Stuffed carp. Stuffed carp how to cook it

Hello dear readers. Today we have a fish theme, I, as promised, will show you a recipe for stuffed carp in the oven. I will say right away that I cooked stuffed carp for the first time. I am pleased with the result. I did not take the recipe from the Internet, but our godfather shared it with us. Everyone can repeat this recipe. To do this, we took a lot of photos and explained in detail what and how to do. Now, while the weather is still good and warm, we go fishing with the whole family. I'm already set for new records and I'm going to bring a good catch from the next fishing trip, with a record carp, a record one for me.

While everything is working out, I use the experience gained in past fishing wisely. The proof is the last photo, where, of course, this photo is hard to see, but the weight of the carp is already 1.68 kilograms. Of course, there were photos where carp can be seen better, but then it’s hard to see me :)

But back to our carp. First, we clean the carp, remove the gills. Be sure to remove the gills. Because they give bitterness, and we will eat not only minced fish, but also the head itself. It also contains a lot of tasty meat.

We get the insides through the back, since we will bake a whole carp, and appearance is very important to us. To do this, we cut the fish along the spine and gut it.

Now we are faced with the task, not just to get the fillet from the fish, but also preferably pitted. And here the advice of the godfather came in handy. He recommended separating the fish from the bone with a spoon.

I did it for the first time, but it turned out very well. In the future, I will definitely be the only way to separate the fish from the bone.

I first cleaned the fish along the spine, then carefully cut the spine near the head and tail so as not to damage the skin, and took out the entire inside of the carp using only my fingers. A sharp object could damage the skin, and the fillet got it so well.

Be careful around the fins. Either cut the bones from the inside, or very carefully pull them out. I pulled out the lower fin, it will not affect the beauty anyway, it is not visible. With a spoon I cleaned the skin from the remnants of the fish, and also cleaned the bones with a spoon. With his hands he selected the bones that came across. You can ignore small bones, they will first be killed in a meat grinder, and then they will melt.

I noticed that on the second day, the fish is better off the bone. On the first day I gutted and salted, and on the second day I already separated the fish from the bone. Since I have practiced more than one fish, I am already making my conclusions.

The preparatory part is over, and the hardest part. We can move on to the recipe itself.

Stuffed carp in the oven. Recipe with photo

To prepare stuffed carp, we need:

  • Carp, or you can replace with other large fish (we have 1.68 kg.)
  • One onion (we have 180 grams)
  • One egg
  • White bread or loaf (100 grams)
  • Semolina one tablespoon (15 grams)
  • Milk, for soaking bread (about 100 grams)
  • Vegetable oil for frying the onion and greasing the foil
  • Salt half a teaspoon
  • The black ground pepper taste

We got 650 grams of finished minced fish, this is quite enough not to use additional filling, in the form of mushrooms or some kind of cereal.

First we can clean, cut and fry for vegetable oil onion. You can cut large, anyway, then we will twist it into a meat grinder. Lightly fry the onion. It is not necessary to bring it to a golden state, you can miss and burn the onion.

And here is the result of our work on the fish. From a large carp, a skin with a head and minced fish. Which we will twist in a meat grinder. I twisted the minced meat twice, and also put the finest mesh on the meat grinder. This is just in case you suddenly missed a bone.

After minced meat, twist the fried onion. Now I take a loaf, for 100 grams it turns out three pieces of a loaf, about 1.5 cm thick. I fill it with milk and twist it in a meat grinder.

I twisted without squeezing the bread, and for this I then used one tablespoon of semolina in the recipe. This is to draw out excess liquid and keep the carp in shape.

When cleaning the meat grinder, do not add fish leftovers to the twisted minced meat. They contain small bones. It is better to scroll the last cracker.

In minced meat, in addition to a spoonful of semolina, add one chicken egg, salt and black pepper. You can do without an egg, but with an egg it should turn out tastier. Yes, and the egg will also help keep the shape of the finished carp baked in the oven. If we did not add anything, then it would spread out in the form of an oblong pancake.

