Soup with chicken offal. Soup with chicken giblets classic recipe

Many watched the cult film “The meeting place cannot be changed”, remember Gleb Zheglov’s interesting phrase about soup there? In a conversation with Sharapov, he says - “Now I would like chicken soup! Yes, with giblets .. And, Sharapov? ... "

Now we will cook this famous soup with you. chicken giblets, about which the heroes of the film dream.

Cooking soup with giblets that Gleb Zheglov dreamed of

About soup with giblets, why this soup is mentioned by the characters of the film..

Indeed, in the hungry war and post-war years, there was nothing tastier than such a soup with giblets, for which it was still possible to get desired products. In those difficult times, you could buy a set on the market chicken giblets. It, as a rule, included the offal itself, that is, the chicken stomach or navel, heart, liver.
Most often, the set was complemented by two chicken legs, the head and neck of a bird. In addition to chicken offal, you could buy goose and duck offal, but they cost more than chicken offal.

Not many families in the postwar years could buy domestic chicken in its entirety, but the money could well have been enough for offal. Perhaps that is why in the dreams of the operative Gleb Zheglov he saw this fragrant hot soup with giblets.

Cooking soup with chicken giblets according to Gleb Zheglov. Simple soup recipe

Ingredients for making soup

To cook soup with offal in the amount of 4 servings, we need the following:
- a set of chicken giblets 0.6 - 0.7 kg;
- chicken wings, necks 0.3 -0.4 kg;
- potatoes 0.4 kg;
- carrot;
- bulb;
- water 1.8 l;
- salt.
I advise you to add dill for flavor. Pepper and other spices - to taste

Cooking soup step by step with a photo

1. Wash chicken offal and chicken pieces. If chicken stomachs got unpeeled, then they need to be cut, remove the contents, remove the yellow inner shell. chicken liver check for gallbladder remnants. If necks are used, check to see if the windpipe and esophagus have been removed.

2. Put the prepared offal into a saucepan with a volume of more than two liters. Pour the water. Put everything on fire and bring to a boil.

Rinse chicken giblets and put in a saucepan

3. Remove scale. Cook for about 35 - 40 minutes at a moderate boil.

Start cooking the soup over medium heat.

4. Peel potato tubers, cut into cubes. Send to the pan to the giblets.

Cut and add potatoes

5. Slightly smaller than a potato, chop the carrot. Send her after the potatoes.

Cut and add carrots

6. Cut the onion. Also put it in a bowl.

Cut and add onion

7. Wait until the vegetables in the pan boil. Salt to taste. Cook them until done. Usually it takes a quarter of an hour.

We cook soup with giblets
You can add small vermicelli to the soup

9. The soup will turn out tastier if you add dill and spices to it, but this is already to your taste.

I recommend adding fresh dill

Hot soup with giblets is ready, it will be even tastier with a crust of black fresh bread.

Soup with giblets is ready

Invite family and friends to taste famous soup from the movie "The Meeting Place Can't Be Changed"

Soup with giblets is ready, you can serve it to the table

Chicken offal soup today is undeservedly forgotten by us, this soup has always been prepared in the villages, only they took for it not only hearts, livers and stomachs, but also scallops, paws, as well as chicken necks. The soup turns out very tasty and satisfying, with a rich broth.

200 gr. chicken hearts
200 gr. chicken stomachs
200 gr. chicken liver
0.5 large carrots
1 head of onion
3 large tubers of potatoes
thin vermicelli
a pinch of dried horseradish
2 liters of water
salt to taste
1 tbsp vegetable oil
20 gr. butter

Rinse chicken giblets thoroughly under running water. Carefully inspect the stomachs and, if necessary, remove the yellow film.
Put the stomachs and hearts into the pan, pour them with two liters of cold water and put the pan on the fire. When the water boils, remove the resulting foam and add carrots, cut into thin slices and dried horseradish to the pan. Add salt to taste. Reduce heat to low and simmer for 1 hour.

This time finely chop onion.
Put the pan on the fire, add vegetable and butter to it. When the oil is hot, add the onion.

