Marinate carrots in vinegar quickly. Small carrots marinated for the winter

pickled carrots fast food - extraordinarily tasty snack for your table. It can be consumed after 6 hours, but it will be tastier after 12 hours. This appetizer goes well with hot meat dishes. But believe me, as an independent dish, it is eaten the fastest. Store in the refrigerator, no more than 1 month. I got a 300 gram jar of carrots.


To prepare instant pickled carrots you will need:

carrots (juicy and large) - 2 pcs.;

garlic - 4-5 cloves;

coarse salt - 1 tsp;

sugar - 1 tsp;

vinegar 9% - 25 ml;

Bay leaf- 2 pcs.;

allspice peas - 4-5 pcs.;

water - 250 ml.

Cooking steps

Peel the carrots with a vegetable peeler and cut into slices or florets, about 0.5 cm thick.

In a clean, dry jar, put carrot mugs along with chopped large pieces garlic.

Fill the jar to the top. Prepare the marinade: pour water into a saucepan, put on fire. Add salt, sugar, bay leaf and allspice. Bring the marinade to a boil, boil for 10 minutes. Pour in the vinegar. Discard the bay leaf, and pour the hot marinade over the carrots. Cover the jar with a lid and leave the carrots until cool.

Then place a jar of carrots in the refrigerator for 12 hours, you can try after 6 hours. That's it, delicious quick pickled carrots are ready to eat!

Enjoy your meal!

Pickled carrots for the winter is a wonderful product that will come in handy on the festive table in the cold season. It can be prepared in a variety of containers - wooden barrels, banks, plastic buckets and even saucepans. The result is tender, aromatic and savory snack. You can prepare pickled carrots as whole root crops, as well as circles, cubes. But young carrots look especially attractive in jars.

Pickled carrots in jars for the winter

It does not take much effort to cook a vegetable, which is very important, because housewives do not always have time for a long twist.

Ingredients you need for the appetizer:

  • two kilograms of fresh medium-sized carrots;
  • two bay leaves;
  • one teaspoon of ground cinnamon;
  • one hundred grams of granulated sugar;
  • fifty grams of salt;
  • one tablespoon of vinegar;
  • liter of pure water.

The first step is to put a large container of water on the fire so that it boils. We prepare carrots - wash, peel, cut into several parts. We send it to boiling water and cook for about five minutes until half cooked. Cooking time depends on the thickness of the pieces and the type of vegetable. Three minutes will be enough for young fruits, but ten minutes may not be enough for mature ones.

We take the mass out of the water, let it cool. We cut the vegetables in a warm state into pieces of the required size and shape: rings, half rings, straws. And we shift into jars prepared and sterilized in the oven. Next, we do the marinade - boil water, pour all the spices into it and cook for five minutes.

Pour the mass of vegetables in jars with fresh and hot marinade, pour vinegar on top. We cover them with lids and again put them on sterilization for water bath. Rolling up tin lids, send under a warm blanket. After complete cooling, the jars are stored in a dark and cool place: cellar, garage, basement.

With vegetables according to this recipe, you can cook carrot salad, soup, sauces and other dishes.

Classic Spicy Pickled Carrot Recipe

Spicy carrots with pepper - excellent workpiece for the winter, which can replace even the usual sauerkraut and will spice up any dish on the table. To prepare this snack, you will need the following set of products:

  • one kilogram of fresh medium-sized carrots;
  • three chili peppers;
  • one hundred milliliters of table vinegar;
  • one tablespoon of salt;
  • one tablespoon of sugar;
  • water - one liter.

