What is useful cherry: properties, vitamins and possible harm. The effect of cherries on the human body

Early ripening sweet cherries are one of the first berries of the season, giving tender pulp and pleasant taste adults and children. Juicy berries are rich in medicinal and nutritional properties, which certainly need to be used, while keeping within a fairly short period of fruiting.

Wild cherries are found in North Africa, in the south of Europe, in the forest zone of Ukraine and Moldova, the mountains of the Caucasus. But their taste qualities cannot be called outstanding due to the presence of characteristic bitterness in the fruits.

Cherry is cultivated mainly in Southern Europe, in Ukraine, in Central Asia and in the North Caucasus. Cultivated plants are demanding on lighting and temperature, and in cold winters they can freeze.

In Russia, sweet cherries are grown in the Rostov region, Krasnodar and Dagestan. Winter-hardy varieties that have appeared recently tolerate cold well and ripen even in the Moscow region.


Cherry is a large deciduous tree. Differs in intensive growth and high life expectancy in favorable conditions (up to 70 years). It enters the fruiting period 4-7 years after planting. Flowering precedes the opening of leaf buds and begins in early spring. White flowers are collected in inflorescences. By the end of flowering, they acquire a pinkish tint. Depending on the variety, ripening can begin in May and end at the end of summer.

Glossy berries in yellow, pink and all shades of red are round or heart-shaped. The first tasters are feathered, which are capable of destroying the entire crop of sweet cherries or “bird cherries”, as it is popularly called, in a matter of hours.

The firm fruits tolerate transportation well and are in extraordinary demand among consumers in large cities.

The plant propagates vegetatively by grafting a "sleeping eye" or cuttings. With the seed method of reproduction, the characteristics of the variety are not preserved, the berries become smaller and lose their taste.

The flowering of tall cherries is an incredibly beautiful sight. A boiled white tree framed by delicate greenery of barely blossoming leaves is increasingly used in landscape design.


Beneficial features cherries are due to the chemical composition of the berries. Fruits with a calorie content of 53 kcal per 100 g contain:

  • vitamins: A, E, PP, B1, B2, P;
  • acids: tartaric, malic, citric, salicylic;
  • sugars: fructose, glucose;
  • antioxidants: flavonoids and carotenoids;
  • pectin;
  • tanning (tanning) substances;
  • cellulose;
  • mineral elements: iron, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iodine, copper, zinc and magnesium.

Beneficial features

A handful of delicious berries can satisfy hunger and thirst, cheer up and cheer up. Regular consumption of cherries in a short period of fruiting has a beneficial effect on the body.

  1. Antioxidants normalize metabolic processes, utilize harmful free radicals and toxins. They strengthen the vascular wall, normalize blood coagulation and prevent the formation of blood clots. Their influence affects the general condition of the body and the skin, which acquires a healthy, well-groomed appearance.
  2. The complex of vitamins and the iron present in the sweet cherry cope with anemia and increase resistance to disease.
  3. Organic acids inhibit the processes of decay and fermentation in the intestines, have an antibacterial effect, and salicylic acid eliminates pain during exacerbation of arthritis, rheumatism and gout. Read also about others.
  4. vegetable fiber improves intestinal motility, has a mild laxative effect on constipation due to atonic and spastic colitis, normalizes the intestinal microflora.
  5. Magnesium regulates vascular tone, calms the nervous system, and is involved in the absorption of glucose. Its beneficial properties extend to people suffering from hypertension, pancreatic diseases or excessive irritability.
  6. Iodine, which is part of the berries, improves the functioning of the endocrine system and the well-being of patients with certain thyroid diseases.
  7. Potassium is necessary for the productive work of the heart muscle. It tones the myocardium, normalizes the rhythm of the heart, participates in water metabolism and inhibits the development of allergic reactions. The positive effect of the regular use of potassium-rich cherry fruits is manifested through: a decrease in edema, shortness of breath and unpleasant pain in the chest area in people with diseases of the heart and vascular system.


