How to make mushroom caviar from dried mushrooms. Mushroom caviar from dry mushrooms

mushroom caviar from dried mushrooms, the most delicious recipe which you will find below great snack, beautiful and delicious. Cooking such caviar is quite simple, the main thing is good mushrooms. Most often, dried porcini mushrooms, aspen mushrooms, chanterelles, mossiness mushrooms, butter mushrooms, etc. are used for caviar. If large mushrooms are dried, it is better to use only hats for caviar. You can also cook from a mixture of dried mushrooms. This time I cooked from dried chanterelles.


- 1 glass of dry forest mushrooms;
- 1 head of onion;
- 1 small carrot;
- 2 tablespoons vegetable oil;
- salt - 2-3 pinches,
- spices - optional.

Mushrooms for caviar can be collected personally by you or bought in a store. From a trusted supplier. This time I had shop chanterelles.

Wash dried mushrooms and soak in cold water for 3-4 hours, you can - at night.

During this time, the mushrooms will noticeably change - change color, swell.

Then we filter the water in which the mushrooms were soaked through 2 layers of gauze. In strained
We put mushrooms in water and put on fire. Bring to a boil and simmer over medium heat until soft, about 1 hour. Then drain the broth (it can be used for cooking other dishes).

Onions and carrots are peeled and washed. Cut the onion into cubes, and rub the carrots into coarse grater. Saute onions and carrots in vegetable oil until soft, 8-10 minutes.

Then add the boiled mushrooms to the pan, simmer for 5 minutes, until the moisture evaporates.

Next, let the mushrooms with carrots and onions go through a meat grinder twice, using a nozzle for
pate - with small holes.

Add salt and other spices to taste, for example, a mixture of peppers, mix.

That's all, mushroom caviar is ready.

It is very good as a spread on a sandwich.

Note to the owner:
Instead of a meat grinder, you can use a blender. You can chop mushrooms with carrots and onions with a knife, but it will take longer, and small pieces will remain.
This can also be prepared from fresh mushrooms but caviar out dried mushrooms it turns out tastier and more aromatic. It is not necessary to add carrots to caviar, but with it, caviar turns out to be more appetizing and tender.

Dried mushroom caviar recipes help housewives complement the winter family menu with autumn flavors. The value of mushrooms enriched with vitamins cannot be overestimated. It is enough to note that in 100 g of the product: pure protein 4 g, carbohydrates 3 g, fats - 1.3 g. Mushrooms contain at least 18 different amino acids. The removal of excess water by drying makes it possible to achieve the concentration of protein compounds represented by this type of 1/3 of the total mass. Ability to cook quickly required amount mushroom caviar completes the list of benefits of this delicious product, and the possibility of its winter storage without loss palatability makes it exceptional.

Dried mushroom caviar recipes

The caviar of their dry mushrooms, the recipe of which is presented below, does not require special knowledge or special kitchen equipment. You will need several pots, a frying pan, a meat grinder or blender, and knives. The preparation time for any recipe will take no more than an hour, excluding the soaking period of the dried ingredients. In the absence of mushrooms indicated in the recipes, you can use their other varieties.

Mushroom caviar with eggs

It will enhance the taste, energy saturation and vitamin content of dried mushroom caviar, adding chicken or quail eggs to the recipe.

Would need:

  • dried mushrooms - 100 gr;
  • chicken / quail egg - 1/3 pc.;
  • any unsalted cheese- 100 gr.;
  • sunflower oil - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • sour cream with a fat content of 20% - 1 tbsp. l.;

Recipe preparation method:

  1. Dried mushrooms are soaked, and after they have gained a little moisture, they are placed in a pan. Pass over medium heat for 10-15 minutes. At the same time, a hard-boiled egg is boiled, the cheese is cut into measured pieces.
  2. Mushrooms, cheese, egg are twisted in a meat grinder or interrupted with a blender to a mushy consistency.
  3. Sour cream and spices are added to the resulting mass. Mix until smooth.

Advice! Served to the table in the form of a separate cold appetizer or as an addition to any side dish. But it is more interesting to imagine mushroom caviar on toast, and the bread should be lightly fried in a pan with butter. It is not recommended to organize long-term storage of the resulting caviar.