Fry the onion until transparent.

After an hour, add chicken liver, diced potatoes and fried onions to the pan. Cover the pot with a lid and cook over low heat for another 30 minutes.
Soup can be eaten in this form, or you can add vermicelli.
To cook in a slow cooker:
hearts and stomachs put in a multicooker pan, pour two liters of water. Turn on the "Extinguishing" program for 1 hour. After a while, about 10 minutes, open the lid of the multicooker and remove the resulting foam. Add carrots, horseradish and salt to taste.
After an hour, add chicken liver, potatoes and fried onions to the multicooker pan. Close the multicooker and turn on the “Extinguishing” program again for 1 hour.


Interesting and easy to make soup with chicken giblets (ventricles and liver). The soup is rich and flavorful. The feeling of summer freshness gives the soup greens of dill and celery root.

The soup is very easy to make and everyone loves it! Both children and adults. On the table, giblet soup looks great thanks to the beautiful yellow tint and greenery. Instead of rice cereal in the recipe, you can use small vermicelli. Try it!

To prepare the soup, we need products:

100 grams of chicken liver

100 grams of chicken navels

250 grams of potatoes

0.5 st. rice groats

1 carrot

1 head of onion

30 ml vegetable oil

1 "lavrushka"

Salt, dill, celery root, ground pepper put to taste

Soup with chicken giblets - recipe:

First of all, let's deal with chicken giblets. This is perhaps the most difficult thing that will be in our cooking. It is very important to thoroughly clean and rinse the offal, otherwise sand may get caught, and this is not very pleasant. We cut fat, veins from offal. If the navels are not gutted, gutted, we remove everything from the inside along with a yellowish thick film. Rinse in cold running water or change several waters in a bowl. I used an additional 2 pieces of meat from the wings.

We cut the offal into small pieces.

We spread the pieces of offal in a pot of cold water (about 2.5 liters, less or more, vary the thickness of the soup to taste).

We turn on the stove and put our pan to boil. Do not forget to stir and remove the resulting foam from the surface of the water during the cooking process.

We wash in cold water potato tubers, peel them, chop them into small pieces, also for cooking or any other first course

Celery is also washed, peeled and finely chopped.

We spread the pieces of potatoes and celery in the broth with offal. Adding Bay leaf ik.

My, peel the carrots, rub on coarse grater or finely chop sharp knife. Wash the onion and peel it, finely chop it into pieces.

Heat up a frying pan on the stove vegetable oil, pour chopped vegetables into it and fry them together.

Put the prepared onions with carrots in a saucepan with soup.

Rinse thoroughly rice groats, pour it also into the soup, stir.

We continue to cook for about 25 minutes, until all the ingredients are soft. At the very end of cooking, add salt, ground pepper, finely chopped fresh or dried dill.

I wanted some hot soup with offal, chicken broth with noodles. Now it's a matter of buying chicken giblets it’s not worth it at all, the whole difficulty is to go to the store and buy all kinds of chicken offal by weight. But the question is right hot chicken soup with giblets, it is not the easiest.

Tell me, why does everyone think that giblet soup is made with broth made from those giblets? This is not true. In the very name of the soup, it is easy to see that the soup is chicken, but with giblets. It means that giblets are a feature of the soup, a noble additive. Offal, or offal - separate internal organs, eaten, not meat. There are giblets that are not inferior in nutritional value to meat, but there are with very low nutritional value. It is customary to call offal - tongues, liver, kidneys, brains, heart, stomachs, etc.

Remember Gleb Zheglov? Eh, now it would be hot soup with giblets, huh ?! Sharapov, would you mind a hot soup with giblets?

Chicken giblets are usually liver, stomachs, hearts. You can still, if desired, add heads, paws, necks to them - everything that is usually cut off from a commercial chicken. From these giblets we will cook a marvelous and tasty, hot and desirable soup with giblets, chicken broth and vermicelli. I advise you to cook from the liver - you will be surprised how tasty it is.