Cherry is used in the diet in fresh, compotes and jams. Varieties with dark-colored fruits are used to make wine and liqueurs, and yellow berries are suitable for freezing and drying.

In cosmetology, the anti-aging and anti-inflammatory properties of fruits are applicable. They are effective in the treatment of acne, eczema and psoriasis, narrow and cleanse pores well, and increase tissue elasticity.

Yellow berries are suitable for making masks for those with dry skin, pink ones are good for normal skin types, and dark red ones are ideal for eliminating oily skin.

As a raw material, crushed fruit pulp or freshly squeezed juice is used, which requires half a glass of cherries. Depending on the purpose of the procedure, lemon, cottage cheese, sour cream, honey or a chicken egg may be included in the home mask mixture.

IN traditional medicine Sweet cherries have proven to improve the condition of patients with heart disease (hypertension), anemia, bowel problems and poor appetite. The low content of organic acids relieves berries from sour taste. Therefore, people with hyperacidity without fear of heartburn.

Sugar in fruits is represented not only by glucose, but also by the content of fructose, which is harmless to diabetics. This feature allows patients with diabetes use berries in a reasonable amount in your diet.

Decoctions of sweet cherries without added sugar are effective for dry cough, as they stimulate the formation and discharge of sputum.

In case of impaired blood circulation, kidney and liver function, a daily intake of berries in the amount of 250-300 g is recommended.

To relieve pain in the joints with gout, arthritis and rheumatism, juice from fresh fruits 1 st. l. three times a day or a decoction of the stalks. To prepare it, you will need an incomplete handful of green stalks, which is poured into 1 liter of hot water and boiled for about 7 minutes. After 20 minutes of infusion, the decoction is ready for use: it is required to drink up to 0.5 liters per day.


Cherries should be taken with caution in diabetes mellitus and completely excluded from the menu of patients suffering from adhesive bowel disease.

The content of the article:

Cherry is a woody plant up to 10 meters high from the Pink family, and in botany it exists under the name Bird Cherry (Prunus avium L.). Therefore, in Latin it is called Cerasus avim L. The leaves are pointed, short, elliptical or oblong-ovate. The length of the petioles is up to 16 cm. Stunningly beautiful white flowers appear before the leaves bloom, forming few-flowered umbrellas.

Everyone who has ever seen a cherry knows that it can be spherical, oval or heart-shaped, up to 2 cm in diameter. regions of Europe, Western Asia, North Africa.

Scientists still disagree about where and when cherries were first introduced into cultivation. Presumably, the homeland of the wild-growing species is Asia Minor, Northern or Southern Europe, the south of the Balkan Peninsula.

The first varieties appeared thanks to the breeder Michurin by the end of the 19th century, who managed to get the “First Swallow”, “Firstborn” and “Kozlovskaya”. Subsequently, they became the basis for the emergence of other varieties of fruit crops.

Season one summer berry in the temperate latitudes of Russia, it begins on May 15–30 and ends on July 15–30.

Now let's deal with the foreign name cherry. Many assume that this term refers to both cherries and sour cherries. That's right, in French, English and German cities under the name cherry, Kirsche, cerise, it is cherry, but not cherry. And not because Europeans do not like sour cherries, but because this berry is called differently: tart cherries, the sour, merise, cerise aigre (lit. "sour cherry"), Vogelkirsche, Herz-, Knorpelkirsche, Sauerkirsche. Interestingly, the French translated Chekhov's "The Cherry Orchard" as "La Cerisaie". We sort of figured out the foreign names, now we turn to the significant differences between these related berries.

What is the difference between cherries and cherries?