Mushroom caviar Assorted

A simple appetizer that a hostess can prepare even with minimal cooking skills. According to this recipe, caviar is harvested for the future for the entire winter period.

It is necessary to prepare:

  • dried mushrooms, at least three varieties - 1 kg each;
  • onion - 2 pcs.;
  • ground black pepper - 1 tsp;
  • other spices - to taste.
  1. Mushrooms are sorted out, separating wormy or low-quality specimens from the total mass.
  2. They are placed in cold water for half an hour.
  3. After soaking, pour new water and put on fire. Boil for 15-20 minutes. Boiling water is drained and cold water is poured.
  4. After 5 minutes, use a colander to separate from the water.
  5. Grinding is done with a blender or meat grinder.
  6. During the period of boiling the mushrooms, the bulbs are cleaned, finely chopped, and after grinding the mass is added to it and mixed thoroughly.
  7. Lay out in sterilized jars and store in a cool room.

Advice! Mushroom caviar from dried mushrooms according to the Assorted recipe can be served on the table in the form self-dish, the main side dish, to use for filling pies, and also to complement pizza with it.

Royal dried mushroom caviar

Royal mushroom caviar is prepared from dried porcini mushrooms. Many mushroom pickers consider them a privileged variety with exceptional taste and excellent structure. Properly dried White mushroom stored for a long time without losing its consumer qualities. To prepare caviar according to this recipe, you will need the following ingredients:

  • dried white mushrooms - 300 gr;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 3-4 medium cloves;
  • olive oil - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • lemon juice - 1 tsp;
  • port wine - 20 gr.

Prepare in the following order:

  1. Dried mushrooms are washed and boiled in water for at least half an hour.
  2. While they are cooking, peel, finely chop the garlic and onions.
  3. The mushroom mass is separated from the water, while it is left for later use.
  4. In a skillet, sauté the onion and garlic in olive oil over low heat.
  5. After passivation, mushroom mass is added to the pan and fried until blush.
  6. The previously left is poured into the same container. mushroom broth. Simmer until the liquid has evaporated over low heat.
  7. Salt and add other spices provided by the recipe to taste. Pour a measured amount of wine, lemon juice. Close the lid and insist 5-10 minutes.

Served on the table as a separate dish, richly decorated with greens. May be complemented with beautifully chopped fresh cucumbers, tomatoes, bell pepper. Can be used for shaping complex dishes or snacks.

Dried mushroom caviar with tomatoes

Dried mushrooms in combination with vegetables look attractive, have pleasant taste, nutritious and beneficial. One of the recipes calls for the use of tomatoes. It is necessary to prepare for it:

  • dried mushrooms - 100 gr;
  • onion - 1 head;
  • medium-sized tomato - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • sunflower oil - 3 tablespoons;
  • salt and pepper - to taste.

Cooking order:

  1. Dried mushrooms are soaked or boiled for 10-15 minutes after boiling water, at the same time finely chop the onion.
  2. Boiled mushrooms are cooled and cut into small pieces.
  3. Sliced ​​mushrooms are placed on a heated frying pan, lubricated with vegetable oil, sautéed for 3-5 minutes. Next add the prepared onion.
  4. During the frying period, although it is possible in advance, cut the tomatoes into medium-sized pieces and add them to the pan.
  5. Stew for 15 minutes while stirring, do not cover with a lid.
  6. Next in almost ready meal add finely chopped garlic, mix.
  7. The fire is turned off, covered with a lid and insisted for 10 minutes.

Serving on the table can be done in an unprocessed form, but it is better to twist the mass in a meat grinder. The use of a blender is not recommended - vegetables and mushrooms can lose a lot of juice, which, when served, does not add benefits appearance and taste qualities.

Mushroom caviar with cream

This recipe allows housewives to cook soft and very hearty meal. Its qualities are sure to be highly appreciated by the family and guests at any serving. Ingredients of the dish:

  • dried mushrooms, preferably white - 500 gr;
  • fat cream - 200 gr;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • granulated sugar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • fine flour - 100 gr.;
  • white wine - 3 tbsp. l.

