Onion Jam - A simple recipe for healthy and tasty onion jam with wine and thyme. Onion jam

In the autumn-winter period, adults and children begin to get sick with colds. As a rule, a cough is a companion of acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections. Even after a person is ill, an annoying cough does not leave yesterday's patient for a long time. Nowadays, effective medicines cost a lot of money, and therefore people try to resort to folk remedies in the fight against cough. In addition, sometimes recipes that have been tested for centuries work better than “chemistry”. A striking example of such a folk remedy is onion jam.

How can onions help with a cough?

Onion is a unique vegetable that has been used medicinally since the time of Hippocrates. Its composition is rich in vitamins, which are so necessary for the recovery of the body after an illness. Onion has a bactericidal and expectorant effect, fights viruses and eliminates cough.

Onion jam has many advantages:

  • has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • it is very easy to prepare;
  • relieves swelling of the respiratory tract;
  • economical;
  • improves immunity;
  • fights germs and bacteria.

Onion jam works well with both wet and dry coughs.

Onion jam: recipe and how to cook

To make jam you will need:

  • 0.5 kg of onions;
  • 0.4 kg of sugar;
  • one tablespoon of honey;
  • litere of water.

If you like the jam to be sweeter, then you can make the proportion of onion to jam 1: 1. If desired, you can add cinnamon and a little lemon.

Tip: sweet varieties of onions are the best choice to prepare this recipe.

Onions must be thoroughly peeled and washed. Next, you need to chop it finely. If you plan to give this jam to a child, then it is better to cut this vegetable in a blender or grind it in a meat grinder. This is done so that it is not clear what the delicacy is made of.

Finely chopped onion should be gently mixed with sugar, and then immediately add water.

We put the container with the mixture on a small fire. Cook for about three hours, stirring constantly.

Half an hour before cooking, add honey. Do not forget that honey can cause severe allergies, so if you are making this jam little child, then skip this step.

After the appointed time, remove the jam into plates, cool, and then pack in jars. It is recommended to store onion jam in the refrigerator.

How to take onion jam

  • As a cough remedy, onion jam can be used by almost everyone, even babies from 4 months. If it so happens that your baby is sick and coughing, then you can give him half a teaspoon of onion jam or dilute water with the same amount of the product. But be careful, you are actually starting to feed your baby, therefore, you should always look at the reaction of your baby's body. If you see that after taking the jam, an allergy has begun, then immediately stop this treatment.

Before giving onion jam to a child whose age does not exceed 2 years, it is better to consult a pediatrician.

  • Children from 2 to 6 years old are recommended to take onion jam 1 teaspoon 3-4 times a day. For older children (6-12 years old), the recommended dose is just under one tablespoon 4 times a day. Children over 12 years old and adults - 1 tablespoon 4 times a day. The period of taking onion jam is 6-10 days or until the cough is completely eliminated.


There are no contraindications to taking onion jam, since it contains only natural ingredients. Even pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers can safely use it. folk remedy for effective cough control.

To prepare onion jam in the treatment of stomach ulcers, you only need the vegetable itself and granulated sugar or honey. Traditionally, various seasonings and additives are added, but all of them are prohibited for an ulcer in the gastrointestinal tract. This dish is endowed not only pleasant taste, but also healing properties. Onion jam, along with a balanced diet, can speed up the healing of ulcers and prevent the development of complications.

The benefits and harms of onions and dishes from it

The plant is valued as an indispensable seasoning, independent dish fresh, boiled and fried as a medicinal product. Due to the presence in the composition of many useful substances and trace elements, it helps with many serious ailments:

The only negative is that during ulcers and gastritis, the vegetable is contraindicated, like all spicy foods. The composition acts irritatingly on the walls of the stomach, causing a deterioration in the patient's condition. But in therapeutic practice, onions are used not only in their raw form. He almost completely saves his useful qualities and after cooking, at the same time it acquires a soft texture, sweet, delicate taste with almost no bitterness. For gastric diseases boiled vegetable it is recommended to include it in the daily treatment menu.

