the lids. Pour the sauce into the jar. Roll up the key.

Note: it turned out 3 half-liter jars and a small bowl for testing.

Like many types of seaming, turn the dogwood sauce for meat for the winter upside down and wrap it with a blanket. Cooled preservation is perfectly stored at room temperature.

Autumn generously endows us with fragrant fruits and ripe vegetables, valuable nuts and bright berries. Dogwood is a typical product of this time of year. Rich red berries with a tart taste reminiscent of a mixture of cranberries and cherries ripen in September. It's time to start preparing for the winter. In the article we will tell you about how to quickly and inexpensively prepare dogwood sauce for the winter. The recipes are simple both in execution and in the ingredient composition.

About the berry

Dogwood has been known to man since ancient times, it is mentioned in the Bible and the legends of Ancient Rome. A friendly harvest of berries ripens in September-October. According to the old parable, the more dogwood on the bush, the more severe the winter will be.

This plant (shrubs or small trees up to 8 m high) of southern latitudes, its growing season lasts 250 days, so cultivation is difficult in cold regions. In the Caucasus, Kuban and Crimea, dogwood grows freely, including in the wild on the edges of the forest, undergrowth, and in bushes. Habitual for all berries have a rich red-ruby color. However, breeders also bred new varieties, more adapted, with fruits of an unusual deep amber, almost white and scarlet hue. Hybrids adapted to cooler climates have also appeared.

The value of the berry is confirmed by the fact that it has long been used in traditional medicine China to maintain men's health and kidney treatment. Fresh fruits are used for food, as well as marmalades, marshmallows, compotes, jams prepared from them, spicy seasonings, alcoholic drinks. We suggest you prepare a sweet and / or spicy dogwood sauce for the winter, which will not only preserve useful material, but will also give a new original taste your meals.

What is its use?

The reason for the high popularity of dogwood in cooking is the valuable properties of its berries. They have a pronounced astringent, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, bactericidal and choleretic effect. A decoction of berries strengthens the body, tones and improves immunity. Women will especially benefit from the fat-burning properties of dogwood. In order to improve the functioning of the digestive tract, you should eat berries in fresh. They stimulate lipid metabolism and help to eliminate various toxins from the body. Did you know that a special paste (jelly) is prepared from dogwood berries for cosmonauts and long-distance sailors? Even on the longest business trips, this allows you to keep a tube filled with all essential vitamins natural origin.

However, people with chronic constipation hyperacidity, insomnia and nervous excitability, you need to limit the use of dogwood berries to a minimum.

In addition to fruits, leaves, roots, and bark of the plant are actively used in folk medicine.

Spicy dogwood sauce for the winter - recipe number 1

It is quite simple to prepare dogwood spicy sauce, the ingredients are available and every housewife probably has it. Such preparation for the winter will allow you to please your loved ones and guests at any time with a fragrant seasoning for meat dishes cooked in the oven or on the grill. Ingredients are listed for four servings.

So, you will need: a kilogram of ripe dogwood berries, a large head of garlic, 1 teaspoon of ground coriander, hot red pepper, hop-suneli seasoning and olive oil, one small bunch of fresh cilantro and salt to taste (0.5-1 tsp). l.).

The following is step by step recipe dogwood sauce for the winter. The process is quite simple, and a novice cook will be able to cope with it. Before starting cooking, prepare all the necessary kitchen utensils, food and sterilized jars in advance.

Step 1

Rinse ripe dogwood berries thoroughly under running water and pour into a container with a thick bottom. It can be a cast iron cauldron or a wok pan. Gradually heat the berries over low heat for ten minutes, stirring constantly with a wooden spatula or spoon and lightly crushing. Continue the process until the dogwood turns into a liquid boiling mass.

Transfer the steamed berries to a sieve with a fine mesh and rub them with a spatula or spoon in a circular motion. You should get a light, slightly watery puree. Waste - bones and peel - can be used to make compote or fruit drink.