Offal soup recipe step by step


  • Chicken drumsticks 2 pcs
  • Chicken giblets 200 gr
  • Onion 1 pc
  • Carrot 1 pc
  • Garlic 3-4 cloves
  • Potatoes 3-4 pcs
  • Parsley, dill 3-4 sprigs
  • Vermicelli 3-4 tbsp. l.
  • Spices: salt, bay leaf, ground black pepper taste
  1. It should be noted right away that chicken giblets cooked completely differently.
  2. Stomachs - boil for a long time. They are pre-washed, the inner yellow film is removed, it is thick enough and separates well. The remains of films and fat are removed. Stomachs are boiled until cooked for about 30 minutes.
  3. Hearts - be sure to wash and remove blood clots from them. It is also worth removing fat and remnants of connective tissue. Cooking time for hearts - about 20 minutes
  4. Paws, heads, necks - they are washed like an ordinary chicken, the remnants of feathers are removed, claws and a cover film are removed from the paws. These parts of the chicken are cooked like regular chicken - 15-20 minutes.
  5. The liver is the most tasty part chicken giblets. Be sure to remove the remnants of the gallbladder, large blood vessels. The liver is boiled for 10 minutes, it is no longer worth it so as not to spoil the taste.
  6. Bring 1 liter of water to a boil in a saucepan. Throw 1-2 bay leaves into it and boil chicken drumsticks - about 30 minutes. If the drumsticks are "store-bought", it may turn out to be something to cook clear broth will be very problematic. There are two options. First: clarify the broth using known methods. The second way is simpler and more understandable. As soon as the water boils chicken drumsticks, abundant foam (and white turbidity) will appear, remove the legs from the water, drain the water. And boil the broth in a new portion of clean water. I think that's the best way. At least it works out well.
  7. While the broth is being cooked (by the way, the broth turns out to be excellently rich, it is suitable for cooking any dishes, both soups and risotto), clean all the vegetables.
  8. Cut potatoes into large cubes Walnut. Coarsely chop the carrot. Garlic - leave whole cloves in the shell without peeling. Finely chop the dill and parsley.
  9. Remove the boiled drumsticks from the finished chicken broth and set aside for now. Throw new potatoes, garlic cloves and chopped onions and carrots into the broth. If there is a little red sweet pepper in the refrigerator, be sure to chop a little. If not, you can add 1 tsp. dry sweet pepper coarsely ground.
  10. Cook vegetables in chicken broth for 15 minutes at a low boil.
  11. Next throw in the soup chicken navels and cook for 10 minutes. If there are no navels in the set of giblets, then you are skipping this item.
  12. Throw hearts into the soup and cook for 10 minutes.
  13. Next, add the chicken liver, cut into 2-3 parts and cook for 10 minutes.
  14. Salt and pepper the soup to taste.
  15. By this point, the potatoes should be fully cooked - their readiness is an indicator of the overall readiness of the soup. Add small vermicelli to the soup. It is best to take a good and very small vermicelli, which in Italy is called Filini. Such vermicelli is cooked for only a few minutes, usually 3-4 minutes and is ready. Having fallen asleep vermicelli, it is necessary to mix the soup with offal, and cook over low heat for the time indicated on the package.

Some housewives are biased towards poultry offal, considering them tasteless and useless. In fact, this is not at all the case. From chicken liver and hearts, you can cook many original first and second courses, there would be desire and imagination.

Most often, second courses and stuffing for dough products are prepared from hearts. As a rule, these are various stews with vegetables, roasts, pancakes, pasta and even pizza. Offal soups are no less tasty.

Chicken heart soup is a very simple and cheap dish, which combines not only excellent taste, but also obvious benefit. The liver and heart contain very little fat and a lot of trace elements needed by the body. They are well digested, so food with offal is often prepared as part of different diets.

Classic chicken heart soup

The easiest of all options this dish. Soup can be cooked only from hearts and without sautéing, then you get the lightest broth with barely noticeable droplets of fat and bright cubes of vegetables. Or you can combine offal with chicken meat(breast or leg) and add high-calorie frying to the soup. In this case, you will get a very rich dish, not inferior in its satiety to oven soup and borscht.