Step by step preparation:

  1. 1. Fruits need to be washed with a brush to get rid of the peel. If they are young, then it will be enough to wash them of dirt, because the skin layer is thin.
  2. 2. Cut carrots into small cubes. Peel and cut the pepper.
  3. 3. Prepare jars for packing vegetables. Wash, sterilize in an oven or in boiling water, then dry.
  4. 4. Put the vegetables into the prepared containers, carefully tamping each piece, because the quality of the sharpness of the snack depends on it.
  5. 5. The marinade is being prepared. Put water on fire and bring to a boil. After adding sugar, salt and vinegar to the boiling liquid, remove from heat when the crystals are completely dissolved.
  6. 6. Pour vegetables with hot marinade and roll up with tin lids.

Store until cool upside down under a warm blanket, then in a dark and cool room without access to sunlight for six months.

Carrots in jars with sweet and sour marinade

Ingredients for carrots sweet and sour marinade at home:

  • two or two and a half kilograms of carrots;
  • fifty grams of sugar;
  • fifty grams of salt;
  • five cloves of garlic;
  • eight peas of allspice;
  • a glass of nine percent table vinegar;
  • liter of water;
  • three teaspoons of citric acid.

The first step is to prepare the jars: sterilize in the oven for two hours at eighty degrees or boil in boiling water for an hour. It is not recommended to use detergents for cleaning glass, only soda. While the containers are being sterilized, you can do carrots - wash and peel, cut in any way that is needed for the recipe, then put in jars.

Garlic is also peeled, cut and sent to containers, pour all the spices. At this time, water boils, which will then fill the jars. Cover the container with lids and leave for twenty minutes. Next, drain the solution, put salt, sugar in it, citric acid and put on the stove to boil. After that, you can add vinegar, boil for thirty seconds and pour it over the jars again.

Roll up the jars with lids and put them away for storage in a designated special room with low air temperature and without sunlight. It is better to store such carrots for the winter in large quantities, because after the first seaming it will be difficult to stop.

Carrot recipe in 5 minutes

This winter recipe differs in a special marinade with a garlic smell, which allows the carrots to quickly soak in the brine. To prepare in five minutes, you will need the following set of products:

  • a kilogram of medium or small carrots;
  • two hundred grams of garlic;
  • one hundred and fifty milliliters of odorless vegetable oil;
  • one tablespoon of salt;
  • two tablespoons of sugar;
  • five tablespoons of vinegar;
  • one liter of water.

Step by step recipe:

Step 1. You need to put on the stove large saucepan or a bowl of water to bring the liquid to a boil while the carrots cook.

Step 2. Wash the vegetable, peel, dry a little and cut into long sticks. Pieces of carrots can be equal in size to the height of the jar or reach its middle. The thickness should not be more than half a centimeter so that the carrots can marinate well.

Step 3 Put the vegetables in boiling water and cook for five minutes. They shouldn't boil. Send them to a colander and rinse with running water. Due to a sharp change in temperature, the vegetable will not lose the elasticity of the pulp and its color.

Step 4. Pass the garlic through a meat grinder or garlic press. Mix with oil, grind to get a distinct and rich taste of garlic.

Step 5. Send the jars in which the carrots will be rolled up for sterilization in the oven or in a water bath for an hour.

Step 6. Put vegetables in prepared containers, pour with a mixture of garlic and oil, leave for a few minutes to prepare the marinade.

Step 7. Put salt, sugar into boiling water and cook for ten minutes. Then mix and strain. Pour boiling water over jars of carrots and close with tin lids.

Step 8. It is required to re-sterilize in a water bath for twenty minutes, then remove for several days to cool under a warm pickling blanket.

Carrots pickled whole for the winter in jars

Carrots are cooked whole. After opening the jars, vegetables can be cut or used in any form. This appetizer goes well with pickled tomatoes, mushrooms or peppers. For cooking, you will need the following set of products:

  • a kilogram of fresh carrots of the same size and variety;
  • twenty-five grams of granulated sugar;
  • twenty grams of rock salt;
  • eighty milliliters of table vinegar.

Vegetables must be thoroughly washed, peeled, dried on a paper towel, and then dipped in boiling water. Cook carrots for no more than ten minutes so that they do not lose their natural flexibility and turn into loose pieces. During cooking, add a pinch of salt and cook until half cooked.

