Pink streaks on the cake. How to make chocolate streaks on a cake: tips

A mandatory holiday decoration is a cake. Many people want to amaze and surprise guests with the stunning appearance of this delicacy. Not everyone can afford to order a cake from professional pastry chefs. Then a new, stunning decoration option will come to the rescue, which even simple housewife. Mirror glaze for a cake will turn ordinary homemade cakes into a work of art and will definitely delight your guests.

Chocolate mirror glaze made from cocoa

Making mirror chocolate glaze at home is easy, the main thing is to approach this process correctly. Products required are ordinary and affordable.

In order for the glaze to turn out flawless, the temperature regime must be observed. Mousse cakes that need to be frozen are suitable for coating. Thanks to temperature changes: warm icing and ice cake, the coating will be smooth and even.


  • water – 30 ml for gelatin;
  • cocoa – 80 g;
  • sugar – 240 g;
  • cream – 160 g, fat content 30% or more;
  • molasses – 80 g;
  • gelatin - package;
  • water – 95 ml.


  1. Pour gelatin into a bowl and add water. Set aside.
  2. Pour the remaining water into the pan and add sugar.
  3. Add molasses, stir. Boil.
  4. Remove from the stove.
  5. Heat the cream separately.
  6. Mix sweet hot water with cream.
  7. Mix.
  8. Add cocoa. Stir.
  9. At this time, the gelatin should become swollen. Heat. Mix.
  10. Pour into saucepan with cream. Mix.
  11. Take a high container. Pour mixture.
  12. Prepare the blender.
  13. Place in container. Beat.
  14. Should be strictly followed temperature conditions. For the mass to be ideally distributed, 37 degrees is required. If the temperature is lower, it should be heated, if the temperature is higher, it should be cooled.

Color mixture for decoration

Try to do mirror glaze color. It will perfectly decorate your baked goods. Thanks to simple decoration, the dessert will look delicious.


  • sugar – 150 g;
  • gelatin - pack;
  • water-soluble dye – 5 ml;
  • molasses – 150 ml;
  • condensed milk – 100 ml;
  • white chocolate – 150 g;
  • water – 75 ml.


  1. Soak the gelatin according to the instructions on the package.
  2. Pour sugar into a saucepan and add water.
  3. Add molasses and stir.
  4. When the sugar has dissolved, pour in the gelatin.
  5. Place the chocolate, broken into pieces, into another pan and melt. You should use a quality product; a cheap type of chocolate will not work. The appearance of the glaze depends on the quality.
  6. When chocolate mass melted, pour in condensed milk. Next is the resulting syrup. Stir.
  7. Pour in the dye and beat with a blender.
  8. While whipping, you need to watch for bubbles, there should be few of them.

  • Chocolate from 50% - 90 g
  • Cream from 33% - 70 g
  • Butter - 40 g

Close Printing ingredients

I have already talked and shown about decorating cakes with chocolate drips (otherwise known as drips) in a post about. But since this technique is very popular today and many novice home pastry chefs, as well as those who just want to make cakes for family holidays from time to time, are interested in how to make them correctly and beautifully, I decided to devote a separate article to this topic .

Chocolate stains! Appetizing, glossy, intriguing! They look super: beautiful and “fashionable”, and they seem to be very easy to work with. This is where the catch lies. Most often, for those who make smudges for the first time, they turn out not at all the same as in the picture of an experienced master. The layer of chocolate ganache is thin, sometimes it even shines through, but the drips directly reach the very bottom and puddles form on the plate. Correct smudges are voluminous, convex and “stop” long before the substrate.

Well, I propose to do it this way.

First, level the cake and put it in the refrigerator. And if the filling allows, then put it in the freezer for 15-20 minutes. In this case, it is super important that the cake is very well cooled!

While the cake is cooling, prepare chocolate ganache. It is to them that we will make smudges. The specified amount of ingredients is enough to make smudges for a cake with a diameter of 18 cm.

Take 70 g of high fat cream - from 33%. Pour them into a saucepan, put them on the fire, bring them to a boil and turn them off!

