Cheeses. The nutritional value

    Characteristics of cheeses
    Usefulness of cheeses
    The nutritional value
    Cheeses using molds from the genus Penicillium
    Cheeses under the influence of smoking
    Shelf life of cheese
    Numbers in cheese
    Characteristics of cheeses
Cheese - high-protein, biologically complete food product, obtained as a result of enzymatic coagulation of milk, isolation of cheese mass, followed by its concentration and maturation.
Usually the cheese is light yellow in color, it happens both with eyes and without them.

The nutritional and biological value of cheese is due to the high content of milk protein and calcium in it, the presence of essential amino acids, fatty and other organic acids, vitamins, mineral salts and trace elements necessary for the human body.
Cheeses have a high biological value, primarily due to the content of all essential amino acids in proteins in sufficient quantities.
Cheese proteins are almost completely absorbed in the human gastrointestinal tract (their digestion coefficient is 95%), which is explained by the significant splitting of casein during the maturation of the product.
Most cheeses contain a high amount of milk fat (more than 20%), which significantly enriches the taste of the product, as it has the most pleasant taste (creamy) range among other fats.
In addition, during maturation, under the action of microbial lipases, fat is broken down with the accumulation of volatile fatty acids(oil, caproic, caprylic), involved in the formation of the aroma of cheeses.
It should be noted that cheese lipids (triglycerides, phospholipids, etc.) are present in the product in an emulsified form, which increases their digestibility in the human body.
Cheeses are extremely rich in calcium salts, the amount of which is 600-1100 mg per 100 g of the product. Cheese is especially useful for children who need this mineral element.
The content of fat-soluble vitamins A and E in cheese is related to the amount of fat in the product, and the content of water-soluble vitamins is related to the activity of biosynthesis of starter microorganisms. The finished cheese contains an increased (compared to milk) amount of riboflavin, folic acid, vitamin B6 and B12.
The energy value of cheeses is quite high due to the significant content of fat and protein and is 200-400 kcal (840-1680 kJ) per 100 g of product.
It should be noted the high taste value of cheese, however, its organoleptic characteristics are more influenced by the properties of the milk used. So, cheeses made from sheep's milk have a sharper taste and a specific smell compared to cheeses made from cow's milk.
The typical cheese taste and aroma of cheeses is determined by a complex of various aromatic substances (fatty acids, carbonyl compounds, amines, etc.) formed as a result of biochemical transformations of the components of the cheese mass during maturation. All these chemical compounds are involved to varying degrees in the creation of the aroma of cheeses: some play a more important role, others less important, representing only the cheese background.
The consistency of cheeses, due to the increased moisture-holding capacity of the cheese mass, is quite dense and plastic.
Cheeses are noted for their quality stability, that is, they are able to retain their high organoleptic properties (taste, aroma, texture) for a relatively long time.
As you know, cheeses in terms of water activity (aw) are products with intermediate moisture content (aw) of cheeses is 0.82-0.96, which explains their ability to resist the effects of unwanted microorganisms, chemical processes of lipid oxidation and other types of spoilage. Thus, the minimum value of aw required for the growth of most microorganisms (Pseudomonas, Escherichia, Proteus, etc.) is 0.95-0.98 (with the exception of staphylococci - 0.86).
Cheese can be used both as a snack and for dessert. It goes especially well with wine.