  1. Cherries are sour and juicy, cherries are sweet and fleshy.
  2. Cherry color - from red to yellow, cherry color - from bright red to brown.
  3. Cherry can only be a tree, cherry - a tree and a shrub. The first has a light bark and a high trunk. Her leaves are larger than cherry.
  4. Cherry is common throughout Russia and is resistant to low temperatures, while its companion grows only in the southern regions, unable to withstand the cold.
  5. Susceptibility to disease: cherries more often "sick" with coccomycosis.
  6. Cherry is mainly used for processing: it is used to obtain delicious jams, juices, confiture, jam. Cherries are often consumed fresh. It is not processed due to its low acidity, except perhaps in combination with cherries.
  7. - 52 kcal, calorie content of cherries - 50 kcal.

Planting cherries: rules and features

If you still don't have cherries in your beautiful garden, be sure to plant one! In addition to the fragrant aroma of flowers, later you will enjoy fragrant cherries, which, moreover, are of great health benefits. Since it begins to bloom and bear fruit one of the first, plant it in a bright place. The soil should not be swampy or oversaturated with moisture.

The landing hole is made deep - approximately 70x70 and 60 cm. The distance between the trees is at least 3 meters. Mix a bucket of sand, some wood ash, a bucket of peat, clay, and any organic fertilizer in the hole. This is done so that the cherry grows normally and bears fruit.

After planting, carefully compact the earth, cover with compost or dry grass. For benefit, feed with top dressing in the form of ash, slurry. This must be done before flowering, in May and after fruit picking (old trees are fertilized 3-4 times). Do not forget to prune it annually, removing dry, weak, inward-pointing branches. Treat the cut with garden pitch.

Video about pruning cherries:

Cherry varieties

40 varieties of sweet cherry are included in the state register of the Russian Federation. Of these, the largest are Iput, Tyutchevka (6–12 g), and the smallest are Ovstuzhenka, Chermashnaya, Fatezh (up to 4 g).

Ripening terms

  • Early: Valery Chkalov, Early Dagestan, Dagestan, Ariadna, Goryanka, Dessert, Dana, Krasa Kuban, Caucasian, Iput, Krasnaya Gorka, Ovstuzhenka, Krasnodar Early, Raditsa, Memory of Pokrovskaya, Ruby Nikitina, Symphony, Sadko, Yaroslavna, Chermashnaya, Fatezh .
  • Medium: Gascinets, Korvatsky's Favorite, Bereket, Velvet, Oryol and early pink, Gift of Ryazan, Teremoshka, Poetry, South, Rechitsa.
  • Later: Bryanochka, Scarlet, Veda, Annushka, Bryansk pink, Diber black, Golubushka, Ethok beauty, Odrinka, Lezginka, Francis, Revna, French black, Tyutchevka.


  • Partially self-fertile: Dessertnaya, Dana, Revna, Gascinets, Ruby Nikitina, Ovstuzhenka, Iput.
  • Self-infertile: Veda, Raditsa, Krasnaya Gorka, Rechitsa, Severnaya, Chermashnaya, Tyutchevka, Symphony, Fatezh, Teremoshka.

Taste qualities

  • Sweet and sour varieties: Fatezh.
  • Sweet: Iput, Bryanskaya Rose, Chermashnaya, Raditsa, Ovstuzhenka, Revna.


  • High (begin to bear fruit in the third or fourth year after vaccination): Ovstuzhenka, Bryansk pink.
  • Medium (for 4–5 years): Tyutchevka, Revna, Iput.
  • Low (for 5-6 years): Fatezh, Raditsa.

Video about varieties of cherries:

Composition of cherries: vitamins and calories

The benefits of fruits are due to the presence of pectins, acids with a predominance of malic acid. There are a lot of dark-colored cherries coloring matter from the group of carotenoids and anthocyanins. The mineral composition is represented by the presence of potassium, phosphorus, sodium, iron, magnesium, calcium, fluorine (read), iodine, silicon, cobalt, nickel, copper, zinc, manganese are present from trace elements. A large amount of vitamin C (ascorbic acid), niacin (nicotinic acid), provitamin A, carotene, vitamins B1, B2, coumarins.