Prepare marinade. To do this, boil all the water indicated in the recipe, add salt and sugar, continue to boil for five minutes. After that, you need to remove the liquid from the fire and pour it over the carrots laid out in sterilized containers.

Send the jars to boiling water for half an hour for sterilization a second time, then immediately roll up the lids and store them in a specially designated place.

This salted carrots can be kept closed long time- two years. But before that, you need to wait at least two months for the appetizer to be completely marinated. When opened, the dish is stored in the refrigerator for no more than two weeks, otherwise the vegetables will deteriorate and the marinade will ferment.

Korean style carrot with spicy marinade

Carrots in Korean are known to everyone. This spicy snack, which can always be served with cabbage, fish, potatoes or rice. To prepare carrots according to this recipe, you need to take:

  • half a kilogram of carrots of the same size and variety;
  • one hundred grams of onions;
  • fifty milliliters of odorless sunflower oil;
  • three cloves of garlic;
  • coriander seeds to taste;
  • two tablespoons of vinegar;
  • half a teaspoon of sugar;
  • half a teaspoon of salt;
  • seasoning for carrots in Korean to taste;
  • ground black pepper or peas to taste.

Wash and peel vegetables. Grate on a special grater for carrots in Korean style or finely chop into strips with a knife. Next, grind the garlic in a garlic press or chop small cubes. Grind coriander in a mortar, mix with carrots and garlic. Pour all the sugar, salt, pepper into the mixture. Finely chop the onion and fry in a pan with hot sunflower oil until golden brown.

Remove the cooked onion from the oil and transfer to a separate container for use in other recipes (this one will no longer be needed). Pour the oil into the carrots and mix well, add vinegar. Fill prepared sterilized jars, pack tightly and close with lids.

You only need to store the workpiece in the refrigerator and no more than two months, because this recipe is not intended for long-term storage. The shelf life can be extended by marinating the carrots. He will let you stand canned snack closed for about six months.

If the onion that was extracted from the oil has nowhere to go, then it is perfect for harvesting carrots according to another recipe. To do this, it is enough to use not raw, but fried onions when pickling vegetables.

Carrots, canned without jar sterilization

Canning Ingredients delicious carrots without sterilization:

  • one kilogram of medium-sized carrots;
  • two hot pepper;
  • three heads of garlic;
  • ten peas of pepper;
  • five pieces of cloves;
  • bay leaf and dill to taste;
  • a liter of cold water;
  • two tablespoons of salt;
  • four tablespoons of nine percent vinegar.

Wash, peel and dry carrots. Cut in any way you like: cubes, circles or straws. If the vegetable is very small, then it can be pickled whole, but for the best brine effect, it needs to be cut into at least two bars.

Sterilize jars in the oven at one hundred degrees for an hour or in boiling water for half an hour. Then put in them garlic, cut into petals, hot peppers, bay leaves and other spices, greens to taste. Place carrots on top. Pour each container with hot brine from sugar, salt, vinegar. Close the lids tightly and leave to cool under a warm blanket.

When the preservation has cooled, put it in a cold and dark place. The pickle will be ready to eat already three weeks after spinning, and in general it will be stored for about a year.

Carrot marinade is thick vegetable dish, which has a large area of ​​\u200b\u200buse.

It can act as an independent snack, side dish, mass for sandwiches; vegetable caviar, salads and much more.

Despite the simplicity of the products and the meager list of ingredients, the dish turns out to be very fragrant, juicy, bright and does not look like a simple one. stewed carrots.

Carrot Marinade - General Cooking Principles

For the marinade, you need large and juicy carrots. From sluggish root crops tasty dish will not work.

Carrots need to be peeled, chopped or grated, then stewed or fried with the rest of the ingredients.