    Health benefits of cheese
There are a number of products that contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals needed by a person. Eating them not only has a positive effect on the general condition of the body, but can also help in the fight against ailments.
For example, vegetables and fruits containing a lot of vitamin C are just a panacea for starting colds. And the fish and sea ​​kale good for the prevention of thyroid disease.
Turns out, cream cheeses- fighters for human health. They contain great amount useful elements. Nutritionists recommend including cheeses in the diet of every person, especially people who lead an active, energetic lifestyle.
Cream cheese is made from milk. Cheese is a versatile product. It “absorbs” absolutely all the most useful components of milk and, most importantly, contains them in a concentrated form. Cheese is rich in proteins and mineral salts, especially important for children, adolescents, pregnant women and nursing mothers. Cheeses are recommended for patients with tuberculosis, as well as for fractures.
But cheese should not be regarded as a panacea for all diseases. And in general, cheese is different for cheese. There are three main types: soft cheeses, hard large and hard small cheeses.
Hard large cheeses have a delicate aroma, a sweetish aftertaste. This species is characterized by large cheese "holes". Hard large cheeses are served for breakfast, lunch and dinner. They are not contraindicated even for babies under 1.5 years old. Of the most common cheeses, Swiss cheese belongs to this group.
Dutch, Kostroma and other similar cheeses belong to the group of hard small cheeses. Their distinctive features are round or oval "holes", as well as pronounced spicy taste and aroma. These cheeses are only suitable for breakfast. And they are not recommended for children under two years of age.
Soft cheeses, respectively, have a soft texture, they can be spread. But this is not the only difference. For example, the well-known Roquefort is characterized by a sharp taste and ammonia smell. This is a legendary cheese, whose history goes back several hundred years to France. It was made exclusively from sheep's milk (now this recipe is not respected). The entire thickness of the cheese is permeated with layers of bluish-green mold, which is specially introduced during its development. Soft cheeses, due to their sharp taste, excite the appetite, so they are good before lunch and dinner.
So, it is worth remembering that a miracle product - cheese - is not useful for everyone. spicy cheeses nutritionists do not recommend eating in large quantities with diseases of the stomach, in particular, peptic ulcer and gastritis, hypertension.
But still, cheese has much more benefits. Its regular use has a positive effect on vision, skin condition, takes part in metabolism, regulates growth processes.
There are also masks using cheese that tone and rejuvenate the skin. For example, half of processed cheese, a little ripe melon pulp, a spoonful of honey, lemon juice and a glass of water. Everything must be mixed until a homogeneous consistency is obtained, applied to the skin for half an hour, and then removed with a swab dipped in warm milk. Next, rinse with warm water. Cheese masks are effective even for burns.
But cheese is "strong" not only for the "struggle" for beauty. Here is another "recipe". It will be of interest to hypotensive patients, people with low blood pressure. For breakfast, you need to drink a cup of coffee and eat a sandwich with butter and rennet cheese. The pressure will normalize and you will feel good all day long.
    The nutritional value
Cheeses are distinguished by a high content of proteins (up to 25%), milk fat (up to 60%) and minerals (up to 3.5%, not counting table salt). Cheese proteins are better absorbed by the body than dairy proteins. The extractive substances of cheeses have a beneficial effect on the digestive glands, stimulate appetite. The nutrients contained in cheese are absorbed by the body almost completely (98-99%). Cheese contains vitamins A, D, E, B1, B2, B12, PP, C, pantotheic acid and others. Depending on the content of fat and protein, the energy value of cheese varies significantly. Cheese is, as it were, a concentrate of milk: proteins, fats, minerals are contained in it in approximately the same proportions, it has a high content of calcium and phosphorus, which are found in cheese in an optimally balanced ratio.
    Cheese classification
By classification, cheeses can be divided as follows:
Rolling method:
A) Rennet (the process of making such cheeses uses rennet to coagulate proteins);
B) Sour-milk (in the process of making such cheeses, lactic acid is used to coagulate proteins, which is formed during the addition of lactic acid starters to milk).
By production method:
A) solid;
B) Semi-solid;
B) soft;
D) brine;
D) melted.
In addition, after cooking, some cheeses are subjected to additional processing in the form of smoking or edible molds are added directly during cooking, after which they are either covered with a moldy crust or pierced with blue-green mold from the inside.
Rennet cheeses
According to the production technology, they are divided into hard, soft, brine and processed (melted).
Rennet (rennin, aka chymosin) is a digestive enzyme of animal origin, which is isolated from the stomachs of calves (the calves are killed). The age of such calves is usually no more than 10 days. Rennet is used to curdle milk and make cheeses. However, there are ethical cheeses - without the use of rennet, on a bacterial starter or Chymax product.