The order of preparation for the recipe is as follows:

  1. Dried mushrooms are washed first cold water.
  2. Soaked in heavy cream at least 2 hours.
  3. While the dried mushrooms are soaking, the onion is peeled, finely chopped and sautéed over low heat with the addition of sugar. The latter will give the onion an additional pleasant golden color.
  4. Carrots chopped with a blender or grated on a fine grater are added to the pan and the passivation is continued.
  5. Mushrooms are passed through a meat grinder.
  6. All ingredients are combined in a convenient bowl. While stirring, cream is added, flour, wine, salt and other spices are added to taste.

The dish prepared according to this recipe is universal and can be served with ordinary and festive table in combination with other side dishes and dishes. But it should be remembered that it is high in calories, even a small portion will completely saturate an adult.

Dried mushroom caviar with cabbage

An original recipe that many housewives like. Behind the ease of preparation lies a bouquet of taste qualities and supplementing the diet with useful elements. It is recommended to use seaweed. To prepare this recipe you will need:

  • dried mushroom - 20 gr;
  • dried cabbage - 100 gr;
  • medium salted cucumber - 2 pcs.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • table vinegar 9% - 1 tsp;
  • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • salt, pepper, other spices - to taste.

Before making mushroom caviar from dry mushrooms, it is necessary to soak the cabbage for at least 10 hours, and the mushrooms for 8 hours. The order of preparation for the recipe is as follows:

  1. Soaked cabbage with finely chopped onions, in vegetable oil in a frying pan, sauté over medium heat for 5-10 minutes.
  2. Mushrooms are boiled for 10-15 minutes after boiling. The water is drained, cooled.
  3. All ingredients are combined. The mass is passed through a meat grinder or chopped with a blender.
  4. Additional heat treatment in a pan, but you can not carry it out.

Served along with other dishes and separately. Can be included as part of complex dishes.

The video shows a master class for cooking caviar at home:

Drying of mushrooms is carried out after their thorough inspection for rotten specimens unsuitable for further consumption. Suitable mushrooms are cleaned of dirt, sand, leaves. Before drying, they are not washed, only the rhizomes are cut off, the large ones are divided into parts. Mushrooms are strung on threads and dried on fresh air excluding direct sunlight. You can dry it in an oven or a special electrical appliance. Storage is organized in dry rooms.

  • dry mushrooms are boiled in the spirit of water, the first is drained, the second is used as a broth;
  • dry mushrooms are usually cooked with onion, but it can be omitted by adding caviar tomato juice or spices;
  • ready-made mushroom caviar mass can be stored frozen and used as needed;
  • caviar is perfect for making pies, dumplings, pizza and the like;
  • combination with cutlets and meatballs of caviar from dry russula and tubular mushrooms, even in small quantities give them a unique taste;
  • if the prepared caviar is planned to be stored long time, then for capping use liter jars after careful pasteurization.

Advice! Organize storage winter harvest in a cool room where there are no sudden changes in temperature. In apartment buildings, this is a refrigerator or an equipped balcony, in private ones - a basement or cellar.


Recipes for caviar from dried mushrooms are not difficult. Having spent some free time, even an inexperienced hostess can complement the table with this delicacy. In what form to serve the dish: on toast, separately, as an addition to the main course - her imagination determines. Of great value is the saturation of mushrooms with nutritious and useful elements. But it should be remembered that people with special medical nutritional recommendations can eat caviar only in limited portions.

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Mushrooms are useful and delicious product in any form. They are rich in vitamins and protein. Nutritionists consider them a meat substitute in the diet. They are consumed boiled, salted, pickled and fried. First courses are cooked with them or fried with meat. There are more than a thousand recipes using this product. Mushroom caviar from dried mushrooms is a time-tested recipe that is easy to prepare. She will be great addition to the holiday table. Mushroom caviar has a very spicy taste.

