Pineapple juice: benefits and harms to the body. Pineapple juice and its unique properties

Pineapples are predominantly grown in South America. And while most of us think of them as a fruit, pineapples are actually berries. There are many varieties of this plant. The most valuable of them is crested pineapple. This fruit crop is exported to almost all corners of the world.

The first written mention of pineapples dates back to 1553. It is also known that Christopher Columbus, when he first saw the fruit of this plant, called it "Indian cone".

Juice composition

Pineapple juice has an impressive list of useful properties, especially if it is freshly squeezed. This drink will replenish your body with sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, vitamin C and other minerals. Pineapple juice contains a small amount of fats and proteins, but there are more carbohydrates in it.

The benefits of pineapple juice

  1. If you drink pineapple juice at least twice a week, you will notice how your memory has improved very soon. This drink is simply necessary for people whose professions are associated with vigorous mental activity, and these are programmers, scientists, accountants, businessmen, etc.
  2. 200 grams of pineapple juice every day will insure you against swelling and blood clots. This one is incredible delicious drink prevents atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular diseases that lead to stroke. It also lowers blood pressure.
  3. Scientists have proven that Pineapple juice is an excellent prevention of the most dangerous oncological diseases. For those who include it in their diet, the likelihood of developing tumors is reduced by as much as 2/3.
  4. Vitamin C, which is rich in pineapple juice, helps in the fight against colds and strengthens the immune system weakened by the disease. In fact, this drink performs the same functions as aspirin, but does not have side effects.
  5. Angina and kidney disease will recede thanks to pineapple juice. The work of the pancreas will improve as well as blood circulation. It is worth taking pineapple juice for the prevention of joint diseases, as it is able to strengthen bone tissue.
  6. AT folk medicine Pineapple juice is actively used for all kinds of compresses. They are great for sprains and other injuries.
  7. If you suffer from nausea during flights on air transport or you suffer from seasickness, but have to go somewhere by ship, take pineapple juice with you. It relieves such unpleasant sensations, and also improves digestion. Experts recommend drinking pineapple juice and women in an interesting position. It will significantly alleviate toxicosis for them.

How to prepare or choose pineapple juice?

Of course, the maximum healthy juice will only come from a quality product. When choosing a pineapple, make sure that its fruit is heavy and large. Its aroma must be felt. The presence of mold and stains on the surface of the pineapple is not allowed.

Before proceeding with the preparation of juice, the fruit is thoroughly washed in cold water. Then it is peeled off. Next, cut the pulp into small pieces and use our blender or juicer. If the juice is too concentrated or tart, you can add pure water to it. Do not delay using for a long time. Already thirty minutes after preparation, the juice begins to gradually lose its beneficial features.

If for some reason you cannot make pineapple juice at home, but prefer to buy it in a supermarket, then you need to pay attention to some points.

  1. First, read the ingredients of the product. It should never contain sugar. But the presence of ascorbic acid is allowed.
  2. The more carbohydrates in the juice, the more mass of fruits used in it.
  3. Preference should be given to the product that is not in a paper bag, but in glass container. Firstly, this is an environmentally friendly material, and secondly, you will be able to evaluate the very consistency of the juice, its color, etc.
  4. Pineapple juice should not taste bitter. If it is still bitter, it means that unripe fruits were used for its preparation. Such a drink will not bring much benefit to the body, you will just waste your money.

Who is contraindicated in pineapple juice?

We dealt with the beneficial properties of this exotic drink a little higher, and now it's time to get acquainted with the contraindications, which, unfortunately, are also present.

