Quick marinade of wings. Summer menu: grilled chicken wings.

With the advent of warm weather, the season of outings and, of course, kebabs begins. They are often prepared simply from meat, but they are also incredibly tasty from chicken. How to marinate chicken wings deliciously, read below. Wings prepared in this way can be cooked both on the fire and in the oven.

How to marinate chicken wings for barbecue?


  • wings - 1 kg;
  • - 15 g;
  • mayonnaise 67% fat - 40 g;
  • soy sauce - 90 ml;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • black ground pepper.


For marinade, mix mayonnaise with tomato paste, put chopped garlic, pour in soy sauce and stir well. We dry the washed wings a little, rub with pepper and dip in the prepared marinade. Leave them to soak for at least 30 minutes. And if possible, it is better to marinate them longer - then the wings will have a more pronounced taste and aroma, and besides, they will come out more tender.

How to marinate chicken wings for the oven?


  • chicken wings - 1.5 kg;
  • adjika - 15 g;
  • coriander grains - 20 g;
  • parsley (greens) - 90 g;
  • garlic - 10 cloves;
  • vinegar - 1 teaspoon;
  • salt.


Wash chicken wings, dry, rub with salt. Grind the garlic, grind the coriander seeds before cooking so that they do not lose their flavor. Add adjika, chopped parsley, vinegar to the ingredients obtained and stir. The resulting mass is applied to the wings and left for as long as time permits. The longer they stand in the cold in the marinade, the more tender and tastier they will turn out. Wings marinated in this way are baked in the oven or grilled.

How to marinate wings in honey mustard sauce?


  • wings - 6 pcs.;
  • soy sauce - 75 ml;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • - 10 g;
  • natural honey - 20 g;
  • freshly squeezed lemon juice - 10 ml.


V suitable dishes pour honey, add mustard and chopped garlic. Mix well, add soy sauce and lemon juice. We rub well. Pour the wings tightly packed in a small bowl with the resulting marinade. Set to marinate in the cold. And here the same rule works as for other marinades - the longer the wings stand in the sauce, the juicier and tastier they will turn out. And another nuance: it is better to put a plate on them and put a jar of water on top so that the wings are under oppression.

How to marinate barbecue chicken wings?

Chicken wings, despite the fact that they are deprived of meat, they are considered a delicacy part of the bird. Nowadays, they are becoming more and more popular, displacing the chicken legs known since the 90s. The fact is that the process of preparing wings is quite simple and fast, and many recipes allow you to cook them. different ways. However, the main role in the preparation and final result dishes depend on the marinade. Therefore, in this article we will give you tips on how to marinate chicken wings so that you get them tasty, fragrant and tender, after which you really “lick your fingers!”.

Before marinating chicken wings, they need to be chosen correctly. Get wings clean, fresh, well processed, without cuts and holes. They should be smooth, shiny, with a pale pink color and a pleasant aroma.

Before cooking, the wings should be washed under running water. It is better to cut off the outermost part of the wing (tips), since there is no meat in them at all, and they mostly burn. It is better to cut the remaining wing along the fold, making two parts out of it, so it will be most convenient to cook them, and, after that, eat them.

traditional and modern recipes pickling a huge amount. Their principles are the same, but the nuances are different, and there are dozens of components for marinades. All marinades are united by one component - acids, which can be lemon juice, vinegar, yogurt, mayonnaise and vegetable oils. The remaining components of the marinade can be flavoring ingredients: salt, mustard, pepper, herbs, sesame, ginger, fruits, honey, etc.

  • At room temperature wings are marinated for no more than 1 hour. If you need to pickle them longer, then it is better to use a cool place, for example, a cellar, a refrigerator.
  • To make the marinade more fragrant, it is necessary to reduce the amount of vegetable oil. The most harmonious marinade is obtained by combining oil and acid in a 1: 1 ratio.
  • Since the acid can destroy the meat, the wings should be marinated for exactly the amount of time specified in the recipe.
  • If possible, it is desirable to use fresh herbs in the marinade. If using them dried, crush them a little with your fingers to release the aromatic oils before adding them to the marinade.
  • After the chicken wings are soaked fragrant mixture marinade, they should not be washed or dried with a paper towel. Pour immediately into a baking dish or pan. The only thing that may be required in the recipe is to squeeze them lightly.
  • In the process of preparing the wings, the marinade can be added 2-3 times. However, for security reasons food products, its last addition should be no later than 5 minutes before the end of cooking.

