Assorted tomatoes and cucumbers with citric acid for the winter. Assorted vegetables for the winter: recipes

Or assorted tomatoes/cucumbers. Give me please

Harvesting tomatoes for the winter.

Simple step by step recipe cooking canned tomato for the winter, with delicious brine, The ingredients are simple, namely 1. Tomatoes 2. Currant leaves 3. Cherry leaves (Optional) 4. Horseradish 5. Salt 6. Black pepper (peas) 7. Sugar 8. Vinegar, one teaspoon 9. Garlic I hope you do too like it Bon appetit

Eggplant for the winter: salads in jars. Recipes: Ratatouille and Sweet Pepper Salad

Preparations for the winter in banks. Pickled cucumbers and zucchini: salad recipes

Children's pickled cucumbers.

This is a variant of children's cucumbers, since vinegar, which is used in preservation in very large doses, has been replaced with citric acid in small quantities. I use this recipe every year and not only children, but also adults eat cucumbers with pleasure. Marinade (for a 3-liter jar): 2 tbsp. salt; 5 tbsp Sahara; 1.5 tsp citric acid. Since we can’t quickly master a 3l jar of cucumbers, I roll 1l into jars (respectively, we take 3 jars). At the bottom of the jar (1l) we put: 1 dill umbrella, 1 leaf ...

Delicious recipes -1. Blog of the user Pig on

Everything below, I carefully collect from our conferences :) About chokeberry [link-1] We collect a bucket of berries (counted together with twigs) and 40 cherry leaves. The berries are separated from the branches, washed and begin to put in a bowl (we take large saucepan or a bucket, which is not a pity, because everything will be painted), alternating rows of berries with rows of cherry leaves. Fill with boiling water and set for a day. Next, drain the resulting juice, boil and pour it into a bucket of berries again, adding water to a level that covers the berries. Through...

What can be done with green tomatoes? I know caviar, I'm tired. Can you throw them away so that your eyes do not hurt?

Ingredients: apples - 400 g pumpkin - 400 g juice and zest of one lemon sugar - 100 g cinnamon cardamom Cut apples and pumpkin into slices, cover with sugar, pour over lemon juice and simmer for about 10 minutes over low heat, adding cinnamon, zest and cardamom. Then you can boil the jam until the pumpkin and apples are soft and put it hot in jars and roll it up. And if you need an option not for the winter, but to feast on right now, part of the jam must be pureed and mixed with the remaining slices of pumpkin and apples. Now it can be poured into jars and stored in the refrigerator for up to 10 days. Since...

I'm "addicted" to conservation here) Yesterday I rolled up compotes, now I want cucumbers, tomatoes, salads :) There are a lot of household people here, maybe you know some simple recipes? Thank you)


Vegetable salad.
There are many such recipes. But after a long search, I settled on such a ratio as the most optimal in my opinion. I use it because this is the only acceptable recipe that utilizes green tomatoes, and for some reason there are always a lot of them on the bushes.
For 8 cans of 0.7 liters. Thinly cut:
3 kg. tomato can be green,
1 kg. onion,
1 kg pepper (sweet),
1 kg. carrots.
Pour marinade and boil for 20-30 minutes, then - in jars and twist (without pasteurization). Only it is necessary to impose in steril. jars and a boiled spoon straight from a saucepan standing on a small fire.
1 st. vinegar,
1 st. Sahara,
1 st. pods. oils,
2 tbsp. l. topless salt.

Delicious pepper.
Bulgarian pepper, if possible “fleshy”, cut into appetizing strips floor-wide. cm, and 2-4 cm long, discard the core with seeds. For beauty, I take red and yellow peppers and only a little green. Since for some reason red is more expensive in our market, I buy it green and keep it on the balcony for a week - it blushes like a pretty one.
Pepper immerse in boiling water for 2 minutes and immediately remove. Fill the jars with them more tightly, pour the marinade (for speed, you can boil it), cover with lids, put the jars in a pot of boiling water and sterilize for 20 minutes. Then take it out one at a time and twist it.
For 4 cans of 0.5 liters. you need 2 kg of unpeeled pepper.

Marinade: vinegar, honey (perfectly replaced with sugar), pods. oil in the ratio 1:1:1. + salt to taste.

Option -
2 l. tomato juice
50 pcs. pepper (processed as above)
1 st. Sahara
1 st. sunflower oils.
100 gr. table vinegar
salt to taste.
Boil all this until the pepper is ready, pour into jars and twist.

A few years ago I started making such an Arabic dish (I ate it for the first time in Egypt, then I looked for a recipe for a long time, because I didn’t know the name). Bake whole eggplants in the oven until soft, remove from the oven, cover with a lid, let stand. After this procedure, remove the skin. Grind the softness in a blender. Add mayonnaise, salt, squeeze garlic, lemon juice(you can enter vinegar or diluted crystal.citric acid). Everything tastes good. Beat again. It turns out such an airy, delicate, light puree mass. Eats with bread. You can also add growing oils, better than olive oil.
So, I adapted to conserve this semi-finished mass. I bake eggplant, grind it in a blender, put it in 300 gr. jars, sterilize a little and roll up the lid. I keep it in the refrigerator. I have 2 years storage experience.
When I need it, I take it out of the fridge. I warm the jar under hot water for 10 minutes, add the rest of the ingredients - and the dish is ready!
Try not rolling. Like it - make it!