  1. Those who suffer from an ulcer or gastritis will not be able to enjoy pineapple juice. The acids that the fruits of this berry contain will irritate the gastric mucosa and exacerbate these ailments. If such diagnoses are not made, but you still sometimes feel discomfort in the stomach and doubt its health, in no case do not drink pineapple juice on an empty stomach, it will also not be superfluous to dilute it with a little clean water.
  2. Pregnant women, this drink relieves toxicosis. However, one must be very careful in such cases. The juice should be made from a good, ripe pineapple. A green or spoiled fetus can even provoke a miscarriage.
  3. The increased acidity of pineapple juice can harm the baby's fragile stomach. For children under five or six years old, it is recommended to give this drink only in a diluted form.
  4. Individual intolerance is also a serious contraindication to the use of pineapple juice. Unfortunately, this fruit is enough a large number cause allergic reactions in people.

Not too useful will be pineapple juice for our teeth. The point is that because of chemical composition it can destroy enamel. After drinking this drink, be sure to rinse your mouth with clean water or even brush your teeth, if necessary.

Video: pineapple juice and a cold

Pineapple juice is delicious and healthy drink, which brings to menu easy exotic taste. It contains almost a complete set of all possible vitamins and minerals necessary for humans.

Pineapple juice is one of the healthiest berry drinks. Yes, pineapple is a berry, despite its size.

How to choose and store juice

Pineapple juice is obtained from pineapples by squeezing it out of the pulp of these large berries. A fragrant, light yellow liquid is obtained. a small amount pulp. According to the method of production, natural and reconstituted juice are distinguished. The first is obtained from freshly squeezed and pasteurized juice, and the second is diluted concentrated juice purified water.

To choose really high-quality and delicious juice just pay attention to a few things:

  • it should not contain sugar. Of the additives, ascorbic acid is allowed as a natural preservative;
  • a high percentage of carbohydrates in the composition indicates mass fraction fruits used to make a drink. The more carbs, the richer the taste. But this only works for high-quality natural juices;
  • container for juice. Glass is considered the best option, as it is environmentally friendly and allows you to evaluate the consistency of the drink. Of the minuses glass jar- the ability to pass ultraviolet, which spoils the juice. Juice is stored in plastic containers for no more than 9 months, and packaged juice will “live” for all 12 months;
  • the bitter taste of the juice will tell you that unripe fruits were used in the production.

Important! The shelf life indicated above applies to sealed packaging of any type. Opened juice is recommended to be used up in two days.

Juice composition

Pineapple juice is extremely beneficial for health, as it contains many minerals, vitamins and minerals necessary for the body. useful substances. First of all, it is rich in vitamin C, which is necessary for maintaining immunity and protecting against diseases. Of the mineral elements, a high content of sodium and potassium should be noted. In addition, the composition contains:

  • vitamins A, PP, group B;
  • iron, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium;
  • beta carotene;
  • bromelain is a special enzyme that promotes the burning of body fat.

According to some studies, pineapple and the juice obtained from it can provide a person with almost the entire set of necessary micro and macro elements, vitamins and minerals.

About the benefits of bromelain

Bromelain is a unique substance that is highly biologically active. This enzyme:

  • has a beneficial effect on the work of the entire digestive system;
  • helps break down proteins and fats;
  • helps to digest heavy food;
  • destroys harmful bacteria in the intestines;
  • relieves spasms and helps to relax muscles, which will be useful during times of stress.

Thanks to bromelain, as well as low calorie content, pineapple juice is often recommended to be included in diet menu. 100 g of juice contains only 46.5 kilocalories, 0.4 and 0.2 g of proteins and fats, respectively, and 11.5 g of carbohydrates.

However, the ability of pineapple and its juice to break down fats into large quantities greatly exaggerated. It promotes weight loss due to its completely different properties - dulling the feeling of hunger, removing excess fluid from the body and improves metabolism.

Other Benefits of Juice

But the benefits of pineapple juice don't end with bromelain. It has a decongestant, anti-aging and anti-stress effect. At regular use juice contributes to the normalization of the liver, kidneys, pancreas, stimulates the activity of the intestines.

Due to the high content of ascorbic acid, drinking pineapple juice is recommended for colds, sore throats and other respiratory diseases. It works like aspirin, coping with diseases and strengthening the immune system.