Recipes for the most popular, delicious and fragrant marinades for chicken wings.

honey marinade
2 tbsp mix honey with 1 tbsp. turmeric, 0.5 tsp ground paprika, 1/3 tsp ginger and a pinch of white pepper. Apply the mass on clean and dried wings (1 kg.), And leave them in the cold for 6 hours. Half an hour before frying them in a pan with oil, salt.

spicy marinade
Stir 2 tbsp. wine / apple cider vinegar, 3 tbsp. soy sauce, 1.5 tsp ground paprika, salt, allspice and black pepper. Put 1 kg of wings in the marinade and leave them for 40-50 minutes. Then bake in the oven for 20-30 minutes.

Sweet and sour sauce (teriyaki)
Grate 3 cloves of garlic and 3 cm of fresh ginger root on a fine grater and mix with 150 g of honey, 250 ml of soy sauce, 80 g of dry white wine, 3 tbsp. chili sauce and 1 tbsp. starch. Pour 1.5 kg of wings with the sauce, put them in a preheated oven to 190 degrees for 1 hour and 15 minutes.

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Good day, my dear readers. I propose to consider the “chicken” topic again. After all, this is the most common meat on our table. And chicken can be cooked in a variety of ways. Today I am going to tell you how to make marinade for wings in the oven. Believe me, marinated chicken is much tastier than if you just season the meat with spices and bake it. However, you can see for yourself 🙂

Marinade for chicken wings can be the most diverse. Spicy, spicy, sweetish, sour, with mayonnaise - to your taste. Below are some interesting options for you. Each of these recipes is easy to make. As you taste it, write a review.

Cooking in honey soy marinade

For 10-12 wings you will need:

  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 120 ml soy sauce;
  • 120 ml of honey;
  • salt + ground black pepper;
  • 2 tbsp chopped ginger;
  • spices (at your discretion).

Mix honey with sauce, ginger and crushed garlic in a garlic press. Here we add the spices that you decide to use. Bring the mixture to a boil over medium heat. And then reduce the heat to low and boil for about 5 minutes. After that, cool a little.

Rinse the wings, pat dry with paper towels. Then salt and pepper them. And then immerse for half an hour or an hour in a cooled marinade.

We heat the oven to 200-230 degrees. We grease the baking dish with oil and put the marinated chicken wings there. Bake the chicken for 10 minutes. Then turn the wings over and lightly grease the top with marinade. Cook for another 5 minutes, then sprinkle with the fragrant mixture again and bake again for 5 minutes. We repeat this until the wings cooked with soy sauce and honey turn golden.

Wings marinated on kefir

It's very tasty and unusual option. Try it out for sure. For 700 grams of chicken wings you will need:

  • 500 ml of fermented milk product;
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic;
  • salt + ground black pepper;
  • dill + parsley;
  • some walnuts;
  • breadcrumbs.

Mix kefir with salt, pepper and crushed garlic in a garlic press. The marinating solution is ready. We put the wings in it and leave for an hour.

Grease the mold with oil. Roll the marinated wings in breadcrumbs and place on a baking sheet. And then we send them to the oven preheated to 200 degrees. Bake this beauty for 40 minutes.

How to cook wings with soy sauce

This recipe calls for the following products:

  • 0.7 kg wings;
  • 150 ml of ketchup (you can replace with tomato paste);
  • 150 ml soy sauce;
  • 150 g onions.

Onions need to be peeled and finely chopped. Separately, ketchup is mixed with soy sauce and chopped onions are sent there. Next, you need to mix everything thoroughly.

The wings must be placed in the finished fragrant mixture. I do not recommend adding salt, because soy sauce is already salty. The wings should be left in the marinade for 3-4 hours. All this time they should be in the refrigerator.