Recipe for onion jam for the stomach

Stomach ulcers are treated by many patients with this sweet dish, which not only improves digestive system but is also a good preventive measure. The dish diversifies diet menu. Boiled onions do not irritate the gastric mucosa, are easily digested and assimilated, fully providing the body with useful elements.

natural honey raise medicinal properties jam.

For the preparation of a medicinal drug, 2 components are needed: onion and granulated sugar in a 1: 1 ratio. If desired, sugar is replaced with honey. You just need to add it to a slightly cooled onion mixture after cooking, since honey loses its properties at high temperatures. beneficial features. Onions can be used in any variety. Recipe #1:

  1. Peel the vegetable, cut into strips or cubes.
  2. Cook sugar syrup and add chopped onion to it.
  3. Cook until the mixture has a thick consistency.
  4. Pour into glass containers and refrigerate.

Recipe #2:

  1. Cut the vegetable, and then smash in a blender or pass through a meat grinder.
  2. The resulting onion gruel is thoroughly mixed with sugar.
  3. Cook over low heat until soft.

Onions have long been considered the healthiest of all vegetables. Many people do not like it because of the specific smell, and not everyone likes its taste. Most people know that the benefits of onions are obvious and should be eaten every day. A great variety of dishes are made from onions, and it is also an excellent addition to them. It even makes onion jam!

A lot of dishes are cooked with it. Moreover, modern cuisine is simply unthinkable without it. We all know from early childhood that onions are only good. And the harm of onions to the human body seems like some kind of ridiculous pun.


Each type of onion is useful in its own way, and its composition is ambiguous.

Types of onions

This vegetable is widespread everywhere, in any country, and there are about 400 species of it. However, this does not mean that every onion is edible.

Main types:

This is what an onion is like. This is a vegetable or root crop - the phenomenon is still, by the way, controversial. In the world, it is called the "underground vegetable", although it belongs to the onion subgroup. It is also considered a root crop, since it herbaceous plant- Opinions are divided. Despite the well-known benefits, for some reason, the benefits and harms of white onions or any other onions have been constantly voiced lately. It would seem, well, what harmful properties can he have?

Possible harm

Along with many useful qualities, it turns out that it also has harmful properties. Not all people can eat it without restrictions.


  • Sometimes it can cause an allergic reaction and even an asthmatic attack - it has a lot of essential oils and various enzymes that can harm people with special sensitivities.
  • Onion increases acidity and irritates the stomach, so it should not be eaten by those who have gastritis, colitis, cholecystitis, stomach ulcers. In addition, it is not indicated for those who suffer from arrhythmia, severe hypertension, diseases of the urinary system. Don't take too much green onion in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • It is not recommended to eat it for long-term pregnant women - this is fraught with the appearance of diathesis in the unborn child.

However, it has been proven that boiled or stewed vegetable can eat everything, and without restrictions.

These are the properties of onions. The benefits and harms of this vegetable for the liver are ambiguous, but its beneficial qualities clearly dominate contraindications.

Important! You can not use onions with serious diseases of the liver and kidneys - hepatitis, cirrhosis.

jam recipe

Lots of various dishes prepared from onions, but onion jam is perhaps a kind of know-how for most people, including gourmets. This is a very specific snack with a unique characteristic taste. There are quite a few such recipes, and each of them claims to be the palm.

One of the recipes:

An explanation should be given about the exact measures of weight (volume) of all ingredients, since their quantity depends on personal preferences, that is, on tastes that are not disputed.

How to cook:

Already ready jam can be served with fish or meat.

The famous onion soup

Many things can be cooked using onions, such as the famous French onion soup Everyone has heard of it, but not everyone has tried it. This dish is very easy to prepare.