We put in half a teaspoon of salt. You can focus on your taste, you can try minced meat. Yes, and all the milk has gone from us, the loaf has absorbed all the milk.

You can also put butter, fried mushrooms, or even vegetables in minced meat. Onions can not be fried, put raw. But we tried to make the recipe not only easier, but also tastier. Instead of oil, we village milk, and for softness, we added bread and a little semolina.

We mix our minced meat well, and stuff the skin with the head. We turn from a nondescript skin into a handsome carp. From frog skin to frog princess :)

Take a baking sheet, put foil on top. Lubricate the foil with vegetable oil and transfer the carp to the foil. We form a shape with our hands, distributing the minced meat over the skin. As close as possible to the original. We take a large needle with a regular thread and sew the back of the carp.

We tried to do it with toothpicks. Nothing worked out for us, as it happened in . Apparently there we managed to pierce the skin due to the fact that there was meat on the skin. There was one skin here, and an attempt to pierce the skin with a toothpick ended in failure. In addition, the appearance of stuffed fish could suffer.

When placing in the oven, I also decided to insure the carp with onions. So he will also be saturated with onions, maintain his shape, and give him an attractive appearance. We cook carp at a temperature of 200 degrees for about one hour.

I will say right away, focus on your oven. The average baking time for such fish is about 50 minutes. But we have an old oven, gas, and the fish is large. And the gas we have now is not the same as it used to be. Gives less heat. Therefore, we had fish for more than an hour.

I also put under the main baking sheet, another baking sheet with water. To keep the fish from burning. It helped, only increased the cooking time.

And here is our finished stuffed carp from the oven. It lies on a new baking sheet, which was bought just for the fish. The baking sheet is 43 centimeters long, just a larger one will not go into the oven. And we baked carp diagonally.

Unfortunately, in our city I could not buy a large and long dish for a whole fish. Therefore, I show it on a smaller plate in a cut form.

We showed you how to make stuffed carp. Recipe with photos and detailed descriptions, not only how to bake fish, but also how to clean it. Anyone can repeat this.

This carp can already be safely served to guests. It is tasty and beautiful, and it is well divided into parts. Doesn't fall apart, sticks together. And most importantly for us, it is very tasty. For our taste, something to add or remove is not worth it. The taste is just perfect!

Despite the fact that it was cooked for dinner, and not even the first course, we ate it with great pleasure (not immediately, of course). We liked it more cold than warm. Although it is very tasty when warm.

I will say unequivocally that we will cook stuffed carp in the oven again, and I think more than once. And here is the second stuffed carp.
We didn’t decorate it anymore, we showed it as it is. This time we tried without semolina, less bread (80 gr.), more onions (2 onions), and more fish itself. This carp combines fish from two carps. From that it is so round, and not everything fit.

As a result, I will say this, with semolina it is tastier, the taste is more tender, and it keeps tighter.

Have a good fishing and delicious fish.

Cook with love and pleasure!

Carp dishes have always been present in Russian cuisine. It is baked, fried and, of course, stuffed. There are a lot of recipes for making stuffed carp. In every kitchen in the world, a variety of products are used for this. Most often, rice or buckwheat, potatoes, cabbage, carrots with onions, and mushrooms are taken as fillings.

In many countries, stuffed carp is prepared for the festive table, for example, in the Czech Republic it is a traditional dish On Christmas. It was served at the table of the most influential people. It was a popular treat in monasteries.

Carp meat is not completely white, it is darker, but tasty and tender. It contains a number of important nutrients that a person needs. This pond fish can provide almost 20 percent of daily allowance fatty acids Omega 3.

The only negative is that many do not like the smell of fish, which is easy to get rid of, knowing some tricks.

Stuffed carp recipes

And now let's move on to the recipes of how and with what you can cook stuffed carp.

Carp stuffed with mushrooms and buckwheat

Mushrooms are the most common product for stuffing not only fish, but also poultry meat. They go well with cereals and vegetables. Mushrooms and many other types of mushrooms are used for the filling.

