Is it possible to reuse mash cake? Subtleties of making apple mash

Not only compotes, jams, juice, jam, etc. are prepared from apples winter preparations, but also excellent alcoholic drinks. Apple mash? excellent basis for strong moonshine or homemade Calvados.

Moreover, this product in itself, without additional processing, is suitable for consumption. If you strain the apple mash and cool it, it will turn out delicious aromatic drink, which may well compete with factory-made low-alcohol cocktails, energy drinks, and beer. In hot weather, it quenches thirst well, plus it is absolutely natural and environmentally friendly.

Apple mash recipe for moonshine

The raw material for mash can be not only plucked from a tree, ripe apples, but also unripe fruits, carrion, apple trimmings, cake remaining after squeezing the juice. At the same time, as in all other recipes for making fruit moonshine, you cannot use rotten, wormy, spoiled fruits for fermentation.

Experts in the field of home winemaking advise not to wash apples if the mash will ripen with wild yeast, without adding sugar, starter cultures, baker's yeast. It is believed that the taste of the final product will not be affected by this, and without yeast and sugar, the distillate can be made cleaner. But this recipe is applicable only for very sweet varieties of fruit, which contain a lot of sugars and fructose.

To make mash from apples, you can use different technologies. From whole fruits, for example, wort is prepared as follows:

  1. Prepare 30 kg of ripe fruit, 4 kg of sugar, 100 g of pressed or 20 g of dry yeast, 20 liters of water.
  2. The fruits are washed, cut into slices, and crushed in any convenient way (grater, blender, meat grinder) to a puree.
  3. The resulting mass along with the juice is poured into a mash bottle and 18 liters of water are added.
  4. All the sugar is dissolved in the remaining 2 liters of water. The syrup is combined with diluted applesauce. Stir.
  5. Yeast is diluted in small quantity warm water, combine with the rest of the ingredients in a fermentation container.
  6. The bottle is closed and transferred to a warm room. Fruit mash for moonshine ripens within 10-12 days.

Does the fermentation process start quickly? within a day, the top layer of mash turns into a dense foamy cap of pulp. According to the recipe, this cap needs to be destroyed, as it slows down the chemical reactions in the wort.

About the readiness of the mash for apple moonshine can be judged by the following signs:

  • The mass stops foaming.
  • The pulp settled to the bottom.
  • The wort became light.

If all the signs are present, you can start making moonshine.

Apple juice mash

This recipe is much simpler to execute than described above. However, this does not make the quality of moonshine worse. To prepare mash you need to prepare:

Manufacturing technology:

  1. Mix all components in one container.
  2. Pour into a glass bottle. Close the neck with a lid with a water seal or wear a rubber glove.
  3. Transfer the container to a warm, dark place. Leave the wort to ferment for a month.

When the mash is ready, you need to drain it from the sediment and strain. After this, you can begin distilling moonshine.

How to give moonshine an apple flavor at the distillation stage?

Fruity notes in the distillate will be clearly audible if you distill the mash together with the pulp. It is best to use a steam generator for this. To do fruit moonshine with a pleasant smell, you can use a regular moonshine still, but you need to make sure that the pulp does not burn.

Best option for distilling thick wort? copper, steel, aluminum can. The container with the mash is first placed on a small fire, warmed up and only then the flame is increased.

The distillate must be divided into fractions. The heads (the first 250-300 ml) are collected in a separate container, since this substance is unsuitable for consumption. Distillation is completed as soon as the strength of the collected liquid drops to 40%.

To make the smell of moonshine more pleasant, before the second distillation it is infused for 3-4 days on dried and fresh apples ah (a handful of each component. Before secondary processing, the distillate must be sorted and filtered.

The output is high quality alcoholic drink with a mild taste and fruity aroma. Strength of double distilled apple moonshine? 65-70 degrees. If you plan to dilute alcohol to 40% before drinking, you need to let it sit for 1-2 weeks. This will make the aroma of the drink even better.

How to make apple cider for homemade Calvados?

