Diet pancakes on kefir: recipes and recommendations. Low-calorie pancakes: the best recipes

Pancakes for many are ideal option baking. It is not difficult to cook them, and knowing certain secrets, it is quite possible to reduce calorie content. finished products. How to cook diet pancakes on kefir? We bring to your attention interesting recipes.

without eggs

The recipe for dietary pancakes on kefir below excludes eggs from the composition of the ingredients. You need flour and kefir (100 g / 200 ml), as well as sugar, soda and vegetable oil (1 tsp each). Salt will only need a pinch.

Dissolve soda in warm liquid, put there vegetable oil, salt and sweeten. Sift flour and stir. After 20 minutes, you can start frying.

fluffy pancakes

Take whole grains and wheat flour(160 g / 180 g), sugar, vanilla, chicken egg and soda (1 tsp). You will also need 500 ml of warm kefir.

Dissolve soda in a fermented milk drink. Mix the flour and sift (meal remaining in the sieve, pour into the dough). Mix all ingredients, beat. After 15 minutes, fry portions of the dough in a greased pan (fry one side under the lid, and the other without covering the pan).

From oatmeal

You will cook these diet pancakes on kefir and cottage cheese (100 ml / 100 g). Other ingredients: oatmeal - 70-90 g, eggs (2 pcs.), Blueberries (50 g).

Grind the flakes into flour, pour in the fermented milk drink and leave for a while, then put 1 tsp. baking powder and stir. Mash the cottage cheese, pour in the beaten egg mass, salt, sweeten. Mix both parts of the dough and washed berries. Fry the pancakes. Serve with a sauce made from low-fat yogurt and honey.

Without flour

35-40 g oatmeal chop, pour in 80 ml fermented milk drink. After 20 minutes, beat in 1 egg, put the baking powder and sugar substitute. Stir, prepare pancakes.

0.5 st. warm milk with sugar substitute. Another 0.5 tbsp. mix milk with yolks (3 pcs.). Add 40-45 g cornstarch. Pour in sweetened milk. Put the cream on low heat and cook until thick (but do not boil). Serve with chilled cream.

In the oven

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, cover the baking sheet with parchment. Yolks (2 pcs.) Beat with 1 tbsp. sugar, salt. Dissolve 5 g of soda in a warm fermented milk drink. Connect both parts, sift flour there (300-350 g). Beat 2 egg whites and fold into the batter. Place small portions of dough on a baking sheet, leaving space between them. Cook 20 minutes.

with apples

These delicious pancakes you will cook with eggs (2 pcs.), flour, starch (300 g / 20 g), low-fat fermented milk drink (500 ml). You also need apples (3 pcs.), Sugar (about 100 g), baking powder (1 tsp), lemon juice.

Peeled apples cut, put in a saucepan, pour over lemon juice, put some sugar and put on low heat for a while. Stir apples occasionally. When they can be mashed, do so and pour in the starch diluted with water. Let the jelly cool slightly, add a fermented milk drink, salted and sweetened egg mixture. Sift flour with baking powder. Beat the dough well and start frying.

With bran

You will make pancakes with a mixture of starch, oat and wheat bran (60g/60g/30g). Other ingredients: egg, baking powder (3 g) and fermented milk drink (500 ml). Add sugar substitute to taste.

In the evening, make sour cream from a low-fat sour-milk drink. Put a colander on a saucepan, cover it with napkins, put 4 layers of gauze on top, pour kefir, refrigerate. In the morning, collect a thick mass - you will use it to make pancakes. Add all the ingredients there, salt and refrigerate again for several hours. Then fry the pancakes using a minimum of oil.

Diet pancakes on kefir, as a rule, are prepared extremely simply. They perfectly saturate, but at the same time do not contribute to the increase in body weight.

What to cook for breakfast besides oatmeal? Maybe delicious and diet pancakes? It takes no more than 10-15 minutes to prepare them. It is also a very tasty and nutritious dish.

We are offering to you simple recipes, with which you can cook healthy pancakes from oat bran, cottage cheese, spinach and even currants.

Oat pancakes with yogurt and strawberries


For test:

  • oat flour (or corn) - 50 g
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • kefir
  • sweetener
  • vanillin

For cream:

  • natural yogurt
  • soft curd
  • strawberries (or other berries/fruits)

How to cook?

  1. mix oat flour, egg, vanillin, a little kefir and a sweetener to make a homogeneous mass.
  2. Bake pancakes in a pan without oil, frying them on both sides.
  3. For cream, beat natural yogurt, soft cottage cheese and strawberries or other berries in a blender.
  4. Put ready-made diet pancakes on a plate and garnish with cream.

Diet pancakes with poppy seeds



  • rice flour - 100 g
  • kefir 1% - 100 g
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • baking powder - 1 tsp
  • poppy - ½ tbsp. l.
  • vanillin
  • sweetener

How to cook?

  1. Beat the egg with a fork, then add flour and kefir to it. Then mix all the ingredients well. It should make a fairly thick dough.
  2. Then add poppy seeds, baking powder to the dough and leave it for 5 minutes.
  3. Bake diet pancakes on kefir without oil in a pan.