Classic mushroom caviar recipe

For this dish of dried mushrooms, boletus, fly mushrooms, porcini, butter, etc. are suitable. They are soaked overnight in hot water. Take them out in the morning, wring out and finely cut. A meat grinder is not used, because the product acquires a metallic taste. It is better to grind with a mixer. To prepare caviar take:

  • dried mushrooms;
  • onions - 3 pcs;
  • sunflower oil.

So that the caviar does not turn out bitter, the onion is not scrolled in a meat grinder, it is chopped or cut with a knife. Mix onions and mushrooms, pepper and salt, add sunflower oil. Use a product without bitterness so that the caviar does not lose its taste. Dry mushroom dish is ready.

Cooking methods

Several more recipes for caviar from dried mushrooms are distinguished by their original taste. The piquancy of taste in these dishes appears due to the addition of ingredients that are harmoniously combined with each other.

Caviar from boiled dry mushrooms

This recipe is no different from the first, but the mushrooms are soaked overnight in cold water. They take it out, filter the water through a double layer of gauze. They are boiled on low heat, then they are finely cut. Chopped onions are fried in oil. In the process, season to taste with vinegar and sugar.

Mushroom caviar with eggs

  • mushrooms - 150 g;
  • oil (olive) - 50 ml;
  • carrot, egg, onion 1 pc;
  • garlic;
  • mayonnaise - 2 tbsp.

Mushrooms are poured with boiling water, left until softened, washed and dried. The egg is hard-boiled, cut into pieces. They take carrots, peel them with a knife or brush, cut them coarsely. Heat the pan, add oil, preferably olive oil. First, onion is fried over low heat (5 minutes), then carrots are put in and the same amount is stewed, then boiled mushrooms are added and all components are fried until tender. After browning the mushrooms, the caviar is removed from the heat, taken out to a cool place and allowed to cool. The chopped egg and the entire fried mass are placed in a blender and chopped. Spread in a bowl, add mayonnaise, salt, ground pepper. Stir, let stand. Dried mushroom caviar is ready.

Mushroom caviar "Assorted"

If you can’t decide which mushrooms are best for cooking caviar, use different varieties of them.

  • mixed mushrooms - 500 g;
  • butter - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • sour cream a quarter cup;
  • spices;
  • vinegar.

Mushrooms are pre-soaked in hot water. Grind in a blender. Butter is melted, onions are cooked in it, mushrooms are added and stirred until the liquid evaporates. Add black pepper, salt. Sour cream is whipped in a bowl with vinegar and seasoned with mushroom caviar. Served at the table as an appetizer. This dried mushroom caviar is equally tasty both chilled and warm.

Caviar from mushroom drying "royally"

This recipe for caviar from porcini mushrooms. For its preparation take:

  • porcini mushrooms - 1/2 cup;
  • olive oil - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • shallot;
  • garlic - 4 teeth;
  • lemon juice - 1 tsp;
  • port wine - a quarter of a glass.

Mushrooms are soaked for half an hour in boiling water. After pressing, the mushroom broth is not poured out. Sauté shallots in olive oil along with garlic. Garlic and onion are pre-chopped. Mushrooms are added to this mass, fried until golden brown. Pour in the mushroom broth, and stew until the liquid has completely evaporated. Salt, pepper with black and cayenne pepper to taste, pour in port wine and lemon juice. Sprinkle with herbs before serving.

Dried mushroom caviar with tomatoes

This recipe includes following products:

  • tubular mushrooms - 1 kg;
  • onion - 2 pcs;
  • vegetable oil;
  • tomatoes - 350 g;
  • carrots - 1 pc;
  • spices.

This appetizer is prepared from boletus, porcini, champignons, etc. These are varieties of tubular mushrooms. They are soaked overnight in boiling water. Only hats are allowed. Prepared mushrooms are boiled for up to half an hour. The liquid is drained and the boiled product is scrolled through a meat grinder, then fried over a fire for about 20 minutes. The bulbs are cut into rings. Tomatoes, after peeling, cut into circles. Medium carrots are peeled and grated. Vegetable mix passivated in vegetable oil. The mushroom mixture is mixed with vegetables, salted, peppered, spices (cloves, chili) are added. Stew in a pan for 20 minutes.

Mushroom caviar with cream

A good recipe that any hostess will love.