- Swiss type - cheeses are cylindrical in shape, have large rounded eyes, sweetish-spicy taste; mass fraction of fat - 50% on dry matter (Swiss, Soviet, Altai, Moscow);
- Dutch type - cheeses are round, flattened, oval, have small eyes, sharp, slightly sour taste; mass fraction of fat - 45% on dry matter (Kostroma, Yaroslavl, Dutch);
- type of mountain grater - used in grated form, used as a seasoning (Gornoaltaysky, Caucasian);
- type of cheddar - it has the shape of a cylinder, there are no eyes, the texture is soft; mass fraction of fat - 50%, slightly sour taste (cheddar, black Altai);
- Russian type - cylindrical shape, delicate texture, mass fraction of fat - 50% (Russian);
- smoked cheeses- mass fraction of fat - 55%, have the taste of smoking (Russian);
- semi-hard cheeses - without eyes, mass fraction of fat - 20, 30, 45% (Latvian, Lithuanian, Kaunas, etc.);
- type Uglichsky - has the form of a bar, the crust is soft, the mass fraction of fat is 45% (Uglichsky).
- Dorogobuzh type - they have a coating of mucus on the crust, there are no eyes, the mass fraction of fat is 45% (Dorogobuzh, Medynsky, Dorozhny, Kalininsky, etc.);
- Camembert type - in shape - a cylinder weighing 130 g, on the surface there is a white coating of mold, the mass fraction of fat is 60%, with a pleasant aftertaste of champignons (Russian Camembert);
- Smolensky type - a cylinder, weighing 0.8-1.2 kg, spots of dried mucus on the crust, mass fraction of fat - 45% (Okhotnichiy, Smolensky, Zakusochny);
- Roquefort type - the cheese is riddled with blue-green mold, the shape is a cylinder of 2-3.5 kg, the mass fraction of fat is 45% (Roquefort).
Their main difference is that they ripen and are stored in brine, do not have a crust, and have small eyes. different shapes, brittle dough, mass fraction of fat - 40-45%, salt - 7% (Ossetian, suluguni, cheese, etc.). Pickled cheeses are divided into soft and hard.
fermented milk
Sour-milk natural cheeses. Dairy cheeses are made from skimmed milk fermented with lactic sourdough. After maturation (1-1.5 months) mixed with salt and spices. The cheese mass is dried and molded. The cheese has no pattern. The most common sour-milk cheese Green grater.
Cheeses are divided into grater (green cheese), cottage cheese and cottage cheese non-ripening.
PROCESSED (MELTED) cheeses are produced by melting fermented rennet natural cheeses with the addition of cottage cheese, sour cream, milk, butter, spices and fillers (cocoa powder, coffee, vanillin, etc.).
Processed cheeses are sweet, spreadable, sausage, canned, with mushrooms, with onions and elite, very expensive varieties with salmon, with walnuts.

Processed cheeses, being a product of secondary processing, packed in foil or sealed packages, have a longer shelf life and are less sensitive to temperature changes. This allows you to increase the selling season of processed cheeses and the areas of its distribution.

    Types of cheeses using molds from the genus Penicillium
Some cheeses are made using edible molds from the genus Penicillium. Such cheeses may be covered with a moldy crust, such as Brie, Germelin and Camembert, or they may be penetrated throughout with blue-green mold (so-called blue cheeses), such as Roquefort and Gorgonzola.
Blue cheeses - a group of cheeses that has a green-bluish color of the cheese mass, which gives it a mycelium noble mold(special molds of the genus Penicillium, such as Penicillium roqueforti or Penicillium glaucum).

According to legend, blue cheeses owe their birth to the love interest of a young shepherd who, upon meeting a random stranger, experienced a serious passion, forgetting about dinner. The cheese left by him in a limestone cave is overgrown with mold. This sad circumstance did not prevent the lover from later eating the apparently spoiled cheese and finding its taste pleasant.
For the preparation of these cheeses, the curd mass is seeded with mold spores and long needles or in other ways, air channels are made inside the cheese mass before ripening. Air allows blue mold to develop inside the cheese.
Mold gives these cheeses a special spicy flavor.
Among the well-known cheeses of this group, there are such varieties as: Roquefort, Gorgonzola, Cambozola, Danablue, Tuyere d "Amber, Dor Blue, Stilton, Saint-Agur, Parsifal, Bergader, Bavarian blue cheese.
Roquefort (fr. Roquefort) - a variety of French cheese related to blue cheeses
"Roquefort", recognized as real, is made in only one place - south of the Massif Central in the historic province of Rouergue in France. In this area, where sheep breeding is widespread, the technology of ripening sheep cheese in lime grottoes was born, thanks to which a bl

Russian cheese is included in the group of popular varieties among consumers. It can be used to make pizza, sandwiches, mushroom or meat casseroles. How to determine the calorie content of a product?

Nutritional value and vitamin composition

Russian cheese contains a rich chemical composition. The concentration of animal proteins exceeds fish and meat. In this type of cheese a large number of amino acids, they help to resist many viral diseases.