Preparations for the winter: how to make tomato sauce

Girls, you know everything. Now I want to close some jars for the winter. But traditionally pickled - you don’t want spicy. Those. no pickled tomato-peppers, no eggplant in adjika, no pickles. But I want something tender, so that you can just eat, and not use it as a snack :))) Are there any such recipes?

probably wrapped up here, but I'll risk it, there will be more people. I really want to close the tomatoes in the winter, but the right recipe I can’t find them (I define them as “fermented” They should be like this: the brine is cloudy, they themselves are soft, sweet and .. drunk, well, like fermented, or something) It’s problematic to bite them off, they burst. And as if soda in the nose. Without the taste of vinegar. Here's how to make them. Who can? teach. *** The topic was moved from the conference "SP: gatherings"


It's like pickled cucumbers. Close according to my recipe, everyone is delighted with my tomatoes. three liter a jar, a spoonful of table salt, and two sugars. We poured it for the first time, stood, poured it into a large container, we chop garlic, peppercorns, and dill there. It all boils for one minute, pour two aspirin tablets into jars. take off, and NU are very tasty


I cut tomatoes into slices, onion rings, carrots in circles, sweet peppers in half rings. Just an eye-sweeter then more carrots, sour-tomatoes. Immediately I cut a lot of bowls. Then I throw part of the mixture from the basin into a large saucepan and it grows a little by eye, they themselves will still give juice during the cooking process. Sugar and salt to taste. I boil a little, maybe 5 minutes after dripping (I love it when vegetables crunch). The jars are already sterilized on the table and the lids are also sterilized. At the last moment, I add vinegar to the pan to taste (I don’t like a little spicy). I turn it on the smallest fire and pour it into jars and immediately close it with lids (screw) and turn it over on the floor and cover it. That's all. I pour the rest from the pan into the bowl, and into the pan a new portion of vegetables. I pour the rest from the cup into the pan before pouring it into jars. I store it in the garage in the basement. Very fast and tasty. If there are not many tomatoes, I add tomato paste.

I give proven ones, I have been closing them for 40 years already ...
Tomatoes - for 3 liter jar 2 tbsp salt, 3 tbsp. spoons of sugar and vinegar 1 teaspoon under the lid. A 3 liter jar contains 1.5 liters of water. Who loves herbs - garlic, dill, pepper, etc. They stand at home in the closet for a year or two, if they didn’t gobble up a lot during the season, they are very tasty. Close as usual, first pour boiling water, drain after 5 minutes, add salt and sugar, boil and pour again, close, turn over, warm for 12 hours.
Cucumbers ala shop-

Black pepper (peas)
Mustard (beans)
Bay leaf
Acetic essence
Dill (fresh)
We wash them, put them in jars, I take small jars, mostly 1 and 1.5 liters. Boil water and pour boiling water over jars of cucumbers and cover with lids, let cool.
After the water in the jars has cooled down, add 5-6 peppercorns to the jars, 1 teaspoon of mustard grains, Bay leaf 1-2, garlic 1-2 cloves (but I prefer without it, fresh dill, leaves). Pour marinade over everything.
For 1 liter of water, you will need: 6-8 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar (depending on how you like it sweeter or not), 2 tbsp. spoons of salt, 2 tbsp. spoons vinegar essence. Boil everything and pour into jars.
After you fill and roll up the jars, DO NOT COVER!!! to keep the cucumbers crispy. :)

Tell me, please, what can be cooked from tomatoes ... A fairly decent number of them was formed - they brought them from the village ... They have already begun to deteriorate: (((Tell me some snacks, hot, cold, salads, anything


And also very tasty, quick and easy -
Cut the tomatoes into circles, lightly fry in a pan on one side.
When you turn it over, immediately put suluguni cheese on top (no need to salt, since this cheese is quite salty)
and cover with a lid. 1-2 minutes - and you're done!

Cut the tomatoes (as you like) and put them in a frying pan in hot oil. Fry until the juice evaporates. Once it has evaporated, break the eggs into the tomatoes. Break one at a time and immediately mix the mixture with a spatula. Salt. A couple of minutes before the readiness, put finely chopped garlic into this scrambled egg.
It is delicious both hot (I use it as a side dish for meat, meatballs, sausages, etc.) and cold as an appetizer.
PS: You lay as many eggs as you like: we don’t really like scrambled eggs, and 1 kg. tomato 3 small or 2 big eggs I put
Bon appetit:-)

I heard today that they canned or pickled for the winter brown tomatoes, which are initially incised and put greens and a clove of garlic into the incision. Does anyone know how to do this more accurately? Perhaps you have tried it and share how it tastes. :))


My mother does, though she doesn’t preserve, but just salts it. Inside - a sprig of dill and garlic. Amazing taste! no more info :(((

I did. As usual, only garlic cloves were cut into 2-4 parts and inserted into 4 cuts around the buttocks. It came out great. The last jar was eaten with regret. Canned with citric acid, without vinegar. I was told to take green ones, but I had almost ripe, pink ones. The green ones are probably especially noted, because just like that they are by no means a delicacy.

Probably this topic has been raised more than once! Does anyone close something for the winter, cook it? Except cucumbers and jam. I only have cucumbers (salt and pickle), jam, and mushrooms.


I cook marmalade jams and dry apples when I get free fruits. Well, I also tried to cook chutney this time - from a free pumpkin. And if you buy all the raw materials, it’s too expensive here ... I don’t indulge in pickling cucumbers either due to the lack of my own raw materials. Now, if I ever have a thread "a house with a garden" ...