What else can be included in the carrot marinade:

Tomatoes or tomato paste;

Greens are rarely added to the marinade, and if used, then mainly in dried and chopped form. The marinade is prepared mainly in vegetable oil, it is better to use a refined flavor so as not to interrupt the flavor characteristic of vegetables.

Often a vegetable dish is diluted with canned fish. They go well with carrots and ennoble the appetizer. Of course, you can use fresh fish, but why complicate the process?

Recipe 1: Dining Room Carrot Marinade

This carrot marinade is a side dish that can be served with fish, poultry, meat. It was often prepared in Soviet canteens and used to serve the most different dishes. If desired, the marinade can be chopped with a blender and carrot caviar will turn out.


3 carrots;

2 onions;

Bay leaf;

3 peppercorns;

garlic clove;

50 grams of tomato paste;

A spoonful of sugar.


1. We clean the onions. Cut into small pieces and fry until transparent in a pan with the addition of vegetable oil.

2. Peel the carrots, rub and send to the onion, fry together for 2 minutes.

3. In tomato paste add 100 ml of water, mix and pour over the vegetables. We put peppercorns, salt, sugar.

4. Cover the pan with a lid, remove the fire and simmer until the vegetables are soft.

5. Add a teaspoon of vinegar, chopped garlic, add salt if necessary, mix well, stick in a bay leaf and turn it off after a minute. Allow the marinade to rest for 15 minutes before serving.

Recipe 2: Carrot Marinade with Sprat

Delicious option marinade of carrots with canned sprats. The dish is simple, inexpensive, and quite satisfying. Instead of pureed tomatoes, you can use ordinary tomato paste or even ketchup.


3 onions;

5 carrots;

0.5 cups of oil;

Bank of sprat;

5 tomatoes.


1. We take large frying pan or a cauldron, heat the oil to a haze.

2. Cut the peeled onions into cubes, fry for 3 minutes.

3. While the onions are fried, you need to prepare the carrots. We clean the root crops, three on coarse grater.

4. We send the carrots to the onion, reduce the heat, cover with a lid and simmer together until the vegetables are soft.

5. Wash the tomatoes, dry them and cut them in half. We rub the pulp, leaving the skin.

6. We send the tomatoes to the carrots with onions, add salt, a little sugar, simmer for another 5 minutes.

7. Open a jar of sprats, knead the fish with a fork, and send it to the vegetables. We taste, if necessary, add pepper, more salt. If there is not enough acid in the tomatoes, then you can pour in a little vinegar.

8. Warm up the carrot marinade and turn it off.

Recipe 3: Puff Carrot Marinade with Saury

Another recipe for carrot marinade with canned fish, this time with saury. But it differs from the previous dish in a simplified way of cooking. All ingredients are stacked in layers and stewed until cooked, they do not need to be constantly mixed and controlled. We use canned oil.


3 onions;

800 grams of carrots;

2 cans of saury;

300 grams of tomatoes;

Also, to prepare the marinade, you will need a cauldron or a pan with a thick bottom.


1. We clean the onions, cut them, but not finely. Put in a pan, fry until translucent.

2. In tomatoes, remove the stalks and the place of attachment to them, cut into circles.

3. We rub the peeled carrots and spread half the mass on top of the onion, level the layer with a spoon. Salt, sprinkle with pepper, you can throw a few peas and an asterisk of cloves.

4. We take the tomatoes and lay the circles in one layer on top of the carrots.

5. Open canned food, if desired, you can use less fish and get by with one jar of saury. Lightly knead the pieces with a fork, remove the spinal bones and lay them on top of the tomatoes.

6. Put the remaining carrots on the fish, distribute the mass evenly, salt again, you can pepper.

7. Lay out the tomato circles with the finishing layer. To give them juice, add a little salt on top.

8. Pour 50 grams of water into the cauldron, close the lid and put the carrot marinade to stew on slow fire for about an hour. Then you need to try it for salt, check the softness of the carrots and you can turn it off.