  • white mushrooms - 500 g;
  • heavy cream - 200 g;
  • onion - 1 pc;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • flour - 100 g;
  • white wine - 3 tbsp. l.

The main product is soaked in heavy cream, left for two hours. Cut the onion and fry. Add sugar - this gives the onion color. Carrots are crushed in a blender to fine crumbs, then fried together with onions. All this is added to the pureed mushrooms. Pour in the cream, pepper, salt, add flour and white wine. Bon appetit!

Caviar from dried mushrooms with the addition of seaweed

For this dish, take the following products:

  • dried seaweed - 100 gr.;
  • mushroom drying - 20 gr.;
  • pickled cucumbers - 2 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil;
  • vinegar 9%;
  • spices, herbs.

Dried seaweed is used, it is soaked for 10 hours in cold water, washed thoroughly. Sauteed in oil with onions. Mushroom drying is soaked for up to 8 hours, boiled and cooled. After that, it is mixed with cucumbers and cabbage (seaweed). Processed in a frying pan in oil. Decorate with greens before serving.

Mushroom caviar for the future

This appetizer is prepared for the winter. The recipe includes the following ingredients:

  • any dried mushrooms - 1 kg;
  • onion - 200 g;
  • tomatoes - 300 g;
  • vegetable oil - 150 ml;
  • seasonings.

Dry mushrooms are washed, cleaned and cut into pieces. They are boiled in salted water for up to half an hour. Strain through a colander, rinse with cold water, grind through a meat grinder. Fry in oil for 30 minutes. Separately fry chopped onions and tomatoes. Mix vegetables with mushrooms, salt, pepper. Stew for a quarter of an hour. Hot caviar is placed in clean, dry jars, closed and sterilized.

Features of drying mushrooms at home

For drying choose strong mushrooms. They are cleaned of dirt, earth, sand and leaves. Rinsing is not necessary, it will only increase the drying time. Roots are cut off. If the product is large, then it is cut into pieces. Mushrooms are strung on a thread. It is preferable to dry them in the air or in the oven. Readiness can be easily determined: if they become brittle, bend, this means that the drying is ready for further use.

Features of dried mushrooms, which will help every housewife:

  1. This dried product is capricious, they are stored in a dry room, away from a source of moisture, as a result of which mold appears on them and they become unsuitable for consumption.
  2. Mushroom drying is boiled in two waters. The first water is drained, and vegetables, roots, etc. are added to the second.
  3. They are used to prepare fillings for pies, pizza, dumplings, zrazy, and are added to snacks. They are also used as a recipe for dishes cooked in a slow cooker. mushroom dishes are fragrant, tasty and satisfying.
  4. Mushroom caviar is prepared without onions, adding tomato sauce, spices, vegetable oil.
  5. Ready caviar can be frozen and used as needed.

Feel free to experiment and add your own ingredients to the recipe.

Mushrooms are delicious and useful product with a big nutritional value. The gifts of nature can completely replace meat in the diet. Thanks to these qualities, mushrooms are very popular among vegetarians, people on a diet or fasting. Great amount recipes in which forest gifts act as the main ingredient, allows you to diversify the daily menu. One of the options for preparing the product is mushroom caviar from dried mushrooms.

Many people remember caviar from dried mushrooms from childhood. This simple, but very tasty and fragrant dish was prepared by great-grandmothers, then grandmothers, and then mothers. The popularity of the dish is due to its ease of preparation and versatility of use. Mushroom caviar is used as the basis for second courses, used as a spread on bread, served as a snack or simply enjoyed its natural taste.

The recipe has remained unchanged over the years. To prepare classic caviar, you will need a simple set of products: dried mushrooms, onions, carrots, garlic, vegetable oil, salt and pepper. It is not recommended to supplement the taste of food with various spices, because they can kill the magical aroma of forest gifts.

The recipe for mushroom caviar from dried mushrooms allows you to use any gifts of nature, the main condition is bright aroma. The most saturated taste and smell are the products collected in the forest: butter, white, chanterelles, boletus, boletus, mushrooms, boletus and many others.