Noble drinks from homemade moonshine are no worse than those produced at the factory from rectified alcohol. For example, apple brandy or the famous Calvados. It's basically a drink distilled apple cider followed by aging in oak barrels.

If desired, Calvados can be made at home from high-quality fruit moonshine. Main condition? Correctly, prepare cider from apples, do not deviate from the proportions specified in the recipe, and do not violate the process technology.

Apples for cider, which will later be turned into brandy, must be sweet. Ideally, you need to take several varieties. 70% of them should have a sugar content of more than 7%, sour varieties in the total mass should be 20%, bitter? 10%. The fruits prepared for processing are placed in a warm room, allowing them to ripen.

The recipe for making classic cider for Calvados uses apple juice. The most convenient way to make it at home is with a centrifugal juicer.

The cake is not thrown away, but diluted with water, allowed to sit for 8-12 hours and squeezed again. For cider, first and second pressing juice are mixed in proportions of 80% and 20%. The cake is used in preparing mash for apple moonshine.

Real cider is made without adding sugar or baker's yeast. In order for the wort to ferment, a starter is prepared from chopped unwashed apples, sugar and water. Once the starter has fermented, it can be poured into the wort.

Cider ripening occurs within 1-1.5 months at a temperature of 20? C. If the room temperature is lower, fermentation can last up to 3 months.

To make Calvados, the finished cider is distilled twice. The strength of the distillate should be at least 70-80 degrees.

According to the recipe, fruit moonshine must be infused in oak barrels. But since suitable container Not every amateur winemaker has the ability to turn distillate into Calvados by infusing it in glass jars filled with oak pegs.

Wood blocks 10-15 cm long and 5-7 mm thick are placed in jars (bottles). Pour into a container diluted to a strength of 40-45? apple distillate. The jars are hermetically sealed and left to mature in a cool place (basement, cellar) for at least six months. The longer the Calvados is aged, the tastier it will be.

The finished drink is filtered through gauze and cotton wool. Bottled with tight corks. You can start tasting.

Our country is rich in apples; it is rare that our orchards are not bursting with apples. And even those who don’t have a dacha can buy bags of them for pennies. But sometimes there are too many apples and their remains (skins, cores). Then it would be a pity to throw them away, and there would be jam for years to come. This is the very case when you can make wonderful moonshine from apples.

It is not difficult to do, and there is more than one way to do this process, so you will have a choice. Moonshine from apples turns out to be quite aromatic and tastes quite good. So, let's try to move on to the practical part.

Stage No. 1. Selection of raw materials.

Absolutely any apples are suitable for moonshine, including fallen ones and their “offcuts” - peel, core. Ideally, these are whole beautiful pieces of apples without seeds. But this is not at all necessary. The main condition: the fruits should not be rotten or rotten.

There is no need to wash them before use, well, maybe only individual, very dirty fruits. This is especially true for those who decide to make moonshine from apples alone (without adding yeast and sugar). Although if you prepare mash for drinking using yeast and sugar, you can safely wash each apple (this will make you feel safer).

Stage No. 2. Apple mash.

Apple mash, by the way, is already an independent drink. If you cool it, then in the heat it will perfectly quench your thirst, refresh you and quite adequately replace beer and tonics. We provide a recipe for the perfect apple mash (which you can drink on your own). In it, the fruits will be freed from the centers, but this is not at all necessary. If you plan to further distill it, then you can even use the cores alone and get a good product.

To obtain good mash, and not an acidic mixture, you need to familiarize yourself in detail with the entire technology.


  • 30 kg ripe whole apples
  • 20 liters of clean water
  • 4 kg granulated sugar
  • 100 gr. dry yeast

You need to prepare it like this:

  • Wash the apples, remove damaged fragments, seeds (along with the cores), cut them into pieces, and grind the pieces into a puree (blender, grater, meat grinder, etc.)
  • Pour the resulting mass into a can, adding 18 liters of clean water to it.
  • Dissolve the sugar in the remaining two liters of water, adding the syrup to the general mixture in the can.
  • Dilute dry yeast in slightly warm water (not higher than 30 degrees) and pour it into a can. Stir the mixture thoroughly.
  • The can is closed and placed in a warm place for 10 days. However, you need to look into it within a day, stirring the pulp that has collected on the surface of the can with the rest of its contents. There should be foam on the surface and the smell of apples.
  • After 1.5 weeks, the pulp will settle to the bottom, the mash will lighten and become suitable for consumption or distillation.