And I close the borscht, it’s very cool in winter, I cooked the meat, opened the jar, added it to the meat, a couple of minutes after boiling and you’re done. My husband really likes it and I have fewer problems, once I was exhausted and that's it, I'm closing the third year. In addition, some salads on the little things and KAMPOT, I especially like blackcurrant with orange, super!

Mushrooms for the winter: a recipe from Anita Tsoi. Salted nigella

Singer Anita Tsoi is a very homely hostess, in her microblog she regularly describes what she grows in her garden and what she treats guests to. Today Anita shares a recipe for salting mushrooms: “I gathered nigella in the forest and decided to pickle them. Just imagine how delicious it is to eat strong hats of salty nigella seasoned with onions in winter, sunflower oil And fresh dill Yes, even with boiled potatoes. The recipe is simple. I cooked the blackies in the cold way. To do this, soaked mushrooms in ...

A husband from the village brought a fairly decent amount of cucumbers. You can't eat them fresh in such quantity. I don’t know how to preserve, but still, can you tell me a couple of proven recipes for pickled or pickled cucumbers, preferably without sterilizing the jars.


I'm not a fan of cooking, but I cork cucumbers every year.
We take washed cucumbers and washed three-liter jars.
In a jar, in addition to cucumbers :)) I put dill, celery, a couple of cloves of garlic, bay leaf, parsley, horseradish root and leaves, allspice, hot black (unground :)), of course), you can also have a small piece of hot red or green pepper - well, the main thing is not to overdo it - literally one small circle of pepper (chopped). In parallel with the bookmark, I boil water.
I pour cucumbers with boiling water - cover with a lid and they stand for 10-15 minutes. Then I drain and fill it with a new portion (the old one - again on fire). Again 10 minutes worth. Then I drain the water, pour it again with boiling water (boiled water from the "first drain"). Total - we fill it twice, wait and drain it, the third time is the final one.
I pour 3 tablespoons of salt into a jar and pour in about 80 mg of vinegar (an incomplete pile).
While I fall asleep, the lid in boiling water is disinfected.
Everything - a gut on a jar and roll it up. After seaming, check if the lids are leaking - putting the jars upside down :)) Cover with something warm (I don’t know why - my grandmother always did this and I continue :))
Cucumbers are very fragrant.
I used to do it with citric acid - I didn’t like it. One year I also added sugar - a spoon - also somehow not very ...

salty it’s easy :) In a 3-liter jar (even a jar is better, but something with a wide neck) I put several branches of flowering dill on the bottom, 3-5 pieces of large cloves of peeled garlic, pour a mixture of bay leaves, allspice , black peas, cilantro seeds, then cucumbers, this time I threw them not washed, though they were clean. In a large cup I make a cool salt solution. I pour cold water into a jar of cucumbers, about halfway, then a salt solution, tilt the jar and try how much salt the water turned out to be, it should be very salty, if I decide that it’s enough, then I add water, in general, this process occurs without a measuring cup, so I can't tell the proportions. Oh, I forgot about the hell, it’s definitely necessary, I cut the big spine in half and to the bottom. I have such a flat stone that I put on top of the cucumbers so that they are all under water. Sometimes I also put dill and a horseradish leaf on top, and then kaumshek. The water must be very well drained. It all stands until the next day in the kitchen, I try the water again, if it’s not very salty for me, then I add salt. Then to the refrigerator.
If there are a lot of cucumbers, then try it, it’s hard to say the recipe is accurate, after the first time you will be guided. Make a small jar.


A family recipe for caviar, in general, from EVERYTHING. Zucchini can be replaced with baked eggplant, baked or boiled beets or raw carrots, or even green tomatoes (red ones remain as written).
Then we get caviar, respectively, eggplant, beetroot, tomato, etc.

So, sequentially pass through a meat grinder and fry in a frying pan for pods. butter until done next ingredient- in the same pan):
1. Onion rep. (900 gr) + Bulgarian pepper (400 gr)
2. raw zucchini, they must be peeled and cut out the middle with seeds.
3. Tomatoes (800 gr)

I turn it in a colander so that the excess juice flows out, otherwise it takes a very long time to cook in a pan. After all, it is necessary to bring to the density of caviar. This takes about an hour anyway. Yes, caviar tends to burn, so you can’t move away from it for the last half hour - you need to stir.

The weight of everything is given raw and unpeeled. It is clear that it is approximate. I just weighed on the scales what I used in a particular serving. If we sum up, we get the raw weight - 4100 gr. When everything is fried, evaporated, stewed, it will turn out:
1 b. * 0.5 l + 2 b. * 0.7 l. = 2l.

Yes, I mix the tomatoes with most of the spices and then pour them into the pan. When we get the desired consistency, we “bring” it to the condition with “underinvested” spices. In total, this portion went:
Sugar 4 tbsp (2.5 - 3.5 tablespoons)
Salt 4 tsp
Ground black pepper 2.5 tsp

In fact, we eat caviar quite cheerfully, without twisting it, it stands perfectly in the refrigerator for a month. But you can twist it, then it is in sterile jars directly from the pan, and min. 20 pasteurize, and then under the lid.

If there are problems with onions / tomatoes, then easily reduce their number, the taste will be different, of course, and then just before spinning, I would add lemon juice or acetic acid to the jar - 1 or 0.5 coffee spoons per half liter, respectively. After all, if there are few tomatoes, there is not enough acid for preservation.