If you want to deviate from the traditional version of cooking, chefs recommend using tomatoes, chicken eggs, butter, mayonnaise, sour cream, lemon juice, vinegar, cream. More original recipes offer a variety of rich taste pickles, sea ​​kale and even port.

In order for the dish to acquire the necessary consistency, you will need a blender. If this useful device is not available, you can use a meat grinder, but then the caviar structure will be larger.

Before you start creating a fragrant masterpiece, you will need to properly prepare dried mushrooms. First of all, the product should be thoroughly washed in several waters. Then the gifts of the forest must be poured with boiling water so that it completely covers the fruits, and left overnight. In the morning, the mushrooms must be thoroughly squeezed out with your hands to free them from excess moisture, and then follow the recommendations indicated in the recipe.

Some cooking options include boiling mushrooms. It should be borne in mind that each variety of forest gifts requires a different heat treatment time. On average, this procedure takes 40 to 60 minutes. To make sure the mushrooms are ready, they should be tasted.

Deciding to cook delicious dish, which has not lost popularity over the years, should be prepared desired products, a device for grinding and examining step by step guides presented by the most famous and proven recipes.

The classic caviar recipe is one of the most simple options cooking. This method does not require any ingredients to be boiled or stewed. You only need to prepare the mushrooms, peel the vegetables and chop all the ingredients. This caviar is great for sandwiches or stuffing pancakes, baskets, tubules.

You will need:

  • two medium-sized bulbs;
  • a glass of dry mushrooms;
  • a little fragrant vegetable oil;
  • salt, ground black pepper.


Tip: for more interesting taste chopped parsley, dill or cilantro can be added to caviar.

Caviar made from different types mushrooms, boasts an original and unforgettable taste. Thanks to sour cream and butter, the dish acquires new delicate shades. Caviar can be eaten on its own with fresh bread or use as an appetizer for main courses.


  • half a kilo of dried mushrooms different varieties;
  • 1/3 cup fat sour cream;
  • a few tablespoons butter;
  • pepper, salt, a little vinegar.


Tip: for a more original taste, you can add sweet carrot. The vegetable should be chopped on a fine grater and fried with onions, then add the mushrooms and continue cooking according to the recipe.

The caviar recipe appeared not so long ago, but has already gained great popularity among fans of unusual dishes. original taste dishes due to the use of lemon juice, olive oil, garlic and port. Bright, rich, fragrant and spicy food can be safely offered to the most fastidious gourmets - delight is guaranteed. Royal mushroom pate suitable for any solemn event: they can fill tartlets, baskets and even pies.

You will need:


Tip: you should not grind such caviar to a puree state. The main charm of the dish lies in rather large (for caviar) pieces.

Caviar with the addition of eggs and carrots has a very delicate taste with a subtle sweet note. A sandwich with such a pate will be a great addition to the first courses. Thanks to eggs and carrots, the amount of caviar is more than in standard versions.



Tip: to increase the amount of pâté, you can add a little fresh champignons(enough 200-300 g). Mushrooms should be fried along with the rest of the ingredients. The taste of caviar will remain rich and fragrant, but it will turn out to be several times larger.

Many housewives prefer to make preparations in advance. This is very convenient when there is absolutely not enough time: guests unexpectedly came or were detained at work. Caviar from dry mushrooms can easily be rolled into jars and enjoyed fragrant dish any time.

You will need:

  • 1 kg of any dried mushrooms;
  • 5 large ripe tomatoes;
  • 3 large onions;
  • 1.5 cups of vegetable oil;
  • ground black pepper, salt.