Cherry calories per 100 g of product - 50 kcal:

  • Proteins - 1.1 g
  • Fats - 0.4 g
  • Carbohydrates - 11.5 g

Useful properties of cherries

Cherry has become a favorite delicacy in every home. It is not only insanely delicious, but also beneficial for us, helping with:

  1. Hypertension - normalizes blood pressure due to the high content of P-active compounds, has a slight diuretic effect. For benefit, hypertensive patients should eat a handful of dark red cherries, preferably daily;
  2. Diseases of the kidneys and liver - normalizes activity;
  3. Rheumatism, arthritis, gout - a serving of cherries will help to endure pain more easily. Huge beneficial properties for the body are concentrated cherry juice (1 tablespoon three times a day);
  4. Anemia - saturates with iron and other useful minerals;
  5. Spastic colitis, intestinal atony, constipation and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Compotes and juice bring benefits to digestion;
  6. Ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, gastritis with high acidity. Many products from high content organic acids harm the body, causing heartburn, which cannot be said about cherries;
  7. Disorders nervous system(stress, depression, insomnia).
Cherry pulp contains vitamins B1 and B2, which have a beneficial effect on the condition of nails, hair and skin, provitamin A strengthens bones (prevention of osteoporosis) and teeth, and this provitamin is of great benefit for vision.

If you suddenly get sick with a cold, then you need to eat cherries, because there is an abundance of ascorbic acid, which will strengthen blood vessels and the heart, protect against viruses.

If your body lacks tone, then again include cherries in your diet. They are rich in coumarins and are second only to pomegranate, raspberry and red currant in their content. In a word, an invigorating product! Lovely ladies should not forget to use these berries more often in the preparation of various cosmetics, for example, read: "for the skin of the face."

For allergies: eat only white berries.

During pregnancy: many expectant mothers love to feast on her in large numbers, but this is not entirely correct. It is important to observe the measure in food during pregnancy. If you do not have allergies, contraindications (read in harm), the total amount of cherries eaten during pregnancy should not exceed 0.5 kg per day.

Video: the benefits of cherries, storage and harvesting for the winter

Cherry weight loss

Let's not talk about the dangers of mono-diets, when you need to eat only one cherry, limiting yourself in the calorie content of other foods. Here are the real health benefits of eating some cherries before lunch or dinner (but not after). She has low calorie, which means that it does not threaten the appearance excess weight. So you improve digestion, do not overload your body with extra calories, quickly get enough and lose weight.

  • Read: "".

Cherry storage

You can save cherries for the whole year by freezing or drying. To dry, you can blanch in hot water 2-8 minutes, then refrigerate cold water, put on a sieve. After that, dry in the oven at a temperature of 60 degrees. As soon as it becomes slightly dried, increase the temperature to 80-85 degrees and hold it until it is completely dry.

For adherents of storage in banks, you can do the following: put dry glass jar clean and dry cherry leaves, then lay the fruits in a row, cover them with leaves, and so alternate layers. You do not need to roll up, close tightly enough nylon cover and put in a cool dry place. Stored until October-November.

To freeze, remove the seeds and leaves. Put the peeled cherries on a baking sheet in a single layer, freeze and place in a container. So you can keep the shape and taste for up to 8 months.

If you want to use it fresh, then before that, rinse thoroughly in water. After all, there may be a lot of harmful substances caught in the spraying from pests. To rid yourself of pesticides, add salt (1 tsp) to ordinary running water and place cherry fruits there for 1 hour.

Check for the presence of larvae - for this, just break a few pieces. Do not store washed for more than 2-3 hours (less useful properties will remain). Unwashed cherries can be stored in the refrigerator for a maximum of 1 week.