Recipe 4: Carrot Marinade for the Winter

If the season pleased with a large harvest of carrots, then you can make a delicious and simple marinade preparation. It can be used as an appetizer, instead of a side dish or added to any first or second course. To roll the carrot marinade, you can use jars of any size.


2.2 kg of carrots;

800 grams of onion;

350 grams of butter;

250 grams of tomato paste;

70 ml 3% vinegar;

3 tablespoons of salt;

6 tablespoons of granulated sugar;

4 stars of carnation;

10 peppercorns.


1. Cut the onion arbitrarily. There are a lot of vegetables, so it is more convenient to use a combine.

2. Pour oil into the pan, heat and throw in the prepared onion, fry for 3 minutes.

3. Shred the carrots, send to the onions, pour in 150 grams of water and simmer under the lid for 25 minutes.

4. Add tomato paste, sugar, salt, put all the spices, vinegar and mix. From above, you can throw a bay leaf, but it does not need to be mixed so that its smell does not become intrusive.

5. Cover and simmer for another 25 minutes.

6. While the marinade is being prepared, you need to sterilize the jars and lids.

7. As soon as the time runs out, the workpiece is mixed well again and laid out in containers. We roll up, cool and send for storage in the cellar.

Recipe 5: Carrot Marinade in a Multicooker

A cooking option for a very fragrant and bright carrot marinade without onions. It will turn out especially beautiful if you use a curly grater for cutting. To flavor the dish, you will need dried herbs, you can use the Italian mixture.


1 kg of carrots;

100 grams of butter;

Salt pepper;

Apple vinegar;

2 spoons of tomato paste;

A spoonful of dried herbs.


1. We wash the carrots with a brush and clean them. Now we cut. For this dish, it is better not to use a regular grater, but you can use any curly grater or make a thick straw. If there is nothing like that, then just cut the carrot into thin circles.

2. Now add tomato paste, salt, dried herbs to the carrots and mix everything well with your hands.

3. Put in a slow cooker butter, then immediately all the carrots. Close the lid and set the baking mode for 40 minutes. Stir the marinade every 10 minutes. With the last stirring, pour in a spoon apple cider vinegar.

4. After the time has passed, you need to check the carrots for softness and taste, add more spices if necessary. If the pieces are hard, then close the lid and cook for another 10-15 minutes.

Recipe 6: Carrot Marinade "From Mother-in-Law"


3 carrots;


Any bank canned fish;

2 spoons of mayonnaise;


1. Boil the carrots until cooked, peel, cut into slices.

2. Cut the onion, sauté in oil until golden brown. You need just a little bit of oil so that the salad does not turn out to be too oily.

3. Open canned food. If the pieces are large, then we break the fish into several parts and send it to the pan with the fried onions. Drain out all the liquid.

4. Chopped carrots, mayonnaise. Salt to taste, you can pour black pepper. Mix everything and you're done!

Carrot dishes turn out tastier if sugar is added to them along with salt. But do not overdo it, after all, the marinade is not an appetizer for a sweet table.

Didn’t calculate with the amount of products, and the marinade turned out to be too much? Add a little vinegar, boil for 5 minutes and roll the excess into a sterile jar. And you can do it even easier - put the snack in bags or plastic containers, close tightly and send to freezer. And will always be at hand ready meal, which will only need to be heated.

Marinade is not only a wonderful snack, but also an excellent filling for pies. If the dish is already with fish, then nothing needs to be added. If it consists only of vegetables, then you can put boiled eggs, chopped sausage, meat, minced meat.

Cloves, peppercorns and bay leaves are very strong spices, the aroma of which only intensifies with time. Therefore, you need to lay these ingredients in small quantities, and after cooking it is better to remove from the dish. This is especially true for winter preparations.

Homemade pickled carrots are a storehouse of vitamins, a tasty and easy-to-prepare snack option for the whole family. Such a dish will enrich the diet with carotenes and will appeal to even those who rarely eat vegetables. Carrots will turn out crispy, keep useful material and rich bright orange color, if you trust good recipe.