But keep in mind that zucchini, like cucumbers, are very capricious in conservation. I would eat them in any form "so", but in summer conditions

Below was a thread about pickled cucumbers. What, they say, they explode ... Here is a recipe that I have been cooking for many years and not a single jar has exploded for many years. And without sterilization. You wash the jars as standard, you don’t need to soar them. You put horseradish, dill umbrellas on the bottom, you can leave currant and cherry, oak, tarragon leaves. Put garlic - as much as your heart desires. add either purchased seasoning for pickling, or separately - sweet pea pepper (5 pcs), black pea pepper (5 pcs), cloves (5 ...

Throw not complex recipes))))


put in a jar: dill umbrellas, garlic, celery greens (optional), then cucumbers and tomatoes. Pour boiling water, leave for 10 minutes, drain and pour brine at the rate of 1 liter of water 50g.salt, 50g.sugar, 1 teaspoon acetic acid and roll up. I also sometimes put sweet pepper pods in a jar.

Good afternoon Please tell me simple and proven recipes not for separately pickled cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, etc., but salads. You can also not pickled, but just salads, so that in winter you can open a jar of potatoes for potatoes and enjoy the goodies with the whole family. But about separately pickled goodies - I will be very grateful for the recipe for pickled garlic. Thank you in advance


I pickle garlic usually with tomatoes or assorted.
But in any case, it can be done like this:
Garlic, disassembled into slices and peeled, placed in a sterile jar, pour boiling water to warm up and then, draining this water, pour boiling marinade and immediately roll up.

I make the marinade based on 1 liter. water:
1 tbsp Sahara
2 tbsp topless salt!

Yes, before twisting under the lid, pour vinegar. acids. Moreover, at 0.7 liters. jar, pour 1/2 tsp.

I already posted it here a long time ago. I consider it optimal. I use it because this is the only acceptable recipe that utilizes green tomatoes, and for some reason there are always a lot of them on the bushes.
But if you do not have green, but red and brown, then this will only benefit him.

For 8 cans of 0.7 liters. finely cut:
3 kg. tomato can be green and brown,
1 kg. onion,
1 kg pepper (sweet),
1 kg. carrots.

Pour the marinade and boil for 20-30 minutes, then put it in jars and twist (without pasteurization). Only it is necessary to impose in steril. jars and a boiled spoon straight from a saucepan standing on a small fire.

1 st. vinegar,
1 st. Sahara,
1 st. pods. oils,
2 tbsp. l. topless salt.

And what salads are you going to make for the winter? Share proven recipes please


I have already made a "garden" (cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, cabbage, etc. in one jar), eggplant salad, and lecho (my favorite!). There are more recipes mother-in-law tongue"from eggplant with hot peppers, salad with rice, but I haven't done it myself yet. Are you interested in anything? I'll write.

family recipes. Tillotama's blog on

Today it came over me again about food :) Sorry for the night again :) I remembered about family recipes maybe a little national. The first thing that came to mind is chicken soup with dumplings. In Russia, probably, they are called dumplings. In an almost cooked chicken soup, instead of vermicelli, a thick, viscous dough is placed in a spoonful (flour, egg, salt, soda-vinegar and unsweetened water). These funny clouds quickly float up and grow three times in size. There is always a lot of greens in the soup. Interestingly, the husband and...

Diet Salad Recipes

Do you like to eat delicious food, but you have to watch your figure? Diet meals- great way out. Therefore, today I have prepared for you the best recipes dietary salads. Proper nutrition very good for the body, so it is very important to eat healthy food, even if you do not need to lose weight. Vegetable salad 400 g cabbage 1 cucumber 0.5 bunch of dill or parsley lemon juice salt, pepper Chop the cabbage into thin strips, and then add the diced cucumber, as well as parsley or dill ...

Zucchini, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers for the winter: how to cook

Are you stocking up for the winter? How do your cucumbers behave this year, I have more than half exploded, the recipe has been tested over the years, everything is always ok, but here more than ever. And little cucumbers grew in the country. It's a shame. A friend also complained this year about the same behavior of pickled cucumbers. (I’ll write right away, I do it every year, regardless of the political and economic situation. But lately I’ve been hearing from friends who have never done canning that you need at least ...

Girls, help out a newbie: for the first time I preserved cucumbers (filled with boiling water for 10 minutes, drained, again boiling water + vinegar + seasonings + salt and under the lid). The lids of 2 of the 3 jars were swollen. I opened them, but I don’t know what to do next: (Is there still a chance to save the cucumbers? Please help ...


There is such an option - to pierce the lids with a nail, let stand, and then close up with plasticine.
But I don't like the result. Not if you immediately eat, or if you make a hole.
So I postpone in such cases several. cucumbers (because suddenly what kind of salad will be needed), and the rest with an unwavering hand - in a bucket: ((

This rarely happens to me, but if it happens, I reclose it (a new brine, but a portion of sugar, salt and vinegar has already fallen than it was originally) and stand further. By the way, this does not affect the taste of cucumbers. I specially signed it 1 time when I closed it, I tried it - excellent cucumbers.

The resulting mass is mixed with granulated sugar (for 1 kg of berries 700 g of granulated sugar), adding 3 g of citric acid. Store in a cool place in sterilized glass jars with closed lids. Candied chokeberries are washed, blanched for one minute in acidified water (5 g of citric acid per 1 liter of water) and spread on a baking sheet with a layer of 2-3 cm, sprinkled with sugar. A baking sheet with berries is placed in the oven, heated to 200 ° C, and kept ...

We will celebrate a birthday, I want to cook pilaf. What snacks can I cook, well, what alcoholic drinks come with plov?