Put 90 g in this saucepan dark chocolate(from 50%, I usually take 70%).

Mix with a silicone spatula until the mixture becomes homogeneous. This won't happen right away, don't worry! First there will be something like this:

...but soon the mixture will thicken, acquire a slight viscosity and shine.

In order to enhance the gloss, add 40 g of butter.

And stir again until smooth!

The result is such a shiny and, so to speak, thickly flowing chocolate mass.

For beautiful chocolate smudges, we really need the right consistency. You need to “catch” it, feel it. And you may have to ruin more than one cake before this understanding comes :) Although, I hope my writing here will help you preserve a certain number of nerve cells :) So, consistency. The ganache shouldn’t be thick, but it shouldn’t be completely liquid, like water! The right ganache flows like a thick liquid, like, for example, some kind of Varenets. But even if the ganache seems thick to you, do not rush to add cream. Perhaps it's all about the temperature. Through experience, my colleagues and I found out that the working temperature of ganache, the one at which its consistency is most suitable for creating chocolate smudges, is about 33 degrees. Therefore, if you feel thick, check the temperature. It is likely that during the process of, say, stirring the chocolate or after adding cold butter, your ganache has thickened, simply because it has cooled down. You can bet on water bath(just so that the water does not touch the bottom of the pan with chocolate) for a couple of minutes.

Here you go. The ganache is ready, the consistency is just right, the temperature is good, it’s time to make drips! Take the cake out of the refrigerator or freezer and spoon the ganache around the edge a little at a time. We carefully monitor how it is distributed. For those who experience these smudges one of the first times, I do not advise immediately pouring all the ganache into the middle of the cake and waiting for it to drip down nicely. It’s logical: if we apply a little bit at a time, we have the opportunity to track the quality of the ganache and improve it, but we pour it out right away - while we have little experience, we don’t know how it will go, I think few people would want to ruin an entire cake with one movement!

This way we make smudges around the entire circumference of the cake. If the ganache thickens a little during the process, heat it in a water bath, but just a little!

And then fill in the middle. Here in the photo my ganache was already too thick to spread freely, so I helped it with a spoon. A perfectly smooth center was not important to me, because a rich fruit decor was planned. But I could have gotten a smoother center if I had warmed the ganache a little until it flowed, and carefully, slowly, controlling the process, poured it into the middle of the cake.

Our trendy, delicious decor is ready!

Experiment, and let the results always please you!

And I never tire of thanking the cake workshop Cakebomb for invaluable tips on working with chocolate smudges!

UPD: Of course, smudges can also be made from milk chocolate, and from white, but there will be different proportions. I recently tried making it with milk: melted 60 g of chocolate and 40 g of cream in the “pulse” mode in the microwave (20 seconds each, stir, warm up again, etc.), added 1 tsp. butter, mixed well and “distributed” the chocolate in the form of smudges around the circumference of the cake. That's how it happened!

I’ll try to make it with white chocolate, I’ll also write and show you!