Consider the nutritional value of the product per 100 grams

The nutritional value

Despite the high protein content, Russian cheese is not suitable for diet food because it has a high fat content.

Table of vitamin composition in the product, calculation per 100 grams

Russian cheese is rich in microelements and macroelements. Consider the content in 100 grams of the product.

Mineral table

Taste qualities

The flavor of the cheese is traditional, slightly sour, without pronounced outlines. The product belongs to semi-solid grades. The raw material for production is pasteurized milk. In the process of preparation, bacterial starter and a curdling rennet are added to the milk.

The finished product is yellow in color, there are small holes on the cut. High-quality Russian cheese has a high calorie content and fat content.

How to use in diet food?

Russian cheese is not suitable for consumption during active reduction weight. You should not get involved in these products with obesity, high calorie content and fat content contribute to the rapid gain of extra pounds. At the same time, one cannot completely reject this healthy cheese from the diet.

In order not to gain weight, Russian cheese is best consumed in the morning and in very small quantities. The recommended amount is 100-200 grams. The main time period for taking the product is from 8 am to 12 noon. It is during these hours that the metabolism is actively working, which will allow not to postpone the eaten pieces in the hips and stomach.

Experts do not advise to abandon the use of cheese in the diet. Due to high useful properties and rich vitamin composition it is suitable for breakfast and afternoon tea.

Beneficial features

Russian cheese belongs to the semi-hard form, this quality makes it a universal addition to any dish.

We can safely say that cheese is a universal product. It can be eaten alone, with bread, added to various dishes, soup is made from cheese and, of course, it is impossible to imagine pizza without it. By their own nutritional properties cheese is practically not inferior to meat, which is why it is an integral part of a vegetarian diet. There are a huge number of different types cheese, they all differ in fat content, composition and palatability. It is the composition of the cheese that determines its type, variety and taste. Let's talk about what this popular product is made of. So, for starters, let's look at what cheese is generally made of.

What is cheese made from?

  • Milk. Milk is the main and most important ingredient of any cheese. Indeed, even according to legend, cheese appeared when milk was forgotten in one of the caves, and when they arrived, they found the first analogue of cheese. Today, cheese is made from the milk of cows, goats, sheep, and sometimes from combinations of milk from different animals. Depending on the content of milk, cheese differs in its fat content.
  • Leaven. The characteristics of this or that cheese differ in the use of one or another sourdough. It allows the cheese to ripen, giving a special taste to this product. To date, lactic acid bacteria, and sometimes propionic acid bacteria, are most commonly used.
  • Rennet element. It is needed in order to turn milk into cheese. The best way is an enzyme obtained from the stomachs of calves. But quite often it is replaced by various chemical analogues. In addition, calcium chloride, the common salt familiar to all of us, always complements the rennet element.

These are the main ingredients that make up the cheese, but most often you will not find a single mention of them on the label. On any of the purchased cheeses, you can read quite larger list in composition. Let's dwell on them a bit:

General composition of cheese

Cheese production - difficult process. Therefore, you do not need to be scared when you meet words unfamiliar to you on the label. In general, in addition to pasteurized milk, cheese may contain: rennet powder, pepsin (food or beef) is an ingredient required to coagulate milk. As well as some enzyme preparations, here are the most common and permitted according to GOST:

  • Salt. Mandatory non-iodized, not lower than the first grade;
  • Annatto extract;
  • B-carotene, soluble in water;
  • Calcium chloride, necessarily dehydrated, not lower than the first grade;
  • Potassium nitrate or sodium nitrate;
  • Potassium saltpeter grades A, B, C, according to GOST.

It is worth saying that the composition of the cheese may contain various additives with the prefix E. Be sure to check their safety on the Internet, especially when it comes to processed types of cheese.

Chemical composition of cheese and nutritional value

If we talk about such a product as cheese, then we can not say about the various useful substances contained in its composition.

  • The nutritional value. It is determined by the fat content in cheese, in other words, its fat content. Each type of cheese has its own fat content, the type of cheese and its taste depend on it. For example, Alpine cheese has a fat content of 25%, and brynza cheese has a fat content of only 14%. Remember what fatter cheese the more high-calorie it is.
  • Vitamins. Cheese is a product rich in vitamins. Most often, it contains vitamins of groups A, B and D, as well as patotheic acid.
  • Squirrels. If we take into account that cheese is made from milk, then, as you understand, it is quite rich in proteins. So, different varieties cheese have different amount proteins.
  • Amino acids. Cheese, like no other product, is rich in various amino acids, such as valine, leucine, lysine and phenylalanine. All of them are very useful for normal functioning our body.