There are countless ways to harvest pickled tomatoes. Each recipe contains tricks and nuances. Tomatoes can be preserved whole, sliced, with herbs or vegetables, marinated or own juice. Many are looking for a delicious alternative to vinegar preparations. In this article we will share the best recipes canning tomatoes with citric acid.

Before proceeding with canning, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with useful tips experienced housewives:

  • Since the process of harvesting tomatoes with citric acid for the winter does not take much time, we advise you to prepare and sterilize the jars in advance.
  • For pickling at home, choose vegetables that are firm to the touch so that they do not go limp from contact with the hot marinade, but retain their shape.
  • It will be useful for novice hostesses to know that tomatoes must be pierced with a toothpick near the stalk in several places. This technique will allow the tomatoes to be better saturated with marinade and not burst from contact with boiling brine.

Canning tomatoes with citric acid is popular among those with stomach problems.

We offer the simplest recipe for marinating tomatoes, which lists the ingredients for a 3-liter jar:

  1. Pour chopped greens (dill, parsley) and carrots, previously cut into rings, onto the bottom.
  2. Then put in the tomatoes.
  3. Between the rows of tomatoes, place a few pieces of sweet pepper (3-5 pieces), a hot pepper ring and garlic (three cloves).
  4. Finish the top layer of tomatoes and decorate the workpiece with currant leaves (3 pcs.), Cherries (5 pcs.), Dill umbrella.

Pour all contents with boiling water for 10 minutes. Cover the neck with a tin lid. After that, strain the water into a separate container. Salt the water (1 tablespoon), add sugar (2 tablespoons) and bring to a boil.

Instead of vinegar, pour half a teaspoon of citric acid into a jar. Pour the jars with the resulting marinade and roll up. Banks must be turned upside down and covered with a blanket on top. Leave the cylinders in this state until they are completely cool. Store pickled tomatoes in a cool place.

Assorted tomatoes and cucumbers for the winter with citric acid

It often happens that you want to pamper yourself with different pickles, and opening several cans in a row is not practical. An excellent way out in such cases is to prepare assorted vegetables. The combination of tomatoes and cucumbers gives a unique taste to pickles.

Soak the cucumbers first cold water and leave for three hours. For the recipe, you need two kilograms of tomatoes and three kilograms of cucumbers. Choose medium-sized fruits so that all vegetables look organic in a jar.

The sequence of work is as follows:

  1. Put spices in a jar: garlic (three cloves), currant leaf, horseradish, cherry;
  2. Half of the jar will be occupied by cucumbers, the second part - by tomatoes.
  3. Put a couple of dill umbrellas near the neck and pour boiling water over it.
  4. Leave to infuse for 5-7 minutes.
  5. Drain the liquid and refill with clean boiling water for 3-5 minutes.
  6. When infused, drain the liquid into the pan, add a lemon (5 g) and a few black peppercorns.
  7. Bring to a boil and carefully pour into assorted jars.

Assorted ready. It remains to roll up with a tin lid, turn over and wrap. After cooling, transfer the blanks to the cellar for storage.

How to cook sweet tomatoes for the winter with citric acid

Cooking sweet tomatoes with citric acid differs only in the increased amount of sugar in the recipe. The rest of the technology is the same.

This harvesting method provides for double pouring with boiling water. This type of preservation avoids complex process sterilization of jars with pickles.

Novice housewives will love the recipe for its simplicity and accessibility. Easier to preserve three-liter jars, so the quantity of ingredients will be indicated for this container.

You will need the following components:

  • tomatoes;
  • garlic cloves - 2 pcs.;
  • greens (parsley) - 30 grams;
  • cherry leaves, currants - 2 pcs.;
  • lemon - 7-10 grams;
  • sugar - half a glass;
  • salt - 15 grams.

Prepare the tomatoes: wash and make holes with a toothpick near the stalk. Spices also need to be rinsed with running water.

Place garlic, parsley, cherry and currant leaves in a sterilized jar. Fans of spicy pickles can add a ring of bitter pepper.

Put the tomatoes in a jar so that there are no voids between them. You can shake the jar a little, but you can’t tamp the vegetables.

Fill jars filled with tomatoes with boiling water. Cover with a lid and leave for 10-15 minutes. Then drain the water and prepare the marinade:

  • the liquid that was drained must be brought to a boil;
  • at the time of boiling, add sugar, salt and lemon according to the recipe;
  • let the brine boil for one minute.

The marinade is ready. Pour in the tomatoes and seal tin lids. Turn the containers over and wrap. They should stand in this position until completely cooled, after which they can already be transferred to a permanent storage location.

Cherry with citric acid and herbs

The harvesting of cherry tomatoes for the winter will delight and surprise guests. The sweetish taste of the tomato and the miniature size will be spectacular at any celebration among the treats. For the convenience of canning cherry tomatoes, choose liter jars.

The order of preparation is as follows:

  1. Place on the bottom of the jar dill, half an onion, cut into rings, a piece hot pepper, a sprig of parsley, cherry leaves, bay leaf and a few pieces of cloves.
  2. Fill the jar with washed cherry tomatoes, pour boiling water.
  3. Let it brew for 10 minutes.
  4. Drain the brine liquid.
  5. In the water, put salt (half a teaspoon), sugar (two tablespoons), citric acid (3 gr.).
  6. Bring to a boil, pour into bottles.