4 RECIPES FOR COLORED GLAZE FOR DRAFTS ON THE CAKE 1. Glaze sugar - 100 g glucose syrup - 100 g water - 50 g condensed milk - 70 g gelatin - 8 g White chocolate(can be milk or dark with cocoa content not higher than 56%) - 100 g food coloring Preparation 1. Soak leaf gelatin (8 g) in a bowl with big amount Very cold water for 5-10 minutes. Advice. If you are using powdered rather than sheet gelatin, then 8 g of powdered gelatin should be poured into 48 g of water and left to swell for 40-60 minutes. 2. Place chopped white chocolate (100 g) and condensed milk (70 g) into a bowl or tall plastic measuring cup. Set aside. 3. Pour sugar (100 g) into a small ladle or pan, put glucose syrup (100 g) and pour water (50 g). 4. Bring water with sugar and glucose to a boil and cook to 103°C (if you don’t have a thermometer, let the syrup boil for about 2 minutes). Pour the hot syrup over the chocolate with condensed milk and leave for 2 minutes. 5. Add squeezed sheet (or swollen powder) gelatin to the chocolate. 6. Add food coloring. Advice. You can use powdered or gel food coloring to make the glaze. If the dye is gel or powder (fat-soluble), then add it to the glaze before punching it with a blender. Powdered fat-soluble dyes color the glaze in brighter colors (compared to other dyes). If the glaze is water-soluble, add it to the syrup. To obtain a white glaze, add white dye (titanium dioxide), because glaze without adding dye will have a yellowish milky tint and will not turn out pure white. 7. Using an immersion blender, beat the glaze, trying to avoid the formation of bubbles in the glaze. Advice. We punch the glaze with a blender, turning the chocolate with the rest of the ingredients into a homogeneous emulsion, which makes the glaze smoother and shiny. But there are subtleties that need to be taken into account. Fresh, just-prepared glazes tend to form. large quantity bubbles that form when the blender is not positioned correctly. Therefore, carefully immerse the blender in the glaze at an angle of 45°C. The blender should be completely immersed in the glaze, but not at the bottom of the measuring cup, but close to the surface. You need to try to find such a position of the blender when, during the process of punching, a pattern in the form of a triangle is formed on the surface of the glaze, which can be called differently - a kind of small funnel that sucks in the incoming air and the rare air bubbles that form. Also, listen to the sound that the blender makes - over time, you will learn to navigate by the sound whether the blender is correctly immersed in the glaze. Punch through the glaze at the slowest speed of the blender - this is also an indispensable condition for bubble-free glaze. 8. Tighten the finished glaze cling film so that the film adheres to the surface. 9. Place in the refrigerator for 12-24 hours to stabilize - during this time it will thicken and when pressing on the surface of the thickened glaze you should feel some resistance, i.e. The glaze should not be liquid, but elastic. Before coating, the glaze must be brought to a working temperature of 30-35°C by heating it in the microwave or in a water bath. We check the temperature using a culinary thermometer. The glaze is applied to the completely frozen product (cake). 2. Based on milk Ingredients: Powdered sugar (without slide) - 4 tbsp. l. Flour (without slide) - 4 tsp. White chocolate - 4 tbsp. l. Milk - 4 tbsp. l. Butter - 50 g Food coloring of the desired color. Preparation: 1) Mix dry ingredients (flour, powdered sugar), sift. 2) Place the milk and butter on the stove until the butter dissolves, then add the chocolate and stir. 3) Gradually add the flour mixture to the milk, butter and chocolate and mix everything very quickly and vigorously so that there are no lumps. 4) At this stage, add dye and bring to a gloss over low heat, remove from heat and stir constantly until cool, approximately 28-30 C, then pour over the cold (!) cake and carefully smooth with a spatula until streaks form. 3. Based on cream Ingredients: 40 g of cream, fat content 33% 70-90 g of chocolate, white or milk 40 g of butter Preparation: 1) Pour the cream into a saucepan, place on the stove and heat, but do not bring to a boil. Remove from the stove. 2) If you want to make colored streaks on the cake, it’s time to add gel food coloring to the cream. 3) Add chocolate or chocolate glaze to hot cream. Stir with a whisk until the chocolate is completely dissolved. 4) Enter butter. Stir with a whisk until smooth. 5) Cool the glaze to 27-35 degrees. The consistency will become viscous. Our frosting is ready to be applied to the cake. 6) Apply the glaze to cold cake, pre-leveled with cream. The cream can be anything - butter, ganache, cream with mascarpone. 7) Spoon frosting onto top of cake. Flatten with a pastry spatula. 4. The perfect glaze for drips! We will need: - chocolate - cream (20% - 33% fat content. Keep in mind that the thickness of the glaze will depend on the fat content of the cream. It is important here to find exactly the consistency that suits you and which is most convenient for you to work with) Mix chocolate and cream in a 50/50 ratio. Melt in microwave oven or in a water bath. If melting in the microwave, place the bowl of chocolate and cream in the oven in bursts for 30 seconds, stirring well each time. Once the mixture has melted, you can add food coloring. Apply the glaze to the cake, forming drips. Remember! Your cake must be very well cooled for the drips to set. 5. Gelatin-based Beautiful, tasty and easy-to-prepare glaze! Ingredients: 100 g white chocolate 75 g condensed milk 30 g butter pinch of salt 4 g gelatin 2 tbsp water 30 g heavy cream Preparation: 1. Soak gelatin in water. 2. Mix chocolate, condensed milk, butter and salt in a water bath. Mix until the chocolate is completely dissolved. 3. Remove from the bath, add cream and diluted gelatin. 4. To obtain color, add white dye and any color. 5. Cool until room temperature and apply to the pre-leveled and frozen cake. Ready! Photo by - iriska_sweets