You will need:

Carp fish - about 1 kg

Flour - 10 tablespoons

Butter - 50-60 grams

Buckwheat - 150 grams

Dried mushrooms - 50 60 grams

Green onions - about 120-130 grams

Butter - 100-120 grams

Eggs - 2 pieces

Mushroom broth - 0.5 liters

Salt and pepper to taste

How to cook

soak dried mushrooms for 2 hours. Then, without draining the water in which the mushrooms were soaked, put them on the stove and bring to a boil. Cook over low heat for about an hour and a half.

Drain the broth. Set the mushrooms aside.

Rinse and clean the carp well. Cut out the gills.

Make an incision in the back.

Cut out the fins. Remove bones and internal organs through an incision in the abdomen.

Prepare the stuffing. Sort the buckwheat and rinse well in cool water.

Boil on the broth from mushrooms, taking in the ratio of 1 part of buckwheat 2 parts of the broth. Buckwheat should turn out crumbly.

Grind finely chopped onion and boiled mushrooms. Heat up the pan.

Add oil and fry onion and mushrooms in it.

Whisk the eggs. Mix mushrooms with onions, salt, pepper, buckwheat and beaten eggs.

Fill the belly of the carp with stuffing and sew.

Sprinkle it on top with salt and pepper, breaded in flour. Fry the fish in a preheated pan until light golden brown on both sides. Roasting time is approximately 10-20 minutes.

After that, put the fish in a mold and put in a well-heated oven. Bake until done for 10-12 minutes.

Carp stuffed with buckwheat

You'll need:

Carp - 2 pieces of medium size

Buckwheat - 0.5 cups

Onions - 2 large heads

Sour cream - 200 grams


Salt and ground pepper - to taste

Vegetable oil - for frying

How to cook

Prepare the fish. Clean and rinse well.

Heat the pan and fry the buckwheat for 1 minute, stirring constantly.

Then bring a glass of water to a boil, pour it into the buckwheat, season with salt and cook the cereal until half cooked for 10-12 minutes, until there is no water left.

Cut the onion into thin half rings and fry in vegetable oil until golden brown.

Add 2 tablespoons of sour cream, onion to buckwheat and mix all the ingredients thoroughly.

Stuff the carp.

Sprinkle the fish with salt and pepper, coat in breadcrumbs and place on a greased baking sheet.

Put in an oven preheated to 200 degrees.

After 15 minutes from the start of baking, brush the fish with the remaining sour cream and bake for another 15-20 minutes.

Baked carp with mushrooms and vegetables

You'll need:

Carp - 1.5 - 2 kg

Carrots - 1 piece (large)

Onion - 2 heads (large)

Mushrooms - 500 grams (champignons)

Lemon - 1 piece

Fresh cucumber - 1 piece

Fresh tomato - 1 piece

Fresh red pepper - 1 piece

Sour cream with a fat content of 20-25%

Salt and spices - to taste

Vegetable oil

How to cook

Clean the fish, trim the fins, cut out the gills and rinse well. Do not cut off the head and tail.

Squeeze out the juice of half a lemon. Mix juice, salt and spices. Rub the inside and outside of the carp with the prepared mixture.

Prepare the filling. Peel and cut the onion.

Peel and grate carrots.

Clean and cut the mushrooms.

Heat up a frying pan and sauté the onion until soft and translucent.

Then add mushrooms and carrots. Mix everything thoroughly and cook over medium heat. Do not close the lid. The ingredients should be golden in color. However, don't overdo it. Otherwise, you will spoil the taste of the dish.

Fill the carp with the prepared mixture. Sew up the fish with thread to prevent the juice from leaking. Make cuts on the body and place lemon slices in them.

Brush the fish with sour cream on each side.

Preheat the oven to 180°C and bake the carp for one hour. Lubricate the fish with sour cream a couple more during baking.

Let the fish cool and place it on a dish.