While the workpiece is hot, it must be rolled up, put upside down, covered with a blanket. Usually a day is enough for the jars to cool. Transfer the cooled cherry jars to the cellar for winter storage.

Tomato preparations with onions and citric acid

Fans of more spicy and sweet preparations can put onion rings in jars instead of garlic. It will add aroma, spice and sweetness to pickled tomatoes.

  1. Cut a large onion (or two medium ones) into rings.
  2. Peel the sweet pepper and divide into strips.
  3. At the bottom of the jar, put greens (parsley, dill, two branches each), fold the tomatoes in layers, alternating with strips of pepper and onion rings.
  4. Prepare the marinade separately. In water (1.5 l), stir salt (1 tbsp), sugar (3 tbsp), citric acid (1 tsp), spices to taste and bring to a boil.

While the marinade is hot, pour into jars and send for sterilization. Seal the finished marinades with lids and send for storage.

Harvesting a tomato with citric acid for the winter allows you to save everything beneficial features, will delight you with an unusual mild taste. Citric acid is available to everyone and will fully replace vinegar in winter pickles. It is able to create uncomfortable conditions for the vital activity of harmful microorganisms. This quality significantly increases the shelf life of products canned with citric acid. Delight your loved ones with sweet and sour fragrant blanks with lemon.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Assorted tomatoes and cucumbers for the winter with citric acid - very beautiful in appearance, and very delicious preparation without exaggeration. This kind of blanks are always on the shelves of the bins of every hostess, because pickles in winter time very tasty and desirable on any table. A mix of vegetables always turns out delicious and on festive table looks very appetizing, the male half is very fond of such tomatoes and cucumbers with a glass of strong drink. Also, the workpiece is well suited to absolutely all dishes, cucumbers can be used separately for salads or hodgepodge / pickle. Instead of vinegar in this recipe, we will use citric acid, the result will pleasantly surprise you. Look at this one too.

- tomatoes, cucumbers - 5-7 pcs.;
- hot peppers- taste;
- garlic - 1 clove;
- cloves - 2-3 pieces;
- peppercorns - 3-4 pcs.;
- mustard in grains - 1/3 tsp;
- water - 750 ml;
- salt - 1.5 tsp;
- sugar - 3 tablespoons;
- citric acid - 1.5 tsp;
- greens - to taste.

Recipe with photo step by step:

Prepare jars for harvesting - one liter or two half-liter. Wash the container with soda and sterilize in a convenient way. At the bottom of the jar, put all the selected spices - dry mustard seeds, cloves, peppercorns, a clove of peeled garlic, hot pepper taste. Also, if desired, you can add a little greenery.

Wash the vegetables with a new clean sponge or washcloth. Soak cucumbers in cold water for at least three hours. Fill the jar with cucumbers and tomatoes, shake the jar several times in the process so that the vegetables fit snugly together. It is better to take small tomatoes for such a preparation, but they should be dense in structure. Also, tomatoes can be pricked at the place where the stalk grows, so that the skin does not burst during the process of pouring boiling water.

Pour clean filtered boiling water into the jar, leave for 5 minutes at complete rest.

Put on a clean neck nylon cover. Drain hot water gently into a saucepan, boil for a couple of minutes and return to the jar.

Steep vegetables again hot water about five minutes. You can also cook this.

IN last time pour water into the pan, closing the jar with a nylon lid.

Add salt, sugar and citric acid. Boil the marinade for a couple of minutes.

Return the marinade to the jar and immediately roll up or twist with a sterile lid. That's it, put the jar upside down, cover and leave for a day. After transfer the workpiece to the pantry.

Bon appetit!

Assorted "Emerald" without sterilization

Let's start from the very simple recipe- without sterilization. The components are designed for a 3 liter jar, but you can count them for the amount of vegetables available.

Cucumbers and tomatoes are better to take medium-sized, elastic, with a hard skin.


  • 1 kg of cucumbers;
  • 1 kg of tomatoes (can be green);
  • 3 dill umbrellas;
  • 3 pcs. large leaves of horseradish;
  • 10 garlic cloves;
  • 8 pcs. black currant leaves;
  • 10 black peppercorns;
  • 1 sprig tarragon (optional)
  • 1.5 liters of water;
  • 3 art. l. salt;
  • 3 art. l. sugar (with a slide);
  • 100 ml of vinegar (9%).


  1. To make cucumbers crispy, soak them in cold water for several hours.
  2. Rinse jars and lids thoroughly with baking soda. Then we scald the lids with boiling water, and sterilize the jars a little over steam or in any other way that is more convenient for you.
  3. We wash all the greens, spread them on a paper towel. We clean the garlic, wash it, divide it into teeth. Drain the water from the cucumbers, wash well, cut off the ends. Small fruits can be left whole. We also thoroughly wash the tomatoes, pierce 1 cm in the stalk area with a skewer or a sharp knife.
  4. Put in each clean jar: horseradish and currant leaves, two dill umbrellas, a tarragon branch. Then lay out a layer of cucumbers. Throw in half of the garlic cloves.
  5. The next layer is tomatoes. Pour the remaining garlic, peppercorns. Cover with dill umbrella.
  6. Now you need to fill the jars twice with boiling water, for the third time - marinade. It is convenient to pour boiling water into jars from the kettle. For these purposes, I use a special "technical" teapot - for conservation. Pour once, cover with lids, leave for 15 minutes.
  7. Then we pour water, closing the jars with special lids with holes, back into the kettle. Boil, pour again for 15 minutes. After this time, pour water into the kettle again. Add salt, sugar, bring to a boil. We add vinegar.
  8. Pour the brine into jars, roll up. Let's wrap it up.