  1. Broth: vegetable or meat - 700 ml.
  2. Onions - four medium heads.
  3. Cheese - 70 g.
  4. Butter - 50 g.
  5. White wine - 150 ml.
  6. Baguette (small) or bread similar to this.
  7. Flour - 1 tsp
  8. Garlic - two cloves.

This is just one of his many recipes. If you wish, you can improvise when preparing this dish.

How to cook:

  • Peel the onion and cut into half rings.
  • Melt butter in a frying pan, on a small flame, fry the vegetable until browned. Add crushed garlic - a couple of cloves.
  • Stir for five minutes, then add flour. This will give the future soup uniformity and cream color.
  • Pour in the broth and stir. Then - wine.
  • Add salt and pepper to taste, close the lid and simmer over low heat for up to half an hour.
  • A thinly sliced ​​baguette should be toasted in a toaster or oven.
  • Grate cheese.
  • Already ready soup it is necessary to pour into another dish (a saucepan from the microwave, for example), and put a baguette on top. It absorbs liquid without getting wet.
  • A layer of cheese is laid on the baguette (tightly).
  • Put the pan on the grill to melt the cheese for 10 minutes.
  • The soup is poured into bowls, and a toast (or several) with a layer of cheese is placed in each.

The soup should be eaten hot to appreciate all the charm and sophistication of the dish, which can also be garnished with finely chopped green onions.

Not only one soup or jam can be pampered using onions. You can, for example, cook an onion pie, or make a wonderful side dish from this vegetable - there are many ready-made recipes, and personal imagination will allow everyone to come up with something of their own, original.

Features of fried vegetables

There are a great many lovers of thermally processed onions. It can be fried or baked. Some people like this side dish more than the meat itself. Of course, it loses vitamins and nutrients, but because of the specific smell and taste, gourmets simply adore it. The vegetable is fried in vegetable oil (preferably in olive oil).

  1. It is too high in calories due to the fact that it is soaked in oil. This dish is far from dietary - this should be remembered by overweight people, first of all.
  2. Onion in this form does not improve metabolism and does not lower cholesterol.

Of course, it is better to use this vegetable raw, but you can also fried it - within reasonable limits.

The use of healing juice

It is worth paying special attention to the benefits of onion juice. It is a remedy for the prevention and treatment of many ailments.

Benefits of this juice:

  • Improves the work of the digestive tract. A person has an appetite and improves the secretion of gastric juice.
  • Helps in case of urolithiasis.
  • Cleanses the body of toxins and toxins.
  • Acts as an expectorant. They treat bronchitis, cough, colds.
  • It has a laxative and diuretic effect.
  • Cleanses the liver.

Of course, this juice to drink in pure form not worth it. It’s just that many folk remedies are being prepared on its basis to help fight diseases. Moreover, it makes cosmetics obtained from such juice.

  1. Based on onion juice, honey and walnut partitions, a cure for hypertension is made. Onions are used for this 3 kg, honey - 0.5 kg, partitions are taken from 25 nuts. All this is poured with vodka and infused for 10 days. It is taken three times a day for a tablespoon.
  2. Means for growth and strengthening of hair. Twice a week, the scalp is soaked with onion juice and castor oil, mixed equally. The composition must be kept on the skin and hair for forty minutes.
  3. Remedy for the treatment of cerebral vessels. Onion juice and honey are mixed in equal amounts, taken in a tablespoon for 2 months before breakfast and before dinner. The medicinal products of the composition are not limited to this: it helps with colds, runny nose and dry cough. When treating a cold, it is taken 15 minutes before meals. If you overcome sputum when coughing, then you need to use it with meals.
  4. For ear pain, a large bulb is taken, a blind hole is cut out in it, into which cumin is poured. The vegetable is baked in the oven, and then the juice is squeezed out of it, which is instilled into the ear twice a day.
  5. This juice is successfully used for reducing freckles, for refreshing the skin of the face and smoothing wrinkles.