Cubes without sterilization

  • Time: 15 minutes.
  • Servings: 5 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 11 kcal per 100 g.
  • Cuisine: international.
  • Difficulty: medium.

Appetizing, slightly sweet pickled carrots are a low-calorie snack that does not require a tedious sterilization process. It is added to salads, aspic and soups, served as independent garnish to meat. The blanks will be especially tasty if you compact the carrot pieces as tightly as possible so that they are well saturated with the marinade.


  • carrots - 6 pcs.;
  • chili - 1.5 pcs.;
  • vinegar - 50 ml;
  • spices (salt, any ground pepper, granulated sugar) - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Arrange on prepared jars chili peppers, cut into rings, strips or pieces of arbitrary shape.
  2. Pour in the root vegetables cut into small cubes.
  3. Separately mix vinegar, seasonings, 1 liter of purified water. Stir well until dissolved, boil.
  4. Pour the boiling marinade into jars, cover with plastic lids. Pickled root vegetables will be ready to eat in a few weeks.

Jar-sterilized whole root vegetables

  • Time: 35 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 8 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 47 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: snack, for the winter.
  • Cuisine: international.
  • Difficulty: medium.

Crispy pickled carrots are especially aromatic, thanks to a rich, moderately sweet marinade with cinnamon and cloves. The dish will be not only tasty, but also beautiful if you choose small, young root crops of approximately the same size. It is advisable to store such blanks in a dark place, for example, in a pantry, in a cellar or in a locker on a balcony.


  • carrots - 1.5 kg;
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • vinegar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • spices (cinnamon, clove buds, bay leaf, allspice) - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Gently clean the carrots with a metal sponge for dishes, scraping off dirty fragments and damage.
  2. Blanch the peeled root crops until soft. Throw away in a colander.
  3. Divide seasonings and carrots among prepared jars.
  4. Boil 1 liter of purified water separately. Add granulated sugar, a large pinch of salt, vinegar.
  5. Pour the boiling marinade into containers, it should completely cover the workpieces.
  6. Sterilize the jars for about half an hour in a large pot of boiling water.
  7. Cover with sterile lids, roll up.
  8. Turn over, wrap with a towel. Leave the pickled root vegetables to cool room temperature.

Carrots in Korean for the winter

  • Time: 15 minutes.
  • Servings: 5 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 109 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: snack, for the winter.
  • Cuisine: international.
  • Difficulty: medium.

Korean pickled carrots for the winter is a ready-made snack for everyday and even holiday table. Kore-saram salad will help improve the taste of familiar dishes and give them spiciness, sweetness and piquancy. Can be added to vinaigrette vegetable pie, shawarma, canned mushrooms, Hot Dog, puff salads, pizza, lavash roll, scrambled eggs, potato rolls.


  • carrots - 500 g;
  • garlic - 3 teeth;
  • onion - 100 g;
  • sunflower oil - 6 tbsp. l.;
  • vinegar - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • spices (coriander, sugar, salt, red pepper) - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Grate the root crops for carrots in Korean.
  2. Add seasonings, grated garlic. Mix.
  3. Cut the onions into thin rings, fry in oil until a rich golden color. Remove the pulp from the pan.
  4. Drizzle carrots with hot oil.
  5. Pour in the vinegar, stir.
  6. Arrange in banks, roll up.

Carrot slices in sunflower oil

  • Time: 25 minutes.
  • Servings: 5 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 157 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: snack, for the winter.
  • Cuisine: international.
  • Difficulty: medium.

The original pickled carrot is especially tasty and fragrant thanks to the addition of sunflower oil, parsley and mustard powder. Advice to housewives - the resulting blanks are crushed with a meat grinder and spread on snack toasts instead of butter or pate. Having prepared such a pasty carrot marinade for the winter, you can combine it with fish dishes And vegetable puree.