Cooking wings with mustard and honey

To prepare this yummy (4 servings), take:

  • 8 wings;
  • 4 tbsp wine vinegar;
  • 2 tbsp vegetable oils;
  • 4 tbsp. mustard ordinary + mustard grains;
  • 100 g of honey;
  • ground black pepper + salt.

Mix honey, vinegar, oil and mustard. Add salt and pepper to this as well. We send wings to this marinade. Then cover the top of the container with a lid or cling film and place in the refrigerator for an hour.

Next, heat the oven to 220-230 degrees. We take out the wings from the marinade (do not pour it out - it will still come in handy). We spread the chicken in a greased form and send it to the oven. You need to bake for half an hour - during this time the wings must be turned over 2-3 times. And every time you do this, sprinkle the chicken with marinade.

Serve the chicken hot. Wings in honey marinade with mustard are indescribably delicious. They are best served with fresh vegetables.

Cooking spicy marinade - Chinese version

lovers Asian dishes will appreciate this option. To prepare it you will need:

  • a kilo of wings;
  • 2 tbsp chili sauce (take sweet);
  • 2 tbsp sesame oil;
  • 2 tbsp sweet chili sauce;
  • 2 tbsp oyster sauce;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 60-65 ml of honey;
  • 4 tbsp chopped green onion.

Mix sauces with honey, butter and chopped onion. Remove the skin from the garlic and mince with a garlic press. Then we introduce the garlic mass into the marinade. Immerse the wings in it and leave for a couple of hours.

We heat the oven to 220-230 degrees. Grease a baking sheet with oil and lay the marinated chicken on it. We send the meat to the oven and cook it for 25 minutes. During this time, it needs to be turned over 1 or 2 times, smearing the top with a spicy mixture. Next, the chicken should be cooked on the "grill" mode for another 6-7 minutes.

Wash the wings and dry with paper towels. Next, fill them with beer, salt, pepper and add coriander. We mix everything thoroughly. Leave the chicken in this spicy liquid for 1-2 hours.

Next, place the chicken on a parchment-lined baking sheet. We heat the oven to 150-160 degrees and send the pickled wings into it. Cooking for about an hour. Just do not forget to turn the wings over a couple of times during the baking process. Otherwise, they will just turn into coals.

Wings prepared according to this recipe are very tender with a fragile, crispy crust. This great option for men's gatherings while watching a football or hockey match. Or just for a family dinner.

Additional secrets

If the marinade contains greens, rub it well with salt. So she will start up the juice, saturating the meat with her aroma as much as possible.

Make sure that the ingredients in the marinade are thoroughly mixed. For this, for example, you can use a blender or mixer. And after such mixing of the ingredients, it is better to leave the mixture for 20-30 minutes - let it infuse.

Usually chicken (and any other meat) is poured with a cold marinade. And if you want to shorten the marinating time, fill it with a warm fragrant mixture. The temperature of the marinade should be no higher than body temperature. Don't overfill it too hot!

Try to marinate chicken in special bags (they usually have zippers). This makes it easier to ensure that the marinade is evenly distributed over the meat.

Useful properties of chicken wings

The nutritional value of this product is 186 kcal. There are 19.2 g of proteins and 12.2 g of fats. rich and varied chemical composition wings. There are vitamins A

  • increase the level of hemoglobin;
  • improve brain activity;
  • have an oncoprotective effect;
  • fight free radicals;
  • improve the functioning of the reproductive system;
  • help fight depression.
  • So eat chicken wings for health. Just do not overeat - after all, you need to know the measure in everything 🙂

    Now you are real experts in marinating chicken wings. Share your knowledge with friends - they will raise you to the rank of a pro. And if you want to show your cards, drop the link to the article, let them read it. And I say goodbye to you: until we meet again.

    Crispy chicken wings baked in the oven - a wonderful snack not only home cooking but also for a picnic.

    Recipe content:

    Well, who wouldn't be delighted to hear the phrase "Chicken wings for dinner tonight"? I'm sure there won't be any. After all, chicken wings are not only tasty and popular dish and absolutely non-binding. Since they do not need any cutlery, original ways serving and occasion for baking. They can be used without hesitation, directly dipping into the sauce with your hands. In addition, they are absolutely not difficult to cook, the main thing is to decide on the marinade, spices and seasonings. After all, the most main secret love for this dish lies precisely in the right marinade, which is able to diversify their taste.