Pineapple juice helps to eliminate memory problems, for this it is enough to drink one glass at least twice a week. And before important events - responsible performances or exams - every day. To improve mental activity, it is often recommended to those who actively “work with their heads” and operate with numbers or large amounts of information - programmers, economists, owners of large enterprises, etc.
Daily intake of a glass of pineapple juice helps to cope with edema, blood clots, strengthen
and clear the vessels. It is recommended for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • strokes;
  • increased pressure.

This is interesting: regular consumption of pineapple juice can reduce by 65% ​​the likelihood of developing and increasing cancerous tumors, the occurrence of metastases.

Among other things, pineapple juice has earned the fame of "liquid Viagra", as it helps to increase potency. Therefore, it is recommended to use it regularly for those who are faced with a similar problem.


Useful properties of pineapple juice are used in various areas of life - in traditional medicine, in cosmetology, dietology.

Folk recipes suggest using the juice to make compresses to treat injuries, arthritis, or sprains. To do this, mint leaves are poured with hot juice, insisted for 2 hours, filtered and lotions are made on damaged areas.

It helps to overcome bouts of nausea when motion sickness - in an airplane, car or ship. Sometimes it is recommended as a remedy for toxicosis of pregnant women, but in this case you need to be extremely careful, since the juice from unripe fruits can provoke a miscarriage.

Pineapple juice has the ability to restore bone tissue, remove decay products from the body, preventing joint problems. It is recommended to drink it for fractures and other problems with bone tissue in order to speed up recovery.

As mentioned above, the juice is often used to treat colds and sinusitis, as it has an antiseptic effect. In folk medicine, a recipe for an anti-cold drink made from pineapple and kvass is often found. To do this, grind 100 g of fresh pineapple pulp in a blender and mix with 100 ml homemade kvass. A little is added to the drink for taste and benefit. lemon juice. To make the cold go away in a few days, drink the drink three times a day.


Pineapple juice is rich in fruit acids, which perfectly cleanse the skin and act as a peeling. You can use products with it only if there is no allergy to juice. And owners of sensitive skin are better to refuse such masks.

Any mask with pineapple juice or pulp is not recommended to be kept on the skin for more than 10-15 minutes, as this can cause irritation and redness. During the procedure, tingling or tingling may be felt - the result of the action of acids. After applying the mask, the skin becomes more elastic, smooth and fresh, the juice not only cleanses its surface, but also removes toxins from the deeper layers.

A few proven recipes for maintaining beauty with pineapples:

  1. Mask for all skin types. Two teaspoons of pulp are mixed with a teaspoon of liquid honey, and a tablespoon oat flour diluted in two teaspoons of pineapple juice. Then both parts are combined and mixed until smooth. The resulting slurry is applied to the skin of the face and neck, avoiding the area around the eyes. For greater reliability, you can put cotton pads soaked in green tea. The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes, no more. In the process, tingling and tingling of the skin may be felt.
  2. Powerful mask. It is not recommended to do more than 1 time per week. The ingredients are similar to the previous recipe, only oatmeal is replaced with two teaspoons of coconut milk. Milk, juice and honey are heated, then pineapple pulp is added to them, everything is mixed and applied to the face. Cooling down, the mask gradually thickens. Wash it off with warm milk, and only after that with water. The most pronounced effect can be obtained when carrying out masks with a course of 10 procedures.

Due to its peeling effect, pineapple pulp is effective means from calluses. It is applied to the skin, and washed off in the morning, steamed the right place and easily remove the callus.


Juice can not only be drunk as an independent drink. It is added to the composition of various cocktails, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic. Also, pineapple juice is used to prepare various mousses, jelly, sauces, jelly, marmalade, gravy, ice cream. It is also included in the composition of some creams and confectionery.