These recipes are not limited to all the beneficial properties of onions - there are a lot of them, since traditional medicine has existed for many centuries. Only a small part of those are shown.

Men's Health Benefits

The benefits of onions have been known since time immemorial. In ancient Egypt, it was called "musk for the poor." The ancient Roman writer Pliny the Elder stated: "The bow is able to push even the weakest of husbands into the arms of Venus."

The vegetable is a stimulant for sperm production and potency, and given its low price, such a remedy is available to everyone. No wonder at one time onions were not included in the diet of monks.

fried walnuts, parsley relieve the bad smell of this vegetable from the mouth. The crust also acts in this capacity. fried bread. So, having adopted this, you can safely go to any event, to work, without fear of shocking someone with a “deadly” smell. However, if you eat too much onion, then the method will not help.

As you can see, the scope of onion use is quite wide: it is used in cooking, cosmetology, and in therapeutic and preventive measures. The consumption of onions for food is shown to most people not even with very much good health, and if it is used in moderation, you can do a good service to your body.

Be healthy!

Attention, only TODAY!

Onion is one of the most ancient vegetable plants. The first mention of it dates back to the third millennium BC. In ancient Egypt, this vegetable was endowed with magical powers. The Egyptians believed that onions could cure all diseases and make a person immortal. At the present time, this vegetable crop is widely used in cooking. It is used as a seasoning for meat or as an ingredient in a salad. However, few people know that onion jam is made from this vegetable.

Onion is a very useful vegetable for the human body. It is widely used not only in cooking, but also in recipes. traditional medicine. This vegetable contains a large number of vitamins and minerals. Among them it is worth noting the following:

Onions are often used as a prophylaxis against viral diseases. Useful material help to cope with many serious diseases. These include:

  1. Urolithiasis disease.
  2. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Increased blood pressure.
  4. The inability of the body to produce right amount blood cells.

Before you start cooking onion jam, you need to choose and buy its main ingredient correctly. When choosing an onion, you should pay attention to its hardness. A quality vegetable with strong pressure should have a characteristic crunch. To the touch, the onion should not have soft parts, and its husk should not be ribbed and heterogeneous.

For jam, it is better to choose medium-sized bulbs, as large ones can have a thick skin that retains moisture and spoils the taste of the product.

For many people who have never tried onion jam, the name itself sounds tasteless. However, as soon as they try a treat, they immediately change their minds. Cooking masters have come up with many recipes for onion jam. All of them are original and differ from each other in taste. Depending on the ingredients used, onion jam can be given one flavor or another.

This recipe for onion jam is the most commonly used and allows you to easily get delicious treat. The process of its preparation is very simple, and not only a beginner, but even a child can handle it. Jam is prepared without a significant investment of time and money. All this makes it affordable and popular. For classic recipe need the following ingredients: 1 kg red onion, 200 g dry red wine, olive oil, balsamic vinegar, thyme, salt, peppercorns.

The cooking process consists of the following sequence of actions:

Many people suffer from cough. This is especially pronounced in the cold season, when a person is prone to all kinds of colds. Helps get rid of cough correct usage onion jam. With its help, the body will receive everything essential vitamins to fight the common cold. This is done delicious medicine with the help of three simple products: three heads of red onion, 200 g of granulated sugar, one tablespoon of honey.

This jam is prepared in compliance with the following procedure:

To get rid of a cough with it, you need to take one tablespoon of the "potion" four times a day. Due to the usefulness of onion jam, the course of treatment is not limited.

Such jam can be eaten not only during the period of illness. It will be useful for a healthy body and protect it from viral diseases.

One of the most common problems of the gastrointestinal tract is a stomach ulcer. With this disease, the body does not tolerate medications well, so patients resort to treatment with the help of traditional medicine. She, in turn, recommends using jam prepared according to special recipe. For him you will need: 500 g of onions and sugar.

How to prepare medicinal jam:

Take jam for people suffering from stomach ulcers, you need one spoonful thirty minutes before each meal.