After cooling, assorted cucumbers and tomatoes are ready for the winter!

Assorted cucumbers and tomatoes "Exquisite" for the winter: the most delicious recipe

Ingredients for a 2 liter jar:

  • 700 g of tomatoes;
  • 600-700 g cucumbers;
  • 1 PC. bell pepper;
  • 80 g of grapes;
  • 6 garlic cloves;
  • 0.5 pcs. carrots;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1/3 hot pepper pod;
  • 2 sheets of horseradish;
  • 2 pcs. bay leaf;
  • 7 pcs. black peppercorns;
  • Cherry leaves, currants - to taste;
  • Dill, parsley - to taste;
  • A branch of tarragon - optional.

Marinade per liter of water:

  • 50 ml of vinegar (9%);
  • 1 st. l. salt;
  • 1.5 st. l. Sahara.


  1. Banks must be washed and sterilized. We cut off the edges of the washed cucumbers, soak for an hour in cold water. Then we salt the water. Let's wash the tomatoes.
  2. Now we lay out herbs and spices in jars. The more spices and herbs, the tastier the vegetables will be. At the bottom of each jar we put chopped horseradish leaves, parsley, dill, cherry leaves, currants, peppercorns.
  3. We take hot pepper and cut off a small piece in each jar. Add bay leaf (1-2 per jar). Cut carrots and onions into slices in each jar. There also - bell pepper slices, peeled garlic cloves.
  4. We take a jar, lay out cucumbers in the first layer (vertically). Now we fill the voids with grapes. Then you can tightly stack the tomatoes.
  5. Pour boiling water - into the middle, not abruptly, from the kettle. It is better to pour on top of the tomatoes. Then the bank will remain intact, will not crack.
  6. Pour water to the very top, cover with sterile lids. Leave for 15 minutes. Drain the water again into the kettle through the lid with holes. We need to boil this water again and pour the jars for 15 minutes.
  7. Now we need to prepare sweet marinade. We measure vinegar into a measuring glass, add salt, sugar, stir well. Pour into teapot. Drain the water from the jars into a kettle with vinegar. When you boil the marinade, do not cover the kettle with a lid.
  8. Pour vegetables with boiling marinade, roll up. Turn over, wrap with a warm blanket, leave to cool completely.

Here is the most delicious recipe for assorted cucumbers and tomatoes for the winter.

Assorted "Magic" for 1 liter jar

I am often asked how to cook pickled cucumbers with tomatoes - assorted for the winter, a recipe for 1 liter of water. Small banks are very suitable for a small family. A liter of marinade is enough for 2 liter or 4 half-liter jars.

  • 400 g cucumbers;
  • 300 g of tomatoes;
  • 1 PC. bay leaf;
  • 3 pcs. cherry leaves;
  • 3-4 pcs. peppercorns;
  • Dill greens - to taste.

Marinade for 1 liter jar:

  • 0.5 l of water;
  • 3 art. l. vinegar (9%);
  • 1 st. l. salt;
  • 2.5 st. l. Sahara.


  1. Wash liter jars with soda, rinse, sterilize over steam for 5 minutes. Wash the tomatoes and cucumbers.
  2. Put spices and spices in jars, fill with cucumbers and tomatoes.
  3. Pour boiling water over the vegetables, leave for 10 minutes, covered with lids. Pour water into a saucepan, add salt, sugar. Boil, pour vegetables again, leave for 5 minutes.
  4. Drain the water again, boil, add vinegar. Pour the marinade into jars, roll up. Let's wrap it up. This is also a delicious recipe, just like in the store.

Assorted "Reliable" for storage in a warm apartment

For greater reliability, you can prepare pickled cucumbers and tomatoes with sterilization. For convenience and safety, I make such blanks in small jars.

Ingredients for 1 liter jar:

  • 350 g cucumbers;
  • 350 g of tomatoes;
  • 0.5 pcs. bell pepper;
  • 1 dill umbrella;
  • Horseradish root - a piece of 2 cm;
  • 1 currant leaf;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 1 clove bud;
  • 3 black peppercorns;
  • 1 st. l. salt;
  • 1.5 st. l. Sahara;
  • 1 st. l. vinegar 9% (or 1.5 tbsp. apple cider vinegar 6%).


  1. Soak cucumbers for several hours. Sterilize jars and lids. We wash the greens and vegetables, dry them slightly.
  2. In each jar we put dill, horseradish root, currant leaf, cut garlic clove. Add cloves and peppercorns.
  3. Then we lay out the cucumbers vertically, on them - the tomatoes. Filling in the voids with stripes bell pepper. Add salt and sugar according to the recipe. Pour boiling water (about 0.5 liters), add vinegar. We cover with a lid.
  4. Harvesting can be done in a cold way: pour vegetables with marinade that has cooled to room temperature, and then sterilize the salad in jars.
  5. Sterilize in a wide container with a lined bottom for 5 minutes at a low boil.
  6. Carefully take out, roll up. Turn over, wrap. After cooling, we hide for storage.

On a note

Many are interested in how much salt and sugar should be poured into the marinade. It depends on your taste preferences. If you like slightly sweet vegetables, then put half as much sugar as salt. If not, there should be approximately equal amounts of sugar and salt.

Internet users love to share interesting recipes with us. I suggest to look detailed video how to make assorted.

Cucumbers and tomatoes with zucchini

If you, like me, love pickled zucchini, you can safely add them to the assortment.