Fritters with currant



  • black currant - 100 g
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • natural yogurt - 200 g
  • flour (any useful) - 2-3 tbsp.
  • baking powder - ½ tsp
  • sweetener

How to cook?

  1. Mix all the black currants, egg, natural yogurt, flour, baking powder, sweetener and beat in a blender until you get the consistency of liquid sour cream.
  2. Toast the pancakes in a dry frying pan over medium heat, covered.
  3. Optionally, you can coat the finished pancakes with natural yogurt.

banana pancakes



  • banana - 1 pc.
  • natural yogurt - 50-55 g
  • flour (any useful) - 2 tbsp. l.
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • baking powder - ¼ tbsp. l.
  • sweetener

How to cook?

  1. Peel the banana, chop a little and beat in a blender (or mash with a fork).
  2. Combine banana, yogurt, flour, egg, baking powder and sweetener in a bowl.
  3. Bake diet pancakes in a dry frying pan.

Chocolate pancakes



  • oat bran - 20 g
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • milk - 10 ml
  • cocoa - 1 tsp
  • baking powder
  • peanut paste

How to cook?

  1. Combine oat bran, egg, milk, cocoa and baking powder in a deep bowl. Mix well.
  2. Bake diet pancakes without flour in a dry frying pan with a lid.
  3. You can decorate the pancakes with peanut butter if you like.

Pancakes with spinach



  • rice flour - 1 tbsp. l.
  • eggs - 4 pcs. (3 proteins and 1 yolk)
  • frozen spinach - 100 g
  • pepper

How to cook?

  1. Defrost spinach, drain water from it.
  2. Mix together rice flour, 3 eggs, 1 yolk, salt, pepper and frozen spinach. Then beat all the ingredients with a mixer (about 3 minutes).
  3. Bake pancakes in a pan without oil under a closed lid.

Carrot pancakes with hercules



  • ground hercules (or oatmeal) - 200 g
  • carrots - 2 pcs. (you can use pumpkin)
  • kefir - 250-300 ml.
  • egg - 2 pcs.
  • soda - ½ tsp

How to cook?

  1. Wash the carrots, peel them and chop them on a grater or in a blender.
  2. Beat eggs and add carrots to them. Then add kefir and soda. Mix all ingredients well.
  3. Add ground oatmeal or oatmeal to the resulting mixture. Add dry ingredients slowly until dough is thick but firm.
  4. Bake diet pancakes in a dry frying pan on both sides.

pumpkin fritters



  • cornmeal - 200 g
  • baked pumpkin - 900 g
  • egg - 4 pcs.
  • kefir 1% - 100 g
  • soda - 1 tsp

How to cook?

  1. mix cornmeal, chopped baked pumpkin, eggs, kefir and soda.
  2. Blend all ingredients in a blender to get a smooth consistency.
  3. Bake pumpkin fritters on a dry frying pan on both sides.

Zucchini fritters



  • oat bran - 1 tbsp. l.
  • zucchini - 300 g
  • egg - 2 pcs.

How to cook?

  1. Grate the zucchini, drain the juice that has separated from the vegetable, as you will not need it.
  2. Mix zucchini, oat bran, egg and salt. Mix all ingredients well.
  3. Fry diet zucchini pancakes on both sides in a dry frying pan.

Pancakes from cottage cheese, eggs and greens



  • cottage cheese 5% - 100 g
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • dill
  • spices

How to cook?

  1. Mix cottage cheese, egg, finely chopped onion and dill. Add spices.
  2. Spread diet pancakes on a dry hot frying pan and fry on both sides over low heat under a lid.

Linen pancakes



  • flaxseed flour - 25 g
  • oatmeal - 25 g
  • eggs - 2 pcs.
  • sweetener - 1 tsp
  • coconut flakes - 1 tsp
  • cocoa - ½ tsp
  • flax seeds
  • vanillin (optional)

How to cook?

  1. Submit flaxseed flour, oatmeal, 2 egg whites, sweetener, cocoa in a blender and beat until smooth.
  2. From the resulting dough, bake linen pancakes in a dry frying pan.
  3. Decorate the finished dish coconut flakes, flaxseeds and serve.

Diet meals can be not only healthy, but also very tasty. This is confirmed by our diet pancakes! Keep these simple and delicious recipes to make every morning delicious and like a small gastronomic feast!

Prepared by Tatyana Krysyuk

Step-by-step recipes for making delicious and lush diet kefir pancakes with fruits and vegetables

2017-11-20 Natalia Danchishak





In 100 grams ready meal

5 gr.

2 gr.


12 gr.

97 kcal.

Option 1. The classic recipe for diet kefir pancakes

To prepare diet pancakes, you need to replace or exclude some ingredients. Mostly sugar and butter. The first is replaced with honey or a sweetener. Diet pancakes are prepared in a non-stick pan without the use of oil, or baked in the oven.


  • kefir 1% - 250 ml;
  • soda - a pinch;
  • drinking water - 40 ml;
  • flour - a third of a stack;
  • chicken egg.

Step-by-step recipe for diet kefir pancakes

Slightly warm the kefir. IN fermented milk product add baking soda and stir until foam appears on the surface. Pour in drinking water and drive in an egg. Whisk with a whisk until smooth.