Remove threads. Garnish the dish with chopped cucumber, tomato and sweet pepper. The carp itself can be decorated with mayonnaise or sour cream using a cooking syringe.

Carp stuffed with chanterelles, pumpkin and buckwheat

You'll need:

Carp about 1.5 kg - 2 pieces

Buckwheat - 250 grams

Pumpkin - 150 grams (peeled)

Chanterelles - 200 grams

Onion - 2 heads

Water or fish broth - 250 grams

Salt and spices

dried cranberries

Lemon and greens

How to cook

Boil buckwheat in boiling salted water for 10 minutes until half cooked.

Peel and finely chop the onion.

Prepare mushrooms. Rinse and finely chop.

Cut pumpkin pulp into small pieces.

Fry everything in a heated frying pan in a vegetable or butter within 2-3 minutes.

Mix with rosemary dried cranberries and parsley (take according to your taste). Add boiled buckwheat and mix well.

Gut and wash the carp. Make 2-3 cuts on each side.

Grate with salt and pepper. Lubricate with oil.

Fill with stuffing and sew.

Put in an oven preheated to 180 degrees and bake for about 50-60 minutes.

Garnish with lemon wedges when serving.

Carp with mushrooms and bacon

You'll need:

For carp weighing about 1 kg

Bacon - 100 grams

Champignons - 100 grams

Lemon juice - 1 tablespoon

Vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon

Parsley - 1 bunch

Salt and pepper

Cut the bacon into thin strips.

Mushrooms clean, wash and cut into small pieces or strips.

Heat a frying pan and fry the bacon, melting all the fat.

Add mushrooms and fry until all the water has evaporated.

Wash the parsley and finely chop. Add half of the fried mushrooms.

Prepare the carps by making several cuts on the skin.

Rub it with a mixture of salt and pepper. sprinkle lemon juice and drizzle with oil.

Stuff with mushroom mixture. Sprinkle the remaining parsley on top. Wrap in foil.

Put in the oven and bake for about 45-60 minutes until done.

According to this recipe, carp can be baked on the grill or grill.

Carp with mushrooms, vegetables and apples

Very tasty and simple recipe for carp from Polish cuisine. According to this recipe, you can stuff not only carp, but also pike, silver carp. Yes, any fish.

You'll need:

Carp - about 1.7-2.0 kg

Onion - 2 heads

Celery - 3 stalks

Mushrooms - 150-170 grams

Apple - 3 pieces (preferably green, not sweet)

Parsley - 1 tablespoon (chopped)

Butter - 70 grams (or margarine)

Eggs - 3 pieces

Breadcrumbs - 1.5 cups (preferably cubes of loaf or crackers)

Sugar - 2 teaspoons

Thyme - 0.5 tablespoons (or dill)

Lemon juice - 2 teaspoons

Water - 1 cup (or red wine)

Salt and pepper

How to cook

Rub the prepared fish with salt and pepper.

Prepare the filling. Finely chop the celery.

Peel the onion and cut into cubes.

Peel apples from skin and seeds. Cut into small cubes.

Wash the mushrooms and cut into cubes or strips. Boil dried mushrooms. Do not pour out the broth. It will come in handy in cooking.

Heat oil in a frying pan and sauté the onion and celery first until they are almost soft.

Add apples, parsley and mushrooms. Fry for a couple more minutes.

Mix fried vegetables and mushrooms with cubes of loaf.

Add sugar, thyme, lemon juice, beaten eggs and water (or mushroom broth). Mix well.

Fill carp with stuffing. Sew up the abdomen with threads or chop with skewers (toothpick).

Put the fish in a roasting pan and brush with melted butter.

Bake in an oven preheated to 180-200 degrees for 40-50 minutes.

Brush a couple more times with melted butter.

Carp stuffed with potatoes in the oven

You'll need:

Carp - about 2 kg

Carrots - 0.5 kg

Onion - 1 kg

Potato - 2 medium tubers

Smoked bacon - 150 grams

Garlic - 2-3 cloves

Sour cream - 250 grams

White wine - 100 grams

Vegetable oil

Salt pepper

Rosemary and parsley

How to cook

Prepare carp for stuffing.