    Wings are also good because they have an affordable price, while they can be served for any occasion. They will be happy not only at home, gathered at the dinner table, they can also be served on festive feast. But before you start cooking, you should choose a quality product. When choosing wings, pay attention to the smell and appearance. Good wings should always have a pale pink skin color, although a slightly bluish tint is sometimes possible. Do not buy wings that are very light with breaks and damage.

    • Calorie content per 100 g - 204 kcal.
    • The number of servings - 12 pcs.
    • Preparation time - 20 minutes prep, 1 hour marinate, 40 minutes bake


    • Chicken wings - 12 pcs.
    • Mustard - 1 tsp
    • Table 9% vinegar - 1 tsp
    • Soy sauce - 3 tbsp.
    • Mayonnaise - 75 g
    • Ginger powder - 0.5 tsp
    • Garlic - 2 cloves
    • Salt - 1 tsp or to taste
    • Black ground pepper - 1/3 tsp or to taste

    Cooking wings in the oven in a marinade

    1. First of all, prepare the marinade. To do this, mix following products: soy sauce, mayonnaise, mustard, ginger powder, pressed peeled garlic cloves, salt and black pepper.

    2. Mix the marinade well so that the spices are evenly distributed and leave them to “make friends” with each other while you work on the wings.

    3. Pluck the rest of the feathers from the wings, then rinse well with running water and dry with a cotton towel.
    Choose a suitable container that will fit all the wings and place them in it. Pour the marinade over the wings and toss to coat each piece well with the sauce. Wrap the container with cling film and leave the wings to marinate for 1 hour at room temperature. If you pickle them more long time, then send the product to the refrigerator.

    4. After this time, cover the baking sheet with baking parchment and put the wings on it. After pickling, the wings are not washed and wiped off from the marinade, but are immediately laid out on a baking sheet.

    5. Heat the oven to 200 degrees and bake the wings for 40 minutes until golden crispy. Do not overexpose them too long, otherwise moisture will evaporate from them, from which they will become dry.

    6. Serve the finished wings to the table straight from the oven. Because they are especially delicious hot. During their baking, you can cook mashed potatoes With vegetable salad. Also don't forget about delicious sauce. However, especially in the circle of gourmets, this dish is appreciated with a glass of foamy beer. So the choice is yours with what to serve treats on the table.

    See also the video recipe on how to cook delicious wings in the oven.

    If the hostess wants to make a quick hearty meal She is looking for recipes using meat. Poultry is more popular than cattle meat, and some of its parts are especially loved by chefs for their versatility. Wings - great option for appetizers and hearty main courses. How to cook them so that it is tasty, but healthy?

    How to cook chicken wings in the oven

    Some housewives are afraid to work with such difficult parts of the bird, since there is very little meat here, mostly bone with skin. However, professionals assure: cooking wings in the oven is even easier than boiling them for soup. It is not necessary to study step-by-step algorithms with a photo. The general technology looks the same as with the rest of the bird:

    1. Wash, dry. If the wings are served with beer, they can be divided into parts.
    2. Prepare the sauce.
    3. Marinate (time depends on the recipe).
    4. Fry and bake, or immediately send to the oven.

    Marinade for wings in the oven

    According to professionals, without first using the sauce, the bird loses its juice during baking. However, if you do not know how to marinate the wings for the oven correctly, this action can also lead to the drying of the fibers, or to the transformation of meat into rubber. First of all, it is worth paying attention to some subtleties:

    • classical proportion oils to acid for bird marinade - 1:1 or 1:2. An overbalance on the part of the fatty component is undesirable.
    • Do you use dried herbs for your marinade? Be sure to rub them between your fingers, otherwise there will be little point in using them.
    • It is recommended to marinate the bird at room temperature - it is better to leave the cold for fatty dense meat (pork, beef). The exception is recipes with long (night) pickling.
    • The duration of soaking the wings with sauce is 30-45 minutes, and if it is based on acid, then about 20 minutes.
    • Marinade can be added several times to the baked wings, but the last such procedure should be done 5-7 minutes before the end of the oven, no later.