If you decide to make mash without yeast and sugar, then try to choose sweet apples for this. Do not wash them under any circumstances, so as not to wash them off their skins. wild yeast.

Yeast can easily replace unwashed raisins in the amount of 150 grams (in the proportions of the above recipe).

Stage No. 3. Distillation of mash.

Sometimes those who distilled the mash complained about the lack of apple aroma in the resulting moonshine. The trick is that it needs to be distilled without prior filtration.

Of course, it’s better to separate it from the sediment, but you shouldn’t strain it. It is important to ensure that it does not burn. Therefore, you need to heat the container with mash slowly.

It is very important to divide the resulting moonshine into fractions: “head”, “heart” or “body” and “tails”.

“Heads” in our case will be approximately a glass (250 ml). they must be poured out without any pity.

"Tails" below 40% ABV can be collected and later distilled again.

What we got in the middle - the “heart”, we will use further.

In order for our apple moonshine to exceed all expectations, you need to pour a handful into it (in its middle part). dried apples, pieces of fresh and let it brew for 3-4 days. After this, the alcohol is distilled again.

To dilute moonshine before the second distillation, pour 3 liter jar pure water and alcohol strained from apples.

When distilling the drink, we again divide it into fractions, pouring out the first 250 grams of “heads”. The “middle” is collected until the distillate drops below 40 degrees.

As a result, you will get about 3 liters of excellent moonshine, the strength of which will be approximately 60-65%.

Before you start diluting it to 40%, let it sit for one to two weeks (to improve the aroma).

However, such apple moonshine does not need to be diluted with water. After all, it can turn out great! To do this, you will need to pour it into an oak barrel or infuse it on oak pegs. For a more detailed recipe for making this French drink, see the corresponding article.

We, in turn, would like to dwell on one more recipe, which is somewhat simpler than the previous one, although it repeats all its main steps.

Moonshine from apple juice

Stage 1. Raw materials.

Any apples without spoilage or rot, or their fragments, suitable for squeezing juice.

Stage 2. Apple juice mash


  • 5 liters apple juice
  • 1 kg granulated sugar
  • 10 gr. dry yeast

You need to prepare it like this:

Mix the juice with sugar and yeast, pour into a bottle, closing its neck rubber glove with a puncture in one of the fingers or in a container with a water seal. Leave the bottle in a warm, dark place for 1 month. When the glove collapses, you will need to separate the liquid part and the sediment (without loosening it).

Stage 3. Distillation

Before distilling the mash, you can strain it. After this, it is distilled twice, divided into fractions and infused with dry apples. You can read more about this in the previous recipe.

In our country you won’t surprise anyone with apples. Many people have either an entire apple orchard or at least one fruit-bearing tree in their dachas. In a harvest year, housewives grab their heads - the jam is prepared, the compotes are boiled, the juice is squeezed out. Is moonshine made from apples? If not, then we present to your attention great recipe preparing this drink. By the way, some people make apple mash, but do not distill it. This drink is immediately ready to drink. It perfectly replaces both kvass and beer. Apple mash has a wonderful refreshing effect and pleasant taste.

Raw materials for making alcohol

Absolutely any apples are suitable for this drink. The main thing is that there is no foulbrood on the fruits. Moonshine can be prepared from:

  • fallen fruits;
  • cake (it remains after the juice is pressed);
  • apple scraps.

If you have time, it is advisable to remove the seeds from the raw materials. If you are going to make moonshine from apples without yeast, then you do not need to wash the fruits (wipe very dirty ones with a cloth). You cannot do without washing fruits if you are making drinking mash. However, then you will definitely need both sugar and yeast.