When a housewife begins to master the creation of baked goods, she is faced with the question of decorating the finished delicacies. One of the simple, often budget-friendly, but effective options for decorating pastries, cupcakes, pies and pies is icing. How to prepare this mass correctly, how to use it and what varieties does it have?

How to make glaze

Classic recipe This cake coating consists of hot water and powdered sugar (less commonly, granulated sugar). However, it doesn’t end there: among the components of the glaze you can see lemon juice, which bleaches the mixture, gelatin and/or egg white, allowing it to set firmly. For it the following can be used:

It is important to know how to decorate a cake with icing - pour the liquid in spoons into the center, allowing it to distribute on its own. Thick (on mastic, etc.) is laid over the entire surface, leveling with a special silicone spatula. The sides are processed separately; for this it is recommended to place the cake with glaze on a special podium that matches the diameter of the base of the baked goods, or on a round wire rack.

Cake frosting recipe

Taking into account the fact that this mass can be used not only for coating, but also for the purpose of gluing parts together, or for making individual relief elements, the glaze recipe must be selected after deciding on its purpose. Among the options presented below you can find the simplest compositions that even a young housewife can handle, as well as multi-component ones that require a special careful approach.


  • Cooking time: 35 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 10 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 1884 kcal.
  • Cuisine: French.

Leading chefs are confident that high-quality chocolate glaze The cake should be prepared not from cocoa powder, but from cocoa beans and similar butter. However, these components are difficult to obtain, and the price is not budgetary, especially if the housewife wants to practice cooking and applying glaze to sweet dessert. Good Alternative option- made of chocolate. Take dark tiles with maximum simple composition.


  • condensed milk - a glass;
  • dark chocolate – 200 g;
  • cream liqueur (Bailey's is ideal) – 50 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. After setting up a water bath, boil the cream.
  2. Reduce burner power to 20%. Add the chocolate broken into pieces.
  3. Stir until it melts and all ingredients form homogeneous mass. Remove from stove.
  4. Add liqueur and stir again. Use the coating warm.


  • Cooking time: 45 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 10 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 3756 kcal.
  • Purpose: for festive table.
  • Cuisine: French.

Mirror glaze for a cake is called “glaze” among confectioners and requires developed culinary skills. It is used mainly for cold desserts. The base is gelatin, which provides a beautiful gloss on the surface. Second important condition– color saturation: it is not customary to make glaze transparent. How to cook such a complex, but very beautiful glaze? Step by step recipe with the photo presented below should help you understand its main nuances.


  • glucose syrup – 250 g;
  • condensed milk – 200 g;
  • sugar – 200 g;
  • chocolate – 300 g;
  • water – 150 ml;
  • gelatin – 20 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Glucose syrup and bring the water to a boil.
  2. Add sugar and mix.
  3. Pour the working mass into a blender or beat with a whisk.
  4. Add condensed milk and grated chocolate. Be sure to continue whisking, and if using a mixer/blender, keep it at an angle to avoid bubbles.
  5. Allow the gelatin to swell (the amount of water is determined by the manufacturer's instructions). Add to the future glaze when it has cooled (55-60 degrees).
  6. Stir, strain the liquid through cheesecloth - if you skip this step, the coating will not shine.
  7. Use when the temperature of the glaze drops to 35 degrees.