Grease a baking sheet with vegetable oil.

onion cut small cubes.

Grate carrots.

Cut potatoes into cubes.

Combine all vegetables. Add rosemary, season with salt and pepper.

Rub the fish with salt and pepper. Make a few slits on the top side and insert a clove of garlic, bacon strips and a sprig of parsley into each slit.

Stuff carp and chop with toothpicks or sew with thread.

Lay the remaining vegetables on a baking sheet. Pour the wine and lay the carp.

Brush the fish well with sour cream. Place in preheated oven and bake for about an hour and a half. Lubricate it several times with the remaining sour cream.

Carp stuffed with onions and carrots

You'll need:

Carp - 2 pieces weighing about 500-700 grams each

Carrots - 2 pieces

Onions - 5 pieces

Salt pepper

How to cook

Rub the prepared fish with salt and pepper. You can take ground black pepper and paprika.

Make a few slits and insert lemon slices into them.

Leave the fish for 40 minutes.

At this time, prepare the onion with carrots.

Peel the onion. Cut one half into half rings, the other into small cubes.

Grate carrots.

Fry in vegetable oil until the onion turns a little brown.

Lubricate the foil with vegetable oil. Onion, cut into half rings, put on foil.

Stuff carp with fried vegetables and chop.

Lay it on top of the onion. Wrap in foil.

Put in an oven preheated to 180 degrees and bake for about 30-40 minutes.

Take out the pan and unfold the foil. Put back in the oven and hold for a few minutes until the fish is browned.

Carp stuffed with rice

You'll need:

Carp - about 2 kg

Rice - 120 grams

Onion - 1 small head

Celery - 1-2 stalks

Tomato - 1 piece (small)

Dill - 2 tablespoons

Vegetable oil

Salt and pepper

How to cook

Boil rice.

Fry onion and celery in vegetable oil.

Peel the skin off the tomato and chop finely.

Mix rice, vegetables and tomato. Add thyme or dill.

Stuff the prepared carp and chop it with toothpicks or sew it up with threads.

Preheat the oven to 220-200 degrees.

Grease the carp with oil and put in the oven. Bake for about an hour.

When cooking, baste the fish with the juices that stand out.

These are so light and simple recipes stuffed carp. How do you cook? Share in the comments.

Carp meat is not only very healthy, nutritious, but also has an excellent taste, delicious aroma and extraordinary tenderness. It can be cooked in different ways, but carp is especially good in baked, fried and stuffed form. Let's take a look at a few gourmet recipes cooking stuffed carp, which will surely decorate your table and cheer everyone up.

Carp stuffed with rice


  • carp carp - 2.5 kg;
  • rice - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • onion - 2 pcs.;
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.;
  • dill greens - 50 g;
  • salt, spices for fish - to taste;
  • vegetable oil - for frying.


To prepare stuffed carp, you first need to make the filling. To do this, take rice, rinse thoroughly and boil in salted water until half cooked. We clean onion and cut with bell pepper small cubes. Fry in a pan until the onion is golden and the pepper is soft. Add fried rice and mix well. How to stuff carp? So, we take the carcass of the fish, gut it and rinse it thoroughly under cold water. We fill the belly of the carp with the cooked rice filling, fasten it with toothpicks and pull it well with kitchen string. Then sharp knife we make as many cuts on the fish and rub on both sides with salt and seasonings. We put a sheet of foil on a baking sheet, then lay out the stuffed carp and wrap it up. We send the fish to a preheated oven and bake at 180 ° C for about 40 minutes. That's all, carp stuffed with rice in foil is ready! We remove the thread, toothpicks and put it on a dish. Garnish with finely chopped dill and serve with fresh vegetables.

Carp stuffed with vegetables - recipe


  • carp - 2 kg;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • onion - 2 pcs.;
  • champignons - 500 g;
  • sour cream - 100 ml;
  • salt, spices for fish - to taste.


