Summer salad recipe with cabbage and carrots. Fresh cabbage salad

Cabbage and carrot salad is easy to prepare every day. There are so many variations of preparing snacks from these inexpensive vegetables that everyone will find something for themselves. the best option and never gets bored. Here you will find a selection popular recipes and new unusual options preparations.

“Vitamin” salad from fresh cabbage and carrots

“Vitamin” salad made from cabbage and carrots is served in kindergartens and schools and, surprisingly, is eaten by children without leaving a trace. But it’s often so difficult to get little eaters to eat. fresh vegetables. Preparing an appetizer is simple, the main thing is to maintain the proportions of cabbage and carrots. If you overdo it with root vegetables, the snack will become too sweet, and if you don’t report it, it will become too bland.

We will need:

  • cabbage (white) - 500 g;
  • sweet carrots, red - 300 g;
  • sunflower oil - to taste;
  • salt, sugar - a pinch.

Children will eat the “Vitamin Salad” without leaving a trace if you use a sweet variety of carrots for preparation.

Finely chop the vegetables and mash them with salt and sugar with your hands. When they release juice, season everything with vegetable oil. That's it, ours vitamin salad ready. For those who like sourness, you can add a handful of cranberries or a drop of apple cider vinegar. The salad will taste better if it sits in the refrigerator for at least half an hour - this way the vegetables will release their flavors to each other.

With beets

Introducing unusual recipe a refreshing salad: a pleasant crunch, a slight taste of horseradish, a sweet and sour taste of an apple - it will not leave guests indifferent and will complement bland chicken soup.

We will need:

  • large sweet beets - 1 pc.;
  • cabbage - quarter fork (or Peking fork);
  • red apple;
  • garlic clove;
  • one carrot, large and sweet;
  • salt, spices;
  • a pinch of sugar;
  • horseradish root or a jar of prepared spice;
  • sour cream - 100 ml.

Three vegetables, except cabbage, on a fine grater. You can use a food processor or a Berner grater - use your choice. Peel the apple, remove the core with seeds and cut into thin strips. Shred the cabbage thinly, knead it lightly with your hands so that it releases its juice (Chinese cabbage is tender and does not need to be crushed).

Mix vegetables and apple. Prepare the dressing - mix sour cream with horseradish and add salt. Season the salad with sour cream and horseradish sauce and let it brew.

The snack can be decorated with pine nuts - it will be a fashionable option for connoisseurs of a healthy lifestyle.

Winter salad: cabbage with carrots and vinegar

Cabbage with carrots and vinegar salad keeps well in the refrigerator. This salad option will be very helpful after work on weekdays, when you really want a light, pleasant snack with hot food, but don’t have enough time to cut vegetables.

Very popular dish, which is familiar to us from early childhood. After all, in addition to the fact that such a salad always turns out delicious, it is also very healthy, thanks to the high content of vitamins, microelements and fiber in vegetables. This salad is also called a health salad, it has such a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive tract and human body generally. How to prepare cabbage salad with carrots in the most in a variety of ways, we will tell you in our article.

Cabbage and carrot salad recipes

The first recipe. Vitamin salad from cabbage and carrots.

The recipe for this vitamin-rich cabbage and carrot salad is very simple and healthy, it is quite suitable for those over three years old. Among other things, the kids really like this dish, and they gobble it up with pleasure.

In order to prepare a vitamin salad you will need the following products:

White cabbage - three hundred to four hundred grams;

Large carrots - one root vegetable;

Sweet and sour apple - one fruit.

For salad dressing:

Vegetable oil (sunflower) - two tablespoons;

Lemon juice - one to one and a half teaspoons;

Granulated sugar - half a teaspoon;

Salt - to taste.

How to make cabbage salad with carrots? Step by step instructions

First step. Let's start with cabbage. From the fresh head, white cabbage Let's separate the top leaves and throw them in the trash, we won't need them. Chop the rest of the head into small strips.

