What to cook with chicken skins? Homemade whole chicken roll with skin on.

Well, who doesn’t love various homemade sausages, rolls or. However, the same type of dishes still get bored over time, I want to diversify the usual menu a little - cook rolls from chicken skins.

This dish is quick and easy to prepare. In addition, it has an incredibly appetizing aroma and incomparable taste. The technology of cooking the dish is somewhat similar to cooking cabbage rolls and homemade sausages. The difference is that the rolls should not be stewed, but baked in the oven.

Rolls of chicken skins are perfect for the festive table. Especially if planned. buffet table. They are very convenient to take, both with a fork and with a wooden skewer. Also, this dish, if you use garlic and black pepper in smaller doses, is also suitable for a children's feast.

There are several subtleties in the preparation of rolls from chicken skins. To make them look neat and appetizing, they should be wrapped in large and uncut skins. You should not invest a lot of minced meat, otherwise, when baking, the skin may curl up and reveal the filling. And this will lead to the fact that the dish will not look aesthetically pleasing. If it is not possible to wrap the minced meat well in the skin, you can use the usual strong thread. We wrap the wrapped roll with it, not squeezing much, and after the dish is baked, you should not forget to remove the thread.


Minced meat: pork (600 grams), beef (300 grams), garlic (2 cloves), onions (1 piece), rice (0.5 cups);
Other products: egg (1 piece), black ground pepper(0.5 teaspoon), chicken skins (300 grams), seasoning for grilled chicken, mayonnaise (20 grams).


Prepare minced meat by combining pork and beef in a ratio of 1:3. Pass the meat through a meat grinder along with onions and garlic. Salt and pepper it

Boil the rice in salted water until half cooked, put it on a slotted spoon and drain all the water.

Combine minced meat with rice, add egg, ground black pepper and mix well

Peel the chicken skins well, remove the top film and wash. Put the cooked minced meat on the skin and twist it into an envelope

Put the twisted rolls in a baking dish, sprinkle with grilled chicken seasoning and leave in a cold place for 20 minutes

Pour the dish prepared for baking with mayonnaise and put in the oven to bake at a temperature of 180 degrees for 20 minutes

For many housewives, prepare a home holiday with large quantity guests is a real disaster. Some get out of the situation simply - order dishes from a restaurant, or call guests directly to the restaurant. The skilled cook delicious food at home. And the whimsical ones try to impress guests with unusual dishes by looking at practical recipes on one site.

Unusual dishes- does not mean complex. After all, your recipes should make the festive table bright, exceptional and interesting. At the same time, you do not need to spend a lot of time preparing your dishes. But the guests will not only be satisfied, but they will definitely ask you for the recipe.

And so we prepare products for the first course - stuffed chicken skins. First, wash and lightly salt the chicken skins.

You can buy chicken skins separately, or you can remove them from the thighs. In this case, be sure to leave the bone on the outside of the peel. So ready meal will look better.

Next, we clean and cut into cubes potatoes, onions, lard and boiled eggs, chop the greens. Then pour the potatoes with salted boiling water and boil until half cooked for 5 minutes. When the potatoes have cooled, mix all the ingredients and add the spices. - Now it's time to stuff the peels. - In general, the filling can be anything. You can stuff the skins with mushrooms with fried onions or add to potatoes grated cheese. That is, it all depends on the imagination of the hostess. It is very important to chop stuffed peels wooden skewers so that the filling does not spill out.

Then we lay down on a plank, covered parchment paper neatly wrapped envelopes stuffed with peel. Lubricate each with mayonnaise and sprinkle with grated cheese.

We send the stuffed skins to the oven heated to 200 degrees for 20-30 minutes. Within five minutes, a pleasant hiss will sizzle from the oven and a seductive smell will spread through the kitchen. fried dish with creamy taste. After the specified time, the food will be ready. Decorate stuffed envelopes with mayonnaise, herbs and lemon slices. The dish will really amaze not only appearance, but also palatability: softness tender filling intertwined with crispy fried golden brown peel creates a magnificent bouquet of taste and sensations.

Ingredients: 1 kg chicken skin chicken, 0.5 kg of potatoes, 2 onions, 3 eggs, 50 g of lard, a bunch of herbs, spices (black and red pepper, salt, dried basil, dried savory, celery powder) to taste, 100 g of hard cheese.

1. Rinse and salt the finished chicken skins

2. Cut all the ingredients into cubes, chop the greens

3. Mix the crushed components of the filling

Chicken skins are bought mainly for rendering fat from them, which is then seasoned with pasta, cereals, sautéed vegetables and much more. Also, from chicken skins, you can cook a delicious meat, so to speak, dish. One has only to stuff them and send them to the pan.

Stuffed chicken skins can be cooked with various fillings, and different ways, fry in a pan, bake in the oven, or both. You can cook them with buckwheat, rice, millet, mushrooms, potatoes. For example, there was some kind of porridge left, which, well, I really don’t want to eat up at all, it remains only to buy chicken skin and the porridge will quickly find its use.

Ingredients for Stuffed Chicken Skin Rolls:

  • - chicken skin (one-piece back) - 1kg;
  • - mushrooms - 500 gr.;
  • - carrots - 1 pc.;
  • - onion - 1 pc.;
  • - buckwheat - 1 glass;
  • - salt, pepper, spices;
  • - vegetable oil;
  • - breadcrumbs.