Step 2

Your dogwood sauce for the winter for meat will be tastier and more aromatic if you add spices and fresh herbs to it. Rinse and dry the cilantro, then finely chop with a knife. Grind garlic and coriander fried in a dry frying pan until smooth in a mortar, gradually adding chopped greens. Mix spicy dressing with dogwood puree, add olive oil and salt.

After you mix the mass thoroughly, put it on fire again, if necessary, add a little water. Hot sauce should be cooked for about 10 minutes over very low heat, constantly stirring with a spatula and avoiding burning. Pay attention to consistency. Dogwood sauce for meat for the winter should not be too thin and not drain in a thin stream from a spoon. It is more like a thick jam.

Step 3

Sterilize glass jars (volume at your discretion, it is best to take small ones - 0.3-0.5 l). carefully place in containers and roll up with lids or use tightly closed vessels. If you don't plan to store the jars in the basement or cellar, screw caps are fine. Then just put them in the fridge.

Dogwood sauce for the winter, presented to you step by step with a photo, is perfectly stored. Serve chilled with meat or fish dishes, fresh pita bread or toasted toast, and you can also try using it as a barbecue marinade. Jars with fragrant sauce do not take up much space in the refrigerator, you can generally cook half a portion, because the consumption spicy product not so big.

Dogwood sauce recipe for the winter (with photo) original

Sauces are the finishing touches to the served dish, whether it be fish, meat or dessert. They emphasize its taste, giving many shades to the aroma. We invite you to try another amazing delicious dressing from dogwood. Its composition is elementary simple, and the cooking process is very fast. One caveat - the sauce must be infused for at least two weeks before serving.

To prepare it, you will need: 200-300 g dogwood, a head of garlic, a teaspoon of dried and chopped mint, 100-150 ml of olive oil, 20 ml grape vinegar, 0.5 teaspoon of sugar and salt.

How to cook

Rinse ripe cornel berries in running water and dry on a towel from excess moisture. Take out the seeds from the fruits. You can use an apparatus for cherries or a regular glass. place the berries under the bottom and press lightly, and then easily remove the stone. Pour dogwood into a jar, which can then be closed tightly with a lid. This is necessary for tightness and better preservation. After all, dogwood sauce is being prepared for the winter - a very tasty additional product for meat, which allows you to add spice to the dish.

On top of the dogwood in a jar, put the garlic, chopped into thin slices, chopped dry mint, half a teaspoon of sugar and salt, 20 ml of grape vinegar, and then pour the mixture olive oil cold pressed. Close the jar with a lid and shake lightly several times to mix all the ingredients. For 2-3 weeks, place the dogwood sauce for meat (for the winter) in the refrigerator, all its components should be saturated with juices and taste of each other, brew. This is very convenient, because it can be prepared in advance, before any celebration or holiday, and at the right time, just get it and serve it with meat and fish. Just like the sauce prepared according to the previous recipe, it can be used as a marinade.

Sweet sauce - recipe number 3

Sweet dogwood sauce for the winter is easy to prepare. The recipe is very similar to the first one, but differs in ingredients. In fact, it is jam, but only more liquid in consistency. Great to serve with ice cream, fill muffins or muffins, drizzle over soufflés, etc.

We offer you an original and traditional turkish recipe. Where, if not in Turkey, they know a lot about sweets? To prepare a sweet dogwood sauce, you will need: 1.2-1.3 kg of berries (the product yield will be about a kilogram), 2 kg of granulated sugar, two glasses boiled water and ¼ tsp. citric acid (natural preservative).

Cooking process

Rinse the dogwood and put it in a thick-walled bowl, add 2 cups of water. Cook the berries over low heat for 15-20 minutes, until they are soft. Then let the mass cool, put it in a sieve with small cells and carefully wipe until the consistency of mashed potatoes. Periodically remove skins and bones. In the end, you should get a homogeneous liquid mass. The total yield by weight averages a kilogram. This dogwood sauce for the winter should not be too thick.

Pour the sauce back into a thick bowl, add the sugar and mix thoroughly with a wooden spatula or spoon. Cook over medium heat for 5-7 minutes, not allowing the mass to boil. If foam appears, remove it with a spoon. Just before the end of cooking, add citric acid. It prevents the crystallization of the sugar in the sauce and preserves its gorgeous natural color. At the same moment, if desired, you can add your favorite spices, for example, a vanilla pod, as well as aromatic herbs - mint, lemon balm.