The composition of cheese includes various useful material e.g. calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium. They are necessary for mental and physical activity. It is because of these elements that cheese is useful for the prevention of cancer, as well as tuberculosis. It is worth noting that in this case we considered only the composition of hard cheeses. Processed cheese is somewhat different in composition from its hard counterpart, it is important to understand that not all processed cheese is equally healthy. Let's take a look at their composition.

Processed cheese: composition

In general, processed cheese is made on the basis of hard cheese, followed by the addition of milk powder, cream and butter. And for better thickening, various chemical melters are added. Everything processed cheeses can be divided into the following types:

  • Chunky cheeses. It is made from hard cheeses with a fat content of 50-70%. They contain a minimum of chemical additives, and the taste of such cheese is rich, difficult to distinguish from a solid counterpart.
  • Sausage cheeses. They are made from low-fat hard cheeses. Some chemical melters and thickeners can be found in the composition. Sometimes cumin is added.
  • Pasty cheeses. These cheeses have a very strong characteristic taste and are made from medium-fat cheeses.
  • Sweet cheeses. In their composition, you can find sugar or its substitutes, coffee or cocoa, honey, various syrups.

Modern manufacturers sometimes add various preservatives and dyes, as well as flavorings to processed cheese, to give the cheese the most different tastes. Carefully read the composition of the cheese on the packaging, if you doubt it, then it is better to prefer hard cheeses. In addition to processed types, there are soft cream cheeses. The most famous soft cheese is Philadelphia.

Philadelphia cheese: composition

This type of cheese consists of skimmed milk and milk fat, a concentrate for turning milk into cheese, salt, and various stabilizers - guar gum or xanthan gum. In addition, vitamin A palmitate and sorbic acid are often used.

Now you know what cheese is made of. Remember that this product can bring both benefit and harm to your body. If you have a dairy intolerance, you should avoid eating cheese.

Cheeses are different high content proteins, milk fat, as well as mineral salts and vitamins. Cheeses are an important source of biologically valuable protein. Cheese proteins are digested by 98.5%.

During the ripening of cheese, proteins are partially broken down into simpler compounds - amino acids necessary for building tissues. human body. It takes less energy to break them down in the human body than to break down milk proteins. Therefore, cheese proteins are digested well even by children and people with weakened digestion.

Milk fat in cheese, as in milk, is mainly in the form of small balls (several microns in diameter), which also contributes to its rapid absorption by the body. Proteins in cheeses from 18 to 25%, fat from 19 to 30% and mineral salts (not counting salt) from 1.5 to 3.5%.

Cheese is one of the most important sources of vitamins A, E, B2 (riboflavin), B 12. Vitamin A almost completely passes from milk to cheese, about 20%, vitamins B and B 2, etc. The components of cheese are absorbed by

98 - 99%. Almost all the vitamins necessary for normal human development are found in milk. During the processing of milk, the content of some of them is reduced, but, nevertheless, cheese contains the most important vitamins and in relatively large quantities. According to the content of vitamins A and E, full-fat cheeses can be put in second place after butter. Vitamins are complex substances designed to regulate the metabolic processes of substances. Most vitamins are not produced in the body and must be taken from food.

Cheese -- high-calorie product. Depending on the content of fat and protein, its calorie content ranges from 2500 to 3900 kcal. Bryndza and processed cheeses with 40% fat content have the least calories. The most high-calorie (about 3900 kcal) Soviet and Moscow cheeses of 50% fat content. Fat determines not only the high calorie content of cheese, but also affects its quality. The more fat, the more tender and buttery the cheese dough.

Cheese is an important source of calcium and phosphorus. According to the calcium content, 100 g of cheese fully satisfies the daily human need for it. In combination with other salts, calcium forms the mineral basis of bone tissue and teeth, it is necessary for normal functioning. nervous system and muscle contractility, promotes best use body of cheese proteins. 100 g of cheese contains 400-600 mg of phosphorus, which is very easily absorbed.

Table 1 - Chemical composition cheeses

Name of products

Mass fraction, %

moisture in the fat-free substance

fat in dry matter

Cheese, cheese product dry

4.0-40.0 incl.