How to choose the right cherry

  1. If you have to buy cherries, then pay attention to the cuttings - green color considered the norm. If the tails are yellow, it means they are overripe.
  2. Buy in June-July (the peak of the season): both good for the body and economical for the budget.
  3. There should be no small cuts, dents, soft spots on the skin - this way they rot faster and accumulate harmful substances (properties). good cherry dry, dense, shiny. Feel free to sniff - stale smells of fermentation.
  4. Color directly affects the presence of nutrients. The darker it is, the better.
  5. To understand whether it is a quality product or not, ask the seller for an "expert opinion" form. It is issued after checking the quality of products for one day. Look at the column "results" - it should contain the inscription "good".

Harm of cherries and contraindications

Cherry has few contraindications: in large quantities harms people with adhesive disease (violation of intestinal obstruction), as well as diabetes. You can not eat cherries immediately after eating: at least 30 minutes must pass after eating.

How many cherries can you eat?

Despite the fact that cherries are healthy and have a low calorie content, you should not eat kilograms. Use little by little, no more than 300 g at a time. Eat calmly, without swallowing handfuls, to protect yourself from bloating.

Bon appetit! Eat for health!

Many are waiting for summer to enjoy fresh and sweet fruits and berries. The benefits of cherries have been proven through numerous experiments that have determined the rich chemical composition this product. They use in folk medicine not only fruits, but also stalks and leaves, this is a fruit crop.

Sweet cherry - chemical composition

In terms of the concentration of useful substances, cherries can be compared with cherries, but the former does not contain so many organic acids, so the berries are sweet. Many are interested in what vitamins are in cherries, so in the pulp are C, E, PP and beta-carotene. As for the mineral composition, the berries are rich in potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iron and iodine. It is worth noting that dark varieties of cherries contain more nutrients than light ones. There are not only minerals and vitamins in cherries, but also fatty acid, alimentary fiber, pectins and biologically active compounds.

Useful properties of cherries

Many people consume fruits only for their sweet and pleasant taste, but if you know what benefits they bring to the body, then there will be much more lovers of cherries.

  1. Since the composition contains a lot of potassium and the product has a slight diuretic effect, it helps to reduce pressure. It contains flavonoids, which strengthen the walls of blood vessels and coumarins, which prevent the formation of blood clots.
  2. Finding out how useful cherries are for the body, it is worth mentioning it positive influence to the digestive system.
  3. Berry juice and compote are recommended for people with rheumatism, gout and arthritis, as they help reduce pain.
  4. Fruits contain the so-called "hormone of happiness", so they help to overcome bad mood and stress.
  5. It has an expectorant effect, so the compote prepared on the basis of cough is an excellent adjuvant in the treatment. It is important to drink it hot.
  6. At regular use metabolism can be improved. The benefits of cherries for the human body is the presence of a large amount of iodine, which is important for the thyroid gland.
  7. There are phytohormones in the composition, which have a positive effect on the hormonal background of women.

The benefits of cherries for diabetes

For a long time, people with diabetes were forbidden to eat sweet berries, but after research, scientists allowed them to be included in diets, but only in limited quantities. The benefits of cherries for the body of diabetics is that the substances included in the composition normalize. It is important not to exceed the daily allowance, so you can not eat more than 100 g per day.

Cherries - benefits for the liver

The rich chemical composition helps to restore the work of almost all internal organs. Cherry is good for the liver due to its ability to help the process of removing bile from the body. At frequent use it will stimulate the liver, and also help to cope with existing diseases. Berries have a diuretic effect. It is important to consider that cherries are prohibited for people who suffer from colitis.

Cherries - Benefits for the Kidneys

It has been proven that fresh sweet fruits have a beneficial effect on the condition of the kidneys. They have a cleansing effect, but the effect is not as aggressive when compared with cherries, for example, with watermelon, so cherries can be used as a mild diuretic for children. It is worth noting that you can not eat berries in large quantities, since, on the contrary, you can harm the kidneys. Cherry is used for, but only you need to take not the fruits, but the stalks.