Ready for storage

While the sauce is hot, carefully divide it into jars (previously sterilized) and roll them up with lids. It will be great if the heat in them remains as long as possible. Therefore, wrap the jars in a warm blanket and leave at room temperature until completely cooled. Then put it in the cellar or in the refrigerator. Cooked sweet sauce from dogwood - this is summer, sealed in a jar. It is fragrant and bright, reminiscent of the warm sun and gives a unique taste to your dishes.


Knowing how to make dogwood sauce for the winter, you can easily cope with even the largest harvest and not be limited to traditional jam, jam or compote. The simplicity of the process and an elementary set of ingredients make it accessible to everyone. Tart and fragrant taste diversifies everyday and festive table.

Dogwood sauce - traditional seasoning oriental cuisine. It is no less popular than the famous tkemali or spicy pomegranate narsharab. This seasoning is universal, suitable for almost all dishes, both from meat, and from game or fish.

Yes, just spread on bread or pita bread, and it's delicious! And for barbecue or grilled chicken - just delicious. In addition, it can also be used as a marinade. It is especially delicious to marinate in it. lamb ribs and pork.

Preparing is quite simple, almost every family has its own recipe, it differs mainly in the amount of garlic and fragrant herbs. Dogwood sauce for the winter is easy to prepare yourself, while you can also safely experiment, making it even tastier and more aromatic. And for those who have never cooked this seasoning on their own, we offer several traditional and proven recipes.

From this article you will learn

The easiest recipe

In addition to the dogwood sauce for the winter, we will end up with several liters of very tasty one, so if we want to preserve it, it is better to prepare the jars in advance.

We will need 4 kg of berries, the best for this recipe is a large and ripe dogwood, which has a lot of pulp, 10 tablespoons of sugar and 2 or 3 tablespoons of salt.

Prepared as follows:

Use a pot with high sides to boil the sauce, as the sauce can splatter a lot during cooking.

From 4 kg of dogwood berries, as a result, about 2 kg of sauce is obtained. We lay it out directly hot in small jars, close and store in the refrigerator.

This dogwood sauce for the winter can serve as the basis for preparing all kinds of other seasonings, you can add ground black pepper and other spices, garlic, herbs, etc. to it. But before you add something to it, just try serving this dogwood sauce with meat or chicken!

It's not only delicious, but as you can see in the photo - very appetizing, this sauce can decorate the most modest meat dishes. You may want to leave it in this completely natural form.

Spicy Georgian sauce

In the Caucasus, dogwood is highly valued and respected, they consider it a berry of longevity and health. Almost every family cooks spicy sweet and sour sauce from small sour plums, which is called "tkemali". Very often plums are replaced by some other sour berry. Dogwood is the best suited for this purpose.

Do-it-yourself dogwood tkemali sauce for the winter is an excellent alternative to purchased ketchup, which uses preservatives and other, not the most useful substances.

To cook dogwood tkemali you will need:

  • 1 kg dogwood;
  • 2 tablespoons of the Khmeli-suneli mixture;
  • 1 head of garlic (6-8 cloves);
  • 4 hot peppers;
  • 1 teaspoon roasted coriander;
  • a few tablespoons (to taste) of vinegar, preferably wine;
  • salt and sugar to taste, approximately 2 teaspoons each;
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable refined oil.

A lot of different spicy fresh herbs are added to tkemali, especially cilantro is important here, without it there will be no that special rich aroma that so attracts all lovers of a good and tasty meal. And still in classic recipe always add a lot of green pennyroyal, it does not allow the seasoning to ferment. So it is very desirable to put one large bunch of cilantro, dill and mint in tkemali.

lovers varied greenery they can complement the bouquet of herbs with parsley and add tarragon, but they need less, just a few branches.

Tip: it is better not to use aluminum dishes, since there is a lot of acid in the dogwood, the metal can oxidize, the oxides will pass into the product, and this is very harmful.