From cocoa

  • Cooking time: 10 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 10 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 2594 kcal.
  • Purpose: for the holiday table.
  • Kitchen: homemade.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

Looking for a successful and quick option icing for drips on a cake that has liquid consistency, but hardens quickly? Try this recipe for cocoa chocolate glaze, tested by hundreds of housewives. It is inexpensive, light, and the taste of the finished mass is not inferior to the classic one, which needs to be prepared on a chocolate bar. Condensed milk gives it density and thickness.


  • butter – 200 g;
  • condensed milk - a glass;
  • cocoa powder - glass.

Cooking method:

  1. Melt butter with condensed milk.
  2. Add cocoa while whisking this mixture.
  3. Pour over cake while frosting is moderately hot.


  • Number of servings: 10 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 1178 kcal.
  • Purpose: for the holiday table.
  • Cuisine: English.

Classic powdered sugar glaze - great option for coating biscuits, shortbread cookies, gingerbread at home. She always helps out housewives who have an empty refrigerator and kitchen cabinets, because they always manage to find some sugar and grind it. Lemon juice is an optional element, responsible only for the whiteness of the finished mass. Important nuance this recipe - you need to glaze the cake very quickly, since the product hardens quickly.


  • powdered sugar – 300 g;
  • water – 5 tbsp. l.;
  • lemon juice – 1 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Sift carefully powdered sugar several times, forming a slide.
  2. Pour hot water into the center, immediately whisking everything together.
  3. If the mixture turns out liquid, add a little powdered sugar or starch.
  4. Pour in lemon juice, whisking continuously until the mixture becomes fluffy.


  • Cooking time: 25 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 10 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 3260 kcal.
  • Purpose: for the holiday table.
  • Kitchen: homemade.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

Perfect white glaze for a cake that has an airy structure and does not become denser over time? Perhaps if you cook it on a protein basis with butter. A few drops of lemon juice will remove any occasional hints of yellowness. This glaze can be used as a top for cupcakes and a layer for cake layers - a delicious and visually attractive dessert is guaranteed.


  • butter 82% – 300 g;
  • eggs (white) – 3 pcs.;
  • powdered sugar – 250 g;
  • lemon juice – 2 tsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Beat cold whites vigorously, gradually adding powdered sugar by teaspoons.
  2. When you achieve homogeneity of the mass, place the container with it on the burner.
  3. Continue whisking until the glaze base thickens and turns white.
  4. Remove from the burner and let cool.
  5. Separately, beat soft butter, pour in lemon juice.
  6. Combine both masses by turning on the mixer. Use the frosting to decorate your cake immediately.


  • Number of servings: 10 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 1579 kcal.
  • Purpose: for the holiday table.
  • Kitchen: homemade.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

When housewives master the basic options for sugar and protein coatings for desserts, they wonder how to make colored glaze for the cake. For this purpose, you can use any white base recipe by adding food coloring or fruit juice to it. Or try a delicious honey version with agar, chocolate and berry syrup(you can do it yourself). If you need a glossy surface, add 7-10 g of gelatin here.


  • honey – 50 g;
  • sugar – 70 g;
  • white chocolate – 130 g;
  • heavy cream – 40 g;
  • berry syrup - half a glass;
  • agar-agar – 2 tsp;
  • water – 30 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix sugar with honey and berry syrup in a saucepan. Warm up.
  2. Add water, stir.
  3. Pour boiling water over agar-agar (according to the manufacturer’s instructions).
  4. Heat the cream with broken chocolate separately until the last component melts. Remove from the burner.
  5. While whipping this mass, add sugar and berry syrup into it.
  6. Introduce the gelatin carefully so that no lumps form.
  7. If necessary, enhance the color with confectionery coloring. The operating temperature of this coating is 45 degrees.


  • Cooking time: 40 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 10 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 1972 kcal.
  • Purpose: for the holiday table.
  • Kitchen: homemade.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

Simple delicious glaze made from protein and sugar, it is used mainly for decorating cookies - if it is prepared for a cake, it is often for the purpose of creating individual relief elements. This quickly hardening glaze holds its shape perfectly, so with minor adjustments to the recipe it becomes a mastic that is used to cover cakes. It is also convenient to cut out figures for dessert decoration.