  • stalks - 10-15 pieces;
  • boiling water - 1 tbsp.


  1. Combine the indicated components and put them on a small fire. Boil 15 min. and turn off the fire.
  2. When the liquid has cooled, strain, divide into several servings and drink them throughout the day.

The benefits of cherries for the skin

To feel the beneficial properties of fruits, they are not only consumed internally, but also used externally. If you are interested in how sweet cherries are useful for a woman’s body, then you should know that it has a cleansing and rejuvenating effect. It is recommended for pigmentation, rashes, eczema and psoriasis. Various pulp-based masks help to cope with various cosmetic defects, dryness, sagging, enlarged pores and dull complexion. Among the popular masks are the following recipes:

  1. Owners of dry skin need to mix the grated pulp with sour cream in equal proportions. Apply the mask for 15 minutes.
  2. For problematic skin equal amounts combine the pulp of strawberries and cherries. The mask is also kept for 15 minutes.

The benefits of cherries for weight loss

People who want to lose weight can include cherries in their diet, since they are non-caloric, so there are only 50 kcal per 100 g. The fruits are a great snack, so to forget about hunger, you need to eat a few berries. The benefits of sweet cherries for women who want to lose weight are its diuretic and mild laxative effects. Thanks to this, you can cope with edema and cleanse the body of toxins and toxins.

Can be done once a week fasting days on sweet cherries, during which it is necessary to consume only berries in the amount of 1-1.5 kg. The indicated amount should be divided into 4-6 doses. Other than that, you can only drink water. The benefits of cherries will be tangible and it will be possible to lose 1-2 kg. You can’t follow such a diet for more than three days, because you can harm the body.

In the summer, cherries are especially popular. It's juicy sweet berry loved by both adults and children. Besides being incredible delicious fruits, they have many more useful qualities, which at times increases the value of cherries.

Berry composition

The great benefit of cherries is associated with the presence of pectins and malic acid in it. It is worth paying attention to the fact that in dark varieties there are a lot of substances from the group of carotenoids and anthocyanins.

Therefore, this berry has a very beneficial effect on the body.

Nutritional value and calories

The calorie content of this product is very low, in 100 grams of cherries there are only 50 calories. It also contains:

  • proteins - 1.1 g;
  • fats - 0.4 g;
  • - 11.5 g;

Benefits of fresh cherries

This fruit has become a favorite summer treat in almost every family. But besides this, the berry has many useful properties:

  • It stabilizes blood pressure and has a diuretic effect due to the content of P-active compounds. In the presence of hypertension, it is recommended to eat dark berries.
  • Normalizes the functioning of the liver and kidneys
  • This product has properties to slightly muffle pain sensations. Especially in diseases such as arthritis or rheumatism.
  • Due to the large amount of iron, this berry is very useful for anemia.
  • For stress and other nervous disorders it is recommended to eat a glass of cherries or drink natural cherry juice.
  • The presence of B vitamins in the composition helps to improve the condition of hair and nails.
  • It alleviates and improves the condition if a person has problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Did you know? Despite the presence of acids, berries are recommended for gastritis and ulcers. Although many foods with high acidity negatively affect the state of the stomach in such situations, cherries also contribute to relief.

For men

Also, this product has a fruitful effect on the production of sex hormones in men. Therefore, experts recommend eating a handful of berries a day, as the use of this product will help reduce the risk of impotence. This is especially true for male smokers.

It also helps to restore strength and prevents the appearance of muscle pain after intense training.

Did you know?American scientists have found that useful material it is in dark varieties of cherries that they positively affect blood vessels, which improves the functioning of the heart and brain.

For women

Complex of vitamins in cherries helps prevent the formation of blood clots and subsequently the formation of blood clots. This is especially true for women using birth control pills and suppositories. Cherry also helps to avoid blood clots, so the berries are recommended for older people. In the berries, substances were found that have a good effect on the hormonal background of a woman, as well as stabilize and even out the menstrual cycle.