Second step. Wash the carrots well in running water and clean them completely. in the usual way. then grate the prepared root vegetable coarse grater for vegetables.

Third step. Peel the apple, cut it in half, and then cut each half into two more equal parts and remove the seed box from each. Grate the remaining pulp, as well as the carrots, on a coarse vegetable grater and immediately sprinkle the apple with a little lemon juice so that it does not darken and spoil it in the future. appearance salad

Fourth step. Combine grated apple and carrots, as well as shredded cabbage in one deep salad bowl and mix everything well with light movements.

Fifth step. Separately, we will prepare the dressing for our salad. To do this, in a small but deep bowl, combine two tablespoons of vegetable (sunflower) oil, one and a half teaspoons lemon juice, add salt and half a teaspoon of granulated sugar to taste. Mix all the combined ingredients thoroughly.

Sixth step. Pour the prepared dressing into the salad and mix everything again so that the mixture saturates all the salad ingredients.

Seventh step. Let the salad brew for twenty to twenty-five minutes, after which we serve it to the table.

The second recipe. Zaku juicy salad from cabbage, carrots and onions.

This salad recipe is suitable as light snack before the main course, it can also be served on festive table on the occasion of any celebration, including birthdays, March 8th, . You can also prepare this salad for a picnic, as an easy addition to barbecue, fish or chicken.

To prepare it, we need to select the following set of products:

White cabbage - two hundred to three hundred grams;

Carrots - two hundred grams;

Onions - ten to twenty grams;

Garlic - one or two cloves;

Dill seeds - one teaspoon;

Vegetable oil (sunflower or olive) - two to three tablespoons;

Salt and ground black pepper - to taste.

Cabbage salad with carrots - recipe preparation step by step.

First step. Let's start with carrots. We need to rinse it thoroughly and remove the thin skin. Then we grate the prepared carrots on a coarse grater. By the way, to prepare this salad you can also use a special grater, which is used when cooking, thanks to which the carrots are obtained in the form of long, curly noodles. The dish served this way will look unusual and resemble Asian cuisine.

Third step. Peel the onions, as we usually do, and then cut them into small pieces of arbitrary shape.

Fourth step. Peel the garlic cloves and chop them using a special garlic press; you can also simply chop the garlic by hand with a sharp knife on a regular cutting board.

Fifth step. After vegetable ingredients will be peeled and cut, put them together in a deep salad bowl.

Sixth step. Add one teaspoon of dry dill seeds to the salad; they will add flavor to the dish. unusual taste and a pleasant aroma.

Seventh step. Then salt our salad and season it with ground black pepper to taste.

Eighth step. Season the cabbage and carrot salad with vegetable sunflower or olive oil, mix all the ingredients and serve the dish.

Recipe three. Cabbage and carrot salad with mayonnaise.

If you want your salad of light vegetables to be more filling, season it not with vegetable oil, but with mayonnaise; you will find out what comes out of this in the following recipe.

Ingredients needed to prepare the salad:

White cabbage - three hundred to four hundred grams;

Carrot (large) - one piece;

Onions - one small onion;

Mayonnaise - two to three tablespoons;

Salt and ground black pepper - to taste.

How to cook cabbage salad with carrots - step-by-step instruction.

First step. Shred the cabbage into fairly thin strips, and peel the carrots and grate them on a coarse grater.

Second step. Remove the skin from a small head of onion and cut into thin half rings or small pieces, as you prefer.

Third step. Take a deep plate, bowl or salad bowl and combine onions, cabbage, carrots in it, mix all the salad ingredients.

Fifth step. let the mayonnaise soak into all the salad ingredients for fifteen to twenty minutes, after which the dish can be garnished with finely chopped fresh dill or parsley and served.

Bon appetit!

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14.12.2017 12 149

Cabbage salad with carrots like in the cafeteria - best recipes from childhood

Cabbage salad with carrots, just like in a cafeteria, is prepared very quickly, and not only the traditional recipe for preparing this vitamin-packed dish, but also its variants, with and without vinegar, with bell pepper, garlic and other ingredients, have long become a favorite, while the calorie content of the snack is not increases, making it useful for dietary nutrition...