Cheese, cheese product extra hard

1.0-60.0 and more

Cheese, hard cheese product

49.0-56.0 incl.

1.0-60.0 and more

Cheese, semi-solid cheese product

54.0-69.0 incl.

1.0-60.0 and more

Cheese, soft cheese product, including fresh cheese, curd cheese

1.0-60.0 and more

0.4-5.0 incl., for pickled cheese 5.0-7.0 incl., for fresh and curd cheese 0,0-5,0

Cheese is one of the most favorite guests of our table. This unique product are made from raw milk, add special clotting enzymes and lactic acid bacteria. They are engaged in the production of cheese different countries, and the history of the origin of this cheese begins with ancient East. What is its use, and what can harm cheese - all lovers of the product should know.

V Ancient Greece cheese became famous thanks to Aristaeus, a young hunter from Olympus. In the 11th century, the legendary Swiss Roquefort appeared, in the 12th century, Cheshire and Gruitzer cheeses, in the 133rd century, Parmisan and Gorgonzola, respected and revered by all the peoples of the world. Already in the 15th century, the whole of Europe was engaged in cheese making. In Russia, cheese became popular under Peter 1.

calories of this product depends on the fat content, per 100 g of cheese - 330-370 kcal.

Cheese has useful properties . This is due to the fact that it contains milk. A Fresh milk is a biological product that has a beneficial effect on the entire body. Cheese and cheese products are a product of mass consumption, from 70 to 120 grams of cheese must be introduced into the diet daily, little child enough 50 grams.

The benefits of cheese

Beneficial features:

  • The therapeutic and dietary value of this product is that it contains easily digestible complete proteins, up to 22%, and 30% fat, a set beneficial vitamins(B, C, D, E, F), minerals (calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iodine, iron, zinc, copper). These components help our body and promote energy production, improve the inert system, restore vision, regulate the growth of hair and nails, strengthen the hair structure, are directly involved in digestive processes. Cheese contains a complete vitamin complex for the development of the body.
  • Cheese is the main supplier of amino acids (methionine, tryptophan). Amino acid deficiency leads to dehydration of the body, disturbed water balance.
  • Often this product is included in the diet of people who are watching their figure. Recommended for diet lean varieties hard cheese: Mozzarella, Cheddar, Lithuanian.
  • Cheeses and camembert have a beneficial effect on bowel function. This is explained by the fact that the cheese has a mold crust. It helps and speeds up the digestion process in the intestines.
  • If there is a calcium deficiency in the body, then urgently introduce epuas or gouda cheese into the diet. These cheeses are very useful to introduce to young children and persons over 40 years of age.
  • Cheeses of all varieties are very useful in tuberculosis.

Cheese - contraindications

Harmful properties:

But as strange as it may sound, cheese can harm the body .
Cheese is contraindicated for those who suffer high content cholesterol, atherosclerosis. If it is impossible to refuse cheese, introduce low-fat varieties into the diet, for example, young cheese with a fat content of up to 20%. You should not use cheese for those who suffer from stomach ulcers, gastritis, hypertension.

The gastrointestinal tract of a sick person will not be able to process more than 200 grams of cheese per day. Pregnant girls should eat cheese with caution. It is worth completely abandoning cheese with mold and spices. Bacteria in cheese can cause accelerated process development of listeriosis. According to nutritionists, soft cheeses excite the appetite, and pickled ones cause a feeling of dry mouth.

Recommended dose about 50 grams of cheese per day (depending on the variety, there is less high-calorie cheese, for example, about 245 kCa, it can be a little more and more high-calorie cheddar - 400 kCa, fat content of about 47% - it is desirable even less than 50 gr.)

Cheese classification

According to the method of preparation, cheeses are divided into:
rennet (cheese is formed by rennet); — fermented milk (fermented milk is added to milk).

The most famous categories of cheeses

Hard cheeses

Solid. Hard cheeses go through a long maturation process (up to 6 months). All types of hard cheeses are prepared by pressing. Before getting under the press, cheeses are boiled in large metal containers at a certain temperature.

Features of hard cheese:

Swiss type. The mass fraction of fat of this product is 50%, the ripening period is 4-5 months. It is characterized by a large cylindrical shape, large eyes on the section. The taste is delicate, slightly sweet, has a pleasant aftertaste, gentle sharpness. The most famous species: Altai, Moscow, Soviet and Swiss.