For weight loss

Making your own pineapple juice is not at all difficult. This will require a ripe, intact pineapple and a juicer. Without any technique, squeezing the juice out of the pulp will be almost impossible. The pineapple is peeled, the flesh is cut into pieces, and then sent to the juicer.

Important! You need to drink juice half an hour before meals and half an hour after it. Servings of juice should be small, as the total amount of drink per day should not exceed 0.5 liters.

You can combine fresh with other vegetable or fruit juices. It goes well with herbs, nuts, cheeses and fermented milk products, but it is better not to mix it with legumes, protein cereals and starch-containing products.

Also, everyone who wants to lose weight is recommended to arrange fasting pineapple days - about 1-2 times a week. This will allow you to lose up to 700 grams for each such day. The main thing is that they do not go one after another.

On a "pineapple" day, you can drink up to 1 liter of juice and eat about 2 kg of fresh pineapples, dividing them into several servings. All other products on such a day are taboo, but you can drink clean water. However, do not drink it with pineapples. Two unloading days a week on pineapples will allow you to lose up to 2 kg of weight.


Like any other juice, pineapple can bring not only benefits, but also harm. Therefore, before drinking this drink, you need to make sure that there is no allergy to pineapple, as well as contraindications.

Pineapple is a berry. That's right, although we used to consider it tropical fruit- this fruit is very large and heavy to be called a berry.

Christopher Columbus, having found a pineapple in South America, called it “Indian cone” - indeed, very similarly - and in Europe they began to call it “pineapple” - pineapple, and we still see this name on pineapple juice packages. Today we will talk about pineapple juice, as it is very useful and is often used for weight loss.

Useful vitamin and mineral composition

Pineapple juice is very useful and valuable, especially juice from fresh fruits. Pineapple juice is rich and useful composition for the body - it contains a lot of vitamin C, and most of the minerals are potassium and sodium. In addition, pineapple juice contains proteins and fats, although there are very few of them; carbohydrates, plenty of good water; beta-carotene, vitamins A, PP, group B; minerals - calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron.

Bromelain for weight loss

However, the most attractive substance in pineapple juice is considered to be bromelain, and it is of particular interest to women. Bromelain is an enzyme, or rather a complex of enzymes, that is highly biologically active: it improves digestion, promotes the breakdown of proteins and burns fats - at least it is believed so, and the results of eating pineapples and juice confirm this. Therefore, pineapple and its juice are considered an excellent tool for weight loss, and are part of many diets.

Bromelain is also called the fountain of youth, and a miracle enzyme that helps digest food no worse than the advertised mezim. If it happened that you ate too much big portion fish, meat or dairy products - do not rush to drink pills, but eat a slice of pineapple or drink some pineapple juice.

In the intestines, bromelain also puts things in order - it destroys pathogenic bacteria; promotes muscle relaxation and relieves spasms, so that under stress, the benefits of pineapple juice are very high.

However, claims that bromelain breaks down huge amounts of subcutaneous fat do not have sufficient grounds. Bromelain perfectly breaks down proteins - that's right, and promotes better absorption of food, and also dulls the feeling of hunger, improves metabolism and removes excess fluid from the body - that's why it helps to lose weight.

In addition, there are very few calories in pineapple - and this is very important for those who want to lose weight and quickly get rid of excess weight. If you arrange at least one pineapple fasting day every week, then you can lose up to 700 g of weight on this day.

The famous star of world cinema, the beautiful Sophia Loren, said that pineapples help her maintain beauty and youth - every day she eats one, and remains healthy and beautiful - both outside and inside. Of course, healthy heredity and lifestyle in general play the main role here, but pineapples also do their job.

The benefits of pineapple juice

What are the health benefits of pineapple juice medicinal properties does he possess? About everything in order.

Pineapple juice improves memory - for this you need to drink it at least 2 times a week. Recommended for people involved in mental work, as well as dealing with numbers and large amounts of information - economists, programmers, owners of large businesses, etc.