For children

Cherries are very useful for children. Thanks to a whole vitamin complex, it has a beneficial effect on the digestive and urinary systems. In addition, it contains iron, which is very useful for children. This is one of the few fruits that does not irritate a weak children's stomach, so it is recommended to gradually introduce cherries into the baby's diet.

Are properties lost during processing?

Cherry is not only delicious, but also very healthy. But does it remain the same useful if, for example, it is added as a filling to a pie?

Dried and dried cherries retain their beneficial properties. Therefore, when drying it, you can not worry about the loss of useful properties, but, on the contrary, use it as much as possible. dried fruit in autumn and winter period. You can cook compotes, make jelly or add them to pastries and thus pamper your loved ones delicious meals that will benefit the body. Frozen berries also do not lose their beneficial properties, which is why modern housewives try to stock up on them for the cold season.

Important! But it is important to remember that cherries do not lose their beneficial properties when frozen or dried only if these processes are approached wisely and all steps are followed.

The use of sweet berries

Due to its useful properties and a large number beneficial trace elements cherry is widely used in many areas. Very often you can find these berries in cosmetology, they are even used in the treatment of certain diseases.

In treatment

Cherry is widely used in folk medicine as a prophylactic or remedy. In this case, not only fruits are used, but also stalks, from which, by the way, an excellent diuretic is obtained. At the same time, it is prepared very simply: 10-15 stalks should be poured with boiling water and then simmered on fire for 15 minutes. Then let cool.

Also, cherries are great for coughing, if you cook compote from it without adding sugar. Such a drink will contribute to a faster removal of sputum and generally improve the condition. Berries are great for headaches: just crush a few ripe berries and put on the forehead - the pain will quickly pass.

In cosmetology

The trend of using cherries in cosmetology has increased markedly. This is because it is famous for its ability to slow down skin aging. Procedures using fruits will help make the skin soft and more elastic. And also sweet cherry is a good helper in the fight against acne in teenagers. The mask of this berry has a beneficial effect on the skin and makes it more tender.

For such a mask you will need:

  • 2 tbsp. l. cherry juice;
  • 2 tbsp. l. peach cosmetic oil;
  • a teaspoon of honey.
Mix all the ingredients thoroughly and refrigerate for several days. Apply this mask to pre-cleansed skin for 15 minutes.

Important! An important point: for dry and problematic skin, you need to use light berries, and for normal and combination skin, dark varieties are perfect.

In dietetics

H bullshit is considered low-calorie product, therefore, its use will not harm the figure. From it you can prepare refreshing compotes and drinks that quench your thirst in the summer heat. Also, this berry perfectly restores energy and strength after an intense workout. Nutritionists recommend eating berries in the morning, because, despite the many vitamins and minerals, it contains a large amount of sugar, which can subsequently affect the figure. It also perfectly removes toxins and excess fluid from the body, so the process of losing weight will go faster.

With their help, you can “deceive” the body a little - if you eat a few berries before dinner, this will give a feeling of satiety, and then at dinner you will be able to eat not big portion, thereby protecting the figure from possible extra pounds. Experts do not recommend eating more than 300 grams of cherries at a time, while it is important to remember that daily rate- 1 kg.

In cooking

Berries are almost a universal product, because they can be used everywhere. Very often they are used as a filling for cakes, pies and other baked goods. Fruits can be prepared delicious compote or kissel. And in some expensive restaurants, this fruit is used as an ingredient in meat sauces. Therefore, you can experiment with this berry in completely different directions and thereby pleasantly surprise your loved ones.

Is it possible to eat cherries during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Despite all the benefits of cherries, when consumed by pregnant women or when breastfeeding you should be very careful.