Apple mash

The cooking recipe can be divided into 2 “subtypes”. In the first case, the mash is prepared for subsequent distillation into moonshine, and in the second - for consumption immediately after fermentation. In principle, the technology itself is the same. The difference is in the raw materials. Both cores and skins are suitable for moonshine. But the drinking mash will turn out much tastier if you use good, high-quality apples.

We will need:

  1. Apples – 30 kg.
  2. Granulated sugar – 4 kg.
  3. Dry yeast – 100 g.
  4. Water – 20 l.


  1. Harvest the crop and process it. Trim off the rotten areas, remove the core and seeds, and cut the fruit into slices. Seeds and rot can “give” the future drink a bitter taste, so take care of this in advance.
  2. Grind the raw materials. You can simply grate the apples, but given that there will be 30 kilograms of them, it is better to choose another method, less labor-intensive. Moonshiners suggest using either an electric meat grinder or a drill. A special attachment is put on the instrument, which plays the role of a mixer.
  3. Pour the fruit mixture into a container that has a capacity of at least 60 liters. Cans are often used to prepare such mash. Add 16 liters of water to the “puree”. Dissolve sugar in the remaining liquid and add this solution to the container.
  4. Dilute the yeast as directed on the package. Add them to the can and mix.
  5. The container is closed for 1-2 weeks. At this time, fermentation takes place. A day after you put the mash in, a dense layer of pulp will form in the container. It needs to be “knocked down”, as it interferes with the fermentation process. After some time, you will see a layer of foam on the surface of the liquid, and you will also feel the pleasant aroma of apples.
  6. Distillation can begin as soon as the fermentation process is completed. It is quite simple to determine this - the pulp will settle to the bottom, and the mash will become light.

Yeast - necessary or not?

Some experienced moonshiners advise not to add either sugar or yeast to the mash. They say that the organoleptic characteristics of alcohol deteriorate. If you follow this advice, choose only sweet varieties of apples. Only then will they contain enough fructose for fermentation to take place. You also need to understand that in this case the distillate yield will be much less. Yeast will replace wild bacteria that are on the surface of the fruit. But if you wash the apples after picking, then our bacteria will “escape” along with the water. You need to remember this, as these are essential components of fermentation.

By the way, yeast can be replaced with the same ingredient used in winemaking - unwashed raisins. 150 grams of freshly sprouted grain will also work.

If you decide that you will not use sugar and yeast, then you need to understand the risk you are taking. It is likely that you will simply spoil 30 kg of fruit. To avoid mistakes, first reduce all ingredients several times. Take only 1 kg of apples and try to make mash. If the mixture has fermented after 2 days, you can make alcohol on a larger scale.

Features of distillation

When the apple mash for moonshine is ready, you can start distilling. There are some tricks that will help you make very aromatic and tasty alcohol. So, it is best to distill unfiltered mash. This way we can maintain an interesting fruity aroma. But there is also an important rule here. The container should be heated very slowly so that the pulp from the mash does not burn.

The output must be divided into fractions - the “head”, the main part and the “tail”. So, the first 200-300 ml is the head fraction. The main part is approximately 5 liters. Separating it is quite simple. As soon as the distillate reaches a strength below 40 degrees, the middle fraction ends. Add a handful of dry or fresh apples, cut into slices. So the moonshine should be infused for 3-4 days. Now filter the liquid.

If you are going to re-distill, now is the time. Add 3 liters of water to the alcohol and begin secondary distillation. Just like the first time, be sure to cut off both the head and the tail of the exit. They contain the most harmful oils and components. The main part will be approximately 3 liters, with a strength of 65 degrees. Leave the drink to steep for a couple of weeks. Then dilute the alcohol with water as you like. Usually they drink moonshine with a strength of 35-40 degrees.

If you follow the recipe, you will get a great drink that will become welcome guest at the festive dinner.

Moonshine from apple juice

Many owners have a couple of old cans of apple juice in their basement. No one will drink it, but it’s a shame to throw it away. And we have it for you great recipe moonshine from apple juice. Some moonshiners say that the quality of this drink will be slightly worse than that prepared according to a recipe from fresh fruit. But it’s worth a try - it’s better to do it than to regret later that you didn’t do it.