How to cook chicken skin rolls recipe:

We wash the mushrooms, clean them if necessary (mainly the legs) and cut into small strips.

We also clean and wash the onions and carrots, rub the carrots on coarse grater and finely chop the onion.

Over medium heat with the addition of vegetable oil, overcook the mushrooms with vegetables. First, fry the mushrooms until the liquid has completely evaporated (without oil), then add a little oil and fry. After a while, we attach the onion and after a while, carrots.

Boil buckwheat until fully cooked. Perhaps there is ready-made buckwheat or other cereals (rice, millet) in the refrigerator.

mix ready mushrooms and vegetables with buckwheat porridge.

When buying chicken skins, you should pay attention to their integrity. If possible, ask the seller to select whole skins. Torn ones are also suitable for rendering fat, but only whole ones are needed for stuffing. We wash the skins well under running water, remove the film on the inside and excess pieces of fat. Pat dry with paper or waffle towels.

On the inside of the skin, on the edge, lay out about 1.5-2 tablespoons of the filling.

We roll the skin with the filling into a roll. If you do not plan to use breadcrumbs in the form of breadcrumbs, then you can simply rewind the roll with a thread so that the roll does not unwind during frying (the skin is pulled together).

And the second option, we turn it into a roll and bread it in breadcrumbs.

Fry the rolls vegetable oil on both sides, laying them on the side of the seam.

We shift the semi-finished rolls into a refractory form, in this recipe this is the simplest ceramic one.

We bake the rolls in the oven until fully cooked and crispy, at 170-180 degrees. The cooking time depends on your oven.

These rolls are served hot while the crust is still crispy. Additions of garnish are not required. Rolls can be watered tomato sauce or tartar sauce with pieces of pickles or capers.

It turns out stuffed skins are very greasy. During cooking, the filling inside is well saturated with fat, so it is simply necessary to serve bread with them.

Enjoy your meal!

Recipe "Stuffed chicken skin rolls" prepared by Daria

The desire to diversify family meals, surprise guests, or simply cook something unusual pushes hostesses to interesting experiments. They are held with absolutely all products, often after passing the test, the final dishes become very popular and in more than one family.

It would seem that you can still cook from chicken, because everything has already been tried and approved, but no. There is a chicken component that is not used very often. These are skins. Of course, not everyone loves them, but with proper cooking they become a real overseas delicacy or original dish on the holiday. We offer you to familiarize yourself with some recipes that use chicken skins.

Rolls with potatoes

Wash chicken skins and mix with salt and pepper. We clean the potatoes, cut into cubes, peel the onion and carrot. We cut mushrooms. We fry the gifts of the forest in vegetable oil. As soon as the water has evaporated, add carrots, then onions. Cook until the vegetables are soft, do not forget to add a little salt.

Cool vegetables, add raw potatoes, put a little stuffing in each skin and wrap it like a cabbage roll - with an envelope so that nothing later falls out. For strength, the tip of the skin can be chipped with a toothpick.

Lubricate the form or pan with oil, spread the "stuffed cabbage", send to bake. Keep in mind that potatoes are cooked for at least 30-40 minutes, so the dish will not be cooked before this time. At the end, grease the rolls with mayonnaise and send them to brown for a few more minutes.

Serve with vegetable salads, sauces and herbs. Unusual and simple. Instead of potatoes, you can wrap minced meat in skins, which you usually wrap in cabbage rolls, and you can also boil rice with prunes, dried apricots and raisins, stuff the skins and bake. After cooling, cut the rolls into portions, it will turn out excellent snack for holiday table- original and again quite simple.

Vegetable soup

Vegetable soup can be not only lean, but also fatty, for example, with the addition of chicken skins.

Bring 2 liters of water and 10 chicken skins to a boil in a small saucepan. How in regular soup remove the foam and let it boil for 10 minutes. At the same time, we clean the onions, carrots and potatoes, cut them arbitrarily. If you do not like boiled onions, you can throw it whole, and then get it. We send potatoes and carrots to the boiling broth, after 10-15 minutes add diced or striped bell peppers(can be multi-colored).

Next, if desired, send a handful fresh peas and washed and crushed cauliflower. Let the vegetables boil, at the end, 10-15 minutes before turning off, we send the zucchini, diced, to the pan. This is followed by salt, pepper and favorite seasonings, instead of which in summer time it is worth sending a bunch of fresh herbs to the soup. After boiling, turn off the soup.

Of course, boiled skins are not very appetizing, in this case they can be browned in a hot pan and cut into small pieces. It will turn out tasty and satisfying.

"Stuffed necks"

This dish is often prepared in Odessa, where it is called like that. If you want to taste something unusual, order this particular delicacy.

Grind 300 grams chicken giblets(these are the liver, heart and stomachs), the same chicken meat and 2 onions. In the resulting minced meat, add 1 egg, spices and 2 tablespoons of semolina. Do not overdo it with the last component, otherwise the filling will be stale, since semolina tends to swell, leave the minced meat to brew for a while.

Wash the chicken skins, sew them together to make a tube with one hole. We stuff each and sew it up so that there are no holes, otherwise the stuffing will leak.

We put a liter of water on the fire. As soon as it boils, add peppercorns, a couple of peeled onions (whole) and carrots. We send stuffed skins into boiling water, cook for 40 minutes over low heat.

Cooled rolls can be fried in fat or served boiled. The resulting broth after straining can be used for cooking delicious first dishes.