We take the fish, clean it, gut it and wash it well. Then we rub it inside and out with lemon juice, spices and salt. Leave in this form for 30 minutes so that the carp is properly marinated. Without wasting time in vain, we prepare the filling. To do this, clean the onion, cut into half rings and fry in vegetable oil until half cooked. Then add grated carrots and chopped mushrooms. Mix everything and fry on low heat for 10 minutes, stirring constantly.

From the inside, we coat the belly of the carp well with sour cream and fill it with stuffing. Secure with toothpicks or tie with kitchen string. Then, with a sharp knife, we make several cuts on the fish and generously grease it with the remaining sour cream. Put on a baking sheet and insert lemon slices into some cuts.

We put the fish in the oven for about an hour and bake at a temperature of 180 ° C. As you can see the recipe stuffed with vegetables carp in the oven is quite simple and does not take much time.

Carp stuffed with nuts



We clean, gut and wash the carp. Carefully remove all the skin from the fish so that only one head remains, separate the meat. As a result, you should get a "stocking". We twist the carp meat through a meat grinder, mix with a loaf soaked in milk, finely chopped onion and garlic. Add parsley and grated walnuts. Mix everything well and season with salt and pepper to taste. Ready minced meat we fill our fish and carefully sew it up with culinary thread. Bake in the oven for about 45 minutes at 200°C. We decorate the finished dish with herbs and olives. Bon Appetit!

The ingredients are for 1 carp. We prepared two.

Saute the onion until apple jam. This will take about 45 minutes, it all depends on the heat, but you need to cook on a small fire. We usually focus on the color and softness of the onion. It becomes very soft and acquires such a color as in the photo.

We clean the carp from scales that we do not throw away (we will wrap the scales in gauze, it will be needed when stewing already stuffed carp - it will give gluten, from which fish meat and water are gelled, in which we cook fish). Remove gills and eyes.

Cut off the head from the side of the abdomen. When the knife reaches the spine, stop and slowly, gently lift your head up until you break the spine. The head rests on the skin. Don't cut it off please!

Let's start skinning. With a knife between the skin and the meat, make a recess, insert your finger into it and drive it like a pendulum to the right and left. The finger easily moves to the right and left, separating the skin from the meat.

We twist it with a stocking.

We reach the tail and, not reaching 2-2.5 cm, cut off the meat with the spine, from the skin with the tail.

We cut the abdomen and remove the insides. We do this very carefully so as not to crush the gallbladder. If such a nuisance suddenly happens, then immediately rinse the fish under running water, and then soak in two liters of water with four tablespoons of vinegar.

For the filling, we need a cracker, one or 2 eggs, cooked onion puree, salt and pepper.

At the bottom of the baking sheet, cut into rings 2 onions and 2 carrots. We spread the scales in the marlechka, wrap the marlechka and also lay it on the bottom of the baking sheet.

Put the ground fish mass into a container. Beat the whites to stable peaks and gently, gently combine them with the fish mass.

Put the stuffed carp on a baking sheet, gently applying the head. Ponytails can be wrapped in foil so that they do not dry out.

Pour water into a baking sheet, just below the level of the fish, cover with foil, put on the stove, bring to a boil, then make the fire minimal. Cooking time for stuffed carp is 1.5 hours. You can also bake in the oven if you like. Keep an eye on the water level so it doesn't boil away.

If you want to prepare a filling stuffed fish, then simmer not for 1.5, but for 2.5 hours, then cool, cut into pieces and pour over the water in which the fish was stewed (if you plan to initially cook stuffed fish aspic, then pour enough water on the baking sheet to cover the fish ). This is what the fish looks like. The filling was the broth in which the fish was cooked. It gels beautifully, due to the bones and scales.

If we are not preparing jellied fish, then, after 1.5 hours of stewing, it must be cooled in a baking sheet in which the carp was baked, and then cut. As you can see, the flesh is juicy and tender. This is a cutaway piece of fish.
We decorate the cooked stuffed carp at our discretion.