Ingredients for 1 liter jar:

  • 250 g of tomatoes;
  • 250 g cucumbers;
  • 200 g zucchini;
  • 1-2 dill umbrellas;
  • 1 large garlic clove;
  • Hot pepper - a piece of 1 cm;
  • 1 currant leaf;
  • 0.5 horseradish leaves;
  • 6 black peppercorns.

Marinade for three liter jars:

  • 1.5 liters of water;
  • 3 art. l. salt;
  • 9 st. l. Sahara;
  • 12 st. l. vinegar 9%.


  1. All components are washed and dried. We put dill umbrellas in sterilized jars, currant leaves, peppercorns, a horseradish leaf, a clove of garlic cut in half, a piece of hot pepper.
  2. We fill the jars with cucumbers, alternating them with tomatoes and chopped zucchini.
  3. Pour boiling water: the first time for 10 minutes, the second - for 15. The third time, add salt, sugar, vinegar to the brine, stir. Bring to a boil, add vegetables.
  4. Screw on the lids. Let's wrap it up.

From pieces of zucchini, you can cut out figures - leaves, flowers. Looks very nice!

Assorted cauliflower "Gardener's Dream"

Very delicious salting, a variety of vegetables will delight you in the cold.

Ingredients for 1 liter jar:

  • 3 pcs. cucumbers;
  • 5 pieces. tomatoes;
  • 3 pcs. carrots;
  • 180 g of cauliflower;
  • 3 pcs. small bulbs;
  • 1 PC. bell pepper;
  • 3 garlic cloves;
  • 3 pcs. bay leaves;
  • 1 clove bud.

For the marinade (for 2 liter jars):

  • 1 liter of water;
  • 3 art. l. vinegar 9%;
  • 2 tsp salt;
  • 1 tsp Sahara.


  1. Wash vegetables, cut and peel. We cut carrots and onions into circles, Bulgarian pepper - into long strips. cauliflower let's sort it into inflorescences.
  2. Put the onion, garlic cloves, bay leaf, cloves into sterilized jars.
  3. Pour water into a saucepan, add sugar and salt, boil. Dip cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage into the marinade, boil for three minutes. Turn off the fire, pour in the vinegar, mix.
  4. We take out the vegetables from the pan with a slotted spoon, put them in jars. Pour in the marinade, cover with lids. We sterilize cans with conservation for about 10 minutes. Then we roll them up. That's all!

Assorted "Pleasure" with citric acid

Our family still loves this assortment: tomatoes and cucumbers for the winter - a recipe with citric acid. It turns out surprisingly tasty, even better than traditional pickling with vinegar.

Ingredients for a 3 liter jar:

  • 800 g cucumbers;
  • 800 g of tomatoes;
  • 200 g carrots;
  • 1 PC. bell pepper;
  • 6-7 garlic cloves;
  • 3 umbrellas of dill;
  • 2-3 hot pepper rings;
  • 5-6 currant leaves;
  • 4-5 cherry leaves;
  • 1.5 liters of water;
  • 8 tsp Sahara;
  • 4 tsp salt;
  • 1 tsp citric acid.


  1. We wash all vegetables. Cut off the ends of the cucumbers. Sterilize jars and lids.
  2. We put dill umbrellas, cherry leaves, currants, garlic cloves, pieces of bitter pepper, carrot circles, strips of bell pepper in jars. Fill with boiling water, cover with lids for 15 minutes.
  3. Drain the water, boil again and pour for 20 minutes. Drain the water again, make a brine: add salt, sugar, mix.
  4. Pour into jars, add citric acid, roll up. We roll a little on the table so that everything dissolves, turn it over, wrap it up.

After cooling, pickled vegetables with citric acid are ready.

Assorted "Narodnoye" with aspirin

I have long noticed that people like to add acetylsalicylic acid to preservation so that the jars do not explode later. At first, this method scared me, but when I tried it, I was convinced that there was nothing wrong with it. After all, the concentration of the drug is very small. Vegetables are tasty, crispy, without medicinal aftertaste. Try and cook cucumbers and tomatoes with aspirin.

Ingredients for a 3 liter jar:

  • 850 g of tomatoes;
  • 850 g cucumbers;
  • 6 cloves of garlic;
  • 2-3 dill umbrellas;
  • 1 sheet of horseradish;
  • 10 black peppercorns;
  • 2-3 pcs. bay leaf;
  • 0.5 pcs. hot pepper;
  • 3 aspirin tablets.

For marinade:

  • 2 liters of water;
  • 10 st. l. Sahara;
  • 6 art. l. salt;
  • 50 ml vinegar (9%).


  1. Wash all vegetables and leaves, sterilize jars with lids. In tomatoes, we will make punctures in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe stalk. Cut off the ends of the cucumbers.
  2. At the bottom of the jars lay out all the leaves, dill, spices, chopped garlic, hot peppers. Crush aspirin tablets in a saucer with a mortar and add to the jar. Then fill the container with cucumbers and tomatoes.
  3. How to prepare the marinade: boil water in a saucepan, dissolve salt, sugar, vinegar in it. Immediately pour over the vegetables and roll them up with lids. Gently shake the containers to dissolve the aspirin, roll it on the table.
  4. Then turn over, wrap, leave to cool for a day. Then we hide it for storage. You can serve on the table no earlier than 40 days later.

Now you know the most delicious recipes assorted cucumbers and tomatoes for the winter and you can easily bring them to life. Bon appetit!