To avoid the formation of blood clots and swelling will help 200 ml of pineapple juice every day. The same amount of juice should be drunk with a tendency to atherosclerosis, strokes, cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure: pineapple juice perfectly cleanses blood vessels, preventing the development of these diseases.

Prevents pineapple juice and the development of cancer - researchers have found that the likelihood of tumor growth and the occurrence of metastases is reduced in those patients who like to drink it, by as much as 65%.

Benefits of pineapple juice for colds

Pineapple juice can treat a cold - it contains so much vitamin C that it acts no worse than aspirin, only without side effects, strengthens the immune system and eliminates hypovitaminosis.

Can be prepared from pineapple juice tasty and healthy vitamin drink: 100 g of fresh pineapple is crushed in a mixer, mixed with homemade kvass (100 ml) and a little lemon juice is added. If you drink such a drink 3 times a day, then in a couple of days a cold will lag behind you.

Pineapple juice helps with sore throat and kidney disease, improves the functioning of the pancreas and blood circulation, strengthens the structure of bone tissue and removes decay products from the body, ensuring the prevention of joint diseases.

For arthritis, injuries, sprains, you can make compresses based on pineapple juice. 100 g of dried mint leaves should be poured with hot juice, insisted for 2 hours, strained and applied to the sore spot.

You can drink pineapple juice not only to improve digestion, but also when traveling, sea travel, air travel - it relieves nausea. This property of it can be used even by pregnant women with toxicosis, but you need to be sure that the juice is obtained from ripe fruits - unripe pineapple fruits can provoke a miscarriage.

How to drink?

Best of all, in order not to doubt the usefulness and safety of pineapple juice, prepare it yourself, at home. You need to take a ripe, good and intact pineapple, peel it, cut the flesh into pieces, put it in a juicer and squeeze out the juice.

You can add one fresh carrot to the pineapple - it will be even more useful, and put a few ice cubes in a glass.

Such a drink will help not only with poor health or toxicosis of pregnant women, but also allow those who are on a diet to enjoy amazing taste and successfully cope with the rebellious appetite.

Pineapple juice for weight loss

By the way, pineapple fasting days for weight loss, you can carry out 2 times a week - nutritionists allow this. On such days - they cannot be arranged in a row - you can drink 1 liter of juice and eat 2 kg of fresh fruits, dividing them into 4-5 servings. You can no longer eat anything, as well as drink - except for clean water, just do not drink pineapples with it. After spending 2 fasting days a week, you can get rid of 2 kg of weight.

Application in cosmetology

Pineapple, like its juice, has found quite a wide application in cosmetology. Pineapple juice is very beneficial for the skin. However, since pineapple juice contains acids, you should not keep the masks longer than 10-15 minutes, and if your skin is sensitive and prone to irritation, then it is better to refuse such masks. Also, you should not allow the juice to get into your eyes, and you should quickly rinse them with water if this happens.

Recipes for masks with pineapple juice

Masks with pineapple juice help restore skin elasticity, smooth it and refresh it.

For any skin type, a mask of pineapple pulp (2 tsp), its juice (the same amount), heated liquid honey(1 tsp) and oatmeal (1 tbsp). We dilute oatmeal with pineapple juice, and mix the crushed pulp with honey, then combine everything and mix thoroughly. The resulting mass is applied to the face and neck, no more than 10 minutes. It is better to protect the area around the eyes - put cotton pads moistened with warm infusion of green tea on the eyes.

Do not be alarmed if you feel that the mask slightly pinches your skin - this is how pineapple juice acids work. Under their action, the skin is cleansed and smoothed, cells are released from toxins, metabolic processes are normalized.

The following mask gives a pronounced effect, so it should be done only once a week. You need to take the same ingredients as in the first recipe, only instead of oatmeal - coconut milk(2 tsp). Grind warmed milk and honey with pineapple juice, add crushed pulp, mix everything and apply while warm on the face and neck. On the face, the mask will gradually thicken; wash it off with warm milk, and then with cool water. It is desirable to repeat this mask 10 times.