Pour the sifted flour in small portions and knead the dough. For sweetness, you can add honey or a sweetener. You should get a fairly thick mixture.

Place a non-stick frying pan on the stove and heat well. Put the dough into it with a spoon and fry the pancakes for a couple of minutes. Turn the browned pancakes over and bake on the other side.

Part of the wheat flour can be replaced with oatmeal, buckwheat or rye. To make the taste of fritters richer, add aromatic substances or citrus zest to the dough. Put the dough only in a hot frying pan. Use a fermented milk product low-fat or with a low percentage of fat.

Option 2. A quick recipe for diet kefir pancakes


  • kefir with a fat content of 1% - 250 ml;
  • oatmeal (hercules) - stack;
  • any sweetener;
  • chicken egg;
  • table salt and soda - a pinch each.

How to quickly cook diet pancakes on kefir

Pour hercules into a blender bowl and grind to a state of flour. Pour it into a deep bowl.

Pour oatmeal with kefir, drive in an egg and mix everything thoroughly with a whisk. The mixture is left for half an hour. Then add soda, salt and sweetener. Knead a thick dough.

Heat a non-stick frying pan over medium heat. Spread a small amount of dough with a spoon, forming small pancakes. Fry until golden brown, then carefully flip and cook until golden brown.

Serve pancakes with honey or berry sauce. If you don't have a non-stick pan, use cast iron. In this case, before frying the first portion, brush the bottom with oil, and then continue frying without adding oil.

Option 3. Diet pancakes on kefir without eggs with apples

If you don’t have eggs in your fridge, this is no reason to refuse tasty and healthy dessert for breakfast. Apples and ground cinnamon will make the pancakes fragrant. The fat content of a fermented milk product does not affect the taste, but for diet baking it is better to use fat-free kefir.


  • 450 g flour;
  • ground cinnamon - a pinch;
  • half a liter of fat-free kefir;
  • table salt - 3 g;
  • cane sugar - 50 g;
  • vegetable refined oil;
  • two apples;
  • a bag of baking powder for dough.

How to cook

We take out kefir from the refrigerator in advance, or pour it into a deep dish and warm it up to a warm state. We do this on low heat to prevent boiling, otherwise the fermented milk product will curdle.

Sift the flour into a separate bowl. Add to it ground cinnamon, baking powder and cane sugar. We stir.

Pour the dry mixture into warm kefir little by little, stirring the dough with a whisk or mixer at low speed. We make sure that the consistency of the dough does not turn out to be thick, otherwise the baking will not rise well.

We wipe the washed apples with a napkin and cut off the thin peel. Grind fruit on a grater with large sections. We spread in the dough and stir so that the apples are evenly distributed over the dough.

We put the pan on medium heat, pour in a little oil and heat it well. We spread the dough with a spoon in the form of small cakes, leaving a small distance between them. Flip the browned pancakes over and cook on the other side.

You can replace apples with pears, so the pancakes will turn out even more fragrant. If you like fruit to pop into your baked goods, chop apples into small cubes. For splendor, add to the dough baking soda or baking powder. For fritters, use sweet and sour varieties of apples.

Option 4. Diet pancakes on kefir with zucchini

Fritters can be not only sweet. Salt lovers will love squash fritters. They can be served as an appetizer or main course. Cheese and spices will make the taste of fritters even more interesting.


  • young zucchini - three pieces;
  • refined vegetable oil;
  • fat-free kefir - a glass;
  • salt;
  • three eggs;
  • coarse black pepper;
  • flour - a glass;
  • smoked cheese - 200 g;
  • garlic - three cloves.

Step by step recipe

Wash the zucchini, wipe it with a towel and cut off the thin skin with sharp knife. If the seeds have already formed, we clean them. Grind the pulp of the vegetable on a grater with small sections.

Rinse the greens, dry and chop finely. We free the garlic cloves from the husk, finely chop with a knife. Smoked cheese grind into small chips. Add greens, cheese and garlic to zucchini. We stir well. Pour the sifted flour in parts and knead not too thick dough.

We take with a spoon a small amount of zucchini dough and spread in a hot pan with oil. Fry until a delicious crust, then carefully turn over and bring to readiness on the other side. We spread the finished pancakes on a paper towel.

You can use cheese durum varieties or melted. Serve fritters sprinkled fresh dill and topped with sour cream. If you want to make pancakes low in calories, bake them in the oven. Salted pancakes are made from any vegetables: cabbage, carrots, pumpkins, etc. For serving, you can prepare a sauce with garlic and herbs based on low-calorie sour cream or natural cottage cheese.

Option 5. Diet pancakes on kefir with curd-yogurt cream and strawberries

This is a recipe for lovers gourmet cuisine. Due to the cream made from yogurt and cottage cheese, diet pancakes turn into a dish that is not ashamed to be served even at a dinner party. For cooking use only low calorie foods, so your figure won't be affected.



  • 50 g oatmeal or cornmeal;
  • a sachet of vanillin;
  • one egg;
  • sweetener or honey;
  • fat-free kefir.


  • strawberries;
  • natural yogurt;
  • soft curd.