  1. Rinse dry mushrooms thoroughly and cover with cold water. Leave for 8-10 hours. Free the mushrooms from excess moisture by squeezing them with your hands, and strain the remaining liquid through several layers of gauze.
  2. Place forest gifts in a convenient pan and pour strained broth. Send the container to medium heat and bring to a boil. Salt, reduce the flame of the burner to the minimum value and cook for about 40 minutes.
  3. Ready mushrooms drain in a colander and rinse with running water. Let the liquid drain.
  4. Skip the boiled fruits through a meat grinder.
  5. Heat half the vegetable oil in a frying pan and add chopped mushrooms. Fry for about half an hour over moderate heat.
  6. Peel and rinse the onion. Wash the tomatoes and remove the core. Cut vegetables into small cubes.
  7. Pour the remaining oil into a separate frying pan and heat well. Add onion and fry for two minutes. Add tomatoes and cook for another 5 minutes.
  8. Place the fried mushrooms to the prepared vegetables, add salt and pepper to taste. Cover and simmer over moderate heat for 15 minutes.
  9. Distribute hot caviar in clean, dry jars. Cover the containers with lids and place in a saucepan, the bottom of which is covered with a towel. Fill with water so that it reaches the necks of the jars. Send to the stove and bring to a boil, then sterilize for another 15 minutes.
  10. Roll up the jars with lids, turn upside down and cover with a warm blanket. Leave until completely cool. Store in a dark, dry and cool place.

Tip: for more delicate taste skins should be removed from the tomatoes. To do this, the tomatoes must be placed in boiling water for 5-7 minutes. Taking one at a time, pry off the skin with a knife and remove it.

Cooking caviar from dried mushrooms is a fairly simple process that even an inexperienced hostess can handle. You can pamper your relatives with such a delicacy at any time, you just have to prepare the products in advance. To make a pate of dry mushrooms tasty and rich, you should know some of the nuances:

If you want to please loved ones or guests unusual dish, mushroom caviar - what you need. The appetizer is quickly prepared, eaten with lightning speed and always causes great delight of all tasters. The best reward for the hostess will be the gratitude of loved ones and the recognition of her culinary talent. Bon appetit!

Every self-respecting housewife in the bins will always have a jar of fragrant oil or mushrooms.

Well, absolutely household cooks will certainly treat you with dried mushroom caviar - it can also be prepared for long-term storage, and just a few servings for dinner. If in your bins there are dried mushrooms, mushrooms or butter mushrooms - this article is for you - arm yourself and create culinary masterpieces!

Royal caviar from dried mushrooms: a recipe for mushrooms

This option for preparing mushroom caviar is in case you want to please your family for dinner with something special.


  • Shallots - to your taste;
  • Mushrooms - 1 cup;
  • Olive oil - 6 tbsp. spoons;
  • Port wine - half a glass;
  • Garlic - 4 cloves;
  • Lemon juice - 2 teaspoons;
  • Greens (dill, parsley) - for sprinkling;
  • Cayenne and black pepper, salt - to your taste.

How to make mushroom caviar from mushrooms

To cook caviar royally, follow the instructions:

  • Pour dried mushrooms with boiling water for 30 minutes, squeeze and remove the broth to the side.
  • Saute chopped garlic and shallots in oil. Mix with mushrooms and fry until browned.
  • Add a decoction of mushrooms and simmer until the broth evaporates. Pepper, salt, pour over lemon juice and port wine, simmer for another five minutes.

Sprinkle the caviar with herbs and put on the table. If the caviar is not completely eaten, put it in the refrigerator.

For long-term storage, we suggest preparing mushroom caviar according to a different recipe.


  • Dried mushrooms (ceps, mushrooms or other forest gifts) - 2 kg;
  • Onions - 400 g;
  • Tomatoes - 600 g;
  • Seasonings - to your taste;
  • Vegetable oil - 300 ml.

How to make dried mushroom game

To make mushroom caviar for the winter, follow the step-by-step recipe:

  1. Soak the mushrooms in boiling water for half an hour, rinse and chop.
  2. Dip in salted boiling water, cook for 30 minutes, and filter, throwing it into a colander.
  3. We twist the mushrooms in a meat grinder and fry for half an hour in oil.
  4. Fry chopped tomatoes with chopped onions in another pan, mix with mushrooms, pepper, salt and simmer for 15 minutes.

We lay out the finished caviar while still hot in jars, close it, sterilize it and put it in the cellar (refrigerator). Of course, you can use mushroom caviar as food immediately after cooking.

Now you know how mushroom caviar is prepared, the recipes of which have proven themselves from the best side. Stock up on a hearty vitamin snack for the winter and be healthy!