Cabbage salad with carrots like in the cafeteria - the most popular recipe

Surely everyone remembers from childhood the taste of cabbage salad, which was offered for lunch in a kindergarten or school canteen - such a dish of cabbage and carrots is not only tasty, but also incredibly healthy, especially in winter cold when the body lacks vitamins.
The dish is universal and can be served with any side dish.

There are several recipes for preparing cabbage and carrot salad like in a cafeteria, and each has its nuances and subtleties, but without exception, they are all incredibly tasty - prepare all the options and choose the one you like the most.

Cabbage salad like in the cafeteria, the recipe for which you will now learn, requires the following ingredients:

  • Finely shredded cabbage – 500 g
  • Carrots – 1 pc.
  • Salt – 1 teaspoon, not heaped
  • Sugar – 1 tablespoon, not heaped
  • Vinegar 3% – 4 tablespoons
  • Vegetable oil (sunflower, olive, corn) – 2 tablespoons.

Finely chop the white cabbage, add salt, add vinegar and place in enamel dishes, then put the pan or bowl with the cabbage on high heat and heat it until the cabbage settles - this will take you no more than 3 minutes. Don't forget to stir the vegetable all the time, otherwise it will burn.

chop the cabbage

Remove the cabbage from the heat and let cool, and the carrots must be peeled and grated on a coarse grater, or use a grater to prepare carrots according to Korean recipe, – add the grated vegetable to the cabbage.

Mix vegetables well and season sunflower oil, granulated sugar and stir again - if a lot of excess juice has formed, it is better to drain it. We remove ready dish in a cold place for several hours, then serve as a side dish for any dish.

Vitamin cabbage salad with garlic

Spicy lovers will definitely love this recipe for cabbage salad - we will add a few more to the standard set of products to give it a piquant touch. pungent taste. So, we need:

  • Cabbage – 300 g
  • Carrots – 1 pc.
  • Onion (it is better to take red salad) – 1 pc.
  • Garlic – 3 cloves
  • Vinegar 9% – 1 teaspoon
  • Vegetable oil – 4 tablespoons
  • Sand – 2 teaspoons
  • Salt - depending on your taste preferences.

Vegetables to prepare cabbage salad with carrots as in the dining room, cut in the same way as in the first recipe - main ingredient finely chop the carrots, grate three carrots, cut the onion into cubes or thin half rings, finely chop the garlic with a knife or squeeze it out using a garlic press.

We put the vegetables in a salad bowl, season with prepared spices, vinegar and vegetable oil (preferably olive oil) and mix everything well - hurray, the vitamin dish is ready! Minimum effort, maximum benefit and taste!

Recipe without vinegar

Most cabbage dishes contain vinegar in their recipe, but this product is not useful for everyone, and to prepare cabbage and carrot salad without vinegar, we will need the following components:

  • Half a head of cabbage
  • Carrot – 1 pc.
  • Half a lemon
  • Oil – 4 tablespoons
  • Salt according to taste preference
  • Black ground pepper- on the tip of a teaspoon.

Finely chop the cabbage, add grated carrots on a standard grater, transfer to a free bowl and mix well, then add the juice of half a lemon to the vegetables - make sure that the seeds do not fall into the vegetables.

Season with oil - sunflower or olive, add salt and pepper to taste, mix well - the salad is ready, and those who prefer it will appreciate it healthy eating and watches his figure.