  • granulated sugar – 240 g;
  • powdered sugar – 250 g;
  • egg white;
  • citric acid – 1 g;
  • gelatin – 7 g;
  • water – 75 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Soak the gelatin.
  2. Do sugar syrup by boiling it with water.
  3. Enter citric acid, swollen gelatin. Stir.
  4. Using a mixer, beat the egg whites until the mixture has greatly increased in volume.
  5. Add powdered sugar, continue the beating process until you get a fluffy airy cap.
  6. Transfer this mass to the sugar-gelatin mixture and make a soft, elastic lump. Use immediately or store for about a day, covering the container with the cake frosting product with a damp towel.


  • Cooking time: 15 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 10 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 1433 kcal.
  • Purpose: for the holiday table.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Velvet cake frosting makes ready dessert very expensive and elegant, and it is created in a couple of minutes. However, to use it you will need a spray gun, which resembles an airbrush. Before frosting, the cake must be carefully cooled and placed on a rotating platform. It is advisable to use a velvet coating for mousse or yoghurt desserts.


  • chocolate – 100 g;
  • cocoa butter – 100 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Melt chocolate with cocoa butter and stir.
  2. Cool the mixture to 40 degrees, pour into the spray gun. Spray.

With milk

  • Cooking time: 15 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 10 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 673 kcal.
  • Purpose: for the holiday table.
  • Kitchen: homemade.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Delicate milk icing for a cake looks much more attractive in terms of calorie content than cream or butter. The coffee aroma obtained from the beans adds zest. This glaze will flow easily over the dessert, but will also harden quickly, so you need to prepare it carefully before using it. Make sure the milk is fresh, otherwise it will curdle when boiling.


  • milk – 100 ml;
  • coffee beans - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • powdered sugar – 100 g;
  • starch – 30 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Warm the milk and pour in the coffee beans. Cook for a quarter of an hour.
  2. Fish them out, throw them away.
  3. Add powdered sugar and starch. Beat. Let cool slightly and use for cake.


  • Cooking time: 30 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 10 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 1387 kcal.
  • Purpose: for the holiday table.
  • Cuisine: French.
  • Difficulty of preparation: difficult.

Those who love a caramel note in desserts should figure out how to make cream icing. It is glossy, so it is recommended for cakes with a perfectly smooth surface. It is advisable to first use mousse cream under the glaze or at least thick jam, which is leveled with a spatula. The recipe is described in as much detail as possible, so mastering it should not be difficult for you.


  • cream 35% – 175 g;
  • gelatin – 7 g;
  • brown sugar – 200 g;
  • water – 175 g;
  • corn starch – 1 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Soak the gelatin.
  2. After sifting the starch twice, pour in the cream (it should be cold!), stir, getting rid of lumps.
  3. Heat the sugar in a frying pan, wait until it darkens and begins to melt. The power of the burner is minimal, you can’t interfere.
  4. When the sugar has a caramel color, carefully pour in the warmed water. Increase the heat under the frying pan until the mixture comes to a boil.
  5. Add cream with starch, remove from burner.
  6. When the mass has cooled slightly, add gelatin. Mix. Operating temperature – 27 degrees.

Cake glaze - cooking secrets

Professionals assure housewives who are doing decorating for the first time homemade baked goods that preparing glaze is easy if you know the basic rules and nuances. For the perfect dessert, you also need to take into account the features of using each type of coating:

  • The classic thickness of any glaze is medium, like that of rich sour cream.
  • Professionals advise preparing additional cream for the glaze if you plan to have a mirror-like thin coating.
  • If you're wondering how to make chocolate frosting, don't buy porous bars.
  • You don’t have to use cream under the glaze, if it’s glossy, but then the cake needs to be frozen, otherwise the coating won’t apply well.
  • To change the color you can select and natural dyes: berry juice, some spices. Factory formulations must be water-soluble.
  • It is advisable to keep cakes for which a protein mixture is used in a hot (100 degrees) oven for several minutes to exclude possible salmonellosis.
  • There should be no condensation on the surface of the dessert before applying the glaze, otherwise it will become deformed after a few hours.
  • The mixture, which will then become glossy, must be beaten at a very slow mixer speed - this way you will avoid bubbles.
  • Before painting on the frosted cake, keep it in the refrigerator for a quarter of an hour.