  1. Juice – 5 l.
  2. Yeast – 10 g.
  3. Granulated sugar – 1 kg.

Find a container that is suitable for fermentation. Great option will become glass jar volume of 10 liters. Pour juice and granulated sugar into it. Dissolve the yeast according to the instructions and also add it to the jar. Stir your wort thoroughly.

Now seal the container and install a water seal. Place the jar in a dark and warm place for 30 days.

Has the water seal stopped bubbling water? This means it’s time to assess the condition of the liquid. There is sediment at the bottom, but the mash has become much lighter? Fermentation is over. Carefully drain the liquid and send it for distillation.

Calvados is a pleasant drink in all respects, an aristocrat among moonshines, which is a pleasure to treat yourself and to serve to friends. Meanwhile, to prepare it, all you need is apple mash for moonshine, which is then prepared in the usual way.

Any apples from your garden, as well as carrion at the stage of an almost ripe harvest, are suitable for making moonshine. Such processing will reduce crop losses and benefit even from substandard fruits.

Let's look at how to properly organize the process so that the mash made from apples is a great success and in the end you get exactly the product you expected.

Preparation of raw materials

You don’t have to particularly select fruits, the main thing is that they are already ripe or almost ripe (this applies to a greater extent to carrion). Be sure to consider the acidity of the fruit. If according to some recipes you can make mash from sweet apples with almost no added sugar, then for sour apples sugar is simply necessary.

Otherwise, you simply won’t get enough moonshine with good taste and strength. To approximately determine sugar content and acidity, it is best to use the table

In addition, you should know that these indicators depend not only on the variety, but also on the conditions of a particular year. For example, if the year is dry and the fruits are small, then the amount of sugar in apples will increase. In order for the apple juice mash to be ideal, you need to focus not only on the table, but also on your own sense of taste. That is, you should try apples.

It is better not to wash fruits collected from the ground or picked from a tree, since the skin contains natural yeast in a waxy coating, which will certainly be washed off in water, which helps fermentation. They will provide a rich taste to the finished moonshine. If it rained the day before, the carrion is dirty; of course, it needs to be washed, but be sure to add unwashed fruits taken from the tree.

For any of the apple moonshine recipes, you need to prepare the fruit - cut out the stalks and seed pods. These places contain tannins, and the final product will lose its softness and become bitter. Naturally, we cut out the rotten places.

Basic puree recipe

This is the most commonly used recipe, according to which apple mash is prepared most simply. This does not mean at all that Calvados will be of poor quality; it will taste good if, of course, everything is done correctly.

You will need:

  • apples of any acidity – about 30 kg;
  • unboiled, settled or spring soft water – 20 l.;
  • sugar, for sweet apples – 3 – 3.5 kg, for sour apples – 4 kg;
  • yeast - 30 g dry or 100 g pressed.

In any way convenient for you, you need to grind the apples into puree.

To dissolve sugar, it is advisable to pour it into a saucepan, add 2 - 3 liters of water (selecting it from the 20 liters prepared for mash) and heat until the sugar dissolves, but not to a boil! Then pour into the apple and water mixture before adding the yeast and stir.

Here's how to prepare a yeast solution correctly - add yeast and a spoonful of sugar to half a liter of warm water, let it foam, then add to the resulting apple wort.

The container (flask, tank, pan) must be covered, but not tightly, so that the carbon dioxide formed during the fermentation process can escape. Place in a warm, dark place. In the first days, the mash for future moonshine forms a lot of floating cake; it needs to be stirred so as not to sour.

Typically, mash made from apples (puree, juice, cake) ferments for about 10 days. After this period, you need to try it daily. If it tastes bitter, there is no sweetness in it - it’s time to distill the moonshine!

Yeast-free mash

To prepare yeast-free mash for moonshine, you need the following ingredients:

  • applesauce(as in the recipe above) – 10 kg;
  • sugar – 4 – 4.5 kg, depending on acidity;
  • raisins – 100 g (they can be replaced with the same amount of wheat sprouts).

We do not add water! Pour sugar directly into the puree and add raisins (sprouts).