Important!It is important to remember that dark berries are contraindicated for pregnant women, as they can cause allergies due to the large number of coloring elements in the composition.That is why dark varieties are not recommended for children under three years of age.

Therefore, during pregnancy, attention should be paid to white varieties, they are not so dangerous, since it is in such varieties that there is no coloring pectin.

Contraindications and harm

Cherry has few contraindications and can be harmful solely due to misuse or ignorance. It is not recommended for diabetics as it contains a lot of sugar and can significantly affect blood sugar levels. It is also not recommended to use this product for people who suffer from intestinal obstruction.

You should not eat berries in large quantities with weakness in the stomach - cherries have a laxative effect. Otherwise, it is extremely beneficial.

Oh, girls, what a beauty this cherry is. It is a pity that it grows in warm latitudes. If you compare it or, then you will notice that it has almost no contraindications.

Sweet cherry composition

There are few organic acids in sweet cherries, sugars - up to 11.5%. The fruits have

vitamins - A, B1, B2, B3, B6, C, K, E, PP, P ;

nicotinic acid, malic acid, pectin, flavonoids, coumarins and oxycoumarins, polyphenol;

trace elementsfluorine, potassium, iron, iodine, calcium, copper, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus;

carbohydrates- mostly glucose fructose).

The bones contain not only essential oil , but also proteins, and amygdalin glycoside (here is also enzyme emulsin which breaks down amygdalin).

The calorie content of cherries is very low - only 50 kcal per 100 g

Medicinal properties of cherries

There are many useful properties of cherries. I will try to sort them according to the place of action on the body.

1. Cherries are allowed for diabetics since three-quarters of its carbohydrates are fructose. Due to the presence of fructose, cherries are also suggested to be used for weight loss. You can substitute sweet cherries for confectionery.

2. A decoction made from sweet cherry stalks is used as a diuretic. (How to prepare a decoction is written below in paragraph 9)

3. It removes from the body harmful products metabolism and excess cholesterol.

4. Due to the presence of polyphenols, cherries are an analgesic.

5. For dry skin, a cherry mask is used. It cleanses the pores, narrows them. In addition, it can serve as a scrub, as it exfoliates dead cells.

6. Cherry is also an assistant for various skin diseases (acne, eczema and psoriasis).

7. With rheumatism, anemia or indigestion (spastic colitis, intestinal atony, intestinal dysbacteriosis, constipation (we use cherries on an empty stomach)) cherry juice will be useful. A single serving is half a cup. Drink several times a day. You can replace the juice with a handful of cherries.

8. Fresh cherries are also prevention from diseases of the kidneys, liver, hypertension.

9. And if you are experiencing pain in arthritis, rheumatism and gout, then in order to alleviate them, consume 15 fresh cherries per day. You can drink cherry juice (1 tablespoon 3 times a day), or drink a decoction.

To prepare a decoction:

put sweet cherry stalks (a handful of raw materials) into a boiled water (1 l) and cook on low heat for about 7 minutes. Remove and let brew covered for 20 minutes. The resulting decoction should be drunk at 0.5 liters per day.

10. Decoctions of flowers and leaves of sweet cherry have anti-inflammatory, expectorant and antiseptic properties, so they are used to treat colds or infectious diseases. Compote from sweet cherries without sugar is drunk hot when coughing.

11. Cherry reduces blood clotting, which improves blood circulation and prevents blood clots.

12. In hypertension, fruits of dark varieties are useful, as they reduce blood pressure ( therapeutic dose will be 250-300 g) and strengthen the capillaries.

13. In case of heart disease, a decoction of sweet cherry stalks is a natural helper (how to prepare a decoction, see paragraph 9)

14. Due to the low content of organic acids in sweet cherries, it does not cause heartburn, so its use is possible with gastritis with high acidity, with stomach and duodenal ulcers.

Contraindications for the use of cherries

Cherry is not recommended for constipation and flatulence, and also if you have adhesions in the intestines.

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