Hundreds of years ago, Indian beauties took care of their skin with the help of pineapple pulp and juice, cleansing the pores and freeing the skin from dead cells.

Juicy pulp of pineapple helps to get rid of calluses. The pulp is applied to the corns at night, and in the morning they steam the skin and easily remove them.

Pineapple juice can be mixed with other juices - both fruit and vegetable, to make cocktails from it, delicious jellies and kissels. However, it is best, if possible, to drink pineapple juice freshly squeezed, without heat treatment.

And of course, pineapple juice remains the best for those women who want to preserve their slim figure, easy gait and good mood.

Who is contraindicated in pineapple juice

With gastritis with high acidity, as well as peptic ulcer of the stomach and 12 duodenal ulcer, it is impossible to drink pineapple juice and arrange fasting days. And do not forget to rinse your mouth after eating a piece of pineapple or drinking pineapple juice - otherwise, tooth enamel may suffer, as these fruits contain active acids - ascorbic and citric.

09. 08.2015

Catherine's blog

Good afternoon, dear readers and guests of the Family and Childhood website. Today the topic of our post is pineapple juice benefits and harms. Pineapple juice is a nutritious, low-calorie liquid extracted from pineapple pulp. Anyone who has never tried it can be guaranteed a pleasant delicate taste and beneficial effects on the body.

Pineapple juice contains many trace elements and macromolecular substances, including vitamins and other complex proteins mixed with amino acids, which makes the juice not only nutritious and easily digestible, but also has a positive effect on nervous system and metabolism.

The calorie content of fresh and store-bought is almost the same - 49 kcal and 48 kcal, which are very good indicators if you want to lose weight, but this will be discussed below. We will also talk about the benefits and harms of pineapple juice.

The benefits of pineapple juice

Pineapple nectar, along with grapefruit and orange juice, is the world leader in utility. It contains many vitamins, phosphorus, about the benefits of which you need to write a separate article, since this trace element, together with calcium, is basic for bones and teeth, phosphorus also participates in the transmission of nerve impulses, energy synthesis, supports cell membranes, is responsible for storing genetic information, improves metabolism and much more.

In addition to phosphorus with vitamins, pineapple juice is also rich in potassium. Potassium is no less important for the body than phosphorus, because it is also involved in the transmission of nerve impulses, regulating the functioning of the intestines, thanks to potassium, the pressure in the human body is maintained constant, potassium helps the kidneys with the regulation of the excretory system and is required for protein synthesis.

And these are far from all the properties of the substances contained in pineapple juice, and since we live in a rather dirty, from an environmental point of view, time, we need to support our body, if not fresh fruit, then at least juice. Nutritionists unanimously recommend this drink for anyone who wants to lose weight. Assimilation of food improves, heaviness in the stomach disappears, you say goodbye to flatulence - all this is due to the substances contained in the juice. Serotonin reduces the feeling of hunger.

Nectar can be used as a diuretic, removes swelling under the eyes, and has a positive effect on the excretory function of the kidneys. Pineapple juice activates brain activity, reduces blood cholesterol levels to normal levels, helps strengthen blood vessels and prevents stroke.

There are also benefits for people with cancer, the components of pineapple juice inhibit the development of cancerous tumors, in addition, pineapple juice acts as an antiseptic, not as strong as traditional ones, but it does not prevent him from fighting colds, infections and sinusitis. It relieves the symptoms of gout, rheumatism and arthritis. It is of great value for pregnant women, because thanks to him the woman will not suffer so much from toxicosis.

Thanks to the contained phosphorus, pineapple juice is very useful for children who have experienced injuries of varying severity and fractures, as bone tissue will recover much faster. Raises the level of hemoglobin in the blood, improves immunity and helps fight anemia. Many people suffer from slagging of the intestines, hence many diseases, but regular consumption of juice will help you not only clean the intestines and blood vessels, but also get rid of microorganisms.