How to cook

Combine oatmeal with vanilla and sweetener. We stir. Pour a little warm kefir and knead the dough uniform consistency. We leave for half an hour.

Heat up a nonstick frying pan. Spread the dough with a spoon and fry until golden brown. Then carefully turn over with a spatula and fry until golden brown on the reverse side.

We shift soft cottage cheese into a blender container, pour in natural yogurt. We interrupt everything until a homogeneous pasty state. My strawberries, dry and cut into thin slices. Add to cream and stir.

We lay out diet pancakes on plates, pour curd cream and serve as a dessert.

Instead of strawberries, you can take any other berries: currants, strawberries, raspberries, etc. To make the consistency of the cream homogeneous, grind the cottage cheese through a fine metal sieve. If you do not have a blender, beat the cream with a mixer, gradually increasing the speed.

How to cook a recipe for kefir fritters - Full description cooking to make the dish very tasty and original.

Today it is becoming more and more popular proper weight loss. It consists in a balanced diet and regular exercise. With physical exercises, everything is more or less clear, but there are always many questions about nutrition. Of course, there are several nuances in the rules of eating, parsing it nutritional composition, studying the glycemic index, the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, but for those who are just starting this difficult path, it is much more important to know that almost any dish can be made dietary. For example, today we will analyze such a dish, diet pancakes on kefir, great option proper breakfast.

In order to make any dish dietary, it is enough to exclude and replace just a few ingredients. In the case of pancakes, this is sugar and oil for frying. It is enough to replace sugar with sweeteners, honey or fruits, but with oil everything is much more complicated. If you have definitely decided that you will lose weight in a healthy way, you should purchase a few additional devices for the kitchen. First of all, this is a non-stick frying pan. Great helpers will also become a slow cooker, a double boiler, different forms for baking, etc. In our recipe, you only need one pan.

Classic diet pancakes on kefir

To prepare delicious, fluffy, and, most importantly, diet pancakes, you will need: 250 ml of low-fat kefir, about 40 mg of water, a medium-sized egg, a third of a glass of flour, a whisper of soda. For a sweet taste, you can add sugar substitute or honey.
All components must be mixed in random order using a whisk, mixer or blender. You should get an even mass. The consistency is thicker than for pancake dough. If that doesn't work for you, you can add flour.
Adze is laid out on a well-heated pan with a non-stick coating with a spoon. Fry for a couple of minutes on each side until golden brown.

Oatmeal diet pancakes on kefir

In a number of diets and proper nutrition for weight loss, it is recommended to abandon ordinary flour and use either coarse grinding or made from more healthy cereals, such as oatmeal. Diet pancakes on kefir can be prepared without even following this rule.
For oatmeal fritters you will need: about 250 ml of kefir with a fat content of 1–1.5%, a glass of oatmeal (hercules), an egg, a whisper of soda and salt, your favorite sweetener to taste.
First you need to grind the oatmeal in a coffee grinder or blender to the state of flour, only after that you can mix all the ingredients. These pancakes are fried in the same way as in the classic recipe. Please note that the finished dish will be a darker color than usual.

Apple diet pancakes on kefir

If you like sweet pancakes, and there was not a single useful sweetener in the kitchen, then regular apples can be used instead.
Ingredients: 250 ml of kefir, oatmeal or wheat flour, about half a glass, one apple, an egg, a whisper of salt and soda.
The apple must be peeled and core, rubbed on a fine grater. Then all the remaining ingredients are mixed with it. Uniform mass in this case you won’t be able to achieve it, the pieces of the apple will still stand out, but you shouldn’t pass it through a sieve or grind it in a blender. In an apple, as in many other fruits, there are a lot of dietary fiber which are essential for weight loss.
Fried apple pancakes, like other dietary ones.

Banana diet pancakes on kefir

The lowest calorie and at the same time fast option fritters are prepared without any flour.
For the recipe you will need: a glass of oatmeal, a glass of fat-free kefir, one banana, a pinch of salt and soda.
To prepare, you need to soak the oatmeal in kefir in advance. In a separate bowl, crush the banana with a fork. All ingredients are mixed. Fritters are fried in a well-heated pan with a non-stick coating without the use of oil.

What can you eat diet pancakes on kefir with?

As you have already replaced, most of the recipes are prepared with the minimum amount sweeteners or none at all. It is more accepted in our country that pancakes are just a dessert, so without additional ingredients not enough at all.
The easiest option is to cut pieces of fruit. During weight loss, it is best to eat apples, kiwi, pineapples, oranges, various berries. large quantity bananas or grapes should be avoided. These are quite high-calorie fruits. If your pancake recipe already includes a banana, it's best to eat it plain.
good sauce for pancakes on dietary kefir, honey will become. You can also use baby purees from different fruits. A crumb of dark chocolate or melted chocolate will also be a great addition to the dish.

Is it possible to eat diet pancakes on kefir during a diet?

Despite the fact that the dish complies with the basic rules of rational nutrition, some diets still prohibit it. First of all, these are all kinds of low-carbohydrate and protein weight loss systems.
Even if your diet allows for more similar dishes, all pancakes should be eaten only in the morning. They are quite high in calories, in the evening the body does not need so much additional energy, so most of it will go to replenish fat reserves.