    What does it look like perfect marinade? Professionals cook it with almost any spice and liquid ingredients, because chicken and turkey are versatile birds that go well with all products. Some very good ideas:

    • Mustard: 1 tbsp. l. honey and soy sauce, a pinch of salt, 1 tsp. dry mustard.
    • Classic: half a glass of ketchup and dry white wine, a little salt and ground pepper.
    • Spicy: 1 tbsp. l. adjika, chopped chili pepper, 2 tbsp. l. tomato paste and salt.

    How long to bake wings in the oven

    Exact time cooking, even professionals will not be able to tell, because it depends on the characteristics of the oven, temperature, dishes that you used. The only thing that can not be doubted is that this part of the bird is baked much faster than the rest. If you want to calculate how much to cook the wings in the oven not to the nearest minute, then consider these nuances:

    • When extinguishing using a sleeve, foil or bag at an average temperature of 180 degrees, it will take 45-50 minutes.
    • If you cook baked wings for a snack at 200 degrees, it will take about half an hour or a little less.
    • When languishing in ceramic pots, chicken wings will cook in an hour.

    Wings recipes in the oven

    Most of the ideas below are chicken-centric, but they pair just as well with turkey, so feel free to make a substitution. These recipes for cooking chicken wings in the oven will not only help you understand the intricacies of working with this part of the bird, but will also give you some interesting quick options. fragrant snack.

    Wings in honey and soy sauce in the oven

    This option for cooking chicken wings is considered one of the classics. A crust with a barely perceptible sweetness, fragrant and ruddy, nutty flavor and low calorie content - these are the reasons for the popularity of chicken wings in honey soy sauce in the oven. If you need a complete diet dish for dinner, boil rice for a side dish or buckwheat noodles.


    • chicken wings - 8 pcs.;
    • honey - 1 tbsp. l.;
    • soy sauce - 2 tbsp. l;
    • clove of garlic;
    • grated ginger - 1 tsp;
    • paprika.

    Cooking method:

    1. For each washed wing, cut off the upper phalanx, which contains only skin with bone.
    2. Grind the garlic, rub the bird with it.
    3. Make "Teriyaki" from soy sauce with ginger and honey, dip the wings into it. Let them stand for an hour.
    4. After laying each wing, slightly opening it, on the foil, with a distance of 4-5 cm from the next one. Bake at 190 degrees. Estimated waiting time is 20-22 minutes.

    Chicken wings with potatoes in the oven

    It is very difficult to come up with something simpler and tastier than this dish. It at least once, but appeared on every table - everyday and festive. Hearty and fragrant chicken wings with potatoes in the oven - a great idea quick lunch, which does not require exotic products. The set of vegetables can be varied as you like, but professionals advise not to abuse spices.


    • chicken wings - 1 kg;
    • potatoes - 0.6 kg;
    • sour cream - half a glass;
    • large carrot;
    • garlic cloves - 3 pcs.;
    • fresh greens;
    • a mixture of dry peppers;
    • salt.

    Cooking method:

    1. Peel potatoes, cut into cubes. Add minced garlic clove, stir.
    2. Wash chicken wings, rub with salt. Pour in sour cream, leave for half an hour.
    3. Grate the carrots, combine with the remaining garlic cloves, passed through the press.
    4. Fill the pots with potatoes with wings, mix with your hands, distributing them evenly.
    5. Add carrot-garlic mass, pepper.
    6. Pour in half a glass of water and cover the pots.
    7. It takes about an hour to cook the dish from the moment the oven heats up to 185 degrees.

    Buffalo wings in the oven - recipe with photo

    This savory snack, especially popular among young people, was born in America. The traditional recipe involved deep-fried wings, which significantly increased the calorie content of the dish. Housewives who wanted to facilitate its absorption and reduce the load on the pancreas figured out how to cook buffalo wings in the oven deliciously and get a similar result to the classic one.