Advice! Before preparing the mash in this way, try preparing it from 0.5 kg of apples and 200 g of sugar (with or without adding raisins) and see how the fermentation process goes (it should start in 1.5 - 2 days) to adjust the recipe if necessary.

After 10 days - two weeks, you need to strain the juice from the cake (which can be reused for a new mash). You will get a little of it - 5 - 6 liters. Add another glass of sugar per liter of juice and leave to ferment until the mash is ripe. This mash recipe takes a long time, but the end result is an excellent product.

Moonshine made from apples has a pleasant aroma, it is soft, easy to drink and will provide a pleasant aftertaste.

During the harvest period there are so many apples that you have to distribute them to relatives, neighbors, and acquaintances - but they still remain. A large batch of apples can be turned into homemade moonshine. It doesn’t take much time, but the drink has a special aroma and taste.

Selection and preparation of raw materials

Apples can be absolutely anything. It is advisable that they be as sweet as possible - then less sugar will be needed during the cooking process. Of course, the sweetest fruits are the ripest. Even overripe ones are suitable for moonshine.

The fruits must be sorted before use to remove moldy and rotten ones. If the apple is slightly spoiled, but most of it is edible, then the affected area can simply be cut out with a knife.

Preparing fruits is very important, because the quality of the resulting mash depends on them. If there is mold in it, the whole mass will be hopelessly spoiled. But under no circumstances should you wash fruits unless yeast is added to the mash.

By washing the apple, you will wash away those wild yeasts (bacteria and fungi) that managed to settle on the peel of the fruit during ripening. Sometimes there are not enough of them, fermentation is very sluggish, then you need to add yeast.

Water should be taken either boiled or bottled. However, the best option– use of spring water. The mash then turns out delicious, you can drink it as a thirst-quenching drink, and moonshine from such raw materials is of the highest quality.

Classic recipe

  • 10 g dry yeast;
  • 15 kg of apples;
  • 2100 g sugar;
  • 10 liters of water.

How long to wait - 2 weeks.

Nutritional value per 100 g – 56 kcal.

How to do classic moonshine from apples at home:

  1. Wash the apples, cut out their cores and stems. Cut the pulp into small slices;
  2. Grate all the slices. You can use a blender;
  3. Transfer the applesauce into a clean bottle and fill it with 9 liters of water;
  4. Stir the sugar in the remaining liter and pour this syrup into the total mass;
  5. Dissolve the yeast in a few tablespoons of warm water, pour it into the apples and mix everything together;
  6. Install a water seal and put it in a warm place for at least a week, preferably two. Once a day, be sure to stir and drown the floating apples;
  7. When sediment appeared, the release of carbon dioxide stopped, and the mash ceased to be sweet, it was time to distill the moonshine.

How to infuse moonshine on apples without yeast

  • 3000 g sugar;
  • 120 g raisins;
  • 10 kg apples;
  • 3100 ml water.

How long is it - 12 days?

Nutritional content per 100 g – 104 kcal.

Algorithm of actions:

Infusion of moonshine from apple pulp

  • 10 kg apple pulp;
  • 7 g wine yeast;
  • 30 liters of water;
  • 1100 g sugar.

How long - 3 weeks.

Nutritional content per 100 g – 21 kcal.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Place the squeezed apple pulp into a glass container and fill it with water. She must be room temperature. Stir everything. The container must have a minimum margin of 10 cm to the top;
  2. Add sugar, stir it and add yeast;
  3. Install a water seal and move the entire container to a warm place to ferment;
  4. Stir the mash daily. It should last about 2.5 weeks, sometimes more;
  5. Pour the liquid without catching the sediment, distill it into moonshine.

Moonshine tincture on dried apples

  • 4 kg dried apples;
  • 6 kg sugar;
  • 600 g yeast;
  • 20 liters of water.

How long is it - 1 week and 4 days.

Nutritional content per 100 g – 109 kcal.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Dried apples need to be filled with water and boiled for ten minutes;
  2. Then turn off the heat, add sugar to the pan, stir it. Allow the mass to cool to 25 degrees;
  3. Add yeast, stir and leave to ferment in a warm place for at least a week;
  4. Drain without sediment, strain and use for moonshine.