Children's dish

Children love everything sweet and tasty, so vegetable jam can be included in their diet. It is useful and will not cause hostility in the child. With the help of a treat prepared according to this recipe, you can even treat a children's cough. To do this, you need to give them a teaspoon of onion jam every hour. If everything is done correctly, then the next day positive changes will be noticeable. The recipe for children's jam uses: a liter of pure filtered water, 0.6 kg of sweet onion and granulated sugar, 50 g of flower honey.

Cooking is carried out according to the following technology:

In addition to well-known and widely used recipes, there are other, more original ones. Their composition may include products that are absolutely not characteristic of jam. However, the right combination of them will help diversify the flavor and give ready meal fantastic scent.

This jam recipe is for lovers sweet and sour dishes. It contains sour green apple which helps to balance the taste. The Simirenko variety is best suited for these purposes. This jam is prepared with the following set of products: 2 kg of onion, 0.85 kg of sugar, three apples, 350 ml of dry red wine, 30 ml of vinegar, spices.

The preparation of the sweet and sour product is as follows:

  1. Pre-peeled and washed onions are cut into half rings.
  2. Apples are peeled, and the inedible center is removed from them. After that, they are cut into small cubes.
  3. Both products are transferred to the pan, and all spices, vinegar and sugar are added to them.
  4. The ingredients are put on the stove and boiled.
  5. The mixture is cooked for about a quarter of an hour, after which the fire is reduced to a minimum.
  6. As soon as the product acquires a dark shade, wine is poured in.
  7. The future jam is covered with a lid and boiled for about three hours.
  8. finished product it is laid out in sterilized jars and rolled up.
  9. Banks are turned upside down and covered with a blanket.
  10. After cooling down to room temperature jam is removed in a dark and cool place.

If you are a lover spicy dishes and you can't live without hot pepper then this recipe is for you. The unique combination of products allows you to get an incomparable taste and aroma. For one kilogram of onion you need to take: one hot peppers, vegetable oil, White wine, rice vinegar, 40 g of honey, spices (rosemary, thyme, allspice, ground coriander and others).

This original jam prepared in the following way:

The process of making this jam is one of the most difficult. Instead of regular granulated sugar, it is used cane sugar. In order to prepare such a jam you need: 1.8 kg of onions, 85 g cane sugar, 50 g honey, white wine, vinegar, butter, spices, 7 g turmeric.

The dish is prepared as follows:

Onion jam - very interesting and original delicacy. With proper preparation, you can get not only useful, but also tasty dish. Feel free to experiment and add your favorite ingredients and spices. Through trial and error, you will achieve exactly the taste you dream of.

Among the oldest vegetable plants is onion. This culture appeared in Central Asia over five thousand years ago. Archaeologists in ancient Egypt have found images on the walls of pyramids and decorations in the shape of a bow. The inhabitants of Egypt believed that it had magical powers and, when worn on the chest, would provide them with immortality, save them from all diseases and the evil eye. In the modern world, onions as a healing vegetable are given one of the first places. A fragrant, tasty, wonderful jam is brewed from it, which is suitable for tea with sweet pies, for meat as a seasoning and for the treatment of many diseases. It is known that the recipe for delicacy (confiture) and folk remedy came to us from Italy.

Usefulness of jam

  • A wonderful source for the body of iron, phosphorus and vitamin E.
  • Promotes the production of red blood cells in the body.
  • Regulates blood pressure, as it has large quantity potassium.
  • Improves performance nervous system and provides the body with the missing energy.
  • At regular use folk remedy, the gastrointestinal tract works in good mode.
  • Regular consumption of jam leads to urolithiasis.

Onion jam: recipe

A very tasty dish is onion confiture. There is no complexity of cooking in it, but the taste and color will leave an indelible impression.