Cheese Parmesan. The most famous and beloved cheese of the whole world, the ripening period is 6 months or more, depending on the size. Italian variety has a slightly brittle and crumbly texture, the slice when cutting should be more than 5 mm, delicate taste leaves a spicy, unforgettable aftertaste in the mouth. Cheese is recommended to be served sliced ​​with herbs and olives.

Dutch type. The cheese has an oval, round flattened shape, low cylinder. On the cut, it has a large number of small eyes, the color of the cheese mass is from light yellow to saturated. The taste is slightly salty, often leaving a delicate sour aftertaste. Common types of cheeses: Kostroma and Dutch.

Cheddar. Small cylinder shape. It has a soft texture, there are no eyes on the cut, a salty, slightly sugary taste.

Russian type. Large cylinder, delicate pleasant texture, sweet, slightly creamy taste, sweet aftertaste. The most common representative is Russian.

Smoked cheeses. They have a pronounced smoky taste. They have a small, low cylinder shape. The producer of such cheese is Denmark. It has a brown color of the peel, on the cut it is dark yellow. Made from cheeses such as Gouda, Gruyère and Cheddar.

Soft cheese varieties

Soft. They have a soft, pasty texture, a pleasant creamy or milky taste. Often served as "paste" with hot bread or flatbread. Cheese is made from fresh pasteurized cow's milk, with the addition of bacterial starter. Are classified into: without maturation; with maturation.

Roquefort type. The cheese is completely riddled with bright green mold. Fat content 40-45%, rounded cheese up to 3 kg. specific cheese is a delicacy, for an amateur.

Dorogobuzhsky type. On the crust you can see a small amount of transparent mucus, it is characteristic of this type of cheese. When cut, there are no eyes. The cheese has a sharp, pronounced ammonia taste. Spicy-spicy cheese must be served with a dry white vein. Cheeses: Kalininsky, Dorozhny, Dorogobuzh.

Camembert type. Small cylinders covered with an even layer of white mold. Main representative: Russian Camembert.

Like Smolensky. The cylinder is not more than 1.5 kg, on the surface of the crust you can see spots of dried mucus, do not remove the mucus before use. Representatives: Hunting, Diner.

Processed cheeses

Fused. This type of cheese is made from durum varieties. With the addition of special ingredients: butter, cream and milk powder.

Processed cheeses are divided into several groups:

Chunky cheeses - well cut, has a taste similar to hard ones;

Sausage cheeses - developed on the basis low-fat cheese, have a soft texture, are smoked, spices and spices are added.

pasty - smearing consistency, perfect option snacks in the morning;

Sweet cheeses. Suitable for dessert, to improve the taste in production use cocoa powder, vanillin, sugar, nuts, candied fruit.

Pickled cheese varieties

Pickled. The peculiarity of this cheese is that the ripening period from 1 to 3 months passes in salt brine. Such cheeses contain from 4 to 8% salt. Moisture content 45-57%. The consistency of this product is slightly brittle, crumbly. The taste is salty, but pleasant, the color is from white to light yellow. pickled cheese There are two types: soft and hard.

Soft. Cheese representative. Prepared from sheep, goat, cow's milk and rennet. The cheese mass goes through a special stage - cheddarization. The ripening period of such cheese is 20-60 days, the shape is round, rectangular, weight up to 1.5 kg. To serve, the cheese is freed from brine, if desired, the cheese can be washed with boiled water.

Solid. Suluguni is made from sheep, goat, buffalo milk. The product is always in the form of a bar up to 4 kg. More dense, there are no eyes on the section. Fat content 40%, moisture up to 50%, salt 5-7%. Ossetian cheese has the shape of a low cylinder and is divided into the highest and first grade. Such a product is perfect for snacks in nature, as well as for fish dishes.

Feta. Unusual, traditional Greek cheese, vaguely reminiscent of fatty cottage cheese. According to the recipe, add goat milk. The cheese is aged for 3 or more months.

Whey cheese varieties

Whey cheeses. Cheese cream product in the manufacture of hard cheeses. The product contains beneficial whey protein. During the production process, it is coagulated at high temperature, after which several more types of cheese are formed: Ricotta (sweet taste, fat content up to 10%) and Brunost (sweet pleasant taste and brown in section).