Bon Appetit!

stuffed carp, baked in the oven - a real decoration holiday table! In fact, cook it truly royal dish not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Today I will tell you how to cook stuffed fish at home, how to properly remove the skin and bake carp deliciously in the oven. You can be sure that according to this recipe you will get excellent fish, very tender and juicy, pitted, with whole skin and the most delicate stuffing which resembles a soufflé. Try to cook - your guests will be delighted!


  • carp 1.5 kg
  • salted cracker 50 g
  • chicken eggs 2 pcs.
  • large onion 2 pcs.
  • vegetable oil 100 ml
  • water 100 ml
  • soda 1 chip.
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • spices for fish 0.5 tsp.

Vegetable pillow ingredients

  • onion 2 pcs.
  • carrot 1 pc.
  • Bay leaf 1 PC.
  • black peppercorns 6 pcs.
  • water 1-1.5 l
  • salt 2 slivers.

How to stuff and bake carp in the oven

  1. Suitable for baking big carp, from 1 kilogram. small fish stuffing is much more difficult, so it is better to cook it in a different way, for example, fry it in a pan or stew in sour cream. I was lucky enough to buy a large copy weighing 1.5 kilograms. Before cleaning a live carp, I first cut off his head, but not completely (so that there was a presentable appearance when baking). Moving with a knife from the side of the abdomen, you need to set aside about 1 centimeter, and then with a sharp movement raise your head up, thus breaking the spine. If you find it difficult to work with live fish, you can first “put down” it with a hammer blow or place it in the freezer for a while.

  2. Cleared of scales. And she started peeling off her skin. To do this, slightly cut the meat under the skin a couple of centimeters deep. And in the resulting hole I placed the back of the spoon (you can use your finger). Pendulum movements up and down gradually separated the skin from the meat. At the junctions with the fins and spine, I cut it with scissors - from the inside, very carefully so as not to damage the skin.

  3. Gradually twisted the skin like a stocking. When she got to the tail, she simply chopped off the spine, leaving about 4 centimeters. The result is whole skin with head and tail. Removed gills and eyes.

  4. Separately prepared onion jam". To do this, I peeled 2 large onions and cut them into half rings. I poured water, oil into the saucepan and poured onions. I added a pinch of soda and set it to languish over low heat. Why add soda? It is believed that it helps to soften the onion.

  5. Simmered for about 20 minutes, without a lid, stirring occasionally. As a result, the onion became soft, acquired a light caramel color, almost all of the liquid evaporated.

  6. While the “onion jam” was cooling, I cut off all the meat from the ridge. I removed only large bones, left small ones - they will be crushed and will not be felt in ready dish. Then fish fillet twisted through a meat grinder. I added crackers and onion marmalade to the minced fish, once again passed everything together through a meat grinder. I added egg yolks, salt, pepper and seasoning for fish to the resulting filling, mixed it.

  7. Separately whipped egg whites to peaks - they will give airiness to the filling. Combined egg whites and minced meat. Gently toss with a spatula, folding in gentle motions to keep them fluffy. The filling is ready.

  8. At the bottom of the baking sheet, I laid out onions and carrots, chopped large pieces. I also sent bay leaves and black peppercorns there. Covered everything with gauze.

  9. I stuffed the prepared carp and laid it out on vegetable pillow. Sprinkle seasoning on top. flooded hot water so that it covers the fish about half. I added a couple of pinches of salt so that the broth in which the fish will be baked does not turn out to be too bland.
  10. I covered it with foil on top and put it in the oven, preheated to 170 degrees. I baked stuffed carp for 2 hours, with a slight boil of water on a baking sheet (if it boils away, you can top it up). At the very end of cooking, I opened the foil for 5 minutes to form a beautiful crust. Cooled on a baking sheet and then decorated to your liking.

Traditionally stuffed carp is served cold, whole or cut into portions. Adds flavor to the dish sour cream sauce and greens. Bon Appetit!