    • chicken wings - 12 pcs.;
    • butter - 50 g;
    • salt - 2 tsp;
    • brown sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;
    • classic tomato paste - 3 tbsp. l.;
    • garlic cloves - 2 pcs.;
    • spicy sauce chili - 1 tbsp. l.;
    • ground black pepper - 1 tsp;
    • flour - half a cup;
    • cayenne pepper - 1/2 tsp;
    • kefir - half a glass;
    • paprika - 1 tbsp. l.

    Cooking method:

    1. Divide the washed wings into 3 parts, dividing according to the joint.
    2. Marinate with kefir for half an hour to an hour. Grate with a clove of garlic.
    3. Mix a spoonful of salt with cayenne pepper, flour and paprika. Mix dry ingredients well, pour into bag. Throw wings there, shake several times.
    4. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees, in the presence of forced convection - up to 190 degrees. Place a rack on a deep baking sheet. Arrange the breaded wings on it.
    5. Bake for half an hour, then hold for 5 minutes under the "grill" mode.
    6. Just before serving the buffalo wings, you need to make the sauce: melt the butter with sugar, pour in the tomato paste after boiling. Stir in chili sauce, grated garlic, salt and pepper. Remove sauce from heat immediately.

    BBQ wings in the oven

    Professionals advise cooking such a dish on the grill, but this option is available only in good weather, when it is the end of spring or the beginning of autumn, summer. For those who want to eat barbecue wings in winter, a recipe in the oven is a way to satisfy this little desire. To get a crust similar to the one that creates an open fire, after baking, you need to hold the bird a little under the “grill” mode. In the photo, barbecue wings from the oven cannot be distinguished from traditional ones.


    • wings - 800 g;
    • ketchup - 3 tbsp. l.;
    • mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. l.;
    • clove of garlic;
    • salt;
    • lemon juice - 1 tsp;
    • soft cheese - 50 g.

    Cooking method:

    1. Chop the garlic with a knife or pass through a press.
    2. Salt the wings, sprinkle with lemon juice.
    3. Treat them with ketchup, put them on top of each other, let them lie down.
    4. Stir in the garlic and spread over a wire rack.
    5. Bake at 190 degrees for 20 minutes.
    6. Grate cheese, add to mayonnaise. Pour almost ready wings with this sauce, hold them in the oven for another 15-17 minutes.

    Wings in the sleeve in the oven

    Such a dish is almost dietary, if you do not take into account the skin, which contains a large number of cholesterol. The wings in the sleeve in the oven will be cooked with high humidity, so they turn out to be more stewed than baked. Lush vegetable pillow eliminates the need for fatty sauce, so the dish spares the liver and pancreas as much as possible.


    • wings - 800 g;
    • Greek yogurt - 2 tbsp. l.;
    • Sweet pepper;
    • large carrots;
    • young zucchini - 300 g;
    • bulb purple;
    • tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
    • salt, ground pepper, oregano - a pinch each.

    Cooking method:

    1. Cut the onion into half rings, connect with the wings. Mix with your hands, trying to grind these ingredients together.
    2. Add yogurt, salt, oregano, ground pepper. Mix again. Pour this sauce over the wings.
    3. Cut carrots with tomatoes into circles, zucchini into cubes. Chop the pepper into strips.
    4. Fill the sleeve with vegetables, spread the wings on top. Close, shake.
    5. Bake at 170 degrees for half an hour, then raise the temperature to 200 degrees and wait another 20 minutes.

    Spicy wings in the oven - recipe with photo

    Enjoying your favorite series, crunch juicy savory snack? Harmful, but so delicious that sometimes you can’t resist. For such a case, professionals advise saving the recipe for spicy wings in the oven, which do not require special culinary skills and tend to always turn out delicious. Stock up on the freshest poultry, find a chilli pod, and you have a Mexican dish in front of you.


    • chicken or turkey wings - 1.7 kg;
    • butter - 70 g;
    • garlic cloves - 3 pcs.;
    • small lime;
    • pods hot pepper- 2 pcs.;
    • tomato paste - 2 tbsp. l.;
    • vegetable oil - a glass;
    • oregano, zira - 1 tsp each;
    • salt, black pepper.