  • 1 kg red onion.
  • 200 g of red wine.
  • 2 table. l. olive oils.
  • 1 st. l. thyme.
  • 2 tbsp. l. balm. vinegar.
  • ½ tsp kitchen salt.
  • ½ tsp allspice pepper.

Cooking technology

  • Heat oil in a frying pan.
  • It will turn out soft and transparent.
  • Add all the other ingredients on the list.
  • Cook over low heat until thickened.
  • Arrange in sterile jars and put on a shelf.

Onion jam for cough

A well-known way to treat cough is to eat this dish in a certain period of time. This method helps the body to cope with a cold very quickly.


  • 3 pcs. red onion.
  • 200 g. sakh. sand.
  • 1 st. l. honey.

Cooking technology

Onion jam for cough is prepared as follows:

  • Grind the onion with a blender.
  • With granulated sugar, we give the onion time to brew on the table.
  • Confiture languishes until thickened.
  • V warm dish add honey.

Take 3-5 times a day.

Onion jam. Reviews

According to reviews, jam is used in families to treat many diseases. Sore throat, tonsillitis, stomach ulcers, cough in adults and children, gastrointestinal diseases ─ this is an incomplete list of diseases that this confiture treats.

Parents speak positively of jam as a wonderful remedy for the treatment of sore throats, sore throats and coughs in children. It allows you to get rid of these diseases in the shortest possible time.

Many consumers note that they use jam to prevent diseases in the autumn-winter period.

Since pharmaceutical preparations due to chemical compositions many people are not suitable, they are for treatment various diseases use such a proven folk remedy as onion confiture.

Consumers note that the smell, of course, is specific, but the taste is pleasant, and a cough can be completely cured in a day or two with its regular use.

Many say that onion jam is a real magical find!

Onion jam for stomach ulcers

Official medicine is sometimes unsuccessful when And because of this, the patient has a distrust of chemicals and medicines, so he begins to trust herbal remedies. Despite the fact that folk remedies require long-term use, patients are ready to patiently treat the body. Folk remedy shows stunning results. It is able to completely cure a person suffering from this disease in 6 months. From the number of products in equal proportions, which are proposed in this recipe, you get one half-liter jar.


  • 500 g of onion;
  • 500 g sugar. sand.

Cooking technology

  • Peel the onion. Rinse.
  • Cut into cubes or beat in a blender.
  • Put the onion into a bowl.
  • Pour in sugar and mix lightly.
  • We put it on the stove. Let's boil.
  • Cook over low heat until thickened and translucent.
  • Let the confiture cool slightly and put it in a jar.

The dish is ready! We put in the refrigerator. Take 30 minutes before meals. 4-5 times a day.

Onion jam for stomach ulcers. Reviews

Many patients note that if you take onion confiture before meals 3 r. a day, one tablespoon, the result will be very pleased. After a certain period of time, relief will come. The disease will cease to bother, however, subject to adherence to a certain diet.

Onion jam for cough for children

Traditional medicine has a large list of all kinds of recipes for treating throat and cough in children. Some foods turn out bitter, and some are sour; children do not always enjoy taking such a medicine. And parents have problems with their children on its use. Children refuse to accept such dishes. But the most delicious, sweet and healthy treat is onion confiture. If you give jam to children 1 incomplete dessert spoon every 60 minutes for 10 hours, then the very next day you can see an improvement in the child's condition. How to make onion jam for cough? The recipe for children is presented to your attention below.


  • 0.5 kg of sweet onions;
  • 0.5 kg sugar sand;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 0.05 kg of honey.

Cooking technology

  • Clean and wash the onion.
  • Finely chop or beat in a blender.
  • Mix with sugar.
  • We add water.
  • We put on low heat for 3 hours.
  • Add honey to a warm dish.
  • Cool and pour into sterile jars.

Onion jam is ready, put on a shelf in a cool place.

Important! Any folk remedy must be used after consulting a specialist and preferably in combination with traditional medicines. Do not self-medicate, it can only aggravate the situation. Be healthy!