  • carrots - 6 pcs.;
  • mustard powder- 0.5 tsp;
  • parsley - to taste;
  • apple cider vinegar - 6.5 tbsp. l.;
  • vegetable oil - 120 ml;
  • garlic - 4 teeth;
  • spices (salt, bay leaf, coriander seeds, sugar, black pepper) - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Bring 1 liter of purified water to a boil.
  2. Pour carrots, cut into not too thin circles. Blanch for 15 minutes, drain.
  3. Separately mix sunflower oil, grated garlic, vinegar, mustard powder, finely chopped parsley, spices and 8 tablespoons of purified water.
  4. Pour warm root vegetables with prepared marinade. Leave for 1 hour.
  5. Arrange in jars, after cooling, put in the refrigerator. Pickled root vegetables will be ready to eat in 8 hours.

Quick preparation of young carrots with garlic

  • Time: 15 minutes.
  • Servings: 5 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 36 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: snack, for the winter.
  • Cuisine: international.
  • Difficulty: medium.

Pickled instant carrots will help out the hostess in a situation when you need to make something tasty for an evening feast from a minimum set of ingredients. If there are only a couple of hours left before the guests arrive, the marinating time can be reduced. To do this, the roots are cut into strips or very thin slices, and the filling is made more concentrated.


  • carrots - 6 pcs.;
  • sugar - 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • vinegar (preferably 6% apple) - 5 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • garlic - 3 teeth;
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • spices (bay leaf, ground coriander, black pepper) - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the carrots into not too thin slices. Transfer to a container.
  2. Add chopped garlic.
  3. Pour in seasonings.
  4. Boil 750 ml (about 3 cups) purified water. Add sugar, vinegar, salt, oil. Stir until dissolved.
  5. Pour the carrots with hot marinade, leave to cool slowly at room temperature for several hours.

Spicy with chili

  • Time: 25 minutes.
  • Servings: 5 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 43 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: snack, for the winter.
  • Cuisine: international.
  • Difficulty: medium.

Spicy pickled carrots are cooked with garlic, fragrant spices, and hot pepper chili, such as jalapeno. Such an appetizer turns out to be spicy, therefore it improves digestion and promotes the production of “hormones of joy” endorphins. Blanks can be sterilized not only in an oven, but also in an air grill at a temperature not exceeding 150 ° C.

It would seem that carrots are the simplest and most familiar vegetable on our table. But how many dishes can you cook with it! Carrots are good for meat, fish, desserts, and salads. And you can also prepare carrots for the winter.

Today I invite you to try wonderful recipe- pickled carrots for the winter without sterilization. Carrots are juicy, crispy and spicy. Suitable as an appetizer, and as a side dish to the main course, and as a salad.

For cooking, we need: carrots, garlic, hot peppers, spices and marinade.

Wash and clean the carrots. But how to cut carrots - it's up to you. Can be cut into thin long sticks.

And you can - thin circles.

Young carrots can be pickled whole, but alas, now is not the season. The smaller and thinner you cut the carrot, the faster it will marinate.

In the jars fried over the steam (hot and dry), we put the garlic cut into plastics, hot pepper rings, bay leaf, as well as cloves, black and allspice peas.

We put carrot sticks and rings in jars.

And for quick pickling carrots, it can be cut into thin petals using a vegetable peeler.

Add a dill umbrella to each jar, pour boiling water over the carrots in jars, hold for 10 minutes. Drain the water into a saucepan, add salt and sugar, boil the marinade, add vinegar. Pour carrots in jars with boiling marinade, tightly close the lids, turn over and leave to cool under a warm blanket. Carrots pickled for the winter without sterilization are ready. Jars in which carrots are cut into cubes or rings should be opened no earlier than after 2-3 weeks.

But carrots cut into "petals" with a vegetable peeler can be tasted the very next day. Crispy, spicy, delicious carrots are ready!