Cooking secrets and tricks

To make your favorite salad, the taste of which is familiar from childhood, especially tasty, experienced housewives And professional chefs recommend the following:

  • After the head of cabbage is chopped, add a little salt to the vegetable and rub it with your hands so that it releases juice - such vegetables will be much more tender and pleasant;
  • Don’t forget about external aesthetics - for beauty, you can add a multi-colored apple, grated on a coarse grater, to any cabbage salad recipe bell pepper, cut into strips or cubes;
  • Even if the recipe doesn’t suggest it, add herbs - dill, cilantro, parsley, because it will not only diversify the taste, but also add vitamins to it;
  • Dress the salad mainly with natural ingredients - sour cream or olive oil, and you should not use mayonnaise for dressing - the benefits for the body will be lost;
  • As a side dish, the salad is perfect for any meat dish, but in this case it’s worth stopping the choice low-fat types meat - chicken fillet, beef;
  • The combination of cabbage salad with fish dishes and seafood food;
  • If you want to contribute to coleslaw zest - add a handful of crushed nuts to it, it can be a regular hazelnut, walnut or almond.

As you can see, everything is quite simple, the main thing is to chop the cabbage thinly and do not forget to heat it on the fire, and then your salad will turn out exactly like in the cafeteria of your school or kindergarten. Don't be afraid to experiment and add new ingredients to standard recipes!

And carrots with various additives is an excellent source of vitamins for the human body, and at the same time improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Below we will tell you how to prepare such a salad.

Cabbage and carrot salad with vinegar


  • cabbage – 400 g;
  • carrots – 300 g;
  • vinegar;
  • sugar;
  • salt;
  • greenery.


Grate the carrots and chop the cabbage, combine the vegetables, add some salt, knead with your hands and leave for a while. To prepare the sauce, combine vinegar, salt and sugar and mix. And pour cabbage and carrots over it, let the salad brew for 30 - 40 minutes and you can eat.

Salad with carrots, white cabbage and vinegar


  • carrots – 300 g;
  • cabbage – 700 g;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • Apple vinegar;
  • vegetable oil – 100 ml;
  • salt;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • sugar.


Chop the onion, shred the cabbage and carrots. To dress the salad, pour oil, vinegar into a container, add sugar, salt and squeeze out the garlic, mix and season the salad, and leave to marinate for 25 minutes.

Simple cabbage and carrot salad with vinegar


  • carrots – 3–4 pcs.;
  • cabbage – 300 g;
  • vinegar – ½ tbsp. spoons;
  • olive oil – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • soy sauce;
  • parsley.


Wash the carrots, peel and grate. Finely chop the cabbage and chop the parsley. Mix the ingredients, season the salad with vinegar and oil.

Cabbage, ham, carrot salad with vinegar


  • low-fat ham – 200 g;
  • carrots – 3 pcs.;
  • Chinese cabbage – 200 g;
  • walnut – 100 g;
  • olive oil - for dressing;
  • balsamic vinegar;
  • salt.


Wash and peel the carrots well, then cut off the tail and grate them. Chinese cabbage chop with a knife. Cut the ham into long strips. Walnut chop. Place the ingredients in one container, mix and season with oil and vinegar, and add salt before serving.

Salad of carrots, cabbage with vinegar and fresh mushrooms


  • cabbage – 300 g;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • champignons - 200 g;
  • walnut – 100 g;
  • olive oil;
  • apple cider vinegar;
  • salt.


Coarsely chop the carrots and cabbage. Cut the mushrooms into thin slices. We cut the nuts, but not very finely. Mix the ingredients and season the salad with oil and vinegar.

Salad with carrots, cabbage, cucumber and vinegar


  • white cabbage – 1 pc.;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • pickled cucumbers – 4 pcs.;
  • green peas - 1 jar;
  • parsley;
  • dill;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • sunflower aroma oil;
  • salt;
  • wine vinegar.


We cut the cucumbers into slices, shred the cabbage, finely chop the greens, grate the carrots, and chop the garlic. Place the vegetables in a salad bowl, season with oil and add vinegar.

Recipe for carrot and cabbage salad with vinegar


  • cabbage – 400 g;
  • carrots - 3 – 4 pcs.;
  • garlic – 3 cloves;
  • suluguni cheese -150 g;
  • fresh parsley;
  • caraway;
  • cardamom;
  • olive oil;
  • apple cider vinegar – ½ tbsp. spoons;
  • soy sauce.