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Step-by-step recipes for making delicious and lush diet kefir pancakes with fruits and vegetables

2017-11-20 Natalia Danchishak

In 100 grams of the finished dish


Option 1. The classic recipe for diet kefir pancakes

To prepare diet pancakes, you need to replace or exclude some ingredients. Mostly sugar and butter. The first is replaced with honey or a sweetener. Diet pancakes are prepared in a non-stick pan without the use of oil, or baked in the oven.


  • kefir 1% - 250 ml;
  • soda - a pinch;
  • drinking water - 40 ml;
  • flour - a third stack;
  • chicken egg.

Step-by-step recipe for diet kefir pancakes

Slightly warm the kefir. Add soda to the fermented milk product and stir so that foam appears on the surface. Pour in drinking water and drive in an egg. Whisk with a whisk until smooth.

Pour the sifted flour in small portions and knead the dough. For sweetness, you can add honey or a sweetener. You should get a fairly thick mixture.

Place a non-stick frying pan on the stove and heat well. Put the dough into it with a spoon and fry the pancakes for a couple of minutes. Turn the browned pancakes over and bake on the other side.

Part of the wheat flour can be replaced with oatmeal, buckwheat or rye. To make the taste of fritters richer, add aromatic substances or citrus zest to the dough. Put the dough only in a hot frying pan. Use a fermented milk product low-fat or with a low percentage of fat.

Option 2. A quick recipe for diet kefir pancakes


  • kefir with a fat content of 1% - 250 ml;
  • oatmeal (hercules) - stack;
  • any sweetener;
  • chicken egg;
  • salt and soda - a pinch each.

How to quickly cook diet pancakes on kefir

Pour hercules into a blender bowl and grind to a state of flour. Pour it into a deep bowl.

Pour oatmeal with kefir, drive in an egg and mix everything thoroughly with a whisk. The mixture is left for half an hour. Then add soda, salt and sweetener. Knead a thick dough.

Heat a non-stick frying pan over medium heat. Spread a small amount of dough with a spoon, forming small pancakes. Fry until golden brown, then carefully flip over and cook until golden brown.

Serve pancakes with honey or berry sauce. If you don't have a non-stick pan, use cast iron. In this case, before frying the first portion, brush the bottom with oil, and then continue frying without adding oil.

Option 3. Diet pancakes on kefir without eggs with apples

If you don’t have eggs in your fridge, this is no reason to refuse a delicious and healthy dessert for breakfast. Apples and ground cinnamon will make the pancakes fragrant. The fat content of a fermented milk product does not affect the taste, but for dietary baking it is better to use low-fat kefir.


  • 450 g flour;
  • ground cinnamon - a pinch;
  • half a liter of fat-free kefir;
  • table salt - 3 g;
  • cane sugar - 50 g;
  • vegetable refined oil;
  • two apples;
  • a bag of baking powder for dough.

How to cook

We take out kefir from the refrigerator in advance, or pour it into a deep dish and warm it up to a warm state. We do this on low heat to prevent boiling, otherwise the fermented milk product will curdle.

Sift the flour into a separate bowl. Add ground cinnamon, baking powder and cane sugar to it. We stir.

Pour the dry mixture into warm kefir little by little, stirring the dough with a whisk or mixer at low speed. We make sure that the consistency of the dough does not turn out to be thick, otherwise the baking will not rise well.

We wipe the washed apples with a napkin and cut off the thin peel. Grind fruit on a grater with large sections. We spread in the dough and stir so that the apples are evenly distributed over the dough.

We put the pan on medium heat, pour in a little oil and heat it well. We spread the dough with a spoon in the form of small cakes, leaving a small distance between them. Flip the browned pancakes over and cook on the other side.

You can replace apples with pears, so the pancakes will turn out even more fragrant. If you like fruit to pop into your baked goods, chop apples into small cubes. For splendor, baking soda or baking powder is added to the dough. For fritters, use sweet and sour varieties of apples.

Option 4. Diet pancakes on kefir with zucchini

Fritters can be not only sweet. Fans of salty pastries will love zucchini pancakes. They can be served as an appetizer or main course. Cheese and spices will make the taste of fritters even more interesting.


  • young zucchini - three pieces;
  • refined vegetable oil;
  • fat-free kefir - a glass;
  • salt;
  • three eggs;
  • coarse black pepper;
  • flour - a glass;
  • smoked cheese - 200 g;
  • garlic - three cloves.

Step by step recipe

Wash the zucchini, wipe it with a towel and cut off the thin skin with a sharp knife. If the seeds have already formed, we clean them. Grind the pulp of the vegetable on a grater with small sections.

Rinse the greens, dry and chop finely. We free the garlic cloves from the husk, finely chop with a knife. Grind smoked cheese into small chips. Add greens, cheese and garlic to zucchini. We stir well. Pour the sifted flour in parts and knead not too thick dough.

We take a small amount of zucchini dough with a spoon and put it in a hot frying pan with oil. Fry until a delicious crust, then carefully turn over and bring to readiness on the other side. We spread the finished pancakes on a paper towel.