    Cooking method:

    1. Deprive each wing of the upper phalanx and divide in half along the joint.
    2. Rub the skin with salt, pepper.
    3. Heat vegetable oil (whole volume) in a frying pan. Put the wings in there.
    4. Fry at maximum burner power, 4-5 minutes on each side.
    5. Make a sauce from tomato paste, soft butter, grated garlic, spices and chopped hot peppers. Load the wings here.
    6. After half an hour, distribute them on the grid. Brush with the rest of the sauce (which hasn't been absorbed). Bake at 200 degrees for 15-17 minutes. It is recommended to place a baking sheet under the grate.
    7. Drizzle lime juice over each wing before serving.

    Wings in honey in the oven

    The taste of such a dish has exotic notes, since the sweetness of honey comes into contact with sourness. orange juice and cloves spice. When reading the description, the combination makes you think of Christmas pastries, but for wings in honey sauce in the oven it fits just as well. Optimal garnish - Brown rice, although professionals allow the use of short paste.


    • wings - 1 kg;
    • large orange (preferably red);
    • liquid dark honey - 2 tbsp. l.;
    • bouquets of carnations - 2 pcs.;
    • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
    • salt;
    • sesame - 1 tsp;
    • curry - 1/2 tsp;
    • lemon.

    Cooking method:

    1. Wash the wings, dry with a napkin. Salt, grate curry.
    2. Combine honey with vegetable oil. Warm up, but do not let it boil.
    3. Throw a carnation, wait 1-1.5 minutes.
    4. Remove the zest from the lemon, about 1 tsp. pour to honey sauce. Add orange juice (whole).
    5. Mix, remove from the burner.
    6. Pour the wings with this sauce, let them stand for half an hour. Sprinkle with sesame seeds.
    7. Arrange on parchment, bake on the "grill" mode. Oven temperature - 200 degrees, cooking time - 25 minutes. Wings will need to be turned several times due to the rapid caramelization of the honey.

    Breaded chicken wings in the oven

    To create such a dish, you can use any dry ingredient - from classic ground crackers to semolina. However, professionals recommend choosing more interesting option and coat the wings with... oatmeal. Will guests and family guess what caused such an unusual crisp? Figure out how to cook these breaded wings in the oven and find out the answer.


    • hercules - 180 g;
    • eggs 2 cat. - 2 pcs.;
    • wings - 900 g;
    • flour - 3 tbsp. l.;
    • cilantro - 1/2 tsp;
    • vinegar 6% - 1 tsp;
    • vegetable oil, salt.

    Cooking method:

    1. Each wing is divided into phalanxes. Discard the top ones.
    2. Treat with vinegar, salt, grate with cilantro.
    3. Beat eggs, add flour.
    4. Grind Hercules.
    5. Dip each piece of wing into the egg-flour mass, then roll over the scattered ground flakes.
    6. Put on a baking sheet, send to bake at 200 degrees. Estimated time is 25-30 minutes.

    How to bake wings in the oven with a crust

    Such a crispy snack is obtained if pieces of poultry are processed with thick batter. Wings in the oven with a crust, due to the peculiarities of cooking, acquire not only an incredibly tasty shell, but also a very juicy middle. This dish will get a round of applause if you serve it to your guests. Be sure to study the cooking technology and try to bake wings according to this recipe as soon as possible.


    • chicken eggs higher cat. - 2 pcs.;
    • chicken wings - 8-10 pieces;
    • starch - 2 tbsp. l.;
    • light beer - half a glass;
    • flour - 3 tbsp. l.;
    • ground pepper, salt;
    • vegetable oil.

    Cooking method:

    1. Beat eggs with beer, salt. Spoons to introduce the sifted flour.
    2. The mass should resemble thick sour cream, so the amount of flour varies.
    3. Sprinkle washed wings with starch. Then pour generously with batter.
    4. Spread on greased parchment paper on a baking sheet.
    5. Bake at 200 degrees, not forgetting to turn over every 7-8 minutes. Approximate cooking time is 35 minutes.

    Video: wings for beer in the oven