Cut the carrots finely. Shred the cabbage and chop the greens with a knife. Separate suluguni cheese into fibers. Chop the garlic. We combine the products in one salad bowl, add vinegar and vegetable oil.

Recipe cabbage and carrot salad with vinegar



Cut the cabbage into strips and crush. Three apples and carrots on a large grater. In a large salad bowl, mix cabbage and carrots, add sugar and salt. After this, add the apple and mix, at the end add vinegar and oil. Decorate the salad with cranberries.

This tasty and juicy salad of fresh cabbage and carrots is also called “Vitamin”. And this is a very correct name, since cabbage and carrots contain a lot of vitamins and useful substances. This salad is very easy to prepare and is available at any time of the year and for any budget. After all, it’s tasty, not necessarily expensive.

We will tell you about several variations of this salad.

Fresh cabbage and carrot salad as in the cafeteria

There is nothing strange in the fact that such a simple dish is loved by many people. Partly for this we should thank the domestic catering industry, which instilled in us the habit of receiving fresh vitamins in salads both in winter and summer. This salad can be found on the menu of canteens, cafes and even in educational institutions. After all, these are the most accessible and healthy vegetables in our latitudes.

How to prepare this famous salad so that it turns out just as tasty.

To prepare you will need:

  • vinegar 9% - 1 tablespoon,
  • sugar - 0.3 teaspoon,
  • salt - to taste.

That's the whole simple composition.

Making fresh cabbage and carrot salad is just as easy. Chop the cabbage into thin feathers and grate the carrots on a coarse grater. You can use a Korean carrot grater.

Place the cabbage and carrots in a bowl and press them with your hands for a few minutes so that the cabbage releases its juice. This will make the salad tastier and juicier.

After this, add vinegar, salt and sugar. Mix well. Then pour in the vegetable oil, stir and refrigerate for half an hour. In the refrigerator, the salad will infuse and become saturated with aromas, the vegetables will marinate a little and acquire that very favorite sourness.

Serve with greens for main courses for lunch or dinner.

Fresh cabbage salad with carrots and mayonnaise

The next salad variation is just as tasty, but a little higher in calories. Mayonnaise makes it more filling, which is good when you need to feed a husband who is hungry at work or a child who has had enough fun. In winter more hearty salads keep us in a good mood because more energy is required to produce heat.

To prepare the salad use:

  • fresh cabbage - 300-400 grams,
  • fresh carrots - 1-2 medium-sized pieces,
  • hard cheese - 100 grams,
  • mayonnaise - 2 tablespoons,
  • salt - to taste.

Chop the cabbage into thin slices, grate the carrots and cheese on a coarse grater. This salad requires very little cheese, as it has a very bright taste and will begin to overshadow the vegetables. But cheese will also give it a special tenderness.

Mix all ingredients thoroughly and add mayonnaise. Add salt carefully, because it is already contained in mayonnaise and you may accidentally over-salt the salad. Besides different varieties hard cheese have different salinity.

Before serving, you can leave the salad in the refrigerator for a little while, which will only improve its taste.

Salad of fresh cabbage and carrots with bell peppers

Such fresh salad will be slightly different from previous recipes due to the rich flavor of sweet bell peppers. It will also look brighter and more appetizing, which will allow it to take its rightful place on the holiday table.

  • fresh cabbage - 300-400 grams,
  • fresh carrots - 1-2 medium-sized pieces,
  • bell pepper - 1 piece,
  • vinegar 9% - 1 tablespoon,
  • vegetable oil (sunflower or olive to your taste) - 2-3 tablespoons,
  • sugar - 0.3 teaspoon,
  • salt - to taste.

To prepare the salad, cut the cabbage and bell pepper into small strips and grate the carrots. Mix all ingredients and season with oil and vinegar. Let it brew for a while. Delicious salad ready.

If desired, you can add fresh to the recipe. onion. This will add a slight piquancy.

Watch a video on how to cook classic salad from fresh cabbage with carrots.