Modern confectioners are a real discovery for me! Scrolling through the pages of websites and Instagram, you can come across mesmerizing works that are difficult to look away from. And after closing the photo, it pops up in your thoughts for a long time. I am delighted with the current trends in the confectionery world. Cakes of the 21st century are, without exaggeration, masterpieces! But, as you know, fashion is a fickle lady, it changes very quickly, and what is in trend today may deserve the stigma of “last century” tomorrow. Let's still discuss how, today, you can add a zest to the cake and bring your work closer to a masterpiece?

The answer is quite simple - make streaks on the cake. This is not a difficult technique that every pastry chef, even a beginner, can master. The main thing is to concentrate and maintain proportions. A sense of proportion plays a fairly large role. A cake with drips looks neat and attractive only if the icing flows down in thin streams of different lengths. Cake drips are one of the most versatile designs. Goes great with fresh berries, candy, floral decoration. Depending on the theme, they can be chocolate or colored.

Secrets of the “correct” glaze

Chocolate icing is great for creating smudges. There are many recipes. However, obtaining an excellent result depends not so much on the ingredients as on the cooking technology.

  1. Can only be applied to a cooled product.
  2. It is very important that the icing is the right consistency. If it’s too thick, you’ll get pot-bellied worms, and if it’s too thin, the streaks will flow onto the substrate, forming chocolate puddles.
  3. Before applying, be sure to check the temperature by applying to the skin of your hands. It shouldn't burn. Too much hot glaze will ruin your creation.
  4. Volumetric smudges on a chocolate cake look more impressive. This point again depends on the density.

So, let's look at the recipe for making this miracle glaze.

Chocolate stains

Cake recipe with chocolate smudges involves the use of the following ingredients:

  • Dark chocolate from 50% - 90 g;
  • Cream 33% fat - 70 ml;
  • Butter – 40 g.

Cooking process

For such pastry experiments, it is highly advisable to use scales. But, in principle, you can do without them by adjusting the density using the test method on chilled dishes described above.

  1. Heat the cream to a temperature of approximately 70 degrees (do not bring to a boil!). Remove from heat.
  2. Finely chop the chocolate and add to the heated cream. Don't be alarmed, at first the mass will seem stratified. Continue stirring until the cream becomes smooth.
  3. Add butter, cut into pieces. Some confectioners do not use it, but this ingredient gives a chic glossy sheen to the ganache.
  4. The glaze is ready. Next is a matter of technique, so to speak! Use our recommendations regarding its application.

While making drips, the ganache changes consistency and hardens. Control this moment! Either work quickly or reheat the glaze as you go.

As practice shows, it is better to perform such manipulations with a small spoon, but you can also use a pastry bag. Whichever is convenient for you. Once the drips are done, fill in the center portion of the top of your masterpiece.

Colored glaze

Colorful desserts attract the attention of both adults and children. If you are preparing for children's party, use colored smudges for the cake as a design. “The head of the holiday,” in this case, will not be left without compliments.


  • White chocolate - 65 g;
  • Vegetable oil - 20 g;
  • Food coloring.

Cooking process

  1. Melt the chocolate in the microwave, stirring every 15 seconds, or in a double boiler. Make sure the bowl is dry. Getting even one drop of water is very undesirable.
  2. Add vegetable oil(refined, odorless) into melted chocolate.
  3. The next step is adding dye. Mix everything thoroughly until the color is uniform.
  4. Remove the pre-chilled dessert and pour the frosting, starting from the edges. Then fill the center, leveling everything with a spatula.

We have tried to explain the essence of this in as much detail as possible. simple process! Share in the comments how well your expectations and reality coincided?)) We hope this article will contribute to the development of someone’s confectionery talent.