You can use hard cheese or processed cheese. Serve pancakes sprinkled with fresh dill and drizzled with sour cream. If you want to make pancakes low in calories, bake them in the oven. Salted pancakes are made from any vegetables: cabbage, carrots, pumpkins, etc. For serving, you can prepare a sauce with garlic and herbs based on low-calorie sour cream or natural cottage cheese.

Option 5. Diet pancakes on kefir with curd-yogurt cream and strawberries

This is a gourmet recipe. Due to the cream made from yogurt and cottage cheese, diet pancakes turn into a dish that is not ashamed to be served even at a dinner party. Only low-calorie foods are used for cooking, so your figure will not suffer.


  • 50 g oatmeal or cornmeal;
  • a sachet of vanillin;
  • one egg;
  • sweetener or honey;
  • fat-free kefir.
  • strawberries;
  • natural yogurt;
  • soft curd.

How to cook

Combine oatmeal with vanilla and sweetener. We stir. Pour in a little warm kefir and knead the dough of a homogeneous consistency. We leave for half an hour.

Heat up a nonstick frying pan. Spread the dough with a spoon and fry until golden brown. Then carefully turn over with a spatula and fry until golden brown on the reverse side.

We shift soft cottage cheese into a blender container, pour in natural yogurt. We interrupt everything until a homogeneous pasty state. My strawberries, dry and cut into thin slices. Add to cream and stir.

We lay out the diet pancakes on plates, pour over the curd cream and serve as a dessert.

Instead of strawberries, you can take any other berries: currants, strawberries, raspberries, etc. To make the consistency of the cream homogeneous, grind the cottage cheese through a fine metal sieve. If you do not have a blender, beat the cream with a mixer, gradually increasing the speed.

Pancakes are the perfect baking option for many. It is not difficult to prepare them, and knowing certain secrets, it is quite possible to reduce the calorie content of finished products. How to cook diet pancakes on kefir? We bring to your attention interesting recipes.

without eggs

The recipe for dietary pancakes on kefir below excludes eggs from the composition of the ingredients. You need flour and kefir (100 g / 200 ml), as well as sugar, soda and vegetable oil (1 tsp each). Salt will only need a pinch.

Dissolve soda in a warm liquid, put vegetable oil there, salt and sweeten. Sift flour and stir. After 20 minutes, you can start frying.

fluffy pancakes

Take whole grain and wheat flour (160 g / 180 g), sugar, vanilla, chicken egg and soda (1 tsp). You will also need 500 ml of warm kefir.

Dissolve soda in a fermented milk drink. Mix the flour and sift (meal remaining in the sieve, pour into the dough). Mix all ingredients, beat. After 15 minutes, fry portions of the dough in a greased pan (fry one side under the lid, and the other without covering the pan).

From oatmeal

You will cook these diet pancakes on kefir and cottage cheese (100 ml / 100 g). Other ingredients: oatmeal - 70-90 g, eggs (2 pcs.), Blueberries (50 g).

Grind the flakes into flour, pour in the fermented milk drink and leave for a while, then put 1 tsp. baking powder and stir. Mash the cottage cheese, pour in the beaten egg mass, salt, sweeten. Mix both parts of the dough and washed berries. Fry the pancakes. Serve with a sauce made from low-fat yogurt and honey.

Without flour

Grind 35-40 g of oatmeal, pour in 80 ml of fermented milk drink. After 20 minutes, beat in 1 egg, put the baking powder and sugar substitute. Stir, prepare pancakes.

0.5 st. warm milk with sugar substitute. Another 0.5 tbsp. mix milk with yolks (3 pcs.). Add 40-45 g of cornstarch. Pour in sweetened milk. Put the cream on low heat and cook until thick (but do not boil). Serve with chilled cream.

In the oven

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, cover the baking sheet with parchment. Yolks (2 pcs.) Beat with 1 tbsp. sugar, salt. Dissolve 5 g of soda in a warm fermented milk drink. Connect both parts, sift flour there (300-350 g). Beat 2 egg whites and fold into the batter. Place small portions of dough on a baking sheet, leaving space between them. Cook 20 minutes.

with apples

You will cook these delicious pancakes from eggs (2 pcs.), flour, starch (300 g / 20 g), low-fat fermented milk drink (500 ml). You also need apples (3 pcs.), Sugar (about 100 g), baking powder (1 tsp), lemon juice.

Peeled apples cut, put in a saucepan, pour over lemon juice, put some sugar and put on low heat for a while. Stir apples occasionally. When they can be mashed, do so and pour in the starch diluted with water. Let the jelly cool slightly, add a fermented milk drink, salted and sweetened egg mixture. Sift flour with baking powder. Beat the dough well and start frying.

With bran

You will make pancakes with a mixture of starch, oat and wheat bran (60g/60g/30g). Other ingredients: egg, baking powder (3 g) and fermented milk drink (500 ml). Add sugar substitute to taste.

In the evening, make sour cream from a low-fat sour-milk drink. Put a colander on a saucepan, cover it with napkins, put 4 layers of gauze on top, pour kefir, refrigerate. In the morning, collect a thick mass - you will use it to make pancakes. Add all the ingredients there, salt and refrigerate again for several hours. Then fry the pancakes using a minimum of oil.