Below is diet recipe only from hearts.

Ingredients for 1.5 liters. soup:

  • Chicken hearts - 500 g.
  • Bay leaf - 2 or 3 pcs.
  • Allspice and black peppercorns.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Bow pen - 30 g.
  • Potatoes - 2 pcs.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Celery root - 1 pc. or 100 g.
  • paprika red or yellow Bell pepper) - 1 PC.
  • Water - 1 l.
  • Butter - 30 g.
  • Salt and other spices to taste.


  1. soak chicken hearts for half an hour. Rinse thoroughly, remove external films, remove veins. Cut in half and pick out the remaining blood clots.
  • Boil water, add bay leaf, salt and spices to taste, allspice and black peppercorns, an onion cut into halves and all prepared hearts.
  • Boil the soup, periodically removing the foam.
  • Chop green onion, cut into cubes celery root, potatoes and colorful paprika. Chop carrots into thin pieces.

  • As soon as the hearts reach half-cooked, remove spices and onions from the pan, pour potatoes and carrots into the dishes, after 10 minutes - celery and paprika.
  • Cook until vegetables are ready.
  • Serve with butter and chopped green onion.
  • Cream soup with chicken hearts and mushrooms

    For this dish, it is advisable to use light mushrooms like mushrooms or champignons, fresh or dried. You can take young small oyster mushrooms. To make the soup tastier, you need to give preference to yellow, well-boiled potatoes.

    Ingredients for 1.5 liters. soup:

    • Chicken hearts - 300 g.
    • Potato - 3-4 large tubers.
  • Cream or processed cheese - 200 g.
  • Cream of the highest fat content - 150 ml.
  • Salt and spices to taste.
  • Fresh basil.
  • Nutmeg, turmeric, bay leaf.
  • Water or lean chicken bouillon- 1 l.
  • Lettuce red onion - 2 pcs.
  • Butter - 50 g.
  • Fresh mushrooms - 200 g.
  • Cooking:

    1. Peel chicken hearts well, remove films and veins, cut in half, remove blood clots. Cook on the basis of offal lean broth using bay leaf, turmeric and salt as spices.
    2. Strain the resulting broth and cook all the potatoes in it until tender. Pour some of the broth into a separate bowl. Crush in the remaining liquid boiled potatoes, add grated cheese to it and pour natural heavy cream bringing the soup to the desired consistency.
    3. Chop the hearts into thin strips.
    4. in melted butter bring the red onion to a golden color, add chopped mushrooms to it. Season the contents of the pan with salt, nutmeg and fresh ground pepper.
    5. Ready soup - pour mashed potatoes into portioned plates, put a couple of tablespoons of mushrooms fried with onions and chopped hearts on top. Sprinkle with chopped basil.

    Soup with chicken giblets (hearts and liver)

    It looks very ordinary, but unusually light and delicious recipe soup from chicken offal. In the village, it is cooked in cast iron pots, immediately laying all the ingredients and not using frying products. In urban conditions, this first dish can be cooked on the stove, enriching the taste of the soup with a golden onion and carrots fried in butter.

    Ingredients for 1.5 liters. soup:


    1. As in previous recipes, thoroughly clean the chicken hearts. Remove the films from the liver and cut out the internal veins.
    2. Place chicken hearts in boiling salted water, add potato cubes, washed and sorted buckwheat. Reduce the heat and simmer the soup, skimming off the rising foam.
    3. Chop carrots into patches, and onions into thin crescents. Lightly fry the vegetables in butter, then put chicken liver pieces in the pan, add to the mixture at the end of sautéing tomato paste and some water.
    4. 10 minutes before the hearts and potatoes are ready, pour the prepared roast into the pan. Taste the soup and season it to taste.
    5. Serve the first course with chopped green onions. To make it more high-calorie, you can put a teaspoon of butter in each plate.