Harm of pineapple juice.

The acids contained in pineapple juice cause particular harm, because for people who have stomach problems and hyperacidity drinking a liquid with even stronger acids can be fraught with an exacerbation of the disease, and in case of a recurrence of a peptic ulcer or salmonellosis, it is necessary to completely exclude pineapple juice from the diet. Great harm tooth enamel is applied, but only with regular frequent use. Rinse your mouth after each use, if possible.

because of huge amount acids are also not recommended for lactating women. Do not overdo it with juice, because it can cause gastritis or acidity problems. On this negative sides pineapple juice has run its course. Next, it is worth considering what causes weight loss, with regular use of pineapple juice, because this is both a plus and a minus.

As we all know, freshly squeezed juices are essential for those looking to lose weight. excess weight, as they are able to saturate the body and improve metabolism. However, if you just love this unique delicate taste and are ready to drink it day and night, then you will either have to eat a lot or eat very high in calories, since pineapple juice contains a substance, one gram of which can break down up to nine hundred grams of fat, a substance called bromeilan.

A mixture of enzymes helps break down proteins. It is this enzyme (bromeilan) that is recommended for people who have problems with gastritis, helps with weight control. The most useful is pineapple juice with pulp, do not forget about it.

So let's sum it up:

As a result, we can say that pineapple juice is almost a panacea of ​​traditional medicine, because such benefits, in exchange for minor shortcomings, are worthy of respect. And then, these shortcomings depend on an overabundance of pineapple juice in daily diet. In addition to the prevention of the body, one should not forget about its delicate and invigorating taste, because few consumers think about its benefits or harms, first of all, we are pleased with the taste.

Also, do not forget that the properties of pineapple juice and fresh pineapple is not the same thing, because in pineapple juice the concentration of substances is much lower and it is diluted with other liquids, pineapple pulp itself in large quantities and frequent use does not work very well on the body, just remember the phrase that many people know: “ When you eat pineapple, pineapple eats you."

And this is true, because if you put a nail in pineapple juice, it will dissolve faster than in Cola, and now imagine how strongly concentrated acids in pineapple pulp corrode. And the question can be confidently said - pineapple juice is the most useful, any nutritionist will tell you about it.

And finally, not a big video about Pineapple juice, about its benefits and harms.

High content ascorbic acid in the diet reduces the incidence of cataracts by almost a third. By the way, our intraocular fluid contains a lot of vitamin C!

Nutritional value of pineapple juice

According to the USDA, one glass (250 grams) of pineapple juice contains the following nutrients:

0.9 g protein
- 0.3 g fat
- 32 g carbohydrates
- 0.5 g fiber
- 25 g sugar

Energy value - 132 kcal.

One glass of pineapple juice provides an adult with:

63% of the daily requirement for manganese
- 42% of the daily requirement for ascorbic acid
- >10% of the daily requirement for vitamins B1, B6 and B9

In addition, the product contains a significant amount of potassium, magnesium, copper and provitamin A - beta-carotene.

Contraindications for pineapple juice

Even the most useful product will not suit everyone.

Some people report burning and discomfort on the lips and tongue after drinking pineapple juice. It has to do with bromelain. Very high doses of bromelain are associated with vomiting, diarrhea, and skin rashes.

The natural acidity of pineapples and other tropical fruits may not be suitable for patients with acid-related diseases such as peptic ulcers or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

Excess potassium is harmful to people suffering from kidney failure. If the kidneys cannot cope with the excretion of potassium, this can have the most unfortunate consequences for the patient.

Bromelain does not interact well with the following drugs:

- Antidepressants
- Anticoagulants
- Anticonvulsants

People with latex allergies can cross-allergize to pineapple juice. Ask your doctor if you can take pineapple and nutritional supplements based on it!

Konstantin Mokanov