If we are preparing for the winter, then boil tkemali on low heat for 10-12 minutes and immediately lay out in small jars, which were previously sterilized with boiling water.

Such preservation is stored in the cellar or refrigerator for a long time.

Spices and herbs can be put any, and not just those indicated in the recipe. Much depends on preferences and possibilities. In any case, it turns out very delicious sauce to dogwood meat. Main condition - enough garlic and spices, otherwise there will not be that rich taste and aroma, as it should be.

The video shows all the subtleties of the process of making dogwood sauce:

dogwood salsa

Dogwood is great for making berry salsa. For this delicious hot sauce we will need:

  • 500 g dogwood;
  • 1 pod of hot chili pepper;
  • 1 bunch of parsley;
  • 1 bunch of green onions;
  • 1 teaspoon lime or lemon juice;
  • spices - a little, to taste;
  • salt and sugar to taste, but salsa should not be salty, rather sweet-burning in taste.

Pour boiling water over the sorted and washed dogwood and cook for 10 minutes over low heat in a small amount water. We strain the berry. We do not pour out the water, we may need it in the process of preparing the sauce.

We take out the bones from the dogwood, put the pulp in the blender bowl. Add washed and peeled peppers, herbs and spices. Grind everything, add lime or lemon juice, sugar and salt. Mix thoroughly until the sugar is completely dissolved. If necessary, you can add cornel broth.

Salsa should stand for at least a few hours, preferably in a cool place.

If you want to prepare this sauce for the winter, then no need to add green onion , and at the end boil the sauce over low heat for 10-15 minutes and pack hot in small jars. Store in the refrigerator for up to 6 months.

dogwood mayonnaise

Mayonnaise is also a sauce and can be made at home. It is made in small portions, so it makes sense to prepare a puree-like base from dogwood, and prepare the mayonnaise itself immediately before use. It has an unusual aroma and delicate taste.

Try to make at least once, maybe this recipe will be the one unusual dish, with which you can surprise guests or pamper your family on a holiday.

We will need:

  • 50 g liquid puree dogwood;
  • 3 yolks;
  • 1 teaspoon mustard (you can take pasty);
  • a mixture of peppers;
  • ground nutmeg;
  • paprika;
  • dried basil;
  • if desired - turmeric and asafoetida;
  • salt, sugar to taste.

We prepare mashed potatoes from dogwood: cook the washed, sorted berry for 10-12 minutes over low heat, separate the bones and rub through a sieve. From the prepared volume, we need 50 g per serving, so the rest can either be frozen or warmed up and put into jars for further storage.

Separate the whites from the yolks, use only the yolks. We combine them with mustard, add salt and sugar. If the dogwood is very ripe and sweet, and you like the sauce spicier, add a teaspoon of vinegar, best of all wine.

Beat, gradually adding spices. At the very end, we gradually drive dogwood puree into mayonnaise. The finished sauce must be cooled before serving. Such homemade mayonnaise Perfectly will approach not only meat, but also to fish, and also to vegetable dishes.

Armenian sweet sauce recipe

The sauce, by the way, can be both salty, spicy, and sweet. Such dogwood sauce is poured over ice cream, milk porridge, used in confectionery. Children love him very much. Such food is of great benefit, since the berries contain a lot of vitamins and biologically active substances that increase immunity and help with many diseases.

We offer a simple step by step recipe.

For 1.5 kg of berries you will need: 2 kg of sugar, about 400 ml of water and a quarter teaspoon of citric acid.

Boil a clean and sorted berry in a small amount of water, cool to room temperature. We take out the bones and rub through a sieve. In this case, we just need to get gentle puree-like mass, no pieces. Add sugar, boil over a fire, stirring constantly. The emerging foam must be removed.

It is very important that the sauce does not burn or boil, so cook over very low heat, the sauce should warm up well, the water should evaporate, but at the same time it should not lose its wonderful color and aroma. Cook for 10 minutes, at the very end add citric acid. You can add vanilla or mint if you like.

This sauce can be used both as an addition to sweet dishes, and simply as a treat for tea.

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