Recipe for moonshine tincture from apple juice

  • 20 g dry yeast;
  • 10 liters of apple juice;
  • 2100 g sugar.

How long is it – 4 weeks.

Nutritional value per 100 g – 105 kcal.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Stir all the sugar in a liter of juice, pour the rest of the juice into a glass or plastic container. Then pour the juice and sugar here too, stir;
  2. Stir the yeast in a small amount of warm water. The exact mass of water is indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging. Add them to the total mass;
  3. Place a water seal on the container. Place it in a dark but warm room for at least two weeks. When the mash begins to taste bitter and smells like alcohol, it needs to be poured into another container without sediment;
  4. Further using moonshine still Distill the mash twice and leave the moonshine in bottles for three days before drinking.

The nuances of distilling mash

It is best, especially for a beginner, to use a steam-water boiler for distilling mash. In this case, you don’t even need to filter the waste; no cake will stick. In addition, this method better preserves the aroma of apples. Otherwise, the mash must be strained so that the pulp (cake) does not burn.

In absolutely all recipes for apple moonshine, the mash must be distilled twice. First, you should get raw alcohol; it is quite aromatic. You need to add a few fresh or dried apples to it. Wait four days.

After this, dilute the alcohol with water to keep it within 25 degrees. Distill again. Initially, select at the lowest power head fraction, which is 10% of the total alcohol. You need to select it drop by drop.

At medium power, select a large batch (body) in the stream, where there is 45-60 degrees. Dilute with water to the desired strength and bottle. It is advisable for the moonshine to sit for another week before use.

From the resulting moonshine you can make other alcoholic drinks. Popular apple liqueur: tender, aromatic and light. Her recipe can be found below. This drink is more to the liking of the female half.

Apple liqueur

  • 1 liter of apple moonshine;
  • 2200 g apples;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 1100 g sugar.

How long is it - 18 days?

Nutritional content per 100 g – 123 kcal.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Core the apples, wash them and cut them into slices. Place on the bottom of the jar;
  2. Boil a liter of water and then cool to room temperature;
  3. When it has cooled, dilute the same water with 0.5 liters of moonshine;
  4. Apples need to be poured with diluted moonshine, closed with a lid and put in a cool, dark place for two weeks;
  5. From the second half of the water and all the sugar you need to make a syrup. The mixture needs to be brought to a boil and kept there for about four minutes. Remove all foam and turn off the stove;
  6. Strain the apple infusion;
  7. When the syrup has cooled to room temperature, it needs to be mixed with the second half of the moonshine and apple infusion;
  8. Pour the mixture into a bottle and let it brew for another three days in the same dark and cold place. The container must be tightly closed;
  9. Bottle and consume within one and a half years.

If you add a small oak chip to moonshine, it will become both more pleasant to the taste and more aromatic. Someone adds mint or other spicy herb to also improve and diversify the taste. Spices are added less often, not in ground form.

To save on yeast and improve the taste of the mash and future alcohol, you just need to take raisins. In dried grapes, nature itself preserves all the necessary substances created for making wine. It’s better not to waste raisins, it’s only for the benefit of the product.

If there is nowhere to buy a water seal, you can resort to old and proven methods. For example, a rubber medical glove. You need to make a hole in any of her fingers with a needle, and put the glove itself on the bottle. After some time, the glove will inflate, which indicates the formation of carbon dioxide during fermentation. Once the mitten is deflated, it's time to recycle the mash.

Another good way to seal is with a hose and water. You need a thin hose from under the drip. One part of it needs to be lowered into the mash, and the second - into a small jar with plain water. The neck of the bottle should be sealed tightly with any object. This is a very important point: the mash should not come into contact with air, or more precisely, oxygen, so that the fermentation process occurs continuously and correctly.

Apple moonshine differs from ordinary moonshine in its bouquet of taste and smell. This drink cannot be called elite or original, but many people like it. And it is best suited for home use. After all, you can be confident in a product created by yourself.