Diet pancakes on kefir, as a rule, are prepared extremely simply. They perfectly saturate, but at the same time do not contribute to the increase in body weight.

What to cook for breakfast besides oatmeal? Maybe delicious and diet pancakes? It takes no more than 10-15 minutes to prepare them. It is also a very tasty and nutritious dish.

We offer you simple recipes with which you can cook healthy pancakes from oat bran, cottage cheese, spinach and even currants.

Oat pancakes with yogurt and strawberries



For test:

  • oat flour (or corn) - 50 g
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • kefir
  • sweetener
  • vanillin

For cream:

  • natural yogurt
  • soft curd
  • strawberries (or other berries/fruits)

How to cook?

  1. Mix oatmeal, egg, vanillin, a little kefir and a sweetener to get a homogeneous mass.
  2. Bake pancakes in a pan without oil, frying them on both sides.
  3. For cream, beat natural yogurt, soft cottage cheese and strawberries or other berries in a blender.
  4. Put ready-made diet pancakes on a plate and garnish with cream.

Diet pancakes with poppy seeds



  • rice flour - 100 g
  • kefir 1% - 100 g
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • baking powder - 1 tsp
  • poppy - ½ tbsp. l.
  • vanillin
  • sweetener

How to cook?

  1. Beat the egg with a fork, then add flour and kefir to it. Then mix all the ingredients well. It should make a fairly thick dough.
  2. Then add poppy seeds, baking powder to the dough and leave it for 5 minutes.
  3. Bake diet pancakes on kefir without oil in a pan.

Fritters with currant



  • black currant - 100 g
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • natural yogurt - 200 g
  • flour (any useful) - 2-3 tbsp.
  • baking powder - ½ tsp
  • sweetener

How to cook?

  1. Mix all the black currants, egg, natural yogurt, flour, baking powder, sweetener and beat in a blender until you get the consistency of liquid sour cream.
  2. Toast the pancakes in a dry frying pan over medium heat, covered.
  3. Optionally, you can coat the finished pancakes with natural yogurt.

banana pancakes



  • banana - 1 pc.
  • natural yogurt - 50-55 g
  • flour (any useful) - 2 tbsp. l.
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • baking powder - ¼ tbsp. l.
  • sweetener

How to cook?

  1. Peel the banana, chop a little and beat in a blender (or mash with a fork).
  2. Combine banana, yogurt, flour, egg, baking powder and sweetener in a bowl.
  3. Bake diet pancakes in a dry frying pan.

Chocolate pancakes



  • oat bran - 20 g
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • milk - 10 ml
  • cocoa - 1 tsp
  • baking powder
  • peanut paste

How to cook?

  1. Combine oat bran, egg, milk, cocoa and baking powder in a deep bowl. Mix well.
  2. Bake diet pancakes without flour in a dry frying pan with a lid.
  3. You can decorate the pancakes with peanut butter if you like.

Pancakes with spinach



  • rice flour - 1 tbsp. l.
  • eggs - 4 pcs. (3 proteins and 1 yolk)
  • frozen spinach - 100 g
  • pepper

How to cook?

  1. Defrost spinach, drain water from it.
  2. Mix together rice flour, 3 eggs, 1 yolk, salt, pepper and frozen spinach. Then beat all the ingredients with a mixer (about 3 minutes).
  3. Bake pancakes in a pan without oil under a closed lid.

Carrot pancakes with hercules



  • ground hercules (or oatmeal) - 200 g
  • carrots - 2 pcs. (you can use pumpkin)
  • kefir - 250-300 ml.
  • egg - 2 pcs.
  • soda - ½ tsp

How to cook?

  1. Wash the carrots, peel them and chop them on a grater or in a blender.
  2. Beat eggs and add carrots to them. Then add kefir and soda. Mix all ingredients well.
  3. Add ground oatmeal or oatmeal to the resulting mixture. Add dry ingredients slowly until dough is thick but firm.
  4. Bake diet pancakes in a dry frying pan on both sides.

pumpkin fritters



  • cornmeal - 200 g
  • baked pumpkin - 900 g
  • egg - 4 pcs.
  • kefir 1% - 100 g
  • soda - 1 tsp

How to cook?

  1. Mix cornmeal, chopped baked pumpkin, eggs, kefir and soda.
  2. Blend all ingredients in a blender to get a smooth consistency.
  3. Bake pumpkin pancakes in a dry skillet on both sides.

Zucchini fritters



  • oat bran - 1 tbsp. l.
  • zucchini - 300 g
  • egg - 2 pcs.

How to cook?

  1. Grate the zucchini, drain the juice that has separated from the vegetable, as you will not need it.
  2. Mix zucchini, oat bran, egg and salt. Mix all ingredients well.
  3. Fry diet zucchini pancakes on both sides in a dry frying pan.

Pancakes from cottage cheese, eggs and greens



  • cottage cheese 5% - 100 g
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • dill
  • spices

How to cook?

  1. Mix cottage cheese, egg, finely chopped onion and dill. Add spices.
  2. Spread diet pancakes on a dry hot frying pan and fry on both sides over low heat under a lid.

Linen pancakes



  • flaxseed flour - 25 g
  • oatmeal - 25 g
  • eggs - 2 pcs.
  • sweetener - 1 tsp
  • coconut flakes - 1 tsp
  • cocoa - ½ tsp
  • flax seeds
  • vanillin (optional)

How to cook?

  1. Place flaxseed meal, oatmeal, 2 egg whites, sweetener, cocoa in a blender and beat until smooth.
  2. From the resulting dough, bake linen pancakes in a dry frying pan.
  3. Decorate the finished dish with coconut chips, flaxseeds and serve.

Diet meals can be not only healthy, but also very tasty. This is confirmed by our diet pancakes! Save these simple and delicious recipes to make every morning delicious and like a small gastronomic feast!

Prepared by Tatyana Krysyuk

Lush milk pancakes without yeast recipe

Hello comrades!

Probably, today we will do without long introductions. For it’s already the fifth day of summer in the yard, and my girlfriend still pulled me out for a walk and to chat about this and that. As a result, we chatted about the most pressing problems of the summer: how to eat and not get fat, what to drink to lose weight, and how to lose weight if you go to the beach in 2 hours.

And according to this, we will leave the time for ranting about what a cool recipe today and what healthy oatmeal pancakes we will cook for next time. Now just read the 3 best oatmeal pancake recipes and draw your own conclusions.

By the way, today's recipes are just from the category "how to eat and not get fat." Write it down.

Recipe 1. Oat pancakes with milk

I don’t know about you, but it seems to me that such pancakes are much tastier than wheat ones.

List of products (for 15 fritters):

  • oatmeal - 200 gr (desirable fine grinding)
  • eggs - 1 whole + 1 protein
  • honey - 1 tbsp.
  • milk - 250 gr.
  • baking powder - 1 tsp
  • raisins or dried cranberries- optional

If you don’t care about sugar and like it sweeter, you can take 2 tbsp instead of honey. Sahara.

Cooking method:

  1. In a deep bowl, mix oatmeal, eggs and honey. Continuing to mix, gradually introduce the milk, and then add the baking powder and, if desired, dried fruits. You don't need to mix for a long time.
  2. Heat a frying pan over medium heat, pour in a few drops of vegetable oil and wipe the excess with a paper towel.
  3. Put the dough on a hot frying pan one tablespoon at a time and form round pancakes with the back of the spoon.
  4. When bursting air bubbles appear on the top side of the fritters, turn the fritters over and fry on the reverse side for 2-3 minutes.
  5. Ready pancakes can be served with natural yogurt and a spoonful of honey.

Recipe 2. Pancakes from oatmeal and whole grain flour

To be honest, I prefer this particular recipe, because whole wheat flour is also a storehouse of useful elements. Yes, and the taste of these fritters is much more interesting.

  • oatmeal flour * - 150 gr.
  • whole grain flour - 50 gr. ( order at a discount , promo code POR7412)
  • kefir or spoiled milk- 200 gr.
  • milk - 125 gr.
  • eggs - 1 whole + 1 protein
  • honey - 1.5 tbsp.
  • baking powder - 1.5 tsp
  • a pinch of salt
  • vanillin - 1 pinch or vanilla extract (optional) (discount code POR7412)

*To make oatmeal, simply grind oatmeal in a blender.

Cooking method:

  1. In a deep bowl, using a whisk, beat kefir, milk, eggs and honey until a homogeneous mass is formed.
  2. Add oatmeal and whole grain flour, baking powder, salt and, if desired, vanillin.
  3. Stir lightly with a whisk to combine dry and liquid ingredients.
  4. Heat a frying pan over medium heat and grease vegetable oil. Remove excess oil with a paper towel.
  5. Put the dough on a hot frying pan one tablespoon at a time and form round pancakes with the back of the spoon in a circular motion.
  6. Turn the pancakes over after bursting air bubbles appear on top of them. And fry on the other side for another 2-3 minutes.
  7. Serve oat-whole grain pancakes for breakfast with honey, maple syrup, fresh berries and fruits.

Recipe 3. Banana-oat pancakes

Most diet option pancakes - without milk, kefir, sugar, honey, butter, etc. But very tasty at the same time. Also, this recipe the fastest of all possible. And from the dishes you stain only a blender and a frying pan.

List of products (for 10 fritters):

  • eggs - 3 pcs.
  • oatmeal - 125 gr.
  • banana - 1 pc.
  • baking powder - 2 tsp
  • cinnamon - to taste
  • fresh or dried berries- optional

Personally, I advise you to still add some berries to the dough, because they will give extra flavor, freshness and sweetness to these diet pancakes.

Cooking method:

  1. Place all ingredients (except berries) in a blender and blend until smooth.
  2. Heat a non-stick frying pan over medium heat and spread one tablespoon of the dough on a hot frying pan.
  3. Using the back of a spoon, we form round pancakes and put a few berries on top of each.
  4. Fry for 3-4 minutes until the underside is browned. Flip over and cook on the other side for another 2-3 minutes.
  5. Serve oatmeal banana pancakes with fresh fruit and berries.

That's all for me.

Another great idea healthy breakfast — .

And for your husband you can cook delicious, or.

Good luck, love and patience.